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The Ultimate Guide

on Wiccan Practice
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Welcome to Wicca

Chapter 2: What We Worship

Chapter 3: A New Witch

Chapter 4: Know the Wiccan Rede

Chapter 5: The Three-Fold Law

Chapter 6: Behold! The Age of Aquarius

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To some, Wicca is just a

euphemism for contemporary Witchcraft.

This separates Wicca from traditional

folk magic. One defining aspect of

Wicca is its influence from the

traditional Pagan beliefs of the Neolithic

Celts from ancient Ireland, Scotland, and

The one, true law that guides

Wiccans is that they must do as they will

while doing no harm to others. Wiccans

are allowed to pursue harmony with the

Earth and the Supreme Being through

their own means and however each

individual practitioner feels

comfortable. Religious tolerance and

compassion are built into the foundations

of their philosophy.
A modern Wiccan may practice

in a close circle, under the tutelage of a

mentor, or completely solitary. Whether

Witches are raised with Wicca, found by

someone that guides them to the calling

of the craft, or educated and inducted by

themselves, they are all legitimate

practitioners of Wicca.

Witchcraft, simply put, is the

spirituality of harmonizing with the

cosmic and earthly forces of the divine.

Through reverence, spell casting, and

potion-making, Witches draw from their

personal energy to influence the powers

of the world in their favor. The solar,

lunar, and seasonal cycles of Earth are

fundamental to the rhythm of Witchcraft

as well as the elements, Earth, Fire,

Water, and Air. Witchcraft values free

will, learning, and responsibility for

others and the Earth.

Wiccan: The Ultimate Guide on

Wiccan Practice is a document meant to

educate, enlighten, and guide learners of

Wicca for practice or study. Filling these

chapters is useful information for those

newly acquainted with the craft,

guidance for Witches who are seeking

further insight into the philosophy of

Wicca, and advice for practicing Wicca

as we transition into a new Age. Read

on, and open your eyes to the heart of

Chapter 1: Welcome
to Wicca
Wicca's mystic origins stem from

the mysterious rituals of the Pagan Celts.

Although there is scarce archaeological

or written evidence of their rituals, the

mythology of the northern European

Pagans lives on through legend. What is

sure about them is that worshippers
were known to seek harmony with nature

and to pay tribute to the forces of nature

through ritual and sacrifice.

The ancestral Pagans believed in

a supreme entity and worshipped its

under-gods, the Goddess of fertility and

the horned God of the hunt. Across the

Celtic lands, they have triple aspects; the

Trinity of Goddesses is known by three

different names, and the horned male

God, too, goes by a triplet of monikers.

The dual genders of the God / Goddess

create a divine power between them,

and a balance between the masculine

and feminine energies of nature was


According to Gerald B. Gardner,

the Pagan Celts and their ritual traditions

were scattered across northern Europe.

They were a nomadic people, and they

have a long history of migration. As their

tribes spread over the land, they were

forced into hiding and silence during the

Norman, Saxon, and Roman invasions.

The isolated Pagan tribes were

then targeted and massacred in the 18th

century during the Crusades. Because the

Celts had been so fiercely persecuted,

their ways had become rare and

divergent from those of their own tribes.

By the early 20th century, their religious

traditions had become all but extinct in


Modern Wicca would not be

here today if Gerald B. Gardner had not

been initiated into a Coven of the Old

Religion in his elder years. Through his

published works, High Magic's Aid

(1949), Witchcraft Today (1954), and

The Meaning of Witchcraft (1959),

Wicca was reborn into the public eye.

His novels contained in-depth

knowledge and traditional folk-lore, and

his volumes revived the rituals and

belief system that compose Wicca.

Though Wiccans have Gardner to thank

for the growth of their religion,

occultists and scholars alike have

disputed Gardner's work, even accusing

him of fabricating fiction. Fiction or not,

Wicca began its widespread

At first, Wicca met resistance,

fear, and misunderstanding as more and

more discovered their connection to the

Craft. Newspaper articles in the 1970s

alerted their readers to Wicca as an

"ancient practice" on the rise. As the

next decades passed, terms such as

"warlocks," "voodoo," and "black

magic," used to describe Witchcraft,

gave way to religious terms like "faith,"

"Goddess," and "worship." In American

society, Wicca and other Neo-Pagan

faith structures are receiving tolerance

as well as peaceful cultural integration.

