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A rippability classification system for

marls in lignite mines

Article in Engineering Geology · August 2004

Impact Factor: 1.74 · DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2004.04.004


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2 authors:

Hakan Basarir C. Karpuz

University of Western Australia Middle East Technical University


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Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303 – 318

A rippability classification system for marls in lignite mines
H. Basarir a, C. Karpuz b,*
Department of Mining Engineering, Inonu University, 44280 Malatya, Turkey
Department of Mining Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Inonu Bulvari, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
Received 20 August 2003; accepted 21 April 2004
Available online


This paper describes the development of a rippability classification system for marls in lignites mines based on direct ripping
runs, specific energy concept and indirect rippability assessment methods. Extensive field and laboratory studies were
undertaken in six different panels of Turkish Coal Enterprises and Sivas-Kangal Lignite mines. Rock mass descriptions were
made, seismic P-wave velocities are measured at the field, direct cutting tests and rock material property determination tests
were carried out in the laboratory. The proposed method includes rock parameters such as uniaxial compressive strength,
seismic P-wave velocity, discontinuity spacing and Schmidt hammer hardness value. In the developed method, rock properties
are graded separately and rippability classes of rocks are determined according to the final grade. Appropriate dozer types and
their productions are also proposed. Hence, both main components of rippability, rock and equipment properties are satisfied in
the proposed system.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rippability classification; Specific energy; Direct ripping; Rock properties

1. Introduction In surface mining, overburden loosening is usually

accomplished by ripping or drilling and blasting
The selection of suitable overburden loosening operations. Since 1950s, ripper has been used, and
method has a crucial importance in geotechnical dozer forces and weight has been improved. Due to
engineering and mining engineering design projects. these improvements in dozer manufacturing technol-
Environmental constrains, rock properties and size of ogy, the use of rippers as an overburden removal
site play an important role in the selection of equip- techniques has been competing more and more with
ment required for overburden loosening. Due to its drilling and blasting method. Also restrictions on
high cost, there will be unrecoverable expenses in the blasting in urban areas construct lead many contrac-
case of wrong selection of equipment and technique. tors to use ripping to loose the ground instead of
drilling and blasting.
Blasting or other ground preparation methods may
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-312-210-26-55 or 210-26-54; be considered necessary when either the physical limit
fax: +90-312-210-26-65. of ripping is reached, or the cost of ripping become
E-mail address: karpuz@metu.edu.tr (C. Karpuz). too expensive. For these reasons, rippability classifi-

0013-7952/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
304 H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318

cation, including up to date equipment information, the volume of ripped material is calculated. The ratio
has a vital importance. between the ripped volume and the ripping time gives
the hourly production.

2. Rippability assessment methods 2.1.3. Volume by length

The last method is based on the time required for
Many classification systems were developed to ripping material over a measured distance. This meth-
determine the rippability of rocks. These systems od is valuable for quick estimation on the job and
can be divided into two main groups, namely direct widely used since it does not need any auxiliary
and indirect rippability assessment methods. equipments such as surveying tools, trucks, loaders
When a conclusive determination of rippability is and balance, etc. Average cycle time is determined
difficult by using available rock mass data or when the from the number of cycles. In this cycle time, turn
equipment for trial test is already available, a trial around and back up times must be included. Average
demonstration or direct ripping may more appropri- ripping length, width, distance and penetration depth
ately decide the issue: such trial demonstration or are measured by observing the ripper tyne behind the
direct ripping can be used to obtain good estimates of dozer. These data give the volume per cycle from
ripping production for given equipment. One of the which the production in bank cubic meters can be
ripper manufacturing companies, Caterpillar Tractor calculated. In this paper, this method was utilized to
(Anon, 1988), reported three direct methods of esti- calculate the direct ripping productions.
mating ripper production according to availability and
practicality of dozers. If field trial or direct ripping 2.2. Indirect methods
runs cannot be conducted, then indirect methods
become useful and in most cases it is the only way Indirect rippability assessment methods can be
of estimating rippability of rocks. divided into three main groups, as follows:

2.1. Direct methods 2.2.1. Seismic velocity based methods

For many years, many researchers concentrated on
In direct methods, dozers carry out direct ripping developing indirect rippability classification methods.
runs. This is the most valuable method to obtain the Initially these systems are purely based on P-wave
rippability classes and ripping production. From the velocities of rock mass. Dozer manufacturer compa-
hourly production, the cost of ripping and blasting is nies such as Caterpillar (Anon, 1988) and Komatsu
compared and the economical way of loosening (Anon, 1987) proposed rippability estimation charts
ground can be selected. There are three general based on seismic P-Wave seismic velocities of rock.
methods of estimating ripper production (Anon, These methods were followed by Atkinson (1971),
1988). Bailey (1975) and Church (1981).
Although seismic velocity is widely used as a
2.1.1. Volume by weight parameter for determining the rippability of rocks,
It is the best method to record the spent time seismic refraction method may not sometimes rep-
and then to weigh the material removed by ripping. resent real field properties of the rock units. It has
The hourly production is obtained in dividing the some certain drawbacks (i.e. masked layers, hidden
ripped material weight by the spent time. In this layers, presence of water). For this reason, some
method, care should be taken to weigh only the additional rock properties, contributing this unique
ripped material. parameter, are needed for an ideal classification
2.1.2. Volume by cross-sectioning
The area is first cross-sectioned, then time spent 2.2.2. Grading methods
during ripping is recorded. After removing the ripped A grading classification systems based on indirect
material, the ripped area is cross-sectioned again and rippability methods were proposed by many research-
H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318 305

ers. The oldest of these methods was Weaver’s (1975) provide a more realistic assessment of the average
method. Other methods were then developed by block size. These kinds of methods are useful espe-
Kirsten (1982), Müftüoglu (1983), Smith (1986), cially when a quick estimation of rippability classes of
Singh et al. (1987), Karpuz (1990), MacGregor et rocks is needed. Graphical methods also need to be
al. (1994) and Hadjigeorgiou and Poulin (1998), etc. continuously updating as dozer-manufacturing tech-
When those classification systems are closely nique advances.
reviewed; it is clearly noticed that the input parame- Among all these methods, no particular method is
ters were different in each system and also the universally accepted for several reasons; lack of
assigned grades to the same parameters show great awareness of previous case studies, difficulties in
variations one from to the other. In some methods, determining input parameters, such as limitations of
over grading of parameters still exists because of the applicability to specific geological environment.
interrelated nature of rocks. Therefore, over grading However, a successful classification system should
resulting from interrelated nature cannot all easily be be easy to use (quantifiable data, easy to determine,
avoided. Also some of these methods give qualitative user friendly) and system should also give information
results instead of quantitative results, this induces about the current available equipment.
personnel bias and requires experienced site engineer.
Thus, the importance and the grades of parameters
used in all classifications are still argued and needs to 3. Studied sites
be improved.
Studies have been carried out in two different
2.2.3. Graphical methods lignite open pit mines in Turkey from which the
Graphical methods have been developed since conclusions given in this paper are developed. The
1970s. These methods consider only two parameters, first mine belongs to GLI division (located in Tuncß
discontinuity spacing and strength values, respective- bilek district of Kütahya Province) of Turkish Coal
ly. The oldest graphical method is the Franklin’s et al. Enterprises. Four different panels of GLI namely, 34
(1971) method, and this method has been then reval- Makina, Omerler, 18 PH and Kuspinar have been
ued and modified by many researchers. Franklin’s investigated. The second mine belongs to the private
method was followed and modified by Bozdag mining company, Demir Export’s Sivas-Kangal (SKL)
(1988) and by Pettifer and Fookes (1994). Pettifer lignite mine, located in Kangal district of Sivas
and Fookes modified and highlighted that whenever province. In this mine, two different panels were
possible a three-dimensional discontinuity spacing utilized namely, 305 and 310 panels. There two mines
index should be used as often as possible, as this will are located in the map of Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Location map of studied sites.

