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Atropine Anespin An anti- • IV • Dry mouth, dysphagia, • Ensure adequate
Sulfate amp,Atropol cholinergic Bradycard constipation,flushing, hydration;provide
amp,Euro- Med that inhibits ia 500 mcg and dryness of skin, environmental
Atropine Sulfate acetylcholin every tachycardia,palpitatio control(temperature
amp, Isopto mins. ns,arrhythmias, ) to prevent
e at the
Atropine eye Total: 3 mydriasis, hyperpyrexia: Have
drops, Phil
mg. photophobia, patient void before
pharmawealth/ hetic cycloplegia,raised taking medication if
Atlantic Atropine neuroeffect Organoph intraocular pressure. urinary retention is
amp. or junction, osphorus Toxic doses cause a problem
enhances poisoinin tachycardia, • When used
 Other the g 2mg hyperpyrexia,restless preoperatively or in
cardiovasc conduction every 10- ness, other acute
ular drugs of AV 30mins confusion,excitement, situations,
 Muscle node,and until hallucinations,delirium incorporate teaching
relaxants increases muscarinic and may progress to about the drug with
 Mydriatic heart rate effects circulatory failure and teaching about the
drugs disappear respiratory procedure;the
 Antidotes or atropine depression. Eye drops: ophthalmic solution
 Detoxifyin toxicity Systemic toxicity is used mainly
g agents appears especially in children, acutely and will not
and drugs • IM/SC on prolonged use may be self-administered
used in Premed in lead to irritation, by the patient; the
substance anesth hyperaemia, edema, following apply to
dependen 300-600 edema arrhymias, AV oral medication for
ce mcg 30-60 dissociation, multiple outpatients:
mins ventricular ectopics. • Take as prescribed,
before 30 min before
anesth. meals; avoid
• IV/IM/SC excessive dosage
Overdosa • These side effects
ge w/ may occur:
other Dizziness,
compoun confusion(use
d having caution driving or
muscarini performing
c actions hazardous
0.6-1 tasks);constipation
mg;repeat (ensure adequate
2 hrly fluid intake, proper
diet) ; dry
sugarless lozenges;
perform frequent
mouth care; may be
transient); blurred
• Ophth vision, sensitivity to
Inflammat light (reversible);
ory eye difficulty in urination
disorders (empty the bladder
As 0.5-1% prior to taking drug)
soln:1-2 • Report rash;
drops 4 flushing; eye pain;
times/day difficulty breathing;
• Eye tremors, loss of
refraction coordination;
D 50-50 as 1% irregular
soln:1 heartbeat
drop twice ,palpitations;
A simple daily for 1- headache;
water soluble 2 days abdominal
Phil sugar that before Local pain, vein infiltration, distention;
Pharmawealth/At minimizes procedure thrombophlebitis and tissue hallucinations
lantic 50% glyconeogen necrosis in the event of severe or persistent
Dextrose esis and extravasation. Fluids and dry mouth; difficulty
 Intravenou promotes electrolytes imbalance swallowing; difficulty
s and anabolism in in urination;
other patients constipation;
sterile whose oral For sensitivity to light.
solution caloric intake hypoglycaemia
is limited • 50ml/vial • Monitor infusion rate
frequently: if signs
of fluid overload

• Check IV site
frequently and if
infiltration is noted,
turn off IV drip

• Watch out for signs

hydralazin of fluid
e overload( distended
neck vein (JVD ),
rapid respiration,
Reflex tachycardia shallow tidal
BP mainly by Hypotension volume, fine
direct effect Facial flushing auscultatory
Apresoline on vascular Headache crackles, dyspnea
smooth Diaphoresis and peripheral
 Antihypert muscles of Anxiety edema
ensive - arterial- Nausea and vomiting
direct resisance Hypertensive
acting vessels, • Watch out for signs
vasodilator resulting in of infiltration
vasodilation. (swelling and pain
associated with
Has little around IV site)
renal failure, pre-
effect on eclampsia and
venous eclampsia
capacitance • Pregnancy Safety:
vessels. • Blood pressure and
 20 mg in
Diastolic ECG should be
response is continuously
often greater monitored
than systolic. (20mg/ml)
The Adult
vasodilation IV/IM: 10-40 mg ,
reduces PVR may be repeated
(afterload) in 10 min.
and, Pediatric
therefore,  IV/IM: 0.1 -
significantly 0.2
improves mg/kg/dos
cardiac e every 4-6
output, renal hr, may be
and cerebral repeated
blood flow. as needed
PLASIL effect may
be limited by
which drowsiness,
increase restlessness,anxiety, suicide
heart rate ideation,seizures,
and stroke neuroleptic malignant
volume. syndrome,tachycardia,brady
 Antiemeti cardia,hypertensuion and
c hypotension,headache,
receptors in
chemorecep To prevent or
to reduce nausea
trigger zone and vomiting anorexia, nausea,
• Advise patient to
call the attention
Lanoxin vomiting, and diarrhea,
abdominal pain, intestinal of
1mg/10ml 1
ampule ischemia, and the nurse if any
- inhibits
sodium- hemorrhagic necrosis of untoward signs
Inotropic potassium
s ATPase, an the intestines,visual and
enzyme that disturbances (blurred or symptoms noted
regulates the yellow vision), headache, • Inform the client
quantity of weakness, dizziness, that the drug may
sodium and apathy, confusion, and cause drowsiness
potassium mental disturbances (such
inside cells. as anxiety, depression,
Inhibition of delirium, and
the enzyme hallucination). • Before giving drug,
Heartfailure,atrial Thrombocytopenia and take apical-radial
leads to an
fibrillation maculopapular rash and pulse for 1 minute.
increase in
 500 mcg other skin reactions have Notify prescriber of
the (0.5 mg) significant changes
been rarely observed.
intracellular in 2 mL (sudden increase or
concentratio (250 mcg decrease in pulse
n of sodium [0.25 mg] rate, pulse deficit,
and thus (by per mL) irregular beats and
stimulation particularly,
regularization of a
of sodium-
previously irregular
calcium rhythm)If these
exchange) occur, check blood
an increase pressure and obtain
of calcium a 12-lead ECG

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