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7 Factor Analysis of Factors Influencing Undergraduate Student Choice of Higher


Table 4.7.1 : KMO and Bartlett's Test for Factor Analysis of Factors Influencing

Undergraduate Student’s Choice

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .811

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1336.516

df 231

Sig. .000

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and is used to measure the sampling adequacy by checking the case to
variable ratio for the analysis being conducted. This method is playing an important role to
interpret and analyse the data by checking the acceptable sample adequacy.

There is rule said that the lower the proportion, the more suited data is for Factor Analysis.
Rule of Thumb is used to interpret the statistic which the KMO return value should between 0
to 1. To achieve an adequate sampling, KMO value must exceed 0.6 and below 1.0.
However, if the KMO value less than 0.6 shows that the sampling is not adequate. Also, large
problem for factor analysis happened when the KMO value is closed to zero means partial
correlations are greater than sum of corrections. Based on the Table 4.7.1, KMO value that
interpret factors influencing the undergraduate student’s choice is 0.811 which greater than
0.6. Hence, the sampling is adequate and appropriate.

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity measured the validity and suitability of responses collected to
the problem by conducting the study. The Bartlett's Test of Sphericity significant value to be
accepted and suitable for Factor Analysis is less than 0.000. As refer to Table 4.7.1, the
significant value is 0.000,therefore the factor analysis is valid.
Table Error! No text of specified style in document..7.2 : Total variance explained for Factor
Analysis of Factors Influencing Undergraduate Student’s Choice
Compone Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared
nt Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Loadings
% of
Varian Cumulati % of Cumulati % of Cumulati
Total ce ve % Total Variance ve % Total Variance ve %
1 6.909 31.40 31.403 6.909 31.403 31.403 2.994 13.609 13.609
2 1.641 7.458 38.861 1.641 7.458 38.861 2.677 12.168 25.777
3 1.457 6.621 45.482 1.457 6.621 45.482 2.559 11.630 37.407
4 1.325 6.024 51.506 1.325 6.024 51.506 1.885 8.569 45.976
5 1.226 5.572 57.078 1.226 5.572 57.078 1.839 8.359 54.335
6 1.079 4.903 61.981 1.079 4.903 61.981 1.421 6.458 60.793
7 1.032 4.689 66.670 1.032 4.689 66.670 1.293 5.877 66.670
8 .901 4.094 70.763
di 9 .830 3.774 74.537
10 .765 3.476 78.013
11 .697 3.169 81.182
12 .605 2.752 83.934
13 .535 2.431 86.365
14 .497 2.258 88.623
15 .462 2.099 90.722
16 .423 1.921 92.642
17 .384 1.746 94.388
18 .316 1.439 95.826
19 .285 1.297 97.124
20 .246 1.117 98.241
21 .208 .946 99.187
22 .179 .813 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total variance relates to eigenvalue that link to the number of extracted factors whose the
total should be equal to the number of items which are subjected to factor analysis ( Priya &
Shruti ,2015 ). The table divides into three main column such as Initial Eigen Values,
Extracted Sums of Squared Loadings and Rotation of Sums of Squared Loadings. From table
4.7.2, we can observe that there are seven total initial eigenvalues which exceed 1.000.
These seven factors have total initial eigenvalues with 6.909, 1.641, 1.457, 1.325, 1.226,
1.079 and 1.032. Together, they account around 67% of the variability in the original
variables. Hence, this suggests that only extract 6 factors among 22 factors but the rest will
be remained for a lot of unexplained variation .

The second main column will be explained on extraction sum of square loading before
rotation. Extraction sum shares common value in total, percentage of variance and
percentage of cumulative because it is extracted from previous total eigenvalue result.
The percentage of cumulative explain on these seven factors is about 67%.

