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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

1973, Vol. 27, No. 2, 154-164


Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
Yale University

Jones and Nisbett proposed that actors are inclined to attribute their behavior
to situational causes, while observers of the same behavior are inclined to
attribute it to dispositional qualities—stable attitudes and traits—of the actor.
Some demonstrational studies consistent with this hypothesis were described.
College student observers were found to (a) assume that actors would behave
in the future in ways similar to those they had just witnessed (while actors
themselves did not share this assumption); (b) describe their best friend's
choices of girlfriend and college major in terms referring to dispositional
qualities of their best friend (while more often describing their own similar
choices in terms of properties of the girlfriend or major); and (c) ascribe
more personality traits to other people than to themselves.

The fact that different individuals often and the observer of the behavior. They pro-
have very different views of the causes of a posed that actors tend to perceive their be-
given person's behavior is a frequent theme of havior as a response to situational cues, while
world literature. The diverse perspectives on observers tend to perceive the behavior as a
the behavior of the central figure held by the manifestation of a disposition or quality pos-
central figure himself, the people whom he af- sessed by the actor. Evidence supporting this
fects, the author, and the reader play an im- hypothesis, including work by Jones and Har-
portant role in works as varied as Rashomon, ris (1967), Jones, Rock, Shaver, Goethals,
Huckleberry Finn, the "Grand Inquisitor" and Ward (1968), and McArthur (1972), is
section of The Brothers Karamazov, Gide's discussed in detail by Jones and Nisbett. The
The Counterfeiters, Durrell's Alexandria major reason for the divergent perspectives is
Quartet, and countless mystery novels. Psy- probably a simple perceptual one. The actor's
chologists, however, have for some reason attention at the moment of action is focused
rarely attempted to analyze the differing per- on the situational cues-—-the environmental at-
spectives of the witnesses of a given act be- tractions, repulsions, and constraints—with
yond the frequent observation that perception which his behavior is coordinated. It there-
of motive tends to be in line with self-interest. fore appears to the actor that his behavior is
A pioneering exception to the psychologist's a response to these cues, that is, caused by
general lack of interest in this question is them. For the observer, however, it is not the
Heider's (19S8) The Psychology of Inter- situational cues that are salient but the be-
personal Relations. Jones and Nisbett (1971) havior of the actor. In gestalt terms, action is
recently distilled from Heider's writings a figural against the ground of the situation.
very general hypothesis concerning the diver- The observer is therefore more likely to per-
gent perspectives of the actor—that is, the ceive the actor's behavior as a manifestation
individual who performs a given behavior— of the actor and to perceive the cause of be-
havior to be a trait or quality inherent in the
The authors are indebted to Gordon Bear, David actor.
Hamilton, Edward E. Jones, Leslie McArthur, and A second probable reason for the differ-
Lee Ross for comments on an earlier version of this ential bias of actors and observers stems from
Requests for reprints should be sent to Richard E. a difference in the nature and extent of in-
Nisbett, Institute for Social Research, University of formation they possess. In general, the actor
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. knows more about his past behavior and his
present experiences than does the observer. Method
This difference in information level probably Overview
often serves to prevent the actor from inter-
College co-eds were recruited to participate in an
preting his behavior in dispositional terms experiment on "decision making." Present at each
while allowing the observer to make such an session were two real subjects and two confederates.
interpretation. For example, if an actor insults One subject was randomly selected to be the observer
another person, an observer may be free to and the other to be the actor. The confederates
infer that the actor did so because the actor played the same role as the actor. The confederates
and the actor were requested "before the experiment
is hostile. The actor, however, may know that began" to volunteer some of their time to serve as
he rarely insults others and may believe that weekend hostesses for the wives of potential financial
his insult was a response to the most recent in backers of a university institute concerned with the
a series of provocations from the person he learning disabilities of disadvantaged children. The
finally attacked. The difference in information confederates always volunteered, thus serving as
models and agents of social pressure. In some ex-
available to the actor and observer is, of perimental sessions, $.50 per hour was offered as
course, reduced when the actor and observer token remuneration for the weekend's work; in other
know one another well but is always present experimental conditions, $1.50 per hour was offered.
to a degree. After the actor had either volunteered or refused to
volunteer, both the actor and the observer were
The present report describes three different taken aside and quizzed about their perceptions of
demonstrational studies which illustrate di- the actor's behavior.
vergent perspectives of the actor and observer.
The first study indicates that observers tend Instructions to the Observer
to assume that actors have a disposition to
The subject who was randomly designated to be
behave in the future in ways similar to those the observer was told that three other girls would be
which they have just observed, while actors do taking part in the experiment:
not share observers' assumptions about their
own future behavior. The second study shows They will be asked to make various decisions.
You, however, will not be asked to make any de-
that actors tend to attribute the cause of their cisions. . . . Your job will be to watch one of the
behavior—specifically, choice of college major participants carefully throughout the entire session,
and girlfriend—to properties of the chosen during which she'll be making various decisions.
entity, while they are more likely to attribute After a brief introductory session in which the ex-
the similar choices of their close friend to periment will be explained to the other girls, you'll
join the girl you're to watch in another room,
dispositional qualities of their friend. The where the decision materials have been assembled.
third study shows that actors tend to believe
that they have fewer personality traits than Experimenter 1 then told the confederate that she
do other people. would be watching the decision making of the actor
(described as the girl who would be sitting in the
left-most chair during the introductory session).
STUDY I Finally, the observer was told that she would be in-
Study I presents data collected in the con- troduced as the experimenter's helper, since "we've
text of a larger experimental investigation of found that people tend to feel self-conscious and un-
natural if they think a non-participant is watching
the perception of causes of behavior. An at- them."
tempt was made to elicit or prevent, via differ-
ing monetary incentives, actors' cooperation Scenario
with an experimenter's request. Observers
watched all of the interaction between the ex- For the introductory session, the actor and con-
federates were led into an experimental room and
perimenter and the actor. It was anticipated seated in a row facing a desk at which Experimenter
that observers but not actors would attribute 2 and the observer sat. Experimenter 2 introduced
the actor's compliance or noncompliance to a herself and then introduced the observer as someone
disposition on the part of the actor to complv who would be helping in a later part of the experi-
or not comply with such requests in general ment. Experimenter 2 briefly described a fictitious
decision study procedure which allegedly would take
and hence would expect the actor's behavior place after the introductory session. Experimenter 2
to generalize to other situations. The relevant then began the request which formed the core of
details of procedure are presented below. the experiment:

Before we get started, though, I happen to have Before we start in with the rest of the decisions,
sort of a real decision for you to make. The I'd like to ask you a few questions about the de-
Human Development Institute at Yale is sponsor- cision you just made. We decided to use the In-
ing a weekend for the corporate board and a lot stitute's recruiting appeal as one of our experi-
of their prospective financial backers. As you may mental decisions, since it's so much like the kind
know, the Institute is involved in basic research in of decision that you run into every day, as opposed
learning and education. Right now, their focus is to the sort that the rest of the session will be
particularly on learning among the underprivileged dealing with.
and in minority groups. The Institute often works The actor was given "a list of some of the reasons
very closely with the psychology department, which that people give us for volunteering for this task"
is how I happen to be involved with them. Any- and asked to decide how big a part each reason had
way, these supporters will all be coming to town played in her decision to volunteer. The list of rea-
the weekend of (a date two weeks hence) . . . . sons had proved in pretests to be virtually exhaustive.
The committee thought that it would be especially Subjects were asked to rate the importance of each
appropriate to involve co-eds by putting them in of the following reasons on a 0-8 scale:
charge of the wives of the businessmen. There will
be some separate activities arranged for these 1. I wanted to help the University and the Human
women, and they'll probably be interested in see- Development Institute.
ing Yale from a woman's point of view. So the 2. The activities sounded as if they would be
committee would like girls to volunteer. There will interesting.
be 16 or 18 hours in all that you could volunteer 3. It was a chance to earn some money.
for. 4. I thought that meeting the people would be fun.
5. The other girls seemed to be interested in it and
Experimenter 2 went on to briefly describe the that made me think it was probably worthwhile.
various activities of the weekend (tours, receptions, 6. There was a lot of social pressure to volunteer.
etc.) and the times they would take place. Experi-
menter 2 then delivered the monetary incentive The observer was questioned by Experimenter 2
manipulation: "They have only limited funds to run about the actor's motives for volunteering, if the
the weekend, but they can afford to pay girls who actor had volunteered. If the actor had not volun-
volunteer $.50 ($1.50) an hour." Experimenter 2 then teered, the observer was questioned about the mo-
asked if the subjects had any questions. One of the tives of the confederate sitting next to the actor.
confederates asked how long the session lasted on The same measures were used as those for the actor.
Saturday, and the other asked what date the ex-
perimenter had said the weekend would take place. Assessment of Perceived Disposition
Actors only rarely asked a question. to Volunteer
Experimenter 2 then asked the confederate seated Following the assessment of motives, both the
to her right if she would care to volunteer. The con- actor and the observer were asked to estimate how
federate "volunteered" for about 4 hours. Experi- likely they felt it would be that the actor would
menter 2 then asked the confederate seated next to volunteer to perform a similar social service task,
the actor if she could volunteer. The second confeder- specifically, to canvass for the United Fund. Subjects
ate volunteered for about 12 hours. Finally, the responded to the following scale:
actor was asked if she could volunteer. Following
the actor's response, the actor and observer were How likely do you think it is that you (the girl
taken to separate experimental rooms. you watched) would also volunteer to canvass for
Approximately half of the subjects were exposed the United Fund?
to a slightly different version of the above scenario.
The different version was intended as a low-social- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
pressure variation which might produce lower com- not neither likely very
pliance rates among actors. In this variation, con- at all nor unlikely likely
federates left "to go to their separate experimental likely
rooms," after announcing their willingness to volun-
teer, and on a pretext, the experimenter and observer Subjects
left the actor alone to indicate on a card how many Subjects were Yale co-eds, some of whom par-
hours she was willing to volunteer. This variation ticipated for credit in an introductory psychology
did not in fact have a significant effect on compliance course and some of whom were paid $1.50 to par-
