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A mathematical model of crystallization in an emulsion

Daniel L. Felthama兲
Centre for Polar Observation and Modeling, Department of Space and Climate Physics, University College
London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom
John Garside
School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, P.O. Box 88,
Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom
共Received 23 November 2004; accepted 14 February 2005; published online 5 May 2005兲

A mathematical model incorporating many of the important processes at work in the crystallization
of emulsions is presented. The model describes nucleation within the discontinuous domain of an
emulsion, precipitation in the continuous domain, transport of monomers between the two domains,
and formation and subsequent growth of crystals in both domains. The model is formulated as an
autonomous system of nonlinear, coupled ordinary differential equations. The description of
nucleation and precipitation is based upon the Becker–Döring equations of classical nucleation
theory. A particular feature of the model is that the number of particles of all species present is
explicitly conserved; this differs from work that employs Arrhenius descriptions of nucleation rate.
Since the model includes many physical effects, it is analyzed in stages so that the role of each
process may be understood. When precipitation occurs in the continuous domain, the concentration
of monomers falls below the equilibrium concentration at the surface of the drops of the
discontinuous domain. This leads to a transport of monomers from the drops into the continuous
domain that are then incorporated into crystals and nuclei. Since the formation of crystals is
irreversible and their subsequent growth inevitable, crystals forming in the continuous domain
effectively act as a sink for monomers “sucking” monomers from the drops. In this case, numerical
calculations are presented which are consistent with experimental observations. In the case in which
critical crystal formation does not occur, the stationary solution is found and a linear stability
analysis is performed. Bifurcation diagrams describing the loci of stationary solutions, which may
be multiple, are numerically calculated. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.1886705兴

I. INTRODUCTION Suppose that the nuclei of the organic melt precipitate

and crystal formation and growth occur exclusively in the
Nucleation and precipitation processes are notoriously aqueous domain, the depletion of monomer concentration
hard to predict, describe, and control. They typically involve below the equilibrium concentration at the curved surface of
the transient existence of microscopic species that makes the the drops gives rise to a diffusional drive of monomers from
process hard to observe and quantify. Once aggregates 共clus- the drops into the aqueous domain. The monomers entering
ters兲 of observable sizes have formed, they have typically the aqueous domain may attach themselves to the crystals
been subject to growth processes dissimilar to the initial for- there and the process continues, perhaps until the drops have
mation steps. In addition, in an experimental, industrial, or completely evaporated. Now consider the converse situation
naturally occurring crystallization there may be several inter- in which crystals form and grow only in the drops. Mono-
acting processes at work. mers incorporated into crystals are fixed and may not move
This paper considers the nucleation and precipitation into the aqueous domain. However, if the concentration of
processes, and the subsequent formation and growth of crys- monomers in the aqueous domain is not at the equilibrium
tals, within an emulsion. Specifically, we consider an emul- concentration at the curved surface, monomers may enter or
sion consisting of liquid drops of an organic melt 共e.g., oil兲 leave the drops, which affects crystal formation and growth.
within an aqueous domain and the drops are stabilized with a These two situations represent only the extremes of a con-
surfactant. The organic melt is sparingly soluble in the aque- tinuum of possible behaviors.
ous domain. We consider the situation in which there is a The model we have developed is kinetic and no explicit
tendency for the melt in the drops to nucleate and for the appeal is made to chemical thermodynamics. The reason for
organic melt in the aqueous domain to precipitate. This situ- this is that nucleation and crystal growth is an inherently
ation can arise in an industrial crystallization process where transient phenomenon and such time dependence cannot be
one is attempting to manufacture separate small crystals of treated using equilibrium arguments. The model of the nucle-
the organic compound. ation and precipitation processes is based upon the Becker–
Döring equations of classical nucleation theory.1 The
Electronic mail: dlf@cpom.ucl.ac.uk Becker–Döring equations, however, are very complex 共they

0021-9606/2005/122共17兲/174910/13/$22.50 122, 174910-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics

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consist, in principle, of an infinite sequence of ordinary dif- taches to an r cluster is proportional to the concentrations of
ferential equations兲 and their adoption would prevent the de- each, the kinetic coefficient ar being independent of time.
velopment of a tractable model. In the past, this has limited The breakup of an r + 1 cluster is spontaneous, and therefore
their application to unduly idealized situations. It is for this the rate at which r clusters are formed by this process is
reason that a simplified, so-called contracted, model of the proportional to the concentration cr+1, the coefficient again
nucleation/precipitation process has been adopted. The use of being treated as time-independent. Various forms for the rate
this model is justified upon the basis of some important constants have been postulated, the most widely used are
results2 and is described in the next section. derived from the diffusion or the ballistic model. In the origi-
Once critical nuclei are formed, they grow into crystals. nal studies of the BD equations,1 the monomer concentration
There are several mechanisms involved in this process and was held fixed, the so-called pool chemical approximation.
the model developed here treats them crudely. The crystals This has the significant advantage that the equations are then
are assumed simply to grow either at a constant rate or at a linear. In contrast to this, we consider the case in which the
rate determined by the kinetics of the process, whereby the total number of particles is held fixed 关Eq. 共2兲兴 and retained,
monomers are incorporated into the forming crystal. The and the system thermodynamically closed.
rates of crystal growth are different in the drops and aqueous A significant impediment to the analysis of the above
domain. The precise laws describing crystal growth probably system is that there are an infinite number of 共ordinary兲 dif-
do not qualitatively affect the results of the model; the im- ferential equations. Recent work2 has led to a systematic,
portant point is that they deplete the monomer concentration. mathematically convincing, way of simplifying this system
The model of the transport of monomers between the drops using a renormalization procedure. The essential idea is to
and aqueous domain through the surfactant is, by necessity, develop a coarse-grained model of the process in which only
ad hoc and may be sensitively dependent upon the the evolution of ranges of cluster sizes are considered. The
surfactant-monomer interaction. We consider diffusion- required simplification of the system is obtained using a so-
limited transport of monomer, which is that used in the called maximal contraction of the equations. In this case, we
Lifshitz–Slyozov–Wagner theory of coarsening 共Ostwald track, for example, the concentration of monomers c1 and
ripening兲,3,4 and chemical kinetic-limited transport of representative concentrations of clusters in the range C2
monomer.5–7 − C␭1⬎2 , … . C␭i+1 − C␭i+1⬎␭i+1 , C␭i+1+1 − C⬁. The crucial fea-
In Sec. II, the mathematical model is developed and dis- ture is that the final range consists of a countably infinite
cussed. Since the model incorporates a number of physical number of cluster sizes, and thus the number of differential
processes, in Sec. III several special cases are considered, the equations describing the nucleation kinetics becomes finite.
reduced model equations solved, and the results discussed. The nucleation equations we shall consider in this paper
Concluding remarks are made in Sec. IV. correspond to the simplest maximal contraction of the BD
equations and are
The classical theory of nucleation rests upon the Becker– = − kp共c1p − ␥c p兲, 共5兲
Döring 共BD兲 equations describing the coagulation and frag-
mentation of clusters. They are a special case of the Smolu-
chowski equations 共see, for example, van Dongen8兲 in that dc p
= k共c1p − ␥c p兲. 共6兲
they allow growth 共decay兲 of clusters only by the addition dt
共removal兲 of individual particles or monomers 共e.g., atoms,
molecules, etc.兲 These equations describe homogeneous nucleation and we
The BD equations describe the dynamics of the follow- track only the evolution of the monomer concentration c1
ing process: and clusters containing p or fewer monomers c p. We inter-
pret p as the number of monomers in a nucleus which make
Cr + C1
Cr+1 , 共1兲 it observable, for example, to strong x-ray scattering,9 and
where C1 is a monomer, Cr is a cluster consisting of r mono- thus p may correspond to a precritical nuclei. Where precriti-
mers and Cr+1 is a cluster consisting of r + 1 monomers. De- cal nuclei are not observable but crystals are observed, we
noting the concentration of monomers with c1 and the rth set p equal to the number of monomers in a critical nucleus.
cluster 共r ⬎ 1兲 by cr, we write the BD equations describing In this case, we estimate p using equilibrium thermodynam-
the process as ics; several expressions for the critical radius of a nucleus
exist for its formation from a melt or solution; 共see, for ex-