Let see the main third column of table 4.7.2 which shows rotated and unrotated factors in
percentage of cumulative result. The rotated factors are from factor 1 to factor 6 due to some
small adjustments. However, factor 7 is virtually unchanged. Unrotated factors happened
when retain two or more factors. Hence the factor will be rotated. It is difficult to interpret
unrotated situation because the variables behaved in both axes and it’s not possible to the
patterns. Unrotated factor is not making adjustment in pattern, just making more obvious to
see (Karen Grace, 2018).
Figure 4.7.1 : Graph eigenvalues (scree plot) for Factor Analysis of Information
Sources in the Undergraduate Student Choice Decision

The scree plot graphs the eigenvalue against the component number. Scree plot is useful to
determine how many factors to retain. Basically, the eigenvalues larger than 1 considered
interested factors. The component number which less than 1considered less variance than
original variable. According to Figure 4.7.1, the first two component numbers indicate larger
than 1 which in upward pattern. Only two factors can be retained. However, flat line can be
seen by starting from third component number until 22th component number. This shows that
each of the successive component is decreasing and getting smaller amounts of the total
Table Error! No text of specified style in document..7.3 : Factor analysis for factors
influencing undergraduate students’ choice in Malaysia

Rotated Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
F20 – Student Placement .765
F10 – Graduate employment .612 .432
F12 – Information supplied by university .604 .420
F21 – Teaching reputation .543
F19 – Social life nearby .536 .434 -.402

F18 – Research reputation .488 .428

F15 – Programme flexibility .799
F14 – Own perception .729
F16 – Quality of faculty .462 .565
F08 – Entry Requirement .539 .441

F11 – Guidance from parents .793

F07 – Distance from home .782
F13 – Location .768
F03 – Accommodation for first year .777
F04 – Amenities of University .603 .439
F01 – Academic reputation .787
F05 – Competition for place .571
F02 – Academic support facilities .466 .523
F22 – Other influences .843
F06 – Cost of package .866
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 7 iterations.
Table 4.7.3 illustrates 22 factors analysis of influencing undergraduate student’s choice
which mainly consist of 7 columns. Each of the column has underlying factor which
composed of few factors. Hence, there are 7 underlying factors for each of the column. They
are column 1 (Reputation factor), column 2 (Personal and University factor), column 3
(Demographic factor), column 4 (University feature factor), column 5 (Academic factor),
column 6 (Other factor) and column 7 (Financial factor). The larger the value of each
observed factor in underlying factor, the more contributed in factor influence undergraduate
student’s choice. In other words, the factor is significant toward the consideration of
undergraduate student’s choice.

Underlying factor 1: Reputation factor

Based on reputation factor in column 1 there are 7 observed factors such as student
placement, graduate employment, information supplied by university, teaching reputation,
social life nearby, first university to offer place and research reputation. In ascending order
from student placement to research reputation, it can be observed that the value is decreasing.

Student placement

Student placement is undergraduate students experience on real-life experience within real

working environment that purposely to support degree qualification. As a good reputation of
university will provide good quality of student placement because employer will be attracted
to employ undergraduate students from the university. Therefore, students will consider this
factor as a first priority in the selection of university. High quality of student placement may
bring benefits and positive impacts to undergraduate students. For example, undergraduate
students can enhance their skills and knowledge including softer employability skills and
specific technical skills competencies. Opportunity will be given to undergraduate students to
attain working skills or industry choice like employability skills that applied in real-life work.
Hence, they are capable to solve problems during real working life.
Graduate employment

Students will think that after graduate from a good reputation of university will easily to get
a job. Because fresh graduates are eventually easy to get a job when they complete their
degree course from an excellent reputation of university compared to other small and new
university. As a good reputation of university, the higher rate of graduate employment due to
higher qualification of graduate student from the particular university. The qualification set
by good reputation university is quit high and always maintain at a certain level.

Teaching reputation

Teaching quality of lecturer will bring up the reputation of university because a lot of
undergraduate students will think that it is difficult to look for a good lecturer to convey the
knowledge to them. A prestige university will ensure the quality of lecturer and able to
provide an effective learning class for undergraduate student. Undergraduate students can
receive a lot of useful knowledge from good quality teaching of lecturer.

