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TERM/WEEKS: Term 1 YEAR LEVEL: Year 1 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Science – External Features of Animals

EYLF 1.Responsiveness to 2.Learning through 3.Intentional Teaching 4.Learning Environments 5.Assessment for 6.Cultural 7.Continuity of Learning & 8.Holistic Approaches
PRACTICES Children Play Learning Competence Transitions
PRINCIPLES 1. Secure, respectful & reciprocal 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective
relationships practice
OUTCOMES 1.Children have a strong sense of 2.Children are connected with and 3.Children have a strong sense of 4.Children are confident and 5.Children are effective
diversity contribute to their world wellbeing involved learners communicators

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Creative Thinking Ethical Behaviour Personal and Social Intercultural Understanding
Cross-Curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia Sustainability

5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)

• To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
• To use investigative/ inquiry skills
Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

Week 4 3, 5 1, 3, 4, 5 Science: Students will be Summative Introduction: • What animals Introduction:
4, 5, • Science able to: Assessment • The teacher invites students down to the mat do you think • Investigation
7 Understanding – and explains that a baby farm animal will be
will come? template
• Conduct an coming to the school today.
Biological • What is being • • What (Teacher)
investigation The teacher asks students what animals they
Sciences: assessed? think might come – e.g. calf, pony, rabbit, external • Investigation
about the guinea pig, duck, chicken, kid, piglet etc.
o Living things o Children’s features do template
external • The teacher then asks students if they can
have a variety ability to name any of the external features that these you think (Student)
features of • Pencils
of external conduct an animals have – e.g. beak, tail, head, legs, ears these animals
features baby farm etc.
might have?
investigation • After they have done this, the teacher explains Main Body:
(ACSSU017) animals • How many
about the to the students that they will be completing an
• Create a graph • Baby Animal
• Science Inquiry investigation based on the external features of animals have
external the animals, gathering information on these Farm
Skills – Planning based on the same
features of and creating a graph. • Laminated
and Conducting: information • The teacher then shows students a copy of the external
baby farm external
o Participate in gathered investigation template that they will be filling feature?
animals out and explains each section to them. feature cards
guided • Which
• After he/she has done this, he/she reminds
investigations students how to act and treat the animals and external
to explore and o Children’s asks students to get into their pairs, providing feature did
them with a copy of their investigation
answer ability to the most
template and a pencil.
questions create a animals
(ACSIS025) graph based Main Body: have?
o Use informal • Once at the baby farm animals, the teacher • Why do you
measurements allows students to look at and explore each of think the
information the animals, under the supervision of the
to collect and they have most animals
animal attendant.
record had this
gathered • After they have had some time to do this, the
observations, teacher provides each student with a external
• How is it being
using digital laminated card with a different external feature?
assessed? feature on it – e.g. head, tail, beak, legs etc.
technologies as • Which
appropriate o Through each member of a pair is allocated an external
observation feature to investigate individually. Having
(ACSIS026) feature did
completed this task, they then swap their
• Science Inquiry and the least
external feature with their partner and repeat
Skills – Evaluating: children’s the process. number of
o Compare work • Using the laminated card, students have to animals
observations samples gather information about how many animals have?
have the same external feature,
with those of • How is it being • Why do you
drawing/writing the name of the animals onto
others recorded? think that
their investigation templates.
(ACSIS213) o Table/Check- • Having completed this, students are free to only a few
• Science Inquiry list explore and engage with the animals. animals had
Skills – • Once everyone has had a chance to complete this external
Communicating: their investigations and play with the animals, feature?
the teacher takes students back to the
o Represent and
classroom. Children are made to wash/sanitise
their hands thoroughly.
observations • The teacher then explains to the students how
and ideas in a to create a graph – a template of which is
variety of ways found on the back of the student’s
(ACSIS029) worksheets.
• Students then compare their findings and
complete their graphs, using the two external
features that they had as a pair.

• To conclude the lesson, the educator invites
students back to the mat and as a class they show
one another their graphs and explain how many
animals had the same external features.
Health and Safety Considerations: Learner Diversity Considerations:
• Don’t allow children to run in the classroom – may trip and hurt themselves/hurt someone else • Student with vision impairment requires seating close to the whiteboard
• Don’t allow the children to use pencils as toys – can cause injury • Student with hearing impairment requires seating close to the front of the classroom – use of REDCAT
• Ensure hands are sanitised after playing with the animals system
• Do not permit children to play with the baby animals without supervision • Overseas student (ESL – English as Second Language) needs to be paired with a willing student – monitor
• Identify children with allergies and take the necessary steps to prevent allergic reactions from to ensure that the student understands and can partake in the lesson
occurring • Extension Prompts = encourage students, who are able, to complete the investigation template
• Take a first aid kit in case of injury/allergic reaction individually, gathering information on two different external features

• Do not allow children to place any body parts in the animal’s mouths • Enabling Prompts = allow the child to gather information on one of the external features

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