ample, Dunning10兲. The concentrations evolve from some
ċ1 = − J1 − 兺
Jr , 共2兲 initial values according to the above kinetic equations and
nucleation corresponds to a sharp increase in c p, i.e., an in-
crease in the number of observable nuclei. Typically there is
ċr = Jr−1 − Jr , 共3兲
some time before c p becomes observably large 共which hap-
pens quite suddenly兲; this is called the nucleation induction
Jr = arcrc1 − br+1cr+1 . 共4兲
time and can vary from the order of microseconds to days or
The final equation prescribes a form for Jr, the flux from even longer. That these equations have a unique, globally
clusters of size r to r + 1. The rate at which a monomer at- stable, stationary solution has been shown.2

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Adoption of this model, and its generalizations outlined present. Setting Ncry equal to the number of crystals, we have
in this paper, implies conservation of the total number of
monomers, which may be in the molten drop or the aqueous dNcry
= Fcf 共8兲
domain as monomers, clusters, or crystals. This is a depar- dt
ture from much work on nucleation/precipitation which uses
Arrhenius rate laws for the nucleation rate J, such as J Once these crystals form, they grow by the absorption of
= C exp共−⌬F / KT兲, where C is a constant, ⌬F is the differ- monomers, which occurs at some rate g. The rate at which
ence in Helmholtz free energy associated with the formation monomers are absorbed into the crystals is Fg, given by
of a critical nucleus from the separate monomers, and k is
Fg = Ncryg. 共9兲
Boltzmann’s constant. In the classical theory of nucleation
共see, for example, Dunning10兲 the Arrhenius nucleation rate The rate at which a crystal grows, g, is taken either to be
is determined by finding the steady-state solution of the BD constant or limited by the rate of incorporation of a monomer
equations with constant monomer concentration and calcu- into a growing face 共aggregation-limited兲. This latter rate is
lating the flux of monomers through the different cluster size often parametrized into the form12

再 冎
classes using the Gibbs–Thompson equation for the partial
pressure of a given cluster size. In the original formulation, KGA共a − a*兲m 共a ⬎ a*兲
the constant monomer concentration was maintained by de- g= . 共10兲
0 共a 艋 a*兲
composing clusters of a critical size into monomers. How-
ever, since critical nuclei grow into crystals rather than de- In this expression, KG is a lumped parameter which includes
compose into monomers, the assumptions underlying the the coefficient of mass transfer by diffusion 共unlikely to be
calculation of the Arrhenius nucleation rate cannot be met important in a melt兲 and a rate constant for the surface in-
without a constant influx of monomers into the system such corporation process; A is an O共1兲 constant inserted to ac-
as, for example, could be supplied in a well-stirred tank re- count for geometry; m is a positive-order parameter which is
actor. Although the assumption of constant monomer con- experimentally determined; and a* is the equilibrium satura-
centration may be appropriate in many situations, it is not tion concentration in contact with the bulk-solid phase. For
applicable to the processes we model in this paper; the trans- growth from a melt, a* is the equilibrium concentration of
port of monomers between the drops and aqueous domain monomers in the melt adjacent to the bulk solid.
and their incorporation into crystals are mutually dependent. Since the crystals comprise a separate phase, as they
A combinatorial model of nucleation and crystal growth us- grow in volume it follows that the volume of the melt or
ing the Arrhenius relationship for nucleation rate in a dis- aqueous domain must correspondingly shrink. Thus
perse liquid 共emulsion兲 is given by Kashchiev et al.11 In the
following sections, we generalize the contracted BD model dV
of nucleation/precipitation to include crystal formation and = − 共p + 1兲vmFcf − vmFcg , 共11兲
growth, and transport of monomers between the drops and
aqueous domain. where vm is the volume of a monomer, and we have assumed
Once critical nuclei have formed, the formation of crys- that there is no change in the volume of a crystal due to
tals is inevitable. The addition of a single monomer to a internal restructuring processes.
critical nucleus creates, by our definition, a crystal. The for- We now consider the transport of monomers between the
mation of a crystal involves an internal restructuring process. aqueous domain and the drops without crystal formation and
As a result of this restructuring, which we do not explicitly growth, a process we shall refer to as ripening but which
model, the subsequent growth of a crystal is quite different should not be confused with Ostwald ripening or coarsening.
from the formation of the critical nucleus. Subsequent We assume that all of the drops are of the same volume Vdrop
growth results in a monotonic decrease in Helmholtz free and are spherical. Since this excludes competitive diffusion,
energy.10 Many processes are potentially important to this the number of drops Nd remains constant and coarsening
growth, for example, the incorporation of monomers into a does not occur.
growing face, dissipation of heat of fusion, and extraction of We require an equation describing the transport of
impurity. From the point of view of our model development, monomers between the drops and aqueous domain. We con-
however, the crucial feature of crystal formation and growth sider two functional forms for this, corresponding to
from critical nuclei is that these processes are irreversible diffusion-limited transport or 共chemical兲 kinetic-limited
and the crystals constitute a separate solid phase. If p is the transport. In the diffusion-limited transport, the rate-limiting
number of monomers in a cluster which make it a critical step is the time for monomers to diffuse to or from the drop
nucleus, then the rate of crystal formation Fcf is given by surface to the bulk solution. This is the situation considered
Fcf = k f 共aV兲共bV兲, 共7兲 by Lifshitz and Slyozov3 and Wagner4 共LSW兲 in the devel-
opment of a theory of coarsening; we summarize some of
where V is the volume of melt or aqueous domain and k f is a their arguments below. A discussion of some issues related to
constant of proportionality; a and b are the monomer and this approach to the transport of monomers can be found in
critical nuclei concentrations, respectively. This law ex- Mozyrsky and Privman.13 In particular, in the diffusion limit,
presses that the number of crystals formed is proportional to the role of the surfactant is minimal. The alternative we con-
the number of monomers and the number of critical nuclei sider is that in which the interaction of the surfactant with a

