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CHANGES IN v18.0e (2018-05-03)


- comcli: acc now executes actions over NETCONF instead of COMCLI. New
uservariable comcli_netconf_acc to disable behaviour. (default 1 on RCS and 0 on
other nodes)
- comcli: added support for BasebandR567 and vRUs in bo/bp/lh/inv
- comcli: added support for new data type extRef (moRef pointing to a MO instance
in another node)
- comcli: new "lg" option "q" ("lgq") to print the HealthCheckLog on DUS Gen2.
Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: pmx/pmxe now display the MO DN in a shortened form instead of the whole
LDN (space saving).
- comcli: the "invl" printout now shows the area applicable to each feature: TN,
- comcli: the scripting variable "$ws_ip" is now refreshed after "lt all" to cope
for cases where the PC may have moved to a different network.
- comcli: the TLS interface (comcli=25 to 28 or 55 to 58) now uses FTPS instead of
SFTP for the commands ftree/ftget/pmr/pmx/pme. Currently used supported for DUS
Gen2 >= 18.Q1 and Linux/Cygwin (not Solaris).
- dbc: the "Conclusion" part at the end of the printout now shows the summary of
failed checks, when database NOT OK.
- dcgm: new value "-1" for the option "-k" on CPP nodes ("dcgm -k -1") to skip
collection of DCG proxy logs. Type "h dcg" for info.
- diff: updated RNC PARAM file for W18.Q2
- invl: updated license CXC/FAJ translation files up to 18.Q2
- invx: added support for new AAS radios AIR32, AIR51, AIR53, AIR64
- mon: added support for tracefile rotation for linux nodes (DUS Gen2 and
Evo8300). New uservariables added to configure the behaviour of the feature
(lttng_tracefilecount and lttng_tracefilesize). Type "h mon" for info.
- mon: updated Linux binaries to lttng-relayd 2.9.9 and babeltrace 1.5.5 on Linux.
- pcrk: added a new column showing the number of counter instances defined on each
PmKpi. Type "h pcrk" for info.
- pmr/pmx: now support aggregation on compressed PDF counters. Thanks Herv�
Delpech. http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.8955
- pmxe: added formula for display of BranchDeltaSinrDistr.
- scripting: the "bp" command now sets new scripting variables $nr_of_devices and
- str/ced: UtranCell state has a new possible value "U" for state
tpsPowerState=ShuttingDown. Type "h str" or "h ced" for info.
- cvget: new option "d" ("cvgetd") to fetch the dbdump.zip of a CV via MO action
generatedDbDump. Type "h cvget" for info.
- dbc/sqlmode: now supports to read a dbdump.zip , eg "moshell -d
/path/to/dbdump.zip" (previously only "moshell -d /path/to/db.dat" or "moshell
-d /path/to/cv.zip" was supported)
- dbc/dbd/dbcv: new uservariable "use_dbdump" to control whether these commands
shall read the dbdump.zip or the db.dat. Currently set to 0 by default (use
db.dat). More info in the file moshell/moshell.

- acc: exceptions thrown by the action are now displayed on one line.
- amos: the end of the dbc printout was referring to moshell instead of amos.
- amosbatch: the -b option is now default in AMOS for OSSRC to avoid limitation
with parallel number of corba connections to master server. TR HW74398. Use option
"-z" to get back the old behaviour.
- comcli: added support for the MOM data type EcimFloat (double)
- comcli: after a node SW version change (eg upgrade or CV rollback) the MOM
version was not updated to show the new SW version
- comcli: cr/set/acc/del were not working with attribute or parameters containing
the character "<" or "&" due to XML corruption in the NETCONF message.
- comcli: dcgm was not collecting COLI printouts on NGR LFT and ODM radios
connected to DUS Gen2. http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- comcli: lgd command was not showing the SW release translation for certain
- comcli: mcc now stops after 3 pings if the parameter "--count" is not given when
running the command ping/ping6 (to avoid going into an endless ping loop)
- comcli: momx was not working properly, missing some relations or pointing to
wrong MO class
- comcli: pcr sometimes failed due to corrupt PMCACHE file. Improved detection of
refresh of the PMCACHE now avoids this. TR HW71436.
- comcli: pcrp was not working properly and the help was incorrect. https://jira-
- comcli: set command was failing on attribute of type sequence of struct where
the value ended with a semicolon.
- comcli: set command was setting attribute of type struct/sequence:struct to
empty value when the value was given with a wrong syntax, instead of showing a
syntax error. https://jira.ericsson.net/browse/P06-91
- comcli: the printout of "get" command was incorrect for attribute of type
sequence of struct containing a member of type sequence:moRef
- dbc: updated rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for check of RNC features.
- dcgm: updated COLI commands to collect on PIMCU/BBP614 and Baseband R567
- dcgm/fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos: fetch more bb translation files
- fclean: was not working properly on MGW, trying to delete certain loadmodules
already belonging to a existing UP.
- ftree/ftget/lgp: was sometimes missing some PMD files in /c/pmd folder on CPP
nodes. TR HW80677.
- general: auto-detection of HTTPS on CPP nodes was not working properly, leading
to failed connection toward CPP nodes using HTTPS.
- general: http transfer was not working properly on Evo8300, showing transfer
done even when file not found on the node.
- general: moshell installed on a OSS/ENM server could hang forever when trying to
connect to a nodename not defined in the ipdatabase
- general: moshell option "-ef" was sometimes not working properly and causing IP
connection check to fail on DUS Gen2 nodes.
- general: updated the default MOM from MGW_R2.xml to CPP_MOM-CPP-LSV144-
- inv: incorrect LED state shown on EvoC (16HZ instead of 4HZ).
- inv/lmidh: updated RU HW translation tables
- invl: "invl restricted" was showing incorrect information on ENB/MSRBS.
- invx: incorrect cable length shown for CPRI cables connected to DUS Gen2 ports.
TR HW67322/HW38466, CSR 3336911.
- invx: incorrect cable length shown for CPRI cables connected to Geminga radios
(RRUS32 and RRUS72). TR HW55208.
- invx: the CPRI role (Master/Slave) sometimes was corrupt
- invx: was not showing all the product data for certain AIR units.
- invx: was not showing the linkhandler address on RUs with two CPRI links where
on BXP address has 1 digit and the other has 2 digits (eg if the RU has address
BXP_4_9 and BXP_4_10). CSR3368179.
- invxg: master/slave were sometimes swapped around in the CPRI table, leading to
corrupt graph.
- invxg: fixed various issues with the graphical display not working properly on
certain CPRI configurations (eg PIMCU connections going to several DUs, RUs with
two CPRI links toward XMU, and more)
- invxg: graph showing misleading CPRI rate for rates above 10G
- invxr: was sometimes not showing the STAT LED.
- lgf/dcgm: was saving too many PMD files on EvoC8300 leading to very big dcgm.
Maximum total PMD size now limited to 700 MB (200 MB after compression).
- mons: dead-peer detection for Evo8300 (lttng_keepalive) had stopped working
after upgrade to lttng 2.9.7 in 18.0c. TR HV95751/HW76304/HW76225
- pcrk: was not showing correct total number of counter instances
- pmr: incorrect RNC formula TotalPageReqFromCore. TR HW79588
- pmr/pmx: aggregation of PDF counters was giving total value of zero when some
ROPs contained empty values. https://jira.ericsson.net/browse/MT-185
- pmr/pmxe: corrected a number of LTE KPIs. Thanks Herv� Delpech.
- pmx: columns misaligned when printing a mix of array and non-array counters
- pmx: showing confusing error ("Unable to find kpiDataPath") on Evo8300 and
- pmxy: was not working for KPIs of scope "CLASS" (only "INSTANCE")
- sql+: was not working on DUW SW >= W18Q1

CHANGES IN v18.0c (2018-03-19)

- comcli: the "sts" command is now implemented for DUS G2 nodes. Type "h sts" for
- comcli: lg4 now displays all APC logs (Battery, Climate, PowerDistribution,
PowerSupply). Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: the "del" command is now supported on UpgradePackage MO. Can be used
instead of the previous method "cvrmu" + "acc swm removeupgradepackage".
- general: new uservariables "use_banner", "banner_text" and "banner_color" to
define a banner text to be printed at moshell/AMOS/EMCLI startup. Refer to
description in the file moshell/moshell.
- lgf2: now saves the XB container files into logfiles2.zip.
- lgp: updated to zpm R33 on linux
- ma/mr: new option "i" (mai/mri) to do a geti instead of get. Eg to make MO
groups based on internalmom attributes. Applicable for DUS Gen2 only, without
- pcrk: new command "pcrk" to print or create PmKpi definitions. Type "h pcrk" for
info. Applicable for RNC >= 18.Q2 (feature "WCMDA flexible node supervision").
- pmx: new option "y" ("pmxy") to fetch and display the kpi's stored in the kpi
ropfiles. Type "h pmx" for info. Applicable for RNC >= 18.Q2 (feature "WCMDA
flexible node supervision").
- pmrf/dcgm: now stores the kpi ropfiles into the ropfiles.zip (feature "WCMDA
flexible node supervision"). Applicable for RNC >= 18.Q2 (feature "WCMDA flexible
node supervision").
- pmr/pmxe: more updates in the LTE KPI formulas and reports. Thanks Herv�
- pmxe: included PIM-D KPIs in the LTE FORMULA file. Run "pmxeh rfport= int_pim
-mo (Field.*)" or "pmxeth rfport= int_pim -mo (Field.*)" to display those KPIs.
Currently only supported for LTE RRU4449B5B13 and RRU8843B2B66A.
- mon: added a new uv lttng_nwsocket_timeout to set the environment variable
LTTNG_NETWORK_SOCKET_TIMEOUT on the lttng-relayd process.
- mon: the name of the monitor session on Linux nodes now shows the ipaddress of
the LTTNG relayd server as well as the TCP ports used for the LTTNG connection in
the format: mon_<nodeip>_<lttngrelaydip>_<controlport>_<dataport>_<liveport>
- mon: updated Linux binaries to lttng-relayd 2.9.7 and babeltrace 1.5.4 on
Solaris/Linux. Thanks EfficiOS.
- monu: new uservariable "udp_router" to setup a UDP monitor toward a trace router
process running on another workstation. Applicable for CPP nodes only. This uv is
equivalent to the uv "bbte_router" on MSRBS. Type "h monu" for info.
- monuk: new option "f" ("monukf") to force kill the trace router process even
when it belongs to another user. Type "h monuk" for info.
- monuk[f]: now supported on CPP nodes. Previously only supported on Linux nodes.
Type "h monuk" for info.
- sql+: now allows starting the sql client with up to 300 MB of heap. Type "h
sql+" for info.
- general: now supported to run several MML commands on one line on GSM BSC (eg:
plldp ; allip ; rlcrp:cell=all ;...)
- general: the GSM BSC MOM version now shows "BSC_NODE_MODEL" instead of

- bo/bp: the board groups c1mp and c2mp were incorrect on EvoC8300
- comcli: acc was not aborting when inputting an empty parameter at the prompt. TR
- comcli: corrupt PMCACHE file was not being detected, leading to incorrect
behaviour of pmom and pcr commands.
- comcli: cvcu/cvls showing incorrect SW release for Baseband-T nodes
(TCU03/TCU04). TR HW68547.
- comcli: invxr hanged in offline mode
- comcli: pst/pgets did not correctly update the PmJob list when PmJobs getting
deleted from OSS or from another moshell session.
- comcli: some coli commands ("date", "ps") were not working on G2 nodes
containing a PIMCU (BB P614)
- comcli: CV commands (cvls/cvmk/cvrm/etc) were not working on GSM BSC and APG43L
- comcli: pmr/pmx/pmom crash when connected in offline mode to a dcgm.zip where
the modump did not contain the MeasurementType MOs.
- comcli: the maximum number of allowed backups was not displayed in cvls when
- dcgm: some log folders on PICO RBS were being stored twice in the logfiles.zip
leading to bigger file size. https://jira.ericsson.net/browse/P05-227 and
- dcgm: updated EXS coli printouts
- dcgm: updated LTE coli printouts
- dcgm: included GRAT coli printouts for DUS G2
- dcgm: hanged forever when trying to convert a corrupted dcgproxy_m.zip file
- dcgm: dont take a backup on COM nodes https://jira.ericsson.net/browse/P05-342.
The backup is already included in ESI.
- diff: mapping of PARAM file to MOM version was not working with RNC MOM V_10_0
and above
- ftget: was not working toward local folders in /pramfs on EvoC8300 (eg ftget
- general: check IP contact at startup with not working on certain types of core
network COM nodes.
- general: smart_password was not working properly with some of the new lab
password conventions
- general: updated the default uv value of standard_passwords to support both new
and old lab password convention
- general: moshell hanged forever when trying to read a file that the user does
not have permission to (eg an ipdatabase file with no read permission for that
- geti: attribute value filter was not working (eg: geti . nooftx 2)
- gpg: stop retrying if the file could not be decrypted due to "Rate limit
- inv/lmidh: updated RU HW translation tables
- invx: updated SFP product number table
- invx: the RX power (RSSI) values were incorrectly calculated.
- invx: the product data of the TN SFP was not displayed anymore and was being
replaced by the string "FAULTY_SFP".
- invx: was not correctly showing TX/RX power and VSWR for dual-band Radios 2242,
4442, 4443, 4449, 8843
- invx: was showing incorrect number of RF ports on RRU4442.
- invx: incorrect TX/VSWR display on RRUs with only RX (RRU A2/A3/0208), showing 0
instead of N/A
- invxg: graph was incorrect on certain CPRI configurations
- inv/invh: the ISL links table was incorrect on Evo R2 for the links to CAX
- invl: some spurious characters (non-breaking spaces) were sometimes displayed in
the feature description fields.
- lgf2: was leaving empty "xblogs" folders under in the log directory
- lgk: was not working in offline toward a RNC dcgm.zip
- lgw: was not showing the total number of ssh sessions on EvoC8300
- mon: was still showing the "$moncommand" on Linux nodes (EvoC8300 and MSRBS)
even when the monitor session failed to setup.
- offline mode: was slow to load dcgm from large RNC.
- offline mode: in some cases was closing down straight away due to not finding
the MOM eventhough the MOM was present
- offline mode: in some cases was parsing the MOM twice at startup leading to
longer startup time.
- rinpc: had stopped working (hanging) due to a bug introduced in 17.0p.
- steg: was not working on Evo R2 with PBACCIB

CHANGES IN v18.0b (2018-02-19)

- pmr/pmxe: updated LTE and WCDMA KPI formulas and reports. Thanks Herv� Delpech.
- pmr/pmxe: added SctpPacketLoss for Gen2
- comcli: geti/seti updated to support new internal attributes introduced in
17.Q4, 18.Q1, 18.Q2
- invl: updated license CXC/FAJ translation files for RNC W17Q4
- dcgm: number of hours of event ropfiles to collect is now configurable from the
option "-m" and is equal to one fourth of the value given in -m (default: 12
hours). Type "h dcg" for info.

- acc: now reloads the PmKpi MOs after executing action installKpis on RNC
(controlled by uv "smart_action")
- comcli: $nr_of_scanners was not updated after pst/pgets
- comcli: bp/lh/inv were not supporting PIMCU
p?0.view.821.3.0 . Piotr Piaseki
- comcli: cr/crn could not handle attributes of type struct containing only one
member (eg IpsecPolicy::localTrafficSelector)
- comcli: gpg was not able to decrypt ESI in 5G vRAN dcgm.zip files
- comcli: monu was not working on MSRBS SW 16A and 16B
- cr/acc: backslash sign "\" entered at attribute/parameter prompt was being
- dcgm: was showing confusing error message regarding failed deletion of
- general: $cellomomversion and $cppversion were sometimes not matching
- general: coli interface and ip connectivity check were not working on latest CPP
SW with updated OpenSSH server (v6.9) after CV rollback
- general: moshell could not run on some 64-bit Linux (where 64-bit libncurses
library is not installed)
- general: passwd was not working on CPP nodes with corrupted /c/security/passwd
- general: smart_comcli was not able to automatically recognise Netsim Gen2 nodes
- general: update the default uv value of standard_passwords according to latest
password rules introduced in CPP C18
- general: xbsh was not working on Evo8300
- lgf2: the logfiles2.zip was not generated with correct folder structure on
- lgk: was not working on Evo8300
- lgw: was not showing ssh connections on Evo8300

CHANGES IN v18.0a (2018-01-16)

- comcli: incorrect printout format of lgl/lgo/lgu/lgy on Baseband RadioNode SW >=
- comcli: setting the attribute AntennaNearUnit::uniqueId to empty was causing
corruption in the RET/TMA
- comcli: updated handling of vfru COLI commmands
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- cvput: was not working on EvoC8300
- general: added new RNC board groups for EvoC8300: modp (Modules on PIU) and modd
(Modules on PIUDEV)
- general: "l+" command failing to find the file in certain cases .
- general: moshell stopped working since version 17.0n on 64-bit Linux
installations without 32-bit libs
- general: the handling of CPP COLI command "passwd" was not working properly
(sometimes hanging or not registering the new password)
- general: using semicolon in ManagedElement attributes such as userLabel, site,
or siteLocation was causing some moshell commands (eg dcgm) to fail. https://jira-
- gpg: change the decrypted file extension from ".tar.gz.gpg.dec.tar.gz" to just
- invl: wrong FAJ displayed on some WRBS Gen1 capacity keys
(CXC4021008/CXC4021009/CXC4021001/CXC4021002/CXC4021007) and some MSRBS feature key
- invl: updated license CXC/FAJ translation files for 17Q4, both Gen1 and Gen2
- invx: added support for RRU4418 and RRU8842
- lgd: was not correctly displaying CPP phased restarts.
- mobatch: was sometimes showing result "OK" (instead of "WrongPw") eventhough the
incorrect user/password was used.
- mobatch: was not creating the temporary amos file correctly
- mon: was not working on CPP SW >= 18Q1
- sql+: was not working on CPP SW >= 18Q1
- scripting: using a variable of type array in a "else if" statement was not

CHANGES IN v17.0p (2017-12-24)

- comcli: "bp all" now shows more accurate SW allocation information (with RAT
type) for each bbEqm
- comcli: "gpg" now supports new CSDP API. Type "h gpg" for info.
- comcli: bp/lh now supports EMCA processors on AAS radio
- comcli: dcgm/lgf1 now only includes the last two BB crash dumps of each EMCA.
Can be configured with new uv "esi_nr_bbdumpkeep" (default value: 2). Applicable
from MSRBS SW 18.Q1 onward.
- comcli: dcgm/lgf1 now does not include the PMD files anymore (CPM crash files)
since they are already part of the large ESI.
- comcli: new log option supported in lgk ("lgk -x sync") to show content of the
sync-dcg.log. Type "h lg" for info.
- dbc/sql mode: updated to polyview version 9.3
- dbd: the MO class filters (uv "dbd_exclude_moclasses" and "dbd_only_moclasses")
now apply to the MO instance tables (tables with title "onlyInDumpX")
- diffo: the MO class filter (uv "diffo_exclude_moclasses") now applies to the MO
instance tables (tables with title "onlyInDumpX")
- general: added generic support for entering coli commands with prompt, by using
"\x0a" (ascii code for line-feed) as separator
- invx: the UPT field is now presented with better accuracy (2 decimal points up
to 9 days then 1 decimal point up to 99 days)
- sfpdecoder: now shows SFP connector type
- trun: new command "CORBATIMEOUT" , to change the corba idle timeout of the .mo
script. Type "h trun" for info.

- comcli: added some DUS Gen2 coli commands ("syncremotecentral info all" and
"ridump all")
- comcli: dcgm now executes "dcg run" on NGR G2 radios with SW >= 17Q2
- comcli: dcgm was lacking the modump.zip when ipdatabase file contained wrong
- comcli: geti was not working on nodes without the feature license for "Hidden
Parameter Access" (CXC4012188)
- comcli: the MO class filter in diffo (uv "diffo_exclude_moclasses") was not
working when omitting the MIM fragment prefix
- comcli: wrong MOM version created for Pico RBS 6401, leading to "pmr" command
not working
- diff: updated PARAM files for W17.Q4
- general: Evo8300 coli command "journalctl" was not working when run by OAM user
- general: Evo8300 coli command "userconfig passwd" was not properly supported
- general: password warning was not shown after activating CPP feature "Node
password protection"
- general: coli interface and ip connectivity check were not working on latest CPP
SW with updated OpenSSH server (v6.9)
- invg: DU ports were displayed in wrong order on the graphical view when
connected to unused XMU splitter block
- invv: had stopped working in 17.0n
- invx: electrical CPRI links directly connected to DU are now shown with
hardcoded length of 1m unless stated otherwise in the SFP
- invx: RX power was wrong for NGR G2 radios (RRU2212, RRU4415, etc)
- invx: the UPT value was incorrect on DUS Gen2 (was not taking into consideration
warm restarts)
- invx: was showing CPRI link type Optical instead of Electrical on links with
Electrical SFP
- rdel/ir: not working for IubLink/UtranCell using AnrBlackList

CHANGES IN v17.0n (2017-12-11)

- comcli: adapted bo/bp/lh to support multi-DU configuration
- comcli: adapted inv to support multi-DU configuration
- comcli: pcrf is now about 10 seconds faster
- comcli: the TLS interface (HTTPS and COMCLI/NETCONF/COLI over TLS) now supports
timeout handling (ip_connection_timeout and ip_inactivity_timeout). Thus avoiding
hangings which could occur previously. Thanks Maxime Jochum/Joakim �stlund for
patching the openssl s_client to support this.
- general: new uservariable "exclude_preliminary" to hide attributes/counters
marked with the tag "preliminary". Default: enabled. Refer to moshell/moshell for
more info on this uv.
- inv: new column "RX (dBm)" in RBS/ENB/MSRBS RF table to show the received power
- inv: RF table now shows Cell to RX mapping (previously only showing Cell to TX
- inv: new column "UPT" in RBS/ENB/MSRBS HW table to show the boards' uptime in
- mobatch: now shows moshell session execution result as "Fail" if the session was
exited with the command "exit 1"
- pstool: new option "-e" to list/kill moshell sessions older than a given number
of days. Type "pstool" without arguments for info.
- trun: ACTION now supports new optional element "transaction null", in order to
run a non-transactional action. Type "h trun" for example.

- amos/enm: lg was not attempting to use the temporary ldap account when user
logged in to node via com_username/com_password. https://jira-
- comcli: MOM download was failing for APG43L (comcli=34).
- comcli: al was printing messy additionalInfo field .
- comcli: al was setting wrong $returncode upon failure
- comcli: cvcu/cvls was sometimes showing the wrong UP Release Name on ENB. Now
reads the release name from the attribute UpgradePackage::upCompatibilityIndex
- comcli: dcgm.zip filename was showing node type TCU instead of VNFM
- comcli: geti was not working on nodes without the feature license for "Hidden
Parameter Access" (CXC4012188)
- comcli: lg "c" option (csv output) was not working on pico when specifying date
- comcli: lgs printout was corrupted on pico for certain timezones, showing all
entries on one row
- comcli: minor optimisation on invxrb faster by up to 20 seconds on largest node
- comcli: polu was sometimes failing to confirm the upgrade, leading to rollback.
TR HW47932
- comcli: setting attribute values of type string was not working for certain
attributes. TR HW47278.
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- comcli: was showing Upgrade Failed even when Upgrade successful (when using the
setting polu_confirmupgrade=0).
- comcli: when running gpg against a dcgm.zip or logfiles.zip, all esi files that
could not get decrypted were getting removed from the zip file.
- comcli: get/hget was not correctly displaying struct members of type
- comcli: gpg was not able to decode esi files from slave DUs or from RRUs
- dcgm/fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos: fetch more bb translation files
- dcgm: added CPP coli commands for CBM/CBM3 , CAX, and csuc
- dcgm: added RCS/TN coli commands
- dcgm: put back cradbi command from certain UP level
- dcgm: was not including the "dcgproxy.log.gz" file
- diffo: updated to not show system-created MO instances that appear in one dump
but not the other
- fro/sql+: was not working on nodes running CPP C18.Q1. TR HW46107
- fte: spurious line appeared at the end of the printout on EvoC8300
- general: coli command userconfig was strange behaviour on EvoC8300 when run as
non Admin user.
- general: moshell was not working in some linux machines when run from Citrix
(due to colliding libraries)
- general: re-enabled TLS1.0 ciphers to allow HTTPS over TLS1.0 to CPP nodes
- general: suspending the moshell session with CTRL-Z was causing the moshell
process to use up to 99% CPU on the workstation. https://plf-
- general: the uservariables cpplinux_usernames/cpplinux_passwords (to save a list
of user/passwords for EvoC8300 login) were not working
- internal: using a new more stable method to check for file presence
- inv/lmidh: updated RU HW translation tables
- inv: updated SFP product number table
- invx: the CPRI link rate was sometimes missing
- invxg: the graphical view was sometimes not showing all the cells connected to
each RF port
- lfc: was not working with a file of type "dcgproxy.zip"
- lhz: was not working with OAM user in EvoC8300. TR HW48624.
- mon: babelwrap sometimes failing to reconnect after board restart
- mon: lttng-relayd printout error messages are now saved to file in $tempdir
instead of printing in the moshell window
- mon: reduced keepalive timeout default values for faster reconnection and
closing of unused file descriptors.
- mon: updated Linux binaries to lttng-relayd 2.9.6 and babeltrace 1.5.3 plus a
number of patches to solve issues with failed reconnection after board restart.
Thanks EfficiOS.
- mon: was not working on nodes running CPP C18.Q1.
- monk-: was not properly killing the lttng-relayd in some cases
- mons-: was not properly removing saved sessions on EvoC8300/DUSGen2 in some
- pmed: was not able to decode EvoC8300 PiuDev ropfiles
CHANGES IN v17.0m (2017-10-29)

- comcli: new uservariable "export_port" to specify the SFTP server port used when
export_method is 1 or 2 (default: export_port=22). Refer to the description in the
file moshell/moshell. https://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/TORF-145402
- general: new uservariable "max_sessions_all" to specify the maximum number of
parallel moshell/amos sessions allowed on the workstation. Refer to description in
the file moshell/moshell.
- inv: SFPs with faulty preamble or checksums are now highlighted with
"FAULTY_SFP" in the product field. Type "h inv" for info.
- mobatch: possible to specify upper limit for the "-p" option by editing the
variable "$MAX_P_OPTION" in the mobatch file. https://jira-
- mon: new uservariable "lttng_relayd_options" to specify lttng-relayd options.
Can be set to "-vvv,>,$logdir/$ipaddress_lttngdebug.log,2>&1" in order to dump
debug info to a logfile.
- scripting: new script "$scripts/ruvoltage.mos" to print RU/RRU voltage (can also
be executed with the alias "invv")

- comcli: pmr/pmxe was not working with KPI formulas containing the pmRopCounter
- comcli: ppf coli commands were not working.
- comcli: using "\t" in coli was not working
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- comcli: EPG/SSR ipos cli commands (exec-cli) were not handled properly
- comcli: com_usernames/com_passwords was not working on EPG/SSR
- comcli: acc printout now starts with an added line feed for multi-line printouts
in EPG/SSR/SEG nodes
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new RNC MO classes (EUtranCellRelation,
ExternalEUtranCell, EUtranFreqRelation)
- dcgm: dcgm.zip filename was showing node type TCU instead of vSD
- dcgm: ODM logs were not collected on PIMCU
- dcgm: coli printouts were not collected on RRU2012. TR HW36625
- dcgm: cradbi is now put back on Gen1 from UP R28A21. CSR 3237903
- diff: was not working when using a dcgm.zip in the second argument.
- general: confusing error printout appeared at startup on Solaris 11. TR HW35493.
- general: corba_class>=3 was not working with java 1.6
- general: new uservariable "use_jacorb_ciphers" to specify the type of corba
ciphers. Default is TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA up to C17.3 and all from C17.Q4.
Refer to the description in the file moshell/moshell.
- general: some coli commands were hanging or failing when run as OAM-user or
Super-user on Evo8300 (journalctl, cat, xbsh, rm, rmdir)
- general: the variable $cellomomversion was not showing the correct CPP version
- general: using asterisk in "te" command was not working on EvoC8300 (eg "te
enable *" or "te disable *")
- general: some commands had become slower after introducing HTTPS detection (inv,
str, ...)
- inv: was producing wrong value for $returncode
- invl: "invl restricted" was showing incorrect information on ENB/MSRBS.
- invl: some FAJ translations were missing on Baseband T605/C608
- invlc: csv format of the license tables was not working for Gen1
- invx: added support for dual-band radio RRU4449
- invxg: some simulated radios (CTX) were lacking linkhandler
- invxg: was showing wrong CPRI link rate for rates greater than 10G
- lgf2: was not working on Evo8300. TR HW12269
- lgf3: was not working in offline mode to a dcgm.zip
- momi: updated for 17.Q4
- mons: was not properly closing file descriptors on the workstation after Evo8300
board or node restart. New uservariables "lttng_keepalive_*" to handle dead-peer
detection. TR HV95751
- mons-: was not correctly removing saved trace streaming sessions on Linux nodes
- multimode: was not working when connecting to a mix of Gen1 and Gen2 nodes (Gen2
nodes are now ignored)
- pmefg: was not working on Evo8300
- pmx: was not handling aggregation of Qci counters in ENB when different array
size between ROPs. Thanks Zhaoran He.
- tg: was not working on later RNC SW

CHANGES IN v17.0k (2017-10-01)

- comcli: gpg now retries ESI decryption up to 5 times if CSDP server connection
failed. The number of attempts is configurable in the uservariable gpg_retry. Type
"h gpg" for info.
- comcli: new uservariables keypem and keypass to be used with use_tls=21 for
certain types of TLS connections such as toward APG43L. Refer to description in the
file moshell/moshell.
- comcli: dcgm on Baseband Nodes (MSRBSv2) is now collecting large ESI by default.
To collect small ESI, use "dcge" or "dcgm -k 0". Type "h dcg" for info.
- dcgm: now collects the latest DSP crash dump by default on Gen1 ENB (previously
was not collecting any DSP crash dump). Type "h dcg" for info.
- amos: new uservariable amos_enm_accountlookup to enable or disable the node
password lookup for AMOS in ENM. (default: enabled). Refer to description in the
file moshell/moshell.

- ced: the column CC_SP was empty on Evo8300
- comcli: after a node SW upgrade, the MOM version was sometimes showing the wrong
node SW release name (eg 17.Q3 instead of 17.Q4)
- comcli: cr/crn did not work when attempting to create a MO containing a password
attribute (eg MaintenanceUser, LogPushTansfer, etc)
- comcli: ftree/ftget commands were not working when connected over TLS instead of
- comcli: invl was not showing certain Feature names.
- comcli: the user's password was sometimes shown in clear text when running
exportdump/exportexcep commands (via dcgm, lgp, lgf, pmefr)
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- cvcu/cvls/upid: SW release translation missing for RBS/ENB >= 17.Q2
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new CPP MO classes (Ssh, Tls)
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new LTE/APC MO classes (PmFlexCounterFilter,
PreschedProfile, ReportConfigInterEnbUlComp, ConsumedEnergy,
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new MGW MO classes (FileFetcherApplication,
FanSupervision, BgfMediaQualityMonitoring, BgfMediaQualityMeasurement,
- dbc: was reporting fake inconsistency on MGW MO IpAccessHostSpecificPool
- dcgm: radio commands were not being run on certain NGR G2 radio types
- dcgm: removed rrt-* si . TR HW27575
- dcgm: wrong radio commands were being run on node SW >= 17.Q1
- dcgm: xmu commands were attempted on pico
- diff: running diff on two modump.zip file twice in a row was sometimes failing
the second time
- diff: running on a MO dump taken with incomplete MOM caused large number of
unnecessary warnings regarding missing EricssonOnly attributes
- diff: updated PARAM files for W17.Q3
- emcli: default value of inactivity_timeout now set to 10 minutes in EMCLI.
- emcli: emcli installation package was missing the sfpdecoder utility
- general: HTTP/HTTPS was not correctly handled when the CPP node's webServerMode
was changed in the middle of the moshell session
- general: HTTPS was not working on Netsim CPP nodes
- general: some coli commands were not working on Evo8300 when executed as non-
root user (cat, listloaded, ts, xbsh)
- general: some commands were not working properly on nodes with IPv6 O&M address
due to inconsistent naming of certain moshell logfiles (dbc, lg, ...)
- general: the uservariable "jacorb_ciphers" is now set to
"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" by default (used to be empty)
- inv/lmidh: updated RU HW translation tables
- inv: updated SFP product number table
- invl: updated license CXC/FAJ translation files for 17Q3, both Gen1 and Gen2
- invx/bp: was not working properly with radios having two CPRI links
- invx: added support for new radios (2242, 2468, 4426, 4428, 4442, 4449, 8843)
- invx: was not showing CPRI cable length on ENB/MSRBS SW >= 17.Q4
- invxg: the graph was cut/corrupted for nodes containing PIMCU (where the product
name was PIMCU instead BB P614)
- mom/pmom: was not working correctly with new CPP MOs PmIndication and PmKpi
- mon: changed default value of lttng_flush_cpp to 4000000. TR HW16346
- mon: new linux monitor clients (babeltrace2/babelwrap2) that send error traces
to standard out instead of standard err. TR HW28273. Set the uservariable
"use_babel2" to 1 in order for mon to call those (default: 0). Refer to description
in the file moshell/moshell for more info.
- pmx: was not handling aggregation of Qci counters in ENB. Thanks Zhaoran He.
- pmxd: was not working with counter names not starting with pm (also pmr reports
calling pmdiff had same issue)
- scripting: dividing a variable by zero was causing moshell crash (eg, attempting
to do: $c = $a / $b , where $b=0)

CHANGES IN v17.0j (2017-09-02)

- comcli: added support for new feature "testmomdump" MR4522, available in Node SW
>= 17.Q3. Causes the commands "dcgk" and "geti" to be much faster. New uservariable
"use_testmomdump" to control whether the feature should be used in moshell
(default: 1=used).
- comcli: offline mode session connected to a modump or dcg taken from a node
supporting "testmomdump" is able to display the internal Ericsson attributes as
regular attributes (=> similar behaviour as "use_complete_mom=1" in Gen1)

- amos: polu_confirmupgrade default value changed to 0 for AMOS and polu help
updated. TR HW23557 and HW23552
- coli: LM CXC to name translation was not working for EvoC8300 coli commands run
on hub MP via "sudo"
- coli: some commands (listloaded, ts, xbsh) were not working on EvoC3800 when run
as OAM user
- comcli: "lh gcpu bbte log <subcommand>" was not working properly for subcommands
"getreport" and "export"
- comcli: "lt" command was not working properly after typing "n" at the
confirmation message
- comcli: MO instances of deprecated MO class were being hidden even with
- comcli: added support for 5G VNFM node (comcli=5X).
- comcli: added support for vEMe node (comcli=40). TR HW20262
- comcli: attributes of type sequence:Struct containing members of type sequence
were not displayed correctly in get/kget (eg AirIfLoadProfile::ocngPrbSerie)
- comcli: bp/lh was not working on BB52 connected to CTX
- comcli: cvcu/cvls was sometimes showing the wrong UP Release Name. Now reads the
release name from the attribute UpgradePackage::administrativeData
- comcli: deprecated internalmom attributes were not being excluded from geti/seti
- comcli: export_method=0 was not working on certain linux machines
- comcli: geti was attempting to read non-applicable attributes for certain MO
- comcli: geti was not able to display attributes of type sequence
- comcli: geti was not printing exclamation marks in front of exceptions
- comcli: lgeti was incorrectly prompting with a confirmation message
- comcli: lgf/dcgm are now removing WPRBS femtolgs for root user
- comcli: mon was not able to start session to ipv4 and ipv6 node simultaneously
from the same workstation
- comcli: monu stopped working properly on MSRBS SW >= 17.Q4
- comcli: pget was not able to show pmFlex counter on node SW >= 17.Q3
- comcli: wrong translation of sfAllocationOneFrame/sfAllocationFourFrame struct
members in get/kget/hget
- dbc: updated rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for check of RNC features.
- dcgi: added EthernetSwitchModulePort counters
- dcgm: added "ifconfig -a" for EvoC8300 (without lhsh)
- dcgm: removed cradbi on Gen1 to avoid crash. CSR 3237903
- ftgetc: will do a unconditional download if the file exists on the workstation
but is a corrupted gzipped file. TR HV68384
- general: polling corba port was failing on certain setups
- general: smart_comcli was not working properly on NetSim node where IOR file not
found (mistaking the node for a COM node instead of a CPP node)
- geti: was not working without attribute filter (eg "geti <mo>")
- getmom: was not able to fetch RNC incomplete MOM files for RNC SW >= W15
- getmom: was not able to fetch the latest MGW complete MOM files
- goxb: was not working with non-root user on EvoC8300
- invx: was not showing the NbIotCell to RF port association for inband IOT cell
- lgd: incorrect downtime values were displayed for RNC phased node restarts
- mon: was sometimes failing on EvoC8300 due to interference with PERLLIB setting
- pmr: incorrect formula for RNC KPI PsDCHFACHRabSucc
- rdel: was deleting wrong MOs when intermittent node SW issues preventing from
reading currentLoadedConfigurationVersion
- rinpm: included latest rinpm python file. Type "h rinp" for info.
CHANGES IN v17.0h (2017-07-14)

- inv: the LTE feature list table now shows information about restricted features
in ENB and MSRBS. Type "invl restricted" to see restricted features. Type "h inv"
for info.
- comcli: geti/seti updated to support new internal attributes introduced from
- comcli: gpg now puts back the decrypted ESI inside the dcgm.zip or logfiles.zip.
Type "h gpg" for info.

- al: was not working properly on NetSim
- cab: was not showing standby FTC board on EvoC8300
- ced: new column added "SpchG" (corresponds to "Speech General UE Count" in
celldata printout). Type "h ced" for info.
- comcli: "fte s" was not working properly on Baseband processors (board group
- comcli: dcgm added coli printout /secm/authtrace
- comcli: dcgm added coli printout /wrat/hspa
- comcli: dcgm use correct ping type
- comcli: invl was showing wrong FAJ number for transport network features in LTE
- comcli: setm was not working for struct attributes
- comcli: te log read <x> (where "x" is the number of seconds to print) was not
working anymore on later DUS Gen2 SW
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- cvcu/cvls: was not showing the CPP SW version on ENB L17
- cvls: was not showing CPP SW version when run after node upgraded from another
moshell session
- cvls: incorrect release name shown on MSRBS/ENB for 17.Qx tracks
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new CPP MO classes AclIpv4 and AclEntryIpv4
- dbc: updated rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for check of RNC features.
- dbc: was reporting fake inconsistency on InterfaceIpv4 MO
- dcgk/dcgm: increased MibManager timeout from 1000 seconds to 1800 seconds to
allow more time for collecting MO dump on very large node
- dcgm: added coli printout csucssh
- dcgm: added coli printout icdbi/cradbi
s.php?0.view.787.1.0 and
- dcgm: was not collecting <nodename>_ossfiles.zip for MSRBS/PRBS
- dcgm: added sync printouts for Gen2
- diff: updated PARAM files for W17.Q2
- general: HTTP/HTTPS was not correctly handled when the CPP node's webServerMode
was changed in the middle of the moshell session
- general: coli printouts were sometimes corrupted on EvoC8300 (with spurious text
"CpxLsi initialised")
- general: nodelete_list updated to include SwAllocation and Aal2Sp MO classes
- general: some uservariables were not working properly (eg ssh_retry)
- general: increased command line buffer size to 4096 characters for mosdebug
99/999 (JCAT settings)
- invl: on ENB and MSRBS, now only shows restricted feature information applicable
to the current SW release.
- invl: updated restricted features information up to 17.Q3
- invx: the column "DELAY" is renamed to "LENGTH" to avoid confusion. Type "h inv"
for info.
- invx: was not showing the correct number of RF ports for unreachable or disabled
Radio Units having more than 2 ports (eg RRUS32)
- invx: was showing wrong BXP address for RU moved from one CPRI port to another
- irp: was running very slow (up to several hours) when executed on many IubLink
- lgd: was showing double restart entries in certain cases (the real entry
followed by a fake spontaneous restart entry)
- lgp: was not working on latest EvoC8300 SW
- lgf/dcgm: was not including PMD files on latest EvoC8300 SW
- lgv: Lrat restart completed entry was not displayed correctly
- lkr: was not working properly on latest EvoC8300 SW
- stda: was not working properly on latest EvoC8300 SW
- uer: was not working on EvoC8300 when run as OAM user
- ma: now supports to specify many proxy ids to include in a MO group, by using
comma as separator. Type "h ma" for info.
- pmr: incorrect spelling for LTE KPI Othr_RrcSecFailUnexptectedMsg
- pmr: updated LTE KPI Mob_SessionContinuityRel
- proglist/proctemp/procload/fte: incorrect printout was displayed when specifying
a non-existent linkhandler in lhsh
- rinpm: included latest rinpm python file. Type "h rinp" for info.
- scripting: new script ims_counter_check to parse XML ROP files from IMS nodes.
Thanks Rose Condori.
- scripting: the variable $rats was not set in offline mode
- scripting: the variable $returncode was getting reset after typing an empty

CHANGES IN v17.0g (2017-06-05)

- comcli: new command "gpg" to extract/decrypt a gpg-encrypted ESI or PMD file.
Type "h gpg" for info. Only applicable for Ericsson personnel.
- comcli: "lt <moclass>" is now supported. Type "h lt" for info.
- comcli: "lcc <proxy>|<mofilter>" is now supported. Type "h lcc" for info.
- comcli: cvcu/cvls/bo/bp/mon/lg/pmom/emom/pst/pgets are not loading the whole MO
tree anymore, faster.
- comcli: dcgm now contains the individual PMD files, stored in
- comcli: invxb BER collection is faster
- ld: new option "c" to load a MO instance and the MO tree beneath it. Eg "ldc
equipment=1". Type "h ld" for info.
- general: support HTTPS download of CPP Webserver file (e.g. XML MOM, IOR file).
New from CPP C17.Q3.
- general: new commands "b2d" and "d2b" to convert from binary to decimal and
vice-versa. Type "h b2d" or "h d2b" for info.
- get/kget: now appends decimal to binary translation for ENodeB struct members
sfAllocationOneFrame and sfAllocationFourFrame
- bo/bp/lh/inv: added support for AAS unit (using new linkhandler address
"fru_xx" instead of "BXP_xx")
- invx: now shows Cabinet temperature (when available)
- invx: VSWR column now shows "-" when value cannot be read
- invx: now shows the RiL column in all CPRI/SFP tables
- monu: upgraded to tracetools R10B
- pmr: added some MGW reports at ROP level

- comcli: export actions (acc/lg) were not working with export password containing
double-quote. CSR3169778
- comcli: modump.zip collected by dcgk/dcgm was not containing deprecated
- comcli: modump.zip collected by dcgk/dcgm was sometimes not containing all MO
instances (due to hanging while reading attributes in FieldReplaceableUnit)
- comcli: some LRAT MOM fragments failed to be found on 5G nodes
- cvcu/cvls: was showing wrong release name on Gen1 nodes: 17B instead of 17Q1,
17Q2, etc. TR HV92205.
- diff: updated PARAM files for WRAN 17A IP11
- catch_ctrl_c: CTRL-C was being caught all the time instead of just at the
moshell prompt.
- del: was not working on AuxPlugInUnit MO, failing to remove XpProgram MOs
- disk_check: was not working when zero disk space left. https://jira-
- general: the new openssh/openssl binaries were not working on some older
Solaris/sparc machines.
- general: using asterisk in "ts" command was not working on EvoC8300 (eg "ts
default *" or "ts save *")
- general: coli help ("?") was not working on Evo8300
- invx: was not showing mixedMode Sector information on later ENB SW (where
mixedModeRadio attribute is deprecated and replaced by isSharedWithExternalMe)
- invx: was not showing the AntennaNearUnit table when run a second time
- invx: the CPRI linkrate column was sometimes misaligned
- pmr: was going into endless loop when run from a command file without specifying
valid report numbers
- lgn: was hanging forever when trying to read a moscommandlog file corrupted by
pmr endless loop
- lhz: was not working on ENB nodes containing linux boards (such as XMU03,
RRU2212, etc)
- multimode: skip retry of IOR file download when a node is unreachable
- mom: was not showing deprecated tag for certain struct members
- mom: certain characters in the attribute descriptions were not diplayed
properly, spurious signs were shown on the terminal.
- mon: lttng-relayd was not working properly on Linux. TR HV76805. Thanks Joakim
�stlund and EfficiOS.
- monk-: was not working properly on CPP nodes (trying to start a new monitor
session after killing the old one).
- pmr: the WRBS KPI Perc90TxPwr was not working.
- proglist: was not showing CPU load on Evo8300 after CPP LSV216
- rinpm: included latest rinpm python file. Type "h rinp" for info.
- scripts: cidwrapper.mos was not working for Evo8300

CHANGES IN v17.0f (2017-04-30)

- comcli: invx is now faster by running RF data collection in a background
process. Only done if the node has more than 6 radio units (can be changed with uv
- general: upgraded to gawk 4.1.4
- ced[sgh]: new option "-s <rsite>" to filter by RSite MO. Type "h ced" for info.
- str: new option "-r <rsite>" to filter by RSite MO. Type "h str" for info.
- pmr: new RNC reports for KPIs at RSite level.
- dcgm: now includes a new zipfile <nodename>_ossfiles.zip containing the
RBS/ENB/MSRBSV2/PRBS XML ROP files stored in the OSS (had been introduced in 11.0q
but was not working).
- general: SSH/SFTP now using stronger ciphers. CR OSS-152155. Thanks Joakim
- general: new uservariable "catch_ctrl_c" to prevent CTRL-C from killing the
moshell session while run at the moshell prompt. Thanks Simon Richardson.
- general: new uservariable "prompt_case" to specify whether the prompt will
contain the node name in its original case or in all uppercase (default). Refer to
the file moshell/moshell for more details on this uservariable. https://jira-
- invl: printout format of the OptionalFeatures and Capacity tables is now aligned
to be the same in Gen1 as in Gen2 (eg, added ValidFrom/ValidUntil in the Gen1
- scripting: new script "$scripts/teramdisk.mos" to run a batch of te/tm commands
for setup of persistent traces to be monitored by the DUS G1 RAMDISK monitor
(MR2977 - "mona"). Refer to help inside the script.
- scripting: new script "$scripts/setftppw.mos" to set the attribute
EquipmentDiscovery::sftpPassword without displaying the actual password
- comcli: new uv sftp_kexalg to set the SFTP KexAlgorithms options, may be needed
for SFTP servers running CoreFTP.
- comcli: new uv smart_export to control whether export_method will fallback from
2 to 1 when export_server=ws_ip

- accn: was not working with parameters of type moRef
- comcli: "invh" was not working properly, showing all tables instead of just the
HW table.
- comcli: PNP log display was not working, causing hanging of the lgk command
("lgk -x pnp")
- comcli: the SW release name in cvcu/cvls was sometimes incorrect (eg 17B instead
of 17Q1)
- comcli: too long timestamp in alt printout was causing misalignment of the
- comcli: geti/seti was missing the attributes mmeSupportNbIoT and
mmeSupportLegacyLte in TermPointToMme
- dbc: fake inconsistency shown for IpFlowMonitor MOs on Evo RNC
- dbc: was hanging forever when run with latest postgres version toward Evo8300.
- dcg: was failing to produce a syntax error message when user accidentally type a
space between dash sign and option letter, eg "dcgm - k 1", leading to confusing
- dcgi: updated EXS commands for Evo and Classic
- dcgm: added command "bcm port" on RBS/ENB
- dcgm: did not contain the 5G node type
- dcgm: now includes coli commands for BB R518
- dcgm: the logfiles.zip was sometimes missing all its subfolders (bug introduced
in 17.0e after moving lgf2 from dcgi to dcgm).
- general: lh/dcgk/fro were sometimes failing on Evo8300 due to permission
conflicts between different users of the /d/usr temp files
- general: running "lhsh <board>" without a command was failing to print a syntax
error on Evo8300, leading to confusing behaviour.
- general: the "passwd" command was not working correctly on Evo8300
- general: the board groups ranapmp/rnsapmp were not correct on Evo8300 (missing
the PiuDev)
- general: the coli command ethtraceroute was missing certain lines of output when
run on Evo8300 central MP.
- general: updated URL of utran01 server to newtran01 as utran01 has been
decomissioned, this was impacting download of complete MOM and Polyhedra files
- htget: was attempting to download the same file twice upon failing the first
- invg: was crashing on certain configurations
- invl: incorrect FAJ for the RealTimeSecLog feature on RNC. TR HV72677
- invx: added support for RRU8818 and RRU4478
- invx: was not showing any TxPwr/VSWR for ports C and D on RRU4415
- invx: was not showing the Cells mapped to RF ports on IRU/DOT
- invx: was not showing the linkhandler for RRUL11
- invx: misaligned columns for AIR units in the HW table
- ipdatabase: uservariables (in fourth field) containing the "#" sign were not
read correctly
- kget/dcgk: certain attributes types (moRef and sequence) had wrong printout
format when run over the MibManager
- lhz: was not working properly on Evo8300
- lmidh: updated RU HW translation tables
- mons: was removing saved T&E traces when run on a Linux node (Evo8300 and DUS
- pmr: incorrect formula for ENB KPI Int_SinrPuschDistr
- pmr: was hanging on NetSim https://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/OSS-152809
- prl3.mos: the "active vip" field was sometimes incorrect. Also fixed the columns
- rnc_resource_usage: updates for Evo8300 (epbpkt -> epb2pkt)

CHANGES IN v17.0e (2017-03-22)

- amos: now uses the ENM temporary password lookup for the export credentials
("lg" command) when export_password is empty. HV64724 and https://jira-
- comcli: dcgm now includes a CV backup taken during the dcgm execution
- comcli: new "lg" option "4" ("lg4") to collect and display the BatteryLog. Type
"h lg" for info.
- comcli: new "lg" option "5" ("lg5") to collect and display the OotLog. Type "h
lg" for info.
- comcli: new option "i" in "diff" command ("diffi"), allowing to perform
parameter audit on EricssonOnly ("internalmom") parameters. Type "h diff" for info.
- comcli: the netconf .xml file generated by "u!" now contains the
corresponding .mos commands as comments prior to each rpc, in order to make the
file more readable.
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- dbc/sql mode: updated to polyview version 9.2
- dcgi: added new EPB coli printouts.
- dcgm: XB logs collection (lgf2) is moved from dcgi to dcgm.
- dcgm: now includes a file "up.zip" containing the /c/up folder .
- dcgm: updated EPB2 coli commands for EvoC8300
- diff: updated PARAM files for W17A
- general: upgraded to openssh 7.4p1 and openssl 1.0.2k. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- get/kget: now appends binary to decimal translation for ENodeB struct members
subframeAllocationFourFrame and subframeAllocationOneFrame
- inv/lmidh: updated RU and Pico HW translation tables
- inv: updated SFP product number table
- invl: updated license CXC/FAJ translation files for 17Q2, both Gen1 and Gen2
- lg2/lgf/dcgm: updated to fetch T&E logs from the ramdisk (MR2977).
- mon: new option "a" to setup ramdisk monitor (MR2977). Type "h mon" for info.
- mon: updated lttng/babeltrace versions to 2.9.4/1.5.2 on Cygwin. Applicable for
EvoC8300 and MSRBSv2. Thanks EfficiOS.
- moshell_install: now checks that cygwin 2.7.0 or higher is used. Moshell is not
anymore compatible with older cygwin releases (as consequence of lttng/openssh
- rinpc: updated check number 3 to include check for uniqueness of IubLinkId
attribute across the cluster.
- rinpm: included latest rinpm python file. Type "h rinp" for info.