306 H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318

3.1. Geology Starting from the oldest, the following rock units
may be observed (Onel, 1972).
3.1.1. Kütahya –Tuncßbilek mine
Tuncßbilek coal basin comprises two series of Neo- 1. Jurassic – Cretaceous Massive Limestones: Base
gen sediments. The lower one is called the Tuncßbilek forming massive limestones form island-like out-
series and is in discordantly on an ophiolitic basement. crops at several places within the Pliocene
The coal seam is in this series. The upper one is called deposits. These bluish-grey limestones correspond
the Domanicß series and this younger series lies on the to the base of the productive Pliocene formations.
Tuncßbilek series with slight discordance. 2. Pliocene Formations: These formations are widely
After the Upper Cretaceous, the region was ex- distributed at and around Kangal. Lithologically,
posed to terrestrial environment and subjected to they can be divided into two units:
erosion. During the lower Miocene, sedimentation (a) Upper Measures (Series): Main rocks of this
began in the newly evolved soft-water lakes. Deep- series are light colored and mostly white
ening of these lakes has given birth to quick-sands and lacustrine limestones. These 40-m-thick lime-
high forests growing leading to the formation of coal. stones include marl intercalations and overlie
Sediments of terrestrial and lagoonal environment lower series.
contain half cementated conglomerates, clay, marl, (b) Lover Measures (series): Main units are coal
siltstone, sandstone, lacustrine limestone, strata with bearing marl, clay and conglomerates: This
sand and gypsum and of course coal. As the conse- series contain coal seams in the upper part and
quence of volcanic activity from the upper Miocene clay, marl and conglomerate alternations in the
till the Pliocene lava, tuff and agglomerate were lower part. It reaches a maximum thickness of
intercalated in the sediments. Lower and upper series 180 m at the exploration site. Toward north
of Tuncßbilek region Neogene sediments are illustrated and northwest, this conglomerate grades into
in Figs. 2 and 3. sandstones and marls.
The lowest bed of Tuncß bilek series is a clastic 3. Basalts: They are located in the south part of the
sediment showing a decreasing grain size from bottom region especially between Karaveren and Sßuul
to top. The claystone lying on this layer exhibits villages. They overlie Pliocene formations.
intercalations of coal, which are not mined for eco- 4. Alluviums: They may be observed along the
nomical reasons. The main coal seam is interbedded stream channels. The alluviums along Tohma creak
in the clay – marl unit, which is several hundred meters and around Hamal and Ötegecß e villages are
thick. The upper boundary of Tuncßbilek series is the cultivated by the villagers.
lacustrine limestone containing chert nodules on the
top due to the volcanic activity. Concurrent tectonic 3.2. Rock mass descriptions
activity has increased the dip angle of Tuncßbilek series
and caused formation of faults. Therefore, Domanicß In Tuncbilek district, Upper Miocene upper marl
series, which is almost horizontal, lies in discordance above main coal seam has been utilized. At 34 Panel,
on the Tuncßbilek series. slightly weathered grey marl unit is observed. There
Domanicß series begins with agglomeratic rocks and is slight discoloration on main discontinuity surfaces.
marl. The thick-lava formation on the top of the marl Mainly two discontinuity sets were determined. Dis-
layer shows that volcanic activity that begun in Tuncß continuity spacing is ranging from 0.8 to 2.0 m, with
bilek series has reached its climax. The lava contains an average of 1.5 m. Bed thickness is approximately 2
andesites and basalts. Domanicß series ends with m for the panel. Fresh and highly strong marl unit is
calcareous rocks containing chert nodules (Kara, observed in Omerler panel. There is no sign of
1979). weathering on discontinuity surfaces. There are two
sets of discontinuity, perpendicular to the bedding
3.1.2. Sivas-Kangal mine planes. Spacing is in the range of 1.5 –2.5 m, with an
Widely extending coal seams have been found average of 2.0 m. The average thickness of the
within the young Neogene (Pliocene) formations. bedding is again 2.0 m. In 18 PH panel of Tuncbilek
H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318 307

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic column of Neogeneous series of Tuncbilek.

mine, fresh to slightly weathered and slightly strong the range of 0.5– 1 m, average spacing is 0.7 m. The
light grey marl unit is present. There is slight discol- average thickness of the layer is 1.0 m ranging from
oration on major discontinuity surfaces. Two main 0.5 to 1.5 m. In Kuspinar panel, slightly weathered
discontinuity sets were distinguished, the spacing is in strong marl unit grey in color is observed. There are
308 H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318

Fig. 3. Geological map and section of Tuncbilek region.

H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318 309

Table 1
Geotechnical descriptions of rock masses and seismic velocities of the panels
Enterprise and Panel name Rock Degree of Number of Schmidt Discontinuity Bed thickness, Seismic
district name type weathering discontinuity sets hammer spacing, m m P-wave
value SHV velocity, m/s
GLİ Tuncßbilek 34 Makina Marl Slightly 2 discontinuity sets 48 0.8 – 2.0 (1.50) 1.0 – 2.0 (2.0) 2330
and bedding plane
Omerler Marl Fresh 2 discontinuity sets 51 1.5 – 2.5 (2.0) 1.5 – 2.5 (2.0) 2900
and bedding plane
18 PH Marl Slightly 2 discontinuity sets 30 0.5 – 1.0 (0.70) 0.5 – 1.5 (1.0) 1960
and bedding plane
Kuspinar Marl Slightly 2 discontinuity sets 44 0.5 – 2.0 (1.00) 0.5 – 1.0 (1.0) 2000
and bedding plane