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174910-4 D. L. Feltham and J. Garside J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

monomer is the rate-controlling process. This has been con- drop surface, ␣ − ␣eqm. However, the net rate of attachment/
sidered in a series of papers by Sugimoto5–7 on his kinetic- detachment is determined by the precise mechanisms of the
limited theory of coarsening. attachment and detachment processes, which can be consid-
Following the LSW theory of coarsening, we consider ered to be chemical reactions. If the transport of monomers is
the diffusion-limited transport to be of the form found to be chemically kinetic limited, the characterization
of these attachment and detachment reactions may become
FLSW = Nd共Rattach − Rdetach兲, 共12兲
important. Since we are not concerned here with a particular
where Rattach is the rate of attachment of monomers to a drop system, we shall assume that the attachment/detachment pro-
and Rdetach is the rate of detachment of monomers from a cesses can be described using the same rate law. In particu-
drop. lar, we assert that the net rate of attachment/detachment is
The steady-state probability-per-unit time that one of the given by the commonly-used reaction-limited transport equa-
diffusing monomers will strike a given drop is calculated by tion,
solving the diffusion equation for the monomer concentra-
tion with an absorbing boundary condition 共zero monomer Fk = − NdB Sgn关␣ − ␣eqm兴兩␣ − ␣eqm兩h , 共17兲
concentration兲 at the surface of the drop and with the mono-
mer concentration at infinity equal to the overall monomer e.g., Gray and Scott,15 where B and h are appropriate posi-
concentration ␣. The steady-state solution satisfying these tive constants and Sgn is the function returning the sign of its
condition is 共1 − R / r兲␣, where r is the distance from the cen- argument 共inserted to account for h even兲.
ter of the sphere of radius R. From this we calculate the rate Finally, we incorporate all of the processes described
at which monomers strike the drop to be above into one model that describes nucleation in the drops,
precipitation in the aqueous domain, crystal formation and
Rattach = 4␲DR␣ , 共13兲 growth in both domains, and ripening. Writing the concen-
where D is the diffusivity of the monomers. The rate at tration of monomers as a = N1 / V where N1 is the number of
which monomers leave the drop can be calculated by putting monomers, we have ␦a = V 1 − NV 1 / 2␦N1vm, where ␦V
a sink of monomers at infinity and setting their concentration = vm␦N1 + pvm␦N p, and N p is the number of nuclei. Using this
at the surface of the drop equal to the equilibrium value. The and the analogous results for the monomers in the aqueous
equilibrium concentration of monomers at the curved surface domain and nuclei in both domains, it is straightforward to
of the drop can be calculated from the 共linearized兲 Gibbs– develop the model equations. The full model is
Thompson relation to be ␣eqm = ␣⬁共1 + ⌫ / R兲, where ␣⬁ is the
equilibrium concentration adjacent to a plane surface and ⌫ da 共1 − a共p + 1兲vm兲 d
is a constant 共at constant temperature兲 proportional to the = − k0 p共a p − ␥0b兲 − Fcf
dt V

冉 冊
surface tension. The solution of the steady-state diffusion
problem is ␣⬁共1 + ⌫ / R兲R / r, and thus the rate of losing par- 共1 − avm兲 d F
− Fcg − , 共18兲
ticles from the drop is V Nd
Rdetach = 4␲D␣⬁共R + ⌫兲, 共14兲
db 共1 − b共p + 1兲vm兲 d
where = k0共a p − ␥0b兲 − Fcf
dt V

冉 冊
⌫= , 共15兲 bvm d F
k BT + Fcg + , 共19兲
V Nd
where ␴ is the surface tension, T is the temperature and kB is
the Boltzmann’s constant. Since we have made no explicit d
assumption about the manner in which the monomers dif- dNcry
= Fcf
, 共20兲
fuse, micellular diffusion 共the transport of monomers within dt
micelles兲 is simply accommodated by modifying the value of

冉 冊
D 共provided that micellular diffusion satisfies Fick’s law兲.14
Expressing the flux FLSW in terms of the volume of the drop, dV F
= − 共p + 1兲vmFcf
− vm Fcg
+ , 共21兲
we have dt Nd