- comcli: "lgk -x coma" was not showing the AdditionalInformation field in the COM
alarm log. TR HV65967.
- comcli: MOM parsing was sometimes incomplete after a node SW upgrade (polu),
leading to some attributes could not be read.
- comcli: action parameters were sent incorrectly on Netsim nodes https://jira-
- comcli: cr/crn was not able to create a MO with a mandatory attribute set to
empty value http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.11132
- comcli: cr/del/set were not working on MO instances with LDN containing special
characters in the MO id (such as exclamation mark)
- comcli: dcgm failed to collect the modump.zip when export_password empty
- comcli: initial connection and node type detection failed on Pico nodes with
NetconfSsh blocked. https://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/OSS-152983
- comcli: lga was not collecting all the alarm log files on Pico nodes, only the
latest one. https://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/OSS-151473
- comcli: lgb/lgz were not properly collecting all the logfiles
- comcli: lgo was not correctly displaying log entries for MO actions.
- comcli: the TN SFP diagnostics value were not being refreshed when running
"invr" http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.11129
- comcli: the information about restricted features in "invl" was incomplete
- comcli: the scripting variables $coremp_pos and $coremp_type were not being set
on Gen2 after running bo/bp
- comcli: the smart_shell feature was not working properly on Gen2 nodes being
connected with the "-v comcli=XX" option, leading to unknown commands giving
"unable to connect" message.
- comcli: the "mcl" printout contained untranslated ascii characters such as &#58
- comcli: updated help of "u!" command to mention about .mos to netconf
- comcli: dcgm and fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos are updated to collect some
missing xml translation files on DUS Gen2
- dcge/dcgm: added and removed some MGW coli printouts, more details in the
dcg_datacollection.mos file
- dcgi: removed "acpapi tree", causing traffic disturbances
- dcgk/kget: collecting the MO data via MibManager was sometimes failing due to
trying to fetch the wrong dump file from the node.
- dcgm: the coli printouts "dicminfo" were not being collected on nodes with SW
16B.10 and above
- dcgm: updated "ipmi dumpDecodedFelLog" command
- dcgr: wrong rrt/abtr commands were being run on EvoC8300
- emcli: "comcli" command renamed to "ecli". TR HV39626.
- emcli: added COMCLI disclaimer at startup. TR HV39626.
- fclean: was trying to delete ".listing" files.
- ftget/ftput/ftrun: was not working properly on EvoC8300 while logged in as a
regular user (non-root)
- ftree: was going into endless loop on Netsim nodes https://jira-
- general: board groups (bo/bp) were incorrect on EvoC8300
- general: long coli commands (> 80 characters) executed on EvoC8300 were
displayed with blank spaces in between.
- general: now checking for presence of nc6 binary at startup to avoid confusing
errors. TR HV61541/HV60521 .
- general: the uservariable "max_poll_time" was not taking effect when http port
down, leading to endless polling loop
- general: use_nodelete is now set to 1 by default and nodelete_list updated to
include RncModule MO.
- inv: now hiding spurious characters coming from corrupted SFP product data.
- inv: the HW and CPRI table now shows a dummy linkhandler (in the form of "Z??
_XX") for disabled/unreachable boards
- inv: the RF table (TX/VSWR/Cell mapping) was not showing disabled or simulated
Radio Units
- invg: the graph was not correctly displayed on nodes with long cell names.
Thanks Erik Linder-Noren.
- invl: was showing wrong end date for features with multiple license keys. TR
- lg2: time filtering options (-m/-p/-s/-e) were not working properly
- lgf/dcgm: was collecting too many PMD files on EvoC8300, maximum should be the
latest 90 PMD files.
- lgn: the attribute value of EquipmentDiscovery::sftpPassword was shown in clear
text, it is now replaced by *****
- lk: was not working correctly for EUtranCell MO on nodes with 10 Sectors or
- mon: removed unbuffer in front of babeltrace/babelwrap command as it is not
needed anymore after upgrading to babeltrace 1.5
- mon: was not able to start lttng/babeltrace on certain Linux 32-bit workstations
- runClient.sh: subscription to CS notification ("-c" option) containing SDN
notification was not working properly due to incorrect handling of ACType. Thanks
Ferdose Shaik.
- std: was not working properly on EvoC8300
- u!: conversion of .mos to .mo was producing incorrect characters such as ^ and `

CHANGES IN v17.0d (2017-02-12)

- general: new uservariables com_usernames/com_passwords to save several logins
for ECIM/COM nodes (MSRBSV2, TCU03, PICO, ...). Eg: com_usernames=user1,user2,user3
and com_passwords=pw1,pw2,pw3. The passwords can be stored in encoded format from
the "encpw" command. More info in the file moshell/moshell.
- general: new uservariables cpplinux_usernames/cpplinux_passwords to save several
logins for CPP Linux nodes (EvoC8300). Eg: cpplinux_usernames=user1,user2,user3 and
cpplinux_passwords=pw1,pw2,pw3. The passwords can be stored in encoded format from
the "encpw" command. More info in the file moshell/moshell.
- general: new uservariables "use_nolock" and "nolock_list" to prevent locking of
certain MO instances such as EthernetPort MOs. Refer to description in the file
- mon: updated lttng/babeltrace versions to 2.9.3/1.5.1 on Linux and Solaris.
Applicable for EvoC8300 and MSRBSv2. Thanks Joakim �stlund and EfficiOS.
- comcli: dcgk and dcgm are now faster by running certain parts in a background
process. TR HU86217.
- comcli: dcgk now includes the EricssonOnly parameters for nodes without TESTMOM.
TR HV58640/HV62864 and
- comcli: geti command now works in offline mode, provided the dcgk/dcgm was
collected with moshell version 17.0d or higher. TR HV58640/HV62864 and
- comcli: geti now shows percentage progress bar when reading a large number of
- comcli: geti command now supports negative filter (using exclamation mark) in
the attribute name filter
- comcli: new scripting variable "$swName" stores the productName of the active
SwVersion, this is usually matching to the node type (eg MSRBS, vRC, vPP, etc)
- rinpc: added new checks for RNC in pool live migration (nr of CV's and uraId
uniqueness). Type "h rinp" for info.
- rinpm: included latest rinpm python file. Type "h rinp" for info.
- scripting: new scripting variable "$nr_of_boards" is set after running the "bp"
command. Type "h scripting" for info.
- bgw: now supports waiting for a list of job id's. Type "h bg" for info.

- comcli: in offline mode the momversion was not saved correctly in the cached
MOM, leading to MOM being parse twice at startup and some commands not working
- comcli: polling after an MO action was causing subsequent actions to fail in
certain cases. TR HV63289. https://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/OSS-152359
- comcli: seti now shows a warning about setting EricssonOnly parameters
- comcli: setm was not working for attributes being set to null value
- comcli: the node type information in the dcgm.zip filename was incorrect for 5G
nodes, showing MSRBS instead of vRC, vPP, or BPU.
- dcgm: removed EPB commands not applicable for EPB2 (EvoC8300)
- dcgm: updated MGW COLI printouts. Thanks Kriszti�n Szrapk�
- general: running parsemom on a Gen1 MOM while connected to a Gen2 node was
generating corrupted cached MOM file, leading to strange behaviour when connecting
to a Gen1 node with that MOM.
- general: username/password was sometimes stored with trailing spaces when read
from command file, leading to certain commands to fail
- mond: now passes the "-tm <board>" option when calling the monitor client
- amos: removal of amos_log_interval correction for idle session (introduced in
17.0c) due to interfering with inactivity timeout
- amos: when using periodic amos command log (defined in uservariable
"amos_log_interval"), the last command executed kept being logged over and over.

CHANGES IN v17.0c (2017-01-31)

- comcli: the MSRBS feature list table now shows information about restricted
features. Type "invl restricted" to see restricted features. Type "h inv" for info.
- lgp: now shows llog fields for Linux board crashes (XMU03, RRU2212, RRU4415)
connected to a DUS Gen1
- scripts: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/rbsfingerprint.mos to generate a
configuration fingerprint on Gen1/Gen2 ENodeB, allowing for easier configurations
comparisons and identification

- amos: periodic amos command log (defined in uservariable "amos_log_interval")
was not working when session left idle. https://jira-
- amos: the ENM temporary password lookup was not working on IPv6 nodes. TR
HV48188/HV53716 and https://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/TORF-163848 .
- amos: was hanging at exit when running a command file containing non-breaking
spaces (nbsp, ascii 0xa0). TR HV54965 .
- comcli: after running the hpdiff command, other PM commands like pmom and pcr
stopped working. TR HV43347.
- comcli: cr command was not working for MO class AddressIPv6
- comcli: dcgm now collecting more TN coli printouts on DUS Gen2
- comcli: dcgm was not collecting the latest LTE xml translation files
- comcli: lgk was not working properly on 5G vRC node
- comcli: the script $scripts/fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos is updated to
collect some missing xml translation files on DUS Gen2
- comcli: the set command was not working correctly on attributes of type sequence
of struct where not all struct members were specified (setting members to default
value instead of existing value)
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- comcli: "lt all" was not working on latest EPG/SSR SW
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new ENB MO classes TestModeFunction,
ReportConfigElcA1A2, EquipmentDiscovery, AnrPciConflictDrxProfile
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new RNC MO classes TpsWeekPeriodConfig,
UeFunctionality, AnrIefUtran
- dbc/sql mode: was not recognising ENB fro attributes encoded in complex xml
- dcgm: added DUW printout "rrh dumpstdout ce"
- dcgm: now includes xenon:0 coli printouts for NGR G2 Radios (RRU2212/4415) for
all RBS configurations (Gen1/Gen2) and sw levels (16A and up).
- diff: the csv result file now shows the MOM version of the node on which the
parameter audit was executed.
- diff: the table showing parameter differences at MO class level now also shows
the total number of MO instances for each MO class where some parameters are not
aligned to the rereference value. The new format is now: <MOClass> <attribute>
<flag> <nrOfMismatchingMOInstances> <totalNrOfMOInstances> <currentVal>
- diff: was not working properly on attribute of type sequence of struct. Type "h
diff" for more info on how to specify the value for sequence of struct attributes
in the diff baseline reference file
- from[m]: the summary line (Total: xx MOs) was showing zero MOs when only
printing fro attributes
- general: COM nodes were being detected as CPP nodes on some customer networks.
TR HV48153.
- general: MOM parsing was not recognising xml tags containing a space between the
tag name and the end of the tag. TR HV59292.
- general: a clear error message is now shown when attempting to run moshell on a
64-bit Linux workstation that is lacking the 32-bit libc library.
- general: ipdatabase password lookup was not working properly for ipv6 nodes
- general: secure corba (corba_class >= 3) was using low cipher
(SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA). TR HT49513. Now using default ciphers unless specified
otherwise in the new uservariable "jacorb_ciphers". Low cipher is now only used for
older nodes running C13 or older (eg RBS3000 with CBU).
- general: the board group "etipg" was incorrectly containing EPB boards, leading
to lgf/dcg running unapplicable commands on Evo nodes.
- general: when connecting to a node whose name only contained numbers, the IP
contact check was always returning OK even when the node was unreachable.
- inv: header line showing incorrect node type on EvoC8300 (RNC8200 instead of
- invg: was crashing while drawing graph for certain RBS configurations. Thanks
Erik Linder-Noren.
- invl: was not showing status of Twamp Responder feature under Ippm MO
- invx: was not showing the connections between RF ports and NbIotCells
- lh: confusing printout when running "te default *" or "te save *" on EvoC8300.
- lk/rdel: was not working on MO class NbIotCell
- mobatch: changed mobatch logfile names to contain a dot instead of colon (eg
when running on ipv6 nodes) in order for better compatibility with windows file
- momt: certain CPP MO classes were incorrectly shown as belonging to application
- mon?: was showing duplicate lines on Linux nodes (EvoC8300 and DUS Gen2)
- offline mode: the fro/from command was not working when trying read more than
500 MOs from a offline dcgm.zip
- pmed: was unable to decode RNC UETR/CTR/GPEH ROP files with two digit revision
- pmr: updated WRBS formulas AvgPropDelay and PrachAvgPropDelay, thanks Thorsten
Lyng Johansen
- steg: was causing subsequent moshell printouts to become muted after running on

CHANGES IN v17.0b (2016-12-20)

- comcli: new option "i" in hget command ("hgeti") to allow printing internalmom
attributes via hget (similar to "geti" but horizontally). Type "h hget" for info.
- comcli: added support for MultiStandard Pico ("MPRBS") supporting both
LTE+WCDMA. https://jira.ericsson.net/browse/P02-803
- comcli: added support for Baseband 6303 (ODS6303) and Baseband 6502 (ODS6502)
- comcli: added support for Baseband 6620 (DUS33) and Baseband 6630 (DUS53)
- comcli: dcgm now includes the DUS Gen2 wrat cell event logs
- comcli: dcgm now includes the RU COLI printouts and also supports to view the RU
COLI printouts in offline mode
- invg: now displays the XMU03 connections per splitter block. Thanks Erik Linder-

- comcli: after running the hpget command, other PM commands like pmom and pcr
stopped working. TR HV43347.
- comcli: invx was showing laserwavelength in THz instead of nm on DUS ports for
certain SFP types
- comcli: lg printout was getting corrupted when parsing 17B DUS gen2 audittrail
and upgrade logs.
- comcli: lgk -x hw was missing some entries
- comcli: mom/momi was not showing EricssonOnly flag on certain attributes. TR
- comcli: pst/pgets was not showing the number of EventJobs on Pico
- comcli: geti/fgeti printout format was not according to the value of the
uservariable "get_format" (refer to "h prox" for info about this uv).
- comcli: lga "-s" option was not working properly
- dbc: was not reporting NULL entries in modata_r3 table. TR HV41677
- general: using asterisk in "te" command was not working on EvoC8300 (eg "te
default *" or "te save *")
- general: the blade board group was missing some devices on EvoC8300
- general: EvoC8300 commands "userconfig delete/reset" were not working
- invg: was sometimes not showing all cells connected to the RF ports, eg when
cell names very long. Thanks Erik Linder-Noren.
- invg: was not able to display any graph when one or more RUs without CPRI
connection. Now draws all existing CPRI connections and prints error for the
missing CPRI connections. Thanks Erik Linder-Noren.

CHANGES IN v17.0a (2016-12-05)

- amos: multimode now supports nodename lookup from OSS/ENM MeContext database.
- amos: new uservariable "amos_log_interval" to specify the interval (in minutes)
between which to log the AMOS command history to OSS/ENM command log. https://jira-
- comcli: SwVersions and UpgradePackages are now listed in chronological order of
installation date instead of production date
- comcli: cr/acc now works with enum string (previously only worked with enum
integer value)
- comcli: pcr command is now faster on MSRBS/TCU nodes. New uservariable
comcli_netconf_pcr to enable/disable this behaviour (default 1 on MSRBS/TCU and 0
on other nodes). TR HU50440.
- comcli: pcr now shows clearer progress bar
- comcli: the MOM version now shows the SW release, eg 16B, 17A, etc
- invg: PIMCU BB/RU ports are now aligned in the CPRI connections graph. Thanks
Erik Linder-Noren.
- invxb: now shows CPRI BER on all board types, by using PM counter
RiPort::pmBitError or DigitalCable::pmObjXBitErrorCount. Applicable for both Gen1
and Gen2.
- mon: updated lttng/babeltrace versions to 2.7.0/1.3.1 on Linux. Applicable for
EvoC8300 and MSRBSv2. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pcr: new option "z" to allow creating scanner with any name (eg no prefix, no
suffix, or space in the name). Type "h pcr" for info.
- pmx/pmxe: new option "-mo <regexp>" to use custom string for the MO aggregation.
Type "h pmx" for info.
- rinpc: added new check for RNC in pool live migration (3820 should have only
- trun: now supports new commands "TRANSACTION BEGIN" and "TRANSACTION END". Type
"h trun" for info. Thanks Raghupathruni Praneeth.

- amos: lgn was not working in ENM
- amos: smd was not working in ENM
- comcli: adapted for new error message names in COM 7.1
- comcli: added "elasticran printdiag" printout in dcgm
- comcli: cr was failing on certain MOs when netconf port unreachable. TR HV44250
- comcli: cr was failing on many MO types on 5G nodes due to different MOM
fragment naming.
- comcli: cr/set/del was trying to start netconf process even when no contact to
netconf port. TR HV44250
- comcli: exporting logs (lg) with export_method=2 was sometimes printing a
confusing error on IPv6 SFTP servers ("unable to connect")
- comcli: invx was taking very long time on nodes with more than one XMU03
- comcli: invxb was sometimes showing wrong CPRI BER on DUS port A
- comcli: lgl showing spurious text (eg "Ref: <xxxx>")
- comcli: moshell was not prompting for username/password after COM authentication
failed on the com_username/com_password
- comcli: pdel was showing two confirmation prompts
- comcli: some COLI commands were not working on IPv6 nodes
- comcli: the crn command was not working on MeasurementReader MOs
- comcli: the uservariables comcli_netconf_* were not possible to set in
- comcli: user login failed when inputting an extra space after the username
- dcg: zipfiles produced by background parallel sessions were being named after
ipaddress instead of nodename when the moshell session connected to the node's DNS
address. Impact on moshell offline session to the dcg being unable to find some of
the logfiles
- dcgi: updated EPB2 EXS coli commands
- fclean: was failing to parse the UCF when xml tags listed on separate lines
- fclean: was not working on EvoC8300 with regular (non-root) user
- fro: was not working on EvoC8300 with regular (non-root) user
- general: board groups were not including the RRU2212 on WRBS 16B
- invg: graph was cut off on XMU03 in later ENB SW
- invl: wrong FAJ number shown for license key CXC4011714
- lga: alarm entries containing an empty line were shown with wrong timestamp
- lgp: was showing wrong timestamp on EvoC crashes
- mon: was not working on EvoC8300 with regular (non-root) user
- proglist: was not working on EvoC8300 with regular (non-root) user
- sc: was not showing syntax help when run without options
- scripting: the script moshell/examples/copy_scanners.mos was not creating the
scanners with their exact name.

CHANGES IN v16.0y (2016-11-20)

- comcli: momi now shows full attribute description including range, default
value, etc
- comcli: mon now sets the buffer size for Linux trace streaming. New
uservariables lttng_buff_rcs/lttng_flush_cpp to change the default buffer size.
Type "h mon" for info.
- comcli: pcr now excludes deprecated counters when exclude_deprecated>0 .
Previously was only supported in Gen1.
- comcli: pgets now highlights deprecated counters. Previously was only supported
in Gen1.
- comcli: pmx now supports printout in local time (option "z") or different
timezone (option "-tz <tz>"). Type "h pmx" for info. Previously was only supported
in Gen1.
- dcgm/dcgs: now collects "sctphost -all" and "rof_info_esig all" printouts via
"sctpadm -data"/"sccadm_info data" (when possible) for faster execution.
- dbd: new option "p" to compare the Program MOs only. For instance, can be used
to find out if some Program MOs were accidentally deleted in the executing CV
compared to the loaded CV. Type "h dbd" for info.
- general: new command "ftrun" to execute a ftget/ftput/ftdel commandfile. Type "h
ftrun" for info.
- general: new command "rinp[c][m]" to perform RNC in pool live migration. Type "h
rinp" for info.
- inv: the AntennaNearUnit MOs are now moved to a separate table showing their
product data as well as connection to RfPort
- trun: added new command "CALLREL" to call a script with path relative to the
main script. Type "h trun" for info. Thanks Gabor Marosi.

- comcli: geti/seti now only uses "internalmom" command when the node does not
have TESTMOM. If the node has TESTMOM then geti/seti are aliased to get/set
- comcli: invl printout switched position of the columns licenseState/featureState
in order to be same as Gen1
- comcli: invl printout was not showing the Feature name for certain transport
network features. Those are now listed at the top, same as for Gen1.
- comcli: invl was showing wrong feature name for Drx feature
- comcli: lgd was showing incorrect start time and duration on Spontaneous node
- comcli: pgets was showing incorrect counter list for PmJobs defined on PmGroup
level for MO class EUtranCellFDD/TDD. MR2896.
- comcli: removed the confirmation prompt when running "geti" command
- comcli: saving "geti" result to a variable was not working (eg: geti mo
attribute > $var)
- comcli: the $momversion variable was lacking the TESTMOM suffix in certain cases
- comcli: lgp was not working on latest 17A SW (where llog is stored outside the
pmd tarfile)
- comcli: lgo entries were printed in wrong order on Pico when more than one
runtime log
- comcli: lgb/lgz entries were printed in wrong order on MSRBS when more than one
TN SAF log
- comcli: pmr KPI AvgTxPwrPercMaxNonHS moved from reports 101-103 to 116-118
- comcli: cr command was not working for EventJob MO
- comcli: lgg was showing wrong restart type for certain restarts (was showing
"Board restart" instead of "Program restart")
- comcli: mon was not working on vRC
- comcli: lgp now shows an error printout when attempting to run on nodes with SW
lower than 17A. TR HV42609.
- dcg: now activates "info" trace on UEH_EXCEPTION prior to T&E log collection in
RNC (in case it had previously been disabled)
- dcgi: updated EPB2 EXS coli commands
- fclean: was sending unsupported rmdir commands on Evo8300 ("rmdir -f" instead of
- fro[m]: was getting slower and slower after each time of executing "lt all"
- gmd: when run on AuxPlugInUnit MO, was trying to delete SwAllocation MO instead
of using MO action "deleteSlot"
- invl: was showing wrong CXC for WRBS feature enhUeDrx
- invx: was not showing the PIMCU temperature
- invx: was showing "?" instead of CPRI port name on PIMCU
- invx: was showing incorrect CPRI bitrate on CPRI links connected to PIMCU
- invxg: the graph was cut/corrupted for nodes containing PIMCU
- lgd: was showing duplicate entries for certain manual node restarts (a
spontanenous and a manual instead of just one manual). CSR 3087691.
- lgd: was sometimes showing JvmRestart instead of JvmRestartManual
- lgp: was missing Evo8300 PMD files coming from same board and with same
- lk: was not working correctly on EUtranCellFDD/TDD
- lk: now hides EUtranCell children and cell relations to make the printout more
- mon: now uses nc6 as TCP monitor client instead of monitor6054. To keep using
monitor6054 set the uv use_monitor6054 to 1. Type "h mon" for info.
- lmid: updated LM translation tables
- pmxt: added an extra line of printout to show the current local time with
resolution in seconds.
- polu: reduced default waiting time prior to polling to correct issue where
polling never started after rebootNodeUpgrade.
- pset/emom: was not working on RNC in some cases

CHANGES IN v16.0v (2016-11-04)

- general: new command "sc" to read/write/reset system constants. Applicable for
both Gen1 and Gen2. Type "h sc" for info.
- comcli: lgp is now supported on RCS nodes (MSRBSv2/TCU) to show CPM crashes.
Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: ftget/ftree now works on the /rcs/dumps/pmd folder in RCS nodes
- comcli: "invl" now shows the serviceState
- comcli: "invl" now shows the FeatureName/CapacityName of the corresponding Gen1
MO, when applicable.
- comcli: "cvmk/cvrm" are now faster
- diff: now prints warnings if some MO/Attributes of the parameter reference file
(baseline file) are not found in MOM.
- diff: the MO/Attribute names in parameter reference file (baseline) are now case
- inv: the TX/VSWR table is now sorted by sector
- inv: new option "f" ("invxrf") to print only HW and TX/VSWR table (like cabx).
Type "h inv" for info.
- general: added support for new ENB board "PIMCU" (Baseband P614) in
- scripting: new script "$scripts/lteu.mos" to show LTE cell information and LTE
wifi channel. Thanks Arto K�rkk�inen
- wf: new option "t" to translate the scripting variables before writing the line
into the file. Type "h wf" for info.

- amos: the ENM temporary password lookup was going into endless loop in some
- amos: incorrect permission on /var/opt/ericsson/amos/jarxml folder. TR HV38787
- comcli: gmc/gmd was very slow on Gen2 nodes
- comcli: incorrect MOM version shown on 5G vRC node.
- comcli: lg "c" option was not working with date filter
- comcli: lh/lhsh was showing an error on newer RUs (with product name as "Radio")
- comcli: mom export was not working on vSAPC when logged in as root
- comcli: mom fragments were being stored with wrong permissions in the
jarxml/momfragments folder when using comcli_mom=1 or 3
- comcli: the "netconf" command was not working in interactive mode (when no
command file specified)
- comcli: when logging output of the "netconf" command with l+, output was printed
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- comcli: incorrect handling of struct attributes containing sequence of moref and
sequence of derived, eg IdleModePrioAtRelease:xxxLoadDistributionInfo
- crn: did not work when encountering an empty line
- dbc/sql mode: updated polyview files for solaris 11
- dcgm: added commands rrt-central system, rrt-cell system, rrt-monitor system for
ENB Gen1/Gen2
- dcgm: added lratdbi command in gen2 dcg
- dcgm: renamed the log wrateventlog.zip to wrateventlog_traffic.zip
- diff: could not handle empty reference values in the baseline file
- diff: was failing on struct members of type sequence of enum (eg
- general: running lmcdelete from lhsh was causing RU crash. TR HV22286/HV31547
- geti/seti: now work also for Gen1
- invl: was not showing new W17A RBS features
- invg: graphical view was not displaying properly on RF ports with many cells.
Thanks Erik Linder-Noren.
- inv: updated SFP product number table
- inv: updated RU HW translation table
- invx: added support for RRU4415
- lgd: was showing incorrect SW release for certain restarts
- lk: was not working correctly on EUtranCellFDD/TDD
- multimode: could not handle sitefiles containing DOS carriage returns
- offline mode: was not working on some MO dumps, was trying to use the file
uvpv.txt instead of the dcg_k.log
- scripting: $scripts/lteUlInt.mos was not working for TDD
- std: was not showing CPU load on EvoC8300 devices

CHANGES IN v16.0t (2016-10-10)

- mom: new option "i" to show only the EricssonOnly attributes. Type "h mom" for
info. Applicable for both Gen1 and Gen2.
- comcli: the "te log read" command on DUS Gen2 now supports to specify number of
seconds to display, eg "te log read 60" to show the last 60 seconds.
- comcli: "mom" command now shows EricssonOnly attributes even without TESTMOM.
- comcli: get: new option "i" (geti) to read EricssonOnly attributes on MSRBSv2,
using the command "internalmomread". Similar to fgeti but MOM-aware. Type "h geti"
for info.
- comcli: set: new option "i" (seti) to write EricssonOnly attributes on MSRBSv2,
using the command "internalmomwrite". Similar to fseti but MOM-aware. Type "h seti"
for info.
- comcli: the idle timeout of the "netconf" command is now increased to 300
seconds. Configurable via the uservariable netconf_timeout.
- comcli: pmefr now works with all export_method values. Previously was only
working with export_method=1. MR1957.
- comcli: new board group "allb" containing all processors except the baseband
processors (bbEqm), ie: mp, ru, xmu.
- dcgi: added some ipsec coli printouts for CBM3
- dcgm: now fetches the DUS Gen2 wrat translation files
- dcgm: now includes the DUS Gen2 wrat traffic event logs
- dcgm: added itccmd printout on EvoC8300
- general: the latest jacorb jarfiles are now included in the moshell package
instead of having to download them from the node. To use your own jacorb jarfiles
from the jarxml folder it is possible to set the uservariable use_default_jacorb to
- lgp: now decodes the PMD files on EvoC8300
- pget: now support LRAT pmFlex counters, displaying them as Struct (MR 2896). Use
hpget to view the pmFlex subcounters horizontally. Applicable for both Gen1 and
- scripting: new command "wf[oa]" to write text into a file. Type "h wf" for info.
- scripting: the script moshell/examples/copy_scanners.mos is improved to generate
a single .mos script without dependencies to external files.
- scripting: $scripts/lteUlInt.mos is adapted to support MSRBSv2, thanks Conor
- bl: shows an extra warning before locking NodeClusterCommunication MO in RNC.

- comcli: the command "u!" for conversion of ".mos" to ".xml" (NETCONF format) was
not working properly. Struct attributes and set commands on RDNs were not being
correctly translated.
- comcli: cr command was not able to create IPv6 NextHop MO
- comcli: invg was not working on node containing XMU without serial number
- comcli: invl was showing wrong FAJ/FAK numbers for HWAC capacity licenses. TR
- comcli: pmed/dcgm now fetching RbsExceptionEventLm.xml file (in addition to the
old file RbsExceptionEventsLm.xml). MR1957.
- comcli: set command was very slow when run in simulated undo mode (u+s).
- cabg: was missing some dumpelg entries. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: ENB complete MOM is now fetched first from the node, then from server
- get: was not translating struct members of type sequence:enum (eg
- invg: graphical view was not working on some RBS configurations, giving error
"Deep recursion on subroutine Parser::_getDepthOfBridge". Thanks Joakim �stlund
- lgf/dcgm: was not saving the EvoC8300 PMD files into the logfiles.zip
- offline mode: could not view EvoC8300 COLI printouts
- pcr: was not able to create scanner with the attribute IpInterface::trafficType
- pmr: wrong counter name (pmDot1qTpVlanPortInDiscardLink1) in RBS/ENB TN reports.
- scripting: fixed issue in script
moshell/commonjars/script/ttk/pingWorstModuleRBS.mos. Thanks Wenbiao Wu.

CHANGES IN v16.0s (2016-09-16)

- comcli: the command "u!" is now supported for conversion of ".mos" ("run"
format) to ".xml" (NETCONF format)
- comcli: cr/crn command is now faster on MSRBS/TCU nodes. New uservariable
comcli_netconf_cre to enable/disable this behaviour (default 1 on MSRBS/TCU and 0
on other nodes). TR HU50440.
- comcli: del/rdel command is now faster on MSRBS/TCU nodes. New uservariable
comcli_netconf_del to enable/disable this behaviour (default 1 on MSRBS/TCU and 0
on other nodes). TR HU50440.
- comcli: added new invx table for AIR units
- comcli: added support for BasebandR518 and vRUs in bo/bp/lh/inv
- comcli: netconf command now prints output formatted on one line per message
- scripting: new scripts included in moshell/commonjars/scripts/ttk. Thanks Jakub
Sloczynski, Wenbiao Wu, Rodrigo Fernandes.

- amos: some moshell subfolders had too low permissions. CR OSS-134434
- cab: was not working correctly on CPP nodes with O&M SL3 (Security Level 3)
- comcli: bo/bp/inx was not working with RRUL11
- comcli: cr could not create AddressIPv4 with configurationMode DHCP. TR HV24489
- comcli: cr could not create E1T1Port MO. TR HV18690.
- comcli: dcgm was not working when connected via TLS.
- comcli: del/rdel was not working on EUtranCell/TermPointToENB (need to lock MO
- comcli: fetching of MOM fragments was not working correctly on 5G RCF node
- comcli: incorrect value of availabilityStatus attribute in offline mode.
- comcli: lga updated to show AdditionalInformation field ("AI")
- comcli: lgf/dcg was giving incorrect error message about ESI collection fail
when AlarmLog collection fail.
- comcli: pget was not able to show PDF counters containing elements marked as
suspected faulty.
- comcli: running dcg command in offline mode on a gen2 dump was causing moshell
to crash
- comcli: the first pmr/pmx command was failing when connected via TLS. TR
- comcli: ps and date commands were not working on certain nodes TR HV25097
- comcli: moshell was not able to connect to SBGv TR HV25561
- dbc: was not working correctly for UeTac MOs. Thanks Bartolomiej Mol.
- dcg/lgg: incomplete llog collected on NGR G2 radios (such as RRU2212)
- dcg: only run ipiff hist -all on CPP C17 and higher
- dcg: replaced "listfpdrvlh info; listfpdrvlh attr;listfpdrvdh info;
listfpdrvhost info;listfpdrvicmp pinginfo;listfpdrvethfw link;listfpdrvethfw lh"
with "ipdrv all"
- fclean: was hanging forever when UCF file corrupted in /c/up
- general: MO commands (cr/get/set/etc) were not working on AntennaUnit for later
ENB SW releases. TR HV18615
- general: moshell sometimes hanging at startup when trying to create the log
- general: the attribute RncFunction::spare was incorrectly tagged as EricssonOnly
- general: the uservariable "use_nodelete" should not take effect in offline mode
or simulated undo mode.
- invg: incorrect/cut graphic CPRI view on certain RBS configurations. Thanks Erik
- invl: updated license CXC/FAJ translation files for 17A/17B, both Gen1 and Gen2
- invx: AIR product information was sometimes misaligned (product revision ended
up under product name)
- invx: VSWR was sometimes showing cached non-zero value even when TX not
- invx: corrupted CPRI connection table on ENB Gen1 (>=17A)
- invx: now shows VSWR=0 on AIR/mRRU when the feature ReturnLossAntSupervision is
- invx: was not showing TX power/VSWR on RRUL11
- lgv: duplicated RestartCompleted entry on ENB Gen1
- lh: showing spurious lines on EvoC8300 ("lhsh -v xxx")
- mobatch: the parameters in "-v" option were not passed on correctly when
containing special characters such as exclamation mark or hash
- offline mode: was not working correctly on EvoC8300 dumps, could not do "lh
all ?"
- pgu: was not working with certain XB loadmodule names (SMX/CMX/CCI/SCX)
- pmed: was not working on pico
- std: was not working correctly on EvoC8300, showing first DC device of each
blade as unallocated.
- std: was not working on RNC3820 with SPB3 on later RNC SW versions. TR HV17421.

CHANGES IN v16.0r (2016-08-18)

- comcli: checking of MOM version is now faster on Gen2 nodes, reducing the time
of "lt all" command by up to 10 seconds. Feature is on by default but can be turned
off by the uservariable comcli_momversion_cache.
- comcli: pcr is now faster by defining MeasurementReader at PmGroup level when
- comcli: pgets now supports "n" and "m" options (pgetsn/pgetsm). TR HS97506 .
- comcli: new lgf option "0" ("lgf0") to collect all the logs except the ESI. Type
"h lg" for info.
- comcli: pcr "p" option is now supported.
- diffo: new option "x" ("diffox"), same as "diffo" but with an additional table
showing attribute name differences. Type "h diff" for info.
- general: new uservariable "max_sessions" to specify the maximum number of
parallel moshell/amos sessions allowed per user. Refer to description in the file
- general: new uservariables "use_nodelete" and "nodelete_list" to block deletion
of certain MO instances such as Program MOs. Refer to description in the file
- inv: now shows the SFPs on RBS TN ports, both Gen1 and Gen2.
- lgn: the moshell command logs size is now limited to 20 MB (previously these
logs would grow unlimited). More info in the file moshell/moshell, uservariable
"moscommandsize". MR 10565-0334/45372 and
- scripting: new variable "$rats" to show the configured RATs in a MSRBSv2 node.
- set: now prints a warning when setting a Ericsson-only parameter.

- amos: incorrect permission level for the trun command. https://jira-
- comcli: O&M access over Netconf (comcli=13 / comcli=23) is now using NetconfJcat
library instead of Netconf4j. Thanks Erik Linder-Noren.
- comcli: acc command was prompting for an invalid parameter on action
BrmBackup.restore(). TR HV11787.
- comcli: fgeti/fseti was not working on nodes where ManagedElement Id not equal
to 1.
- comcli: fseti was sometimes showing incorrect result (OK instead of ERROR).
- comcli: get command was showing spurious xml tags in some struct member values.
- comcli: invx was not able to show the Ericson product number for SFPs on DUS
- comcli: invx was showing wrong linkhandler address on radio units containing BXP
in the serial number.
- comcli: lgd was not showing the SW release
- comcli: lgd was showing wrong downtime on certain restarts.
- comcli: negative MO-class filter was not working in pcr command.
- comcli: pme was not working on LTE Pico
- comcli: pmx/pmr with "-l" option was trying to use the node password when
connected via TLS. TR HV14250.
- comcli: running cvrbrm command on a COM node was leading to backup removal.
- comcli: set command was not working on attributes of type sequence of struct
containing members of type enum.
- comcli: executing COLI command via LDN instead of lhsh was not working (eg:
ManagedElement=1,Equipment=1,FieldReplaceableUnit=2 /fruacc/ru/vii)
- comcli: lgf command crashed on Netsim. TR HV18341.
- cvls: updated SW release translation for 16A/16B
- dbc: fake inconsistency shown for DscpGroup MOs defined on the PiuDevice of EPB.
- dbc: updated rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for check of RNC features.
- dbc: was not working correctly for UeTac MOs. Thanks Jakub Gros.
- dbd: was not working on some CVs due to missing MOM.
- dbd: new uservariable "dbd_only_moclasses" to perform db comparison on certain
MO classes only.
- dcg: was not collecting ENB xml translation file ifModelBbLm
- dcg: adaptation for DCG proxy 1.5, new /c/dcg output file name
- dcg: activate trace1 on UEH_EXCEPTION prior to T&E log collection in RNC
- dcg: removal of dicminfo commands on 16B.0 to 16B.3, TR HU87109
- diff: attribute values of type sequence of struct were not displayed correctly
in the CSV file http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- diff: the set command file was attempting to modify the Jvm classpath when
comparing two MO dumps with different SW version, leading to database corruption.
- eset: now supports negative filter on the attribute name.
- general: default value of the uservariable secure_shell is now 1 (previously was
1 for amos and linux nodes only).
- general: the coli command "userconfig add" was not working properly in EvoC8300
when user giving wrong syntax
- gmd: delete commandfile could not be converted to trun format due to missing
- goxb: was not working with imish commands. TR HV12558.
- hget: was not working with negative filter on the attribute name.
- inv: misalignment in the RET/TMA table.
- inv: was not showing TX power on 8 Tx RRU, TR HV11257.
- inv: was not showing the market name on NGR radios.
- inv: updated SFP Ericsson product data lookup table
- inv: incorrect cell to RF port mapping on LTE nodes with combined cells.
- inv: the linkhandler address of radios connected to secondary DUs were sometimes
- invxg: removed some spurious debug lines.
- invxg: was sometimes crashing due to out of memory.
- lgj: was missing alarms having the same alarm ID as older alarms.
- pgu: was not working with certain XB loadmodule names (SMX/CMX/CCI/SCX)
- pmr: incorrect KPI values in MGW report number 14. CSR 2976951.
- set: was not working on attributes of type struct or sequence of struct when the
value contained a space in front of the struct member name
- ste: the TN ports SFP table is now moved to inv
CHANGES IN v16.0q (2016-07-14)

- goxb: is now supported on workstations without expect (eg. OSSRC). Thanks Erik
Linder-Noren. Type "h goxb" for info.
- goxb: simplified syntax, type "h goxb" for info.
- lgg: restart reason was shown incorrectly for linux boards (DUSg2, EPB2, XMU03)
- set: was failing to set a struct member of type moRef to null value on CPP node
- set: was failing to set an attribute of type moRef to null value on COM node
- comcli: option 22 was not working properly (RCSsim)
- comcli: cvls was not showing the SW release in the BrmBackup table
- comcli: lt all was not working on MRSv
- comcli: lg/pmx was hanging forever on MRSv
- dcgm: added commands for RNC in pool
- dcgm: was giving incomplete data for nodes with password containing # sign
- invl: updated for W17A
- invxg: was going into endless loop on certain RBS configurations, filling up the
- irt: paging KPIs were sometimes incorrect.
- diff: showing wrong mismatch on UserManagement MO (DUSg2)

CHANGES IN v16.0p (2016-07-06)

- inv: new option "g" to show graphical view of CPRI and RF connections on
RBS/ERBS/MSRBS (eg "invxg" to show all, or "invxtg" to only show CPRI). Type "h
inv" for info. Thanks to Erik Linder-Noren.
- inv: added new field in ERBS/MSRBS CPRI table to show the cable lengths by using
the link delay values.
- pmxe: new options "t", and "td" to print real-time KPI values from "pget" or
"pdiff". Type "h pmx" for info.
- ste: added new table on RBS/ERBS to show the SFPs product data on TN ports.
- fget: new option "i" (fgeti) to read EricssonOnly attributes on MSRBSv2, using
the command "internalmomread". Type "h fget" for info.
- fset: new option "i" (fseti) to write EricssonOnly attributes on MSRBSv2, using
the command "internalmomwrite". Type "h fset" for info.
- comcli: the uservariable "restart_confirmation" is now supported on MSRBSv2
- comcli: "inv" now shows the RDS/DOT table on MSRBSv2 (which was previously
available for RBS/ERBS).
- comcli: al/alt now shows the additional info field
- comcli: new "monu" option "t" ("monut") to do Baseband trace streaming via the
traffical interface instead of the O&M interface. Type "h monu" for info.
- comcli: new "monu" uservariable "bbte_port" to specify a different HiCap port
(default: 33079). Type "h monu" for info.
- comcli: "monu" now does not bind to the T&E port 33078, only the HiCap port
- comcli: now checks if the node SwVersion has changed during the moshell session
and reloads MOM and MIB if that is the case. TR HU70853.
- comcli: new value "-v comcli=38" to connect to CBA ref node.
- inv/bp: now shows complete board product name for boards with incomplete product
names (like RUS, RUW, etc)
- ir: new option "t" to show RNC in pool paging KPIs. Type "h ir" for info.
- monu: upgraded to tracetools R9A
- acc: added a specific warning for the MO action Efuse.setOutput() . Thanks
Joakim �stlund.
- comcli: al command was not working properly in offline mode.
- comcli: cvcu/cvls was sometimes doing an extra "lt all" unnecessarily
- comcli: dcgk was not working on APG
- comcli: dcgm was showing ESI export fail on nodes using ESI encryption.
- comcli: export_method=3 was not working properly on nodes with sftp server on
different port than 22
- comcli: inv SFP table was attempting to show TN SFPs
- comcli: MOM export was not working properly on APG, now using export_method=3
instead of 1.
- comcli: some attributes were not displayed properly on Pico. TR HU93505.
- comcli: SSH login was failing on COM 7.0 core nodes (BSP, CBA)
- comcli: the set command was not working on a struct attribute with empty value
if not all members were specified.
- comcli: updated description tables for the "mcl" command.
- comcli: set command gave confusing exception when setting an attribute of type
moRef to non-existing LDN.
- cvcu/cvls: wrong SW release shown on RBS W14B and W15A. TR HU93626
- cvput: was not working when using relative path instead of absolute path for the
CV file
- dbc/sql mode: was not working on cygwin for EvoC8300 db.dat (could not find path
to psql)
- dbc/sql mode: was not working properly with EvoC8300 db.dat (the Postgres db.dat
was being confused with a Polyhedra db.dat)
- dbc/sql mode: added support for PeerIpSec MOs
- dcgi: added CMXB/CMXB3 commands
- dcgm: added MGW commands mesc_counters_gcp -all, ch_counters_gcp -all, and
readlog orig.
- dcgm: some printouts were not collected properly on EvoC8300 (ps -w, ls -l /d,
ifconfig -X)
- emcli: removed links to internal Ericsson pages in User Guide. TR HU27332
- general: MO commands were not working with the MO filter "piudev"
- general: mom/get was not working correctly with the MO class PmFlexCounterFilter
- general: the coli command "banner fetch" was not showing password prompt.
- general: the uservariable "max_poll_time" was not taking effect at initial CORBA
connection, leading to CORBA establishment attempts could go on forever.
- hget/hpget/hpdiff: was very slow when using wildcard in the MO filter (eg
"hget . <attr>")
- inv: CPRI link state (Up/Down) was missing in certain cases even when link was
- inv: CPRI links used for IDL were not shown properly, missing certain fields.
- inv: master/slave were sometimes shown on wrong side in CPRI table (slave on
left and master on right instead of vice-versa)
- inv: SFP data was not shown correctly on NGR G2 Radios (eg RRU2212)
- inv: SFP Ericsson Product Number lookup was not working for certain SFP types
- inv: the RDS/DOT table was not showing properly for DOTs running later SW
(product info, connection status, and temperature were incorrect).
- inv: TXpwr/VSWR was not shown on RRU2212 and RRU2219
- inv: updated lookup tables for RBS HW Ericsson SFPs
- inv: was not showing temperature on RRUL11
- inv: was printing spurious characters in the SFP table (like \xa1 or \x01)
- inv: was sometimes not finding the LinkHandler address for RU boards.
- inv: was sometimes not showing the CPRI link rate.
- invl: corrected WCDMA FAJ numbers on MSRBS
- invl: incorrect FAJ and feature descriptions on MRS/MGW
- lgd: was showing wrong uptime when run in offline mode
- lgp: was not working on EvoC8300 when logged in as non-root user.
- lgv: was showing duplicated fields and wrong restart cause
- lh: was not working on EvoC8300 when logged in as non-root user.
- lmid: was corrupting the board groups table on MSRBSv2
- offline mode: the command "?" or "lh all ?" was not working in offline dump of
- pgu: updated to support latest SMX SW. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- scripting: the "-s" option to do string replacement in a variable was not
working properly. http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?

CHANGES IN v16.0n (2016-06-15)

- comcli: simulated undo mode (u+s) was not working with del/rdel command
- comcli: lgg/lgt were unnecessarily requesting export username/password
- comcli: pmx was not correctly printing PDF counters containing some empty values
- comcli: pmxl was not working in EMCLI due to missing files
- invl: incorrect FAJ numbers for license keys CXC4020026 and CXC4011622
- invl: capacity value was missing for certain capacity licenses
- invx: was not showing TX power for PL4 radios (eg RRUS01, RRUS11) running latest
SW. TR HU89310 and HU90787.
- ir: was sometimes taking very long time to complete due to waiting for
irrelevant background processes.
- pmxl: was not working with older perl versions

CHANGES IN v16.0m (2016-06-10)

- comcli: set/bl/deb speed improvement was not working on cygwin. TR HU50440.
- general: updated openssh/openssl binaries for cygwin
- ftree/ftget: were not working on EvoC8300 with linkhandler in the path, eg
001200!/d/usr. TR HU66998.
- lh: sometimes not working on EvoC8300. TR HU87030.