rate, and data were therefore pooled for purposes of ticipate. Altogether, 33 yoked actor-observer pairs
analysis. participated in the study. However, through an error,
disposition-to-volunteer data were not obtained for
Assessment of Perceived Reasons for 5 of the actors.
Volunteering Results
The actor was interviewed by Experimenter 1,
whom she had not previously met. Experimenter 1 The monetary incentive offered was a very
began, major determinant of the actor's choice of
whether or not to volunteer. Of the 17 actors TABLE 1
offered $.50 per hour, only 4 (24%) volun- ACTORS' AND OBSERVERS' ESTIMATES OF THE PROB-
teered. Of the 16 actors offered $1.50 per ABILITY THAT THE ACTOR WOULD VOLUNTEER SOS.
hour, 11 (68%) volunteered. Among volun- OR NOT THE ACTOR VOLUNTEERED AND
teers, however, the amount of money offered AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMOUNT
did not much affect the number of hours vol-
unteered. Volunteers offered $.50 per hour Actor's behavior Amount offered
promised 5.6 hours on the average, and volun- Rater
teers offered $1.50 per hour promised 6.7 Volun- Did not *1.SO/ $.50/
teered volunteer hour hour
hours (t < l,ns). 2
Best indications are that neither volunteers Actor 3.31 3.92 3.73 3.38
offered $1.50 nor their observers fully realized n 16 12 15 13
the importance of money in eliciting actors' Observer 4.27 2.78 4.25 2.71
cooperation. Volunteers offered $1.50 and n 15 18 16 17
their observers were agreed in rating the im-
portance of money lower than they rated the
importance of three other reasons—the desire assuming independence of the two sets of data.
to help, the interest of the activities, and the If the actor volunteered, observers saw her as
fun of meeting the people. This meant that more likely to help the United Fund than if
all groups of actors and observers were free she did not (t = 2.24, p < .05). Moreover,
to assume that a disposition to volunteer or observers of volunteers saw them as more
not to volunteer for such activities was re- likely to help the United Fund than did the
sponsible in part for the actor's behavior. To volunteers themselves (t = 2.12, p < .05),
the extent that dispositional inferences were and observers of nonvolunteers tended to see
made, they should have been reflected in the them as less likely to help the United Fund
subjects' predictions about the likelihood that than did the nonvolunteers themselves (t =
the actor would volunteer for a similar task. 1.63, .10 <p < .15). The interaction between
Table 1 presents the actors' and observers' volunteering versus nonvolunteering and actor
estimates of the likelihood that the actor versus observer status is significant at the .07
would volunteer to campaign for the United level (t= 1.91).
Fund. The left columns present perceived Ratings as a function of the payment vari-
likelihood as a function of whether or not able show a similar pattern. Observers of the
the actor volunteered. The right columns pre- generally volunteering high-payment actors
sent likelihood estimates as a function of the judged them, as a group, to be more likely to
payment offered. The left columns are more help the United Fund than did observers of
meaningful, but they suffer from the methodo- the generally nonvolunteering low-payment
logical defect that the volunteering variable actors (t = 2.35, p < .05). Among actors, the
is a self-selected one, and the subjects who high-payment group did not differ from the
volunteered might have been selectively dif- low-payment group (t < 1). The interaction,
ferent on some dimensions from those who however, falls short of significance.
did not. The right columns correct this de- It therefore appears that observers are in-
fect but introduce some "slippage" into the clined to make dispositional inferences from
manipulation, due to the fact that not all behavior under circumstances in which actors
high-payment actors volunteered and not all infer nothing about their general inclinations.
low-payment actors failed to volunteer. It might be argued, however, that the dis-
It may be seen in Table 1 that the actor's positional inferences formed by observers in
behavior prompted the observers to make dis- Study I were due solely to aspects of the
positional inferences. Observers' judgments experimental situation that were artificial and
were uncorrelated with actors' judgments, and ecologically rare. Observers had never seen
the data were accordingly analyzed by t tests the actor before, there was no interaction be-
tween actor and observer, and the actor's be-
All p levels reported are based on two-tailed tests. havior was limited to a sentence or two. It

