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Tugas Kelompok

Mata Kuliah : Dasar Perangkat Lunak - Bab 9 : Basis Data

Dosen : Yanti Sartika
Tgl Dikumpulkan : 27 April 2007

Instruksi :
1. Masing-masing anggota kelompok mempunyai tugas menjawab kelompok soal-soal
2. Tulis nama anggota kelompok yang menjawab kelompok soal tertentu di pojok
kanan atas kertas jawaban. Nomor soal harus dijawab berurutan.
3. Satukan seluruh jawaban soal dalam satu kelompok. Jawaban soal yang tercecer
tidak akan dinilai.
4. Satukan jawaban tugas kelompok hari ini dengan jawaban PR masing-masing
anggota kelompok.
5. Serahkan jawaban ke Administratsi Akademik (ibu Ria)

Soal :
Bagian I : Interpretasi Kalimat
Terangkan dengan singkat apa yang dimaksud dari kalimat yang diambil dari
bab-9 berikut. Tidak perlu diterjemahkan kata per kata :

1. The information is a valuable resource that would be difficult, if not impossible, to

2. Because information cannot be generated without data, an organization must
manage, maintain, and protect its data resources just as it would any other resource.
Two critically important aspects of this include ensuring that data has integrity and
is kept secure.
3. Data integrity is the degree to which data is accurate.
4. Data integrity is critical because computers and individuals use information
generated from data to make decisions and take actions.
5. Making backup copies ensures that you can recover data in a timely manner and that
processing can continue.
6. In a typical file processing system, each department within an organization has its
own set of files, designed specifically for their own applications, and the records in
one file are not related to the records in any other file.
7. Data redundancy wastes resources such as storage space and employee time. Storing
the same data in more than one file requires increased storage capacity.
8. Data redundancy also compromises data integrity.
9. When data is stored in multiple files in multiple departments, often it is difficult to
access the data.
10. Sharing data from multiple, separate file to generate such a list often is a complicated
procedure and typically requires the expertise of an experienced computer
11. Because most data is stored in only one location, the database approach increases the
data’s integrity by reducing the likelihood of introducing inconsistencies.
12. Whereas each application in a file processing environment has its own set of files, the
data in a database environment belongs to and is shared by the entire organization.
13. A database organizes data more efficiently than a file processing system, thus it often
is easier and faster to develop programs that use this data.

Tugas Mata Kuliah DPL Review Bab 9 : Database Dosen : Yanti Sartika
14. The database approach allows non-technical users to access and manipulate data.
15. To protect their valuable database resource, individuals and organizations should
establish and follow security procedures.
16. Query languages, forms, and report generators provide a user-friendly means to
maintain and retrieve data from the database.
17. Forms usually provide a means for validating data so as to reduce data entry errors.
18. Unlike a form, a report generator is used only to retrieve data.
19. Access privileges for data involve establishing who can enter new data, change
existing data, delete unwanted data, and retrieve data.
20. Some DBMS include backup utilities, while others rely on the backup utilities
included with operating systems or those purchased separately.

Bagian II : Jawablah dengan Singkat

1. Apa definisi data, informasi, basis data dan perangkat lunak basis data ?
2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan integritas dan keamanan data ?
3. Bagaimana cara menjaga integritas dan keamanan data ?
4. Sebutkan dua kelemahan dari pemrosesan menggunakan file ?
5. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan dari pemrosesan menggunakan basis data ?
6. Apa kegunaan dari kamus data pada suatu DBMS ?
7. Bagaimana caranya suatu kamus data bisa menjaga integritas data yang tersimpan
pada DBMS?
8. Apa manfaat dari adanya nilai default untuk suatu field tertentu pada suatu kamus
data ?
9. Proses apa sajakah yang termasuk perawatan data dalam suatu basis data ?
10. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Query, Bahasa Query dan Kriteria ?
11. Fungsi umum apa saja yang seharusnya ada pada suatu sistem manajemen basis
data ?
12. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Query By Example (QBE) ?
13. Apa fungsi dari Form dan Report Generator pada suatu DBMS ?
14. Bagaimana suatu DBMS menjaga keamanan data yang tersimpan didalamnya ?
15. Sebutkan beberapa hal yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan basis data.

Bagian III :
Terangkan maksud dari gambar atau diagram berikut yang terdapat pada bab 9 -
Basis Data:
1. Gambar 9-3
2. Gambar 9-4

Bagian IV :
Terangkan dengan menggunakan gambar atau diagram, istilah-istilah berikut :
1. After image dan before image pada suatu file log data pada DBMS.
2. Backward recovery dan forward recovery.

Tugas Mata Kuliah DPL Review Bab 9 : Database Dosen : Yanti Sartika

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