CHANGES IN v16.0k (2016-06-07)

- comcli: set/bl/deb command is now much faster on MSRBS/TCU nodes. New
uservariable comcli_netconf_set to enable/disable this behaviour (default 1 on
MSRBS/TCU and 0 on other nodes). TR HU50440.
- comcli: lgj is now supported on MSRBS/TCU. Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: lgx is now supported on MSRBS/TCU. Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: the netconf command now supports netconf files containing several hello
and close statements.
- dbc/sql mode: updated to polyview version 9.1
- diff: updated PARAM files for 16A/16B, both Gen1 and Gen2
- invl: updated license CXC/FAJ translation files for 16A/16B, both Gen1 and Gen2
- lgf/dcg: now includes the DataDump.bin files for ENB Baseband crashes, in the
file datadumps.log inside xxx_dspdump.zip inside xxx_logfiles.zip
- monu: updated to router/viewer/capture version R8D

- comcli: BSP MOM was not parsed properly on BSP node
- comcli: acc could not handle string parameters containing a space sign.
- comcli: accn command was not working properly with enum parameters.
- comcli: combining lg options "m" and "c" was not working.
- comcli: connect to APG43L was not working on cygwin due to incorrect default
value of export_method.
- comcli: could not read attributes for MOs DscpToPCPMap or DscpSetToPCP. TR
- comcli: cr command could not create EthernetOamLocalMep MO. TR HU86714.
- comcli: cr/set was not working properly with attributes of type struct
containing members of type moRef and EcimEmpty.
- comcli: del command was leaving MO instances in locked state after failed
deletion. http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- comcli: fte was not showing LTTNG trace events on DUS
- comcli: get command was not correctly showing attribute values of type sequence
of struct when run with a attribute filter (eg: get <mofilter> <attributefilter>)
- comcli: invx was not showing the SFP wavelength on DUS ports.
- comcli: invx was showing empty SFP lines on DUS ports without SFPs.
- comcli: invx was not showing SFP product data on later MSRBS SW (with new MOC
- comcli: lga was missing some alarm entries on MSRBS/TCU. TR HU82234.
- comcli: monu and fte were not working in EMCLI due to missing files.
- comcli: monu was not working on nodes with ManagedElement name different than 1.
- comcli: now using COMCLI scriptmode-on for faster command processing.
- comcli: pget was not working on latest MSRBS software. TR HU86040.
- comcli: running mcc after a coli command was failing in EMCLI, giving permission
- comcli: the RF table was incorrectly showing in inv printout on TCU node
- comcli: the command "emcli" was not working properly, using incorrect http
- comcli: updated mcl command help. Type "h mcl" for info.
- al: was hanging on certain PCs due to some specific regional settings in the
- amos: refresh COM account in ENM if expired during the current session.
- bp/bo: RNC board groups (mod, cc, dc, pdr, c1, c2, etc) were incorrectly defined
on EvoC8300.
- ced/cedh: was not showing cells on PiuDevice in EvoC8300.
- cvls: updated UP translations for 16A/16B/17A
- cvget/cvrm: was not working for CV names consisting only of numbers. TR HU83950.
- dbc/sql mode: sometimes fail to start for EvoC8300 on slow machines.
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new RNC/ENB MO classes
- dbc: was not working on solaris for EvoC8300.
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistency on EvoC8300 for RncModule
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistency on ExternalAntenna MO in WRBS.
- dcg: changed zip file name to contain dash instead of percentage sign in the UP
part as causing file name corruption on certain machines.
- dcge/dcgm: MO dump collection was failing with certain java versions (eg
- dcgi: added missing CAX commands for EvoC8300
- dcgk: was taking very long time on large nodes with more than 150,000 MOs. Now
using MibManager per default on large nodes (uv mibmgr_threshold).
- dcgm: added some LRAT/WRAT commands on MSRBS (ue license_info;ue routing_info;rh
ceusage;rh checkres;rh rlsinfo)
- dcgm: added some RICM commands (ricminfo all;dicminfo jbdelay;dicminfo register
-r;dicminfo register -w)
- dcgm: removed "ranap history" on RNC3810, CSR2994755.
- dcgm: removed rrt-central info command on ERBS. TR HU86237.
- ftreef: was not showing all files in /c/pmd
- general: ram_check was not properly calculating the amount of free RAM memory on
- general: the coli command "userconfig add" was not working properly in EvoC8300
- general: the new openssh/openssl binaries were leaving hanging processes on some
linux machines.
- general: the new openssh/openssl binaries were not working for Log export
towards some sftp servers.
- general: the new openssh/openssl binaries were not working on some older
Solaris/sparc machines.
- general: the scripting variable $rnc_type was not set properly on EvoC8300
- htget: was not working with IPv6 addresses and port (eg: https://
- invl: wrong FAJ numbers were shown on ERBS TDD >= L15A.
- invx: CPRI table was showing DU on wrong side in configuration with two DUs
connected to same RU.
- invx: TX power is now only shown in mW when below 0.1W
- invx: was not showing Link/Role/Speed for ODW ports in CPRI table.
- lgd: was showing wrong SW release when same CV name used in different SW
releases (eg autoconfig CV)
- mobatch: was crashing when sitefile containing lines with dash sign at beginning
of line
- mon: increased babelwrap timeout to handle longer restart time in EvoC8300.
- mon: was not starting properly on MSRBS/EvoC8300 when some Lttng ports already
occupied. Now uses netstat to detect occupied ports.
- offline mode: some RU printouts (ps, rld) were not displayed in offline mode
from a dcgm
- pgu: updated for latest SMX SW. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pmxel: was not working for KPIs with negative values. Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- rset: added a check to prevent from running on UpgradePackage MO
- std: was not working properly on EvoC8300.
- uer: was not showing UEs on PiuDevice in EvoC8300.
- uer: was not showing the "age" field when run with option "-i <imsi>"
- ueregprint: was not showing UEs on PiuDevice in EvoC8300.

CHANGES IN v16.0j (2016-05-05)

- comcli: mon was not working with IPv6 O&M Address. TR HU71164/HU78922

CHANGES IN v16.0g (2016-05-01)

- comcli: TLS/HTTPS was not working with IPv6 O&M address. TR HU78924.
- comcli: invxb now shows the SFP diagnostics on DUS ports
- comcli: set command was not able to set null moRefs inside a struct. TR HU76564.
- comcli: babeltrace was crashing on some linux machines. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- comcli: sometimes trying to use HTTP instead of HTTPS towards MSRBSv2
- comcli: confusing error message printed when running pst/pgets on a pico node
- comcli: pmx was not showing values of PDF counters where last element is empty
- comcli: new uservariable "tls_debug" to show additional TLS debug printouts
- amos: various fixes for the COM account lookup in ENM
- cab: was not working properly with SMXB. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- dcgm: added XMU03 commands and EPB nss commands
- diff: updated PARAM files for W15B/W16A
- general: upgraded to openssh 6.8p1 and openssl 1.0.2g. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: coli interface to EvoC8300 was not loading paths/aliases correctly.
- general: updated board groups sccpmp/sctpmp on EvoC8300 to include the device
- inv: options "h" and "l" were not working together on MSRBSv2
- pgu: additional support for CMX 4.2. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pset: extra space in event filter was leading to all events being included in
the scanner/job

CHANGES IN v16.0f (2016-04-19)

- comcli: unable to fetch MOM fragments from a node with IPv6 O&M address. TR
HU75683 and HU74947.
- comcli: $ws_ip was not set for IPv6 node.
- bp: was counting baseband processors as boards instead of devices on ENB/MSRBS
- gmc/gmd/mcc: now shows help when run without arguments
- inv: was not showing Feature/Capacity license tables on later ENB SW.
- invr: was reloading the whole MO dump in offline mode.
- mond: using wrong monitor path
- pgu: added support for CMX 4.2. Thanks Joakim �stlund.

CHANGES IN v16.0e (2016-04-07)

- comcli: pme option "r" is now supported for MSRBSv2 (previously was only for
ENB/RNC). MR1957. Type "h pme" for info.
- comcli: the command "mcc" now works in offline mode against a dcgm.zip
- comcli: the inv printout now shows Cabinet and FanGroup MOs.
- comcli: new option "?" for the monu command ("monu?"). Type "h mon" for info.
- comcli: monu can now call ltng-decoder as trace client. Type "h mon" for info.
- comcli: monu has two new uservariables "bbte_router" and "bbte_buffer_rate".
Type "h mon" for info.
- general: the command "facc" now works in offline mode agains a dcgm.zip
containing such printout.
- general: the proctemp and procload commands now work in offline mode. Type "h
proctemp" or "h procload" for info.
- inv: the XP board table is now sorted by linkhandler when applicable.
- pmxe: added LTE formulas Int_RadioRecInterferencePwrPrbXX

- comcli: lga was not showing all alarms
- comcli: monu was using the wrong node IP address in some cases (LMT instead of
- comcli: monu was not correctly starting the trace router process
- comcli: moshell now can auto-detect connection to MRSv
- comcli: some columns were misaligned in the FRU table of the "inv" printout
- dcgm: added new command syncinfo all.
- general: board group "coremp" was not being created on EvoC8300
- inv: was changing the value of the uservariable sort_proxy and not changing it
back to default value.
- inv: was not showing the Cabinet MO
- pmed: was un-gzipping logfiles for decoding but not re-gzipping them after
- undo: undo script was not created properly on EUtranCellFDD, the attribute
frameStartOffset was not getting populated.

CHANGES IN v16.0d (2016-03-28)

- comcli: "mons" uses the monitor client "babelwrap" instead of "babeltrace" to
allow reconnection after board restart. Type "h mon" for info.
- comcli: "monu" and "monuk-" commands are now supported on MSRBSv2 for HiCap
start/stop trace streaming of the Baseband processors. Type "h monu" for info.
- comcli: cabr/caba is now supported for MSRBSv2/TCU (by aliasing to lgg).
- comcli: cvre now shows an extra warning text
- comcli: lg option "g" is now supported for MSRBSv2/TCU. Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: lg option "t" is now supported for MSRBSv2/TCU. Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: mon now sets the flush interval for Linux trace streaming, TR HT71981.
New uservariables lttng_flush_rcs/lttng_flush_cpp to change the default flush
interval. Type "h mon" for info.
- comcli: new "gcpu" board groups on MSRBSv2 to run "te/bbte/fte" commands on the
DUS Baseband processors (bbEqmXX). Eg: "lh gcpu te log read", "lh gcpu te s", "lh
gcpu fte s", "lh gcpu fte e bus_send bus_receive hspa", etc
- comcli: the "fte" command is now supported on MSRBSv2/TCU. Type "h fte" for
info. Works on all processor types (MP, BB, XP).
- comcli: the invxb command is now showing CPRI BER for MSRBSv2.
- comcli: "lga" now shows alarm additional text introduced in 16B for MSRBSv2/TCU
- comcli: improved sorting order in the first table of the "inv" printout
- dbc: now resolves XpProgram inconsistencies on RBS/ENB prior to dbc execution.
TR HS58399.
- dcg: now collects COLI printouts via the new CPP MO action
DataCollectionGeneration.runDcg() when applicable.
- dcg: the filename now shows the node type, UP productnumber and revision, and
RAT (in case of MSRBSv2).
- dcgm: added RNC commands for fractional ue registry
- dcgm: now includes "lh all te status" on WRBS/ERBS/MSRBS.
- dcgm: now includes last 2 hrs of ENB local event ROP files.
- enm/amos: amos now supports to lookup the node login when run from ENM.
- inv: RF table now show mapping of GSM TRX to RU port. Type "h inv" for info.
- inv: added a new column "RiL" to show the RiLink MO associated with each CPRI
link. Applicable for ERBS and MSRBSv2 (not WRBS).
- invxb: now shows Rx BER on all CPRI links, both electrical and optical
(previously was only showing BER for optical CPRI links).
- lga: new uservariable "show_updated_alarms" to control whether alarm log entries
for changed alarms should be displayed or not. Default is to hide the entries for
updated alarms. Applicable for both CPP and RCS/COM.
- lgf2: now supports option "-b <board>" to collect XB logs from a specific board.
- lhz: is now supported on EvoC8300
- mon: new option "s" to save/unsave the tm/ts session. Applies both for OSE and
Linux trace monitoring. Type "h mon" for info.
- pe[clk]: new command developped by CPP SS7 team for handling CPP post events.
Type "h pe" for info.
- pme: new option "r" for fetching/decoding ENB Exception ROP files (from
/c/logfiles/troubleshooting/exception). MR1957. Type "h pme" for info.
- pme: new option "v" for fetching/decoding ENB local event ROP files (from
/r000x00). MR807. Type "h pme" for info.
- scripts: new script moshell/commonjars/rbshc.mos to do a basic health check on
- scripts: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/RIcalc.mos, thanks Conor Kelly.
- scripts: moshell/commonjars/asm.mos adapted to support MSRBSv2, thanks Conor

- comcli: "lga" was showing alarm entries in wrong chronological order for large
alarm logs split into several files.
- comcli: cr was not able to create NextHop MO, was missing the adminDistance
- comcli: cr was not able to create the InterfaceIpv6 MO. TR HU66352.
- comcli: emom/pset were not working on PICO.
- comcli: entering wrong password on a RCS node (MSRBSV2/TCU) was leading to three
login attempts by moshell, causing user account lockout in LDAP servers configured
for max 3 failed login attempts.
- comcli: get command was not working with QueueTailDrop MOs
- comcli: inv now shows the market name next to DUS32/52 and XMU03 in the first
- comcli: inv printout had unaligned columns in the CPRI links table
- comcli: lu command was not working properly
- comcli: no error message was shown when the folder jarxml/momfragments was
- comcli: pget command is now faster when used with counter filter ("pget
<mofilter> <counterfilter>"). Note: this improvement was delivered in previous
release 16.0c but not fully working.
- comcli: pget was showing "[]" instead of "" for counters with empty values
- comcli: removed some unnecessary progress lines in various printouts such as
inv/bo/cvls and more.
- comcli: the "h" command was not showing the help for the "inv" command.
- comcli: the "k" option in "al" command was causing no alarms to be displayed.
- comcli: the MOM version was not showing TESTMOM in offline mode connected to a
dcg taken from a node with TESTMOM.
- comcli: the rset command was not working when changing the MO Id
- comcli: "mon" now starts babeltrace/babelwrap with unbuffer (when available). TR
- cr: was not able to create M3uAssociation MO in MGW nodes, was missing the dscp
- dbc: was not able to check UID on Solaris
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistency on VpnInterface MO pointing to a
- dcgk/dcgm: "lt all" is now performed just before taking the MO dump in order to
avoid issues like in TR HU53265 or HS58399
- general: http transfer of text/xml files was not working properly on cygwin,
putting a http header at beginning of file
- general: http transfer was not working correctly on IPv6 nodes. TR HU66605.
- general: java/perl uservariables now assigned a default value when set to empty
during moshell_install
- inv: RF table was showing incorrect cell to RU port mapping on cells mapped to
specific TX branches via the rfBranchTxRef attribute.
- inv: RfPort=B was not displayed in the TX/VSWR table for RUS12m
- inv: was not showing SFP/BER for ports 2 to 6 on XMU03
- inv: was not working properly with AIR units on WRBS
- inv: was not working with RRUS2217
- lgd: was printing many empty lines at the beginning of the printout for certain
- lgf2/dcgi: was leaving temporary XB logs under /c/xb/logfiles or
/c/cmxb/logfiles, filling up the /c drive
- lgo: was showing some spurious tags from the PNP log
- mom/get: some deprecated IubLink attributes were still being displayed despite
using "exclude_deprecated" default value
- mom: some spurious characters were sometimes displayed in MO class description
due to incorrect parsing of certain xml tags.
- offline mode: was not working properly on dcg from a EvoC8300.
- offline mode: was showing "Broken pipe" on Solaris when running COLI commands
- pme: was not decoding W16B RNC event ROP files
- pset: now displays an error if no measurement quantities provided in RDT scanner
on RNC.
- set1/eset1: the last line "Total:" was showing wrong number of MOs upon success.

CHANGES IN v16.0c (2016-02-14)

- comcli: emom command is now supported on MSRBS V2
- comcli: pme command is now supported on MSRBS V2
- comcli: pmr command is now supported on MSRBS V2 and TCU03
- comcli: pset command is now supported on MSRBS V2
- comcli: pst/pgets now show event jobs on MSRBS V2
- comcli: pmxs command is now supported for ECIM/COM nodes
- comcli: the script $scripts/fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos is now supported
for MSRBS V2
- comcli: pget command is now faster when used with counter filter ("pget
<mofilter> <counterfilter>")
- emcli: now has a dedicated help menu in "h" command
- general: new uservariables com_username/com_password to save the login for
ECIM/COM nodes (MSRBSV2, TCU03, PICO, ...)
- general: new uservariables cpplinux_username/cpplinux_password to save the login
for CPP Linux nodes (EvoC8300)
- general: upgraded to gawk 4.1.3
- sql mode: better support for WRBS MOs that have more than 1 FRO (NodeBFunction,
Carrier, Sector, RbsLocalCell, XXDevice, XXDeviceSet)

- comcli: corrected points 3,4 in TR HU27332 (all points now completed)
- comcli: cr command was not working for AddressIPv4 MO
- comcli: eset1 was not working properly, setting all attributes in separate
- comcli: export_dir is now set to /tmp by default (was previously unset, leading
to export fail in certain cases)
- comcli: export_method=2 was failing towards sftp server with IPv6 address
- comcli: export_method=2 was failing towards sftp servers with limited ciphers
- comcli: lgd was not showing node restart reason
- comcli: lhsh/lh were not working properly when executing an unknown command
- comcli: pmr/pmx was not handling duplicated counter values, printing double
values instead of removing the duplicates
- comcli: pmx/pmr were not showing the node SW version
- comcli: pst/pgets was not working with PmJobs containing spaces in the name
- comcli: running unsupported lg option was leading to fetching all logfiles on
- comcli: set1/eset1 was not showing commit failures
- comcli: the coli command "top" was not working
- comcli: cvcu/cvls was showing wrong release name on UCTool UP
- dbc: fake inconsistency shown on IubLink MOs where rncModulePreferredRef!
- dcgm: added the vols command
- dcgm: removed obsolete rof commands
- emcli: unapplicable commands have been removed from the help (c1/c2, edit,
ltc, ...)
- general: "h <command>" now does not show the command if the command is not
applicable for this node type or moshell mode
- general: corrupted MOM and cached MOM files (containing many null characters in
the middle) were not being detected
- general: moshell_install was showing confusing "strings" error in cygwin
- general: the moshell release history is now stored in a separate text file
- inv[b]: was not showing BER for certain DU HW types (DUS31, DUW10/20, DUW11/31).
- pgu: now only unsets the pgu specific variables instead of all variables
- pgu: was not working with EvoC8300 device loader programs
- pmr: HsDschResources reports were not working on WRBS with combined cells
- pmr: some WRBS and PICO reports were not working properly
- pset: additional corrections for handling of RNC GPEH RDT scanners, type "h
pset" for info.
- rdel/rset: was not working on SectorEquipmentFunction MO
- uer: was not working on EvoC8300
- u+/u-: was hanging after deletion of IpSecTunnel MO. CSR 2925227 , TR
- vols: now supported on CPP Linux (EvoC8300)

CHANGES IN v16.0b (2016-01-24)

- accn: was not working on CPP nodes
- amos: the moshell_logfiles folder was created with wrong permission when created
at runtime instead of at amos install/upgrade. TR HU49714.
- comcli: added support for EMe Node (new comcli value "36", eg: "moshell -v
comcli=36 <ipaddress>")
- comcli: ftree/ftget was not working for the /pm_data folder on MSRBS V2
- comcli: improved help message in case of log export fail. TR HU49489
- comcli: inv was not showing AntennaNearUnits. TR HU46343.
- comcli: kget command was not working properly when called with an attribute
- comcli: lgv command was slow due to unnecessary long sleep time.
- comcli: running unknown commands on Netsim COM node was causing moshell hanging.
TR HU48615.
- comcli: set command was not correctly handling faulty attribute syntaxes,
causing moshell to become out of sync with the COMCLI.
- comcli: smart_shell was not working properly with COMCLI commands starting with
- comcli: the coli command dump did not work in offline mode on a MSRBS V2 dcg.
- comcli: the first coli command executed in offline mode on a MSRBS V2 dcg did
not work.
- comcli: the set1 command was not working. TR HU46478 and HU50440.
- comcli: dcgm did not include PM event ROP files for MSRBS V2
- comcli: get/kget/hget was not translating the attribute
AntennaNearUnit::iuantDeviceType on MSRBS V2
- comcli: cr was creating MO with missing attribute values when faulty attribute
value entered by the user. Now the whole creation fails if some attribute values
are incorrect.
- comcli: inv was not showing the header line with node type and UP
- cvcu/cvls/upid: SW release translation was missing for WRBS >= W14B
- dbc: was leaving hanging processes on unix machine for users with username
longer than 8 letters
- dcgi: updated commands for EPB2 (CPP Linux)
- dcgm: added poolinfo command
- dcgm: xmu02 commands are now executed via the "dcg run" coli command, when
- general: file transfer now shows fail when fetching incomplete gzipped files
(impact commands ftget/lh/lhz/pmr/pmx/pme).
- inv: incorrect column alignment in the CPRI table
- inv: incorrect temperature shown on SFP type "AOI"
- inv: the VSWR value is now read from the vswrValue attribute when applicable.
- inv: was not showing SupportUnit MOs
- inv: was not showing new W16A RBS features
- inv: was not working properly with new RBS board names
- lk/rdel: was not working with the Pcap MO.
- multimode: incorrect behaviour in the MO filter handling.
- pmr: incorrect MGW VOIP report
- pmr: incorrect ENB formulas (Ret_ERabDrop, Ret_ERabDropMME, Ret_ERabDrop_Qci)
- pmx/pmr: some ROP files were missed when executed with "-e" option.
- pset: was not working with GPEH RDT scanners
- pset: was not able to include several EUtranCell MOs in ENB CELLTRACE
- scripting: bug fixes in $scripts/lteUlInt.mos, thanks Conor Kelly
- set/facc: was not working correctly when last word on command line was a single
- set1: upon failure, was showing incorrect number of MOs attempted
- sql mode: database was created with incorrect owner on CPP Linux

CHANGES IN v16.0a (2015-12-14)

- general: new moshell version numbering <year>.<letter>
- comcli: MO commands "st" and "get <mofilter> <attributefilter>" are now now much
faster on COM nodes with COM version 5.1.4 or higher. TR HU33755.
- comcli: MOM version check is now up to 3 seconds faster on MSRBS V2. TR HU33755.
- comcli: cvls now shows the SW release name in the SwVersion/UpgradePackage
- comcli: lgd command is now supported on MSRBS V2
- comcli: new log options are supported in lgk: pmc, pmev, syslog, llog, hw. Type
"h lg" for info.
- comcli: MML commands can now be sent directly on AXE nodes with APG43L, without
needing to type "mml" in front.
- inv: TX power is now shown in mW on low power radios (eg IRU).
- inv: TX power/VSWR table is now supported for RBS3000 (RU21/RU22)
- inv: TX power/VSWR table now supports new RRU radio types: 2205, 2208, 2216,
2218, 4401, 4407, 4408, 4412, 8808
- inv: now showing DU temperature on DUL, DUS Gen1, and DUWv2
- cabr/caba: now supported on CPP Linux (EvoC8300)
- lgp: now supported on CPP Linux (EvoC8300)
- multimode: MO write operations (cr/set/del/acc/trun) are now logged in the
moshell command log and can be viewed with lgn from the respective node where the
MO operation was executed.

- al: was cutting off additionalText fields containing equal sign. TR HU41520
- amos: CTRL-C was not working properly when running amosbatch with option "-b".
CSR 2863121 (http://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/TTCS-1117)
- cedh: was not working with latest RNC SW (16B)
- comcli: dcgm on MSRBSV2 has been reverted to small ESI by default (same as in
11.0p - due to file size limitation in SMS). To collect large ESI, use command
"lgf1" or dcg option "-k 1". Type "h dcg" for info.
- comcli: added "mtd rundcg" in dcgm for MSRBS V2
- comcli: al/alt was not showing all alarms on APG43L
- comcli: corrected point 7 in TR HU27332
- comcli: faulty inv printout on nodes with disabled FieldReplaceableUnit MOs
- comcli: incorrect FAJ numbers in inv command for MSRBS V2
- comcli: lg was not showing exceptions thrown by Log.export() actions
- comcli: lga was not working properly on MSRBSV2, only showing log entries from
the last alarm logfile instead of all alarm logfiles
- comcli: monu/monf now gives an error message instead of trying to execute as
- comcli: running "\t" to see the list of COMCLI commands was not working
- comcli: some RCS-coli commands did not work without full path due to RU commands
with same name
- comcli: the cre command did not work with struct members of type sequence:moRef.
- comcli: the printout of get/kget was not working properly for struct members of
type sequence:moRef
- comcli: lg now shows entries with year 1970 or 2010 if they are surrounded by
entries within the startdate/enddate
- comcli: updated mcl command help. Type "h mcl" for info.
- comcli: mon command updated lttng/babeltrace for Solaris/x86 to latest version
- cvls: was showing wrong SW release on W16A RNC/RBS
- cvcu/cvls: incorrect SW release shown for WRBS based on GPB/CBU ("Classic"). TR
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistency (missing MAO) for SccpEntitySet and
SccpGlobalTitle MOs in RNC in Pool.
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new MGW MO classes (EvsService, MrfEvsConfData,
BgfEvsConfData, FileFetcher)
- dcgm: added ricm coli commands
- diff: updated PARAM files for W15B and W16A
- general: command history buffer now keeps variable name instead of variable
- general: the parsing of cached MOM was sometimes failing when several moshell
sessions simultaneously connected to the same node.
- inv: CPRI link type is now shown as "?" instead of "E" when link state is down
- inv: the "r" option now does a "lt all" on RBS/ENB
- mom: was not showing data from the "<statusInformation>" tag
- multimode: trun was not working in multimode
- offlinemode: was crashing when connecting to dcg.zip file containing a % sign in
the file name.
- pgets: incomplete printout on event scanners with more than 10 observation
- pmom: now shows the frequency relation type in RNC UtranRelation counter
descriptions (inter / intra / cnhho)
- pmr: added RNC capacities reports at ROP level
- pmxl: updated pmxcel to v1.86 thanks Mathias Aldrin
- scripting: the printout of examples/scripting/check_missing_alarms.mos was
confusing on nodes where all faulty cells have alarms
- scripting: the script $scripts/rlcrp.mos was not working on BSC with APG43L
- scripting: the script $scripts/lteUlInt.mos was showing only three cells in PRB
listing. Thanks Conor Kelly
- sql mode: the sql command "save into" was not working on CPP Linux (EvoC8300)
- std/bo: RNC device to module mapping sometimes missing for PDR devices.

CHANGES IN v11.0q (2015-11-17)

- acc/lacc: new option "n" (accn/laccn) to execute an MO action with all
parameters on one line. Similar to facc except that it is MOM-aware. Type "h acc"
for info.
- comcli: CPRI and SFP tables are now supported in inv/invx command. Type "h inv"
for info.
- comcli: dcgm on TCU03/MSRBSV2 now includes a large ESI by default. To have a
small ESI, use dcge. Type "h dcg" for info.
- comcli: lgo is now supported on PicoRBS. Type "h lg" for info.
- cvfa/cvfd: new commands to activate/deactivate Robust/Failsafe Reconfiguration.
Applicable for both CPP and COM nodes. Type "h cvfa" for info.
- cvget: new option "u" ("cvgetu") to export all CVs/Backups belonging to a
specific UP. Applicable for both CPP and COM nodes. Type "h cvget" for info.
- cvrm: new option "u" ("cvrmu") to delete all CVs/Backups belonging to a specific
UP. Applicable for both CPP and COM nodes. Type "h cvrm" for info.
- dbc/sql mode: now supported on EvoC8300
- dcgm: now includes a new zipfile <nodename>_ossfiles.zip containing the
RBS/ENB/MSRBSV2/PRBS XML ROP files stored in the OSS.
- inv: new table showing the TXpwr/VSWR/Sector/Cells for each RF port in RBS/ENB
and MSRBSV2. Type "h inv" for info.
- inv: now shows the temperature on RU and XMU boards in RBS/ENB and MSRBSV2.
- mobatch: supports wild card on the last octet of the IPv4 address in order to
run mobatch towards all hosts of a particular subnet, eg "x.y.z.*". Type "h
mobatch" for info.
- scripting: added a new scripting variable "$mibprefix" containing the FDN

- amos: the username prompt was not showing for COM/Linux nodes.
http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.9890 and TR
- amos: was generating many small files in the home directory on certain OSS
machines. https://wcdma-jira.rnd.ki.sw.ericsson.se/browse/WMRSUP-15455
- comcli: cleaned up lgo/lgl printout.
- comcli: confusing header in "alt" on COM nodes. TR HU32094.
- comcli: corrected point 5 in TR HU27332
- comcli: kget was not showing the MibPrefix in offline mode for COM nodes.
- comcli: lg command on PicoRBS was fetching all the logfiles instead of just the
relevant ones. http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- comcli: lg command was not working when export_password containing unusual
- comcli: lgk/lgf printout now shows the granularity of exportEsi action.
- comcli: mon was not working on Solaris/x86 with certain NFS configurations
("Permission deniedin utils_mkdir_recursive()")
- comcli: pmom did not show the counter description for certain counters
- comcli: pmxl MOM-awareness was not working on COM nodes. Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- comcli: the "monk" command was not working on Solaris/x86
- comcli: the commands "\t" and "?" (to get help and command list) were not
working for Pico and APG43L
- comcli: the variable $ws_ip was not getting set when connecting to a COM node
with the DNS name. This lead to certain commands like "mon" not working.
- comcli: the board group "xp" was missing
- dbc/sql mode: was sometimes hanging when trying to close down old rtrdb process
- dcgm/dcgi: added various coli commands, refer to the release history inside the
file dcg_datacollection.mos
- dcgm: attempting to collect ODM radio logs even on nodes that dont have ODM
- dcgm: the logfile xxx_dcg_m.log.gz became incomplete when the dcgm session was
being logged with l+
- emcli: corrected typo in the coli disclaimer.
- emcli: updated incorrect lttng/babeltrace versions for Solaris/x86
- general: scxb and ccib board groups were not getting defined on EvoC after
active core MP restart. CSR2860213.
- invx: updated Ericsson SFP product table.
- lga: was not displaying GeneralSwError alarms properly
- lgp: missing info in MP crashes occurring after a RU crash. TR HU29676
- pmxl: upgraded to pmxcel v1.85. Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- scripts: the script moshell/commonjars/scripts/cidwrapper.mos was not working
with the command "anr printCrsTable". Refer to the help inside the cidwrapper.mos
file for more info.
- scripts: the script moshell/examples/scripting/check_missing_alarms.mos was not
working with RNC in Pool

CHANGES IN v11.0p (2015-10-26)

- comcli: mon is now supported on Solaris/x86
- comcli: alc/ala now shows the additionalInformation field
- comcli: dcg now fetch the "mktr" logs on APG43L.
- comcli: lgf and dcg now show an error message in red when ESI was not collected
- comcli: lgk "-x" option now support log numbers instead of log names. Type "h
lg" for info.
- comcli: lgk now supports to show more ESI logs. Type "h lg" for info.
- goxb: new option "c" to run CMX command in the SMXB on EvoC8300. Type "h goxb"
for info.

- amos: TBAC was not working on OSS O16.0.8. TR HU22533
- coli: the "?" command was not working correctly when run from lhsh on EvoC8300.
TR HU24525
- comcli: "ftree" command was not working on folders containing soft links, eg the
"/oss" folder on PicoRBS
- comcli: "lgk -x coma" was not showing the additionalText field. TR HU26636
- comcli: "lt all" was not working on APG43L (comcli=34) and EPG/SSR (comcli=35)
- comcli: RR22 boards were missing from the board groups "all" and "ru". TR
- comcli: TestMOM fragments were not found on MSRBS nodes with EITM
- comcli: al was not showing certains alarms in offline mode (alarms with non-
empty additionalInfo)
- comcli: corrected points 1,2,6 in TR HU27332
- comcli: cr/crn was not working on MO with mandatory attribute of type
- comcli: cvls now shows BrmRollbackAtRestore::timeRemainingBeforeRollback (when
- comcli: cvls was not showing SW release name on Pico (14B, 15A, etc)
- comcli: cvre was not performing BrmRollbackAtRestore.confirmRestore (when
- comcli: cvrm not working with cvname containing space. TR HU26129
- comcli: executing unknown coli command on XMU03 was leading to loss of CPRI link
to the XMU03. TR HU24913.
- comcli: invl was failing if not preceded by "lt all"
- comcli: lgf1 is now supported on RCS nodes, to collect large ESI (lgf=small ESI)
- comcli: lk/rdel was not working properly. TR HU24901.
- comcli: lmidh was not showing product number translations for Pico RBS.
- comcli: lmidh was not working in EMCLI
- comcli: mcl updated for latest RCS SW
- comcli: misleading error message about openssl.cnf file sometimes appeared in
TLS mode (comcli=25 to 28)
- comcli: missing board groups ru1, ru2, etc
- comcli: mon client command (babeltrace) was showing local time instead of UTC
- comcli: set command failed on attributes of type sequence:struct containing mix
of enums and moRefs (eg EUtranFreqRelation::eutranFreqToQciProfileRelation)
- comcli: set command was not correctly detecting exceptions when setting
attributes of type struct, indicating the set succeeded even when it failed.
- comcli: set was not working on mandatory attribute of type sequence:struct
- comcli: struct members of type enum inside attributes of type sequence:struct
were not decoded by get/kget/hget
- comcli: the "netconf" command tried to connect via SSH even when moshell started
in TLS mode (comcli=25 to 28)
- comcli: trun now produces an error message instead of attempting to execute and
fail (trun is currently not supported on COM nodes).
- comcli: updated the lg and dcg help with information about ESI small/large
- comcli: upid now supported
- comcli: various updates in the esci functionality of emcli.
- cvput: was not working on EvoC8300
- dbc: fake warnings on checks 104,105,106 on latest RNC SW where attributes
interFreqRelCntr/intraFreqRelCntr/gsmRelHoAndCellReselCntr/cellRelCntr are not
stored in db.dat anymore
- dcg: the modump.zip was missing inside the dcg.zip when nodename in lowercase in
ipdatabase but moshell connected to nodename in uppercase, or vice-versa.
- dcgm: the dcg CV was not removed from the node when executing on EvoC8300. TR
- eget: was not showing attributes UtranCell:cellReselectionCntr and
UtranCell:handoverOnlyCntr in RNC
- general: bo was storing cache file on the moshell_logfiles cache directory even
when use_bocache=0, leading to high disk usage on workstation.
- goxb: was not exiting properly on SMXB in EvoC8300
- goxba: "i" and "b" options were not working when combined with "a"
- offline mode: could not find some of the files when the dcg.zip contained some
files with nodename in uppercase and others with nodename in uppercase.
- pmom: some encoded ASCII characters were not decoded properly. TR HU27427
- pmr: incorrect RBS formula AvgReportedCqi
- pmrw: corrections in pmSummary, thanks Martin Aldrin
- pmxl: corrections in pmxcel, thansk Mathias Aldrin
- scripting: new built-in function "testzip", type "h scripting" for info.
- set: the "takes effect" information message was not shown when setting the RBS
attribute featureStateHsdpaMcInterDuSched
- ste: now shows "-" for link2state on EPB (since link2state is not applicable for
- ste: was showing port status disabled on Lag master port even when the Lag was
up, leading to incorrect graph.

CHANGES IN v11.0n (2015-09-28)

- comcli: added support for EPG/SSR (new setting: comcli=35).
- general: new command "dbcv" and feature "use_dbcv", for early detection of
corrupted CVs. Type "h dbcv" for info.
- inv: added some fields in the Capacity Licenses table for RNC
- proglist: the option "-e" ("proglist -e") is now supported for EvoC8300.

- bls: was not working in multimode
- comcli: cleaned up audit trail printout (lgo/lgl), removing unnecessary lines or
- comcli: dcg was attempting to execute unapplicable commands "syspar get"
- comcli: dcg was not collecting logs from ODM radios. TR HU10318
- comcli: get/kget was not working on MO instances having the <preliminary> flag.
- comcli: lg now shows the export actionId
- comcli: lg/dcg ESI is now stored in its original gzipped format
- comcli: lg/dcg now collects small ESI, without DSP crash dumps. To collect large
ESI, use lg option "-d 1" or dcg option "-k 1".
- comcli: mon client command (babeltrace) was not showing date, only timestamp
- comcli: more corrections for O&M access over Netconf (comcli=13 / comcli=23).
Thanks Erik Linder-Noren.
- comcli: pgets was not showing duplicated counter instances
- comcli: pmx/pmr was not showing ROP files with ROP period less than 1 minute
- comcli: run1 was showing result OK even when commit failed
- comcli: set was not working on attributes of type struct containing moRefs (eg
- comcli: the "?" did not work when lhsh to 000100
- comcli: undo mode was not working when setting attributes of type sequence:moRef
- comcli: "mcl" was showing wrong description for some MO context commands
- comcli: incorrect handling of <deprecated> flag in get/kget
- concat_segmented_rlib_traces.pl: when some segmented traces are missing parts,
those parts are now printed transparently instead of an error message
- dbc: added support for new LRAT MO classes (16A)
- dbc: was showing database OK even when it failed to open the db.dat
- dcgm: updated commands for SS7, NSS syncdata files, ENB MP (getstat, cpridump),
XMU02 (vgps), and XMU03 (syncport, cpriber). Refer to info in
commonjars/scripts/dcg_datacollection.mos for more details.
- fro[m]: causing postgres syntax error in RAM log on CPP Linux. TR HT91312
- general: file download from utran01 was sometimes attempted over HTTPS instead
- general: node password was being logged when running the passwd command. TR
HU20828 and http://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/PPLMS-582.
- general: sftp was not working towards Emulated EvoC8300 (Eriemu), "bad file
- goxb: option "i" was not working on CMX4.2
- htget: was showing http instead of https when downloading a file over HTTPS
- inv: incorrect CE values were shown for DUWv2
- inv: IRU/DOT table was not displayed correctly on 16A
- inv: link rate was not shown for CPRI links to ODM radios
- inv: real board position on virtual CPP node (BSP controlled Evo for lab use)
was not shown when vmap file missing a carriage return on last line
- inv: SFP diagnostics were not shown for ODM radios
- inv: now shows the RiPort MO name instead of portNo (in the column MO1-MO2)
- inv: updated feature translations for L16A/W16A
- lgd: JvmRestart were not shown after a node restart occurred and application
restart did not complete
- lgf: kept writing to the same zipfile when run several times in a row
- lgg: was not working on XMU03
- lgp/lgf: XMU03 PMD files were not being saved
- momt: certain CPP MO classes were incorrectly shown as belonging to application
- offline mode: was not showing the individual RU commands executed by "dcg run".
- pgu: was not working for SMXB programs in EvoC8300
- pmr: threshold file (option "-t <file>") did not work with negative threshold
- pmrw: several corrections, thanks Martin Aldrin.
- pmxl: many updates, refer to info in file commonjars/pmxcel/pmxcel.pl for more
details. Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- progkill: was not working on EvoC8300.

CHANGES IN v11.0m (2015-08-26)

- mon: is now supported for Linux nodes (EvoC8300, MSRBSV2, TCU03). Thanks Joakim
�stlund. Type "h mon" for info. Note: currently only supported on linux and cygwin,
not solaris.
- comcli: new command "netconf" to execute NETCONF commands from terminal or from
command file. Type "h netconf" for info.
- goxb: new option "a" to run XB commands with advanced user without having to
specify the advanced password. Type "h goxb" for info.
- ir: new option "m" to move one or more IubLinks from one Cluster Member to
another. Type "h ir" for info.
- lgac: added two new fields to show the alarms' notificationId and correlated
- rb2ip: new command to print the mapping of RNC IubLink MOs to RBS O&M ip
addresses. Only works in OSSRC. Type "h rb2ip" for info.
- trun: new command CHECKM to print or compare several attributes in one
operation. Thanks Erik Linder-Noren. Type "h trun" for info.
- trun: new command SETM to set several attributes in one operation. Thanks Erik
Linder-Noren. Type "h trun" for info.
- trun: new command SETU to set an attribute of type struct without specifying all
the struct members. Thanks Erik Linder-Noren. Type "h trun" for info.
- u!: now uses the new SETU command when the .mos command file contains set
operations on incomplete struct attributes.
- diff: updated PARAM files for W15.1.1
- scripting: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/asm.mos (antenna system
monitoring) to detect mismatched RX antenna pairs. Refer to
moshell/commonjars/scripts/asm_help.ppt for info. Thanks Conor Kelly.

- amos: moshell_install script was setting wrong java/perl path for AMOS on ENM.
- amos: the moshell_logfiles directory was in the wrong location for AMOS on ENM.
- amos: the SMLog additionalText field now shows the actual timestamp for the
executed commands. TR HT93108, http://jira-nam.lmera.ericsson.se/browse/TTCS-799.
- cab: spurious text "egem2" displayed next to CMXB3 boards
- cab: was not showing the coreMgr status on EvoC8300.
- cabt: was not showing the complete mirror status on standby core MP
- comcli: acc command was not polling after asynchronous actions on
CertM/NodeCredential (smart_action)
- comcli: cr command was not working when default value ("d") entered for optional
- comcli: cr command was not able to create MO instances of class NextHop or
- comcli: disabled moshell version check for EMCLI, already done by the EMCLI
- comcli: incorrect netconf port was selected on commercial RCS nodes (2022
instead of 830).
- comcli: many corrections for O&M access over Netconf (comcli=13 / comcli=23).
Thanks Erik Linder-Noren.
- comcli: pmx was not working on IPWorks nodes.
- comcli: ssh/sftp authentication with public key exchange was not working when
setting the comcli parameter at startup.
- dbc: check #13 was not reporting attributes of type sequence:moRef containing
null LDNs.
- dcgi: increased background job timeout to allow for XB log collection to
complete on large nodes.
- dcgm: added EPB ipmi commands
- dcgm: lratdbi printout was missing on ENB
- general: "lh ru lmcdelete" was failing on RBS due to timeout.
- general: 64bit linux binaries for ssh/sftp were not working on machines with
libc version 2.4
- general: added support for SMXB in EvoC8300. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: complete MOM now fetched from /proj/wcdma-userarea in case of firewall
blocking access to utran01.
- general: corba security (corba_class>=3) was not working on latest CPP SW with
jacorb jarfiles revision starting with Oxxx instead of Rxxx
- general: fixed connectivity and login issues towards Emulated EvoC8300 (Eriemu).
TR HT96749. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: inactivity_timeout was not working when keepalive_interval>0 , leading
to hanging moshell sessions consuming resources on the server.
- inv: CPRI table was missing some fields for CPRI links to RRUL8.
- inv: CPRI table was missing some fields for CPRI links to ODS.
- irp: standby cells are now created as locked on CM configured with "switchover
manual", to avoid unwanted alarms.
- irs: should not attempt to synchronise the attribute userPlaneIpResourceRef
- mom/pmom: negative filter (with exclamation mark) was not working on the first
argument (MO class)
- mom/pmom: was not handling properly the MO PmCapacity
- offline mode: taking very long time to load Evo DCGM
- pmxi: counter filter was not case insensitive
- pmxi: was incorrectly processing the CELLO_IPTRAN_LOG
- pmxi: wrong counter value displayed when several measurements occurred within
the same minute.
- pmxl: was not working with perl 5.12 and below. TR HT88452 . Thanks Joakim
- steg: corrections for CAX. Thanks Mikael G�ransson.

CHANGES IN v11.0k (2015-07-13)

- general: after correction HT49513, export_method=0 stopped working on
- general: after correction HT49513, ssh communication stopped working in Linux
after sourcing DTE setup script. TR HT90059.
- general: after correction HT49513, ssh communication stopped working with NetSim
- general: moshell now attempts nodename to ip translation from the OSS utility
"listme" (when present). Feature controlled by the uservariable "search_listme" (on
by default).
- general: the password prompt now specifies the username when connecting to COM
nodes. TR HT79309/HT84658.
- goxb: was not working after failed login in basic mode
- inv/invx/invh: now shows the real board position on virtual CPP node (BSP
controlled Evo for lab use)
- lh: was not showing printout lines starting with "===" .
- mobatch: new option "-b" to use a common amos request broker for all spawned
amos sessions in order to reduce cpu usage. TR HT78165.
- mobatch: option "-i" now support numbers with decimal point, eg "-i 0.5".
- pmxl: removed dependency to perl module Archive::Zip missing on certain
machines. TR HT88452 .
- dcgm: added RU warp:0/1 commands
- comcli: "lt all" was missing some MO instances on pico when using netconf
- comcli: the "?" was hanging when run over netconf (comcli=13 or 24)

CHANGES IN v11.0j (2015-07-06)

- amos: now supported to run on ENM.
- comcli: MO commands now support mapping of link handler to FieldReplaceableUnit
MO (eg, to restart DUS: "acc 000100 restartunit")
- comcli: RCS-COLI commands can now be executed without specifying the full path,
eg, "te log read" instead "/diagm/te log read".
- comcli: new command "mcl" to show MO context commands supported by "mcc". Type
"h mcl" or "h mcc" for info.
- comcli: new feature "smart_shell" (on by default in moshell, off in EMCLI) to
automatically detect to which shell a comcli/coli/linux command shall be sent. No
need anymore to manually specify the shell with c+/c1/c2/c- .
- comcli: new option "c0" in the "c+/c1/c2" command to activate smart_shell. Type
"h c+" for info.
- comcli: the "?" command is now supported on MSRBSV2/TCU03, to show the list and
help of RCS-COLI commands (instead of using "/misc/cmds" and "/misc/help")
- comcli: the "inv" command is now supported on MSRBSV2/TCU03
- comcli: new uservariable "ssh_subsystem" to specify which subsystem to start
when establishing ssh connection, eg "cli", or "netconf". Needed for connecting to
certain types of COM nodes.
- comcli: cvcu/cvls now showing SW release (15B/16A/...) on MSRBSV2/TCU03
- comcli: new uservariable "esci" to show a disclaimer before executing RCS-COLI
commands (off by default in moshell, on in EMCLI)
- general: TLS/HTTPS communication is now handled by moshell's own openssl binary
included in the moshell installation package, no need to set the uservariable
"openssl" anymore. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: new uservariable "mibmgr_threshold" can be set with "uv" in order to
collect the MO dump via CPP MibManager instead of corba. Can be faster in cases of
poor O&M bandwidth or very large number of MO instances. Refer to the description
in the file moshell/moshell. Only applicable for CPP >= C15.1
- get/kget/pget: new option "m" to collect the data via CPP MibManager instead of
corba. Type "h get", "h kget", or "h pget" for info. Only applicable for CPP >=
- scripting: new variables are automatically set after running cvcu/cvls:
$currentUP for the CXP number and revision, $currentSW for the SW release.
- scripting: added new script "failsafe_lkf_install.mos" in
moshell/commonjars/scripts to install LKF on ECIM/COM nodes
- scripting: added new script "copy_scanners.mos" in moshell/examples/scripting to
copy user-defined PM scanners from one node to another

- al: spelling mistake in cause text of certain alarms ("commerical" instead of
- cab: incorrect temperature displayed on DUWv2
- cabg: was not working on DUS
- comcli: bo/bp/lh were not working on TCU03
- comcli: bo/bp/lh were not working with comcli=21
- comcli: changed the default value of export_method to 1 for AMOS.
- comcli: diff command was not working correctly on COM nodes
- comcli: diff command was not working with reference files containing MO class
- comcli: faulty behaviour and error message upon wrong ssh login when connecting
to a node running the latest RCS SW
- comcli: ftree/ftget was still hanging on some picoRBS folders. TR HT76704.
- comcli: improved error message in cr/crn command when attepmting to create a MO
instance with wrong MO class for the parent MO.
- comcli: kget/dcgk/dcgm was taking too long. TR HT83957.
- comcli: pgets/pmom is now faster after TR correction HT83957
- comcli: pmom counter description was sometimes containing spurious line breaks.
- comcli: show a warning message when moshell commands requiring COLI permission
are run by a user without COLI permission.
- comcli: dcg/lgf was sometimes not collecting the ESI logs due to timeout.
- comcli: mom command showing duplicate ranges due to incorrect handling of
- comcli: s+ was not correctly sorting the FieldReplaceableUnit MOs
- comcli: improved handling of coli commands in offline mode
- dbc/sql mode: upgraded to polyhedra 9.0
- dbc: reactivated parent check on MpProcessingResource (TR HT79910)
- dcgi: added some EXS commands
- ftget/ftput: was stopping after 1GB of transferred data on CPP nodes due to CPP
not supporting re-keying. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: MO commands did not work when "ManagedElement=1" was included in the
- general: MO commands were not working properly when using the string "xmu" as MO
- general: cr/set commands were not working correctly on MGW MO
- general: moshell was using some unsecure SSH/SSL encryption algorithms for node
communication. TR HT49513. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: new value "4" (default) for the uservariable "exclude_deprecated" , to
exclude deprecated struct members from the undo file. TR HT87416 .
- general: the ram_check/ram_limit feature was not working on Linux.
- get/kget: incorrect printout format on struct members of type sequence, was
adding an extra space before the value, leading to faulty results in "diff" .
- goxb: was failing on XB boards which previously had a failed login
- inv/invl: updated FAJ translations for 15B
- iro: improved error message when no contact to one of the Cluster Members.
- irs: wrong order of commands in the irs command file, missing MO instances
should be created before setting attributes
- kget: LoadModule MO printout was sometimes corrupted in offline mode (due to
extended attributes), leading to faulty result in "diff".
- mom: was not showing the isNillable tag in attribute flag
- mom: was not supporting the tags "isPassphrase" and "ordered"
- time: when analysing a logfile with the "time" command, the duration of the last
command was sometimes not shown.
- uer: was not showing the "age" field on latest RNC SW.

CHANGES IN v11.0h (2015-06-02)

- general: was not possible to set scripting variables before moshell startup

CHANGES IN v11.0g (2015-06-01)

- comcli: board groups are now supported on MSRBS_V2 nodes - bo/bp/ba/br and lh
commands. Type "h bp", "h lh" for info.
- comcli: on MSRBS_V2 nodes, it is now possible to run DUS coli commands without
the full path, eg "vii" instead of "/board/vii" or "lh mp vii" instead of "lh mp
- dbc: new RNC checks 107/108 (shown only for RNC SW >= W15B). Type "h dbc" for
info about these checks.
- diff: added a new table showing the parameter differences at MO class level
(instead of MO instance level), eg: <MOClass> <attribute> <flag> <nrOfMOInstances>
<currentVal> <recommendedVal>
- diff: updated PARAM files for W15B RNC/RBS
- ir: new option "o" ("iro") to show an overview of all IubLinks and UtranCell
status for the whole RNC pool, both redundant and non-redundant IubLinks. Type "h
iro" for info.
- str: new option "3" ("str3") to show 12 cells per line. Type "h str" for more
details about the printout format.
- general: new uservariable "pre_prompt" to specify a line that shall be printed
before each moshell prompt. Intended for use by JCAT.
- offline mode: "lt all" is now ignored when executed from a command file in
offline mode. It is possible to do "flt all" to bypass this restriction.