might be argued that actor-observer differ- selves in their best friend's position and try to write
ences might not be found in less impoverished paragraphs as the best friend might describing why
the subject had chosen his girlfriend and major.
situations. On the other hand, it is important Order of answering for self, best friend, and for self
to note that in Study I virtually all of the as best friend might answer was counterbalanced.
situational stimuli impinging on the actor were "Best friend" was denned for subjects as "your best
also visible to the observer, and that fact friend of your own age and sex—if there is more
than one candidate, choose the one you have known
should have militated against dispositional in- longest."
terpretation on the part of observers. In many The subjects' paragraphs were scored for the de-
situations in real life, we are likely to know gree to which they stressed "entity" versus "dis-
more about the actor than did the observers positional" reasons. Each reason was coded as being
in Study I, but we are likely to know less either a pure entity reason ("She's a relaxing per-
son"; "Chemistry is a high-paying field") or as in-
about the stimuli affecting his behavior. In voking some dispositional property of the actor ("I
fact, even when we know the actor extremely need someone I can relax with"; "I want to make
well, we may know virtually nothing about a lot of money"). Reasons were coded as being dis-
the stimuli guiding his behavior in a particular positional if they referred in any way to the person
doing the choosing. Reasons coded as dispositional
case. To the extent that this is true, we are therefore included many which could be described as
thrown back once again on dispositional in- Entity X Disposition interaction reasons. Thus, rea-
ferences in order to explain the behavior. sons such as "We have complementary personalities"
or "We can relax together" were coded as dis-
STUDY II positional.
Coding was performed by the investigators. How-
Study II was conducted in order to deter- ever, protocols were also rewritten by changing all
mine whether actors and observers would dif- first person statements into third person statements
fer in their perception of the causes of be- and were given to a coder ignorant of the hypothesis.
Results are reported in terms of investigator-coded
havior even when the actor is well known to scores, but the results are almost identical if scores
the observer. Male college student subjects from the blind coder are employed for the analysis.
were asked to write a brief paragraph explain- Seven of the 30 subjects (or their best friend)
ing why they liked the girl they dated most did not have a girlfriend or had not yet chosen their
major field. Data for such subjects were excluded,
regularly and another brief paragraph explain- leaving 23 cases for the analyses presented. Conclu-
ing why they had chosen their college major. sions would not be altered, however, if the analyzable
Subjects were also asked to write similar para- portions of the data from the 7 subjects were
graphs about their best friend's choices of included.
girlfriend and college major. It was antici- Results
pated that in explaining their own choices,
subjects would emphasize the role of proper- It was anticipated that subjects would tend
ties of the chosen object, and in explaining to describe their own choices of girlfriend and
the;r friend's similar choices, they would be major field as being due to properties of the
more likely to emphasize the role plaved chosen entity and would tend to see the com-
bv dispositions and traits of the choosing parable choices of their best friend as being
individual, due to dispositions possessed by their friend.
It may be seen in Table 2 that this is the
Method case. When explaining why they liked their
Subjects for Study II, as well as subjects for own girlfriend, subjects gave more than twice
Sludy III, were Yale undergraduate males, who were as many reasons phrased in terms referring
off "red $1.50 to participate in "Person Perception exclusively to properties of the girl than rea-
Survevs" in groups of 6-20. Study II subjects had sons phrased in terms of their own needs, in-
all filled out the personality trait questionnaires of
St'irtv III prior to providing data for Study II. terests, and traits (t = 2.54, p < .02). In
Thirty subjects were requested to write four brief contrast, when explaining why their best
paragraphs describing why they liked the girl they friend liked his girlfriend, subjects pave al-
had dated most frequently in the past year or so, most equal numbers of reasons referring ex-
why they had chosen their major, why their best
friend liked the girl he had dated most regularly in
clusively to the girl and reasons involving
the past year or so, and why he had chosen his dispositions of their friend (t < 1, ns). The
major. In addition, subjects were asked to put them- interaction between answers for self versus

