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WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Professional Practice Il U Secondary Program Report Preservice Teachers name "Tony Dinrajan Student iD: TOGBI7S Curiealumeaching rea Mathematics Dates: 52076 1862078 30 days ‘Schooe Parramatta High School Wo placement 2ot2 SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER While teaching at Parramatta High School Tony has demonstrated highly commendable teaching techniques and an excellent knowledge of Mathematics. His ability to build rapport with all types of students has allowed him to effectively and efficiently managing his students in the classroom. He is very approachable and his willingness to teach is evident through his constant encouragement of his students to perform well in this subject. Tony’s board work is exemplary and it has assisted his organisation of well-structured lesson plans, further enabling him to utilise classroom time efficiently. I wish Tony the very best in his teaching career and further endeavours. OVERALL ASSESSMENT Grade: Satisfactory Dunsatistactory SATISFACTORY: The Presence Teacher has pessed and mel the expected slandrdin sto he etevant eloments 2 dscibod by {he NSW Insti ofTechor for is sige of tek pcfessionallearing. Where a Presence Teechers work i considered outstanding cel above average tisjudgment shoud he refered in he summary comments. UNSATISFACTORY: The Pre-senice Toacher hs fale this Professional Experience unit and has not demonstrated al of the relevant elements as described by the NSW Insitute of Teachers. The Supervising Teacher, Prolessinal Expeience Coordinator an Principal _2¢8o the opinion tal the Pe-senice Teacher requires an addition Professional Exarience io atiempt to damonsiratesaisfatory competence 2s a graduate teacher. No Pre-senice Teacher should ceive an Unsatstactory grade wilhout Deng placed At Rsk andthe Committee of Advice being convened, This grade may be recommended an ONE or more ofthe folowing grounds: + Performance Deficiencies ~.. flue lo exhibit citi indicated for be particular Professional Experience unl; + Widrawing from Professional Experience ~ unless a Vithdrawa! Without Penalty is awarded, + Non Academie Misconduct. Supervising Teacher’s Name Rasamb} kai Mag stSignature ty abe Date: /s /6//8 Pre-service Teacher's Signature: ZZ Date: ISLE Pre-sanice Teachers are tobe assessed by the Supervising Teacher against the relevant Graduate Teacher Standards thal are applicable to Pofessional Experience il as ether ND ~ Not damonsratad; D~ Cerranstvaed; E ~ Exoaeds expectations, Elaborate on the Pre- sevice Teacher's professional pracice inthe Comment section If Standards ae not able to be dernanstrated place provide an explanation inthe appropiate Comments section, I standard are not elevant please inset NA [STANDARD _i:KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN ND[D |e [Focus area. ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS. TLL] Physieal, social | Demonsirate knowledge and understanding oF physical, social and 7 and intellectual intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may development and affect learning. characteristics of students 12.1 Understand how — | Demonsirate knowledge and understanding of research into how students v students lear lear and the implications for teaching, [1ST Siodents wih ‘Demonstrate knowledge of caching staiegies that are responsive o the T | diverse linguistic, learning strengths ané needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, cultural, religious and | religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. backgrounds Ta Strategies for Demonstrate broad Knowledge and understanding of he impact oF culture, | V teaching Aboriginal and_| cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from ‘Torres Stit Islander] Aboriginal and Torres Stat Islander backgrounds. students TS: Difereniare Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of srategis for difrentiating v teaching to meet the | teaching to meet the specific learning ness of students across the full range specific leaming needs | of abilities. ‘of students aeross the full range of abilities | | TE Strategies tO ‘Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements | | suppor full participation | and teaching strategies that support participation and leaming of students ‘of students with with disabiliy, disability Comments ability students, During Tony’s stay at Parramatta High School, he demonstrated excellent understanding of how his students leam in class. In his lessons, he included numerous strategies and effective teaching methods to facilitate the wide range of learning needs and abilities of all students. To achieve this, Tony utilised various technological means when teaching Pythagoras theorem for lower ability students and planned more challenging questions for his higher Professional Practice 1! Roport Suzan Tscdrs sai: be Ate cnn Teshets Sao Zo ND]D |E Focus area (GRADUATE TEACHERS 2.1.1 Content and ‘Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and v teaching strategies of the | structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area, teaching area 22.1 Content seleciion | Organise content info an effective learning and leaching sequence, and organisation 23.1 Curriculum, Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design leaming T assessment and sequences and lesson plans. reporting 7.4.1 Understand and | Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for 7 respect Aboriginal and | Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander histories, cultures and languages. “Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non- Indigenous Australians 235.1 Literacy and Krow and understand literacy and numeracy leeching strategies and heir T numeracy strategies __| application in teaching areas. 