SKL Kangal 305 Clayey Fresh 2 discontinuity sets < 20 0.4 – 1.0 (0.40) 0.5 – 1.0 (1.0) 875
Marl and bedding plane
310 Marl Slightly 2 discontinuity sets 50 1.0 – 2.0 (1.25) 1.0 – 2.0 (1.5) 2300
and bedding plane

two main discontinuity sets. The spacing of those 4. Field and laboratory studies
sets is in the range of 0.5– 2 m, with an average
spacing of 1.0 m. The thickness of layer is domi- Field investigations include direct ripping runs,
nantly around 1 m. characterization of rock masses (ISRM, 1978) in
In Sivas-Kangal districts, marl from the Pliocene terms of rock type, weathering, discontinuity set
formation upper series, which is intercalated with number, discontinuity spacing, bedding thickness, P-
limestone, is utilized. In 305 panel, fresh soft clayey wave velocitiy determination (Anon, 1986) and
marl unit is composed of light green to grey in color. Schmidt hammer hardness tests. Results of field
Two main discontinuity sets are distinguished with investigations are given in Table 1.
mostly 0.4-m spacing. The thickness of the beds is in Block samples were taken from the panels, and
the range of 0.5– 1 m, the average spacing domi- then some rock property tests were conducted on
nantly was around 1 m. Generally slightly weath- specimens cored from those blocks, at the Rock
ered, white strong marl unit exists in 310 panel. Two mechanics laboratory of the Mining Engineering
main discontinuity sets perpendicular to bedding department of Middle East Technical University
plane are observed. Discontinuity spacing is 1 to 2 (METU). These tests are: uniaxial compressive
m with an average of 1.25 m. Bed separation strength, point load strength, indirect tensile strength,
changes from 1 to 2 m, with an average layer density determination, traxial compressive strength,
thickness of 1.5 m. deformability and direct cutting. Among these tests

Table 2
Laboratory test results
Enterprise and Panel Rock Uniaxial Point Density, Indirect
district name name type compressive load strength, g/cm3 tensile
strength, MPa MPa strength, MPa
GLİ Tuncßbilek 34 Makina Marl 24.9 0.76 2.02 3.56
Omerler Marl 34.0 1.50 2.10 7.90
18 PH Marl 16.9 0.46 2.09 2.13
Kuspinar Marl 24.8 0.72 2.27 2.29

SKL Kangal 305 Clayey 2.7 0.07 1.53 0.06

310 Marl 23.8 1.05 2.41 6.03
310 H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318

Table 3
The recorded and measured direct ripping parameters
District Panel Rock Dozer Operator Ripping Man. Ripping Ripping Ripping
name type type efficiency, % time, s time, s depth, m width, m length, m
GLİ Tuncßbilek 34 Makina Marl D155A 80 89 17 0.75 0.70 50
Omerler Marl D8N 90 90 15 0.65 0.50 50
18 PH Marl D155A 95 88 12 0.90 1.30 50
Kuspinar Marl D155A 95 79 5 0.80 1.05 50

SKL Kangal 305 Clayey D8N 95 50 23 1.10 1.03 50

310 Marl D8N 90 109 25 0.65 0.85 50

those which were used in classification systems are predefined length, maneuvering time, assessment of
given in Table 2. the ease of ripping, judgment on the efficiency of
All laboratory experiments and field investigations the operator, dozer manufacturer and type. The
were conducted in accordance with the International direction of ripping was selected as perpendicular
Society for Rock Mechanics Suggested methods to the strike of main discontinuity sets in mines to
(ISRM, 1983). obtain the most favorable crushing conditions. The
cutting directions of the samples in laboratory were
also favorable with respect to the main discontinuity
5. Direct ripping runs orientations. All of the recorded parameters are
given in Table 3, and the calculated production
Volume by length direct ripping estimation meth- values are presented in Table 4.
od was used in the studied panels to be consistent The hourly ripper production is calculated by using
in the measurements and having systematic error in the following formula (Bozdag, 1988);
all mines. Because in some mines, it was not
possible to provide all the auxiliary equipments to
utilize the other direct methods. Direct ripping runs Q r ¼ qr Er
were conducted both to assess the ease of ripping Cr
and to calculate the hourly ripper production. Cat-
erpillar D8N and Komatsu D155A type dozers were where qr: production during a cycle, bank m3/h; Cr:
used. They both have approximately similar techni- cycle time (ripping and maneuvering time), min; Er:
cal characteristics. The measured and recorded operator efficiency, %.
parameters are: the length of run, the width of Quantifying the operator efficiency is a difficult
ripping, the ripping depth, the time taken for ripping task and includes some personnel bias. For exam-

