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duccd change of parameters-and the time span in

which certain types of maintenance changes need
ro be installed; for example, a price change
must be operational rvithin 24 hours after notification to
information services.

Portabitity Needs Determined (Portable Test Factor)

The ability to operate the system on different types
of hardware' move it at a later time to another type
version to version of software should be stated as part
of hardware, oi the requirement to move from
developed as a portable application can signifi-
of tr,e requirements. TL need to have thc application
cantly affect the implementation of the requirements'

System Interface Defined (Coupling Test

systems' and the output to be delivered to
The information expected as input from other computer
systems, shouldte defined. This definition
not only includes the types of information
passed, uu,,t.,i*ing of the interface and the
expected processing to occur as a result of that
interface. Other interface factors thet may need
to be addressed include privacy, security, and reten-
tion of information'

Test Factor)
Performance Criteria Established (Performance
the application system should be estab-
The expected efficiency, economy, anc effectiveness of
design process and,-unless established' default
tished. ih"r" ,yr** goals are an integral part of the
dissatisfaction is algrost guaranteed to
,o m jr*, L4yrip-grammcr. when-this happens, user
of requirements phase should be a calculation
*"u, *i,h,h" rp"-iio*t "yrtem- An end product the
should be developed based
of the cost/beneht to be derived from &e application. The financial data
designed to provide consistent cost and benef,rt information for"all applications'
on procedures
Factor) 'i1i::":
Operational Needs Defrned @ase of Operations Test
The operational considerations must be defined dyTg the
requiremens phase. This becomes espe-
that must be followed at terminals
cially important in userdriven application systems. The processes
words, the procedures needed to get the terminal into a state ready to
to operate the system-in other
be as simple as poisible. Cenral site operating procedures also need
process rra;sa;ons-should
beconsidered :

Tolerances Established (Reliability l'est Factor)

For example, the requirements
The expected reliability from the system controls should be defined.
of invoicing' the percent of orders
phase should determine the coutrol requirements for the accuracy
An invoicing tolerance might
thar need to be processed within 24 hours, and other strch concerns.
state that invoices are to be processed with a tole-rance of
plus or minus I percent from the stated
no basis to design and measure
current pruduct prices. Without establishing these tolerances, there
Without defining an exPected level of
the reliability oiprocessing over an extended period of time.
defects are normally not eco-
defects, zero defects are noirnally exp€cted. controls to achieve zero
have some defects occur in
nomlc4. ft is usually more economical and to the advantage of the user


Authorization Rules Defined (Authorization Test Factor)

that transactions are, in fact,
Authorization requirements specify the authorization methods to ensure
prccessed in accordance with the intent of management'

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