2.6.1 Information and | Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning v Communication ‘opportunites for students. Technology (CT ‘Comments Tony demonstrated excellent knowledge of Mathematics for stages 4 to 5. His lesson plans were well sequenced and satisfied all learning outcomes. Moreover he also was able to utilise ICT in various parts of his daily lessons. Tony was also able to prepare and deliver one lesson for Year 11 Mathematics Advance students, ‘STANDARD 3: PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING [ND [D | & Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 3.1.1 Establish Set learning, als that provide achievable hallnges for ludenis oF v challenging leaming | varying ables and characteris. soals 3.2.1 Plan, srutare and | Plan Tesson soquanses using Knowicdge of ude! Teaming, conten and T Sequence learning esfetive caching strategies. programs 33.1 Use teaching Tnolude a range of ending sates T sateges 3.41 Selectanduse | Demonstate Enowledge ofa range of resources, inelading ICT. tha 7 resourees engage students in their eaming 35.1 Use efeaive Demons a range of verbal and non-verbal commanication siaegies To classroom ‘support student engagement. 36.1 Evaluate and Demonsrao broad knowledge of aaegice tat can be used To evaluate v Jimprove caching teaching programs to improve student learning programs 37.1 Engage parents) | Describe a broad range of srtegis for Tnvaling parenisfares in he T cares inthe educative | educative process. process Comments Tony prepared well sequenced lesson plans that provided achievable learning goals. He used teacher centred as the basis of his teaching method later incorporated more additional challenging problems for more capable year10 Gifted and Talented students, Tony used effective verbal and non- verbal communication to engage students learning. He supervised students during Tuesday aftemoon sports with other members of staff and also had the opportunity to attend the Athletic and Zone carnivals where he positively carried out duties. Professional Practice 1! Report 3 Supervising Teacher’ signature: Mager Preenice Teachers elgntie: Zango ‘STANDARD 4: CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ND TD TE ENVIRONMENTS: ASPECT ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS: 4.1.1 Support student | Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement T participation in classroom activites, 42.1 Manage classtoom | Demonstrate the eapaciy to organise classroom activilies and provide clear activites directions 43.1 Manage ‘Demonsrale Knowledge of practical approaches o manage challenging v challenging behaviour __| behaviour. 44,1 Maintain student | Describe strategies that support students’ wellbeing and safely working safety Within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements. | “FS.1 Use ICT safely. | Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant isues and the srategies | T | responsibly and ethically | available wo support the su, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching. ‘Comments ‘Tony’s clear communication skills allowed him to give excellent direction and therefore, was able to manage challenging behaviour in the classroom. His calm and relaxed nature in all classroom environments is highly commendable. ‘STANDARD & ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT WTS] E LEARNING. Focus area | GRADUATE TEACHERS 5.1 Asses student | Demonstrate understanding ofasessment sages, ncudig informal and T icwning formal, diagnostic formative and summative approaches to assess tient learning EZ Provide | Demonsvaie av undewstanding of he purpose of providing mel and fesabackto | appropriste feedback o tent bout their fearing. | stadenson ther | icaming | 33 Make ‘Demonstrate undemtanding oF assessment madeaton and Ws ap consistent and | support consistent and comparable judgement of student eng. comparable judgements 5.4 Inerprt | Demonstrate he capely to nerpei aden sessment data To evan 7 student data student learning and modify teaching practice 3S Repor on | Demonte understanding of range of satgis Tor reporting fo Radars T student and parenscarers and the purpose a keping accurate and elie records of achievement | student achivernent Comments Tony demonstrated excellent understanding of assessment strategies and was able to effectively demonstrate informal and formal approaches to assess students’ progress. He marked Year 8 and Year 10 Half Yearly Examination and assessments and provided timely feedback to students. Tony also ensured that he regularly checked students’ homework and provided assistance whenever it was needed. Professional Practice ! Report . 4 Supenising Teacher's signature: Se Preservice Teachers elgntu oue( learning and improve ‘student learin learning andthe implications for ipproved student learning ‘STANDARD 6: ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING. [Np] DE Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS: 1 ‘6.1 Identify and plan | Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Australian Professional [v professional learning | Standards for Teachers in identifying professional learning needs. needs (62 Engage in ‘Understand the relevant and appropriate sourves of professional earning professional learning | for teachers. and improve practice 6.3 Engage with ‘Seek and apply constructive Teedback Irom supervisors and teachers to colleagues and improve teaching practices. improve practice ‘64 Apply professional_| Demonstrate an understanding ofthe rationale for continued professional T ‘Comments Tony assisted with playground duties and participated staff and faculty meetings. He prepared and marked quick tests, class work Half Yeary Examinations. Tony readily accepts appropriate advice and suggestions and modifies his teaching techniques when needed to improve student's learning. outside the faculty. Frofessional Practice i Report STANDARD 7; ENGAGE PROFESSIONALLY WITH COLLEAGUES, DLE PARENTSICARERS AND THE COMMUNITY Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 7.1 Meet professional Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and v ethics and ccondaet for he teaching profession responsbilies 72 Comply with Tnersand he relevant Tegisatve, administrative and organsaionl 7 lesislaive, policies and processes required for teachers according o school sage sdminisiaiive and crganisaional reguicements 73 Engage wih the | Understand srategies for working efieaively, snaiively and 7 parensearers confidentially with parenislearers 7 Engage with Undersand the cole of extemal profsionalsand communi 7 professional teaching | representatives in broadening teacher’ profesional knowledge and networks and broader | practice. communities ‘Comments During his time at Parramatta High School, Tony engaged well with other staff members and had the opportunities to consult and observe some experienced staff both within and Supenising Teachers signature: eget Prone Tener Sp oo Zon GR

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