- amos: https/tls not working due to incorrect path to openssl http://jira-
- bls: should not attempt to set administrativeState to ShuttingDown on MO
instances that don't support it.
- bp/lh/cabx/invx: was trying to connect to invalid linkhandler ports used by
support system units in WRBS (eg dev numbers higher than 200)
- cabx: was crashing when reading return loss of 0 on RRUL11
- comcli: added support for IpWorks node type, PM commands were not working.
- comcli: acc command was not working properly on COM 3.2 or lower (eg PICO <=
W14B), due to incorrect handling of quotes around string parameters
- comcli: after executing the "getmom" command, subsequent MO commands stopped
- comcli: comcli=22 was not setting the tls ports
- comcli: cv commands were not working properly with linux_shell>0
- comcli: debug mode was showing password in clear text
- comcli: ftree/pmx/pmr/ftget was hanging on PICO nodes with high number of ROP
files https://collaboration.elektrobit.com/alba/browse/W03-2643
- comcli: lgv was not showing the application restart tags (Tn/Cat/Lrat/Grat/Wrat)
- comcli: linux shell commands were displayed as cut at 80 characters when
- comcli: new scripting variable "$Me" contains the LDN of the ManagedElement MO.
Useful for running COMCLI commands on nodes where ManagedElementId is not equal to
- comcli: node credential validation was being bypassed when openssl version lower
than 1.0.0
- comcli: pcr was not working when trying to create a scanner from a pmom or pgets
- comcli: pmom was not working in offline mode
- comcli: poll commands and smart_action were not working properly with
- comcli: polu was showing empty result after a node upgrade (MO action
- comcli: the MOM version naming convention has been changed and is now based on
the sum of the versions for all MOM fragments, so as to more easily be able to know
which MOM is newer. Also the MOM version prefix for MSRBSV2 has been changed from
- comcli: changed some /ipt/ commands in dcgm
- comcli: node credential validation (nc_validate=1) was sometimes failing when
more than one CA file in ca_folder
- comcli: confusing error message when both ssh and tls down (only http/https up)
- comcli: polling going into endless loop when restoring a backup with a different
ManagedElementId than the current one.
- comcli: after setting networkManagedElementId, subsequent MO commands were not
- cr/crn: a CORBA timeout occurring during MO creation was leading to moshell
going into endless loop.
- cr/crn: was causing moshell to run out of memory when run from a command file
while other MO operations were done on the same node from another terminal.
- cr/crn: was very slow when run from a command file due to unecessary checks
before and after MO creation.
- cvls: incorrect CV id values were shown when using a cv filter ("cvls <filter>")
- dbc/from: added support for new ENB MOs introduced in L15B
- dbc/from: added translation for the froType attribute in ENB
- dbc: check #15 was not detecting old table versions for tables ending with the
word "arrays" (dnsclient_xxarrays or dhcpr_xxarrays). TR HT68372
- dbc: updated rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for check of RNC features.
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistency (missing fro table) for certain
OptionalFeature MOs on ENB >= L15B
- dcgk/dcgm: the complete MOM was sometimes not included in the MO dump, even when
present on the machine.
- dcgm: added new CPP command
- dcgm: added new RBS commands
- diff: was unable to compare the reservedBy attribute on Sctp MO between two MO
- coli: the "pwd" command was not working on EPB2 (CPP linux)
- fclean: was not able to remove empty directories on EPB2 (CPP linux)
- ftdela: was showing confusing error message when executed on a non-existing
- general: after ctrl-C on a COLI/lg/pm command, the MO list became empty
- general: command history buffer was not working on linux/cygwin with high value
of keep_history_lines.
- general: jarfiles fetching was not working on nodes running signed software
- general: the scripting variable $cppversion was not correct for CPP >= C15.0
- get: incorrect printout format on struct members of type moRef/seq:moRef,
showing FDN instead of LDN.
- get: incorrect printout format on struct members of type seq:moRef, showing one
MO instance per line as well as empty lines instead of all MOs on the same line
- invxb: CPRI BER values were not shown for XMU03
- ir: added suport for specifying EriEmu ipaddress and portbase in the
uservariable "cluster_members". Refer to file moshell/moshell for info.
- irp/irs/ird: clearer error message when no iublinks found.
- lgp: corrupted printout on ENB containing gzipped files in
- lk: was unable to show Sctp associations for simulated IP-based IubLinks (3gsim)
when complete MOM not available. https://wcdma-
- lkr: faulty printout on RNC >= W15B when certain IubLinks have
rncModulePreferredRef not equal to rncModuleRef
- lkr: was showing empty lines on RNC Evo with CAX subrack
- offline: auto disable the keepalive_interval setting, not applicable in offline
- pgu: bswhat was not working without clearcase access. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pmr: faulty RBS formulas AvgNbUlCEeXTCapacity and AvgUlCEeXTCapacity, thanks
Thorsten Lyng Johansen.
- str: was wrongly showing NBAP disabled on simulated IP-based IubLinks (3gsim)
when complete MOM not available. https://wcdma-
- str: availability figures at the bottom were wrong for nodes containing IubLinks
with more than 12 cells.
- u!: was not able to translate the wait command

CHANGES IN v11.0f (2015-05-06)

- comcli: new CV command "cvre" to perform a BrmBackup restore. Type "h cvls" for
- comcli: new options for the "run1" command. Type "h run1" for info.
- comcli: new uservariables "nc_validate" and "ca_folder" for Node Credential
validation with TLS access. Refer to info in the moshell/moshell file.

- cabx: was not working properly with new radio types RRU2203 and RRU2217
- cabx: was not working properly with XMU03
- comcli: auto disable the keepalive_interval setting, not applicable on COM
- comcli: commands longer than 80 characters were being wrapped when sent to linux
- comcli: cr was not prompting for certain ENB attributes. TR HT64600 .
- comcli: pcr command was not working on nodes with ManagedElement not equal to 1
due to issue with PM cache handling.
- comcli: pmom incomplete on MpProcessingResource counters
- comcli: pol and acc commands going into endless loop when HTTP access disabled.
TR HT71211.
- comcli: pst state filtering was not working (eg "pst . activ")
- comcli: set command throwed exception when setting networkManagedElementId
- comcli: the emcli command was not working with TLS access.
- comcli: tls menu was re-printed after node restart (comcli=28)
- comcli: added nm credential expiry date in tls menu (comcli=28)
- cr: should not prompt for deprecated attributes when exclude_deprecated>0. TR
HT71288 .
- dbc: fake inconsistency on ENB MO QciTable.
- dbc: fake inconsistency on ENB MOs RfBranch/SectorCarrier.
- dbc: fake inconsistency on IpHostLink MO using the alternative OAM feature.
- general: IMSI/IMEI anonymization was not working properly (anon_ue=1)

CHANGES IN v11.0e (2015-04-20)
- comcli: CV commands are now supported on COM nodes -
cvcu/cvls/cvmk/cvrm/cvget/cvput. Type "h cvls" for info.
- comcli: PM commands (pmom/pmx/pmr/pcr/pst/pgets/etc) now use a cache of the
counter descriptions for faster startup.
- comcli: a poll is automatically initiated after BrM/SwM asynchronous actions to
make them synchronous. Refer to the setting "smart_action" in moshell/moshell for
- comcli: dcgm is now faster on COM nodes by running several tasks in parallel
- comcli: new lgk option "-x capi" to show the cpu_load.log
- comcli: new lgk option "-x comi" to show the ComInterface.log
- comcli: new lgk option "-x nl" to show the NetworkLoader.log
- comcli: new value comcli=27 for TLS connection to DUS gen2 using
ssucredentials.xml. Refer to description in file moshell/moshell.
- comcli: new value comcli=28 for TLS/SSH connection to DUS gen2 using a selection
menu. Refer to description in file moshell/moshell.
- comcli: now uses cached MOM for faster startup.
- comcli: pget now supports PDF counters
- general: new command "encpw" to encrypt a password. The password can then be
stored in encrypted format in ipdatabase, moshellrc file, or .mos command file.
Type "h encpw" for info. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: new uservariable "anon_ue" can be set to 1 in order to anonymize
IMSI/IMEI values in RNC printouts "te log read", "uer", "ueregprint". Refer to info
in moshell/moshell file.
- pmr: new RBS KPI "AvgRssiHigh" applicable for RDS/DOT and small cell.
- scripting: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/pmon.mos to monitor multiple PM
attributes over a period of time. Type "run $scripts/pmon.mos -h" for info. Thanks
Cliff Parsons.
- scripting: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/rimwrapper.mos to print rim
associations in RNC.

- cabx: added support for new radio types RRU2203 and RRU2217
- comcli: MO actions were not working with password parameter containing certain
special characters like # or !
- comcli: MO list was not properly updated after BrmBackup removal, TR HS86051.
- comcli: dcgm was not fetching logs when export_password was empty.
- comcli: export_method=2 was not working on comcli>=30
- comcli: lg was not able to show AlarmLog, TnNeworkLog, TnApplicationLog. TR
HT65040 .
- comcli: cr/get/set were not handling attribute of type ecimPassword correctly
- comcli: the command "getmom" was not showing the MOM version, TR HS85666.
- comcli: wrong MOM version generated on WCDMA pico
- cvget: was not working when trying to download more than one CV, was stopping
after the first CV and asking for confirmation.
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistency on Ipv6Interface::trafficSchedulerRef
- dcgi: added EthernetOamMep commands
- dcgi: was causing crash when run on W15A EvoC, TR HT66019.
- dcgm: added some nss commands
- general: added support for running several commands on one line on AXE nodes
- general: smart_sl3 causing issue with corba_class=3
- general: ssh/sftp was not working on certain Linux 64-bit machines.
- general: tempdir changed to /var/tmp for AMOS on ENM to offload the NFS
- general: problem executing on cygwin for usernames containing the "+" sign
- general: default credentials paths (nm_folder, nm_credential, sa_folder,
sa_credential) have been changed from $HOME to $HOME/Ericsson/OMSec
- getmom: added support for fetching RNC complete MOMs from Nexus
- irs: synchronisation of cell removal was not working properly
- htget: was not working properly over https
- invx: updated Ericsson SFP product table.
- scripting: correction on moshell/commonjars/scripts/lteUlInt.mos, thanks Conor
- trun1c: creating and deleting the same MO in the same transaction was leading to
duplicated proxies
- undo: was not working properly for Aal2Ap MO with allocationMode=0

CHANGES IN v11.0d (2015-03-31)

- comcli: new option "1" to run a command file in one transaction ("run1"). Only
supported on COM nodes (for CPP nodes, use "trun1"). Type "h run" for info.
- comcli: htget now supports HTTPS download. Type "h htget" for info.
- momt: new table shows all possible LDNs. Type "h mom" for info.

- comcli: create MOs with attributes of type sequence of structs was not working
- comcli: dcgm now fetching BB translation xml files (ifModelLm.xml,
lratBbTraceTranslationDus52.xml, etc)
- comcli: faster MOM download with the setting comcli_mom=1. Thanks Ari Kauppi.
- comcli: get command was not showing exceptions received when failed to read
certain attributes with ComFailure error.
- comcli: improved error handling when trying to connect with a user login that
does not have permission to access the MOM.
- comcli: lg was not removing the temporary export directory on export server
after an export failure (export_method>=2)
- comcli: lgf/dcg is now storing PICO logfiles in the same path structure as on
the node.
- comcli: lgf/dcg now fetching pico logfiles in /var/persistent/tmp.
- comcli: lgs on RCS nodes was trying to fetch non-existing files
- comcli: new uservariable export_timeout, to specify the timeout for log export.
Refer to info in file moshell/moshell.
- comcli: now supports ssh/sftp authentication with public key exchange. Thanks
Ari Kauppi.
- comcli: pdiff was taking too long, reading unnecessary attributes.
- comcli: PID collision could happen when running a MO command after a long idle
time, leading to moshell going into endless reconnection loop.
- comcli: pmom counter description printout was containing literal \n signs
instead of real \n
- comcli: pmx was not working with TLS access (comcli=25/26)
- comcli: set sequence of structs was not working properly, appending instead of
replacing the value
- comcli: the commands "comcli" and "coli" were showing spurious error printouts
with TLS access (comcli=25/26)
- comcli: the MOM version was not always consistent even on same node/same SW,
depending on whether all MOM fragments existed on the workstation or not.
- comcli: the uservariable max_login_attempts was not taking effect with TLS
access (comcli=25/26)
- dbc: misleading error shown on IpInterfaceGroup MOs pointing to Ipv6Interface
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new CPP MOs
- dbc/sql mode: addes support for moref attributes in MOs
- dcg: updated commands for xmu03, dul mp, exs. Check the release history in
- general: conditional MO load was not working on NetSim.
- general: the coli command "lkm" was not working
- hget: when printing two attributes of type sequence:structref it was only
showing the struct members of one due to collision of the struct name
- inv/al: added support for new CPP feature "Ethernet OAM Service" in IpLicensing
- invx: CPRI/SFP table was not displayed properly on WRBS >= W14
- invxb: added support for more RU/RRU HW types
- invxb: was not showing BER value properly
- irp: was not working when no IP IubLinks defined on s-CM.
- irs/irp: was not creating missing ExternalGsmNetwork/EUtraNetwork MOs
- irs: was trying to create ExternalGsmCell/ExternalUtranCell/EUtranFrequency MOs
even when they already existed on the s-CM.
- momt: was showing some invalid containment relations TR HT15616.
- pme: was not fetching gpeh ropfiles from ram disk /r
- pmr: faster execution time. Thanks Mark Meegan.
- uer: was not working on RNC3820 W15B.

CHANGES IN v11.0c (2015-03-12)

- ir[cdps]: new command for Iub redundancy configuration in RNC in pool. Type "h
ir" for info.
- proglist: now supported on EPB2 (CPPLinux). Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- lgs: now supported on EPB2 (CPPLinux). Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- cvset: now works with the CV id. Type "h cvset" for info.
- pset: is now able to set a event scanner from a logfile produced by pgets.
- comcli: new values comcli=25/26 for TLS connection to DUS gen2 using sam.p12 or
cert.pem credential. Refer to description in file moshell/moshell.
- general: new uservariable "readinput_timeout" to specify the timeout of the
readinput() function.

- bp/lh: the board group cmxb was missing on HCS nodes (RNC3820/MGWv4). TR
- cabx: added support for mRRUS61
- cabx: was not showing the temperature of XMU03.
- cabx: was not working properly on RRU22F1. TR HT51949
- comcli: action NodeCredential.startOnlineEnrollment() was not working with null
- comcli: momx command was not working on COM nodes.
- comcli: moshell version check was not working.
- comcli: pmx was not working with counter names containing spaces.
- comcli: the "/?" command was not working when piped to a unix command.
- comcli: MOM download via https was not working properly.
- comcli: challengePassword prompt was not muted
- cre: did not work with struct attributes containing members of type
sequence:moRef, eg IdleModePrioAtRelease in ENB.
- dbc: updated rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for check of RNC features.
- dcgm: updated commands for cax, ipv6host, xmu03, abtr, exs. Check the release
history in moshell/commonjars/scripts/dcg_datacollection.mos
- dcgm: was generating huge logfiles in certain cases, filling up the whole disk.
TR HT24215.
- general: inactivity_timeout was not working on workstations running bash version
4 or higher.
- general: moshell could not start on cygwin when called from a soft link
- general: new uservariable http_version to specify http get method (http/1.0 or
1.1). Default value http_version=1 - to fix remaining issue with Balabit RSG.
- general: portbase now applies to target monitor port
- general: semicolon after "lhsh <lnh>" was not working.
- general: write commands were not showing any printout on AXE nodes
- getmom: now fetching RNC prewash MOMs
- inv: updated license FAJ mapping definitions.
- inv: was printing spurious error messages when ~/.moshellrc containing lf
- invx: was giving corrupted printout on SFPs lacking A2 area.
- invxb: added support to show the BER on more RRU types and on DUL20
- lgp: updated to zpm R32 on linux and solaris/sparc (cygwin and solaris/x86 still
on R30 for the moment)
- lgp: was showing wrong error codes on certain PMD files. TR HT51142.
- pmr: incorrect formula for AvgPropDelay. TR HT44608.
- pmr: was sometimes picking up the wrong formula file https://wcdma-
- pmxl: now works with option "i", eg "pmxil". Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- pol: was not handling properly the command line arguments.
- sti: was not working with IpAccessHostEts referring to IpInterfaceGroup
- trun: had trouble with certain types of file paths on cygwin.
- u!: failed to convert scripts containing attributes with empty values or crn
statements with attributes commented out
- uer: was not working on W15B.

CHANGES IN v11.0b (2015-01-30)

- comcli: new options for the pol command "b", "i", "p", "s", "y". Type "h pol"
for info.
- pmxe: now allows regular expression for the kpi name. Type "h pmx" for info.
- pmxl: updated to support combining with e option ("pmxel"). Thanks Mathias
- inv: new option "b" to show RX BER on CPRI links. Type "h inv" for info.
- inv: CPRI links table now shows the type of link Electrical or Optical.
- htget: now supports specifying the port, eg: htget://<server>:<port>/path. Type
"h htget" for info.

- amos: could not create logs_moshell folder after first install. TR HT40953.
- bo/bp/lh: was skipping certain auxiliary units that had a 0 in the BXP
linkhandler address
- cedh: was not showing IubLinks defined on last EPB core when programInstanceId
of the last core was 1.
- comcli: MO commands were not working with MibPrefix contaning space sign.
- comcli: acc command was showing result ok even when action failed.
- comcli: added support for https on DUS gen2.
- comcli: the mom command was not showing the range and unit information on
attributes of type derivedRef
- comcli: the mom command was matching towards the MIM fragment part of the MO
class (eg "mom swmn" was returning also the ugpradepackage)
- comcli: running more than 30 rcs-coli commands on one line was failing
- conf: was not working when starting the moshell session with confb-.
- cr: was not working with MO class DnsClient on later CPP SW (ipv6)
- crn: now supports commenting out certain attribute lines with #
- crn: was not able to create MOs with attributes of type moRef with null value
- crn: was not working on MO types RbsLocalCell and Carrier in WRBS. New uv
"no_crn" introduced to disable the usage of crn command on certain MO types.
- cvget: failed when using a destination folder with same name as the CV.
- cvget: was returning $returncode=0 even when failed
- cvls: wrong release name on ENB was showing L15A instead of L15B. TR HT39722.
- dbc: updated rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for check of RNC features.
- dbc: was showing missing FRO table on W12 RNC even for MAO that dont have a FRO.
- dcgm: added RNC DRH commands on module MP
- dcgm: removed devinfo from EVOET. TR HS36421
- dcgm: added ENB command bbicdump
- general: was not working on cygwin when $HOME located under c:/users instead of
c:/cygwin. http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.9212
- general: http download of binary files was not working in cygwin
- general: lhsh was still displaying spurious "EndOfPrint" characters in the
printout, TR HT24111.
- gs/gsg: was not working with attribute of type sequence of integer, was always
setting the attribute even when no change.
- htget: still using unsupported http request format, incompatible with Balabit
- inv: wrong FAJ number when running invhl
- inv: was showing wrong Ericsson product number for certain SFPs, updated the SFP
product lookup table.
- inv: was showing spurious error messages from the sfpdecoder
- lg: was running spurious commands on ETIPG as side effect of pmxi
- lgp: was not properly showing piudevice crashes on EPB/SPB4.
- lk: was not showing the Aal2 MOs related to IubLink when more than 8 Aal2Paths.
- mom/pmom: was not handling properly the MO PmUlInterferenceReport
- mos2ro: the moshell readonly version could not successfully run dcg, cv commands
were not working.
- mos2ro: was not able to generate the moshell readonly package
- pgets: was not showing contents of scanners with MO PmUlInterferenceReport
- pgu: correction for upgrading signed LM in JVM. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pmro: incorrect formulas for CS64_A and CS64_C
- pmrp: report #7 was not working
- pmxe: now shows an error message when formula file not found.
- pmxi: was not working properly, nothing got printed.
- polu: was sometimes reporting upgrade failed even when upgrade successful.
- scripts: rssi_monitor.mos was not working with CDCI_TR_INT_LEVEL_MEAS2_IND
- str: was showing disabled Nbap C/D on IP IubLinks when run with incomplete MOM
or with filter option.
- truns: was not working when specifying /cygdrive in the path.

CHANGES IN v11.0a (2015-01-10)

- gm[cd]: new command to generate MO scripts. gmc=Generate MO Creation,
gmd=Generate MO Deletion. Type "h gm" for info.
- cr: new option "n" ("crn") to specify any attributes in the create statement.
Type "h cr" for info.
- general: new uservariable "use_crn" to specify whether the commands gmc/u+/diff
shall use the cr or crn command for generating MO scripts. Default value is
use_crn=1 as it leads to faster command file execution (fewer transactions needed).
The uv "use_crn" is described in the file moshell/moshell.
- u! : now supports to convert a .mo file (trun format) to .mos file (run format).
Type "h u!" for info.
- set: now shows "takes effect" information for attributes whose new value will
not take effect immediately. Can be turned off with the uv "show_takeseffect".
- diffo: now shows the MO instances found in each node/dump but not the other.
Previously was only showing the attribute values differences.
- pmx: new option "e" to print KPIs from formula file instead of raw counters.
Type "h pmx" for info.
- pmx: new option "i" to print the ETIPG counters from CELLO_IPTRAN_DEBUG_LOG.
Type "h pmx" for info.
- str: the field CD (Status of NbapCommon/Dedicated) are now populated on IP-based
IubLinks, based on the operationalState of the corresponding SctpAssociation MOs.
Type "h str" for info.
- strt: now shows the ET-IP for IP-based IubLinks. Type "h str" for info.
- str: new field "R" to show the Iub Redundancy status (Primary, Secondary, Non-
Redundant). Only applicable on RNC in pool with Iub Redundancy feature. Type "h
str" for info.
- general: new uservariable smart_sl3 to automatically set the uv "sl3" to 1 when
the node is in SL3. See description in the file moshell/moshell.
- general: the SLS and Node password prompts now show the username for nodes in

- comcli: cr command was not checking if MO instance already exists
- comcli: cr command was sometimes indicating creation failed eventhough it
- comcli: diff command was not working towards a modump.zip file
- comcli: gs/gsg command was not working properly, attribute always getting set
even when no change between old value and new value
- comcli: incorrect handling of derived attributes of data type string, affecting
the "mom" command mainly.
- comcli: ld command was not working properly, overwriting existing proxys.
- comcli: lgs showing wrong year on some sysevent entries in pico
- comcli: progressReport attribute with empty value was shown incorrectly on
UpgradePackage MO
- comcli: the command "lt root" was not properly clearing the proxy tables.
- comcli: translation of sequence of enum attributes was not working properly in
offline mode
- comcli: del command was not working on some MO classes needed lock before delete
(FieldReplaceableUnit, SectorEquipmentFunction, NodeBLocalCell)
- comcli: ftdel/ftget/ftree failing on pico for files dated the previous year
- comcli: al command not working properly in offline mode
- conf[bld]: does not have any effect anymore when executed from a command file
with "run/runx" command. As commands are auto-confirmed when executed from command
- cr[n]: when run from a script, now performs consistency checks after all
attributes are entered, in order to not break the flow of the script execution.
- dcgm: sometimes failed to collect the modump.zip due to http connection timeout.
Added a new uv "http_retry" to re-attempt the fetch of the IOR file. Refer to
description in the file moshell/moshell for more info on this uv.
- diff/undo: diffcmdfile and undocommandfile do not contain the confb/confd
anymore as these are ignored when run from a command file.
- diff: the diffcmdfile was not correctly handling attributes of type sequence
with empty value
- general: improved handling of linkhandler address in MO commands
- getmom: was not properly fetching the CPP MOMs in GIT
- ld: was not working in offline mode when running an undocommandfile
- lg3r: was fetching multiple copies of the same files at each rerun.
- lhsh: was displaying spurious "EndOfPrint" characters in the printout, TR
HT24111. New uservariable "use_lhv" to control the behaviour of lhsh, refer to the
file moshell/moshell for info.
- lhsh: was not working on XMU03, hanging.
- lk: was showing irrelevant SctpAssociation MOs when run towards IubLink
- offline mode: "lt all" is now ignored when executed from a command file in
offline mode
- pgu: now stops execution when Program MO creation failed.
- pgur: now stops execution when loaded CV after node restart is not TPGU.
- pgu: adapted bswhat to work when no access to clearcase, thanks Joakim �stlund
- secmode: the secmode "-l" option was not correctly supported in moshell
- set: conditional set (when run in "gs" or "undo" mode) was not working properly,
sometimes tried to set the value even when no change required
- swup: was sometimes selecting the wrong UP at SW install
- u!: conversion of lacc commands to trun format was not working properly

CHANGES IN v10.0z (2014-12-22)

- dbc: new RNC check #105 "Inconsistency in RncFunction cellRelCntr". Type "h dbc"
for info.
- dbc: new RNC check #106 "Inconsistency in UtranCell gsmRelHoAndCellReselCntr".
Type "h dbc" for info.
- dbc: new common check #22 "missing FRO tables". Type "h dbc" for info.
- dbc: new numbering scheme, common checks numbered from 1 to 100, and application
specific (RNC/MGW/ENB/RBS) numbered from 101 and up. The purpose is to ensure that
the application specific checks numbers will not change when new common checks are
- dcgm: now collects all db.dat files from the folder /d/configuration/cv
- offline mode: now supports to specify the CV name in the commands dbc and dbd,
provided the dcgm was collected with 10.0z or higher and contains the cv folder.
Eg: "dbc <cvnamd>" or "dbd <cvname1> <cvname2>". Type "h dbc" or "h dbd" for info.
- scripting: new scripting variable $returncode is set after each command
execution to indicate if the command was executed successfully or not (0=success,
- general: new uservariable "get_format" to specify whether proxy id will be shown
in "get <mo> <attr>" printout. Type "h prox" for info.

- amos: moshell installation taking too long, TR HT24359
- ba: did not work with RU linkhandlers
- cabx: added support for RRU22F1. TR HT32230.
- cabx/inv: was not showing serialnumber of XMU03
- cabx: was not showing the temperature on IRU
- comcli: lgv sometimes failed on RCS nodes with export_method=0
- dbc: check #9 was not working on ENB where parentref.froid is correct but
parent.ldn is wrong. TR HS35166/HR28722.
- dbc/sql mode: was sometimes not finding the FRO for ENB MO Aisgv2FwDownload
- dbc/sql mode: was sometimes not finding the FRO for MO IpHostLink
- dbca: was only showing results of checks #1 to 19
- dcg: sometimes failed to create the final zip archive
- dcgm: added new command dnsrinfo
- dcgm: added radio commands cfpga read all;warpA read all;warpB read all
- diff: updated PARAM files for W15A RNC
- general: better error indication on moshell installation in 64bit linux with
missing 32bit libs
- general: changed umask setting for log directories created by /app/moshell
- general: use env perl for mobatch in /app/moshell
- general: username should not be set for linux nodes in /app/moshell and amos
- general: xb board groups were not created on a node with switched core MPs
- invx: incorrect temperature calculation on externally calibrated SFPs
- invx: was not showing the RDS/DOT table
- pgu: added support for new CMX product numbers, thanks Joakim �stlund.
- polu: was sometimes failing after action resumeSwUpgrade
- upid: updated CXP translation for W15A

CHANGES IN v10.0y (2014-12-08)

- comcli: new commands c1/c2 for switching between COLI shell and Linux Shell.
Type "h c1" for info.
- comcli: pcr now supports specifying a granularity value. Type "h pcr" for info.
- cr/set/acc: attributes of type sequence:integer can now be specified using
ranges, eg 1-10,20-30. Type "h syntax" for info. (Useful for passing the dscp
values in MO DscpGroup/IpFlowMonitor for instance)
- dcg: the MO dump now contains the scanner data -> pst/pgets[nm] now fully
supported in offline mode.
- general: new setting "nomulti" in the file moshell/moshell , can be used to
disable multi-mode
- general: new board group "iru" for IRU in RDS/DOT
- inv/invx: added table for RDS (Radio Dot System). Type "h inv" for info.
- inv/invx: added table for SFP inventory, one SFP per line
- lg3: now shows the TPS_EVENTLOG on RNC. Type "h lg" for info.
- scripting: new function check_ip_contact. Eg: $var =
check_ip_contact($ipaddress,port). Type "h scripting" for info.
- scripting: now possible to set a variable from a unix command inside the
~/.moshellrc file. Eg $today=`date +%Y%m%d`
- scripting: new script moshell/examples/scripting/hsrelcheck.mos to check
inconsistency of CoverageRelation data in RNH vs ROAM

- ba/br: was not working with gcpu/BXP/portdev linkhandler addresses
- cab: NCI_COMMON trace is not used anymore on DUL/DUS boards where the boardtemp
command can be used instead. TR HT25898.
- cabx: was not showing product number on XMU03
- cabx: was not showing vswr when more than one RRUx8 present in the node
- cabx: was printing same RRU twice on 6tx/8tx RRUs using two CPRI links
- comcli: acc was not masking the parameter uriPassword in CertM actions
- comcli: cr/set was not working properly with attributes of type EcimEmpty
- comcli: emcli could not start without the -vcomcli=xx option
- comcli: lg was not properly printing on latest RCS SW, misaligned fields and
spurious quotes
- comcli: lg was not working with export_method=1 on RCS node with vendor
credentials (port 22 blocked)
- comcli: set command was not working with attributes of type EcimPassword
- comcli: setting the comcli uservariable within the moshell session was not
taking effect properly
- comcli: pmom was chopping off counter descriptions containing quotes
- cvget/cvput: sometimes failed to delete temporary cv in /d/usr
- dbc/sqlmode: added support for new MO classes in L14B and APC
- dbc/sqlmode: polyview files were sometimes not found in AMOS
- dcgm: added XMU command fpgareg all. Added ENB command lratdbi
- dcgm: replaced connhndl_publisher and connhndl_subscriber with cell_publisher
and cell_subscriber, and added rcsrxxap_subscriber all -long;rcsrxxap_publisher all
-long;rcsarea_subscriber all -long;rcsarea_publisher all -long
- dcgm: using the new command "dcg run" for RU DCG
- dcgm: nss commands now collected on all DU/CBM boards instead of just the core
- dcgm: added TN commands for TCU03/MSRBSv2
- deb: UtranCell should always be deblocked even in undo mode, due to tps
- diff: updated PARAM files for W14B RNC/RBS
- general: added support for CPP MOM split in LSV150 (CelloMOMRbs.xml)
- general: performing MO operations on cax boards using link handler is not
working when more than 150,000 MOs in the node due to collision of the 150xxx
addresses and proxy ids. Workaround is to use the new board groups cax15xx instead
of link handler.
- general: proper prompt handling (previously the cr/acc/confirmation prompts
could not handle long lines or would disappear upon deleting the input or resizing
the window)
- general: the coli command "passwd" was not working when the file
/c/security/passwd missing from the node
- general: the password prompt sometimes showed the first couple characters of the
password in clear text
- general: the scripting variable "$password" was not updated after running the
"passwd" command
- general: the uservariable scorba_port has been renamed to s_corba_port. Note:
this is a non backward compatible change.
- htget: was using invalid key sequence on cygwin, incompatible with Balabit RSG
- inv/al: added support for new CPP feature "IP flow monitor" in IpLicensing MO
- inv/invx: the RU were not always displayed in ascending order of RbsSlot
- inv/invx: was not showing correct link handler addresses on AIR as one unit
- inv/invx: incorrect value for RXdBm and ulLoss/dlLoss in SFP diagnostics table
- inv: updated feature name mapping files for L14B/W15A
- l+/l-: logging stopped after running the command "fte s" or "proglist" following
a CV change or upgrade
- l+/l-: was not logging the ouptut of the "goxb" command
- pgu: several corrections related to Signed SW, thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pmr/pmx: the last rop was sometimes not displayed
- pmr: incorrect CPP formulas
- pmr: updated RNC formula PsDCHFACHRabSucc CSR 2644481
- pmro: updated official config/formula files for W15A
- pstool: option -k with wild card was attempting to kill all processes, not only
moshell related processes.

CHANGES IN v10.0v (2014-10-24)

- pmr/pmx: new option "-tz <hrs>" to display the timestamps in a specific
timezone. Type "h pmr" or "h pmx" for info.
- pmr/pmx: new option "z" (pmrz/pmxz) to display the timestamps in the
workstation's local time. Type "h pmr" or "h pmx" for info.
- proctemp: new command to show temperature and alarm limits on all board sensors.
Type "h proctemp" for info.
- inv: new option "x" ("invx") for RBS/ENB, similar to "invh" but using coli
printouts to print some additional information. Type "h inv" for info.
- inv: now shows XP link handler associated to each AuxPlugInUnit MO on RBS/ENB.
- inv/invx: added a new table for RBS/ENB to show the list of CPRI links and
between which boards/ports they are connectd. Type "h inv" for info.
- inv/invx: added two new tables for RBS/ENB to show the SFP product information
and diagnostics for optical CPRI links. Type "h inv" for info.
- inv/invx: now shows AIR units which are not mapped to an AuxPlugInUnit MO, on
nodes not supporting AIR as one unit.
- inv/invx/invh: added a new option "c" to print the hardware and CPRI tables in
CSV format.
- inv/invx/invh: new option "p" to display the CPU load. Previously the CPU load
was shown by default. Now it will only be shown when using "p" option.
- lt: now supports using negative filter to load all MOs except those matching the
filter. Eg: lt all!relation -> load all MOs except the MO classes matching
- comcli: new value "3" for the uservariable "export_method", allowing to use the
own node as sftp server when exporting MOM or logs. Refer to moshell/moshell file
for info.
- comcli: now supporting APG43L, using comcli=12 for APG43L 1.x and comcli=34 for
APG43L 2.x. See moshell/moshell for info.
- comcli: pol options "polu", "polr", and "polh" are now supported on COM nodes.
Type "h pol" for info.
- comcli: lgk now shows entries from com.log , com_alarm.log, and erlang.log. Type
"h lg" for info.
- comcli: lgk now supports the option "-x <log>" to specify which logs to display.
Type "h lg" for info.
- dcg: new option "-k <nrdumps>" to specify the number of ENB DSP dumps to
collect. Type "h dcg" for info.
- ftget/ftput: new uservariable "ftp_preserveprops" to specify whether file
timestamps and permissions will be preserved at sftp file transfer. Refer to "h
ftget" and moshell/moshell file for info. Default setting is 0, the legacy
- general: new uservariable "uv_blacklist" to specify the uservariables which can
only be set in the file moshell/moshell and not be overridden by the user. Refer to
file moshell/moshell for more info and example.
- general: new uservariables corba_init, corba_port, scorba_port, to support
connecting over corba with ior file, to a specific ipaddress and port. Refer to
file moshell/moshell for info.
- general: new utility moshell/sfpdecoder for parsing the coli printout of "sfp -d
<port>" and "rdsfp -d <port>" on DU/XMU/RU. Eg: lh mp rdsfp -d 1;rdsfp -d 2;rdsfp
-d 3;rdsfp -d 4;rdsfp -d 5;rdsfp -d 6 | moshell/sfpdecoder .
- mos2ro: new command to generate an installation package for readonly version of
moshell. Type "h mos2ro" for info.
- scripting: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/cidwrapper.mos to run RNC
commands on all cid's. Eg: "run $scripts/cidwrapper.mos sysinfo st". Check inside
the script file for info and examples.
- scripting: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/prl3.mos to print CAX L3 data.
Thanks Rajko Kovacevic.

- acc/cr: was not working with struct members containing a comma
- acce/cre: struct member challengePassword was shown in clear text
- cab: misleading information on temperature alarm limits, TR HS77435/HS71227.
- cab: was not showing board temperature on MSB.
- cab: was sometimes not showing the full RBS product name on ENB.
- cabx: TX pwr/VSWR was not shown correctly for RRUx82
- cabx/bp/lh: additional corrections for supporting XMU03
- cabx/bp/lh: were showing duplicated link handlers on RU/RRU connected by several
CPRI links
- cedh: was showing fake hangings on cells having 0 dlRL and 1 or more ulRL.
- ceds: was not showing hs3MC feature support
- comcli: MOM parsing was not handling deprecated MO classes correctly
- comcli: RCS-COLI commands were not working in offline mode even when present in
the dcg.
- comcli: al command was not working on APG43L
- comcli: automatic detection of comcli settings (smart_comcli) was not working on
commercial TCU03 nodes where port 22 is blocked.
- comcli: dcgf was not fetching logfiles with older timestamps on pico
- comcli: lg now supports the RCS logs TnApplicationLog (option "b") and
TnNetworkLog (option "z"). Type "h lg" for info.
- comcli: lg was not working with new RCS log format. TR HS94674.
- comcli: mcc command could not understand parameters containing a shortened MoRef
Distinguished Name. TR HS86049.
- cvrm: now shows a warning before removing CVs belonging to the rollback list. TR
- dbc/sql mode: the contents of the scannerdata table was not parsed properly for
certain cases
- dbc/sql mode: upgraded to polyhedra 8.9
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistencies on ENB MO ExtTmaConnector.
- dcgm/dcge: added vii command
- dcgi: put back etipg ipv6 traces which had been removed in 10.0t but on less
verbose trace objects
- ftget/ftput: was sometimes not working properly with paths containing several
consecutive slash signs (//)
- general: ping6 command was not working while logging with l+/l-.
- general: some minor improvement of moshell start time on cygwin
- general: ssh connection sometimes failed after node restart due to known host
key changed.
- general: the uservariable java_options could only support to specify one option
at a time. Refer to file moshell/moshell for more info on this uservariable.
- get/kget: was not working on Ncli MO when use_complete_mom=1
- l+/l-: output from the commands "comcli" and "coli" were not being logged. TR
HS90531 .
- lg: several corrections for better handling of entries having the 1970
- lgd: node restart time is now more accurate, using the avlog entry UnOperational
DownTime flag.
- lgd: was showing power on restarts as Jvm restarts. TR HS81565/HS66810/HS66795.
- lgf: could not handle argument pointing to directory names that start like a
- lgp: was not collecting PMD files on XMU.
- lgv: was not showing the <RestartCompleted> tag
- lhsh: the "shell" command was not working on XMU03
- pmed: was not working correctly on RNC W14
- pmr/pmx: support for new ROP path on 3820/Evo (/p00xx00)
- pmr/pmx: when latest rop files were missing on the node, was using the latest
rop files stored on the workstation. TR HS97052/HS90933,
- pmr: incorrect formula for the RBS KPI AvgTxCarrierPwr
- pmr: added CPP reports to show KPIs for EthernetPort MO in CAX subrack.
- pmxl: was not working correctly in offline mode, using empty argument to the "-
mom" option
- pset: was showing misleading error message when inputting incorrect event filter
- str/ceds/cedg: now show the UtranCell tpsPowerLockState with new status value
"T". Type "h str" or "h ced" for info.

CHANGES IN v10.0t (2014-09-19)

- al: new option "g" ("alg") to save the list of alarmed MO instances to a MO
group named "al_group". Type "h al" for info.
- comcli: added support for O&M access over Netconf. See the new comcli settings
in file moshell/moshell (pico via netconf: comcli=13, rcs via netconf: comcli=23).
Thanks Erik Linder-Noren, Sara Norrby, Mikael Pettersson, Erik Sternerson, Martin
B�ckman Carlsson.
- comcli: new value "2" for the uservariable export_method, allowing to transfer
logs and mom fragments to a remote sftp server. Must also set the uv export_server.
See details in the file moshell/moshell.
- str: now shows EulFach channels. Type "h str" for info.

- al: ack/nack of alarms (options -a/-u) had stopped working
- bp/lh: board groups "xp" and "all" were not properly refreshed on ENB after bor,
upgrade, or cv rollback.
- cabx/bp/lh: additional corrections for supporting XMU03
- cabx: added support for RRUx82 (8TX)
- cabx: added support for RRU22F3 (6TX)
- cabx: now show antenna quality measurement value in the VSWR column for AIR21,
AIR32, RUS12m, and mRRUS12. Type "h cab" for info.
- cedr: was sometimes showing incorrect ccdevice module after rnc restart
- comcli: acc command now performs actions without a transaction on nodes with COM
>= 3.3
- comcli: al showed some spurious characters in the additional info field
- comcli: dcgm issue with RCS-COLI commands, TR HS86589
- comcli: ftree command going round in loops on RCS nodes, TR HS85662
- comcli: getmom command was not printing anything on screen, TR HS85666
- comcli: lg now fetches RCS logs individually
- comcli: pdel needed to suspend job before deletion
- comcli: simulated undo mode (u+s) was not working correctly with bl/deb/set
commands , TR HS85668
- comcli: RCS-COLI interface was not working on latest RCS SW
- cvget: now automatically tries to fetch the cv via cvgetf if the cvget action
- cvget: reduced the waiting time when checking cv collection result (from 60s to
- cvget: was showing successful fetch even when the ftp transfer failed
- cvgetf: was not working with cv filter, now supports fetching multiple cv's with
regexp filter
- dbc: added information for remaining old tables without impact TR HS92784
- dbc: check 3 was sometimes not showing the froid of the missing FRO instance
- dbc: check 7 was sometimes showing incorrect number of FRO instances
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistency on MGW VP8Service MO
- dcgm: added COLI commands for Rnc in Pool
- dcgm: added command for DOT/IRU
- dcgm: removed crash causing command "ipiffh clientInfo" TR HS78699
- dcgi: removed etipg ipv6 t&e traces. updated exs evo commands.
- dcgm: fixed wrong path for syncdata.txt file
- del: delete UP sometimes showing failed even though succeeded
- del: delete UP sometimes trying to remove a CV which was not part of rollback
- general: more updates for support of EPB2 (CPPLinux). Support for lh, fro[m],
sql. Also mapping of Linux commands to OSE commands. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: ssh/sftp connection sometimes failed due to timeout at banner exchange.
Added an automatic retry for this scenario (uv ssh_retry).
- general: in some cases the wrong tcp port was shown when ssh/sftp connection
failed (eg at comcli/netconf connection failure, was showing the rcs-coli port)
- general: server password was shown in lgn command log after running MO
operations prompting for password (eg create UpgradePackage, action
- general: coli commands containing quotes did not work in offline mode
- invh: now only shows hardware, not license. To show hardware and license (old
"invh" behaviour), use command "invhl"
- invh: now showing HW connected to PlugInModule MOs
- invl: updated the WRAN feature restrictions information.
- lgf2: was only collecting XB logs from board 000100 on Evo
- lgn: was showing command failure when piping a coli or lh command to grep with
no output printed
- lgx: showed incorrect alarm list after a JVM restart
- lh: was not refreshing the board groups when run after an upgrade or cv rollback
- pst/pgets: confusing printout in offline mode when no scanners defined
- rnc_resource_usage: removed fdpch total to avoid hanging indications in ATA.

CHANGES IN v10.0s (2014-09-05)

- comcli: it is not necessary anymore to specify the comcli uservariable when
connecting to a COM node. Just connect with "moshell <nodeip>" and moshell should
automatically detect the node type (CPP, pico, RCS, BSP, PGM, APG, etc). This
feature can be turned off from the uservariable "smart_comcli".
- pmr: new reports for BGF/MRFP KPIs in MRS/MGW. Thanks Tamas Husz.

- al: was crashing on some unix machines due to incorrect java heap setting
- alt: corrupt timestamp. TR HS86152
- bp: did not show correct total for device groups on SPB4/EPB1 (cc/dc/pdr)
- bo/bp/dcg: was crashing with uv nocorba=1
- cabx/bp/lh: was not working on L14B UM4 due to new BXP hunt paths naming
convention. TR HS90217/HS90228/HS90620
- cabx/bp/lh: was not working with XMU03
- cabx/bp/lh: was not working with RR22F as well as some other new types of
RU/RRU. TR HS71840
- cabx: was not showing RSSI on latest RBS SW
- cedh: was showing fake leakages when number of UEs temporarily greater than
number of DL RL. TR HS74796
- comcli: MO commands were not working with LDNs containing backslash
- comcli: MO commands were not working on MO classes where the key attribute is
not like "<moClass>Id"
- comcli: MOM fetching was not working on pico L14B/W14B (COM4.0)
- comcli: incorrect MOM parsing for RCS nodes leading to high memory usage
- comcli: lga was showing wrong cease time for alarms on RCS nodes.
- comcli: moshell hang after node restart on pico
- comcli: support PGM nodes comcli=32
- comcli: support HSS nodes
- comcli: pmom was not working for nodes where PmGroup is not corresponding to a
MO class
- comcli: pmr/pmx time aggregation was not working for counter names not starting
with pm
- comcli: pmr/pmx was not working with counters belonging to objects without LDN.
- comcli: updated help of lg command ("e" and "s" not applicable for RCS). TR
- cr: could not create DnsResolver MO
- cvcu/cvls: was not showing release info on later 3GSIM SW
- dbc/sql mode: support for new RNC MO TrafficAwarePowerSave
- dbc: check 23 (fan check) was not shown on some RNC types.
- dbc: fake inconsistencies on some RncFeature MOs due to outdated
rlibRncLicensingConstTypes.h file
- dbc: fake inconsistencies on some ENB UtranCellRelation MOs due to unrecognised
references to ExternalEUtranCellTDD
- dcgm: cabx moved to the end in order to avoid te log read of DU board getting
overwritten by RSSI and temperature traces
- dcgm: ODM logs were not collected for RR22F. The ODM logs have also been renamed
from rrus31.log to rruodm.log as they apply for both RRUS31 and RR22F. TR HS82449
- dcgm: added CBM COLI printouts for IDL2 and gpsstatus
- dcgm: added COLI printouts for CPP/MGW feature dns resolver
- dcgm: was not working when wrong password in ipdatabase file
- dcgm: increased default number of log days from 60 to 300 (-d option)
- inv: updated CXC/FAJ translation table for L14/W14
- general: automatic reconnection after an upgrade was sometimes emptying the MO
proxy list
- general: automatic switch from secure_shell=0 to secure_shell=1 if telnet port
is unavailable. This feature can be turned off from the uservariable
- general: calling perl scripts from moshell prompt was sometimes not working due
to PERLLIB not set http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- general: new wrapper utility monitor6054.sh to start the monitor6054
independently of the workstation OS.
- hrnti_admhistory.mos: was not working properly on Evo, very slow
- lg: option "-m" was not working on later CPP SW due to change in the format of
nodeUTCTime attribute
- lgd: was not working properly on RBS with locked cells. Application downtime and
node uptime were wrong or not shown. TR HS84345.
- lgw: number of active corba connections was incorrect after a JVM restart
- mom: was not showing the minLength for attributes of type sequence
- pgu: bswhat was not working due to PERLLIB not set
- pmef: incorrect file name, not containing RNC 10/ revision
- steg: updated to 0.3.5, thanks Mikael G�ransson

CHANGES IN v10.0r (2014-08-03)

- dbc: wrong result in check number 15 on db.dat containing duplicate tables with
single-digit and double-digit revision (eg xxx_r9 and xxx_r10). TR HS82629.
- sql mode: get command showing wrong FRO table on db.dat containing duplicate
tables with single-digit and double-digit revision (eg xxx_r9 and xxx_r10)
- undo mode: undo script was wrong on system created MOs containing mandatory
attributes (eg children MOs of CnOperator)
- cab: updated help text TR HS83142
- rnc_resource_usage: was not showing number of Iu signalling connections on RNC
SW >= W14
- dcg: the filename of dcg.zip result file now contains the timezone eg

CHANGES IN v10.0q (2014-07-22)

- comcli: new command "mcc/lmcc" to execute MO-context COMCLI command. Type "h
mcc" for info.
- comcli: pget/hpget/pdiff now supported on COM/RCS nodes
- comcli: new uservariable coli_shell to switch between no shell, RCS-COLI shell,
and Linux shell. Only applicable to RCS nodes (RBSG2/TCU03). Refer to file
moshell/moshell for info.
- comcli: automatically detect if a command is COLI or COMCLI. For more
information check the uservariable coli_shell in file moshell/moshell.
- comcli: new uservariables export_method, export_username, export_password. To
allow exporting MOM and logs to a specific account on SFTP port 22 instead of the
own account on SFTP port 10000-11000. Useful when firewall blocking higher SFTP
port range. TR HS63179/HS76101.
- comcli: the setting comcli=21 now supports different login for the
COMCLI/RCSCOLI/SFTP and LinuxShell. Refer to file moshell/moshell for description
of the uservariables coli_shell, linux_username, linux_password, and comcli.
- general: new uservariable "java_options" to pass any options to the java
processes used for corba. By default this is used to set the max heap size.
- general: new uservariable "max_login_attempts" to specify maximum number of
login attempts (default 0=unlimited). Refer to file moshell/moshell for info.
- dcgr: restriction lifted, dcgr is now supported to run on live RNC. Type "h dcg"
for info.