FLSW = 4␲D 冉冉 冊

共 ␣ − ␣ ⬁兲 − ␣ ⬁⌫ . 共16兲 dVdrop F
= − vm , 共22兲
dt Nd
The assumption of chemical kinetic-limited transport im-
plies that the above diffusion processes occur more rapidly
than the attachment/detachment of monomers into/out of a d␣ 共1 − ␣共q + 1兲vm兲 aq
drop. The factor determining if there is a net attachment or = − k1q共␣q − ␥1␤兲 − F
dt 共Vtot − NdVdrop兲 cf
detachment of monomers into/out of a drop is the difference
between the monomer concentration in the aqueous phase 共1 − ␣vm兲
− 共Faq + F兲, 共23兲
and the equilibrium monomer concentration at the curved 共Vtot − NdVdrop兲 cg

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= k 1共 ␣ q − ␥ 1␤ 兲 −
共1 − ␤共q + 1兲vm兲 aq
共Vtot − NdVdrop兲 cf
Vcry共t兲 = vm 冕
Ncry共t − s兲gaq共s兲ds + 共1 + q兲vmNcry

␤vm 共32兲
+ 共Faq − F兲, 共24兲
共Vtot − NdVdrop兲 cg Using these constraints, it is easily shown that the total
number of monomers N is conserved, where
= Fcf
, 共25兲 d
Vcry Vaq
dt N = NdV共a + pb兲 + Nd + Vaq共␣ + q␤兲 + cry . 共33兲
vm vm
dVcry We obtain
= − 共q + 1兲vmFcf
− vmFcg
+ vmF, 共26兲
dt dN
= NdV̇共a + pb兲 + NdV共ȧ + ḃ兲 + Nd共V̇drop − V̇兲/vm
where a is the concentration of monomers within a drop; b is dt
the concentration of nuclei containing p monomers in a drop;
+ V̇aq共␣ + ␤兲 + Vaq共␣˙ + q␤˙ 兲 + V̇cry
/vm 共34兲
␣ is the concentration of monomers within the aqueous do-
main; ␤ is the concentration of nuclei containing q mono- using Eq. 共29兲
mers in the aqueous domain; ki and ␥i are rate coefficients;
Vtot is the total volume of molecules of water plus mono- = NdV̇/vm + NdV̇drop/vm − NdV̇/vm + V̇aq共1
mers, nuclei, and crystals within the whole emulsion; and dt
superscripts d or aq identify the rates of crystal formation
− Vw/Vaq兲/vm + Vaq共VwV̇aq/Vaq
兲/vm + V̇cry
/vm 共35兲
and crystal growth and the number and volume of crystals
appropriate to the drops and aqueous domain, respectively. If using Eqs. 共27兲 and 共28兲, and
critical nuclei are not formed in one or both of the domains,
the appropriate rate共s兲 of crystal formation is 共are兲 set to zero =0 共36兲
and p and/or q 共as required兲 is set to a value beneath that dt
corresponding to a critical nucleus. using Eq. 共30兲
Before we proceed with solving the various model equa-
tions, we develop some expressions of conservation of the III. NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS AND DISCUSSION
numbers of particles present. Since we have assumed that the
densities of nuclei and crystals are identical, these are most The model introduced in the preceding section describes
easily obtained by considering the conservation of volume; several processes and includes many parameters. In the fol-
where there are density differences, the changes to the equa- lowing sections, we consider successively more complete
tions are straightforward though involved. models in order to develop an understanding of the interac-
The volume of the melt within a drop is V = Vavm tion of the processes included in the model.
+ Vbpvm, whence
A. Nucleation and crystal formation in one domain
a + pb = , 共27兲 Here we consider the model describing nucleation kinet-
vm ics and crystal formation and growth in one domain only.
which is constant. Similarly, the volume of the aqueous do- Only in the absence of crystal formation does an exact,
main is Vaq = Vw + Vaq␣vm + Vaqq␤vm, where Vw is the volume closed-form solution exist. In order to reduce the number of
of all of the molecules of water present and is constant. Re- parameters and highlight dominant balances, we nondimen-
arranging, we have sionalize the model equations. This has the added advantage

冉 冊
that numerical calculations with extreme parameter values
1 Vw 共which can lead to significant truncation and propagation er-
␣ + q␤ = 1− . 共28兲
vm Vaq rors兲 can be avoided. Although in this section we consider
the processes involved in the melt that is in a drop, the case
Additionally, we can express the volume of the melt in a of precipitation of melt in the aqueous system is a trivial
drop as extension. We choose a concentration scale 1 / vm, the con-
centration a of a drop containing only monomers, then ā
V = Vdrop − Vcry 共29兲
苸 关0 , 1兴 and b̄ 苸 关0 , 1 / p兴, where the overbars indicate the di-
and the volume of the aqueous phase as mensionless quantities. There are four time scales present
p−1 2
Vaq = Vtot − NdVdrop − Vcry . 共30兲 1 vm vm 1
␶1 = , ␶3 = , ␶5 = , ␶7 = , 共37兲
k 0␥ 0 k0 쐓2
V kf g
The volumes of crystals present in both domains may be
calculated from the integral expressions which we interpret as follows: ␶1 is the time scale for a

冕 t cluster in the drop to fragment; ␶3 is the time scale for a

Vcry共t兲 = vm d
Ncry共t − s兲gd共s兲ds + 共1 + p兲vmNcry
共t兲, 共31兲 monomer in the drop to aggregate; ␶5 is the time scale for the
0 formation of a crystal from a critical nucleus; and ␶7 is the

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174910-6 D. L. Feltham and J. Garside J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

time scale for the growth of a crystal. In these expressions, g TABLE I. Parameters used in the integration of the equations modeling
nucleation, crystal formation, and crystal growth in one domain.
is a typical growth rate of the crystals and V* is a character-
istic volume scale for the drops. Nondimensionalizing, using Parameter Value Parameter Value
␶1 , V*, and our new concentration scale, the reduced model
equations become ⌫13 102 p 100
⌫15 102 gd 1
da ⌫17 103 a* 10−2
= − p⌫13a p + pb − ␧⌫15共1 − a共p + 1兲兲abV
dt m 1 ␧ 10−7