Table 4
The calculated direct ripping production values
District Panel Rock type Cross-sectional Production in Hourly Ripper
area, m2 cycle, m3 production, depth
m3/h percentage, %
GLI Tuncbilek 34 Makina Marl 0.26 13.13 357 63
Omerler Marl 0.16 8.13 251 54
18 PH Marl 0.59 29.25 1000 75
Kuspinar Marl 0.42 21.00 855 67

SKL Kangal 305 Clayey Marl 0.57 28.33 1327 92

310 Marl 0.28 13.81 334 54
H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318 311

ple, Caterpillar tractor company’s (Anon, 1988) Table 5

states that the productivity of an average operator Laboratory direct cutting test results
can be 15% higher than the poor operator. In this District Panel Rock type Specific energy,
study, the operator efficiencies were determined
numerically based on the site engineers opinions, GLİ Tuncßbilek 34 Makina Marl 8.23
Omerler Marl 10.18
observations of the site workings of the operators
18 PH Marl 4.93
and finally the engineering judgments of the Kuspinar Marl 5.82
authors. The determined operator efficiencies are
tabulated in Table 3. SKL Kangal 305 Clayey Marl 3.63
310 Marl 7.50
Cr ¼ tr þ tm

Ripped volume of rock in a cycle, qr is: and results of ripping modeling studies indicated
that the dominant ripping shape is triangular.
qr ¼ Car  L
6. Determination of specific energy
where Car: cros-sectional area, m2; L: ripping
length, m Laboratory direct cutting tests were carried out to
determine the specific energy. Specific energy is the
DW work done per unit volume of rock excavated. It is a
Car ¼
2 commonly accepted measure of cutting efficiency and
when it is obtained under specified conditions, it
where D: ripper depth, m; W: ripping width, m. provides a realistic and meaningful measure of rock
The shape of cross-sectional area mainly depends cut ability by road heading machines and tunnel boring
on the rock type going to be ripped. For marl type machines (Fowell and Pyrcroft, 1980). Specific energy
rocks, this cross-sectional area is observed as trian- is also used as a good indicator to estimate surface
gular in the field. Additionally, the study carried excavation machine performance as Koncagül (1997)
out by Bozdag (1988) at similar coal measure rocks stressed up.

Fig. 4. A complete set of equipments required for direct cutting test.

312 H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318

Table 6 length cut, L measured in meters. The mean cutting

Ripping classes of studied panels force Fc measured by a triaxial dynamometer. The
Panel Ripper depth Direct ripping Assessed class specific cutting energy SE is calculated from the
percentage, % production, m3/h
following formula as MJ/m3.
34 Makina 63 257 Difficult
Omerler 54 251 Very difficult
18 PH 75 1000 Easy
Fc L
SE ¼
Kuspinar 67 855 Moderate V
305 91 1327 Very easy
310 54 334 Difficult The calculated specific cutting energies of rocks are
given in Table 5.
Direct cutting tests were carried out on block Since the experiments were carried out in accor-
samples obtained from six different open pit lignite dance with the standard cutting test procedure, the
mines. The test set up consists of the following items; effect of confinement was not studied any more.
triaxial dynamometer, recorder unit and shaping ma-
chine. The standard test conditions are:
7. Ease of rippability assessment studies
Depth of cut: 5 mm
Cutting speed: 150 mm/s 7.1. Based on direct ripping runs
Type of cutting pick:
Rake angle:  5j The ripper depth percentages and productions
Back clearance angle: 5j give useful evidence about the ease of ripping
Cutting pick width: 12.7 mm
especially when they are combined with site obser-
Composition: Tungsten carbide with 10% cobalt
vations. The rock unit marl at 305 and 18 PH
panels are considered as the most easily rippable
A complete specific energy determination set up is sites when production and ripper depth percentages
shown in Fig. 4. The cutting tool can accommodate are used as criteria. The productions and ripper
the block of rock having a maximum length of 50 cm, depth percentages for 305 and 18 PH panels are
a width of 35 cm and height of 30 cm. The cutting 1327 m3/h and 91% and 1000 m3/h and 75%,
tests are carried out on marl blocks perpendicular to respectively. These panels are evaluated as very
strike of main discontinuity sets at the above standard easy and easy rippable panels.
cutting conditions (Fowell and Johnson, 1982). The Kuspinar and 34 Makina panels hourly ripper
cut material is weighted in grams and using the productions and ripper depth percentages are lower.
density, the volume cut (V) is calculated in m3, the They are 855 m3/h and 67% and 357 m3/h and 63%

Fig. 5. The relationship between specific energy and ripper production.