The general opinion on Wicca in

modern America is that of any other

religion or spirituality. "Wicca," the

word, is academically relevant in high

schools as well as college studies. Its

symbols and beliefs meet controversy

from the public, yet they are legitimized

with increasing frequency by state

governments and protected as a religion

by American federal law. Without fear

of persecution, many students and

leaders of Wicca have stood tall in the

public eye to influence and teach their

fellow believers.
Doreen Valiente, High Priestess,

imprinted a vast legacy on the Wiccan

world through her writings and revision

of Gardner's work. Gardner and Valiente

had exposed Wicca to the world, but

Raymond Buckland brought Gardnerian

Wicca to America. Inspired by Gardner

and Alex Sanders, a High Priest of

Wicca and practitioner of the

Alexandrian tradition, Vivianne Crowley

became a young Witch and, ultimately, a

High Priestess. Authors, publishers,

journalists, and founders are keeping

Wicca alive and well, and its renown

will flourish in the coming years of

tolerance and appreciation.

As Wicca grows, so, too, do the

voices of resistance. Outside of

religious discussion, Wicca is still

labeled as an illegitimate faith,

comparing it to fantasy and counter-

culture. Many scoff at the practice of

magic because they believe the forces of

good must be beseeched in prayer, not

influenced. Wicca is a non-proselytizing

religion of tolerance, but Wicca is

fundamentally and dogmatically opposed

by Christianity. The Wiccan Rede, the

core value that speaks, "If it harms none,

do as ye Will" clashes with the belief

that Jesus Christ is "the way and the truth

and the life."

Because Wicca encourages its

believers to appeal to nature and the

God / Goddess however they see fit,

disputes and controversies naturally

arise within the organization. Many

Wiccans feel that Christianity and Wicca

can not properly intersect and that one

can not hear Jesus' voice if they are a

true Witch. Furthermore, although gender

equality is a Wiccan virtue, Wicca is a

religion full of feminine influence, and

some see it as a Dianic practice, hearing

only the Goddess and rarely the God.

Self-initiation is sometimes disputed,

though it is endorsed by masters Doreen

Valiente and Victor Anderson. Ironically,

it is this kind of judgment and policing

that is truly antithesis to Wicca’s heart.

Chapter 2: What We
Dualism is essential to the theism

of Wicca. There exist two sides, the

male Horned God and the Goddess. The

two are polar opposites and equals.

They both come in many different forms.

The Goddess takes three aspects: The

Triple Goddess, the maiden, mother, and
crone. The Mother Goddess is a crucial

feature of Gardnerian Wicca. The Oak

king, the Holly king, the sun god, and the

sacrificial god are all aspects of the high

male God, though some view them as

separate dieties. Both the Goddess and

the God are part of the ultimate energy of

the divine.

A singular Supreme Being is

recognized in Wicca, but not

worshipped. It is known as Drygthen,

The Star Goddess, The One, and The

All. This ultimate, impersonal divinity is

transcendent between dimensions and is

the spiritual energy that drives Nature. It

is this divine force through which Wicca

moves and embodies itself, but this force

is understood as unfathomable, so

Wiccans worship the more human faces

of the God and the Goddess.

Those unfamiliar with

the Craft compare Wiccan rituals to

Satanism, but this is inaccurate. Satan

and Hell are Christian concepts and

represent absolute evil. In Wicca, there

is no Supreme Being of evil, only the

horned God and the Goddess in all of

their forms. The Wiccan practice of

spellcraft is, too, seen as evil, but it is,

instead, a gift of the divine, who are not


Wiccans hold the power to

influence their own reality through

magical rituals and spells. Magic means

transformation, creation, and

manifestation. It is believed that one can

influence the ever-flowing energy of the

universe through magic. Magic differs

from prayer in that a Witch knows that

her spell will take effect instead of

hoping for it.

