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Mastering Classification Stage in EEG process

Keywords for Bregy

Mental task
Brain computer interface (BCI)
Motor Imagery

Check that in the future:

SNARC (Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Calculator)

State of art v0.1

1. Classification of EEG with Recurrent Neural Networks

Alex S. Greaves Stanford University Link

Interesting use of Elman Recurrent Neural Network, 0.67 to 0.72 with the best model

2. Convolutional neural networks in EEG analysis

Robin Tibor Schirrmeister University of Freiburg Link

Direct temporal input.

3. Decoding EEG Signals Using Deep Neural Networks

Alana Jaskir Link

DNNs have been used in identifying epileptic seizures as well as in Brain Computer Interaction for emotion
detection and brain state classification

4. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Mental Load Classification based

on EEG Data

Zhicheng Jiao, Xinbo Gao, Ying Wang, Jie Li, Haojun Xu Link
Inspired by the recent breakthrough via deep recurrent convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on classifying
mental load, we propose improved CNNs methods for this task. Specifically, our frameworks contain both
single-model and double-model methods.

5. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for classification of EEG signals

using wavelet coefficients

Inan Guler ∗ , Elif Derya Ubeyl Link

Use ANFIS for classificate 5 types of EEG patterns. To improve diagnostic accuracy, the sixth ANFIS
classifier (combining ANFIS) was trained using the outputs of the five ANFIS classifiers as input data.

6. : Evaluating Spiking Neural Models in the Classification of Motor Imagery

EEG Signals using Short Calibration Sessions

R. Salazar-Varas Roberto A. Vazquez Link

In this paper, the feature extraction stage is approached through the coherence, and the classification is
achieved applying an spiking neural model (SNM). Also for train the SNM there used Particle Swarm

Personal notes
A generic BCI scheme consists of the next stages: acquisition, pre-processing, feature extraction and
classification. The brain activity is recorded during the acquisition stage.

Algorithms most used in metal task classification: Linear Fisher discriminant (LD), Feed-forward artificial
neural networks (FNN) and Radial basis function neural networks (RBF).

Make a new potent and modern solution for the neck-bottle problem in the stage classification problem. For
that I'm gonna use only open source technology (like TF, Keras, Pytorch) and all the work is for improve the
time response of the all BCI systems, my work will end when I get a standart for understand the metal
activity in the human brain in any people.

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