- al: piping was not working on later moshell versions
- cabd: was not showing the correct number of LMs in /d/loadmodules folders
- cabx: was not working on RRUL63
- cabx: was not working on RRU22F. TR HS70999/HS71006/HS71014
- comcli: adaptations to support COM 4.0, wrong printout format on certain
attribute types.
- comcli: dcgm was missing some logs on pico (logs with timestamp 2010)
- comcli: http MOM transfer sometimes failed on cygwin for RBSG2/TCU03
- comcli: lga did not work on RCS nodes
- comcli: lgk was not displaying TRI logs on RCS nodes
- comcli: lgn was not working on COM nodes
- comcli: transparent COMCLI printouts were not using the whole width of the
- comcli: wrong timestamp format in lge/lgu/lgh on pico RBS
- cvls: UP name translation was not working on W14 and LTE basic package
- cvgetf: files inside CV.zip had too long path
- dbc: support new CPP MOs Aal5CrossConnection, IpFlowMonitor, NtpServer,
- dbc: did not detect ExternalTma under wrong parent
- dbc: incorrect checks on later L14B SW after changes in GeranCellRelation MO
- dbc: updated mo ref checks on RBS and ENB MOs (Nbap, UtranFreqRelation,
Cdma2000*Relation, Geran*Relation)
- dbc: incorrect number of MO instances reported in check 20 (instance based PM
- dcg: the CV.zip could not be restored due to being collected via ftp instead of
MO action. CV.zip is now collected by cvget instead of cvgetf.
- dcg: for faster collection time, the ropfiles.zip now does not contain the
iubcellmoddata file when collected together with MO dump
- dcgi: updated COLI commands for CAX
- dcgi: updated COLI commands for CBM3 (ipsec, ipflowmonitor, TR HS71366)
- dcgi: was not collecting XB logs on CPP/MGw nodes
- emcli: print a message before upgrade exit.
- general: MSB4 telnet/dptelnet login was sometimes failing.
- general: the node password field in ipdatabase is now ignored for COM and
CPPLinux nodes since these nodes use individual login, thus node passowrd is not
- general: user input handling was not working on certain platforms, any command
was returning timeout
- general: updates for support of EPB2 (CPPLinux). Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: java process consuming high virtual memory on some machines
- general: java process could not start on some machines due to heap memory could
not be reserved
- general: now prompt for username on COM and CPPLinux nodes, if the username is
default ("moshelluser")
- general: pmr/pmx/mobatch was not working on certain machines from the AFS
moshell installation /app/moshell/latest/moshell due to missing perl version
- general: pmr/pmx/mobatch was not working on some machines due to conflicts with
existing perl environment settings
- general: re-prompt for username after login failed on COM and CPPLinux nodes
- general: server password was shown in logfile after creating a UpgradePackage
- inv: was not showing feature capacity limit on ENB >= L14A
- lg: was not working on C14 LSV140 due to UTC time moved to new MO TimeSetting.
TR HS72024.
- lgt/dcg: was not concatenating RNC T&E exception traces
- lh: was not concatenating the RNC T&E traces when run at the beginning of the
moshell session before parsing the MOM
- lgo: was trying to collect CPP4 activity log, leading to slower response time
- lkr: CellCC column was 0 on W14
- pgu: upgrade Signed SW LM was not working on Solaris
- pmr: new config/formula files for 3gsim
- pmr: was not working with counter names not starting with "pm"
- pmrf: new option "ff" to collect only the ropfiles, not the iubcellmod data
- pmxl: updated to v1.52, thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- polu: sometimes hanging when trying to fetch the new complete MOM from clearcase
- polu: sometimes emptying the MO proxy list after an upgrade
- rdel: was not working with AntennaNearUnit

CHANGES IN v10.0p (2014-06-10)

- comcli: lg command is now supported for PICO and RCS nodes (TCU03/RBSG2). Type
"h lg" for info about the list of supported options.
- comcli: dcgm/dcge is now supported for PICO and RCS nodes.
- al: added moshell generated alarms for CPP features that are activated and
disabled. Type "h al" for info.
- al: additional text of the "License key fault" alarm now shows if integration
unlock is active.
- general: support for individual moshellrc files called moshellrc.$USER in
moshell/jarxml folder. The settings in those files are read last, which mean they
override the settings defined in "-v" option as well as all the other files
(~/.moshellrc, moshell/jarxml/moshellrc, and moshell/moshell) . Refer to user guide
chapter 2.5 for more info.
- rdel: added support for ENB MOs ExternalUtranCell, ExternalGeranCell,
ExternalCdma2001xRttCell and RNC MO EutranFrequency

- dcg: was not working when password not specified in ipdatabase
- comcli: MOM caching is now supported with comcli_mom=2 (previously only
supported with comcli_mom=3)
- comcli: dcgk spurious error printout about complete MOM
- comcli: sshd process was not closed upon moshell crash leading to hanging
processes on the unix machine
- comcli: pmr/pmx/ftree/ftget had stopped working on RCS nodes due to incorrect
date check
- comcli: pmrf was including irrelevant iubcellmodfile in the ropfiles.zip
- comcli: starting coli session with command "coli" was not working with uv
- cab: was not showing the status led on Evo
- bg: now checks node password before execution
- general: corba security was not working with java 1.7
- general: new uservariables bocachedir and bocachename to specify the directory
and filename of the "bo" cache used when uv use_bocache=1. Refer to the file
moshell/moshell for more info on these uservariables.
- lg: was causing moshell crash when too high number of days specified in "-m"
- lgo: misalignment in the PNP log printout
- pmr/pmx: aggregation at ManagedElement level was not working when some PDF
counters contained empty values such as ",,,,,,,,,,"
- runClient.sh: CS notification client (option "-c") now survives after Jvm or
Node restart

CHANGES IN v10.0n (2014-05-30)

- dcge/dcgm: execution speed up thanks to to parallel tasking, about twice faster
than before.
- dcge/dcgm/dcgk: the MO dump now contains the alarm list
- dcge: now contains the logfiles.zip
- dcge/dcgm: logs are now zipped into a single zipfile
Note: some of the above dcg changes are non backward compatible, meaning that DCG
taken with 10.0n or higher can only be read offline with 10.0n or higher.
- cabx: now prints TX power and VSWR on more RU/RRU types: RU21, RU22, RRU2,
RRUS32, RRUS72, RRUL81...
- cabx/inv: now shows full RU product name in brackets when RU name not complete
- lk/rdel: added support for MO classes IuLink, IurLink, ExternalUtranCell,
- lk: now show connected SctpAssociation MOs when run on IuLink/IurLink/IubLink or
SS7 MOs.
- general: new command "coli" to open a transparent session to OSE COLI or RCS
- general: new command "bg" to run moshell commands in background or check status
of background tasks. Type "h bg" for info.
- comcli: new value "3" for the uv "comcli_mom" to support fetching the MOM via
Schema:export action. See moshell file for details.
- comcli: new values 30/31 for the uv "comcli" to support APG and BSP nodes. See
moshell file for details.
- comcli: now supports RCS-COLI interface on TCU03/RBSG2
- general: upgraded to gawk 4.1.1, openssh 6.6p1, openssl 1.0.1g, polyhedra 8.8
- general: new uv "use_bocache" to read board groups from cache, see moshell file
for details. For lab use only.
- general: new uv "command_restriction" to block certain coli or moshell commands,
see moshell file for details.
- general: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/dcg_overview.mos to extract
general info from a dcg.zip connected in offline mode
- lmid: new option "h" to show RBS HW product number to product name translation
- monu: upgraded to viewer/router/capture R5B
- moshell: new option "-g" to gzip logfiles after completion. Type "moshell" on
its own for a list of all options.
- pcr: when creating a PM scanner from file, the file can be produced from either
a pgets printout or a pmom printout. Using pgets printout allows to duplicated an
existing scanner configuration. Type "h pcr" for info.
- wait: now possible to specify the rop duration with "uv rop_period=<duration>".
Type "h wait" for info.

- cab: was not showing FTC status on certain DU types
- cab: was not showing the node type on ENB
- cabx: was attempting to connect to unexisting board 000000 on RBS
- cabx: was not showing the RU/RRU temperature on units running later radio SW
- cabxc: the TX/VSWR table did not contain semicolons on RRUS31
- ceds: added status of ueHsThpMeas feature
- comcli: "cr" was not working for MOs InterfaceIPv4 and NextHop.
- comcli: "cr" was prompting for attributes that already have a default value
(IpSectransformProfile::childSaLifeTime, RadioEquipmentClock::minQualityLevel, ...)
- comcli: "getmom"/"parsemom" was not refreshing the MOM
- comcli: "mom" command was not showing the full name of derived data types
containing comma sign
- comcli: "momt" was hanging for ever when run on certain MO classes such as
- comcli: "pmr" was not working on NETSIM pico, TR HS64559
- comcli: "pmx" was not working on TCU03/RBSGen2
- comcli: "set1" and "momc" were causing moshell crash
- comcli: running transparent COMCLI commands was not working on NETSIM
- cr: was not showing the proxy id of automatically created children
- dbc/sql mode: added new MO classes for ENB and MGW.
- dcg: IP FRO commands moved from dcgi to dcge/dcgm.
- dcg: XB logs moved from dcgm to dcgi.
- dcg: added some RBS MP and RU commands, see more info in the release history
inside the file dcg_datacollection.mos
- dcg: only include rrus31 logs when applicable
- del: was trying to delete the same MOs twice when deleting MOs with system
created grand-children
- del: was unlocking locked MOs upon failed deletion, TR HS38892.
- diff: updated PARAM files for W14.0/W14.1
- diff: was not working when run towards a zipfile containing a MO dump (eg
offline.zip or dcgm.zip)
- ftget/ftput: causing moshell crash when doing file transfer on unstable O&M
- general: added support for running telnet/mmpp dptelnet command on MSB4 board in
MGW. Type "h coli" for info.
- general: automatic refresh of MOM and proxy list was not working after a PIU
upgrade. TR HS24794/HS32953.
- general: generating cache MOM file was sometimes hanging.
- general: some corrections to the scripting variables $cppmomversion,
$cppversion, and $momparts.
- general: updated java and perl version in AFS (/app/moshell)
- inv: wrong FAJ for key CXC4031003
- inv: corrupted subrack table in offline mode
- lg: the "-m" option was not working correctly in offline mode.
- lg: was missing events and crashes happening at start of 1970-01-01
- lga: was showing duplicate alarms, TR HS49639
- lgf: does not include XB logs anymore. Use "lgf2" to collect XB logs separetely
or "lgf1" to collect all logs. Type "h lg" for info.
- lgf: does not include ENB DSP dumps anymore. Use "lgp -d <x>" to collect ENB DSP
dumps separately. Type "h lg" for info.
- lgo: added support for ENB PNP LOG
- mom: was not showing isNillable flag
- moshell_install: now check of cygwin version and architecture before execution
to avoid installation failure.
- pcr: was showing scanner creation fail on pico eventhough the scanner got
- pgets: causing moshell crash when reading scanners containing many MO instances,
TR HS57094
- pgu: correction for signed SW, thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pgu: now checks node password at the beginning
- pmr: renamed some RBS formulas AvgTxPwrW/AvgTxPwrWnonHS to
- pmrw: corrections in pmSummary, thanks Andreas Nordvall and Henrik Schuller.
- pset: was not working properly with ipv6 addresses
- rdel: when run on ATM-based IubLink was trying to delete
Aal2PathDistributionUnit MOs containing paths to other IubLinks. TR HS58705.
- rdel: when run on unsupported MOs, will now attempt to delete the MO and its
children (previously: only attempted to delete the MO). This means that when
running "lrdel", only the MO and not its children will be included in the rdel
- trun: the CHECK command now uses a transactional get. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- undo: skip ld on SctpAssociation MOs when re-created parent Sctp.
- undo: was not working properly on Sctp MO due to incorrect setting order of
attributes switchBackMode and pathSelection.

CHANGES IN v10.0m (2014-04-14)

- dbc: new consistency check on Jvm admClassPath CSR 2447811. Type "h dbc" for
- uer: now shows the list of cells with ongoing emergency calls
- uer: now show the source PLMN when applicable
- general: new moshell option "-t" for using linux time server when running
against emulated node. Type "moshell" on its own for syntax info. Thanks Joakim
- scripting: the table $momparts is now populated also on CPP nodes (previously
only applicable to COM nodes)
- scripting: added some new scripts under moshell/examples/scripting

- cabx: was not showing the Cax Fan Units on Evo
- comcli: cr command was not working with MOs containing struct attributes
- comcli: pcr was not working on COM nodes where dn_prefix is set
- comcli: pmom was not showing all counters on DUSG2
- comcli: pmr was crashing when run while logging with l+
- comcli: set was not working on struct members of type sequence
- comcli: some MOM fragments were not found on DUSG2
- cvls: showing wrong release name L14A instead of L14B, TR HS42783
- dbc: temporary removal of bidirectionnal relation check between Ipv4BfdSession
and Ipv4Peer
- dcgi: added some CBM3 commands.
- dcgm: added/removed some RNC commands. removed IDL2 commands.
- dcgm: the cbs command was run even on old RNC SW
- dcgr: various corrections. Note: dcgr is not yet approved for running on live
- general: correction for multiple users sharing same log directory, thanks Niklas
- lgz: time boundary options were not working
- mom/pmom: was not handling the xml tag "<preliminary>"
- momt/cr: was not handling deprecated containment relationships
- offline mode: now shows the moshell version of the MO dump
- pcr: corrected for change of SS7 counters from pull to push in CPP>=C14.1, TR
- pgu: corrections for Signed SW, thanks Joakim �stlund
- pmr: corrected RNC formula AvgSpeechErlang
- scripting: $nr_of_lines was not set by the readfile function when reading an
empty file
- scripting: the variable $cppversion was not set correctly on CPP nodes without
- set/cr: print a warning if invalid struct member name.
- std: was not showing module reference of third DC device on EPB main processor
(new blade SW allocation in W14B)
- std: print a warning if drhcendh was not completed, TR HS44570
- steg: upgraded to 0.3.4 thanks Mikael Goransson

CHANGES IN v10.0k (2014-03-16)
- dbc: new check #21 on ENB for FRO attributes containing the froId field but not
the ldn field, TR HR88263. Type "h dbc" for info.
- dcg: added new commands for IDL2, ENB, and RU/RRUS31
- dcg: added new commands for MGW MRF/BGF
- dcgi: added new commands for ETIPG and CBM3
- ftdel: new option "a" to remove the actual directory. Without option "a", only
the contents is deleted but not the directory itself. Type "h ftdel" for more info.
- ftree: new option "1" ("ftree1") to show only first level in the directory. Type
"h ftree" for more info.
- ftree: new option "d" to show only the subdirectories. Type "h ftree" for more
- general: new MGW board groups bgf, mrfp, mrfc, vpp, imst
- lgp/lgf: nows shows/collects MGW VPP crashes
- offline mode: now supported to run coli commands without lh/lhsh (the commands
will then run on active central MP)
- pmr/pmx: the portbase is now included in the pmlogdir on EriEmu

- bo: corrected printout alignment issue on boards with a long SWAllocation name
- cedh: added support for RNC W14B RNC in pool. Corrected printout alignment.
- coli: sql commands insert/update commands were sometimes corrupted by spurious
carriage returns.
- comcli: action RbsUnit:restart was sometimes causing moshell to hang
- comcli: dcgf was not collecting the femto logs on pico
- comcli: dcgk was getting corrupted when run while mosdebug=1
- comcli: in mom/pmom, the MOM fragment name is not shown anymore in front of the
MO class if it is unique
- comcli: increased default ip_connection_timeout value for pico to avoid sftp
login failed.
- comcli: mom: some MOM fragments not found on TCU03/RBSG2
- comcli: new value "comcli=12" for connecting to netsim BSP/pico, refer to the
file moshell/moshell for more info about the comcli values.
- comcli: pmom: some counters not found on TCU03/RBSG2
- comcli: pmr node level reports not working properly on pico
- comcli: set command failing with some types of attributes like struct containing
enum, boolean
- comcli: some actions and tags were parsed incorrectly in the ECIM MOM.
- comcli: the "lt all" command was not working on pico after certain operations
like upgrade or scanner creation
- comcli: the get command was not working properly on MO classes containing an
attribute with the same name as a struct member, eg UpgradePackage::state
- comcli: the mibPrefix was not shown in the kget printout.
- cr: create EUtranCell on ENB was sometimes failing
- cre: password should not show in cleartext when creating Log MO, TR HS32696
- cvls: incorrect UP translation when the UP revision contained a slash sign
- cvls: incorrection UP translation on W14A
- cvrm: was not possible to specify several cv ids separated by commas, eg "cvrm
5,7,8" was not working.
- dbc: added support for new RNC attributes in CnOperator MO
- dcg: the compressed uetrace/celltrace ropfiles were not being collected on ENB
- dcg: some commands missing for XMU
- dcg: RRUS31 printouts were not taken properly
- diff: attribute Sctp:maxUserDataSize was not checked properly
- diffa: containing spurious entries with attributes prefixed with "_skip"
- ftdel: was only deleting files but not subdirectories
- ftget: was causing crash of moshell when time out at banner exchange
- ftree: was sometimes hanging on pico
- general: faster moshell startup on cygwin by avoiding unnecessary chmod/mkdir.
- general: handling of link handler in MO commands was not working properly
- general: moshell could not start on 64-bit linux with missing libz
- general: reduced LDN batch size in "lt" command to avoid errors due to large
corba packets. Thanks �ke H�gerb�ck.
- general: sftp fail when node in fail-closed mode
- general: the uservariable sql_random was not working. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- general: unable to read the file ~/.moshellrc on cygwin
- general: wrong sorting order for TnlQosClass
- goxb: was failing when invalid host key in the known host file. Thanks Mikael
- inv/cab: was only showing 3 leds instead of 4 on DUS
- lgz: some entries were not being displayed
- momx: the options "a"/"p" were not working properly (momax/mompx)
- monu: was not able to start the router/viewer when moshell installed with option
- offline mode: running "lt all" was causing duplicate entries in the list of
available COLI commands
- parseline: incorrect UP translation
- pdiff: a negative wait time was printed in some cases
- pgu: improved support for SSW, thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- pmr: after deleting UtranCells, the aggregated RNC reports showed those cells
separately http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.7782
- pmr: corrected ENB Int_RadioRecInterferencePwr formulas
- pmr: corrected RBS formula HSLostFrameRatio
- pmr: corrected faulty RNC paging reports
s.php?0.view.575.3.0 and
- pmxl: upgraded to v1.5, thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- polr: was not working with high values of ip_connection_timeout, cause endless
- polu: wrong result shown when performing upgrade with stop.
- rnc_traces.mos: added some traces, type "run $scripts/rnc_traces.mos" for info.
- ste: was showing NOLINK on Lag with disconnected master port but working other
- undo/u!: the trun file was missing the lock operation for MOs requiring lock
before delete
- uv: the pm_logdir was not printed correctly

CHANGES IN v10.0j (2014-01-23)

- general: could not run on Solaris/Sparc
- general: coli connection going into endless loop when smart_password=1 and
jarfiles missing
- general: board group "all" was containing the CMXB boards in offline mode
- pmro: was not selecting the proper CONFIG/FORMULA files
- pmr: added new RBS report for ATM throughput
- pmx: the pmRopCounter in DummyMo was always printed
- stda: was not working in offline mode for MGW
- steg: upgraded to v 0.3.3, thanks Mikael G�ransson. Corrections for CAX.
- facc: now allowed to run in offline mode

CHANGES IN v10.0h (2014-01-20)

- comcli: the uservariable "comcli" has a new set of values which allow to connect
to known types of nodes without having to specify all the port settings. Eg:
"moshell -v comcli=<nodetype>,username=<user> <node>". The set of values are:
comcli=10 (pico Commercial), comcli=11 (pico RnD), comcli=20 (G2 commercial),
comcli=21 (G2 RnD). See information about this uservariable inside the file
- cvls: the CV list now shows a proxy Id for each CV. Type "h cvls" for info.
- cvrm/cvget: can now take the proxy Id as argument. Eg: to delete the oldest 15
CVs, do "cvrm 1-15". Type "h cvrm" or "h cvget" for info.
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new CPP/RNC/RBS/ERBS/MGW MO classes.
- dbc: new check 19 to show instance-based PM scanners that contain MO instances
not existing on the node anymore. Type "h dbc" for info.
- dbc: new check 20 to show instance-based PM scanners that contain more than 1000
MO instances. Type "h dbc" for info.
- general: new uservariable "prompt" to set the prompt before moshell startup. Eg:
"moshell -v prompt='<prompt>' <node>"
- general: new uservariable ram_check to check if there is enough free RAM memory
space on the workstation for moshell to run. Minimum memory space can be specified
in the uservariable ram_limit. See information about these uservariables inside the
file moshell/moshell. TR HR74472/HR97811.
- general: the moshell prompt can be set to a string containing carriage return
("\n") sign. Eg: "moshell -v prompt='moshell\nNodeName' <node>"
- inv: the RNC/RBS feature list table now shows information about restricted
features. Type "inv restricted" to see restricted features. Type "h inv" for info.
- kmom[d]: new command to show description of the official KPIs. Currently
applicable to RNC/RBS only. Type "h kmom" for info.
- l+: now prints a warning when the user has run l+ twice in a row to inform that
a log is already ongoing.
- lf[c]: new command to source a moshellrc file or load a coli file into an
offline session. Type "h lf" for info.
- lgp: now collects and parses RU crash dumps.
- moshell/mobatch: new option "-a <rcfile>" to source an additional moshellrc
file. Type "moshell" or "mobatch" on its own for info.
- moshell/mobatch: new option -e to skip sourcing of the global moshellrc file
(moshell/jarxml/moshellrc). Type "moshell" or "mobatch" on its own for info.
- moshell/mobatch: new option -f to skip sourcing of the user's moshellrc file
(~/.moshellrc). Type "moshell" or "mobatch" on its own for info.
- offline mode: cab/ced/cedh/stda/license/procload/ueregprint/dump commands are
now supported in offline mode, when the dcg_m.log.gz file is stored in the same
zipfile or folder as the MO dump. Type "?" to see the list of available offline
COLI commands.
- offline mode: coli commands via lh/lhsh are now supported in offline mode, when
the dcg.log.gz files are stored in the same zipfile or folder as the MO dump. Type
"lh all ?" to see the list of available offline COLI commands. More information in
the chapter 9.1 "Offline Mode"
- offline mode: pst and pgets commands are now supported in offline mode, when the
db.dat is stored in the same zipfile or folder as the MO dump.
- pmr: new option "-z <mogroup>" to save the MOs printed by a report into a MO
group, eg: "pmr -r 24 -z badcells". Type "h pmr" for info. TR HR80791.
- pmr: new option "o" to show official KPI reports. Currently applicable to RNC
only. Type "h pmr" for info.
- pmr: the option "-g <mogroup>|<mofilter>" now supports negative filter with
exclamation mark, eg: "pmr -g !badcells". Type "h pmr" for info. TR HR80791.
- pmx: the MO filter now supports negative filter with exclamation mark, eg:
"pmx !utrancell=cell9 downtime". Type "h pmx" for info.
- pmxl: New option "b" for bucket and "-s1/s2/e1/e2" to compare time periods. Type
"h pmx" for info. Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- p: the prompt can now be set to a string containing carriage return (\n), eg "p
moshell\nNodeName". Type "h p" for info.
- pol: New option "r" to poll until the O&M contact is lost, eg, to find out when
the node restart has begun.
- rnc_traces.mos: a new script to set or reset default RNC traces. Type "run
$scripts/rnc_traces.mos" for info.
- scripting: new scripting variable $cppversion is set automatically after
connecting to the MO service and contains the CPP version stored in the current UP.

- cabx: incorrect TX/VSWR display on some RRU types, showing 0 instead of N/A
- cabx: was showing VSWR on wrong TX when first TX disabled.
- coli: coli commands containing a pipe sign were not handled properly.
- comcli: added support for LTE PICO nodes.
- comcli: cr was doing "lt all" before creating a new MO type.
- comcli: cr was not able to create MOs containing attributes of type struct.
- comcli: diff command was not working properly when comparing MO dumps.
- comcli: ftget/ftput was going in a loop when the MOM version could not be
- comcli: pmr/pmx ROP file collection was not working properly, wrong time period
collected, and the latest ROP files were not collected in some cases.
- comcli: pmr/pmx was crashing when run while logging with l+
- comcli: pol command was not working properly on RBS G2, failing when ssh
connection refused.
- cvcu/cvls: the display of WRAN SW release was not working properly, exact SW
release was not shown.
- cvls: the UP table was empty after creating a new UP and restarting the node
without saving a CV.
- dbc: fake inconsistencies in check 23/24 on UtranRelations pointing to
- dbc: fake inconsistencies reported on certain CPP MOs. TR HS18014.
- dbc: improved format on check 15 to distinguish the current table from the old
- dbc: wrong result on MTP3 point code collision check when IETF configuration. TR
HS12559. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- dcg: was setting write permission for external users on the user's home
directory in certain cases.
- dcgm/fetchLteTraceConversionFiles: removed RbsEhbEventLm.xml and added
lteRbsBbMtdInfoMicroDus.xml and lteRbsBbTraceTranslationMicroDus.xml.
- dcgm: cbs commnad is now restored for later RNC SW, TR HR73018.
- dcgm: command arealist was run on wrong board group for RNC >= W13B
- diff: auditing of Sctp MO was not working properly on 3GSIM
- diffa: some fake attributes containing a question mark were listed in the table
of attributes found only in reference file.
- fclean: the folder /c/loadmodules_tftp was not being cleaned
- general: increased http_timeout, TR HR55520.
- general: ip contact check at moshell startup was sometimes not detecting invalid
ipv4 addresses and returning contact OK instead of Not OK.
- general: the board group coremp was not created properly when "arm print"
command fails http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.8101
- general: the default location for the jarxml folder (uv jarxmldir) is now in the
user's home directory instead of moshell/jarxml.
- general: the variable $HOME was not expanded when specified in the uservariable
"logdir" in .moshellrc
- h <command>: part of the help text for certain commands was missing due to
incorrect parsing of the help file.
- hget: the MO group hget_group was not being cleared prior to running the
command, leading to incorrect contents in certain cases.
- inv/cab: the Status LED was not shown on DUW41 and mRBS ODS
- inv: subracks listed in wrong order on Evo with CAX
- inv: the Evo CAX fan (CaxFanUnit) was not shown
- inv: the wrong FAJ numbers were shown in certain type of nodes. TR
HR89243/HQ34964/HQ32222/HS12338. The FAJ numbers are now read directly from the
excel sheet applicable to each node type. Type "h inv" for info.
- lgd: Jvm Restarts occuring during Install/Upgrade were shown as manual.
- lgu: was not checking new SU log path in C14 (/c/logfiles/su). Thanks Joakim
- mom: was showing the wrong attribute ranges on attributes with ranges consisting
of a number of discrete values.
- pcr/pmom: was incorrectly treating attribute PmchMchId as a counter.
- pgu: a file called invalid.sm was being stored on the node while upgrading a
signed SW LM.
- pgu: now checks the DTE script has been sourced before running bshwat. Thanks
Joakim �stlund.
- pgur: check the node restart has begun before polling
- pmr/pmxd: the first ROP is not shown anymore when pmDiff is used. Previously the
first ROP was always N/A leading to red alert when comparing against threshold
- pmr: corrected RBS formulas AvgPropDelay and AvgIubMacdPduRbsRxBits
- pmr: corrected RBS formulas wAvgSir, wAvgSirError, wAvgDeltaSir, AvgDpchCodePwr,
AvgRxPreambleSir, AvgSumOfHsScchUsedPwr, NoiseFloorWeightedAverage,
- pmr: corrected RNC paging type 1 formulas
- pmxn: was showing empty value when aggregating at node level where some MOs have
empty counters.
- set: incorrect handling for attribute types boolean and sequence:boolean, should
return an exception if the value is not true or false.
- steg: upgraded to v0.3.0, thanks Mikael G�ransson.
- sti: IpHostLink ip address was not shown in the IP host table.
- str: added support for IubLinks containing up to 24 cells
- uer: was not showing cellId for radio links located in a RemoteUtranCell (RNC in
- uer: "uer -i <imsi> <filter>" was not showing UEs handled in the second or third
core of the GPB75/EBP1
- uv: was not showing the default setting of the uservariable pm_logdir.

CHANGES IN v10.0g (2013-11-25)

- comcli: PM commands are now supported on PICO and RBS G2. pmom, pmr, pmx, pst,
pgets, pcr, pbl, pdeb, pdel.
- comcli: new command "comcli" to open a interactive comcli session to the node.
Only applicable for COM nodes. Type "h comcli" for info.
- dbc/sql mode: upgraded to polyhedra 8.7
- dcgm: added commands for RRUS31
- general: reduced moshell memory usage by aproximately 8 MB per session.
- goxb: new option "b" for bcm commands. Thanks Mikael Goransson.
- pmrw: when used with the option "-t <thresholdfile>" it now shows color codes
for KPIs outside the thresholds. Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- pmxl: upgraded to v1.3, thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- runClient.sh: option "-c" now supports subscribing to Sequence Delta

- amos: last executed command was not stored in SMDB log and lgn when session
exited abnormally. TR HR89287/HR87269/HR30403/HR35502.
- comcli: cr was not working properly in offline mode.
- comcli: ftree, ftput/ftget and dcgf were not working on commercial PICO.
- comcli: pol command was not working properly on commercial pico node.
- comcli: set attribute on ManagedElement was not working before doing "lt all".
- comcli: the "p <prompt>" command was not working properly, prompt getting reset
after MO loading.
- cr: was not working for IpInterface and IpAccessHostEt MO on later CPP SW track
- cr: was not working properly in offline mode with MOs containing struct
attributes with morefs
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new CPP MO TimeSetting
- dbc: check 10 was reporting fake inconsistency on M3uAssociation in RNC in pool.
- dbc: check 10 was reporting fake inconsistency on MOs where froRef value
contained the NULL string.
- diffa: was not detecting certain typo mistakes in the reference file, eg,
attribute names containing equal sign.
- fclean: was not working properly with Signed SW
- ftget: now keeps going even if some file transfers failed
- kget/dcgk: was not working properly on latest CPP C14, problem with SS7 MOs TR
- lgd: not showing correct application downtime on ENB. TR HR79921.
- mon: should not try to open monitor towards boards that have NOCONTACT
- pmr: faulty RBS formula AvgUlCEeXTCapacity
- pmr: some RBS reports were not working on W14 RBS
- pmr: reduced verbosity of pdf formula exceptions thrown by pmXtab
- sql+/fro: was not working on nodes using Signed SW.
- steg: upgraded to 0.2.8, thanks Mikael Goransson. TR HR92545.
- uer: option "-i <imsi>" was not working with short imsi values.

CHANGES IN v10.0f (2013-10-30)

- acc: the rollbackCounter was not handled correctly, TR HR86240
- al: now uses lgxr instead of lgx when run with nocorba=1
- al: variable $nr_of_alarms was set incorrectly when more than 256 alarms
- bo/bp: some board groups were missing the first DU in multi DU node
- bo/bp: was causing crash on RBS3000 with DUW/XCU, TR HR80082
- bo/bp: was not working properly on nodes containing CMXBs with missing
productName, board groups got created wrongly.
- bo/inv/std: on MSB4, now shows the SwAllocation of the MsbAmcCarrierUnit instead
of the Slot.
- cabx: DUW version was not shown on some nodes
- cabx: not using te filter set anymore, TR HR83294.
- cabx: was disabling existing CDCI_TR traces
- comcli: adaptations for COM 3.3, MO read and write commands not working
- comcli: when creating a MeasurementReader, no proxy got created for PmJob MO
- comcli: when doing get on a non-existing MO, it showed empty values instead of
- confb+/confb-: unexpected behaviour after usage of certain commands (inv, stip,
- dbc: was reporting fake inconsistency on L14A ENodeBFunction
- dcgm: added new commands for LTE
- dcgm: added new commands for MGW
- dcgm: added new commands for RU
- del: handling of MO class Packet.*SyncRef, lock before delete
- ftreef: not working properly when run on the /c drive, missing some folders and
timing out.
- general: moshellversion check is only performed once per day to avoided repeated
connection attempts to utran01
- general: if moshellversion check could not be done (eg amos or no contact to
utran01) then a moshell age check is performed and gives a warning if the moshell
version is too old (configurable in uv moshell_max_age)
- general: removed confusing error messages at jarfile download about some
obsolete files not found on the node.
- general: IOR file download failed due to timeout too small, CSR2347511
- inv: was not showing the cpu load on some nodes
- lgp/lgf: PMD files in /rmd were not being collected.
- mom/momx/momt: deprecated or obsolete MO classes are now hidden when
exclude_deprecated > 0
- momx: the references are now sorted and duplicates removed
- pmxcel: updated to v1.1d thanks Mathias Aldrin
- pgu: added support for upgrade CCIB SW, thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- scripts: lteUlInt.mos could not run without argument
- scripting: new scripting variable $rnc_type (=3810/3820/8200)
- set/cr: was not working properly with MOs containing attributes deprecated and
- stda: was not working properly on MGW R6.5, missing fields
- sti: new option "o" to show the IpAccessHostEt froId. By default it is not shown
anymore when the option "o" is not specified. This is to avoid starting the sql
client. Type "h sti" for info.
- sti: was not showing ip interfaces based on Ipv6Interface MO
- sti: was not showing ip interfaces based on FastEthernet MO
- sti: now shows IpHostLink MO in the IpAccessHostEt table
- tg: was always trying to refresh the data instead of just doing it upon
receiving option "r"
- tg: was not working on W14
- uer: was not working on RNC3820 with distributed UE registry.

CHANGES IN v10.0e (2013-10-15)
- dcgi: reversal of EXS C14 updates due to causing crash on Evo C1 MP
- dcgm: removal of RNC cbs command, TR HR73018
- steg: updated to v0.2.6
- cvls: wrong release name shown for L14

CHANGES IN v10.0d (2013-10-09)

- dbc: fake inconsistency on MOs with references pointing to Vlan MO
- steg: updated to v0.2.5
- scripting: $nodename variable was changed to uppercase when nodename read from

CHANGES IN v10.0c (2013-10-07)

- lg: new option "2" to view the T&E disk log (/d/usr/cello/telogs)
- lg: new option "3" to view the RNC ANR log (/c/logfiles/SON/ANR_EVENTLOG.xml)
- lg: new option "4" to view the MGW BGF log (/c/logfiles/BGF)
- lg: new option "5" to view the MGW IPCS log (/c/logfiles/ipcs_logs)
- inv: now supports negative filter with exclamation mark, eg "inv !program". Type
"h inv" for info.
- mobatch: new option "-n" to skip the ip connectivity check at moshell startup.
Type "mobatch" for info.
- kget: now supports five filtering arguments same as mom command (mo-filter,
attribute-filter, attribute-type, attribute-flag, attribute-description). Type "h
kget" for info.
- comcli: poll command (without options) is now supported on COM based nodes
- mom: now produces two scripting variables $moclass_filter and $attrib_filter
containing the names of MO classes and attributes that matched the query. The
variables can then be used as input into a get command. Type "h mom" for info.
- pmr: added spelling check on the KPIs listed in the threshold file ("-t" option)
- pmr: the MO filter in threshold file now supports combination of positive and
negative filter, eg "(ps_|hs)!(cs_|r99)"
- pmr/pmXab: now supports KPIs per QCI. See examples in the end of file
moshell/commonjars/pm/FORMULA_ERBS_C_1_0.txt . Thanks Mike Harris.
- uer: added summary tables at subrack level.
- scripting: new built-in function readinputsilent() to read input, similar as
readinput() but without echoing. Useful for inputting passwords. Type "h scripting"
for info.
- general: moshell now performs a version check at startup to ensure the latest
version is used. Can be controlled by the uservariable "moshellversion_check".
- general: new default board group "tmmp" pointing to target monitor MPs
- scripts: new script moshell/commonjars/scripts/KPI.mos for real-time RNC KPI
checking. Thanks Huan Jiang.

- al: ipv6 addresses were not displayed correctly in the additionalInformation
- amos: commands not log in SMLOG upon abnormal exit. TR HR30403/HR35502 .
- amos: pcr/pdel commands are now allowed, TR HR71889
- amosbatch: added more specific result codes such as "amos error" or "disk space"
instead of "no contact"
- amosbatch: cannot start amos sessions due to ssucredentials getting corrupted
during parallel download. TR HR71662 .
- cab/procload/fte: were not printing anything when encountering hanging boards
- lh: was not removing the temporary command file after encountering hanging
- cabx/bp/lh: added support for ODM radio RRUS31
- cabx: corrected some issues related to RRUL81/RRUL62. TR HR38199.
- cabx: was not showing TX power on RRUL11
- cabx: only one cell per RU was displayed in the TXpwr/VSWR table on ENB, even
for RUs connected to several cells.
- comcli: "lt all" is now faster on nodes running COM 3.3 or higher
- comcli: MOM fetching was not working on RBS G2 in cygwin
- comcli: error message at startup about missing cppdata file when run in EMCLI
- comcli: ftree command was not working properly, incorrect printout format.
- comcli: get/kget were not displaying attributes that have the same name as a
struct member, eg UpgradePackage::state (mixed up with reportProgress.state) and
AuthenticationOrder::userLabel (mixed up with authenticationMethodOrder.userLabel)
- comcli: kget command was not working properly leading to empty MO dumps
- comcli: MO deletion failure (del command) was shown as success
- comcli: loss of ssh connection during get/kget/st command was leading to moshell
- confb+/confb-: unexpected behaviour after usage of certain commands (cvget,
cvrm, cvmk, cvms, polu, polc)
- cvms: clearer error message when cv creation fails
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new CPP MOs GpsOutSyncLink, AddressIpv4,
InterfaceIpv4, IpHost, Ipv4StaticRouteTable, VirtualNic, PathSupervision,
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new RNC MOs AnrIafUtran,
SubscrProfileIdHandling, Anr . Updated to latest version of
rlibRncLicensingConstData.h for the handling of RncFeature MOs.
- dbc: check 10 "Inconsistent MO references between MAO and FRO", now checks for
MO references with null entry in MAO and positive entry in FRO.
- dbc: check 16 "Corrupted MAO entries in modata table" now check for missing
caret at the end of the entry as well as consistency of the header fields
- dcgi: updates for CBM3 and EXS C14
- dcgm: going into endless loop while running systemcheck on MGW with O&M
security, TR HR66370 .
- dcgm: was disabling scheduled system checks on MGW
- diff: updated PARAM files for W13B/L13B
- fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos: was not working when specifying a
- fro: was not working when run after creating new MO types in modata_r3
- general: command "secmode -l 2" run in unconfirmed SL3 was leading to moshell
- general: confusing error when running xbsh/cmxbsh without command
- general: disk_check is now disabled by default on cygwin for faster startup
- general: incorrect parsing MOM files containing several xml tags on the same
- general: jarfiles were getting corrupted in jarxml folder when collected from
several moshell sessions in parallel, eg via mobatch or ATA.
- general: moshell could not run in linux 64bit when executing from a folder
installed on a 32bit linux machine
- general: moshell was crashing when running very long MO scripts while command
confirmations enabled
- general: some commands were not working properly on DUW41v2 TP5
WRBS_NODE_MODEL_A (cabx, dbc, MOM handling, ...)
- general: the $nodename variable was changed to uppercase when setting the window
title in moshell
- general: fixed error message TZ unknown at moshell startup
- inv: feature license table was not displaying the new L13B features with MOC
name OptionalFeatureLicense
- lgk/lgf: causing moshell crash when collecting logs from a hanging XB board.
- lgt: crash when run with "m" option.
- lh: board prefix out of sync with printout on RBS when secure_shell=0 and number
of commands < fast_lh_treshold.
- mom: very slow parsing when using long attribute filter regular expression
- moshell_install: now checks correct cygwin version is used
- offline mode: set command was not working properly with attributes of type
sequence:struct http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- picoRBS: ftget/ftput was not working for users without linux shell access
- picoRBS: unix shell commands were not working with for users without linux shell
- picoRBS: "acc rbsunit restart" was sometimes causing moshell crash
- pmr: incorrect ENB formulas Int_RadioRecInterferencePwr,
Int_RadioRecInterferencePwrPucch, Int_MacHarqDlSuccRate, Int_MacHarqUlSuccRate,
Int_RlcArqDlSuccRate, Int_RlcArqUlSuccRate
- pmr: incorrect RNC formula for cell availability
- pmr: RNC CC device reports showing multiple error lines in nodes containing
disabled UtranCells
- pmr: RNC node level report now updated with 2 digit precision.
- pmr: RNC reports now use module number instead of module name on 3820/evo.
- pmxl: updated to v1.1b, thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- polu: was not workign when corba_debug=1
- procload: was not showing the board type on RU/gcpu
- rnc_resource_usage: wrong fields for device usage on full-IP RNC.
- rnc_resource_usage: null values for conn and ura
- runx: when run with option "-l <line>" , the scripting variables $errorline,
$errorcmdline and $nextcmdline were set incorrectly
- set: was not able to set an attribute of type string ending with a single letter
such as "S"
- ste: wrong speed shown on ETIPG back ports (RNC3820)
- steg: updated to v0.2.2, thanks Mikael Goransson.
- uer: improved layout for summary tables at module level, was messy on nodes with
more than 30 RNC modules.
- uer: incorrect order of the CoreNetwork ids
s.php?0.view.541.3.0. Thanks Krzysztof Grzadziel.
- uer: option "-i <imsi>" was slow on evo
- uer: option "-n" was showing fewer UEs than specified
- uer: when used with the attribute filter (uer -i <imsi> <filter>), some
variables were not displayed properly, eg dynamicRlcTimers,
associatedEUTRAFreqBands, iublinkfroid

CHANGES IN v10.0b (2013-08-18)

- pmr: new RNC reports for UtranCell KPIs aggregated at CC device level
- pmr: RNC UtranCell reports now show the CC device connected to the cell
- cabx: now showing TX/VSWR values on RRUL62 and RRUL81. TR HR38199.
- cabx: new option "c" for CSV output
- general: memory usage reduced by 10 MB per moshell session
- mobatch: new option "-g" to store the logfiles in gzipped format
- scripts: new script $scripts/rssi_monitor.mos
- scripts: updated $scripts/lteUlInt.mos, thanks Conor Kelly

- cab: misalignment of the FRO column in EvoC
- cabx: junk characters on certain types of terminals (Secure-CRT, citrix) when
run on EvoC http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- dbc: removed emty froId check for RNC LoadControl MO, TR HR63469
- diff: incorrect syntax in the diffcmdfile for attributes of type sequence:moRef
and sequence:struct
- diff: updated PARAM file for W13B RBS
- general: extended keepalive_interval to the PM interface to avoid hanging of
certain commands that use the PM (inv, pst, pcr, etc)
- general: error message at startup on some linux machines
- general: moshell crash on some 32-bit linux machines due to missing shared
- general: moshell causing large number of error traces to be printed in the T&E
log of central MP during FTP transfer
- general: moshell sometimes using several SSH/SFTP sessions at the same time,
causing SFTP login failed. TR HR45885.
- general: exclude_deprecated=3 was not working on acc command, only acl
- inv: incorrect CE values on DUW11 and DUW41
- l+: causing moshell crash on solaris when logging to /dev/null
- lh/bp: missing ENB board groups for gcpu and rrul11
- scripts: read_ipsec.mos crashing on nodes without ipsec
- std: was not working on a MGW MO dump due to missing attribute
- str: showing wrong IubLink availability when run with a filter on a RNC
containing sites with more than 6 cells.

CHANGES IN v10.0a (2013-08-06)

- al: new option "u" for displaying alarm list in UTC time instead of local time.
Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- cvcu/cvls: now reads the RAN release information from
UpgradePackage:administrativeData (when applicable)
- dcgk/dcge/dcgm: MO dump now contains coli printouts needed for the commands bp,
inv, lkr, std
- dcge: now contains a full MO dump, except for RNC where cell relations are
excluded (unless option k is specified, eg dcegk)
- dcge/dcgm: removed some printouts that can now be obtained in offline mode (inv,
- general: WRBS complete MOM can now be fetched from the node when no contact to
utran01/clearcase. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: new uservariable disk_check to check if there is enough free disk space
on the workstation for moshell to run. Minimum disk space can be specified in the
uservariable disk_limit. See information about these uservariables inside the file
- general: updated gawk to 4.1.0, thanks Joakim �stlund
- lh: updates for GEP (SMBB), thanks Joakim �stlund
- monu: updated router/viewer to 4.3.2 (R4F)
- read_ipsec.mos: new script in moshell/commonjars/scripts. Thanks Tamas Husz.
- runx: added new variables $errorcmdline and $nextcmdline. Type "h run" for info.
- scripting: added support for mathematical operations using += , -=, *=, /= (eg:
$var += 1)
- scripting: added support for specifying escape characters (\n, \t, \x20) in
replacement string (eg: $var = $var -s xxx -r \n)
- steg: updated to version 0.2.1, thanks Mikael G�ransson.
- wait: now supports specifying the date and time to wait until. Example: "wait
20130730.1630" or "wait 2013-07-30.16:30". Type "h wait" for info.

- acc: action SwAllocation::deleteSlot was not working on later CPP versions due
to transaction missing
- alt: wrong timestamp on certain java versions when TZ not set on the
- bo/bp: board group "xp" was not created properly
- bo/bp: various corrections and code cleanup for board group handling. CPP3
compatibility is removed, backward compatibility is now from CPP4 and up.
- bo/bp: was very slow when nocorba=1
- cab: was not working properly on Evo with CAX subrack. TR HR56395. Thanks Joakim
- cab: was not showing CMXB on emulated RNC3820
- cabx: was missing TX power and VSWR on some AIR units.
- comcli: MOM parsing issue, attributes of type enumRef/derivedRef/structRef were
pointing to wrong MIM in some cases.
- comcli: moshell crash at parsing of transport network MOM on RBS G2
- comcli: the prompt color was not set to green on RBS G2 and pico when
- cvcu/cvls: was very slow on cygwin 1.7.20, due to incorrect handling of null
- dbc: was showing wrong results on WRBS nodes containing AIR as one unit. TR
HR54084 .
- dcg: incorrect handling of duplicated options
- fclean: was missing some orphan loadmodules or files in /c/loadmodules_norepl
- ftget: was filling up the /d drive when running ftget on a global volume with
the "!" syntax (eg ftget 001400!/p001400)
- general: RNC complete MOM fetching from clearcase was not working for
maintenance tracks.
- general: fetching IOR printout got cut when smart_corba changes the corba_class
- general: mkdir was not setting correct permissions
- general: removed uservariable prompt_maxlength, not needed anymore now that the
command line wrapround issue is fixed
- general: ssh/sftp was not working on solaris 8
- inv: CXC to FAJ translation from license file was not working in SL3.
- inv: missing CE information for DUWv2
- multimode: smart_corba was not working properly
- pmr/pmx: was not working with MOs containing "&" or ";" in the MO name.
- runx: the variable $errorline was incorrectly set after running failed commands
that require confirmation (eg bl/deb/set/del/etc..)
- sql/dbc: updated with new CPP MOs for CAX subrack
- sql/dbc: updated with new CPP MOs for SMBB, thanks Joakim �stlund.
- sql/dbc: updated with new ERBS MOs for L13
- uer: updated for latest RNC SW with cmId in ueregprint
- uer: was not working properly in SL3, showing old UE contexts.
- undo: was not working properly with TermPointToMMe/TermPointToENB
- zpm: was not able to decode the T&E log in cygwin. Thanks Joakim �stlund.

CHANGES IN v9.0z (2013-07-09)

- pmx: new option "l" ("pmxl") to generate excel graph of the counters. Type "h
pmx" for info. Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- check_vlan_cfg.mos: new script to check vlan consistency, stored in
moshell/commonjars/scripts. Thanks Nikita Kolomiets.
- general: updated ssh/sftp to openssh 6.2p2 and openssl 1.0.1e TR HR42940
- general: updated to zpm version R30 on solaris and linux (previously R29)
- cedh: now indicates a resource hanging if uLRL is more than twice dlRL
- cab: now shows the temperature alarm limits from boardtemp command, when
- steg: now supporting CAX subrack, thanks Mikael G�ransson.

- ste: was not working properly with l2gp on CMX4 SW TR HR47123
- ste: was not working properly on CAX subrack
- ste: ethernet ports and switch ports are now sorted by position instead of board
- ste: added new column for LagSpeed, type "h ste" for info.
- std[a]: was not working with new printout format of drh_dcrh_topdata and
- std[a]: was not showing CC device usage on SPB4 type B.
- stda: was showing wrong number of UEs in CC/PDR device on SPB4 type A (field
"UEs") and in DC device on EPB (field "UeDcs")
- dbc: faulty checks on RNC MO MocnCellProfile
- sql/fro/dbc: added support of new MGW MOs
- cab: was not showing temperature on CETB
- lgp: now includes error information field from the User Reported Error Data area
of the PMD, when Error Log area is missing. TR HR32717.
- smart_password: now also tries passwords containing the last 2 digits of the
- pmx: arguments were not parsed properly in some cases, eg when using "-w"
- pme: option "d" was not working on gpeh files stored in /r000500, TR HR37958.
- pme: option "d" was using wrong decoder option on W13B RNC.
- goxb: better error handling in case of security level 3 and improved paging
handling in imish. Thanks Mikael Goransson.
- general: jarfile download was not working on CPP development track due to new
naming convention of the jarfiles.
- cr: not working properly on MO class Cdma20001xRttBandRelation, added optional
attribute cellReselectionPriority
- pmr/pmXtab: kpi formula functions Sum(), Min(), Max() were not working.
- cvls/cvcu: incorrect RNC release name shown on later W13B tracks
- proglist: now shows "nocontact" for boards that are not reachable
- lh: restart/reload not completing properly when running on fewer than
fast_lh_treshold boards.
- lh: RNC/UEH exceptions printed in device processors d00001 were not printed
properly due to limitation in concat_segmented_traces.pl

CHANGES IN v9.0y (2013-06-16)

- mon: new option "f" ("monf") to start the monitor in disk mode. Type "h mon" for
- monu: new argument for monitoring to pcap file. Type "h mon" for info.
- general: new uservariable "sl3" to automatically set some setting in CPP
security level 3. See info in the file moshell/moshell for more details.
- run[x]: new option "-l <line>" to start running a command file from a specific
line. Type "h run" for info.
- runx: now sets a variable $errorline giving the line number where the
commandfile stopped. Type "h run" for info.
- comcli: dcg option "f" is now supported on pico RBS
- dcg: various updates, see release history inside the file
- dbd: new uservariables dbd_exclude_moclasses and dbd_exclude_attributes to
filter results. Type "h dbd" for info.
- diffo: new uservariables diffo_exclude_moclasses and diffo_exclude_attributes to
filter results. Type "h diff" for info.
- dbc: added new check for empty froId
- dbc: added new check for missing parents
- ced: added fields for sf64ul and sf128dl. Type "h ced" for info.
- ceds: added field for eulMultiCarrier and totals line at the bottom.
- pmr/pmx: new option "3" to show 3GSIM counters in /c/3gsim/stats
- lh: new option "z" ("lhz") to transfer COLI printout in compressed format. Type
"h lh" for info.
- general: speed improvements on the following commands by using compressed
transfer of COLI printouts: dcge, dcgm, ced, cedh, lh <group> te log read, lgt,
- diff: updated RNC PARAM file for W13B
- std: now shows pdr device load (previously only shown in stda)
- wait: now accepts specifying the time to wait until. Example: wait 16:30. Type
"h wait" for info.
- prs: now shows the number of MOs of each class matched. Type "h pr" for info.