Casting a spell through ritual

brings change into a Wiccan's life. A

spell is made up of a variety of things,

including magical implements and

verbalizations. They are a way to

communicate with the One, the divine

energy that permeates all. By influencing

the great force, results manifest in the

physical realm.
To cast a spell, a Witch must

work toward awakening their own

magical affinity and putting practice into

her rituals. By establishing a strong

connection with the All, her Higher Self

becomes strengthened.

Each individual spell has its own

requirements for casting, but to cast

effectively, a Witch must keep true to her

own path while being guided by the

experiences of her elders.

Although Wiccans have magic at

their fingertips, not every Wiccan must

use spells in their worship. Conversely,

those who cast spells need not be

Wiccan to use magic. Spells, magic, and

ritual are all powerful in the perspective

of Wicca, but not required. One thing

that is universal among Wiccans is the

reverence of nature and its cycles.

The Wheel of the Year is the

calendar of the seasons which is used in

many Pagan religions. This calendar

notes the beginnings of the seasons and

the midseason, which are associated

with solstices and equinoxes.

The eight major Sabbats of the

Wiccans occur on the eight points of the

Wheel of the Year. Wiccans honor the

earth and celebrate each of its seasons.

In Wiccan tradition, each season carries

a gender, and it is customary to celebrate

each of the seasons to balance the male

and female powers of each. By attuning

yourself to the seasons, one can be

aligned with the energy of the All.

Midseason celebrations are

major Sabbats. Different elements and

rituals are associated with each Sabbat.

Imbolc, between winter and spring, is a

celebration of fertility where milk is

poured out onto the ground in tribute.

Beltane, the first holiday of summer, is a

celebration of the end of winter and

beginning of summer in which human

fertility is emphasized. Lughnasadh

marks the beginning of harvest season,

and Samhain, "summer's end," is a

period of reflection and renewal.

Solstices and equinoxes signify

minor Sabbats and carry their own

meaning. Yule, winter solstice, relates to

the renewal of the sun god, the Male.

Ostara, the spring equinox, celebrates

the cycle of rebirth and the fertility of the

wild. On Midsummer Eve, Wiccans give

thanks, and on Mabon, which falls on the

Autumn Equinox, the commencement of

fall is renowned, and the Goddess'

descent into the underworld is honored.

The Sabbats of Wicca are fire or

sun festivals, attributed to the male God

of the sun, and Esbats are their

counterparts of the moon, in which the

Goddess is exalted and celebrated.

Magical energies are heightened at these

times, and Esbats are held to summon,

exile, invoke, and perform any necessary

magical work at the most opportune

There are 13 full moons on

which the Esbats are held, and it is

essential for Wiccans to mark these

nights on their calendars. Each moon

carries its own special meaning based

on the month in which they appear. The

thirteenth moon, known as the Blue

Moon, also has its significance. This

moon always happens during a different

time each year, when four full moons

come within a season.

Esbats all carry a theme of

personal growth and all occur at

different instances in the fluctuation of

magical energy. For example, the full

moon of June is when Witches make

decisions, work on their faults, and

praise themselves for doing well. During

these ceremonies, Witches take

advantage of the energy flux and cast

certain spells at their most powerful.

The Blue Moon is known as the 'goal

moon.' Each Witch is expected to make

specific life goals and to reflect on their

personal achievements and failures

before the Blue Moon comes again.

Remember this: a Witch’s

personal relationship to the God /

Goddess is one that they, alone, witness

and maintain. Each Wiccan is unique,

and there is no right or wrong way to

connect with the Supreme Being and

nature. No matter how one perceives and

practices it, Wicca is open to many

different methods of being.
Chapter 3: A New
Among the conventional methods

of Wicca are the keeping of an altar and

the performance of rituals and spells. It

is through a strong personal connection

to the Goddess and a sharp

understanding of their self that a Witch

can master magic, and it is through
magic that they can change their world.