Social life nearby

Social life relates to social interaction which people act with other people to how other people
are acting. Undergraduate student nowadays not only concern about their academic studies,
they might enjoy the university life by involving in social activities. The main purpose of
having social activities nearby the university is to let undergraduate students to relieve their
stress. However, bad socializing activities will bring impacts on undergraduate students
academic such as pub, club and others. Undergraduate student will get influenced by bad
socializing activities like smoking and drinking beer. This might lead to damage the
reputation of university. Therefore, undergraduate students receive bad impression on the
university due to the bad socializing activities.

Research reputation

Research reputation considered as one of the reputation factor because undergraduate

students can further their study in master and PhD which mainly focuses on research.
University with good research reputation able to provide good leading analytic tools to assist
post-graduate students in their research.
Underlying factor 2 : Personal and University factor

Own perception

Own perception is our interpretation of sensory information how we respond to the

information and think of perception as a process where we can take in sensory information
from our environment. Decision made based on our perception will be more logic and
meaningful. Every undergraduate students have their own perception when analysing and
comparing from every aspect of university to decide which university is more suitable for
them. A lot of university factors have to consider and analyse by undergraduate students
because the decision made by them will affect their future once they graduated or half-way of
studying in university. It is good for undergraduate students to choose their desire course and
university. Because they are more understand what they deserved and analyse based on their

Programme flexibility

Programme flexibility is the most significant factor for undergraduate students while
making up their mind to continue tertiary education. Obviously, different university has
different program structure. Undergraduate students might consider programme structure will
indirectly influence their university life. For example, most of the undergraduate students
hope that they can enjoy their university life by involving in club activities but at the same
time they afraid of not able to coup with study. Hence a flexible programme structure can
provide students to choose and adjust the programme content based on their interest.
Therefore, students can manage their time by involving in club activities also without
affecting their academic performance.
Quality of faculty

Different course take by undergraduate students will in charge by different faculty. Quality of
the faculty will be a critical component in appealing to those undergraduate students whose
educational goals align with respective university missions and programs. Quality of faculty
will influence the academic performance of undergraduate students because faculty members
such as lecturer applied basic and knowledge to undergraduate students and assist them with
the learning process. Lecturers provide effective teaching and assessing students' learning,
with wide range of strategies may be used, such as tests, papers, and project-oriented
demonstrations of knowledge. Undergraduate students will emphasis on this university factor
when they want to study in that particular course which related to the faculty.

Entry requirement

Before applying to any university, undergraduate students have to check their grades which
able to achieve and fulfil the right grades at the right level in the appropriate subjects for the
course chosen. There are some universities have special requirement for particular course
because they want to ensure the students are able to perform well and cope with stress when
they are dealing with bundle of exams and assignment. High entry requirement of university
indicates that university is high standard. In other words, undergraduate students have to
fulfil the minimum requirement of academic result set by the university. Because the
university has to maintain the qualification of undergraduate students by removing those
unqualified undergraduate students from university such as undergraduate students that fail to
maintain CGPA above 2.000 for 2 semesters. Hence, students have to consider this university
factor before they apply to any university.
Underlying factor 3 :Family factor

Guidance from parents

Family factor in column 3 composed of guidance from parents, distance from home and
location. Parents act as a role model for their children because the quality and nature of
parental nurturance that the child receives will profoundly influence their future development.
So, based on the result, guidance from parents placed on second highest factor among 22
factors which means that there is a lot of parents’ involvement in their children selecting
university choices. It could be said that large number of parents usually tend to favour
“traditional professions” such as doctors, lawyers and engineers” for their children. The
university choose by undergraduate students will be influence their future career. For
example, parent A want their child to become a doctor in future, and there is a well-known
medical university named as university B . However, child A want to become a designer and
the university to study is not offered in medical university. In case, if parent A insists child A
to become a doctor, then the child A has to study in university B.