H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318 313

for panels, rippability classes of these panels are Table 8

assessed as moderate and difficult. The suggested production, specific energy ranges and rippability
class boundaries
Omerler and SKL 310 panels have the minimum
Specific energy, Direct ripping Descriptive
depth and production values among other panels.
MJ/m3 production, m3/h terms
Omerler and SKL 310 panels are classified as very
>9.00 0 – 250 Very difficult
difficult and difficult rippable panels with hourly
7.00 – 9.00 250 – 400 Difficult
ripper production and ripper depth percentage values 5.25 – 7.00 400 – 900 Moderate
of 251 m3/h and 54% and 334 m3/h and 54%, 3.75 – 5.25 900 – 1300 Easy
respectively. < 3.75 >1300 Very easy
The assessed ease of ripping, ripper depth percen-
tages and hourly direct ripping productions are given
in Table 6. existing rippability assessment methods or differences
of parameter grading in grading systems.
7.2. Based on specific energy The boundaries of different ease of ripping classes
were determined by combining the production and
The relationship between the specific energy and specific energy values and the final assessed classes of
ripper production showed strong correlation (Fig. 5). studied panels. In the determination, the natural break
From this relation, it can be suggested that specific points and the experience and the judgements of
energy can be used as a reflective parameter for authors as well as the indirect ripping classifications
assessing the rippabilities of rocks. of those panels were utilized (Table 8).

7.3. Based on indirect methods

8. Development of a new indirect rippability
These assessed classes are also compared with the classification system
results of existing classification systems. As men-
tioned before, there are three main groups of ripp- Based on both site observations and the analysis
ability classification systems based on seismic of the relationships between the rock properties and
velocity, grading and graphical methods. The classi- hourly ripper productions, the most relevant param-
fication of these sites with respect to these main eters are determined as: seismic P-wave velocities of
groups of indirect rippability methods and assessed rocks, intact rock strength, average discontinuity
classes of panels, by using descriptive terms, is spacing and Schmidt hammer hardness value. Weath-
presented in Table 7. As it is seen from the Table ering, which is an important parameter and also
7, there is a slight differences between the suggested included in many of the classification systems, did
descriptions to each site of existing rippability clas- not considered here since almost all the rock types
sification systems. The differences can probably were fresh or fresh to slightly weathered. However, it
resulted from the aforementioned inadequacies of was also aforementioned before, because the interre-

Table 7
Assessed rippability classes of marls based on indirect methods
District Panel Rock type Seismic velocity- Graphical methods Grading methods Assessed class
based methods
GLİ Tuncßbilek 34 Makina Marl Difficult Difficult Difficult Difficult
Omerler Marl Very difficult Very difficult Very difficult Very difficult
18 PH Marl Difficult Moderate Moderate Moderate
Kuspinar Marl Difficult Moderate Moderate Moderate

SKL Kangal SKL 305 Clayey Marl Very easy Very easy Easy Very easy
SKL 310 Marl Difficult Difficult Difficult Difficult
314 H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318

Table 9
Rippability rating chart
Parameter Class
1 2 3 4 5
Seismic P-wave 0 – 800 800 – 1000 1000 – 2000 2000 – 2500 >2500
velocity, m/s
Grade 0–5 5 – 15 15 – 20 20 – 30 30
Point load index, MPa < 0.1 0.1 – 0.5 0.5 – 1 1–2 >2
Uniaxial compressive <5 5 – 15 15 – 25 25 – 45 >45
strength, MPa
Grade 0–5 5 – 18 15 – 25 25 – 35 35
Average discontinuity < 0.5 0.5 – 1 1 – 1.5 1.5 – 2.5 >2.5
spacing, m
Grade 0–3 3 – 10 10 – 14 14 – 20 20
Schmidt hammer < 15 15 – 35 35 – 45 45 – 50 >50
Grade 0–2 2–7 7 – 10 10 – 15 15