1−a d
− ␧⌫17 N gd , 共38兲
V cry difficult because they contain rate constants that cannot be
estimated without suitable experimental data, which we have
db b d been unable to find. Here, and elsewhere in this paper, we
= ⌫13a p − b − ␧⌫15共1 − b共p + 1兲兲abV + ␧⌫17 Ncrygd ,
dt V have chosen parameter values that we believe to be physi-
共39兲 cally plausible; certainly, the model simulations demonstrate
physically reasonable behavior. In Fig. 1, we display the re-
dNcry sults of a numerical integration of the above model with
= ⌫15abV2 , 共40兲 aggregation-limited growth from initial values defined in
Table II. Clearly, the concentration of monomers a and criti-
cal nuclei a quickly evolve from the initial state to reason-
= − 共p + 1兲␧⌫15abV2 − ␧⌫17Ncry
gd , 共41兲 ably steady values. This sudden behavior is not apparent in
dt the plots of the volume of melt and number of crystals
where we have dropped overbars for convenience, formed. Until the final stages of the crystallization of the
drop 共V → 0兲, the rate of crystal formation is relatively con-
vm stant.
␧= , 共42兲
and the dimensionless parameters ⌫1i are ratios of time scales
B. Nucleation/precipitation in both domains with
␶1 ␶1 ␶1 ripening
⌫13 = , ⌫15 = , ⌫17 = . 共43兲
␶3 ␶5 ␶7
In this section, we consider the model which couples the
This model of nucleation, crystal formation, and crystal two domains with ripening but does not include crystal for-
growth has no stationary solutions. The crystals form and mation. We identify the time scales present and perform a
grow until the whole of the drop is crystalline 共with constant nondimensionalization. We continue to use our concentration
growth rate兲 or a = a* 共with aggregation-limited growth兲. The scale 1 / vm so that ¯␣ 苸 关0 , 1兴 and ¯␤ 苸 关0 , 1 / q兴, where the
model does, however, predict the size distribution of crystals overbars indicate the dimensionless quantities. There are
as a function of time, which remains fixed once crystalliza- three additional time scales present:
tion has ceased. 共Over time, we expect the size distribution
of crystals in the crystalline drop to coarsen, but this effect is 1 vm
␶2 = , ␶4 = , 共47兲
not included in the model.兲 We define Nsize共x , t兲 as the num- k 1␥ 1 k1
ber density of crystals containing x monomers at time t. It is
then evident that and ␶0, characteristic of the transport time of monomers be-
tween the drops and aqueous domain,
Nsize共x,t兲 = Ncry
共t − ⌬t兲, 共44兲
␶0 = 1/F* , 共48兲
where ⌬t is the solution of

冕 t where
gd共s兲ds = x. 共45兲 F * = 4 ␲ N dD ␣ ⬁⌫ 共49兲

For the case in which gd is a constant 共which certainly would for diffusion-limited transport and
not be appropriate for the final stages of the freezing of the N dB
drop兲, the crystal size distribution is F* = h 共50兲
Nsize共x,t兲 = Ncry
共t − x/g兲. 共46兲
for kinetic-limited transport. The time scale ␶2 is character-
For aggregation-limited kinetics, Nsize共x , t兲 is easily deter- istic of the time taken for a cluster in the aqueous domain to
mined from Eq. 共44兲 by solving Eq. 共45兲 numerically. fragment and ␶4 is the time scale for monomers in the aque-
The equations defining the model of nucleation, crystal ous domain to aggregate. We define a volume scale for the
formation, and crystal growth in one domain can easily be drops from the steady-state solution of Eq. 共22兲 with
solved numerically. The parameters we used are displayed in diffusion-limited transport and setting ␣ → 1 / vm, giving a
Table I. Choosing appropriate values for these parameters is volume scale

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174910-7 Crystallization in an emulsion J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

FIG. 1. Evolution of the concentra-

tions of monomers a, critical nuclei b,
volume of melt in one domain 共the
drops兲 only V, and number of crystals

V* = ␲ 冉
␣ ⬁⌫
3 1/vm − ␣⬁
冊 3
. 共51兲
= − ⑀⌫10F. 共56兲

We scale Vtot , Vaq, and Vw with NdV*. Scaling time with ␶1, The new dimensionless parameters ⌫1i are
we write the equations governing the nucleation/ ␶1 ␶1
precipitation-ripening kinetics as ⌫12 = , ⌫14 = . 共57兲
␶2 ␶4
da 共1 − a兲 1 With these scalings, the constraints on the numbers of mono-
= − p共⌫13a p − b兲 − ⑀ ⌫0F, 共52兲
dt V mers present are
a + pb = 1 共58兲
db b
= 共⌫13a p − b兲 + ⑀ ⌫10F, 共53兲 within the drops and
dt V
␣ + q␤ = 1 − 共59兲
d␣ 共1 − ␣兲 1
= − q共⌫14␣q − ⌫12␤兲 + ⑀ ⌫ F, 共54兲
dt Vtot − V 0 within the aqueous domain. Note that the last constraint im-
plies that ␣ ⬍ 1. The dimensionless diffusion-limited flux is

= 共⌫14␣q − ⌫12␤兲 − ⑀

Vtot − V 0
共55兲 FLSW = 1 + 冉 ␣⬁ − ␣ 1/3
1 − ␣⬁
V ,冊 共60兲

and the dimensionless chemical kinetic-limited flux is

冋 册冏 冏
TABLE II. Initial values used for the integration of the equations modeling
nucleation, crystal formation, and crystal growth in one domain. ␣⬁ − 1 ␣⬁ − 1 h
Fk = − Sgn ␣ − ␣⬁ + ␣ − ␣⬁ + . 共61兲
V1/3 V1/3
Variable Initial value Variable Initial value

a 1 V 2
Let us examine the fixed points, or stationary solutions,
b 0 Ncry 0 of the nucleation-ripening equations. It is immediately clear

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174910-8 D. L. Feltham and J. Garside J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

FIG. 2. Bifurcation diagrams showing

the loci of stationary solutions ␣ss ver-
sus 共a兲 ⌫24, 共b兲 Vtot, 共c兲 Vw, and 共d兲 ␣⬁.
For diffusive and linear chemical
kinetic-limited ripening, the solid line
indicates asymptotic stability and the
dashed line indicates asymptotic insta-
bility; for nonlinear kinetic-limited
ripening, all of the solutions are stable.