friend and entity versus dispositional wording TABLE 2

is significant at the .05 level (t = 2.23). When NUMBER OF ENTITY REASONS AND DISPOSITIONAL
explaining why they had chosen their major, OF THEIR OWN AND THEIR BEST FRIEND'S
subjects gave an almost equal number of en- CHOICES OF GIRLFRIEND AND
tity reasons referring exclusively to properties
of the major and dispositional reasons refer- Reasons for Reasons for
liking girlfriend choosing major
ring to their own needs, interests, and traits Explanation
(t < I , ns). In contrast, when explaining why Entity Disposi- Entity Disposi-
tional tional
their best friend had chosen his major, sub-
jects gave almost four times as many reasons Own behavior 4.61 2.04 1.52 1.83
involving dispositions possessed by the friend Friend's behavior 2.70 2.57 .43 1.70

as they gave reasons referring exclusively to Note. N = 23.

the major (t = 3.53, p < .002). The inter-
action between answers for self versus friend
and entity versus dispositional wording is sig- tended to describe their girlfriend with sen-
nificant at the .10 level (t = 1.79). The tend- tences that consisted of strings of admiring
ency to give relatively more entity reasons adjectives and were less likely to do this when
for self was obtained regardless of the order describing their best friend's girlfriend. These
in which subjects wrote the paragraphs. adjective strings resulted in high scores for
It is interesting to note that subjects were entity attribution but may have had less to
remarkably capable of adopting the perspec- do with the subjects' views of causality than
tive of an outside observer of their own be- with their use of a rhapsodic convention for
havior. When asked to write paragraphs ex- describing one's true love. Finally, it may
plaining their choices of girlfriend and college have been that simply writing in the first
major as they thought their best friend would person versus the third person led in some
see it, they virtually duplicated the pattern in grammatical or structural way to differential
Table 2 for explanations of their friend's focus on the object versus the subject of the
choices. For girlfriend choices, 2.65 entity rea- sentence. If such a tendency existed, it may
sons were given versus 2.57 dispositional have been this, rather than an ability to "re-
reasons. For major field choices, .39 entity verse perspective," which caused subjects to
reasons were given versus 2.22 dispositional duplicate the pattern of results for the best
reasons. These responses differ hardly at all friend's choices when describing their own
from the responses given for the best friend's choices (in the third person) from the point
choices. of view of the friend.
It is possible that the data in Table 2 do The language usage alternative loses some
not reflect a phenomenal difference in the per- force, however, in view of the results of a
ception of self versus others but merely a dif- follow-up study in which subjects were asked
ference due to language usage. For example, not to generate, but merely to rate the im-
people may be in the habit of assuming that portance of, reasons for dating a particular
their hearers or readers know them personally girl and for choosing a particular major. A
and therefore do not feel obliged to describe list of 16 reasons for dating a girlfriend,
their own dispositions. They may take it as drawn from reasons suggested by Study II
understood that they need a warm, relaxing subjects, and 12 reasons for choosing a major,
girlfriend but may feel it necessary to point drawn mostly from Study II reasons, were
this out about a third person. Of course, the given to 31 subjects who rated each reason
experimenters did not know the subjects any for themselves and for their best friend on a
better than they knew the subjects' best 5-point scale. Half of the reasons were worded
friend, but habitual patterns of expression in entity terms ("She's intelligent"), and half
may have prevailed over such rational con- were worded in dispositional terms "I need
siderations. Language conventions might have someone I can relax with"). Alternate forms
affected the results in a second way. Subjects of the questionnaire were constructed, such
TABLE 3 to reasons stated in entity terms when answer-
RATINGS OF MOST IMPORTANT REASONS TOR ing for themselves and tended to assign higher
CHOOSING GIRLFRIEND AND MAJOR AS A importance to reasons stated in dispositional
DISPOSITIONAL WORDING terms when answering for their best friend.
The interaction is significant at the .05 level
Choice Entity
wording (t = 2.n).
The follow-up study does not rule out all
Own 3.99 3.75 possible linguistic explanations of the findings
Friend 3.44 3.62
of Study II, but it does speak against arti-
Note. N = 31. factual explanations having to do with lan-
guage production. Subjects stressed entity at-
that each reason that appeared in entity terms tributions for themselves and dispositional at-
on one appeared in dispositional terms on the tributions for their best friend, and this was
other. true both when they described choices in their
The pattern of responses observed in Study own words and when they merely rated rea-
II was not found for all of the items in the sons in language provided by an experimenter.
follow-up questionnaire, but it was found for Thus, it is not likely that the findings of
virtually all of the reasons rated by subjects Study II merely reflect stylistic or structural
as relatively important. As it happened, the constraints due to writing in the first versus
seven reasons for dating a girlfriend most the third person.
frequently given by subjects in Study II all More importantly, it should be noted that
received average ratings of 3.5 or more in the potential interest of Study II would not
the follow-up study, and none of the other necessarily be diminished if it could be shown
reasons received ratings as high as 3.5. These that the findings were due largely to hidden
reasons involved the attractiveness, intelli- conventions of language usage. Kanouse
gence, relaxedness, naturalness, sexual respon- (1971) has argued persuasively that the lan-
siveness, and the fun-loving and affectionate guage used to describe an event greatly af-
qualities of the girl or the need for these fects subsequent attributions: When a given
things on the part of the person doing the causal candidate is stressed in speech, it is
choosing. For all seven of these reasons, sub- likely to become more prominent phenome-
jects endorsed the entity-worded form rela- nally. It seems entirely plausible that if people
tively more strongly for self than for best are in the habit of using entity terms to de-
friend. Four of the reasons for choosing a scribe their own behavior and dispositional
major received ratings as high as 3.S (involv- terms to describe that of others, this linguistic
ing intellectual rewards, freedom of approach, fact would have phenomenal repercussions.
breadth of interests covered, and route to an
understanding of the world). For all except STUDY III
the last of these reasons, subjects endorsed the Subjects appear to be inclined to interpret
entity-worded form relatively more strongly the behavior of other actors in relatively dis-
for self than for best friend. (As a group these positional terms, whether the behavior is rou-
reasons had been only somewhat more com- tine and inconsequential or highly personal
monly listed by Study II subjects than rea- and important, and whether they know the
sons rated as relatively unimportant by fol- actors well or not at all. One possible con-
low-up subjects.) sequence of this tendency to view the behavior
Table 3 presents mean importance ratings of others in more dispositional terms than
of the 11 reasons which received overall those employed for one's own behavior is that
ratings of 3.5 or higher. The table combines each individual may view every other indi-
ratings of reasons for choosing a girlfriend vidual as possessing more personality traits
and reasons for choosing a major since the than he himself possesses. If everyone views
results are entirely similar for each of these his own behavior as a response to the situ-
categories separately. It may be seen that ational stimuli he confronts at the moment
subjects tended to assign higher importance but perceives more transituational stability in