- bap: now fully supporting board groups based on CXC number (previously had to
specify the program name in some cases)
- bp/std: added support for SPB4 type B SW allocation (CCDDDD)
- cab: formatting issue on CMXB3/CCIB
- cab: now uses getAttrObj instead of cmxbsh to check CMXB data on later CPP SW.
- cab: temperature display now showing the hotspot temperature on
DUW/DUL/DUS/ODW/ODS. Thanks Elisabeth Larsson.
- conf[bld]+: when run several times consecutively, conf[bld]- did not work.
- comcli: "lt all" was not working with comcli=2 on RBS G2.
- comcli: now supports creating PmJob and MeasurementReader MOs
- comcli: now supports the "re" command to disconnect and reconnect the MO service
- comcli: transparent comcli commands were not working on pico RBS
- comcli: was not working properly with MO names containing spaces
- comcli: linux shell was not working on RBS G2
- comcli: handling of moRef attributes was not working
- comcli: "lt all" was hanging on pico RBS with node_login=1
- cr: allow omission of MO id (node will use default MO id)
- cvls: wrong UP product number for RNC W13 (CXP901 instead of CXP902)
- cvls: incorrect translation for main track RBS UP and RNC W13B
- cv mk: now shows a confirmation message to use cvmk instead
- dcgi: updates for tcp term
- dcgm: removed crash causing commands on ENB. TR HR33546.
- dcgm: systemcheck collection on MGW was not working
- dcgm: fixed hanging on sctphost command, TR HR46461
- dcgr: corrected crash causing rrt commands TR HR39900/HR53729, PLM info 756
- diff: incorrect priority handling of reference file entries starting with tilde
- diffa: not detecting wrongly spelled MO class in reference file (when MO class
starting with lower case)
- from: redirect fro attribute to scripting variable was not working.
- goxb: was not working on CMXB in SMN 03, and added support for CMX4 SW (imi-
shell). Thanks Mikael Goransson.
- general: several commands not working properly on mRBS (RBS6501/ODS11): cab,
board groups, dcgm, dcge, dcgi
- general: MOM check timeout on certain networks
- general: incorrect handling of deprecated MO classes. TR HR38052.
- general: changed default value of exclude_deprecated from 2 to 3 (=> hide
deprecated MO classes, attributes, counters, and MO actions)
- general: new board groups gep and ccib. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- general: MOM parsing issue when several xml tags on the same line (mandatory and
- general: default value of the uservariable secure_ftp is now 1 (previously was 1
for amos and cygwin only).
- general: CORBA.COMM_FAILURE errror appearing when running PM commands after node
- general: complete MOM was not fetched on RNC W13 maintenance track
- get/fro[m]: misaligned printout on MOs with 6-digit proxy id.
- get: in multimode, wrong printout for attributes of type sequence of struct
containing MO references.
- get: corrupt printout on EutraNetwork, TR HR44112
- inv: missing fields in capacity table on RNC W13.
- inv: missing the slots HW information in some cases.
- lg: was not working properly on linux where domain name containing space sign.
- lgd: added support for node restarts due to Mmi reset button
- lgk: added support for fetching CMXB logs in CAX subracks. Thanks Joakim
- lgk/lgf: output of ftp fetching of XB logs was not appearing in logfile.
- lgn: was not able to show command history of other users when logs gzipped.
- lh/cedh: fixed printouts sometimes corrupted by spurious end of print characters
- lh: hanging when running unclassified commands in SL3
- max_poll_time: reduced to 5 minutes on RBS/ENB.
- pgu: added support for upgrading CMX4 SW. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- pgu: LM size check failing on some linux machines
- pme: was not able to fetch GPEH ropfiles in /r000500. TR HR37958
- pmr: added ENB kpi for Ret_ErabRetainabilityRate. Thanks Andy McGregor/Guoqiang
- pmr: new RBS reports for baseband pool kpis at node level.
- pmr: updated 3GSIM reports. Thanks Magnus Elenst�l/Martin Wiklundh.
- pmr: updated RNC formulas for CellFACHDrop, PSDrop, HsDrop. Thanks Erik
- polu: added support for rebootNodeUpgradeWithStop. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- polu: wrong result shown after upgrade/rebootNodeUpgrade/update. TR HR24480.
- procload: misalignment on multi-DU ENB
- rnc_resource_usage: was not showing the number of SCCP connections
- rnc_resource_usage: now shows list of hanging IubLinks
- runx: was not stopping when cr fail due to MO already exists.
- set: setting attribute of type sequence of struct to null value was not working
with struct containing a MO reference.
- smart_corba: was not supported in multimode
- sql/dbc: added support for IpInterfaceGroup
- s+/sort_proxy: children of MOs with numerical id were not sorted in numerical
order (e.g. children of Slot MOs)
- sort_proxy: new value 2 to sort MOs by order of MO class (command s++). Type "h
s+" for info.

CHANGES IN v9.0w (2013-05-11)

- general: reduction of number of ssh logins, TR HR33600
- amos: reversal of TR HQ79170

CHANGES IN v9.0v (2013-04-26)

- general: could not handle SLS password containing "$" sign, TR HR15015

CHANGES IN v9.0u (2013-04-17)

- diff: new option "a" to show the list of MOs and attributes that are in the
reference but not in the node or dump. Type "h diff" for info.
- diff: new option "d" to compare against MOM default values (instead of
recommended values). Type "h diff" for info.
- run: new option "x" to stop execution upon failed MO WRITE command (acc, cr,
del, set, bl, deb, trun). Type "h run" for info.
- mom: new option "x" to show MO uni- and bi-directional relationships. Type "h
mom" for info.
- mom: the description text of attribute types moref/seq:moref now shows the list
of possible MO classes that can be found as reference.
- lgn: now shows command parameters and command result. TR HQ88998.
- amos: OSS SMLog now shows command parameters and command result. TR HQ88998.
- cvget: new option "f", to fetch the CV via ftp instead of MO action (faster).
Type "h cvget" for info.
- rset: now does an automatic rollback upon failure.
- comcli: MOM download over http is now supported. Uservariable comcli_mom=2. See
info in moshell file.
- comcli: new setting comcli_portfile can be set to 1 when connecting to RCSsim,
to avoid specifying the TCP port values. See info in moshell file.
- dcge/dcgm: faster execution time. More info in the revision history of the
dcg_datacollection.mos file.
- dcgi: updates for CBM3 and ETIPG. More info in the revision history of the
dcg_datacollection.mos file.
- pmr: new reports for RBS W13, thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- general: added confirmation question for the coli command "reload" CSR 2225630

- acc: was not working on RbsConfiguration:setUniqueLogicalName() due to missing
- bo/bp: added new board group for XCU (RBS3000), as XCU was incorrectly included
in the board group "ru".
- bo/bp: was not working properly with new EPB version (ROJ208394/2)
- cabx: TX power reading was not working with modularised TXM. TR HQ97874.
- cabx: cell names were not shown in the RU/RRU product table on RBS6000
- cabx: port/dev numbers are now sorted in ascending order.
- cabx: the TX power value of PL5 radios was sometimes wrong in RBS nodes
containing a mix of PL4 and PL5 radios (e.g. RRUS11 together with RRUS12).
- cabx: was showing duplicate entries for RU/RRU connected to two DULs.
- cabx: was sometimes showing 0C temperature on DUS
- cabx: wrong link handler number was shown on AIR units.
- cabx: tx pwr/vswr table was not shown on RBS3000 with RUW/RRUW
- comcli: lgn was not working
- comcli: the commands acc/del/cr were not working in offline mode.
- comcli: the cr command was not allowing mandatory attributes with empty string
- comcli: the setting node_login=0 was not working properly on nodes allowing
empty password.
- comcli: wrong prompt was shown at end of coli/linux printouts
- cr: creating a direct child of ManagedElement MO was failing for some MO
- cr: was wrongly allowing empty MO id.
- cvls/cvcu: incorrect RNC release name shown on later W13B tracks
- dbc: was not working properly with IpAccessHostGpb on C13, TR HR19829.
- dbc: was not working properly with RNC MO MultiCarrier in W13.
- diff: showing incorrect differences for struct members of type sequence.
- general: "lt all" was not working on Solaris 11 machines, kept going in a loop.
- general: deprecated MO instances are now hidden (e.g. SystemConstants and
RbsConfiguration moved from ENodeBFunction to NodeManagement). Can be modified with
the setting exclude_deprecated.
- general: ip connectivity check was not working properly on ipv6. TR HR17326.
- general: standard passwords should only be tried once when smart_password=1
- htget: was not working in offline mode
- htget: was not working on RCS (RBS G2)
- inv/invh/bo: now shows the full DUL/DUS product name for ENB (e.g. DUL2001
instead of DUL3)
- lh: awk crash after command file transfer fail
- lgd: was not showing restart reason for manual node restarts done by restarting
a non-redundant core MP.
- lgd: was sometimes missing the application downtime on the last node restart.
- lgu: added method name in front of entries with theLmRefAttr.Length
- momr: wrong range on struct members of type sequence.
- pmr: MO filter in threshold file was not working properly.
- pmr: RNC paging reports were not working properly.
- pmr: some KPIs in the cell level reports were incorrect
- pmr: updated formula CellFACHDrop
- pmx/pmr: was not working with ROP files containing spaces in the LDN around the
commas and equal sign (e.g. CSCF nodes)
- pmr: atm throughput reports were showing wrong values
- procload: on multi-DU ENB, the gcpu procload was on the same line as MP procload
- rdel: was trying to remove reserved RoutingArea/ServiceArea when deleting
- set/cr/acc: was not working with struct attributes containing a member of type
moRef (e.g. UtranFreqToQciProfileRelation)
- ste: various updates, thanks Mikael Goransson.
- ueregprint: was not showing correct total for ura-pch
- undo: clearer indication in u+/u? on which type of undo mode is currently
active: regular or simulated.

CHANGES IN v9.0t (2013-04-08)

- amos: slow to start. TR HR12486

CHANGES IN v9.0s (2013-03-19)

New functionality:
- procload: new command to print processor load, eg "lh all procload". Replaces
"cabl" command. Type "h procload" for info.
- ueregprint: new command to print the RNC UE Registry, eg "ueregprint sum" /
"ueregprint all". This is an alias allowing to run the coli command "ueregprint"
from the core MP. Type "h ueregprint" for info.

- pmr: threshold file ("-t" option) now supports MO filter in the last field.
- cabx: now shows the TrDevices of each Sector/Carrier in the RSSI table. Type "h
cabx" for info.
- general: new setting smart_ipv6 to automatically adapt the ipv6 setting based on
the O&M address of the node. Turned on by default.
- general: new setting smart_corba to automatically adapt the corba_class setting
based on the security of the node. Turned on by default.
- general: new setting fast_timeout to have a shorter timeout on quick operations,
default value 5 seconds, see description in the moshell file.
- general: added support for COM-based APG nodes (eg APG43L). Must use the
settings comcli=1,comcli_port=22,linux_shell=0,comcli_mom=1,username=<user>
- mom: now shows action exceptions in the actions description text.

- amos: should not attempt to translate node names consisting of an ipv6 address
- bor: was not resetting the default board groups, leading to old boards staying
in the groups.
- cabx: was not working well with RBS nodes containing "AIR as one unit"
- cabx: was not working with mRRUS12
- comcli: SFTP transfer was not working with linux_shell=0
- comcli: attributes of type sequence inside a struct were not handled properly.
- comcli: can now use the setting ftp_port to specify the port to be used for
- comcli: was not working with ManagedElement=<nodeName>
- cr: was not working properly with UtranRelation, needed prompt for attribute
- dbc: was not working properly with L13, showing fake inconsistencies.
- dcgm/lgf: DSP dumps from second DUW on WRBS were not being collected.
- dcgm/lgf: VENUS dumps on WRBS were not being collected.
- general: "lt all" is now supported in offline mode.
- general: added support for MO class names containing dash and underscore (found
in CSCF nodes)
- general: added support for enum attributes having a negative value
- general: ipv6 IOR files were not being decoded properly
- general: the $ws_ip variable was not being set when connecting to a node with
ipv6 O&M.
- monu: was not working with ipv6 O&M address
- moshell_install: should not allow to install AMOS in /var/opt/ericsson/amos. TR
- multimode: was not working with ipv6 O&M addresses
- offline: could not find the MO dump when connecting to a zipfile containing MO
dump inside the file <node>_offline.zip
- pme: added support for RNC W13B
- pmr/pmx: better explanation in the help regarding handling of duplicated
counters. TR HQ88937.
- pmr: was not working with counters containing underscore sign in the counter
- pmrw/pmxw: updated pmSummary, thanks Martin Aldrin.
- uer: adapted to support distributed UeRegistry
- rnc_resource_usage: adapted to support distributed UeRegistry
- rnc_resource_usage: cedh hwm printouts were not shown in the resfull logfile
- undo: was not working well with Sctp MO due to setting of some attributes in
wrong order (maximumRto <= heartbeathPathProbingInterval <= heartbeatInterval)
- undo: was not working with MO action removeSyncRefResource

CHANGES IN v9.0r (2013-03-11)

- amos: was not working properly with ipv6.
- amos: al command was not working properly TR HR10325
- cabx: was not showing TX pwr/vswr on RBS6201W

CHANGES IN v9.0q (2013-02-27)

- amos: was not working when ONE jarfiles not present on the OSS.
- pme: fetching of RncException ropfiles failed for latest ROP.

CHANGES IN v9.0p (2013-02-22)

- cabx: on WRBS, now shows the RSSI per Cell instead of per RU.
- comcli: now supports RBSG2/RCSSim. Uservariables comcli_port, secure_port, and
linux_shell must be set in order to connect to G2. Eg: moshell -v
=3053 Description of these new uservariables can be found in the file
- dbc/sqlmode: now supported in AMOS (from OSS O13B)
- dbc/sqlmode: updated to polyhedra v8.6, now supports solaris/x86
- dcg: updates for Ipv6MGW and XMU
- general: updated viewer/router to version 4.3.0 and included capture .
- mom/pmom: now shows the total number of MO classes and attributes that have been
- pmom: new options "o" and "p" to separate CPP counters from application counters
(same as options "a" and "p" in mom command). Type "h pmom" for info.
- pmr: updates for Ipv6MGW

- amos: spurious permission messages in SMLog, TR HQ79170.
- amos: the amos_debug setting was not working properly.
- bp/lh: EvoEt/CETB1 was in the wrong board group ("bp" instead of "mp").
- bp/lh: was not working properly with XMU.
- cabl: was not showing device processor load on EvoC.
- cabx: was not showing CAX subrack on EvoC when core MPs are switched
- cabx: was not showing node type on WRBS in certain cases.
- ced: incorrect header on W11B.
- coli: the coli command EtHostMo_startPing on latest CPP SW was not handled
properly, hanging and timing out. TR HQ83323.
- comcli: corrected various printout formatting issues on get/kget, certain
attribute types were not handled properly (key structs, sequence of structs,
structs with members of type sequence, attribute names starting with uppercase)
- comcli: incorrect handling of MO LDNs containing spaces in the MO name.
- comcli: the dcgk command was re-fetching and re-parsing the MOM unnecessarily
- cvmk/cvrm/cvset: were not working together with the setting safe_syntax=1
- dbc: not working properly on EUtranCellFDD/TDD MO, showing fake inconsistencies
- diff: removed parameter operatingMode.configuredSpeedDuplex from PARAM files
- eget/use_extended_mom: added froId for more RNC MOs.
- general: changed default value of secure_ftp to 1 and perl to /usr/bin/perl when
running from /vobs/iov/rnc/bin/moshell
- general: cleaned up the java stack exceptions printout at corba connection fail,
to make the printout clearer.
- general: running echo command with "!" or "l" was giving wrong output in some
cases. http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.7125
- general: the uservariable "perl" was not working properly in certain cases.
- inv: was not showing correct FAJ number and/or feature description. TR HQ32222
and HQ34964.
- moshell_install: did not detect syntax error at AMOS installation, TR HQ85955.
- pcr: could not handle regular attributes when reading from counter file (pcr
<scanner> <counterfile>)
- pcr: was not working properly with non pm attributes (uservariable
- pcrd: new option "a" to test faulty non pm attributes. Type "h pcr" for info.
- pmoma: was not showing correct list of non pm attributes
- pmr: corrected faulty LTE formulas Int_RadioRecInterferencePwr and
- steg: updated to version 0.0.7

CHANGES IN v9.0n (2013-01-02)
New functionality:
- dbd: new command to diff two CVs or db.dat files. Type "h dbd" for info.
- cabx: now shows RSSI per branch on WRBS.
- pcr/pdel: new option "p" to create/delete a PREDEF scanner

- bam: now supports making board groups based on the MsbAmcCarrierUnit MO in MGW
- br: now supports a negative filter (start with exclamation mark) to remove all
boards from a board group except those matching the condition. E.g: br mygroup !mp
-> removes all boards from the group "mygroup" except boards belonging to the group
"mp". Type "h br" for info.
- cab: now shows the CAX subracks in EvoC. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- cabx: now shows mapping RU vs Sector/Carrier on RBS3000 (previously shown on
RBS6000 only)
- comcli: the uservariable node_login=0 is now supported on COM nodes, to allow
connecting with a user that does not have a password.
- dcga: now collects ET board data. Thanks Mladen Vasarevic. Type "h dcg" for
- dcga/dcgi: new filter "-b <board>|<boardgroup>" to specify the ET boards on
which to perform the datacollection. When "-b" is unspecified, dcga collects no ET
board data, while dcgi collects all ET boards data. Type "h dcg" for more info.
- dcgm/dcgkf: the offline files (MO dump + CV + ropfiles + logfiles) are now
stored together in a single zipfile called <node>_offline.zip. This file can be
used directly to connect in offline mode, eg. moshell /path/to/<node>_offline.zip
- exit: now possible to specify exit code when exiting moshell, eg. "exit 1". Type
"h exit" for info.
- fclean: now checks sql tables spppgmresource/sppspupgmresource in the db.dat
files to avoid deleting SPU/SPM programs that are part of a CV but not part of a
UpgradePackage (e.g. upgraded via pgu)
- general: the uservariable "exclude_deprecated" supports a new value 3 to exclude
the deprecated MO actions (default: 2).
- general: new uservariable "max_poll_time" to specify the maximum amount of time
during which to poll the node while MO service is unavailable. After this time, the
corba connection will be disconnected and reconnected. Default value 20 minutes
(1200 seconds). See description of this uservariable in the moshell file. TR
HQ52742. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- general: new uservariable "perl" to specify the path to perl (used for commands
- inv: now shows cpu core and piudevice for instanciated programs
- inv: updated license table with latest L13/W13/C13 feature mappings.
- lgd: now shows Jvm restarts
- lgp: nows shows MGW DSP crashes
- lkr: new table showing the Cell repartition per Board. Useful for EPB/GPB75.
Type "h lkr" for info.
- lkr: new column showing the number of CC devices per RncModule/Board. Type "h
lkr" for info.
- offline mode: sql commands and fro[m] commands are now supported in offline
mode, when the db.dat is stored in the same zipfile or folder as the MO dump.
- pmr: KPIs specified in the threshold file (option "-t <file>") are now
highlighted when having the value "N/A"
- pmr: new RNC reports for multirab, CR WRNaf02289
- gdb_start.mos: new script to start the GDB program in GPB75/EPB (for lab use
- acc: action deleteRepertoire was not working due to transaction missing
- cab/inv: was not showing the product number of PfmUnits when it contained spaces
- cabx: did not work properly with DUS on WRBS
- cabx: harmonized LED status in the auxiliary units printout
- cabx: the values of TX power for TX1/TX2 were switched around for RRUS12/RUS02
- cabx: was not showing the Cells connected to each RU on ENodeB L13
- cabx: was not showing the TX power on RBS containing a mix of PL4 and PL5 RUs.
- ced: was not showing the RncModule of CC devices belonging to SPB4 boards
- comcli: was not able to find the path to model_file_list on picoRBS, had to be
manually specified in uv comcli_model, now detected automatically.
- cr/undo: was not working on struct members of type moRef (e.g. PmUeMeasControl
MO in LTE)
- cvcu/cvls: the CPP version was not displayed on CVs running W13 RNC SW
- cvcu/cvls: wrong SW release displayed on RNC W13B
- dbc: was not showing the node ip address on dbdat files of later CPP SW (due to
ip address moved to new sql table oamlinkaddresses)
- dcg: handling of options -d/-m was not working properly
- dcg/fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos: updated for DUS41 L13A, new paths to the
xml files.
- fro[m]: was not showing the FRO part of certain MO types on later CPP SW
(ManagedElement, IpOam, Dhcp)
- fro[m]: was not working when run before a new MO type was created on the node,
TR HQ75303
- general: added new default board groups etipcbm and etipcbm3
- general: incorrect syntax message for the passwd command, TR HQ68830
- general: polling on corba was not working properly with PM commands (pst, pcr,
pgets, etc)
- general: was not properly detecting corruptions in the cached MOM file
- inv: unreadable printout in the HW table when some MO attributes have exceptions
- inv: was not showing certain RBS W13 features, TR HQ71908
- kget: MO dump progress indicator was wrong in dbdat mode.
- l+/l-: was not working in dbdat mode with sql commands using pattern matching on
the table name or when piping to a unix utility
- lgd: was showing wrong node uptime when the displayed period did not contain a
node restart
- lgf: dsp dump collection on ENB was not working properly on multi-DUL
- lgp/lgf: WinDrv dumps and MGW DSP dumps are now only collected with lgf, not lgp
- multimode: messy printout on MO actions in mom command
- multimode: exclude_deprecated was not working in multimode
- multimode: faulty MOM parsing when MOM version mismatch in ManagedElement MO vs
MOM file
- multimode: incorrect printout format for struct members of type moRef (e.g.
PmUeMeasControl MO in LTE)
- pcrf: was not working when done after running pgets or pcr
- pmr: corrected some LTE KPI formulas which were shown in units instead of
percentage (factor 100)
- pmr: incorrect RNC formula for SpeechRABFail, TR HQ18051 PLM info 810
- sget: output to variable was not working on variables already defined (e.g. sget
0 site > $site)
- sti: showed wrong SCTP state on ENodeB in certain cases, for instance after
doing "s+" to sort the MO list.
- undo: undo script was not generated properly when deleting certain MO types such
as PacketDataRouter in offline mode and/or simulated undo mode.
- undo: undo script was not generated properly when performing MO actions in
offline mode or simulated undo mode.
- undo: undo script was not generated properly when setting attributes of type
moRef in offline mode

CHANGES IN v9.0m (2012-12-04)

- cabx: now shows tx power on PL5 radio (RRUS12/RUS02)
- cabx: now shows the fans on HCS subrack (RNC3820, MGW GMPv4)
- cabx: now shows power/vswr for RRUL
- lgp: new pmd fields for cpucore and appinfo
- lgp: now shows the error description field even when missing from the PMD file,
thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- lgpc: introduced a field separator (�) for easier parsing of the various fields
- lgf: ERBS FAULTLOG output is now saved in dspdump.zip
- lgp/lgf: new option "-d" to specify the maximum number of LTE DSP dumps to
collect, type "h lg" for info.
- lgf: only the last LTE dsp dump is fetched by default to save space on the
workstation (use option -d to specify more)
- lgp: no LTE dsp dumps are fetched by default to save space on the workstation
(use option -d to specify more)
- lgf: only copies up to 90 pmdfiles to the logfiles.zip to save space
- rlcrp.mos: new script under moshell/commonjars/script, to display number of
channels used per cell on AXE BSC
- rnc_resource_usage: the resfull.log is now stored permanently in gzipped format
(used to be removed after closing the moshell session)
- scripting: new built-in function "system" to just save the result of a unix
command to a variable, instead of the printout. Type "h scripting" for info.
- dcg: command updates for XMU and MGW
- inv: EPB programs sorted by core

- acc: blockSignalingRoute action was not working due to transaction required
- acc: incorrect printout format of the return value on COM nodes, missing "Return
value =" for certain types of action results.
- amos: confusing error message at quit ("chmod")
- cabx: duplicated lines for RRUL
- cabx: wrong SMN values in the subrack table
- cabx: vswr shown under wrong tx if tx1 disabled
- cvcu/cvls: incorrect RNC SW translation for W13B/MT
- dcg: collectTraces was not working on L13
- dbc: not working properly on UeTac MO, showing fake inconsistencies
- dbc: not working properly with FastEthernet and DefaultRouter MO, showing fake
inconsistencies. TR HQ57811
- dbc: not working properly with carrierRef attributes in W13 WRBS SW, showing
fake inconsistencies
- dbc: added support for new MGW MO classes (AscService, G719Service, HttpClient,
and more)
- dcg: hanging on XMU
- fclean: extra syntax check to avoid unwanted folder removal
- fro[m]: was not working on nodes using MAO table modata_r3 (> C13 LSV105)
- general: fetching W13 RNC complete MOM from clearcase was not working properly
(new clearcase path)
- general: fetching of jacorb jarfiles not working properly on CPP nodes running
signed SW. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- general: spurious cleartool error message on some workstations
- general: spurious error printouts on AXE nodes ("NOT ACCEPTED")
- lgp: entries from the LTE troubleshooting/error files were too long in some
cases, messy printout
- lgp: was not displaying the correct FAULTLOG info for L12A
- lgp: wrong process/block information on certain crashes occurring on EPB device
- logging: was logging too much ouptput when a command being piped to "tee"
- pgu: updates for CPP nodes running signed SW. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- pmr/pmx: was not displaying SW info on 3GSIM
- pmr: updated SpchRabSuc formula, TR HQ18051
- pmxc: was incorrectly adding counter instances pointing to MO ref
- pmxc: was not counting the number of counter instances marked as suspected
- restartObj: was prompting for unwanted confirmation on 3GSIM
- rset: was not working properly for MO renaming of certain MO classes such as
- set1: was not working in undo mode
- steg: various updates and corrections, thanks Mikael Goransson
- u+: missing MOM version in undo log header when started before MO connection
- u+: no logfile was produced when specifying a .mos file as argument to the u+
- cr/undo: added the dl/ul ChannelBandwidth in cr statement to avoid having to set
it afterwards with setm command
- general: sctpmp board group was missing some boards in C13

CHANGES IN v9.0k (2012-11-04)

- lg: new option "1" ("lg1") to list all the logs of the node.
- lgp: now shows entries for DSP crashes on WRBS/ERBS
- lgf: DSP dumps of the MGW/WRBS/ERBS and CPP winDrv logs are now included in the
file <node>_dspdumps.zip
- lgf: XB logs are now included in the file <node>_logfiles.zip
- pmr: new option "-t <thresholdfile>" to highlight KPIs whose value is outside of
certain critera. Type "h pmr" for info and check example file at
moshell/examples/pm_files/thresholds.txt. Thanks Qi Ge for prototype.
- pmr: new reports for transport network performance in RNC/RXI/MGW/3GSIM. Thanks
Bo Persson and Mikael Goransson.
- pmr: new RNC reports for breakdown IP vs ATM cells at node and subrack level.
- pmr: the Iub transport network type (IP/ATM) is now shown next to the cell name
- pmr: CONFIG/FORMULA now support "include" statement to load additional
CONFIG/FORMULA files within a existing file. See example in the file
- goxb: new command to run CMXB/SCXB commands as advanced user. Type "h goxb" for
info. Thanks Mikael Goransson.
- general: added support for connection to AXE nodes. Need to use the moshell
setting lincli=3.
- dbc: added new check for Fan inconsistency. Type "h dbc" for info.
- dcgi/dcgm: added commands for the ETIPG and EPB. Thanks Nikita Kolomiets.
- dcgm: ERBS node folders are now included in zipped format (e.g. autointegration
folder, xml folder, etc)
- dcgm: added new commands for WRBS (RU and RRT commands)
- dcgm: added printout of "lg1" command.
- dcgm: winDrv and RBS/ERBS/MGW DSP dumps are now collected
- ftget/ftput: now supports transferring contents from a folder without creating
the folder itself, using the asterisk at the end of the source folder path. Eg:
"ftput /home/userid/mylms/* /d/loadmodules". Type "h ftget" for info.
- ftget: now supports fetching files from a local volume located on a different
board than the central MP, eg ftget 000200!/d/systemfiles. Type "h ftget" for info.
- ftget/ftput: now supports negative filter (using exclamation mark sign) on the
"-f" option, to transfer any files except those whose name match the filter. Type
"h ftget" for info.
- general: new uservariables "smart_password" and "standard_passwords" to try and
guess the node password when not specified in ipdatabase. This setting is disabled
by default. See description in the file moshell/moshell for more info.
- pgu: new option "-p <boards>" to upgrade LMs on certain given boards only. Type
"h pgu" for info. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- pgu: now supports signed SW LMs, thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- pgu: the options "r" and "c" can now be combined, thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- safe mode: now blocks using the proxy id or board group. Exact MO name has to be
given. Type "h safe" for info.
- undo: now supports the MO actions addAal2ApToRc/removeAal2ApFromRc
- diff: updated PARAM files for W12/L12
- inv: updated FAJ numbers for W13
- dbc: updated for new MOs in W13/L13
- scripting: new environment variable $nodetype (= RNC, RBS, MGW, RXI, 3GSIM, CPP)

- dbc: was showing fake inconsistencies on some ERBS attributes such as
- dbc: wrong attribute mapping on Mspg MO was causing fake inconsistencies, TR
- fro[m]: was causing board crash when running on large number of MOs, CSR 2091798
- general: board group ommp was not working on W13 RNC
- general: missing attribute EUtranCellTDD::channelBandwidth, TR HQ53506
- general: some MO actions were containing a blank space at the end of the name.
- inv: was not showing the product information of AppUnit and Subrack.
- inv: was running unnecessary MO actions on children of SwitchInternalLinkPort
- lgd: some types of node restarts were shown as spontaneous instead of manual
(when node restart done by restarting the core MP in a node without FTC)
- lh: printout was sometimes corrupted by spurious characters.
- pmxw/pmrw: upgrade to latest pmSummary thanks Martin Aldrin and Henrik Schuller.
- std/bo: CC/DC devices were sometimes printed in wrong order on Evo.
- stda: was not showing trbr usage on Evo
- undo: was not working on attributes of type sequence:moRef containing a empty
- undo: was not working with attributes of type sequence:enum

CHANGES IN v9.0j (2012-10-04)

- get/hget/kget: now shows translation for attributes of type sequence:enum. Can
be disabled via a new uservariable "translate_sequence_enum".
- pmr: new option "p" to produce PNG files. Thanks Sandro Carnelli. Type "h pmr"
for info.

- amos: changed default setting for secure nodes. TR HQ35529.
- amos: could not start from the contextual menu on secure nodes. TR HQ45452.
- amos: sessions.log file got wrong permissions after abnormal moshell exit. TR
- general: new settings comcli_cfg and comcli_model to change default location of
COM model file in case "ps -ef" command not working.
- general: new uservariables comcli_retry_maxtime and comcli_retry_interval to
control the connection auto-retry to COM CLI. See info in moshell file.
- general: updated corba security files csus.jar/ssu.jar. TR HQ40053.
- cab: was only showing temperature on one DU in multi-DU nodes. Thanks Daniel
- cvcu/cvls: was not showing correct release information on RNC W13B.
- dbc: was not handling RNC attribute EUtranFreqRelation::barredCnOperatorRef
- dbc: was showing fake inconsistencies on check number 10 in certain nodes where
fro attributes of type sequence were listed in different order.
- dcg: MO dump is now taken with the setting use_complete_mom=1.
- dcg: new option "x" for SPAS printouts. CR WRNae97853. Type "h dcg" for info.
- acc: added reminder to collect dcg logs before node restart.
- diff: incorrect diff on performanceDataVolume for RNC3820 and EvoC.
- diff: the "o" option ("diffo") was not working properly. Type "h diff" for info
about this option.
- diff: the directory containing the generated files had the wrong date when the
moshell session lasted longer than one day.
- general: changed default corba_class setting to 2.
- general: some commands (pmr/lg/...) causing crash on some solaris machines.
Workaround is to set new uservariable use_scandir to 0.
- general: spurious message about non registered vob tag was printed at MOM
- l+/l-: unix commands executed with "!" are not logged anymore, only commands
executed with "l" are logged. Type "h !" for info.
- general: updated clearcase paths for W13 RNC MOM collection.
- h: automatically quits at eof on help chapters that are opened via the pager.
- inv: added missing RBS W13 features.
- momb: incomplete default value shown for attributes of type sequence
- momr: incorrect range shown for certain attribute types.
- multimode: incorrect printout format on struct members of type sequence
- pmr/pmx: the SW release info was only showing the product number not the
- pmr: incorrect formula for RrcFailContrib, thanks Huan Jiang.
- set: not working properly with attribute values containing brackets
- stda: was showing 0 RABs in PDR devices on SPB4 RNC W13
- steg: was not working with perl 5.14,
http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.6828. Thanks
Mikael Goransson.
- trun: running trun in offline mode was clearing the proxy table.

CHANGES IN v9.0h (2012-08-30)

New functionality:
- general: MO commands (CM/FM) are now supported on COM/ECIM nodes (such as EPG,
APG, picoRBS, DUSgen2). Type "h" at the moshell prompt while connected to a COM
node to see the list of supported commands. Following uservariable settings are
mandatory when starting moshell against a COM node: comcli=1 and username=xxx
(secure_shell/secure_ftp are now set to 1 by default on COM nodes so they don't
need to be specified anymore).
- general: offline mode is now supported for COM/ECIM nodes. MO dump can be taken
with dcgk or kget (dcgk is recommended) and connect to the MO dump by typing
"moshell <modump>".
- general: new help chapter on how to run CLI commands against COM nodes. Type "h
comcli" for info.

- al: now supported in offline mode, both for CPP nodes and COM nodes.
- general: new uservariable "custom_upid_file" stores the path to one or more
upids.txt files to override the UP translations of moshell/commonjars/upids.txt
(used in SW release translation of cvcu/cvls and upid commands). See uservariable
description in moshell file.
- general: exclude_deprecated now has default value 2, meaning that
deprecated/obsolete attributes are now hidden by default (except when taking a MO
- general: new scripting variables $scripts (aliases to the path of
moshell/commonjars/scripts) and $momfile (aliases to the path of the MOM file for
the current node)
- general: new uservariables comcli_columns and comcli_timeout, see description in
moshell file.
- pmr/pmx: the report header now shows the number of parsed ropfiles and the SW
release of the node.
- pmr: new KPIs for IpInterface throughput
- pr: new option "m" to print the MIM of each MO. Only applicable for COM/ECIM
- pr: new option "s" to only print the number of MOs matched.
- pv: printout sorted in alphabetical order
- scripts: new script freq.mos to print the frequency and bandwidth of LTE
EUtranCells. Execute with command "run $scripts/freq.mos". Thanks Conor Kelly
- scripts: updated script lteUlInt.mos, thanks Conor Kelly

- amos: incorrect path to TBAC jarfiles
- cab: was not showing the temperature on EVOET
- cr: unable to create EUtranCell due to missing attribute sectorCarrierRef
- dcgm/dcgk: the RBS MOM.jar was not included in modump.zip
- dbc: incomplete check for ImStreamer on MGw R5.1
- dbc: sql_range/sql_random settings were not working properly
- dcg: added RBS3000 printouts for OBIF and VSWR
- fro: was not working when sqlCmd folder already existing on the node.
- general: corba security was not working with java 1.7
- general: incorrect board groups on CBM3 TP5
- general: ip contact check was taking too long on SIU/TCU nodes
- general: misplaced pipe in MO command leading to unexpected results
- l+/l-: local commands (executed with "!" or "l") were not being logged when
logging active with "l+"
- lgb/lgz: "r" option was not working properly, kept fetching the file several
- lgb: was not working properly in offline mode
- pmr: corrected accessibility formulas for ERBS
- pmr: incorrect formula for RrcSuc , TR HQ11154/HQ38659
- s+: was taking precedence over using % sign in MO filter
- sql+: heap allocation was not working properly
- std/bo: devices were shown as unallocated on W13A RNC
- std/bo: some devices were shown as unallocated after changing SwAllocation for

CHANGES IN v9.0g (2012-07-12)

- dbc: giving false result on EvoC, TR HQ17696/HQ17308
- amos: not working on O13 cloud server, TR HQ18830

CHANGES IN v9.0f (2012-07-05)

- dcg: removed crash causing parameters in sigtrace command for ENodeB. TR
- amos: sessions.log file showing wrong number of sessions after abnormal moshell
exit. TR HP90891.
- stda: incorrect number of UEs/Cells in CCS/DCS/PDR on RNC W13A.
- bo/bp: incorrect device to module mapping on Evo for ATM.
- cr: could not create IpV6Interface. TR HQ14888.
- cabx: show AIR units on RBS/ERBS.
- u!: removal of null character when converting mos to mo.
- general: command piping not working properly with comcli=1

CHANGES IN v9.0e (2012-06-28)

- amos: added support for TBAC (Target Based Access Control, new feature of
- dbc/sql mode: added support for new MAO data format, modata_r3. Thanks Joakim
- dbc/sql mode: updated to support new MO classes in L12, L13, W13, C13
- dbc: check number 10 now looks at attributes of type sequence:moRef, eg:
IpAccessHostPool::ipAccessHostRef/ipaccesshostfroid and more (full list can be
found in moshell/commonjars/sqlRefMap.txt). Type "h dbc" for info and see the
fourth example in check 10.
- dbc: checks 9,10,11,12 are now supported on application part of ERBS.
- dbc/sql mode: new moshell uservariables sql_random and sql_range to specify the
sql port selection. Refer to the moshell file for more description on these
- dcg: new options "-m" and "-d" to specify the number of hours/days of
ropfiles/logfiles to collect. Type "h dcg" for info.
- general: added CXC translation for printout of "capi prog"
- general: added support for OSE-based SIU/TCU. Need to use the moshell settings
ip_inactivity_timeout=2 and lincli=2. Refer to the moshell file for more
description on these uservariables.
- general: new uservariable cliss to specify the path (and port if applicable) for
starting the COM CLI (only applicable when comcli=2). See the uservariables
definitions in moshell file for more info.
- general: upgrade to OpenSSH 6.0p1 and OpenSSL 1.0.1c
- mon: new option "d" to start the UDP monitor with dispatcher instead of router.
Currently only works with dispatcher/monitor of clearcase. For using UDP monitor
outside clearcase, use option "u" (monu). Type "h mon" for info.
- uer: the attribute filter now supports a value filter, eg: uer -i .*
sccpConnId=6. Type "h uer" for info.

- amos: sessions.log file showing wrong number of sessions, TR HP90891.
- cab: was not showing board temperature and CMXBs on latest CPP C12 SW
- cr: must load MO automatically when creation fails due to MO already exists but
not loaded (otherwise the following set commands will fail on that MO).
- cvcu/cvls: was not showing CPP version on 3GSIM nodes.
- d2ip/h2ip: was not working properly for numbers greater than 2147483647
- dbc/sql mode: translation of moRef of IuLink:packetdatarouterfroid was not
- dbc: check number 9 was not showing the froId of the parentRef in MAO part
- dbc: was giving wrong result for some WRBS MOs (Cabinet, HwUnit,
ExternalAntenna, and more). TR HP85431/HP91347
- dbc: was not working on some ATM MOs in EvoC
- dcg: removed crash causing commands ncdbi and netstat. TR
- fclean: was trying to remove loadmodules in state "not installed" even those
already belonging to a UP.
- general: SSH/SFTP password is now read from file (non-readable for other users)
instead of command line, to prevent password disclosure vulnerability via the "ps"
- general: SSH/SFTP was not working on COM nodes with SSHD setting
PasswordAuthentication=no (in file /etc/ssh/ssh_config)
- general: could not handle printout of command "ntprecover". TR HQ10009.
- general: ftree, cd, pwd, ftget/ftput were not working with COM nodes (comcli=1).
- general: gawk 4 was missing a library on solaris/x86
- general: help of ced command was not shown
- bp/ba/br/lh: incorrect order of boards in board groups
- lga/lge: wrong timestamp on solaris/x86, TR HP95659
- mobatch: was taking too long to check execution results, up to several minutes
after all sessions were completed.
- pgu: now does a cold restart to ensure that the RUs are also restarted after
- pmr/pmx: wrong printout format with very small integers. Thanks Mikael Goransson
for the correction.
- pmr: wrong WRBS formulas for AvgTxCarrierPwrHs and AvgTxCarrierPwrNonHs
- ste: was showing wrong Remote bridge on ports belonging to a pulled-out board.
- swup: was using wrong UP product number on W12 RBS

CHANGES IN v9.0d (2012-05-23)

New commands:
- mon: new option "u" to start the target monitor in UDP mode. Type "h mon" for
info. TR HO76766.
- ced: new option "s" to print the utrancell supported features. Type "h ced" for
info. CR WRNae96939.
- ced: new option "g" to print the utrancell geographical coordinates. Type "h
ced" for info. Thanks Jorge Ramos for prototype.
- ste: new option "g" to print the RSTP tree in graphical format. Thanks Mikael

- diff: when comparing against baseline, now shows the list of MOs and attributes
that are in the reference but not in the node or dump.
- diff: when diffing two MO dumps, the attributes of type sequence:moRef are
sorted in alphabetical order before comparison, to avoid differences due to change
in the order of the MOs.
- general: now possible to connect moshell against COM/ECIM nodes. Following
uservariable settings are mandatory: comcli=1, secure_shell=1, username=xxx
- general: now possible to connect moshell against SIU/TCU nodes. Following
uservariable settings are mandatory: secure_shell=1 , username=xxx
- general: upgrade to gawk 4.0 on linux and solaris. TR HP16297/HP18227.
- scripting: new built-in function "mod2nr()" to convert RncModule name to module
number. Eg: $var = mod2nr(MS-6-1) . Type "h scripting" for info.
- undo mode: now supports actions writeSystConst/resetSystConst and
deleteConst/writeConst on RBS/ERBS

- acc: action "approve" was not working due to not using a transaction.
- cabx/bo: was not detecting the second DUL on dual-DUL ENB L12B
- dbc: fake inconsistency on Mspg::selectedeqfroid
- dcg: added RU coli printouts for WRBS Classic
- dcg: was stopping scheduled systemchecks on MGW, TR HP33041 and
- general: changed default settings for uservariables "username" and
"use_complete_mom" in /vobs/iov/rnc/bin/moshell
- general: improved handling of 3gsim coli commands, some 3gsim printouts were not
printed properly.
- general: incorrect board groups on RBS/ERBS using XCU board. New board group
"xcu" has been added.
- general: some board groups were duplicated on WRBS after running "bor"
- general: uservariable settings in ipdatabase were taking precedence over
settings in -v option on command line.
- hget: was not working properly with struct attributes in multimode
- ipv6: moshell command log was not working on cygwin
- ipv6: some commands (pmr/lgp) were not working.
- lg: was fetching logs from wrong location after using option "-l" while in
online mode
- lt: use of unexistent corba session causing exception when run against netsim.
- mom: was not working properly with ECIM MOM.
- multimode: was not working properly with latest neal_c.jar due to change in
location of the NealRunTimeException class.
- pmed: incorrect decoder command on LTE ENodeB
- pmed: incorrect decoder path in AMOS. TR HP73302.
- pmom: was not showing "Condition" fields spanning over several lines.
- pmr/pmx: was not working with MO group names containing uppercase characters.
- pmr: incorrect RNC formula for CS64NoRabEstAtt
- rnc_resource_usage: break down number of rnsap connections by drift and serving
- runClient.sh: could not read corbasecurity and sls_urls settings from node.
- ste: was not properly showing the remote bridge on nodes using the l2gp feature.

CHANGES IN v9.0c (2012-04-16)
- ba: new option "u" (command "bau") to add boards to a board group based on which
RPU is running on those boards. Type "h ba" for info.
- check_scb.mos: added SCB-TF power measurements. Thanks Mikael G�ransson.
- ste: now shows Lag for EthernetSwitchPorts connected to a Lag
- amos: check of ssucredentials.xml expiry date was not taking into account the
timezone of the workstation.
- amos: check of ssucredentials.xml validity sometimes fails, TR HP64651.
- cabx: was not showing status of blue led
- cedh: option "-r <iub>" was not working for IubLinks defined on 2nd core in
- cedh: was not showing IubLinks defined on 2nd RncModule in EPB1
- cedh: was showing duplicate entries on GPB75/EPB1
- cr: now prompts for cellReselectionPriority attribute on eNodeB MOs
UtranFreqRelation and EUtranFreqRelation (else creation may sometimes fail).
- cvcu: UP info was not updated unless running cvls
- dcg: added lgl in dcge/dcgi/dcga
- dcgm: transport network printouts are commented out to save time, since can be
run in offline mode.
- general: board groups ranapmp, sccpmp, rnsapmp were containing too many boards
on RNC W12B running non-HD.
- general: new board groups for 3gsim, cnmp and modmp.
- general: new uservariable prompt_attribute to specify the ManagedElement
attribute that will be used as input for the prompt name
- history: history buffer got cleared after running a command file
- inv/invl: now shows CPP network synchronization features, TR HP59245
- inv: new column "CE" on EvoC shows the connection status to the 1G backplane.
Type "h inv" for info.
- inv: was not showing CPU load on latest C12 SW
- lk: was not working properly on M3uAssociation using IpAccessHostEt. Thanks
Joakim Ostlund.
- lk: added support for NodeClusterCommunication and IpTermServ MO. Thanks Joakim
- lgy: confusing printout on TCP connection open/close entries
- mon: was not working on EvoC when secmode -m u had not been run.
- pmr: added EthernetSwitchPort Tput report on WRBS
- pmr: updated WRBS formulas ROTWeightedAverage and OwnUuLoadWeightedAverage
- resub: resub commandfile may contain faulty commands when using resub to move
the AtmPort of an IubLink (e.g. when unreserved VclTp's exist).
- stip: filtering argument was not working properly on RBS/ERBS
- stip: was not working properly on WRBS W12

CHANGES IN v9.0b (2012-03-10)

- amos: moshell_install to check for amos folder. TR HP54517/HP56057.
- amos: new option "-a" for the decoder_install. TR HP54510.
- amos: update UserGuide.pdf. TR HP45460/HP56269
- amos: now logs the node name in SMLog
- bo/cab: not detecting new EPB boards until after node restart. TR HP45767.
and http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.6304.0
- cab: wrong temperature on ETIPG.
- cvls: showing duplicate entries on CVs created on the same date.
- dbc: add support for new CPP MOs DscpGroup|IpTermServ|NodeClusterCommunication|
- dbc: fake inconsitency on IpHostLink. TR HP50552
- dcg: aligned according to latest CPP guidelines and for Evo. Thanks Nikita
- dcg: added xmu commands. TR HP26623.
- dcg: updated obsolete command rrt sigtrace. added getstat at beginning and end
of subdcg_erbs_coli
- ftreef: was not showing the total folder size when run against /c/pmd
- general: add support for ENodeB equipped with DUS (board groups, cab)
- general: help not working for EtHostMo COLI commands
- general: inconsistent board groups for dc devices
- general: new board groups allpd, cmxb, c1, c2, c1mp, c2mp, blxxx
- general: removed XB boards from board groups all/allp/bp on Evo
- general: some commands hanging (cbex, lhsh) when ipv6=1 and secure_shell=0
- invl: updates for W12/L12
- lg: the "i" option was not working with lgp and lgn
- lgj/lgx: was not detecting alarm ceasing when miPrefix change between raise and
- pget: when run with show_userlabel=1, was missing last counter on MO classes
that do not have a userLabel
- pgu: timeout too short when copying large LMs from /c to /d
- pmr: faulty formula AvgSpeechErlang
- pmr: was not handling mapfiles correctly.
- pmrw/pmxw: included latest version of pmSummary. Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- rnc_resource_usage: updates for Evo
- rset: was not working properly when changing the MOid
- scripting: new scripting variables $coremp_pos and $coremp_type are set
automatically after bo/bp
- stda: was not showing the number of ATM/IP/BEE connections on DC devices.
- sti: was not showing the sctp reference in nodes running CPP C12

CHANGES IN v9.0a (2012-02-05)

- amos: ssucredentials download not working when jarfiles missing, TR HP34185
- amos: incorrect value of nm_credential and nm_folder. TR HP22281/HP22767
- amos: ssucredentials.xml download not working properly in certain cases (file
getting corrupted)
- amos: SLS login GUI was appearing when wrong SLS password given or in certain
cases when closing amos.
- bp/cabx: added support for new XMU unit in ENB
- bp: added support for ENB with dual-DUL
- bp: new board groups for EvoC (blade, bladems, bladees1, bladees2)
- cabx: now shows Pfm and App units on EvoC. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- lteUlInt.mos: new script to show the ENB Uplink interference, stored in
moshell/commonjars/scripts. Thanks Conor Kelly.
- acc: actions addRepertoire and updateLicenseKeyFile were not working
- dbc: fake inconsistency on IubDataStream MO, TR HP15011/HP17607/HP23158
- dcg: added some commands for DU/RU on RBS/ERBS
- diff: the command file contained incorrect commands for attributes
GigaBitEthernet::dscpPbitMap and EUtranCell::earfcndl
- diff: the command file contained mib prefix for ManagedElement leading to set
command fail
- general: some 3gsim coli commands were not working, TR HP35264
- inv: product number of Fan was read from PiuType instead of Fan MO leading to
incorrect info in some cases.
- inv: some licenses not showing on RBS
- kget: failing to read AuxPlugInUnit MO (shutDowntimer attribute was incorrectly
listed in extendedMOM.txt)
- lgv: not showing the board product number in certain cases. TR HP40628.
- lkr: was not showing the correct value for cellCC column on EvoC.
- pgu: failed to read LM size in certain cases.
- pgu: was not stopping after LM transfer fail.
- rnc_resource_usage: fixed certain printouts for EvoC
- general: ipv6 address not read properly from IOR file in certain cases. Thanks
Joakim Ostlund.