bss = ⌫13ass
␤ss = ⌫24␣ss
, 共62兲 The fixed-point solutions of Eq. 共66兲, a 共q + 3兲th order
polynomial, are not so easy to identify. Several analytical
where ⌫24 = ␶2 / ␶4, and techniques exist which can be used to determine the number

冉 冊
of fixed points ␣ss 苸 关0 , 1兴 共see, for example, Wilf16兲. How-
1 − ␣⬁ 3
Vss = 共63兲 ever, the dependence of the polynomial’s coefficients upon
␣ss − ␣⬁ the several parameters makes application of these techniques
共where the subscript ss stands for stationary solution兲. The impractical. Thus, we confine ourselves to a numerical inves-
expression for Vss = 4 / 3␲Rss
corresponds to the critical radius tigation. Note that the stationary solutions do not depend
which occurs in the LSW theory of coarsening or Ostwald upon the form of the flux law.
ripening. In this theory, drops with radius R ⬎ Rss grow and Since there is always a unique stationary solution ass and
drops with radius R ⬍ Rss shrink. Since all the drops are of the value of Vss is prescribed by ␣ss 关see Eq. 共63兲兴, we focus
the same radius in the model we are considering, however, our attention upon the loci of stationary solutions ␣ss as we
there is no competitive diffusion. Applying the constraints vary the model parameters in Eq. 共66兲 共bifurcation dia-
within the drop and aqueous domain yields the following grams兲. We construct bifurcation diagrams of ␣ss versus
equations for ass and ␣ss: ⌫24 , Vtot , Vwater, and ␣⬁. A coarse grid was used with a conju-
gate gradient optimization method to determine the approxi-
ass = 1 − p⌫13ass
共64兲 mate location of turning points and hysteresis loops. Once
these were found, a Newton–Raphson method was used to
and track the branches of stationary solutions as a function of the

冉 冊
bifurcation parameter. The parameter space searched in this
⌫12 Vw
= 1 − ␣ss − . 共65兲 way was 0 ⬍ ␣⬁ ⬍ 1, 0 ⬍ Vw ⬍ 100, 0 ⬍ Vtot ⬍ 103, and 0
q Vtot − Vss ⬍ ⌫24 ⬍ 1010 and q = 10.
Figure 2 shows the bifurcation diagrams obtained; ex-
Substituting for Vss in this latter equation and rearranging,
cept for the bifurcation parameter, the parameters used are
we obtain
given in Table III. These diagrams depict several interesting
␣ss⌫4共共␣ss − ␣⬁兲3Vtot − 共1 − ␣⬁兲3兲 + 共Vw共␣ss − ␣⬁兲3
q 2
q TABLE III. Parameters used to determine the bifurcation diagrams. The
upper set was used to determine the multiple solutions for ␣ss; the lower set
− 共1 − ␣ss兲共1 − ␣⬁兲3 + 共1 − ␣ss兲Vtot共␣ss − ␣⬁兲3兲 = 0. uniquely defines ass.
Parameter Value Parameter Value
That Eq. 共64兲 has a unique, real, positive solution can be
␣⬁ 10−3 Vtot 100
seen as follows: the right-hand side of the equation is f = 1
⌫24 1 Vw 90
− p⌫13ass
: since ⌫13 ⬎ 0, p ⬎ 1, it follows that df / dass ⬍ 0 and q 10
thus intercepts the straight line ass at only one real value in ⌫13 102 p 10
关0, 1兴.

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174910-9 Crystallization in an emulsion J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

features. There exist regions in the parameter space in which TABLE IV. Parameters used in the integration of the equations modeling
nucleation, growth, and ripening.
no stationary solutions exist at all. Numerical calculations
indicate that these regions correspond to complete evapora- Parameter Value Parameter Value
tion of the drops. As each bifurcation parameter is indepen-
dently varied, branches of stationary solutions appear sud- ⌫16 102 ␣* 10−2
denly at so-called cusp catastrophes. The stability of these ⌫18 103 m1 1
solution branches was determined numerically using a stan- q 100 g1 1
⌫12 0.1
dard, linear perturbation technique. For diffusion-limited and
linear kinetic-limited ripening, the asymptotically stable
branches are depicted with a solid line and the asymptoti-
cally unstable with a dashed line; with nonlinear kinetic- db
= ⌫13a p − b − ␧⌫15共1 − b共p + 1兲兲abV
limited ripening, both branches 共solid and dashed兲 are stable. dt
In Fig. 2共a兲, ⌫24, the rate of aggregation relative to frag-
b d b
mentation of clusters in the aqueous domain, is varied. This + ␧⌫17 Ncrygd + ␧ ⌫10F, 共68兲
bifurcation diagram, though it depicts valid solutions of Eq. V V
共66兲, does not, however, depict physically realizable station-
ary solutions. This is because these solutions correspond to a dNcry
= ⌫15abV2 , 共69兲
drop volume greater than the total volume of the aqueous dt
and drop domains.
In Fig. 2共b兲, we see physically realizable stationary so- dV
lutions of ␣ss versus the total volume of the aqueous and = − 共p + 1兲␧⌫15abV2 − ␧⌫17Ncry
gd − ␧⌫10F, 共70兲
drop domains. Perhaps surprisingly, increasing the total vol-
ume while keeping the volume of water constant 共leading to,
for example, a water-in-oil emulsion兲, leads to a stable sta- = − ␧⌫10F, 共71兲
tionary solution in which the monomer concentration in the dt
aqueous domain decreases.
In Fig. 2共c兲, we see that decreasing the volume of water d␣
= − q⌫14␣q + q⌫12␤ − ␧⌫16共1 − ␣共q + 1兲兲␣␤Vaq
while keeping the total volume constant leads to a stable dt
solution in which the monomer concentration in the aqueous
domain increases. While this could perhaps be expected from 1 − ␣ aq 1−␣ 1
− ␧⌫18 N gaq + ␧ ⌫F 共72兲
the previous diagram, we stress that increasing the volume of Vaq cry Vaq 0
oil is not reciprocal with an equivalent decrease in the vol-
ume of water. This is because the absolute volumes of oil and d␤
= ⌫14␣q − ⌫12␤ − ␧⌫16共1 − ␤共q + 1兲兲␣␤Vaq
water must be compared with the volume of the drops. The dt
final bifurcation diagram shows the variation of the station-
ary solution ␣ss versus ␣⬁. Only the part of the curve above ␤ aq ␤
+ ␧⌫18 N gaq − ␧ ⌫10F, 共73兲
␣ss = ␣⬁ is physically realizable. The physical portion of the Vaq cry Vaq
connecting path between the second and third turning points
共reading left to right兲 is unstable. Suitable variation of pa- aq
rameters can bring the hysteresis loop entirely into the physi- = ⌫16␣␤Vaq
cal portion of the diagram. This could give rise to ignition or
extinction in the rate of precipitation of the subcritical nuclei dVaq
in the aqueous domain. = − 共q + 1兲␧⌫16␣␤Vaq
− ␧⌫18Ncry
gaq + ␧⌫10F, 共75兲
␶1 ␶1
⌫16 = , ⌫18 = 共76兲
C. Crystal formation in both domains with ripening ␶6 ␶8
The interaction between ripening, crystal formation, and are the aqueous domain equivalents of ⌫15 and ⌫17 in the drop;
crystal growth in both domains is explored in this section.
The equations of the full model are expressed in nondimen- vm 1
␶6 = , ␶8 = , 共77兲
sional form as *2 aq g1
V kf
where kaqf is the kinetic coefficient of crystal formation and
da g1 is a characteristic crystal growth rate in the aqueous do-
= − p⌫13a p + pb − ␧⌫15共1 − a共p + 1兲兲abV main. The constants ␣* and m1 are the crystal growth param-
eters which play the equivalent role of a* and m in Eq. 共10兲.
1−a d 1−a 1 Note that in the expressions for F, given in the previous
− ␧⌫17 Ncrygd − ␧ ⌫ F, 共67兲
V V 0 section, we must set V → Vdrop.