the behavior of others, he should perceive the TABLE 4

behavior of others to be more trait determined POLAH TRAIT TERMS USED IN STUDY III
than his own. In order to examine the pos-
Polar trait term
sibility that individuals view themselves as
relatively trait free, the following study was Serious-gay Skeptical-trusting
Subj ective-analylic Quiet-talkative
undertaken. Future oriented-present oriented Cultivated-Ka/wrai
Energetic-relaxed Sef«»7«»e-tough-minded
Method Unassuming-self-asserting Self-sufficient-sociable
Lenient-firm Steady-flexible
Procedure Reserved-emolionally expressive
Twenty-four subjects filled out questionnaires in- Realistic-idealistic Uninhibited-self-controlled
Intense-calm C'o»i«e«Wo«s-happy-go-
dicating, for themselves and four other stimulus lucky
persons, which of three descriptions best fit the
stimulus person: a trait term, its polar opposite, or Note. Where trait terms differ in social desirability at the .05
the phrase "depends on the situation." Subjects re- level or more, the trait higher in social desirability is italicized.
sponded to a total of 20 such three-choice items for
each of the stimulus persons. Questionnaire booklets haustive, but it did have some useful properties. The
were arranged so that for the group of subjects as a stimulus persons had in common the fact that most
whole, the questionnaire for each stimulus person subjects could be presumed to be favorably disposed
preceded the questionnaire for every other stimulus toward them. Just as it seemed wise to avoid using
person equally often. On a final questionnaire, sub- trait terms which could be epithets, it seemed wise
jects rated the desirability of each of the 40 polar to avoid using stimulus persons toward whom sub-
traits on a 7-point scale (—3 to +3). jects would be inclined to hurl them. The stimulus
persons differed systematically along two dimensions:
Trait Terms their similarity to the subject in age status and their
The trait terms employed are presented in Table 4. familiarity to the subject. Two stimulus persons were
An effort was made to use trait adjectives that were the same age as the subject, and two were older.
socially desirable, since it would have been un- Two were among the people best known to the
interesting to show that people refuse to assign trait subject, and two were relatively unfamiliar. These
descriptions to themselves when both trait alterna- differences allowed for an examination of the effects
tives are undesirable. The effort to avoid employing on trait attribution of two variables of some interest.
undesirable traits was largely successful. Only 2 of
the 40 terms received a mean rating of less than Results
neutral (tough-minded and deferential). An effort
was also made to create trait pairs of equal de-
It was anticipated that subjects would at-
sirability, so that the factor of desirability would tribute fewer personality traits to themselves
enter as little as possible into the subject's choice. than to other people. It may be seen in Table
This effort was largely unsuccessful. For about half S that this was the case. Subjects were sig-
of the pairs, the 2 trait terms were rated as being
significantly different in desirability. It was there-
nificantly more likely to apply the depends-
fore necessary to analyze trait pairs which differed on-the-situation category to themselves than
in desirability separately from those which did not. to any other stimulus person. The order in
which subjects filled out the sheet for self was
Stimulus Persons without effect on the tendency to ascribe more
The stimulus persons employed were self, best traits to others than to self. Neither famili-
friend, father, an admired acquaintance ("some in- arity with the stimulus person nor similarity
dividual of your own age and sex whom you like,
but have known less than three months"), and the in age, in themselves, appeared to have had
television commentator Walter Cronkite. This sample much influence on the tendency to ascribe
of stimulus persons was certainly not random or ex- traits, although subjects were somewhat more