To a Witch, an altar of her own is

an important thing to have. The altar is

the focal point of their interaction with

the divine. Because the whole Earth is

sacred, anywhere that a Witch

establishes their altar is permissible; no

matter where they establish it, it truly

represents their personal relationship

with the Goddess. When a Witch creates

an altar to the Divine, the Divine lives in

that sacred spot for them.

At the altar, a Witch brings

together meaningful items and symbols,

creating a concentrated bed of

harmonious energy where a Witch can

perform rituals and get in touch with

nature's sacred power. There are no

rules as to what can decorate a Witch's

altar. Common altar items include

athames, altar bells, altar bowls, altar

cloth, chalices, patens, and cauldrons,

but it is up to the Witch what she keeps

at her altar. An altar is a personal and

unique tribute to the Divine, and it is an

object of expression for the Witch. No

matter what items make the altar, they

make a connection to the God / Goddess

that the Witch can touch, see, smell, and

hear, giving them a tangible connection

to the Divine.

The altar brings motivation and

positive change to a Witch. It is at his

Altar that a Witch can nourish his soul

and tend to his relationship with the

Goddess. Through dedication and love,

his sacred altar becomes a bona fide

tribute to the Goddess, a beautiful

representation of his devotion.

Refreshing and cleaning his altar will

bring changes into the Witch's life.

Along with that, he should regularly

make offerings to the Divine, care for his

altar Deities, and maintain his dedicated

altar tools through moon baths, sea salt

baths, herb baths, or Earth cleansing.

Occasionally, Witches will

perform rituals in circle or solitarily.

Rituals are multi-purposed ceremonies

and have many facets to their practice

and utility. They are performed to

celebrate the new seasons, to invoke

healing energies, to fortify a natural

process, and to bring a significant

change to someone's life. No matter the

cause or the result of the ritual, it more

deeply attunes the practitioners to the

forces of nature and strengthens their

bonds to the spiritual dimension and to

the Divine.
Whether outdoors or inside, at

sacred sites or within one's own heart, a

ritual can be performed anywhere. Most

Wiccans feel comfortable performing

rituals at home within intimate circles,

close to their personal altar. Some attend

festivals to perform rites with other

Wiccans, and some make pilgrimages to

holy sites to take part in rituals. Even

across the internet, rituals hold power

for Witches.

Depending on the ritual that is

performed, varying objects are

suggested by tradition. Though it is not

impossible to cast without such

preparation, having those familiar

symbols and implements will help a

Witch feel physically connected with the

Divine. It is typical to cast a circle,

which is outlined, purified, and

bordered by candles in each cardinal

direction. The Goddess and the God are

invoked, and the ritual is allowed to

carry on within the circle of protection.

After the crux of the ritual has been

carried out, food or wine is taken, which

helps to return bodily balance to the

magically-exhausted casters. Finally, the

Divine elements and guardians are given

thanks, and circle is banished with the

ritual athame, which is a double-sided

dagger that never cuts anything.

There are many significant,

symbolic objects with traditional

purpose in Wiccan rituals. The besom,

or the Witch's broomstick, is a broom

made of natural materials, traditionally

composed of a staff of ash and bristles

from the twigs of a birch tree, bound by

thongs of willow. It is used to brush

away the negative energies that linger in

a circle both before the ritual is

performed and after. A cast-iron

cauldron represents fertility, femininity,

and transformation. It is a symbol of the

Goddess and is often centered in the

ritual circle. Willow, elder, or oak

wands direct magical energy and draw

circles to be used for ritual performance.

This symbol of air can be joined with

crystals to enhance its energy

Another important component of

magic is the Book of Shadows, or the

Wiccan Grimoire. A Witch may hold

their own Book of Shadows and fill its

pages as it suits them; there is no one,

true Book of Shadows. Like a Witch's

altar, their Book of Shadows is personal

and contains a unique combination of

spells, rituals, notes, symbols, or

anything else through which the Witch

connects with the Divine. Some covens

form a Book of Shadows together. It may

also suit a Witch to explore a Book of

Shadows compiled by masters of the

Craft such as Gerald B. Gardner and

Lauren Cabot.
Chapter 4: Know The
Wiccan Rede
"An it harm none, do what ye

will." This is known as the Wiccan

Rede, the key to the morals of Wicca. Its

message comes through many variations,

but it is Wicca's central code. The word,

"Rede," is an archaic synonym for

"advice," and the Wiccan Rede is a light
that guides Witches down the path of

Aleister Crowley, in the

beginning of the 20th century, published

this message of his Pagan philosophy:

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of

the Law." This code was reflected in

The Rede of the Wiccae (The Counsel of

the Wise Ones), published in Green Egg

magazine in 1975. This was a long poem

reproduced by the granddaughter of a

member of the New England Coven of

the Traditionalist Witches. Though the

authenticity of the source has been

questioned, this Rede has been

reproduced en masse and passed down

through generations of Wiccans.

The Good King Pausole, from

Pierre Louÿs' The Adventures of King

Pausole (1901), said, "Do not harm your

neighbor; this being well understood, do

that which pleases you." Philosopher

John Stuart Mill, in the 19th century,

wrote his harm principle which argued

that "victimless crimes" should be free

for each individual to commit as long as

there are no complaints. The Wiccan

Rede is said to borrow from these


The "Rede of the Wiccae"

reproduced in Green Egg was similar to

another document published in Earth

Religion News a year earlier, titled "The

Wiccan Rede." Lady Gwen Thompson

issued her version as an authentic,

definitive revision of the Rede. Its

ambiguous origins point to a speech

delivered by Doreen Valiente in which

she originated the famous couplet, "Eight

words the Wiccan Rede fulfill / An it

harm none, do what we will."

Valiente could never have

guessed that the art of the Craft would

gain such popularity in the coming years.

As more and more Witches emerged in

response to Gardner's novels, the core of

the Wiccan Rede was spread throughout

the Wiccan world. Typical of Wicca, the

practices, rituals, and gatherings varied

according to their regions, but the

Wiccan Rede has been a consistent link

between them.
By its own name, the Rede is

there to counsel Witches during their

path through life, but it is not considered

a rigid law. There are no specific

wrongdoings described, making an

open-ended suggestion that a Witch

harms none and allowing them to learn

by their own hand. It is up to a new

Witch what they will do with their

newfound connection to the world and

the Supreme Being. Witches new to

Wicca should find an environment of

tolerance, acceptance, and freedom

underneath the Wiccan Rede, and they

are encouraged to reciprocate that bliss

into the universe through their own lives.

Modern interpretations of the

Wiccan Rede have worked toward

shaping it into a law instead of good

counsel. Adapted from its original

message, the Rede is often read to

command Wiccans not to harm anybody,

though some insist that the first version

did not ban wrongdoing and, instead,

warned the Wiccan against it. The strict

version of the Rede is something that is

much more difficult to uphold in the

daily life of a Witch.

It may be that the modern

interpretation which bars harmful acts

was popularized as a response to

critical eyes which assumed Wicca to be

an evil construct. Instead of trusting

Wiccans to keep their responsibilities to

others, the "new Rede" places greater

emphasis on doing no harm. As such,

students of Wicca are forbidden by this

message to use their power to aid

someone without consent. Another result

is that a student under the Wiccan Rede,

who would know not to condemn

personal choices that affect no one else,

must now face a commandment that

teaches them never to do wrong in a

society that punishes civil crimes that

may be considered harmless to others.

No matter a Witch's personal

interpretation of the Wiccan Rede, it is

imperative for them to understand the

power at their fingertips and to seek

balance in their practices; Wicca is

about independence as well as

Chapter 5: The Three-
Fold Law
"Ever mind the rule of three /

What ye send out comes back to thee.

This lesson well, thou must learn / Ye

only get what ye do earn." Lady Gwen

Thomson's "The Rede of the Wiccae"

offers this lesson to Wiccan students.

This is known as the Rule of Three. The
Rule of Three tells Wiccans that

whatever energy they project into the

world, good or bad, will be returned

three-fold. This motto supplements the

teachings of the Wiccan Rede while

offering responsibility to the user; if you

choose to do wrong, you will be

punished three times as severely, and if

you choose to do good, good will be

done unto you thrice over.