Distance from home

It is a tough decision made by undergraduate students to continue their tertiary education

which is far away from their home especially they have strong family ties. This quit happen
on first-year undergraduate students because they are not willing to separate from their family
and home sick issue might happen when they move into university life. They starts to adopt
into a new environment and learn to be independent after graduate from graduated from
secondary school. Hence, if undergraduate students are having good relationship with their
family, this factor is a consequential decision when they are deciding which university to


Different location of university is having different culture. Undergraduate students’ family

afraid and worry about their children will get influence by negative activities such as
clubbing, smoking and other unhealthy activities. For example university locates in urban
area versus rural area is definitely different because the life style of undergraduate students
are influence by surrounding environment. Rural Obviously, urban area don’t have any club
or pub for undergraduate students to spend their leisure time on there. Hence, the location of
university is significant for undergraduate students and their parents eventually will check the
surrounding background of university before sending their children to study in university.
Underlying factor 4: University feature factor

Accommodation for first year

First-year degree students faced a lot of accommodation issues when starting their university
life. Some of the universities considered and cared about issues faced by first-year degree
students just like accommodation problem. Hence, universities will provide hostel inside
campus or have an agent to help undergraduate students to solve difficulties in finding
accommodation nearby the campus. This service is good for foreign student because they can
solve the accommodation issue in their country before they immigrate to study in another
country. Therefore, foreign students might not be getting afraid or frustrate while solving
accommodation issue.

Amenities of university

Amenities of university also refers to facilities provided by university. A good environment

of university will provide amenities for their students such as sports facilities,
accommodation, library, laboratories and others amenity. Undergraduate students can
maintain a healthy and active life is made easier and more affordable with support provided
by university with wide range of supporting services and amenities. Therefore, they don’t
have to purposely go out from university to exercise.
Underlying factor 5 : Academic factor
Academic reputation, competition for place and academic support facilities categorized as
academic factor because these three factors are related to undergraduate students academic.

Academic reputation

A university with good academic reputation means that it has achieved certain status in
university ranking. A good academic reputation university will give an impression to
undergraduate students whereby the university has great aspects in academic. A university
without strong reputation, it is not able to attract resources to conduct an effective educational
environment such as best professors and research talent to philanthropic donations.
Undergraduate students are easier to get a good job due to graduate from a highly qualified
standard of university. Employers will hire those students who graduate from prestige
university because they have a strong foundation on basis of knowledge who able to solve
problems in real-life working.

Competition for place

Higher education environments have become increasingly competitive and institutions have
to compete for students in the recruitment markets. A competitive university is having at high
status in universities raking which consists of high quality in academic and reputation. Hence,
university will set the minimum requirement of entry for students to ensure the students are
good in academic performance and at least can cope of anxiety. Because the level of
difficulty in answering exam questions are high and not easy to pass.

Academic support facilities

Academic support facilities refers to various of instructional methods, educational services of

university resources provided to students usually to improve their learning performance and
meet the learning standards. Undergraduate students concerned about the academic facilities
provided by the university which able to fulfil their requirement such as library, laboratory
and lecture hall. Library is an essential place for students to study and do their assignments. A
university library should contain standard course texts and other related material. Hence,
undergraduate students can receive information and gain knowledge by studying material in
library. Undergraduate students can study in a conducive environment with supportive
academic facilities. Therefore, undergraduate students can study effectively in university.
Underlying factor 6 : Other factor

Other influence

There are some other factors will influence undergraduate student choice. For example, in
Bachelor of Science (HONS) Quantity Surveying course is offered in several colleges and
universities. However, different institution has different requirement and duration. TARUC is
required to study in Diploma of Quantity Surveying before continuing to study in Degree of
Quantity Surveying. UTAR just have to study in Foundation in science or art before
proceeding to study in Bachelor of Science (HONS) Quantity Surveying. There might be
little difference between these two institutions and students have to analyse which they are
more preferring to go.

Underlying factor 7 : Financial factor

Cost of package

Every undergraduate students come from different financial background. Cost of tuition fee
largely impact on undergraduate students choose in selecting university to study because they
have to consider their parent capability to support them in tertiary education. There are a lot
of universities provide good package to help those undergraduate student from poor family
background such as scholarship. Those low income parents only can send their children to
study in Form 6 before entering local university. Expenses on local university is very low
compared to private university but they have maintain their result and active n co-

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