lated nature of the rock properties, the over grading nuity spacing) which totally rock mass and material
is inevitable. These parameters also satisfy the fol- properties have 50% weight on this suggested rip-
lowing: it is easy and practical to determine and all ping classification system. The measured ranges of
of these parameters are relevant to rock mass prop- those used parameters at panels (maximum to min-
erties as well as rock material properties. imum ratios) were also considered to assign different
Having production values and being assessed grades. On this basis, the highest graded parameter
classes of sites, rating of each class, which is among others is the intact rock strength which has
proportional to their direct ripping productions, is close correlation to hardness value obtained from
assigned. To do this, maximum production value is uniaxial compressive strength test or from point load
assumed as 1500 m3/h. Then, according to the site strength test. The second highest graded parameter is
observations and personnel experiences, grades are the P-wave seismic velocity of rock masses, which
allocated for each rock property. During ranking of has closely interrelated to discontinuity spacing. The
the parameters, previously assigned classes of sites, third parameter is the average discontinuity spacing,
the numerical values of these parameters and their which covers both discontinuity spacing and bedding
likely effect on ripper productions are considered. thickness. As well known, the size and shape of
Four parameters are selected to be used to classify blocks comprising the rock mass going to be ripped
the ripping of marls. Two of them characterize the play an important role on ripper performance. Due to
material properties (Uniaxial compressive strength their lower tensile strength of the discontinuity, the
and SHV) and the other two them mostly reflect
the mass properties (P-wave velocity and disconti- Table 11
Hourly ripper productions from numerical modeling and direct
Table 10 ripping runs for CATD8 type dozer
Rippability classes of marls for D8 dozer District Panel Hourly productions, m3/h
Class Grade Specific For CATD8 dozer
Direct 3DEC
Assessed class Production, ripping
GLI Tuncbilek 34 Makina 357 614
1 0 – 20 < 3.75 Very easy >1300 Omerler 251 569
2 20 – 55 3.75 – 5.25 Easy 900 – 1300 18 PH 1000 1154
3 55 – 70 5.25 – 7.00 Moderate 400 – 900 Kuspinar 855 965
4 70 – 85 7.00 – 9.00 Difficult 250 – 400
5 85 – 95 >9.00 Very difficult < 250 SKL Kangal SKL 305 1327 1749
6 95 – 100 – Blast 0 SKL 310 334 501
H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318 315

Fig. 6. 3DEC calculated production versus direct ripping run productions.

intensity and orientation of discontinuities have a The rippability rating chart showing the parameters
strong effect on rock rippability. The last and lowest and their allocated grades are given in Table 9. The
graded parameter is the Schmidt hammer hardness developed rippability classification system, being the
value, due to its practicality and simplicity, lots of sum of the values of the weighted parameters, is used
data from site can be taken by this simple device. to indicate the quality of the rock in relation to its
Each input parameter, used in the classification rippability. All parameters used in the developed
system, is subdivided into five subgroups and they system are quantitative parameters. By this way, the
were graded by considering their likely effect on proposed system becomes more useful and practical,
rippability. since there is no need for experienced site engineer
Since, it is not always possible to have uniaxial and ordinary site engineer can use the system without
compressive strength values of rocks, in the devel- any difficulty.
oped system, uniaxial compressive strength and point On the other side, it is tried to establish to link
load strength values are combined together. This also between the ease of rippability and the type of
makes the system flexible, since it is enough to have equipment. The classification system also gives the
one of these two parameters. To combine these hourly production values for Caterpillar D8N or its
parameters, data from the case studies were used. equivalent types of dozers. The proposed rippability
The established relation, between these two strength classes of rock for Caterpillar D8 type of dozer
parameters, was used to convert one to another. according to their summed grades and specific ener-

Table 12
Extended rippability classes of marls
Class Grade Specific D8 Dozer D9 Dozer D10 Dozer D11 Dozer
Grade Energy Production, Assessed Production, Assessed Production, Assessed Production, Assessed
m3/h class m3/h class m3/h class m3/h class
1 0 – 20 < 3.75 >1300 Very easy >1500 Very easya >6000 Very easya >10000 Very easya
2 20 – 55 3.75 – 5.25 900 – 1300 Easy 1000 – 1500 Easy 4300 – 6000 Very easya 7000 – 10000 Very easya
3 55 – 70 5.25 – 7.00 400 – 900 Moderate 450 – 1000 Moderate 1900 – 4300 Very easya 3000 – 7000 Very easya
4 70 – 85 7.00 – 9.00 250 – 400 Difficult 285 – 450 Difficult 1200 – 1900 Easy 2000 – 3000 Very easya
5 85 – 95 >9.00 < 250 Very < 285 Very < 600 Difficult < 800 Easy
difficultb difficultb
6 95 – 100 – 0 Blast 0 Blast < 150 Very < 250 Difficult
For these cases, there is point in using D10 or D11 type dozer, since even D8 type dozer will work in these site with high efficiency.
In these sites, there in no need to use D8, D9 or D10 type dozers, since both type will results in too low production.
316 H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318

