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🎼 Epic Progression:
m M M M - Rising 4th and 5th Intervals - stacking Drums and Pres on top of each
other - repeatition of theme - adding counter Harmony to Brass
section - Drums and pres should have full spectrom of sound
from bass to hi - every track should have articilation and modulation - always
check tracks against metronome - modulating up for heroic
themes (4 semi-tones) - runs can be asymetrical (slow then
fast) - Braams huge brass instruments plus precussive hits and silent between
notes- no resulotion at the end - choir section should
have many notes (man,woman,boy)
🎼 Rhythm and Drum:
call and response could be angary, happy, ... - filtering and editing diffrent
loops to make a whole - changing notes length to add life -
� Game Audio:
place the player/character in a specific location with ambient backgeound - looping
backgeound sounds shouldn't be too short and shouldn't notice the
looping point (longer backgeound and seamless) - bounce 2nd cycle
pass so, reverb will be in loop - Music backgeound will contain all Music elements
- changing location will affect the Music and ambient - passing
tones always don't resolve directly -
P.A.C - I.A.C - Half Cadence ends on Dominante - Plagal Cadence - Deceptive Cadence
5 to something else - changing texture - I 6-4 != C 6-4 - voice
leading can make a up chord motion feels like a down motion
ƛ = 343/F - back of speaker cone has 180 phase with front - Acoustic center of
teewter and woofer should match to avoid phase cancel - revercing wiring reverces
the polarity
🎼 AudioPedia 101:
dB: measuring amplitude - 1/10 a Bel - logrithmic and ratio - provides consistance
measuring scale for all - a diffrence of 6dB is Same in all ( no unite for dB
here, because it tells us about ratio and diffrence )
Acoustic Sound pressure => Pascals => dBspl => refrence: threshold of
perception is 0dBspl
Electrical Voltage => Volts => dBu(dbv) => refrence: Professional Audio 0.775
volt(1.23v on VU meters or 4dBu),
Consumer Audio 1 volt(-
7.8dBu or -10dBV)
Audio Power => Watts => dBm => refrence: 1 miliwatt
Unity Gain: input and output level are the same => proper gain staging
🎼 AudioPedia 102:
Anechoic Chamber: room designed to eliminate all reflections
Reverberant Sound Field: Direct Sound + Initial Refrection ( determines size of the
Room ) + Earlt Refrection ( Shape and character of the Room ) + Later Refrection ,
ambients: small room with Initial Refrection and Earlt Refrection and no or little
Reverbation => sense of 3D space
Diffusion: dencity of reflections ( echoy or dence ) => echoy is good for vocals
and dence is good for drums
Golden mean dimentions

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