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Overwatch first hire project

-Thailand map, all props in environment, architecture,

First term work not very good

Modeling things in real life helps you think about how forms fit together
and all the detail and functional components you need to include.

Always have checklist

- perspective

- lighting

Especially at work, working on multiple projects at same time, hard to

remember all without writing down

Environments not clear, but prop design was good

Got better at line drawing

Took modo class during the break - learning 3d program is important

for block out and simple perspective

2 months to model a mech to learn modo, play with graphic shapes,

colors, reflection materials

Tried creature/character design

Question: how much of the texture painting do you do on your own?

Gary Meyer perspective painting class

Figure drawing class

Perspective interior design ( WB1)

Form Language - bones of sea animals for organic shapes, 3d Printed

costumes, gothic vases

Using 3d program to do block out, then put different angle

renders as turnaround, final render is paintover

14 week classes
For all entertainment design, designs need to bej; 40% from real life

Original designs too abstract, needed to inject Style, shape, culture

from real world

For costume design - study costumes first. Before character design,

take costume design course. 14th century europe and historical asian

Logo / Tatoo design for characters

Color inspiration from nature -animals - birds

Always include a person to show the scale.

Independent study with John Park

50 speed paintings, 30 minutes each

15 pages of speed painting as homework, john gave them 30

pages, so they did 60

- helps with kitbashing, come up with ideas quick. Try exterior,

interior...after 20 or 30, you feel you did everything already. after those
then you push yourself out of comfortzone and try new stuff

- then pick some ideas to do refinements / more story


- 2 days or more depending on feedback

Burning noodles?

Design for whole scene - props, environment, street, etc

Go to GDC - creative juice, hosted by Anthony Jones,

- whole purpose is not to go to the show and meet people,

purpose is to get invite to afterparty, ubisoft/microsoft/blizzard

- always have business card, use it to trade especially for the

recruiter's card

- write down what you talked about with them, so you can
mention it in the email when you reach out
- edwardo vis dev director at riot

- internship at riot

Art director at riot: Charlie wen

- marvel character painting - done in one afternoon, no photos,

one layer

- More like mentorship - assignments were keyframe illustration

Returned to school

Elegant shaped rock formations

Joon Ahn Brainstorm Class

Ideation is very important

Play the game for the whole week before the interview - don't make art

Read reviews, know what is good about the game

Be able to answer "What is the one thing you would improve about the
game? Provide a solution"

Phone interview. Show alot of passion about the game by talking a long
time/ longer than necessary

4 Classes a term


11 x 17 for printing sake

1. Reference sheet

2. Sketch focusing on composition

3. Color block out - main color ex. blue, with hute and value shifts

Seperate floor with background to show contrast - value

seperation even on color block out phase

4. Lighting block out. Use values to force bg element as focal point,

foreground character as secondary focal point. Greatest contrast at fp1
and second greatest at fp2

Pink/ magenta underlighting

5. Color variation pass

6. Create connection between foreground and midground focal point,

used connecting shapes/lines

7. Pushed background further in space

8. Make lighting consistent - top to bottom light

Q and A - always think about your portfolio first for taking classes -
everyone has limited energy and time, creating portfolio when you have
no focus is hard

- Can ask questions to make feedback tailored to your plan for your

Before you graduate, have 3 studio styles in mind - your dream studio,
then 2 more that have similar style

Environment artist at riot - alot of props are outsourced, mainly design

overall enviro

Professional Portfolio

8 Final Pieces, 2 Process Pieces

For ideas - do not reference existing concept artists, look at modern

art, sculpture, etc

You can look at other concept artists for skill/style to see what the
industry standard is

Illustration mostly about using lighting to seperate different elements,

whereas concept is about lineart

Networking - keep in touch by emailing them when you finish a piece,

ask how you can improve your portfolio

- Ask for feedback, not for job

- Always have an artstation profile

Entry level for industry is getting very high, if you get feedback better
follow it

1 out of 200 get internship

Presentation: Have your name, have a logo

Know what team you want to apply within the company - do your

Orthographic - draw over a 3d model

14 weeks - Become very busy at midterm and final

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