CHANGES IN v8.0z (2011-12-05)

- stip: the table listing the IpAccessHostPools is now supported on MGW
(previously only for RNC). Type "h sti" for info.
- stip: two new tables have been added, one listing the IP hosts on ET and the
other listing the IP hosts on GPB/SPB. Type "h sti" for info.
- ba/br: new option "m" to add the PlugInUnit/Spm/PiuDevice MOs of a MO group into
a board group. Type "h ba" for info.
- bas: now works with the board type, eg: bas <group> <boardtype> (to add all Spms
and devices under a particular board type). Type "h ba" for info.
- lh: now supports running directly against a MO group, if that MO groups contains
MOs of type PlugInUnit/Spm/PiuDevice. Type "h lh" for info.
- lh: now supports running on XB boards in EvoC, using new default board groups
called "cmxb", "scxb", "xb".
- cabx: new table shows the TX power and VSWR/ReturnLoss per RU on RBS6000.
s.php?0.view.388.3.0 and
- ced: new columns added "fdpch" and "ern", CR WRNae96733. Type "h ced" for info.
- coli: not necessary anymore to put a semicolon after the linkhandler address
when running commands such as EtHostMo_startPing/TraceRoute or
- coli: the xbsh command is now supported in moshell, the commands must be run on
one line, eg: "xbsh 002800 ; pwd ; iss ; help ". Type "h coli" for info.
- dbc/fro: added support for new CPP MO classes (TwampResponder, Ippm). TR HP14166
- dbc/fro: added support for new MGW MO classes (BgfH248Association,
BgfH248LocalEndpoint, BgfMediaIpInterface, BgfSupervisionIpInterface,
MrfpApplication, MrfpFunction, MrfpH248Association, MrfpH248LocalEndpoint,
UserPlaneSupervision, Vmrfp,G722Service)
- dbc/fro: updated for new ENB MO classes L12A (DBSAndSabe,
DifferentiatedAdmissionControl, DynamicGBRAdmCtrl, DynamicQoSModification,
HoOptFunction, HoOscCtrlRel, HoOscCtrlUE, ImLoadBalancing, LoadBalancingFunction,
LsmEcs, Pci, RateShaping, ReportConfigA4, ReportConfigB1Geran, ReportConfigB1Utra,
ResourceAllocationFunction, ServiceTriggeredMobility, SpidHoWhiteList,
SpidRATFreqPrio, Support6Cells, TxDataCloning, UlFss, UsrPrcBasedKpi)
- general: added support for new node type "MRS".
- general: new RNC board group "cenmp". Contains the boards running the Central
RNC Programs (RncLmCenRnh/Drh) used for running commands such as
ueregprint/drhcendh. This board group can be used on all RNC types (3810/3820/8200)
to run those commands.
- general: new board group "piudev" containing the PiuDevices (d0000x) in SPB4 and
EPB. New board groups "scxb", "cmxb", "xb" on EvoC.
- get/hget/kget/mom/pmom/pget/hpget/pdiff/hpdiff: deprecated/obsolete
attributes/counters can be hidden by setting the uservariable exclude_deprecated to
2. See description of this uservariable inside the moshell file. Default value is
- inv/invl: added new table containing the CPP feature states (LinkAgg, L2gp,
IpSec, TrafficShaping, Ipv6). CR HN93305/HO79807.
- inv/invl: now shows the LKF fingerprint.
- inv/invl: updated with new CXC/FAJ numbers for L12/W12
- lgp: now shows the PC and SRR0 registers of the PMD.
- lgp: upgraded to ZPM R29.0
- pmr: updated LTE KPI formulas for L11B/L12A. Thanks Catalin Dinu.
- scripts: new MGW script TrafficRec.mos in moshell/commonjars/scripts, thanks
Cade Bull. See help inside script.
- stda: new fields "Res" and "gbrResourcePoints" in DC device table, type "h stda"
for info.
- wait: now supports to be aborted with ctrl-C.

- acc: was unnecessarily running certain actions with a transaction, leading to
hanging in some cases. TR HO71303.
- al: some spurious text was shown in the additional info for Sctp alarms
- amos: was asking for SLS password via popup window instead of prompt, TR
- bo/bp: incorrect board groups and module numbers on EvoC
- cab: was not showing the active ssh server on EvoC (marked with asterisk at the
end of the line)
- cabd: was not working on CBM
- cabr/caba/lgg: was missing the device processor on EPB
- cabx/bp: was not working with new RBS board ODW
- cabx: was not showing all cells on L11 when cross-antenna sharing
- cabx: was not showing cells on L12
- dbc: fake inconsistency on RBS W12, TR HP15011
- dbc: put back check of iphostlink table, TR HO50357
- fclan: was not cleaning up the directory /d/tftp on EPB C1.
- fclean: was missing the LTE application programs on RU in ENB
- general: http transfer was not working with webserver on JavaSim emulated node
(used by CPP OMS/CMA). Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: moshell was not working on cygwin when a file called "file_not_found"
was stored in the current working directory.
- general: some commands (eg. dcg) were changing the group permissions on the
user's home directory.
- general: some commands (eg. pgu, u+) were not working when node name contains
- general: some commands were not working when option typed with dash instead of
- general: the "all proglist" command was not working
- inv: wrong node type was printed on EvoC (RNC3820 instead of RNC8200)
- ipv6: the IP address and Port was not being extracted from the IOR file, leading
to empty info appearing in the line "Connecting to...."
- mon: was not working on EvoC (need to run on C2 instead of C1)
- multimode: the neal_c.jar file was not being download when running on cygwin,
was generating an empty file called "file_not_found"
- pgu: was unwantedly closing the ungoing log (l-) in certain cases
- pmed: was not decoding certain GPEH files on EvoC, TR HP13161
- pmed: wrong decoder version (W11A) was used when decoding W11B files
- pmr: corrected RBS formulas for AvgRssi and AvgTxPwr.
- pmr: corrected RNC formula EsmPortOut
- polu: the confirmUpgrade action was sometimes run on wrong UpgradePackages
- rnc_resource_usage: was not working properly on EvoC and RNC3820 HD
- scripting: problem with scripting variable assignment
- stda: was not showing the number of cells handled by the CC devices on EvoC
- stda: was not working properly on EvoC, showing wrong device state.
- stda: was showing incorrect PDR device cpu load on SPB4 and EPB
- str: was giving wrong result with cells containing EulFach channel
- uer: the "-c" option was not showing all the calls handled in the specified cell

CHANGES IN v8.0y (2011-10-03)

New commands:
- ste: new command showing the ethernet ports and switch ports. Type "h ste" for
info. Thanks Nikita Kolomiets and Mikael G�ransson for help.
- stip: added a new printout tables showing the IpInterface MOs, type "h sti" for
info. Thanks Nikita Kolomiets.
- stip: added new printout tables for RNC UserPlane interfaces (IpAccessHostPools
and IpEthPacketDataRouters). Type "h sti" for info.
- lg: new option "k" to view the XB logs (CMXB, SCXB). Type "h lg" for info.
Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- lg: new option "b" to view the RNC log /c/logfiles/Rlib/RLIB_PM_LOG.xml. Type "h
lg" for info.
- h2ip: new command for converting from an ipaddress from hexadecimal to ip
- scripts: new MGW scripts in moshell/commonjars/scripts: TDMMove.mos,
TDMLock.mos, TSCMove.mos , thanks Cade Bull. See help inside script.

- proglist: option "-e" now sorts the programs in order of CPU location, useful
when running on multicore boards (EPB, GPB75, SPB4). Type "h proglist" for info.
- stip: improved formatting on the RNC IubLink table, now pings from both
interfaces. Type "h sti" for info.
- sts: now shows the ipaddress of the NTP server on IpSyncRef
- cab/lh: speed optimisation, skip boards that are configured but not present.
- cab: now shows temperature on EPB. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- cab: now shows temperature on ETIPG
- cab: the board list cache can now be manually cleared with command "bor".
- general: "te log read" output is automatically sent to the
concat_segmented_rlib_traces.pl script when run on RNC (can be disabled with "uv
- general: added new board group "c2mp" for RNC3820 and Evo.
- general: added red color for "te log read" printouts containing the word
- general: automatic translation from decimal to ip of the Ipet_remoteIpAddress
field in "te log read" PARAM traces on IPET_APP3DR_SH_OBJ
- general: new moshell option "-o" to specify the log directory. CR WRNae97324.
- general: new uservariable sls_timeout, see description in moshell file. Thanks
Joakim �stlund.
- run: running of diff commandfiles is now faster thanks to faster processing of
the MO filter.
- inv: added APP in XPBOARD table on Evo. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- inv: added AntennaNearUnit MOs in XPBOARD table on ERBS
- lgo/lgq: added support for new CORBA_AUDITTRAIL_LOG format
- lgv: now shows OldTime and NewTime on CppTimeChange entries.
- pgu: LocalPiuDeviceLoader programs now copied to all /d/loadmodules folders to
avoid subsequent crashes. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pgu: added check file copy to /d ok. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pgu: added support for ENB RU LMs. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pgu: added support for XB LMs (CMXB, SCXB). Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pgu: give a warning message when CV comment longer than 40 characters.
- pmr: added IP transport KPIs for WCDMA RBS
- pmr: added SCTP packet loss for RNC
- pmr: added new KPI Ret_ERabDrop on ERBS.
- pmx: added support for 3gsim ROP files.
- scripts: updates to moshell/commonjars/scripts/fetch_avlog_isptool.mos, thanks
Iroshan Premalal.
- u+/u-: added syntax check and information text to prevent cases where user
accidentally starts regular undo mode instead of simulated undo mode.
- upid/cvls: added latest release mapping info for RNC/RBS/RXI/ERBS
- cvls/pme: added support for W12.
- dcgm: added cedhp printout for RNC
- diff: updated PARAM file for RNC W11B

- cab: DUW/DUL temperature sometimes not showing.
- cabl: not working properly with EPB
- cabr/caba: better handling of corrupted llog entries. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- cr: not possible to create Ipv6Interface, TR HO52150
- cr: not possible to create MO classes directly under ManagedElement
(SectorEquipmentFunction, EthernetSwitchingAdm, MgwApplication)
- dbc: incomplete printout for checks 9 and 10. Reporting inconsistency but not
showing the affected MOs.
- dbc: missing some duplicate FRO tables in check 15. Thanks Lisa Xu.
- dcgm: corrected rrt-sigtrace printout for ERBS
- diff: was not detecting inconsistency on the ConfigurationVersion MO
- emom/pset: not working on LTE L12
- ftget/ftput: not working on filename containing a '+' sign and secure_ftp=1.
- general: could not handle node password containing $ sign.
- general: initial connectivity check was taking very long time on solaris when
- general: remote idle timed out message was not shown on solaris when ipv6=1
- general: some 3gsim coli printouts were getting cut or corrupted
- general: some RU boards missing in the "ru" board group on WRBS.
- general: utilities (cvms, swup, restartcollector, rncaudit, etc) not working
with bash 4.
- lgf: was not working when used with an argument specify the logdirectory and
using relative path instead of absolute path.
- mobatch: crash when space in filename when run against a MO dump directory
- moshell_install: was not working when run from another directory than the one
containing the moshell_install script. TR HO63484.
- pmr: incorrect ERBS formula Int_UlThroughput.
- pmr: incorrect values for ERBS cell availability at node levels - removed from
node-level KPI and shown only at cell level.
- proglist -e: was not logging to file when run with l+
- rdel/undo: not working on IubLink MOs connected to a 3gsim, TR HO40742
- rdel: not working on IubLink in W12, missing EulFach
- set: improved consistency check on attribute type sequence:struct to avoid
setting to empty value, TR HO48631
- std: not working on MGW R6.1.
- stv/sts/stc: corrupted printout when both commands run in same session due to
collision of cache files.

CHANGES IN v8.0v (2011-07-11)

New commands:
- sts: new command to show the state and configuration of the Network
Synchronization. Type "h sts" for info.
- hpdiff[m]: new command , horizontal pdiff. Type "h hpdiff" for info.
- lg: new option "j" to show alarm durations. Type "h lg" for info.
- pol: new opton "d" to show progress during "startHealthCheck" action. Type "h
pold" for info.
- dbc: new opton "a" to process a mobatch folder containing a series of dbc logs.
Type "h dbc" for info.

- cabx: now shows temperature on DUW/DUL.
- cabx: now shows the following info for RU/RRU on RBS6000 (WCDMA/LTE):
AuxPlugInUnit MO name, CellId/RbsLocalCellId, PCI (LTE), OutputPower
- dbc/sqlmode: support for WRBS FRO tables (only MAO supported previously in WRBS)
- dbc/sqlmode: support for new CPP motypes
- dbc/sqlmode: support for new MGW motypes (VppXX, BgfXX, VbdService, Vbgf,
- dbc/sqlmode: support for new RNC motypes (EnhancedSelectiveHo) and new ERBS
- dcgi: aligned against latest MFG data collection script (mfg_dcs_r7_1.mos, TR
- dcgm: added RNC W11 printouts
- diff: inconsistencies on unused Sctp MOs are now hidden
- diff: the commandfile now puts all struct members of a same attribute within the
same "set" command
- diff: the commandfile shows restricted attributes in a comment
- diff: updated PARAM files for W11.0/W11.1
- fetchLteTraceConversionFiles.mos: modified to use http instead of ftp whenever
- ftree: files are now sorted by date/time
- ftree: folder size and number of files is now shown at the end of the printout
- general: new board groups for unallocated devices cc0,dc0,pdr0.
- general: new uservariables "prompt_rnc", "prompt_rbs", "prompt_mgw" , to allow
specifying the colour of the prompt for each type of node.
- general: support for EvoC. Updated commands "std", "bo", "bp", "ced", "stip",
"proglist". More updates to come in subsequent releases.
- general: support for IPv6 O&M address, CR HN69464/WRNae95696/HN19419. Enabled
via new uservariable "ipv6".
- general: support for SPB4 (dual core SPM). Updated commands "std", "bo", "uer",
"lkr", "ced", "lh".
- general: support for coli interface to MSBAM board in MGW ("dpci dpio" command)
- general: support for new MOM tags in W12 RNC
- getmom: new argument "[<momVersion>]" allowing to manually fetch a MOM or
complete MOM from the server. Eg: getmom RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_115_COMPLETE. Type "h
getmom" for info.
- inv: now shows the feature/capacity FAJ number in the licensing table
- inv: updates for EvoC - show PfmUnit, ISL links, and correct mapping of SMN to
subrack. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- lga/lgx/lgj/al: new alarm format, now shows the alarm additional information in
brackets. New uservariable "alarm_format" to change the formatting.
- lgd: the product number of the UpgradePackage is shown with the "c" option
- multimode: the MOM check has been made faster
- pdiff/hpdiff/stcp: now shows "N/A" or "?" for counters that have negative values
(previously was showing 0).
- polu: new argument "checkTime" to specify the wait time before polu checks the
result. Thanks Joakim �stlund. Type "h polu" for info.
- polu: new uservariable "polu_confirmation" to prevent polu from automatically
confirming the upgrade (Useful when upgrade has been initiated from OSSRC). Type "h
polu" for info.
- pmr: new reports for MGW R6.1. Thanks Tamas Husz.
- pmx: support 3gsim ROP file format
- proglist: option "-e" ("lh <group> proglist -e") now shows the CPU core on which
the program is executing. Useful for multi-core boards such as EPB1, GPB75, SPB4.
- rdel: support for IpSyncRef MO
- std: summary table now shows number of unallocated devices and deduces them from
the percentage of available devices.
- stip: total number of MOs is now shown at the end of the printout.
- undo: support for actions addSyncrefResource, deleteSyncrefResource,
changeFrequency, pnpChangeFrequency, removeIpAccessHostMos/addIpAccessHostMos,

- amos: process logging on UAS TR HO14655,HO23816,HO23820
- amos: the "set_check" uservariable was not working in amos, TR HO36848
- amos: was not working with latest tss.jar path, TR HO20812
- ba/br: was not working with BXP/gcpu link handler addresses (LTE ENB)
- dbc: correction for IpRoutingTable MO in CPP9, TR HO39382,HO23024.
- dbc: correction for iphostlink FRO table, TR HO50357.
- del/rdel: added red color in warning if undo mode inactive
- del: MO in state locked after failed deletion, TR HO39933/HO38781.
- diff/set_check: should be case insensitive on boolean attributes
- diff: MO dump taken with wrong use_extended_mom setting, leading to
inconsistencies shown when comparing a node against itself
- edit: clash while editing same file from different sessions
- ftput: was not transferring hidden files (filename starting with a dot sign)
- general: complete MOM got corrupted when downloaded from mobatch
- general: some board groups were not properly defined on micro CPP
- general: the moshellrc file was being overwritten after each new clearcase
installation (/vobs/iov/rnc/bin/moshell/jarxml/moshellrc)
- kget: was not working with EthernetLink MO on CPP9, TR HO41349
- l+m: muting was not working with commands lt/lc/cvrm
- lgd: Spontaneous restart type was sometimes shown in the CV field
- lgo/lgq: faulty printout when same record number appearing in the .push as in
.xml file
- lgp: hard disk error log was being displayed in the PMD error information
- lk/rdel: not working properly on UtranCell when done before "lt all"
- offline mode: lg/pmr/pmx commands not working after doing "lcd"
- pcr: was not excluding non-implemented counters.
- pgu: translation of jarfile name to CXC with bswhat was not working
- pgu: was not working with programs of type "DEVICE_LOADER". Thanks Joakim
- pme: was not fetching GPEH files from /c on RNC3820
- pmr/pmx/ftget: was not fetching the ROP file of 2345-0000
- pmr: faulty RBS formulas AvgUlCECapacity/AvgDlCECapacity. TR HO32539.
- pmr: faulty RNC formulas: PSDrop, SpeechRABFail, SpeechRABFail_RNC.
- pmr: faulty RNC/ERBS formulas: Ip_GigaPortIn/Out, EsmPortIn/Out
- pmx/pmr: was using very old files when latest ROP file missing from node. TR
- polu: actionResult consisting of several lines were not displayed fully, only
the last element of the actionResult was shown.
- polu: when action result was returned within less than 60 seconds, the polu
command was not starting. TR HO38572/HO38560/HO38576.
- proglist: program lmid starting by a number were not being translated
- restartcollector: was not starting properly
- scripting: the "testfile" function was not working with empty files
- set: incorrect validation of attributes of type sequence of struct, TR HO48631
- stda: was not showing CPU load of PDR devices on latest RNC SW
- stip: was not compatible with new sctphost_info printout format (L11B, W12)
- stt: was not working on nodes with extension subracks named ESx instead of ES-x

CHANGES IN v8.0t (2011-04-04)

- bo: the boards with APN 00 are now at the bottom of the printout, to be
consistent with the subrack structure and other printouts cab and inv.
- cab/inv/bo/bp: added support for EvoC. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- cab/inv: LED names have been changed from RED/GREEN/YELLOW to FAULT/OPER/MAINT.
- dcg: added eNB froHandler printouts, thanks Pontus Sandberg.
- dcg: removed "lk" printout on Mtp3bSrs to save time. The printout can be taken
offline instead, using the MO dump.
- dcg: added WRBS RU coli printouts
- del: new option "b" ("delb") to not lock the MO prior to deletion. CR HN37845.
Type "h del" for info.
- diff: updated PARAM files for W11
- general: new command "safe+" / "safe-", and new uservariable "safe_syntax", to
disable/enable the use of regular expressions in the MO filters of MO write
commands (set/del/bl/deb/acc). TR HN91697. Type "h safe" for info.
- general: new uservariable called "keepalive_interval" to send a heartbeat on the
corba interface to avoid idle timeouts. See description inside the file
- hget: new option "m" ("hgetm") to merge the printout from different MO classes
into one single table. CR HN56474. Type "h hget" for info.
- inv: now shows the HW production date.
- inv: updated license key translations for MGW R6
- mesc_usage.mos: various format improvements on the MGW script
moshell/commonjars/scripts/mesc_usage.mos, used for printing active contexts.
- pgu: added support for upgrading EvoC programs. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pmr: added a new LTE KPI Int_RadioRecInterferencePwr
- pmrw/pmxw: various improvements, thanks Henrik Schuller and Martin Aldrin
- pset: improved error message when trying to set a streaming filter with too old
jacoms version.
- pset: now supports any filters, by typing <filtername>=<filtervalue>. Type "h
pset" for info.
- sql mode/dbc: added support for new MGW MO classes
- sql mode: the kget command is now supported in sql mode.
- undo mode: stricter check for possible corruptions in the undologfile to avoid
generating a faulty command file.

- cab: combining option "d" and "l" was not working properly on RBS 6000.
- cr: was not working on Aal2Sp in later CPP releases due to missing an optional
attribute "afi". TR WRNae93820.
- dbc/sql mode: inconsistency on MoCnCellProfile was not detected.
- dbc: removed fake inconsistencies on WRBS OpticalInterfaceLink MO
- dbc: removed fake inconsistencies on MGW IpAccessHostPool MO
- dcg: coli printouts using the vmgw froid were not working on MGW R6
- dcg: CPP administration commands were not running in MGW GMPv4 (moved from
coremp to admmp)
- dcg: reading gcp attributes was not working with MGW R6
- dcg: running the systemcheck was sometimes failing on MGW R6
- dcg: removed command "tree -r ing_term_session *" from "dcgi", consuming too
much CPU on the node.
- diff: was crashing when reading a file containing % sign.
- ftget/ftput: were not working when the node in backup mode ("reload --")
- general: bug in MO filter handling, certain regular expressions returning empty
MO list
- general: coli printout "3gsim li" not working properly from moshell.
- general: facc vmgw= callpathtrace was not working properly on some MGW R6,
returning empty printout.
- general: gawk consuming too much memory on Solaris/x86. TR HN92774
- general: long filenames were not supported on Solaris, increased max length from
200 to 300 characters.
- general: MGW board group msb4 sometimes empty
- general: MO groups ccdev/dcdev/pdrdev not created properly on RNC3820
- general: new board group admmp containing the GPBs running the CPP
administration programs. Thanks Ivan Bobic.
- general: ssh/sftp not working on Solaris/x86, missing libcrypto. TR HN67878.
Thanks Mike Harris and David Smith.
- general: use_extended_mom not working properly on MGW R6
- general: MOM parsing unable to find CPP MOM version in certain cases
- general: wrong handling of some RNC filter tags in the MOM parsing function
- inv/invh: Some Auxiliary units were missing from the printout.
- lg: returning empty printout with error message "unable to find current date".
- lgd: some LTE partial outages were missed out
- lgn: was not working properly with the merge option "m".
- lgx/lgw: showing wrong information when run after a JVM restart
- lk: not working properly on some IubLink configurations, missing the related
Aal2 MOs.
- mgw_traffic_check.mos: coli printouts using the vmgw froid were not working on
- mgw_traffic_check.mos: password is now checked at the beginning
- momt: certain CPP MO classes were incorrectly shown as belonging to application
- mon: was not working with CPP9, always attempting to close the existing
- pme: not working properly on RNC3820 GPEH, fetching O&M MP logs from wrong
- pme: wrong decoder option used, TR HN88464.
- pmr/pmx: unclear error message upon wrong user input. TR HN82549.
- pmr/pmx: warnings about faulty counters were not being printed to the logfile
when logging with l+
- sql mode: sql "select" command not able to read certain tables (modata, motype,
tables), and not able to handle quotes (e.g. 'mtp3%').
- stda: not working properly on MGW R6, missing certain columns.
- stip/stvb: not working properly on MGW GMPv4 due to different location of the
CPP administration programs
- stt/stvb: were not showing the SLC on Mtp3bSlItu

CHANGES IN v8.0s (2011-02-15)

- sql mode: the "select" command now supports pattern matching on the table name,
example "select * from vc|vp|ip" or "select * from ."
- dbc/sql mode: removed annoying popup sql window on cygwin
- dbc/sql mode: updated from polyview v8.3 to v8.4
- dbc/sql mode: attempt to download polyview files from clearcase in case no
access to utran01 server
- pmrw: the web report now supports exporting to a static html page (single html
file), thanks Henrik Schuller.
- dcgf: now fetches the CV in addition to ropfiles and logfiles. So all four
offline files can now be fetched with command "dcgkf".
- aal2_path_usage.mos: has been optimized in order to minimize the risk of crash
(TR HK22101/WRNae37275/HJ82968/HI67574) and should now be safe to run on all CPP
php?0.view.358.3.0 and
- aal2_path_usage.mos: the summary table now shows the number of paths per Ap and
the average number of busyCp per path
- rnc_resource_usage.mos: now shows IUB GBR Bw usage (RNC W10 and above)
- ced: two new columns added for crnti/hrnti usage (RNC W11B and above), CR
- cabx: now shows the temperature of auxiliary boards RU/RRU/FAN/MCPA
- use_complete_mom: now tries to fetch the complete MOM from the node if not found
in clearcase or utran01 (applicable for ERBS and MGW)
- lgd: show reason for spontaneous node restarts when available (one of:
PiuGroupEscalation, PiuErrorAtUpgrade, ProgramErrorAtUpgrade, UpgradeTimeout)
- lgd: hide partial outages of 0 seconds.
- pgu: added support for upgrading CMXB programs
- general: added support for EVO, thanks Joakim �stlund. CR WRNae82144.
- pmr: added PSNoRabEstAtt in RNC reports 1 to 5
- pmr: added SctpPacketLossRatio in ERBS reports
- pmr: cleaned up obsolete WRBS reports
- pmr/pmx: the list of duplicate counter is only shown with command "pmxs"
- general: added default board groups "spb" and "alld" for pure CPP nodes (3gsim,
corben, etc)
- lgp: updated zpm version from R19 to R23 , TR HN33476
- inv: updated license CXC to name translation tables for L11/L12/W11/W12
- diff: updated PARAM files for L11,W10,W11
- moshell_install: added cygwin version check to avoid incompatibility between ssh
and cygwin version

- general: memory exhaustion issues on solaris, rollback from gawk 3.1.8 to
3.1.7 , TR HN59445
- cabl: incorrect CPU load values shown for GPB75 (dual core)
- lgu: warning log entries were not show, TR HN42718, thanks Joakim �stlund.
- std/bo: device to module allocation was not shown on W11BEVO/W12 due to change
in drh coli printout format
- std/bo/mp: MO groups for devices were not being created on RCN 3820
- pmr/pmx: string attributes stored in ROP files were not displayed properly
- pmr/pmx: the csv format was missing semicolon between PDF counter values
- pmr/diff: did not find PARAM/FORMULA/CONFIG files for CPP nodes and RXI.
- pmr: faulty RNC formulas AvgSpeechErlang, HSDrop, PSDrop
- pmr: faulty LTE formulas Res_PeakNrOfRrcConnectedUsers and *Distr
- dcg: missing some sctp coli printouts for nodes running CPP7 and below
- mobatch: was crashing on node names containing "&" signs
- general: incorrect parsing of MOM files based on CPP9 MOM. Could not find the
cellomomversion and momdocrevision. Affecting many commands dependent on the cpp
mom version (lg, mon, etc)
- general: incorrect parsing of W11B RNC MOM files, some commands were not
working, TR HN62046/WRNae96669
- general: complete MOM was not found on CPP nodes, the name of the limited MOM
was not properly matched against the name of the complete MOM
- offline mode: was not working when started from inside a folder containing
- offline mode: could not find the CV file when started from inside the folder
containing the CV
- dcg: now collecting logs from up to 60 days back
- dcg: problem with datacollection from LTE RRUL board, the file output_gather was
only being fetched from one RRU
- dcg: was not working properly when run within a logged session
- rnc_resource_usage: printout format issues, some values were not aligned against
the correct column
- lgp: when several LTE DUL SW error entries had the same timestamp, only one of
them was shown
- lgd: was missing some spontaneous outages
- lgd: incorrect downtime for some spontaneous outages, missing 10 seconds
- lgd: incorrect weighting factor was shown when one partial outage is writing
several consecutive "OUT" lines in avlog (LTE)
- lg: 1969 was incorrectly used as start date in certain cases where connection
interruption caused readclock to fail
- pmrw: incorrect permissions in the output files
- dbc: was giving misleading result on InterPiuLink MO and PiuDevice MO, TR
- pmr: RNC device load reports were not working on W11, TR HN65794
- pgu: load class warning was not shown for jvm lm
- amos: incorrect permissions on jarxml folder, TR HN61080
- htget: was not working on URL containing "&" sign
- lkra: was not working when run before doing "lt all"
- smd: was not displaying files folders containing spaces in the name
- emom: was not properly setting the variable $emomversion on W11 RNC

CHANGES IN v8.0r (2010-12-22)

- diff: now supports all attribute types including sequence of structs and
sequence of moRef (were not supported previously). Type "h diff" for syntax info on
how to define these attribute types in reference file.
- uer: new option "v" to print UE context variables vertically instead of
horizontally. Only applies when using the attribute filter. Type "h uer" for info.
- dcgi: updated for DUL/DUW IpSec and IpV6 CR WRNae95790
- diff: updated PARAM files for LTE L11A and L11B
- diff: updated PARAM files for RNC W11A and W11B
- moshell/commonjars/scripts/check_scb.mos: new script for health check of
ISL/SCB. Thanks to Nikita Kolomiets.
- pmr: restructuring of WRBS reports

- dbc: check number 15 was showing some old WRBS tables on wrong side (left side
instead of right side). Could lead to wrong SQL table getting deleted !!
- uer: was not working properly on GPB75, TR HN27234/HN23130, was not showing
calls in second cpu core
- progkill: not working properly on GPB75, only restarting program instance in
first cpu core
- pmr: faulty formula for WRBS AvgRssi
- diff: was not working properly on MO dumps taken with "get" command (instead of
- lgp/lgg/lgt: wrong board info displayed on log entries related to RncModule MPs
- cygwin: ssh/sftp binaries not working properly, needed recompilation
- stda: not working properly on RNC W11, certain fields showed only zero
- rnc_resource_usage.mos: not working properly on RNC W11
- hrnti_admhistory.mos: was not working on RNC 3820
- cr: was not working on MOs containing deprecated mandatory attributes
- lg/mon: not working on CPP9 due to incorrect parsing of the CPP version in MOM
- lgd: was not showing LTE partial outages having less than 100% impact
- spget: was not working properly, all counters were read in one transaction
instead of one by one
- sql mode: was not working on SccpEntitySet MO
- mon: was not working on latest CPP8 SW
- cabx/bp/lh: was not working properly on RBS6000, empty rows and wrong
linkhandlers for common support system connections
- undo mode: was not working properly on MO M3uaRemoteAs/M3uaLocalAs
- general: updated installation instruction for cygwin, was missing some packages
- coli: printout of command "3gsim lsub" was not displayed fully
- ced: was not showing CC device for cells using SPB4
- hget: total $nr_of_mos not set correctly after empty printout

CHANGES IN v8.0q (2010-12-04)

- pmr: updated LTE reports, many new KPIs
- pmr: new RNC reports for IP throughput
- dcga/dcgs: updated with latest commands from CPP DCG
- sql mode/dbc: added translation of more moRef attributes in RNC and MGW. Leads
to improved inconsistency detection in checks 10-12 and clearer "get" printout in
sql mode.
- sql mode: new check number 16 "corrupted MAO entries in modata table". Type "h
dbc" for info.
- lgd: LTE partial outages now show the percentage and cell ids
- cr/pcr: now exclude deprecated attributes/counters. This behaviour can be
reversed via the uservariable exclude_deprecated.
- mgw: speed improvements on the script
moshell/commonjars/scripts/mgw_traffic_check.mos, thanks Cade Bull.
- offline mode: now detects if a dcg cv is located in the zipfile/folder, allowing
to run dbc without having to specify the file
- dcgm/dcge: caches the shell_audittrail at start of dcg in order to only show
coli commands run prior to the dcg execution
- uer: new option "p" to skip the printout of PDR device, faster. Type "h uer" for

- pmx: was missing the latest ROP file when run while the next ROP file was being
written on node (ie between the end of the ROP period and 4 minutes onwards)
- pmr: LTE reports did not support EUtranCellTDD, TR HN25017
- pmr: faulty Aal2Ap report on RXI
- mon: not working properly with latest CPP8 target monitor, closing used handles.
- cvcu/cvls: wrong release info displayed on W10B RBS
- pmx: time aggregation was not working when some ROP files contained empty values
- lgq: was not handling special xml characters and missing quotes around the MO
identity in create statements.
- pgu: was not working with programs of loadClass 250 (application HW init)
- pme: was not working with w10b and w11
- pme: was not working with latest ltedecoder (new flags)
- lk/rdel: was not working with certain types of Iub configurations using Aal2
- lh/cab: was not working after a fro command was interrupted by ctrl-c
- general: certain moshell commands were changing the user's home directory
permissions to 777, leading to ssh keys not functionning
- cedh: was not working on dual core GPB, TR WRNae95460
- cedh: was giving incorrect leaking cells on W11
- uer: was showing duplicated calls on GPB75
- inv: missing separation line in the SW table after CMXB
- momb/cre: was not handling quote characters in the default MOM value
- lgd: was not hiding partial outages that occur within a node restart
- s+: was not working properly on MOs whose name is an integer (Slot, RbsSlot,
TsTone, SectorAntenna, AlmDevice)
- facc: was not working on attributes containing a colon sign
- sql mode/dbc: was failing to start when a sql port blocked by another user for
more than 24 hours
- diff: some faulty values in RNC PARAM file W10/W11, resulting in missleading
- fro/from: was not working on Ipv6Interface MO
- general: problem in cygwin paths handling leading to failed execution of trun in
offline mode and other possible issues
- kget: showing missleading exceptions on certain UpgradePackage attributes
- dbc: missleading header for check number 1, changed from "unauthorized" to "non-
recommended", type "h dbc" for info.
- general: changed default value of sls_username to $USER
- pmr: faulty RNC formula TotalPSRabs
- uer: was missing the last RadioLink in certain calls
- diff: the handling of regexp on MO filter in reference file (~ sign in front of
MO) was not working properly
- from: saving output to scripting variable was not working

CHANGES IN v8.0p (2010-11-03)

- stip: now supported on LTE eNodeB, shows the X2/S1 interfaces.
- inv: now shows the HwUnit and FanGroup MOs on RBS6000.
- inv: now shows the node cabinet type and SW release at the top of the printout.
- inv: new option "l" ("invl") to only display the license information
- pmx: new option "w" for producing web report. Type "h pmx" for info. Thanks
Martin Aldrin.
- general: upgraded to openSSH version 5.6p1
- lgd: nows shows the reason (manual, system, transmission, etc) on partialOutages
in LTE eNodeB. Refer to 7/155 19-HRB 105 500 Uen.
- bp: now shows the RNC module froId for module MP boards.
- offline mode: lg/pmr/pmx remember the offline zipfile/directory given in "-l"
option so it is only necessary to specify it once.
- offline mode: when started against modump.zip, the commands lg/pmr/pmx
automatically select the logfiles.zip/ropfiles.zip stored in the same folder as the
modump.zip (e.g. a folder containing the dcgm logs)
- offline mode: a zipfile containing all the dcg offline files
(modump.zip/logfiles.zip/ropfiles.zip) can now be given as argument when starting
moshell in offline mode. Type "moshell" on its own for more info or refer to the
"Offline mode" chapter in user guide.
- general: new uservariable moscommanddir to specify the location of the moshell
command logs. By specifying a moscommanddir for all users in the file
moshell/jarxml/moshellrc , it will be possible to find out the moshell commands run
by any user on a given node, with the "lgn" command. See the info in the file
moshell/moshell for more details about this uservariable.
- mobatch: site status list now shows sites with wrong password.
- mobatch: new option "-i" to specify interval (in seconds) between start of each
spawned moshell session. Type "mobatch" at unix prompt for info. TR HM72165.
- dbc: improvements in check 15 (Remaining old FRO table versions
HL93894/WRNae89948), added detection of WRBS fro tables which change name in
between releases, according to 22/10926-CSH10930/1-5.
- diff: updated PARAM files for W10 and W11

- lk/rdel: was not working properly on certain IubLink configuration,
showing/deleting aal2 MOs belonging to several RBSs in common.
- pmxs: time aggregation (-h/-d/-a) was not working.
- diffm: the uservariable diffm_exclude_structs was not working.
- diff: a missleading discrepancy was shown on Aal2PathVccTp::timerCu on Iu
- scripting: "for" loop was not working on boardgroups/mogroups containing
uppercase letters.
- sql mode, dbc: fatal error when trying to close old rtrdb session
- AMOS: incorrect directory permissions TR HM92378
- cvcu/cvls: incorrect release info on WRBS.
- general: MO commands returning empty or incomplete printout on certain sessions,
TR HM91338
- pmrw: was not working on cygwin.
- offline mode: inv command was not showing the LM names on dumps taken with
moshell 8.0m and above.
- lmid: some LMs had incorrect productName translation.
- cabx/bp: were showing invalid XP boards on RBS6000
- offline mode: lgy was not working in offline mode when push file present
- offline mode: confusing error message on lgf/pmrf

CHANGES IN v8.0n (2010-10-11)

- lgp: now shows entries from /c/logfiles/troubleshooting/error on LTE eNB.
- std: the last table now has an extra column for reservedPriorityCalls on MGW
- pmr/pmx: now warns also for negative or empty counter values and shows the total
number of faulty counter values.
- pmrw: the exceptions.txt file in the web report now shows the full list of
faulty counters as well as the exception messages.
- pmxs: now shows also negative and empty counter values. Type "h pmx" for info.
- diff: a new option "m" (diffm) performs parameter comparison against MOM default
values. The values stored in PARAM reference files and custom_param_file (if
applicable) always override the MOM default values. Some new uservariables can be
used to exclude MO-types/attributes/structs from the MOM comparison. Type "h diff"
for info.
- dcgk: now includes some RNC coli printouts inside the modump.zip, allowing
offline std/bp commands to show the device to module allocation.
- cvcu/cvls: now shows the configCountDown information.
- cvcu/cvls: updated UP translation info on ERBS/WRBS/RXI.
- cvcu/cvls: the cpp version on WCDMA nodes is now read directly from the
UpgradePackage instead of the upids.txt file.
- sql mode: a new uservariable "nomo=1" can be used to prevent reading the MO data
from the sql tables, gives a faster startup when only sql commands need to be run.
Example: moshell -d -v nomo=1 db.dat 'select * from jvmfro_r1' . More info in the
moshell file and the chapter "SQL mode" in User Guide.
- dbc: in checks 9 and 10, the froId of the MAO parent or MAO ref is now shown in
brackets next to the LDN. Type "h dbc" for info.
- general: improved MO command syntax. The mo-filter can match an LDN even when
"l" prefix is not used. In that case the children are not included. Example: get
subrack=ms,slot=5,plug --> matches the MO "Subrack=MS,slot=5,PlugInUnit=1" but not
its children (with "lget" the children would be included). Type "h syntax" for more
- fclean: now checks the jvmfro table in db.dat files to find black jar files that
need to be kept.
- fro/from: a new uservariable sql_fast_threshold to control the level after which
the sql commands will be run via command file. See description in moshell file.
- pmrw: updates in the web layout, thanks Henrik Schuller.

- general: coli commands EtHostMo_startPing, EtHostMo_startTraceRoute,
ethtraceroute were not working from moshell. TR HM82591.
- pmr: added SHOSuccess in RNC reports 1-5 and corrected HsDrop formula.
- pmr: incomplete PsDrop formula for W10 RNC.
- lgp: wrong zpm version was used in /vobs/iov/rnc/bin/moshell on solaris sparc
- del: was extremely slow when deleting a large number of MOs that have
systemCreated children.
- cab/bo/bp/inv: SPB31 was wrongly shown as an SPB3.
- rnc_resource_usage: ced/cedh headers were missing in the full log.
- mobatch: when used with option "-d" (sql mode), some sessions were failing due
to sql port collision.

CHANGES IN v8.0m (2010-10-01)

- pmr: new option "w" to produce html reports for the web browser (CR WRNae75708).
Type "h pmr" for info. Thanks Martin Aldrin and Henrik Schuller.
- eset: new command to set attributes based on regular expression matching on the
attribute name. Type "h eset" for info.
- general: new uservariable "nocorba" to block corba communication from moshell.
Useful when the MO layer is unavailable, allows some of the moshell commands to
work anyway. See description inside moshell file for more information about this
- dcg: now works even when the MO layer is unavailable (by setting nocorba=1).
Type "h dcg" for info.
- lgd: now shows the restartReason on node manual restarts. Type "h lg" for info.
- mom/pmom: improved filtering on description text, only the lines matching the
filter are printed instead of the whole description. Example: "mom . . . . unit:"
shows the unit information of all attributes that have a unit information in the
description text. (previously, the whole description text would have been shown for
each attribute)
- sql mode/dbc: new uservariable "sql_port" to specify different TCP port for the
communication between sql client and sql server. See description inside moshell
file for more information about this uservariable.
- inv: now shows the subrack position information in subrack table.
- inv: updated RBS license/hw translations for W10/W11
- dcg: ethernet switch printouts added in dcgi. gra commands put back for MGW.
- bl/deb/set/rset/eset/acc/del/rdel: the confirmation message now shows the number
of MOs that will be affected by the command.
- pmr: faster startup when used with option "-r" (only the relevant counters and
MO data are collected).
- pmr: additional reports for RNC module performance
- rnc_resource_usage: full printout is now stored in separate log for detailed
- diff: updated PARAM files P7/W10/W11
- lgd: some node restarts were missing, some node restarts were shown with the
wrong restart type.
- cedh: incorrect total values on dlRl, ulRl, nrUE.
- uer: was not showing the dc/pdr device reference on W11 RNC.
- lkr: the cellCC field was empty on W11 RNC.
- uer: was not working on RNC3820 with switched C2 MP.
- general: dll crash on cygwin.
- general: backward compatibility issue towards cygwin 1.7.5
- general: incorrect parsing of the W10B/W11A RNC MOM. Some UtranCell attributes
were missing (tmCongAction,tmCongActionNg,tmInitialG)
- general: incorrect parsing of the W11B RNC MOM. The unit multiplication factor
was missing.
- sti: some issues in m3ua table
- cr: unable to create IpInterface when other ones exist with different mtu.
CSR1521242, TR HM75279.
- cr: unable to create NbapCommon/NbapDedicated on WRBS.
- pmr/pmxd: incorrect handling of ROP files where non-resetting PEG counters have
wrapped around. TR HM60157
- truni: wrong handling of "AlreadyDefinedException", causing script to stop.
- sql mode/dbc: added support for CPP9, new MOs TrafficManagement,
TrafficScheduler, TrafficManagementQueue and changes in TimingUnit fro table.
- sql mode: incorrect display of struct attributes on linux
- pgu: was creating Programs in opposite order of their original creation. TR
- scripting: the testfile/readfile function was not giving any error message to
indicate the input file not found.
- pmr/pmx: l+/l+m not capturing output properly
- l+m: unable to get out of mute mode after attempting to log to unwriteable file.
- pmr: csv output not working properly, some reports crash.
- offline mode: last slot apn wrongly shown as 0 on some RBS types (inv, bo)
- offline mode: was not able to handle extended MOM attributes (affecting eget
command and use_extended_mom setting).
- pmr: incorrect formula AvgTxCarrierPwrNonHs on WRBS >= P6
- pmr: removed duplicate error messages shown upon failure to process certain PDF
- pmr/lg: remaining cache files lead to unexpected results when used with the
option "-l" on several different zip files in same session.
- general: some board groups not defined properly on RBS4/RBS6/ERBS (et/tu/scx).
- mon: not working on latest CPP7 SW. TR HM53619/WRNae80492/HL60755.
- diff: incorrect handling of attribute Sctp::heartbeatPathProbingInterval
- sql mode: bo/inv showed incorrect rnc module number on GPB7
- acc: better formatting of listRoutes printout on IPv6

CHANGES IN v8.0k (2010-09-06)

- sql mode/dbc: a newer version of the Polyhedra database reader is now supported.
See chapter 9.2 "SQL Mode" for info.
- sql mode/dbc: now supported on cygwin. Limitation: only one session at a time
can run on the PC. (On linux/solaris, several sql mode sessions can run in
- set: new option "1" ("set1") to allow setting several attributes in the same
transaction. TR HM55375. Type "h set" for info.
- set: now supports setting an attribute of type sequence:struct to empty value.
Previously this was only supported in multimode.
- pset: now supports setting an event scanner with output to stream, CR
WRNae44277. Type "h pset" for info.
- pmr: new option "-g <mogroup>|<mofilter>" to restrict the reports to a group of
MOs -> save processing power and obtain filtered KPIs. Type "h pmr" for info.
- pmr/pmx: new option "k" to keep counters marked as suspected faulty.
p?0.view.326.1.0 and
- pmr: ChannelElement/Credit usage reports added for RNC and RBS.
- pmr: new RNC reports for CC/DC/PDR device load.
- pmr: the drop call rates in RNC node reports 1/2/3 now excludes the drift UEs
- pmr: new RNC reports to show UtranCell/IurLink contribution to node drop call
- str: HS/EUL channel availability now shown in summary at the end of the
- dcg: added some more commands in dcgm/dcge for MGW, RNC, and LTE. See the
version history in file moshell/commonjars/scripts/dcg_datacollection.mos for more
- ose/coli: new uservariable "fast_coli_threshold" controls whether coli commands
are run via command file on the node. Setting this uservariable to 0 (with "uv"
command) can be used to avoid corrupted printout due to echo characters. Type "h
coli" for more info.
- general: moshell gawk updated to version 3.1.8. Thanks David Smith.

- sql mode: some unicode characters in database were not translated properly.
Affecting printout of certain attributes of type struct/sequence:struct.
- sql mode: attributes of type sequence:string and sequence:integer were being
printed as sequence:moRef.
- dbc: fake inconsistencies were sometimes flagged in check 13 (Inconsistent
sequence of moRefs in MAO) due to wrong handling of attributes of type
- dbc: fake inconsistencies were sometimes flagged in checks 17/18 (UtranRelation
- sql mode: garbage lines were shown in attribute values of type sequence:moRef
- pmr/pmx: counters containing an empty value were shown as 0 instead of empty.
- pmr/pmx: when specifying enddate with -e, the last ROP of the interval was
sometimes missed out (due to difference in the end time and the timestamp of the
- lgd: did not show spontaneous node restarts on nodes lacking a standby core MP.
TR UABtr82358.
- cabl: was not showing CPU load for the second core processor on SPB4.
- offline mode: was not able to read MO dumps taken while sort_proxy=1.
- general: confusing error message when running java 1.3 together with CPP7
- hget: faulty handling of attribute filter. Negative matching and case
insensitiveness was not working.
- general: could not handle long filenames (> 200 characters). Limit increased to
300 characters.
- multimode: MOM checking was slow due to trying to load every MOM type regardless
of node type. Now just checks MOM file for the appropriate node type.
- pgu: was not working properly on cygwin:
- pgu: was not working properly on cppemu.
- coli handling: incorrect decoding of MTP3 traces
- lgx: gave wrong output when mosdebug=1

CHANGES IN v8.0j (2010-08-20)

- pmr: some KPIs in RNC/RBS reports did not have matching formulas. TR HM48211.
- pmr: incorrect formula for SpchRrcFail and PSRrcFail. TR HM49683.
- pmr: some RNC HS KPIs missing, added in new report "UtranCell HS Throughput and
- general: moshell crash upon encountering wrong OSE shell prompt, TR HM53510.
- general: invalid handling of regular expressions in MO filter. TR HM55362.
- dbc: ignore certain inconsistencies in check number 8, relating to
UpgradePackage attributes (faultyPIUsLockedByUpgrade/nonSupportedPIUsLockedBy). See
PLM info 662.
- dbc: check 13 was not setting the final result properly, showing database OK
even when inconsistencies found.
- dbc: RXI P5 was not handled properly.
- cab: was not showing CMXB connected to SCB-TF.
- dcg: added extra RNC COLI printouts.
- polu: sometimes loading wrong MOM version after confirmUpgrade.
- general: CPP complete MOM handling was not working properly, failing to download
from clearcase.
- fro[m]/sqlmode: SctpProfile MO was not handled properly. TR HM29263.
- del: was not working properly on
GpsReceiver,IpAccessHostEt,IpAccessHostGpb,IpAccessHostSpb,IpSyncRef (must lock the
MO first).
- general: confusing error message when java fail to start up due to lack of
resources, indicating path not found.

CHANGES IN v8.0h (2010-06-25)

Improved functionality:
- dbc: added a new check for duplicate FRO tables, TR WRNae89948. Type "h dbc" for
- dbc: added a new check for FROs pointing to non-existing FROs, CSR1473974. Type
"h dbc" for info.
- general: added support for RNC modules running in dual-core GPB (GPB75 in
RNC3820). New 4-digit module numbering has been introduced and affects the commands
inv, sti, uer, str, ced, cedh, bo, bp, lh, std, stv, lkr, tg.
- mobatch: the output of the mobatch session is now stored in a logfile called
"mobatch_result.txt" inside the log folder.
- dcg: added printouts for the dual TX RRUL based on the RRUL trouble-shooting
- general: new uservariable "sort_proxy" to save the setting of s+/s-. Type "h s+"
for info.
- general: new uservariable "prompt_maxlength" to customize the maximum allowed
prompt size for which the prompt may be bold. More info in the uservariable
definitions inside the moshell file.
- trun1: new options "c" and "r" to automatically confirm or rollback when running
a script in one transaction with trun1. Type "h trun" for info.
- scripting: added new value for mosdebug: 999 which is equivalent to 99 plus
echoing of prompted replies.
- acc: now translates the routeType field in the action listRoutes
- diff: included latest PARAM files for W10B and W11A.
- pgu: added extra checks in case a program is upgraded using a file with the same
product version (the size of old and new file are compared and the new file is
transferred to the node in case the sizes are different)
- general: included latest moshell perl api in
moshell/commonjars/examples/perl_api. Thanks Martin Aldrin.

- dbc: was not running properly in certain cases due to incorrect permissions on
the polyhedra binary files.
- sql mode: the get command was not properly translating the "resourceid"
attribute in Aal5TpVccTp, showing empty brackets instead of the MO LDN.
- sql mode: func and alias were not working.
- cabx/inv: was not working properly with the dual TX RRUL. TR HM17699.
- mon: was not working on CPP8 LSV59
- amos: incorrect directory permissions, TR HL96864
- amos: obsolete ssh version, TR HL81269
- amos: unable to run an moshell session from inside mobatch, TR HL94683
- amos: incorrect ftp settings, TR HL89356
- amos: debug printouts were not printed properly with the option
- cvls/cvcu: wrong release info shown for W10/W11
- lgd: wrong partial downtime duration when startdate identical to enddate
- moshell_install: now checks that it is not executed from within the moshell
folder, causes failure otherwise.
- lgp: corrupt printout for certain types of PMD dumps, was showing huge error
info lines.
- general: was not possible to store passwords containing the # sign in ipdatabase
- general: the MGW COLI command cbex was not handled properly with options -ps/-
- moshell_install: now checks that cygwin 1.7 or higher is used. Moshell is not
anymore compatible with cygwin 1.5
- general: stricter checking for positive answer on confirmation questions, the
user must now answer "y" or "yes".
- cabl: was not working properly on nodes containing a mix of SPB2/SPB3/SPB4
- cabx: was not working with RBS using XCU, TR WRNae89776
- pgu: was not working with loadmodules stored in /c/loadmodules_norepl
- pgu: was loading corrupted program when ftp transfer fails. Now checks the file
size after ftp transfer to make sure the transfer was successful.
- offline mode: the "lt <mibfile>" command was not working when starting moshell
in offline mode without arguments.
- general: incorrect handling of SPB4 devices. Adding the devices to a board group
with "ba" was not working, and the mapping of device linkhandler to PiuDevice MO
was not either working.