A law of returns is found in many

different forms of Witchcraft. It is not

unique to Gardnerian or Alexandrian

Wicca, though it is within these

traditions that it is seen most prevalently.

It is similar to the traditions of karma,

but has been disconnected to the concept

by Raymond Buckland's texts, which

insist that the law of retribution will take

effect within someone's life and not

after. This form of divine justice

provides some comfort to Wiccans who

are confident that there will be justice

enacted upon those who harm them. This

Law is purported to be enforced by the

divine in the case of a binding spell,

which is said to do no harm but merely

deflects the evil sent forth. It is similar

to the legend of the goddess, Nemesis,

the Greek persecutor of unstoppable


Gardnerian literature references

the instances of triplets many times

during his depictions of Wiccan ritual

and initiation. Gardner, however, is not

credited as the creator of the Three-Fold

Law by his student, Doreen Valiente,

who is a skeptic of the rule of three. She

would go on to break away from

Gardnerian doctrine to seek more

traditional ways of Witchcraft. Raymond

Buckland, the American ambassador to

Gardnerian Wicca, was raised in his

coven to know the Law, which he

publicized in his own written works in

the '60s and '70s. Buckland also raised

Gardnerian covens in the U.S., where he

taught the law of three-fold return as he

was taught by Lady Owen, High

Priestess. Margot Adler would comment

on the Three-Fold Law in her work,

Drawing Down the Moon (1979),

reporting that most Witches believe in a

law of returning energy, but that it is not

always three-fold.

Whether you believe your energy

will be returned three-fold, seven-fold,

or ten-fold, the Three-fold Law will

shape the experience of a Wiccan.

Though the Law promises punishment

for bad deeds, a Wiccan can also use the

Law of Three to their advantage. The

energy that a Witch generates when they

choose their own behavior is spread out

into the world. If they aim to harm

someone, they first summon the energy

within them, and it ripples out when they

act. This Law exists to teach students

that the world around them is dependent

on the way that they give to the world,

and this karmic Law helps by offering

Wiccans a chance to separate themselves

from evil by doing good.

Even when a person holds

negativity deep within themselves, that

energy harms them physically and

mentally. By shifting their perspective to

one of positivity, by acknowledging that

they have the power to change their

world, a person may invite positive

repercussions into their own realm.

Wiccan philosophy teaches that nothing

is lost; it comes back to you and brings

you the result of your creation. It tells us

that the Earth is waiting for its children

to create positivity so that it can spread

out into the world. Wicca puts its

students in the cockpit of their own

lives, and if responsibility and

repercussions are understood within, a

Wiccan is empowered to uplift

themselves and others.

Chapter 6: Behold!
The Age of Aquarius
When the vernal equinox moves

between constellations of the zodiac,

humanity experiences a shift of the

astrological age. This change occurs

approximately every 2,150 years, and

our current place in the timeline is

within the transition from the Age of
Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.

Astrologers have no certain date of the

point between Pisces and Aquarius. It is

said that we have already moved into the

Age of Aquarius, yet some insist that the

Age of Pisces still has 500 more years

left. It is undeniable, however, that

humanity is on the precipice of a new


The Age of Aquarius will be one

of technology, information, and

consciousness. In this age, humanity will

be able to learn endlessly and expand

their collective mind thusly. It is

recognized as an age of horizontal

hierarchy in which everybody has the

opportunity to learn and manifest their

true selves. There will be less urgency

placed in believing in a higher power

and more of an emphasis on personal

development and trust in one's self.

Although this gradual abandonment of

spirituality and fealty to higher powers

has commenced, it does not mean that

one's connection to the God / Goddess

and Earth must die.

The Age of Pisces has shaped

modern society in the shadow of the

gods. While Pisces is a sign of creativity

and cosmic affinity, it is also seen as the

most spiritual of the signs, and the Age

of Pisces is attributed to the rise of

Christianity. The fish symbolizes

sacrifice, compassion, altruism, and

creativity. The Age of Pisces was a time

of faith.