Table 13
Grading of studied
Rippability panels
characteristics in relation to the rock hardness by Bell (2004)
District Panel Rock type Seismic UCS, Average disc. Schmidt hammer Total
velocity, m/s MPa spacing, m hardness grade
GLİ Tuncßbilek 34 Makina Marl 2330 24.9 1.5 48 78.53
Grade 26.60 24.9 14 13
Omerler Marl 2900 34 2.0 51 91.50
Grade 30 29.50 17 15
18 PH Marl 1961 16.90 0.7 30 50.69
Grade 19.81 19.33 5.80 5.75
Kuspinar Marl 2000 24.80 1.0 44 64.56
Grade 20 24.86 10 9.70

Sivas-Kangal 305 Clayey marl 876 2.67 0.4 < 20 15.87

Grade 8.80 2.67 2.40 2.00
310 Marl 2300 23.8 1.25 50 77.16
Grade 26 24.16 12 15

gies of rocks are shown in Table 10. As it is seen from direct ripping operation in three dimensional envi-
the table, specific energies of rocks can be used as a ronment and the ripping mechanism and the pro-
solely indicator for estimating rippability classes of duction values for different types of dozers have
rock. Since the specific energy determination is not been obtained. Rocks mass and material parameters
every time possible, some relations were established were input to 3DEC. The production values
between some rock properties and specific energy, to obtained from numerical modeling and direct rip-
use in the classification system. The relation between ping runs were compared with the each other
uniaxial compressive strength and specific energy is (Table 11 and Fig. 6) and the validity of model
determined as: was verified (Basarýr, 2002). From this graph, it is
shown that the productions from numerical model-
SE ¼ 0:2UCS þ 2:41 ing can be used to estimate direct ripping run
productions and can be extended to the larger size
with the correlation coefficient of R2 ¼ 0:81
dozer types.
D8 dozer direct run production values and ease of
It is also important to extend this rippability rippabilities, established was the milestone of both in
classification system for heavier dozer types, i. e. numerical modeling and actual data. So a link has
CatD9, D10 and D11. A numerical modeling study been established between D8 dozer and other types of
was used for this purpose to obtain the production dozers both for productions and ease of rippabilities.
values for different types of dozers. The numerical Finally, a complete rippability classification system,
modeling program called as 3DEC, distinct element including different dozer types, is proposed and pre-
code by Itasca (Anon, 1998) Basarýr, simulated the sented in Table 12.

Table 14
Total grades, classes and dozer types of studied panels
Panel Direct ripping Total grade D8 Class D9 Class D10 Class D11 Class
production m3/h
34 Makina 357 79 Difficult Difficult Easy Very easy
Omerler 251 92 Very difficult Very difficult Difficult Easy
18 PH 1000 51 Easy Easy Very easy Very easy
Kuspinar 855 65 Moderate Moderate Very easy Very easy
305 1327 16 Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy
310 334 78 Difficult Difficult Easy Very easy
H. Basarir, C. Karpuz / Engineering Geology 74 (2004) 303–318 317

Developed system also back analyzed with the case dozers. However, more data, which covers the other
studies. The grades and classes of studied panels are rock types, is needed to extend the developed system
tabulated in Tables 13 and 14, respectively. to those rock types.
Grades of all parameters are given in certain
ranges. This brings flexibility to the developed
system. An experienced site engineer can adjust Acknowledgements
the grade of parameter in a given range based on
his experiences. However, for an inexperienced site The authors wish to thank the Turkish Coal
engineer, grade of parameter can be allocated by Enterprises and Demir Export A.a. for their contribu-
correlating the value of property with the grade of tions. Special thanks also go to Dr. Taylan Bozdağ for
parameter, both given in a range. For example, the his kind guides throughout the study.
seismic velocity of rock is 2330 m/s as in 34
Makina panel, by correlating this velocity with the
grades, the allocated grade for this velocity is found
as 26.60.
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