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174910-10 D. L. Feltham and J. Garside J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

TABLE V. Initial values used for the integration of the equations modeling solutions in which ⌫10 → 0 and nucleation, crystal formation,
nucleation, ripening, crystal formation, and crystal growth in both domains.
and crystal growth occur in each domain separately.
Variable Initial value Variable Initial value With ripening, the monomer and critical nuclei concen-
tration in the drops suddenly change as the drop volume
␣ 10−3 Vdrop 2 approaches zero. This is because the removal of the last few
␤ 6.15⫻ 10−4 aq
Ncry 0
monomers from the drop sharply decreases their concentra-
Vaq 96
tion and consequently increases the concentration of critical
nuclei. The loss of monomers from the drops due to ripening
is reflected in the decrease in the number of crystals formed
We solve the equations with and without ripening in or-
in the drops. Where there is no ripening, these effects do not
der to discern the effect of the transport of monomers be-
occur and events in the drops follow the solutions presented
tween the drops and aqueous domain. The parameter values
taken are those used in Secs. III A and III C, with the addi- in Sec. III A. The decrease in drop volume due to monomers
tional values and initial data given in Tables IV and V. In being transported into the aqueous domain leads, in the aque-
Fig. 3, we show the monomer and critical nuclei concentra- ous domain, to an enhanced increase in monomer concentra-
tion in the drop, volume of melt, drop volume, and number tion from the initial value and to a consequent decrease in
of crystals formed in the drop. In Fig. 4, we show the mono- critical nuclei concentration. Ripening leads to an increase in
mer and critical nuclei concentration in the aqueous domain, the volume of the aqueous domain and enhances the number
the volume of the aqueous domain, and the number and vol- and volume of crystals in the aqueous domain.
ume of crystals in the aqueous domain. The solutions shown From a state in which there are no nuclei in the drop or
with a solid line include ripening; the dashed lines show the aqueous domain, perhaps after some transient time, there is

FIG. 3. Evolution of the concentra-

tions of monomers and critical nuclei,
volume of melt, drop volume, and
number of crystals in the drop. The so-
lutions depicted with a solid line in-
clude ripening: those with a dashed
line do not.

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174910-11 Crystallization in an emulsion J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

FIG. 4. Evolution of the concentra-

tions of monomer and critical nuclei,
volume of the aqueous domain, and
number and volume of crystals in the
aqueous domain. The solutions de-
picted with a solid line include ripen-
ing: those with a dashed line do not.

typically a net transport of monomers from the drop into the Vw

aqueous domain. This is because as nuclei form and crystals ␣crit ⬍ ␣in 艋 1 − ⬅ ␣max , 共79兲
Vtot − V
form and grow in the aqueous domain, the monomer concen-
tration at the drop surface falls below the equilibrium con- where ␣max is the maximum obtainable monomer concentra-
centration there. This leads to ripening and monomers are tion in the aqueous domain. Provided that reaction rates are
transported into the aqueous domain in order to bring the finite, this condition is also sufficient.
surface concentration closer to equilibrium. However, if the
initial concentration of monomers in the drops is above the IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS
equilibrium concentration at the drop surface, there may be
an initial transport of monomers into the drops. The dimen- A model has been developed which describes the forma-
sionless initial equilibrium concentration at the drop surface tion of critical nuclei and crystals and their subsequent
is growth in a single domain, which may be a melt or a solu-
tion. This model predicts, as a function of time, the monomer
and critical nuclei concentrations, and the number and total
1 − ␣⬁
␣crit = ␣⬁ + , 共78兲 volume of crystals formed; from this the size distribution of
in crystals can be inferred. This model differs from a previous
work in that the number of particles is explicitly conserved
where Vin is the initial melt/drop volume. In order for mono- and the dynamical interactions of the processes are described
mers to initially leave the aqueous domain and enter the with a closed set of coupled, nonlinear ordinary differential
drops, a necessary condition is that the initial monomer con- equations. The nucleation part of the model is based upon a
centration ␣in must satisfy contracted form of the BD equations: crystal formation is