Stimulus person
Self Best friend Father Acquaintance Cronkite
bo b
Mean trait ascriptions 11.92" 14.21 13.42 13.42» 15.08°

Note, Means not sharing a superscript differ from each other at the .05 level or more; N = 24.

likely to ascribe traits to Walter Cronkite, almost equal numbers of trait dimensions in
the older, unfamiliar stimulus person, than to the two subsets—10.21 in the first and 9.79
other stimulus persons. The tendency to at- in the second.) The results of this analysis are
tribute more traits to others was as stable incompatible with the self-esteem or self-
across subjects and trait dimensions as it was presentation alternative. The tendency to at-
across stimulus persons. The tendency was re- tribute more traits to others than to self was
versed for only 4 of the 24 subjects and for actually somewhat more marked among traits
only 2 of the 20 trait dimensions (reserved- of the first subset, which were neutral or de-
emotionally expressive and cautious-bold). sirable and about equal in desirability, than
The finding that people ascribe more traits among traits of the second subset, in which
to others than to themselves is of considerable traits differed in desirability or were undesir-
interest if it genuinely reflects a tendency to able or both. This indicates that subjects were
hold a different implicit personality theory not merely using the depends-on-the-situation
for the self than for others. The finding is of category in order to avoid describing them-
much less interest if it merely reflects a tend- selves unfavorably.3
ency to present the self in a more favorable A remaining alternative explanation of the
light than others. Such a tendency could have trait ascription data is that subjects were not
accounted for the present data in two ways. denying that they possessed traits but merely
If subjects had found one or both traits of a asserting that they occupied an ideal middle
given pair to be undesirable, they might have ground on the trait dimensions. This possibil-
used the depends-on-the-situation category as ity could not be assessed with the available
an "escape hatch" for themselves but might data. A follow-up study, however, allowed for
have been more willing to assign a question- an assessment of this possibility. This study
ably desirable trait to someone else. Or, a was essentially a replication of the first study,
desire to present oneself favorably might have employing the best friend as the only stimulus
produced the present results if subjects had person. One major change was made in the
been using the depends-on-the-situation cate- format, however. Instead of presenting sub-
gory as a means of stating that they were jects with a choice among two polar trait
neither too much one way nor too much the terms, subjects were presented with a more
other but just right. If so, the greater use of conventional 6-point trait continuum, together
the depends-on-the-situation category for self with the depends-on-the-situation option
does not reflect a denial of traits but the as- prominently displayed to the left of the con-
sertion that the subject occupies the golden tinuum. Subjects were more likely to use the
mean on trait dimensions. depends-on-the-situation category for them-
Evidence is readily available for the possi- selves than for their friend (p = .06) but, if
bility that subjects used the depends-on-the- they checked a category of the continuum,
situation category in order to avoid ascribing were no more likely to use the middle two
relatively undesirable traits to themselves. It categories for themselves than for their friend.
is recalled that subjects were asked how de- Subjects in Study III thus probably checked
sirable they felt each of the 40 traits to be. the depends-on-the-situation alternative not
Two subsets of trait dimensions were defined because they wished to present themselves as
for each subject on the basis of his desirability
ratings. The first subset consisted only of 3
It should be noted in passing that, while the
trait dimensions where the subject had rated internal analysis indicated that self-esteem or self-
each trait term neutrally or positively and presentation motives did not produce the tendency
to ascribe more traits to others than to self, there
where there was no more than 1-scale-point did exist a tendency to ascribe more favorable traits
difference between the two in desirability. The to the self. The mean desirability of traits ascribed
second subset consisted of trait dimensions to self was higher than that for any other stimulus
where the subject had rated one or both terms person. This tendency was nonsignificant for the
comparison of self with best friend, of borderline
negatively or where the discrepancy between significance for the comparison with acquaintance,
the two was greater than 1 point. (As it hap- significant for the comparison with Walter Cronkite,
pened, there were for the group as a whole and highly significant for the comparison with father.