The Age of Aquarius has been

expected to begin within fifty years of

the current date, making it coincide with

the advent of computer technology, the

first contact with the moon, and the

cultural revolution of the late 20th

century. Mankind is gradually letting go

of their sturdy grip on spiritual faith and

is entering a new age of personal

manifestation and the development of the


By looking at how rapidly the

computing power and consumer

electronics of the world have grown in

power in just fifty years, one can vividly

imagine the advances humanity shall

make during the Age of Aquarius. 2,000

years of growth will culminate in an

endless fountain of knowledge and

integrated technology. A result of this

embrace of machines and egalitarianism

will be that humanity will place less

faith in their cosmic rulers to guide them,

and it may grow apart from the Supreme


To blind one's self to the

spiritual power of the universe does not

mean that it shall cease to exist. After

all, Wicca is the result of a renaissance

of a persecuted faith system. Wiccans

can still practice their religion with

unending faith even as the years stretch

far into the Age of Aquarius.

Wiccans have not to fear of their

sacred traditions being lost to the

passage of time. The Age of Aquarius is

the age of information and personal

manifestation. If the Age of Aquarius

began before the year 2000, then the

burgeoning popularity of Wiccan

literature and practice is a sign of the

new times. In this new Age, the

recording of information is abundant,

and students of Wicca have endless

resources from which they can learn

about the many traditions of Witchcraft

and Paganism.

Through the collection and study

of this information, the Wiccan of

Aquarius may beautifully establish their

personal connection with the God /

Goddess, manifesting a spiritual bond of

great magnitude. Surely, in the Age of

Aquarius, Wiccans will be able to

harmonize with magic and the energy of

the universe like never before.

Our modern age provides us with

a plethora of technological amusement

as well as endless, new things to learn.

It is easy to lose track of what exists in

our real lives as our minds interact

constantly with the Internet and its

countless products and innovations.

Wicca allows its students to worship

and connect with the All by any suitable

means, even digitally. To be a devoted

Wiccan is to integrate the luxury of

technology into practice while regularly

keeping in touch with the energy of the

God / Goddess through ritual, holiday

observance, and the keeping of an altar.

These routine activities will securely

attune the Wiccan with the Earth and the

rhythm of nature.
Whether you are a beginning

Wiccan or a veteran of the Goddess,

whether you are an interested learner or

a critical skeptic, I hope that this book

has given you something valuable. This

book is meant to have something for

every kind of reader, but there is still an

immense wealth of Wiccan literature and

teachings to discover in print and online.

For those interested in reading

from the roots of Wicca, Gardner’s

novels are mandatory. High Magic’s Aid

(1949), Witchcraft Today (1954), and

The Meaning of Witchcraft (1959) are

three books that fathered Wicca into our

modern day society. Furthermore, his

Book of Shadows has been compiled

and hosted online for the public to study.

From Gardner’s literature

sprouted Raymond Buckland’s, and his

works shaped the American perspective

of Wicca, which is unique from the

Wiccan presence in England. Read

Ancient and Modern Witchcraft (1970),

Witchcraft from the Inside (1971), or

Buckland’s Complete Book of

Witchcraft (1986) to explore Witchcraft

and Wicca through the words of its

American ambassador.

The works of Vivianne Crowley

are not to be overlooked. 1989’s Wicca:

The Old Religion in the New Age is an

indispensable volume from the High

Priestess, who successfully combined

the Gardnerian and Alexandrian

traditions of Wicca into what we know


These volumes, alongside the

user-created library of infinite

knowledge called the World Wide Web,

will strengthen your connection to the

God / Goddess and help create a deep

understanding of the Wiccan faith and its

divine benefits.

Thank you for reading.

eBook Description
Wondering about Wicca? Look

no further than Wiccan: The Ultimate

Guide on Wiccan Practice. Within these

pages is a collection of knowledge that

will satisfy any type of reader interested

in the occult. Whether you are new to

Wicca or an experienced Witch, Wiccan

will bring you insight into the magic of

Wicca, its philosophy, its leaders, and

its future.

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