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174910-12 D. L. Feltham and J. Garside J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

based upon a ballistic model: and the growth of the crystals The model we have developed includes many of the im-
is based upon a well-known diffusion-aggregation limited portant physical processes involved in crystallization in an
parametrization. emulsion. Although there are a number of parameters re-
This model was extended to consider the more compli- quired for quantitative prediction, the parametric dependence
cated processes at work within an emulsion. Here, we have of the model is straightforward to determine and the model
nucleation in the drops of melt, precipitation in the aqueous describes the range of qualitative behavior possible.
domain, and a transport of monomers 共which may be ex-
tremely weak兲 between the two domains. We have consid- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ered diffusion-limited 共LSW兲 and kinetic-limited transport of
monomers. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first com- The authors acknowledge the financial support of Syn-
genta under their Strategic Research Fund Scheme.
bined mathematical model of nucleation/precipitation and
ripening in an emulsion. As revealed in the calculations of
Sec. III C, the formation of nuclei and crystals in the aqueous APPENDIX A: NOTATION
domain lowers the monomer concentration there to below A Geometrical factor of O共1兲
the equilibrium concentration at the surface of the drops. a , ␣ Monomer concentration within a drop 共aque-
This leads to a transport of monomers from the drops into the ous domain兲
aqueous domain which are then incorporated into crystals ar Kinetic coefficient in Becker–Döring equa-
and nuclei. Since the formation of crystals is irreversible and tions
their subsequent growth inevitable, crystals formed in the ass , ␣ss Nondimensional, stationary solution mono-
aqueous domain effectively act as a sink for monomers, mer concentration in a drop 共aqueous do-
sucking monomers from the drops. This phenomena helps to main兲
explain the observations17 in which metachloronitrobenzene ␣eqm , ␣⬁ Equilibrium monomer concentration adja-
migrated from the drops of an emulsion to form crystals in cent to a curved surface 共plane surface兲
the aqueous domain, while the melt remaining in the drops ␣crit Initial equilibrium concentration of mono-
became increasingly rich in parachloronitrobenzene. mers at drop surface in aqueous domain
The case in which critical nuclei do not form was also ␣max Maximum obtainable monomer concentra-
analyzed. Since there is no crystal formation 共which is con- tion in aqueous domain
sidered to be an irreversible process兲, there are stationary a* , ␣* Equilibrium saturation concentration in con-
solutions to the model equations. These were numerically tact with bulk phase in a drop 共aqueous do-
calculated and their stability determined. The multiplicity of main兲
stationary solutions echoes work on mixed suspension, B Constants in expression of chemical-kinetic
mixed product removal 共MSMPR兲 crystallization reactors.18 limited monomer transport
In fact, an analogy can be drawn between the emulsion and b , ␤ Concentration of nuclei containing p mono-
the MSMPR reactor system: the aqueous domain can be mers in a drop 共aqueous domain兲
identified with the reactor; the flux of monomers from the br Kinetic coefficient in Becker–Döring equa-
drops represents the feed: and the formation of crystals is tions
analogous to the product stream. bss , ␤ss Nondimensional, stationary solution nuclei
While the models presented in this paper are fairly com- concentration in a drop 共aqueous domain兲
plex, they represent a considerable simplification of the c1 Concentration of monomer
physical processes at work. In particular, by developing the c p Concentration of a cluster containing p
model in terms of ordinary differential equations, we have monomers
implicitly assumed that the interior of the drops and aqueous ␥i Rate coefficients in contracted Becker–
domain are well mixed. Further, the spatial independence of Döring equations 共i = 0, 1兲
the model means that no account of the geometry of the ⌫ij = ␶i / ␶ j Nondimensional parameter, a ratio of time
domains is taken. We have assumed that the two domains scales
form an emulsion, with one domain dispersed, but the only ⌫ = 2␴vm / 共kT兲 Constant used for attachment/detachment
point at which this is used is through the parametrized flux of calculations
monomers between the two domains. We have also param- D Diffusivity of monomers of organic melt in
etrized the crystal growth process. The assumption that the the aqueous phase
number of drops remain constant and that all of the drops are ⑀ = vm / V* Typical ratio of monomer to a drop 共a small
of the same size removes the potential for competitive diffu- parameter兲
sion and hence for Ostwald ripening. Incorporation of this Fcf Rate of crystal formation
latter effect would considerably complicate the analysis. A Fg Rate at which monomers are absorbed into
more tractable extension would be to include the temperature crystals
dependence of the rate constants; this would require an ad- Fk Chemical-kinetic limited transport of mono-
ditional equation expressing conservation of heat. In other mers into/out of drops
simpler systems, such temperature dependence has led to FLSW Diffusion-limited transport of monomers
multiple stationary states and complex time-dependent into/out of a drop according to the theory of
behavior.15 Lifshitz and Slyozov and Wagner

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174910-13 Crystallization in an emulsion J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174910 共2005兲

g , gd , gaq Rate at which crystal grows, in a drop, in ␶2 Time scale for cluster in aqueous domain to
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Jr Flux of clusters from size r to r + 1 ␶6 Time scale for formation of crystal from a
k Kinetic coefficient in Becker–Döring equa- critical nucleus in aqueous domain
tions ␶8 Time scale for growth of a crystal in aqueous
ki Rate coefficients in contracted Becker– domain
Döring equations 共i = 0, 1兲 Vaq Volume of aqueous domain
kB Boltzmann’s constant d
Vcry aq
, Vcry Volume of crystals in a drop 共aqueous do-
k f , kaq
f Rate coefficients for crystal formation in main兲
drop 共aqueous domain兲 Vdrop Volume of a drop of organic melt
KG Lumped parameter in aggregation-limited vm Volume of monomer of organic melt
crystal growth rate Vss Stationary solution for a drop volume
m , m1 Crystal growth parameter in a drop 共aqueous Vtot Total volume of molecules of water plus
domain兲 monomers, nuclei, and crystals 共assumed
N1 , N p Number of monomers 共nuclei containing p constant兲
monomers兲 Vw Volume of all molecules of water 共constant兲
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N. S. Tavare and J. Garside, Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. Symp. Ser. 31, 1121
tween drops and aqueous domain 共1985兲.

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