possessing traits in moderation, but because anything short of a very large and extremely
they perceived themselves as possessing fewer variegated research program.
traits. Actually, genuinely persuasive support for
The follow-up study also provided an op- Jones and Nisbett's (1971) proposition is not
portunity to further explore the effect of likely to result simply from piling up a large
familiarity with the stimulus person. Subjects number of instances in which it holds true.
were asked how long they had known their Much more effective support would be given
best friend. Answers ranged from a few by studies directly testing the presumed
months to 19 years. The correlation between mechanisms on which the proposition rests.
the length of time subjects had known their An excellent example of such a study was
best friend and the tendency to ascribe more provided by Storms (1973), who demon-
traits to best friend than to self was —.45 strated that the attributional biases of actors
(p < .01). Thus, subjects were increasingly and observers are reversed when they are
unwilling to assign traits to their best friend shown videotapes reversing their normal visual
the longer they had known him, and it would perspective. When actors are shown video-
appear that, at least within a status category, tapes focusing on their own behavior and
greater familiarity with the stimulus person observers are shown videotapes focusing on
results in responding to the stimulus person the actor's situation, actors attribute their
in the same way as to the self. behavior to dispositional causes more than
do observers. This reverses the attributional
pattern that obtains when actors and observ-
ers do not see such videotapes and strongly
All three studies provide evidence in sup- supports Jones and Nisbett's contention that
port of the hypothesis that actors attribute the individual's perspective channels his
causality to the situation while observers at- causal inferences.
tribute causality to the dispositions of the The present framework rests exclusively on
actor. Observers in Study I presumed that mechanisms of information processing and
actors would behave in the future in ways availability. However, a denial of motivational
similar to those they had just witnessed, while effects on processes of causal inference is not
actors did not share this assumption. Subjects intended. On the contrary, the present view
in Study II tended to describe their choices of may be easily integrated with the view that
girlfriend and college major in terms referring motivational factors, such as the desire to
to the properties of the chosen object but were maintain self-esteem, or to present oneself in
more likely to describe the similar choices of a favorable light, or to denigrate or exonerate
their friend in terms referring to dispositional other people, sharply affect causal inference.
qualities of their friend. Subjects in Study III It seems plausible that at least one such moti-
indicated that they believed themselves to vational factor, probably acting in concert
have relatively fewer broad behavioral dis- with informational factors, played a role in
positions—traits—than their friends and thus, the present studies. Brehm (1966) has writ-
presumably, to be relatively more likely to ten at some length on the "reactance" motive,
behave in accordance with the demands of or man's desire to see himself as free and able
specific situations. to control events that are important to him.
The findings of each of the studies undoubt- Such a motive is probably best served when
edly could be explained without resort to the the individual perceives himself to act in ac-
hypothesis proposed by Jones and Nisbett cordance with the demands and opportunities
(1971), and even taken as a whole, the studies of each new situation as it arises. If the in-
cannot be said to indicate that the hypothesis dividual were to perceive himself as motivated
generally holds true. The studies should be by traits and overriding dispositions, he would
regarded merely as demonstrations of some have to perceive himself as having less free-
interest in their own right, which are con- dom and flexibility of action. On the other
sistent with a proposition that is too widely hand, the individual's sense of freedom should
applicable to be either proved or disproved by be enhanced to the extent that he perceives

others to possess broad behavioral disposi- behavior. Morristown, N.J.: General Learning
tions. The more predictable the behavior of Press, 1971.
others, the more the individual can perceive G. R., & WARD, L. M. Pattern of performance and
the social environment to be stable and under- ability attribution: An unexpected primacy effect.
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1968, 10, 317-340.
KANOUSE, D. E. Language and attribution. Morris-
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