CHANGES IN v8.0g (2010-05-18)

New commands:
- dbc[s]: Database consistency check. Type "h dbc" for info. Not available in
amos, only moshell (licensing reasons).

Improved functionality:
- mobatch: can now run against a folder containing modumps or dbdat/cvzip files.
The option "-r" can be used to recursively connect to all files in the folder and
subfolders. Type "mobatch" on its own for info.
- mobatch: the result printout now shows the elapsed time, total and per moshell
- lk/rdel/rset: added support for LTE MOs: EUtranCellFDD/TDD,
ExternalEUtranCellFDD/TDD, ExternalCdma2000Cell, ExternalENodeBFunction.
- sql mode: now supports the commands "pst" and "pgets".
- sql mode: new checks have been added to detect corrupted RNC UtranRelations and
faulty UtranCell relation counter values. TR WRNae68940/WRNae72810. Type "h dbc"
for info.
- sql mode: the MO name consistency check is now split in two parts: unauthorized
characters and dangerous characters. Type "h dbc" for info.
- sql mode: added support for ERBS application MOs
- sql mode: the loading of MAO data is now faster
- sql mode: the fro command is now faster
- sql mode: clearer installation message when running from a server without access
to Ericsson network.
- sql mode: fro attribute storing the froid of the parent MO is now translated to
- pmr: updated reports for MGW R5.1.8 and later. Thanks Oliver Thomas.
- pmr: updated RNC paging reports. Thanks Rejean Drouin.
- pgu: added an extra LM check with bswhat when the product info cannot be figured
out from the filename.
- pgu: now possible to specify the CV comment, eg: pgu /path/to/CXC12345678%2_R99
Black LM for HL12345. Type "h pgu" for info.
- pgu: added extra check to make sure the LM was properly copied to /d (in case
the disk is full).
- offline mode/sql mode: when prompt is longer than 15 characters it will now
appear unbold to avoid the line wraparound issue.
- dcg: added new SCCP/SCTP coli printouts.
- scripting: a new default scripting variable $ccview is now set when there is
clearcase access

- amos: include the username in moshellrc file, TR HL80927
- bp/lh/invh: wrong reading of subrack power dissipation on CPP8 leading to
incorrect SPB3 board groups and faulty inv printout.
- cabx: added support for blue led (shown as yellow) and incomplete LED printout
on XP boards.
- cabl: not showing load properly on GPB7
- coli: 3gsim coli commands were not working when secure_shell=1
- dcg: duplicate printouts, TR HL86931
- emom/pset: was not working with latest LTE SW.
- fclean: was not detecting orphan loadmodules lacking write permission.
- fro: was not working properly on RBS/ERBS .
- fte: traces with status enabled and saved were displayed on separate rows.
- fte: was not showing the board type in some cases
- fte: was not working properly for traces on LTE RU boards.
- ftget/ftput: was not working properly on linux when transferring directories
containing many files. The same data port was sometimes reused twice in the same
session causing hanging and transfer failure.
- general: changed the default setting of secure_ftp on cygwin
- general: ip connection timeout was not working properly, could take up to
several minutes to find out the node is unreachable. Thanks David Smith.
- general: spurious error message shown at moshell startup on cygwin 1.7 and
- htget: showed ok when run against directories.
- lga: was not working on alarm entries generated by ERBS DSP crash.
- mom: extended ascii characters were not shown properly.
- mon: was not working on later CPP7 SW.
- pdiff: showed empty printout on negative counter values.
- pget/pdiff: now blocked on RNC application MOs to avoid unwanted exceptions.
- pgu: pgu now sources the cade setup script to ensure that bswhat will run
- pmr: corrections in RNC accessibility formulas. Thanks Leszek Wanik and Dave
- pmr: some spelling mistakes in MGW reports, TR HL82595
- polu: was sometimes not starting properly due to progressHeader taking time to
- prod/inv: corrupted printout on MOs with missing space in productData.
- smd: was not working on root directory.
- sql mode: clearer printout in the db consistency check for the MO
references/parent inconsistencies
- sql mode: db inconsistency wrongly displayed on Cbu children
- sql mode: some CPP MOs were not supported (T3PhysPathTerm, AccessControlList,
EthernetSwitchingAdm, IpAccessAutoConfig, Log, SccpAccountingCriteria,
SccpPolicing). Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- sql mode: some RNC MOs were not supported (ArpSpiMap, Cpc, DchMap,
EutranFrequency, EutranFreqRelation, GpsReceiver, MultiCarrier, Pcap,
RncRealtimeIndicators, TcMap, TdScdmaCarrier)
- sql mode: some MGW MOs were not supported (IpbService, MsProgram)
- sql mode: was not working properly on MGW R3/R4 and RNC/RBS P4/P5.
- sql+/fro: the osa_coli lm could not start on WRBS when CPP7 osa_coli missing and
CPP6 lm present
- std/bp: was not working properly on W11 RNC (incorrect device to module
- tg: incorrect capsule number for the first UtranCell in each module.
- u!: was not working on some WRBS MOs due to confusing relationships in RBS MOM.
- undo: was not working properly on UtranCell MO.

CHANGES IN v8.0d (2010-04-16)
New/improved functionality:
- general: now possible to run NCLI commands from moshell. Type "h coli" for info.
Example: ncli ; alarms ; get . userLabel.
- general: now possible to run cmxbsh COLI commands from moshell. Type "h coli"
for info. Example: lhsh 000100 cmxbsh ; iss ; help ; show interfaces status; show
- lh: now supports cmxbsh commands. Example: lh scb cmxbsh ; iss ; help ; show
interfaces status; show mac-address-table
- general: added new default board groups scb/sxb
- mom/pmom: the negative filter (!) is now supported on all fields.
- mom: new option "f" to display attribute flags when used with options "b", "r",
"l". Type "h mom" for info.
- dcgm/dcge: now contains commands for LTE data collection. Thanks Pontus Sandberg
and Gunnar Wickstr�m.
- cab: option "d" now shows the number of loadmodules in each /d volume. Type "h
cab" for info.
- cab: new option "f" to show the /f usage (was shown in cabd previously).

- general: java processes consuming all available entropy leading to slow corba
- general: ssh inactivity timeout was not working, ssh sessions hanging for ever.
- general: moshell stayed hanging when parent shell crashes.
- amos: ssh processes causing high load on the NFS in solaris
- amos: added user permission info in the smlog
- hget: wrong number of MOs displayed in hget_group from "mp" command.
- cabx: correction WRNae82536/WRNae82675 was not working properly.
- pstool: was very slow to find non-existing processes.
- mon: was not working with latest target monitor version >= R73 (CPP8 LSV52) when
RPU not defined.

CHANGES IN v8.0c (2010-04-01)

New/improved functionality:
- sql mode: the db.dat corruption now performs checks at the attribute level:
hanging reservedBy list, invalid MO references, attribute value discrepancy at
MAO/FRO level, parent discrepancy at MAO/FRO level, pointcode collisions, etc.
- sql mode: the get/hget command now translates froid values into LDN and decimal
ip addresses into ip format.
- sql mode: the mom command is now available in sql mode (with limited
- general: added support for new MOM tags introduced in W11
- mom: new options "a" (show only application MOs) and "p" (show only platform
MOs). Type "h mom" for info.
- momt: now shows application MOs in red.
- pstool: new options "list" and "detail" show the resource usage and elapsed time
of all currently running moshell sessions. Type "pstool" on its own at the unix
prompt for more info. TR HL21656.
- pol: now shows the elapsed time.
- inv: now shows program MOs as locked when startstate is 0
- upid: new option "o" to show an overview table.
- pmr: improved RNC paging reports,
p?0.view.301.1.0. Thanks Rejean Drouin.
- pmr: improved WRBS reports (Prach, AvgTxCarrierPwrHs). Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- acc: when running the manualrestart action on ManagedElement, checks if
rollbackCounter is 0 to avoid unexpected rollback. Also the warning message
displayed upon node restart now shows the name of the startable CV.
- general: confirmation message has been added for certain dangerous coli commands
ipac_blockHostRegi and ipac_blockSyncRegi
- general: new gcpu board groups added for LTE RBS
- general: new moshellvariable "corba_debug" to show jacorb debug messages. See
description inside moshell file.
- sql mode: the MO name check now returns all MOs who do not follow the list of
authorized characters according to CPP MOM.
- cvcu/cvls: now shows the status of the automatic backup function.

- general: certain MO read commands were unnecessarily creating session objects,
leading to memory leak on the node. TR WRNae79514.
- mobatch: was not properly killing hanging moshell sessions upon timeout, some
processes were left remaining.
- lk/rdel: not working properly on IubLink in RNC3820 (using IpAccessSctp), and
- pmom: confusing error message in offline mode.
- logging: piped printout was not correctly logged by the "all" command.
- proglist: piping was not working when run on the central MP.
- general: COLI printout was sometimes corrupted by spurious characters.
- general: MOM check sometimes failed after node restart.
- sql mode: some MO classes were not correctly supported.
- sql mode: some mismatches were wrongly being reported as db corruption
(SwitchExtensionUnit, TsTone).
- sql mode: the "ma" command was not working fully.
- sql mode: was leaving the db.dat file in ungzipped form.
- sql mode: confusing error message when db.dat/cv.zip file not found.
- sql mode: FRO data was not being read in certain cases due to failed startup of
rtrdb server.
- cabx: did not show the led status on new RU SW. TR WRNae82536 and WRNae82675.
- amos: commands were not being logged to the smlog. TR HL42652
- amos: could not start the amos request broker, missing csu.jar. TR HL64006.
- lgq: was not showing the first entry when used with option "-l".
- cabl: was not showing SPM load on SPB4.
- general: TDD/FDD filter on twins RNC was not working fully, some MO classes of
the other mode could still be used in commands such as momt and cr.
- general: MO connection was hanging when trying to connect to a node already
serving the maximum of 30 corba connections.
- bo/bp: rnc module mapping not working properly on RNC3820
- cab: incorrect temperature shown on GPB6/GPB7

CHANGES IN v8.0b (2010-02-24)

New/improved functionality:
- general: new option "-d" can be used at moshell startup to load a db.dat or
cv.zip in offline mode. For more info, see chapter "SQL mode" in README and
UserGuide.pdf or type "moshell" on its own to view syntax info. This option
performs a consistency check of the the SQL database to find mismatches between MAO
and FRO data. It also allows to browse the MO data in a similar way to the offline
mode. Type "h" while in SQL mode to see which commands are supported in this mode.
- uer: now shows the PDR device and PacketDataRouter. Type "h uer" for info.
- uer: new option "s" for showing or hiding the traffic summary tables. Type "h
uer" for info.
- pmx: new option "c" to print number of counter instances in ROP file. Type "h
pmx" for info.
- polu: now shows UpgradePackage stepLabel as well as progressCounter in
- diff: reference file format now supports several recommended values per
attribute, using comma sign between each recommended value. Type "h diff" for info.
- ced: now shows number of Speech users in each Cell (RNC P7 and later). Type "h
ced" for info.
- pmr: new RNC KPIs and reports for Ethernet Switch Throughput (Mikael H�jdh) and
AvgSpeechErlang (Bhumi Tadepalli).
- bo/lh/bp: support for SPB4, new SPM numbering.
- fte: subcommand "default" is now supported. Type "h fte" for info.
- diff: latest PARAM files for W10B are now included.
- dcg: added some RNC COLI commands, see revision history in
dcg_datacollection.mos for info.
- bo/lh/bp: added new RNC board groups "alld" and "modpdr"
- mon: monitor6054 now accepts any port number (except on solaris for x86)
- rdel/rset: now supports Iub MO on RBS.
- inv: the program tables now shows the programs sorted by order of loading (using
the loadClass attribute).
- fdel: new command to delete all MOs included systemCreated MOs. Useful for
simulated undo mode when producing set scripts on such MOs.
- general: support for new MOM file names introduced in W11.

- general: "3gsim rf -f <commandfile>" was hanging in moshell COLI interface.
- rnc_resource_usage: certain checks were not working on RNC3820.
- ose/coli: MGW command cbex was not handled properly.
- AMOS: moshellrc file was not created at upgrade. TR HL52302
- fte: crashing when run before board groups created.
- lg/pmr/pmx/lt: missleading error message when run in offline mode. Better syntax
check when run in offline mode.
- pmr: errors in certain RNC formulas HsAvgNoUsers, SpchRrcSuc, PsDCHFACHRabSucc
- smd: was not handling spaces in file paths
- pgets: was not working on MOs whose MO type starts with "Pm", eg
"PmUeMeasControl" in ERBS. TR UABtr79538/HL57716.
- uer: faulty printout, UEs using dedicated bearers were shown as having a common
channel. TR WRNae78290.
- coli/lh: piping to "tee" while logging was not working
- inv: incorrect device info in Program list, not showing ExchangeTerminalIp.
alignment issues with Programs running on PiuDevice.
- u+/u+s: undo command file had incorrect commands for MOs with systemCreated
- pmr: certain reports failed on cygwin version 1.7 due to new "sort" syntax.

CHANGES IN v8.0a (2010-02-03)

- pmr: new RNC reports for Iub/IuPS average throughput. Thanks Tamas Husz.
- acc: enums in return value of type struct are now translated
- diff: new PARAM files for W10A are included
- acc/facc: the callpathtrace action for MGW now shows the result of the pathtrace
directly (no need to run the action "gettraceresult")
- dcgm: now includes pmr reports for RBS nodes. Some additional COLI printouts
included for MGW.

- general: ssh/sftp interface was not working on the new cygwin release 1.7
- fte: wrong board type was shown in certain cases. TR WRNae76704
- general: DUW board was not included in the board group "mp"
- fro/from: did not work on MO class Mtp2HslTp and Mtp2HslProfile. TR UABtr78127
- general: when entering wrong SLS password at prompt in corba_class=4, the
password prompt did not appear again
- fclean: was not cleaning the directory /c/java
- ftree: was running in endless loops when trying to run on a non-existing
directory on a BP board
- uer: was not working on P6/P6.1
- cvls/cvcu: showed wrong SW release for RBS P7.1/W10
- pmom: counter tag ropReset/noReset was missing on MGW counters
- pme: the "d" option was not working
- pgu: PGU CV name was sometimes too long, leading to cvms fail
- pgu: was using wrong name convention for the Loadmodule MO (% instead of /)
- cabl: was not showing CPU load on each individual core on GPB7
- pmr: "broken pipe" error message in offline mode
- amos: moshellrc file missing when /var/opt/ericsson/amos/jarxml already exists
prior to initial installation

CHANGES IN v8.0 (2010-01-25)

- fte: a filtered "te" command which allows regular expression in the process or
trace object name. Also can be used for checking additional trace conditions
(supercedes "cabe" command). Type "h fte" for info.
- lg: new option "w" to show O&M connections currently active, or on a certain
date/time. Type "h lg" for info.
- general: proper support for TD-SCDMA RNC/RBS, certain functionality was
previously not supported on TD nodes (eget, emom, pmr, pset, ced, uer, diff, pme,
fro[m], lk, dcg)
- inv/invh: now shows MP disk volumes usage (c/p/d)
- inv/invh: now shows subrack capabilities and ATM backplane switchstate
- inv/invh: feature and capacity MOs are now shown for LTE RBS
- inv/invh: more detailed HW capability information is now displayed on WRBS
baseband and RF units.
- dcgm: now includes the MO dump (kget). Note: for time saving, the RNC dump does
not contain the cell relations.
- dcgm: now includes network synchronisation printouts according to CPP DCG 16/155
01-FEA 214 902.
- dcgm: is now aligned against MGW DCG 50/1553-AXM10101/7 . (added MGW systemcheck
and fetching dsp dumps)
- dcgm: is now aligned against WRBS DCG EAB/RWO-05:0043. (added rrt system,
readNbapData, performRfPowerMeas, RU COLI printouts)
- dcgm: now fetches the /c/configuration folder (containing the corba notification
- lgp: now shows actor/message/state
- lgd: now shows partial outages on LTE RBS
- lgd: the restart summary table has been made clearer
- cvcu/cvls: now shows the CPP version from the UpgradePackage MO cppUpVersion
- stt: now shows the pcmSystemNumber on TdmTermGrp
- lt: when using the "motype" filter, it now loads MOs in alphabetical order
instead of random.
- diff: now supports using regular expressions in the MO LDN in the parameter
reference file. (The LDN just needs to be preceded by a ~ sign). Type "h diff" for
- diff: better handling of Aal2Ap/Aal2PathVccTp attributes comparison (where
reference values are different for Iu/Iur and Iub).
- diff: new option "o" to compare operator parameters between two MO dumps.
- general: PM interface upgraded to IRP 2:2, provides more accurate exception text
on the PM commands (pcr/pset/pbl/pdeb/pdel). Thanks Ulrika Svensson.
- del/rdel: better handling of MOs that have systemCreated children (Os155SpiTtp,
IubLink, etc)
- str: cells in shutting down mode are now marked with "S".
- inv/cab/bo/bp: the board type is now shown more accurately, e.g. GPB65 instead
of GPB, SPB3 instead of SPB, etc
- mgw_traffic_check.mos: a new script for checking mgw traffic, included in
moshell/commonjars/scripts. Thanks Cade Bull.
- scripting: return value of actions (acc command) is now saved to a scripting
variable $action_result. Type "h scripting" for info.
- prox: the prox command now supports the options +/- to specifically turn off/on
the proxy printing instead of just toggling. Type "h prox" for info.
- pmom: non-implemented counters are now marked in the tags field (ERBS).

- fro[m]: was not working properly on certain MO classes (MspgExtended,
Aal1TpVccTp, E3PhysPathTerm, EthernetSwitchModule, IpMux, Mtp2TpTtc)
- lgd: major corrections regarding node restart downtimes on nodes running CPP7 or
later: incorrect or missing downtime values, as well as duplicated restart
- lgd: was missing node restarts occurring while clock temporarily running on
- lgd: incorrect partial downtime values when outage started before the
measurement interval given by "-m"/"-s" option. TR HL41691.
- l+/l-: when logging piped coli commands, the full output was logged instead of
the piped output.
- cab/bp/lh: cascaded RUs with ASCs were not handled properly, TR WRNae71642 .
- cr/acc: entering a struct member with a wrong data type caused moshell erratic
- set: certain attribute values were being confused with the data type resulting
in the command not taking place.
- diff: removed spurious "broken pipe" errors
- lg: could not read offline logs when unzipped by winzip instead of cygwin unzip.
Thanks Tamas Husz.
- tg: was not working on RNC P7
- lh: running commandfiles via lh was not working. Affected other functions using
this functionality such as tg and aal2pathusage.mos.
- undo: was not working properly with Os155SpiTtp and PhysPathTerm MOs due to
loopback attribute trying to be set after unlocking the MO
- general: incorrect handling of 3gsim commands (lu/lr), corrupted printouts
- general: cached printout was not being cleared after restart on a different CV
leading to inconsistent data (affected commands inv/stt/stv/stc/sti/ced/cedh).
- cabl: was not showing SPM load on CPP8. TR WRNae51592.
- lga/lge: option "-m" was not working properly on solaris
- general: ipdatabase password lookup was not working with DNS names
- mon: was crashing on nodes where target monitor defined without RPU.
- lgp: was missing board and/or restart info for certain types of restarts.
- general: OSE shell password was not being validated when set from scripting
variable $password.
- general: unclear error message when path to java not found. TR HL37280.
- pmr: cell downtime report was not working on LTE RBS.
- lgx: incorrect reference time shown when run without time options.
- general: was unable to find module numbers on RNC3820 TR WRNae73332

CHANGES IN v7.1z (2009-12-09)

- general: moshell now supported on Solaris/x86
- dcg: new option "i" for IP transport log collection, based on CPP IP DCG 12/155
01-FEA 214 902.
- pmom: new column to show the counter flags. Slight change in the command syntax
to allow search on counter flags. Type "h pmom" for info.
- proglist: new option "-e [<filter>]" to show heap, pool or any other program
variables matching the filter. Type "h proglist" for info. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: faster ip connectivity check by using built-in netcat library instead
of external component (Old behaviour can be restored by uservariable
use_netcatlib). Thanks David Smith.
- pmr: new reports for W10 RBS. Thanks Mathias Aldrin.
- general: support for TWINS RNC (TD/FDD)
- inv/invh: new columns show the pluginunit serial number, cpu load, and
EthernetBackplane status (when applicable). Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- set/setm: now allows semicolon as separator in attributes of type sequence:moRef
(usual separator is space).
- pgu: now shows a warning when trying to upgrade a core loadmodule without option
"r". Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- general: update to gawk 3.1.7. Thanks David Smith.
- general: update to zpm v19.0. Corrected a problem with the cygwin zpm version.
Thanks Mike Harris.
- bo: new option "a" to show all slots even those not containing a PlugInUnit.
Type "h bo" for info.
- cr/acc: password is not echoed anymore when prompting for password.
- general: new value 2 for the setting use_complete_mom which disables fetching of
MOM from utran01. See the description in moshell file.
- aal2_path_usage: now shows number of routingcases associated with each path
- aal2_path_usage: can now take a filter in order to print usage for certain
Aal2Aps only. See help inside the aal2_path_usage.mos file
- lga/lgp: better handling of corrupted/incomplete logs, partial entries are now
displayed as long as timestamp info is there.
- dcg: mandatory rnc printouts now include extra ranap commands ("ranap cong froid
<froid>", "ranap status <froid>", "rnsap status <froid>")
- cr: extra check to see that the parent MO has valid MO class. Thanks Joakim
- general: included latest version of moshell perl api in
moshell/examples/perl_api. Thanks Martin Aldrin.

- cr/acc: did not support passwords containing # sign.
- pset: crash when setting a filter while MOs not loaded
- emom/pset: incorrect event group names for LTE. TR HL30903 .
- general: was not able to find out the CPP MOM version on CPP8 MOM files.
- cr/acc: inputting a space within a LDN caused large number of spurious error
messages. TR LT04302.
- amos: commands rejected by the amos broker were logged in the command log.
- amos: commands rejected by the amos broker were not displayed in the log file.
- general: download complete MOM from clearcase was not working properly, an
obsolete MOM version was fetched sometimes.
- multimode: was crashing when loading large number of MOs (> 130,000).
- general: certain MOs with proxy id larger than 100000 were not displayed in MO
- polm: was going into a endless loop when standby core MP down
- mon: was not working with latest target monitor CPP8 LSV52
- cabs: did not show the program name correctly for certain programs, showed the
program date instead.
- fro: was showing all MAO data on MOs without a froId
- cab: was hanging against NetSim. TR HL29131.
- mobatch: crashed when sitefile not found
- cab: was showing wrong DU product info. TR WRNae68828.
- bp/lh: incorrect link handler addresses in gcpu board group.
- dcg/pgu/hc/pcrd/psetd: commands executed by these commands were unnecessarily
being logged in moshell command log.
- lga/lge: time range options (-m/-p/-s/-e) not working properly in certain cases
due to discrepancy between time stamp in tag and record.
- undo: not working properly on IpInterface
- undo: not working properly on Sctp
- offline: moshell could not find MOM file of certain RBS/CPP offline dumps
eventhough they were present in the jarxml folder.
- lh: hanged when command contained two or more consecutive semicolons
- scripting: when running a for loop on an empty MO or board group, the loop was
executed once instead of zero times
- pmr/diff: was sometimes using the wrong reference file version due to bug in
comparison with MOM version.

CHANGES IN v7.1y (2009-11-06)

- general: automatic MOM download from a server when MOM not found in jarxml
folder (works only when connected to Ericsson network). Thanks Cade Bull for the
- cedh: now shows RadioLink usage and Cells/Iub with leaking resources. Type "h
ced" for info.
- cedh: new option "p" to display CE consumption values in percentage.
- uer: now shows all calls including those using TMSI/IMEI. New option "i" for
showing calls with IMSI only. Type "h uer" for info.
- pgetsn: new option "r" to refresh the number of counter instances. TR
WRNae66196. Type "h pgetsn" for info.
- polu: rechecks the list of UpgradePackage MOs before start.
- polc: automatically performs "confirmRestore" when polling during
"restore/forcedRestore" activity.
- lg: new option "n" for moshell command log. TR HK91071.
- inv: now shows license key translation on LTE RBS.
- general: added lm translation for the COLI command bmpgmconfig
- general: timeout handling at corba connection setup (configurable via a new
uservariable "corba_connection_timeout").
- momt: MOs that are systemCreated are now marked with a special tag in the
printout. New options o and u can be used in conjunction with the "t" option to
show MO classes "over" or "under" only.
- diff: new PARAM files included for W10
- cvls: format improvement, better alignment of the release column
- upid: improved sorting algorithm to show the releases in chronlogical order.
- general: use_complete_mom now supported for CPP MOM.
- dcg: added RNC COLI "abtr" printouts
- aal2_path_usage: now shows QoS and state for each aal2path
- pmr: new RNC reports and KPIs for AccessFailure, thanks Carlos Moco.
- smd: new command for server maintenance disk usage reduction. TR HK95440,
HL21656. Type "h smd" for info.

- general: moshell was generating high CPU load when running java lower than
1.5.0_02 together with corba_class=2. This limitation is now corrected.
- mom: missing tag and description for attributes LogId, LogServiceId, and
- set/cr/acc: could not handle struct members containing an empty string. TR
UABtr76234 .
- undo: could not handle struct members of data type sequence.
- cab: hanging at cmxb printout.
- pmr: incorrect formula for PSAccess, SpchRrcSucRate, PsRrcSucRate
- mon: was unable to handle more than 130 boards at a time, now supports up to
- uer: was unable to show more than 379 UEs per module.
- amos: session became hanging after being left idle for some time. TR LT02306.
- amos: start up problem on O10. TR HL13471.
- amos: unclear error message when running as root from application server with
corba security towards master server. TR HK44739.
- general: incorrect timeout on corba_class=1
- htget: could not handle gzipped files properly.
- general: faulty board group "etatm".
- u! : incorrect conversion of create Aal2PathDistributionUnit (rpuId should not
be included when Aal2Ap:allocationMode=1)
- del/rdel: children proxys of IubLink/ImaGroup are now automatically removed from
proxy list after deletion (systemCreated MOs).
- pmr: did not support reading unzipped ROP files when offline.
- fclean: was not checking the folder /c/cmxb/loadmodules
- fclean: was trying to removes files in /c/java/lib/security
- inv/invh: did not show the Subrack/backplane info on RBS6000
- dcgm: <node>_logfiles.zip did not contain te log and llog
- amos: hanging terminal when connecting to secure node with corba class=2. TR

CHANGES IN v7.1v (2009-10-01)

- pmr: now supported on LTE
- lgd: now supported on LTE (was not showing application downtime)
- lgd: now shows the SW release for all node restarts
- inv[h]: now shows the description label for all RncFeature MOs
- fro[m]: now shows both the MAO and FRO data (previously, only MAO data). Type "h
from" for info.
- trun: now supported in offline mode and simulated undo mode for validating MO
scripts. Type "h trun" for info.
- general: added values to the restart_confirmation setting: 11 and 22 to extend
to the confirmation to RBS (1 and 2 for RNC/MGW/RXI only). And 3/33 to forbid all
node restarts. The functionality now also includes command "restartObj me" in
addition to "acc 0 manualrestart". See description of "restart_confirmation" in
moshell file.
- diff: now generates a command file also when comparing two dumps.
- diff: range comparison is now supported for attributes of type struct/enum
- diff/set: the uservariable custom_param_file can now take several files,
separated by commas. See description inside moshell file.
- ftdel: new command to delete files/folders over ftp. Supports timestamp and file
path filters like ftget/ftput. Type "h ftdel" for info.
- cabl: now shows CPU load for each core on GPB7
- lg: new option "z" to parse CELLO_IPTRAN_LOG.xml (new in CPP8 LTE). Type "h lg"
for info. http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.3802
- lgy: now supports push log for CELLO_SECURITYEVENT_LOG
- mom: a new tag "EricssonOnly" is now displayed for EricssonOnly attributes.
- general: neal_c.jar is now fetched from the node ==> size reduction of the
moshell installation package.
- general: integrity check of jarfiles is done to avoid starting corba client with
corrupted jarfiles.
- pmr/pmx: now checks for ROP files on stand-by O&M MP as well.
- set: new setting value for the uservariable "set_check", to restrict setting
EricssonOnly attributes to a value different than the recommended. See the
description of this uservariable in the moshell file.
- upid/cvls: latest P6/P7 release info is included for UP revision translation.

- lgd: application downtime and jvm downtime was not displayed on CPP >= 7
- fro[m]: some attributes were not displayed correctly (struct attributes and
entries spanning over several lines)
- mon: was not able to handle large board groups.
- general: the history of commands from previous sessions contained commands from
command files.
- al: incorrect acknowledgement time for unacknowledged alarms, TR WRNae54393
- diff: incorrect PARAM file was used on RNC >= P7.1.2 (MOM K_9_105)
- diff: diffcommandfile contained invalid commands for correcting struct values
containing enums.
- diff: paramater comparison against reference files containing LDNs instead of MO
class was not working correctly.
- from[m]: could not handle sql entries containing carriage returns.
- u+/u-: node name containing quotes caused undo to fail on cygwin
- amos: amos_debug was not showing any debug output
- amos: help for "eget" was missing, TR HK62034
- amos: confusing error message when running upidc command, HK52974
- get: attribute linkState on Mtp3bSl was not decoded properly, UABtr75286
- get: problem reading AuxPlugInUnit on ERBS when using complete MOM.
- scripting: split function was not working properly
- general: RU board group was not available on RBS6000 using DUW
- htget: faulty handling of jarfiles, an extra linefeed was added at the end of
the file
- pgu: incorrect fget command leading to confusing exception
- inv/invh: some exceptions shown on BBIF boardss.
- uer: some Ue context variables missing when run with the parameter "all"
- pmr: incorrect RNC formulas for HsRetransmissionRate and PSDCHRetransRate
- upid/cvls: CXP translation for RXI was not working.
- general: node password containing quote caused moshell crash

CHANGES IN v7.1u (2009-09-04)

- set: now checks attribute values against Ericsson recommended parameter settings
and prints a warning upon discrepancy between new value and recommended value. This
feature can be turned on/off through a new uservariable "set_check", described
inside the moshell file.
- diff/set: new user variable "custom_param_file" to specify own set of
recommended parameter values. See description inside moshell file.
- u+s: simulated undo now supports cr/acc commands ==> all MO commands are now
simulated when run in simulated undo mode.
- general: moshell command history now gets carried over in between sessions to
the same node. Number of history lines carried over from previous sessions is
configurable through a new uservariable "keep_history_lines", described inside the
moshell file.
- general: failure to connect to MO/PM service does not lead to moshell exit
anymore, giving the chance to run other types of commands (COLI, file transfer,
cab, lg, etc)
- fclean: new option "-f <filename-filter>" to selectively remove certain files
from a folder instead of the whole folder. Type "h fclean" for info. Thanks Martin
- inv/invh: license keys translations updated for RBS/RNC P8.
- pmr: new report "Total Bandwidth (Mbps) for IP Network" available for MGW >= R5.
- eget: new attributes added to the extended MOM.
- stv: additional info shown for Mtp3 links. Type "h stv" for info. Thanks
Stanislav Zaluzhsky.
- inv/invh: now shows the BBIF board on WRBS
- pme: now supports WRBS GPEH, TR WRNae58631. Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- pol: new option "k" to check the system clock, CR WRNae56850. Type "h pol" for
- acc: now requests an extra confirmation on RNC/RXI/MGW to avoid accidental
restarts on the wrong node. Feature controlled through a new uservariable
"restart_confirmation" described inside the moshell file.
- acc: return values of type enum are now translated.
- mom: a new field in action header now shows the data type of the return value.
- general: new moshell environment variable "$ws_ip", containing the ip address of
the workstation on which moshell is running.
- general: color coding added to the COLI printout "rld" (as in "te log read": red
for error lines, purple for restart lines).

- cabm: was not working on CPP8
- pgu: fset exception occurring before the restart
- cr: was unable to create MOs directly under the ManagedElement (e.g.
ManagedElement=1,SectorEquipmentFunction=1 on ERBS).
- rdel: was sometimes asking for confirmation even when confirmation was disabled.
- rset: was not working with LDNs containing the colon sign
- u+/u-: undo actions was not working with action parameters containing a sequence
of MOs (e.g. addPath/removePath on several Aal2Paths).
- lk: was not working properly on IubLink MO for certain kinds of transport
network configurations
- lk: corrupted printout on stacks containing more than 100 MOs.
- pmr: RNC reports for worst UtranCells were not working
- pmr: corrected formula for RNCPageSuccessRate.
- mom/get: some configuration attributes were not displayed (Log:logId,
LogService:logServiceId, PmService:pmServiceId, PmServiceEvent:pmServiceEventId)
- lgd: was not showing application downtime on MGW R6.
- stda: was not working on MGW R6
- uer: wrong IMSI shown when using parameter "all" (e.g. "uer <imsi-filter> all").
- uer: was not working on TD-SCDMA RNC
- amos: wrong path to vbjorb jarfiles on OSSRC O10, TR HK88284
- amos: changed permission on the ~/.moshellrc file, TR HK81035
- amos: confusing error message at startup, TR HK76139 and HK64769.
- general: missing printout on commands gs[g]+/gs[g]- and conf[bld]+/conf[bld]- ,
TR HK52974.
- general: "&" characters were not supported in SLS password, TR HK92609.
- general: lmid command and CXC translation sometimes showing productionDate
instead of productName.
- general: corba_timeout changes are now impacted upon transaction_timeout.
removed stack dump printout when exception thrown in acc.
- tg: warning is now removed as the command is now safe from P5 onwards
- rnc_resource_usage: was not working properly on nodes with blocked telnet/ftp.
- general: jarfile fetching not working correctly with CPP8 nodes where jacsec
- general: jarfiles download was not working with "al" command.
- pgets: incorrect printout of scanners containing MO instances, erroneous
"notInMOM" tag displayed.
- ma/mr/mp: MO groups are now treated case insensitive to be consistent with MO
- lgt: spurious "T&E log empty" lines were displayed without any time or board
- diff: printout alignment issues.
- multimode: connection to nodes using different MOM versions was not working
- inv: corrupt program list on WRBS >= P7

CHANGES IN v7.1t (2009-07-06)

New commands:
- eget/leget: new command to show attributes not specified in the complete MOM.
These attributes are listed in the file moshell/commonjars/extendedmom.txt. Type "h
eget" for info.
- new uservariable use_extended_mom: when set to 1, the "extended" attributes are
included in standard get/kget printout. Default value is 0.
- lg: new option "p" to fetch and process PMD files (PostMortemDumps), showing
crash history. Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: new option "g" to parse the board restart logs from COLI command "llog",
including RU restarts on RBS. Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: new option "q" similar to option "o" but shows the corba audit trail in the
"trun" format. Useful for recovering configuration data which was not saved to CV
before node restart.
- clt: new command to conditionally load MO classes. MOs will only be loaded to
the proxy table if they have not been loaded before. Type "h clt" for info.

- cvls: added a new table to show the list of UpgradePackage MOs stored on the
- inv/invh: added a new table for mapping info of RBS features/capacity licensed
and activated. Applicable from RBS >= P7.
- inv/invh: added new table for mapping info of RNC capacity licensed and
activated. Applicable from RNC P7.
- stt: additional info shown for Narrowband Mtp3 links. Type "h stt" for info.
Thanks Stanislav Zaluzhsky.
- u+s: simulated undo now supports bl/deb/set commands.
- pmrf: now fetches mapping data for Cell/Iub/Module/AtmPort/Subrack, allowing all
RNC reports to work in offline mode. Previously, the reports requiring mapping data
were not working in offline mode.
- pmr: now shows associated RncModule on UtranCell reports (using new option
-append in pmXtab). Thanks Mike Harris.
- pmr: added pmCapAllocIubHsLimitingRatio counters in RBS reports
- pmr: added hsdpa formulas per SPI and PQ in RBS reports
p?0.view.199.3.0 and
- lg: option "f" now fetches data needed for the new options "p" and "g" so these
options also can work offline.
- bp: added a summary line to show the number of boards/devices in a group.
- bp: now shows mapping between module name and module number on RNC 3820.
- dcg: updates to support new "lg" functionality.
- std: now shows maxNrOfCells for CC devices on RNC >= P7
- general: the RNC script concat_segmented_rlib_traces.pl is now included in
moshell package. The script now supports piping from "lh" command. Thanks Martin
- lg: option "t" now shows the board type next to the T&E entry.
- cab: options "e" and "g" now show the board type next to each entry.
- cab: hw table is now skipped when running options "l" and "m" by themselves. A
new option "h" can be used to specifically print the hw table.
- cre/acce: now supports attribute of type struct of moRef (used in LTE eNodeB)
- diff: kget log is now gzipped for space saving.
- diff: latest PARAM files included for P5/P6/P7
- upid/cvls: latest P6/P7 release info is included for UP revision translation.

- pmr: faulty RNC formulas for HsAvgNoUsers, PsAvgNoUsers, UlRssi
- lgd: was showing duplicate node restart entries on nodes running CPP >= 7
- cedh: fatal error on printouts showing no cells.
- str: sites with no cells were shown as "up"
- setm: was behaving incorrectly when run in undo mode.
- general: coli command "3gsim lr -i" was not showing any printout.
- lgf: hanging when saving logs to home directory (e.g. running "lgf ~/")
- get: was not showing attributes PmServiceId/PmEventServiceId on MO
- general: automatic re-read MOs was sometimes prompting for confirmation after a
node restart with CV change.
- bo/bp/lh: board group "xp" was incorrect on RBS P7
- general: wrong corba port was shown when connecting with corbaSecurity ON.
- swup: now uses nonBlocking actions for sw install.
- general: checking ip contact was not working with NetSim.
- lgf: was not fetching the audit trail push files.
- general: corba timeout and transaction timeout default value have been increased
from 120 to 180 seconds.
- polu: MO list is now re-read also after the Fi CV.
- cab: hanging when checking CMXB in Security Level 3
- cabe: was not showing traces on certain RAX/TX processes in RBS.
- mon: misleading "connect time out" error message when secure_shell=0.
- mon: was not detecting monitor setup failure when secure_shell=1.
- general: moshell crash when inputing a faulty regular expression at the command
line (e.g. missing a bracket)
- cabx: was not working properly on windows
- pgu: node restart sometimes leading to rollback on CPP >= 7
- hgetc: missing semicolon after Proxy (when "prox" display activated).

CHANGES IN v7.1r (2009-06-09)

- sti[p]: now handles Iub connections using IpAccessSctp (RNC3820 and RBS P7)
- general: hanging of corba connection is now handled by timeout to prevent
hanging when performing MO operations during loss of connection. A new uservariable
corba_timeout has been introduced.
- dcg: rop files now included when running option "e".
- dcg: collectTraces action is now included in option "e" and "m". CR WRNae41624
- del: now shows ongoing progress when deleting an UpgradePackage (previously the
printout appeared to be hanging).
- pgets/pmom: new counter tags "notInMOM", "notImplemented", "deprecated". Type "h
pmom" or "h pgets" for info.
- pgetsm: added tags next to counter name showing number of elements for PDF
- pgets: now supports filter combination of MO and counter, eg: pgets stats
aal0.*pmbw. Type "h pgets" for info.
- pgets: contents-filter now works with event scanners.
- pcr: now supports creating scanners from command line containing RNC counters
which are not specified in the MOM.
- pme: new option "-f" to run the decoder with option "--force". Type "h pme" for
- rnc_resource_usage: added new checks for cpp device pools usage (lh dc aalpm)
and IPET resource usage (lh etip SciShDump -o 5 -c)
- diff: now supports check of attribute UniSaalTp::uniSaalProfileId based on
application layer (q.aal2, nbap-C, nbap-D)
- bo/bp: boards which are physically inserted but not defined in configuration are
now marked with board type "UNDEF".
- general: new board groups etip (contains ET-MFG,ET-MFX,ET-IPG) and etatm
(contains all other ET boards).
- general: changing password with passwd command now requires input of old
password to avoid changing the password in wrong node.
- general: sls_password can now be entered from prompt instead of command line,
more secure. TR HK54887.
- cab: now shows CMXB boards led and hw status.
- momd: extra info shown when filtering on moclass/struct.
- pgu: error messages improvements, thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- cvms: now shows number of characters in error message when trying to create a CV
with more than 40 characters.
- upid/cvls: latest P6/P7 release info is included for UP revision translation.

- pmr/pmx: command line options collided with options used in pipe
- rnc_resource_usage: some results missing when logging to file
- stt: misaligned printout
- al: some date formats were not handled correctly, incorrect timestamps
- stda: was not showing DSP SW rev on MSB4 (MGW).
- sti: was not working on RBS offline dumps.
- rdel: was deleting too many MOs when run on VclTp used by Aal2Ap
- resub: could not find the VplTp in some cases.
- hget: showed 0 MOs when run with value filter on an attribute of type
- str: was not showing IubLink state in CSV file on IP-iub
- amos: restricted commands are now hidden from the help
- polu: sometimes hanging during upgrade.
- hget: complementary correction for CR WRNae33479. Was not always showing the
struct name.
- runClient.sh: options -c/-a were not working with corba_class 2.
- pmr: rnc paging reports were not showing all KPIs
- std: SPB boards in slot 27 were not shown.
- cabr: printout was sometimes corrupt
- general: COLI printout corruption problem due to EndOfPrint handling.
- mom: struct printout not correct in multimode
- pgetsn: was showing wrong number of counter instances on VclTp scanners. TR

CHANGES IN v7.1q (2009-05-10)

- hget: now supports attributes of data type sequence:struct
- hget: now supports proxy display with the "prox" toggle command
- pme: improved log structure
p?0.view.233.1.0. Thanks Martin Aldrin
- pme: new option "r" for fetching of RNC exception files
p?0.view.223.1.0. Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- pme: new uservariable ltedecoder to specify the path of the ltedecoder (the
uservariable decoder is for the utran decoder).
- pmx: new option "s" to show counters marked as suspected faulty. Thanks Martin
- general: better timeout handling for http transfer, error message printed at
timeout and new uservariable "http_timeout".
- lg: can now handle corrupted alarm/event/availability log with missing headers
- upid/cvls: latest P6/P7 release info is included for UP revision translation.
- diff: latest PARAM files included.
- pmom: number of elements in PDF counters now shown in data type field.
- pgets: number of elements in PDF counters now shown next to counter name.

- pgetsn: was showing wrong number of counter instances on UtranRelation scanners,
TR WRNae47132
- pgetsn: was showing wrong number of counter instances on AalxTpVccTp scanners,
TR WRNad86416
- pmr: was showing exceptions for IP sites in RNC atmport reports, TR HK34431
- pmr: incorrect formulas for RNC IRAT KPIs
- general: default path for logdir and tempdir was incorrect
- rset/rdel: was not working properly on Ds0Bundle, Mtp3bSls, M3uAssociation
- rset: was not working correctly on VclTp
- u!: the generated MO script contained incomplete LDNs in action statements
- scripting: variables input at cr/acc prompts were not expanded in
- cabe: was not showing MGW DSP traces
- trun: incorrect handling of script file path
- al: incorrect date and spurious text printed
- lt: incorrect warning was printed
- general: portbase uservariable was not working properly
- polm: was going into infinite loop
- cab/cabl: did not work properly on GPB7. Thanks Joakim Ostlund.
- pme: the "d" option was not working properly, incorrect decoder used for LTE,
incorrect switches used for RNC.
- general: http client was adding an empty line at the top of transferred XML
files, causing issues with some XML parsers.
- proglist: was not working with mute logging (l+m).
- mon: was not working when target monitor program defined without RPU.
- mon: caused moshell crash when "tm -tcp -win 1" command is hanging.
- dcg: uer printed on 100 UEs only due to TR WRNad77111.

CHANGES IN v7.1p (2009-04-22)

- general: running undo scripts and mos command files is now quicker (improvements
in the MO lookup process).
- cr/acc: new option "e" for expanded input where each struct member can be input
on a separate line. Type "h cr" or "h acc" for info. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- std[a]: on MGW, the DSP table is now only shown with option "a" (stda).
- uer: new option "-u" for filtering by UeRef. Type "h uer" for info.
- diff: updated PARAM files for P7FP.
- time: the time command now shows command start and end time, when run against a
logfile. Type "h time" for info.
- undo: more actions supported (removeTdmTermGrpMos/addTdmTermGrpMos,
addCicRange/removeCicRange, addNri/removeNri). Type "h u+" for info.
- rset: now supported in offline mode.
- pmr: improved reports for MGW R5. Thanks Tamas Husz and Olivier Thomas.

- cr: too high memory usage, leading to moshell crash
- mobatch: too high CPU load TR HK38380/HK41398
- mon: was not working on nodes running Security Level 3.
- rset/rdel: was not working on TdmTermGrp/Ds0Bundle.
- rset/rdel: unnecessary deletion of VclTp when run against Aal MOs.
- general: incorrect MOM parsing for structs within structs (CPP8).
- cabm: incorrect memory usage shown for GPB2/GPB3.
- multimode: was not working in AMOS.
- bo: was not showing CMXB boards.
- time: was not working with mobatch logfiles and logs containing wait statements.
- general: the tcp ports generated by the portbase uservariable were incorrect.
- shget: was showing counters instead of attributes.
- general: the command hdpartition is disabled from moshell, WRNae11454 ,
UABtr66450 , UABtr70199.
- mobatch: session result printout was taking too long time. Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- pmr: incorrect RNC formulas HsMinPerDrop, PSNoUsers, DCHMinperDrop,
FACHMinperDrop, HsAvergNoUsers, EULMinperDrop, UlRssi.
- pmr: incorrect RNC formula SpchRabSuc
- pmr: incorrect RBS formula PSHsAvgTputPerUser
- pmr: incorrect IP bandwidth calculation
http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.2621, TR HI67929.
Thanks Tamas Husz.

CHANGES IN v7.1n (2009-04-01)

New commands:
- lkr[a]: Show the repartition of RNC resources. This command replaces "lki" which
is now obsolete. Type "h lkr" for info.

- resub: now supports moving IubLink to different subracks. Help updated, clearer
description on the three ways to use the resub command. Type "h resub" for info.
- mom: new options "b" to show the default attribute values, "r" to show the
attribute ranges, "l" to show the attribute length. The options can also be
combined to show all three fields on one line. Type "h mom" for info.
- bl/deb/del/rdel: extra check has been added to avoid cases where large number of
MOs are affected due to wrong syntax. TR HK43916.
- diff: better handling of Sctp attributes comparison (ref values different
depending if Iu or Iub).
- shget/lshget: same as "hget/lhget" but slow (reads one attribute at a time).
- general: new uservariable portbase, to specify a prefix for the tcp ports.
Useful when connecting to a CPP emulator, avoids having to specify every port
individually. Example: moshell -v portbase=400 <ipaddress>. See the moshell file
for more info about this uservariable.
- pstool: output format improvements, memory usage in MB and timestamp display in
option "-m". Type "pstool" at the unix prompt for help.
- general: UpgradePackage CXP translation is now implemented for MGW as well.
Previously only RNC/RBS were supported (7.1k). Applies to commands that print a CXP
number, eg: upid, cvcu, cvls, lg, ftree, etc.
- fclean: new option "a" to remove both the folder and its contents. Type "h
fclean" for info.
- std: the last table shows the percentage of enabled devices for each pool (RNC).
- cr: now aborts when trying to create an MO whose MO class is not specified in
the MOM.

- pmr: options -c/-f were not working properly.
- pmr: was not working with MGW R6.
- pmr: faulty formula RrcSuc
- pmr: faulty formula for ulRSSI
- pmr: report 214 on MGW R4 was faulty, TR HK38471.
- general: RBS MOM download failure in certain networks, TR HK43640,
- diff: comparing two MO dumps did not work when the second one was in zip format.
- cr: some attributes were not populated when creating MOs in offline mode.
- sti[p]: was not showing SCTP association identities on nodes running later CPP
- std: incorrect board type was shown for disabled devices.
- lg: entries marked with the date 1970 were shown in wrong order when running
"lg" with the option "m".
- lgx: showed empty alarm list when processing a log containing entries marked
with the date 1970.
- dcga: an aal2cpsrc command was run on wrong board
- cedh: not working properly
- diff: boolean values in struct were not handled properly
- inv/invh: did not show slot 28 when run in offline mode.
- bo/inv/bp: wrong software allocations shown on later CPP releases (>= CPP7, new
attribute activeSwAllocation).
- std: last table was not printed correctly on MGW with empty MsDevicePool
- general: file permission problems on the files used by upid and lmid.

CHANGES IN v7.1m (2009-03-20)
Bug fixes:
- dcg: was crashing when run in offline mode
- undo: was not working with struct attributes containing enums.
- general: confusing error message about lmids.txt after initial moshell

CHANGES IN v7.1k (2009-03-16)
New commands:
- resub: new command to resubrack an IubLink, either to the same subrack (for even
spreading of resources) or to different AtmPort/Vp. Type "h resub" for info.
- upid: new command to show the mapping between node SW release and UpgradePackage
id (CXP number and revision). The info is extracted from PLM delivery notes, thanks
Martin Aldrin for automated excel sheet processing.

Improved functionality:
- dcg: new option "k" to fetch the MO dump in kget format. A progress bar shows
the progress of the data collection and the output is a zipfile containing the MO
dump together with the MOM file. Type "h dcg" for info.
- offline-mode: moshell can now run against an modump in zip format as the output
of "dcgk" is a zipfile. Refer to the "Offline mode" chapter for info.
- diff: can now run against an modump in zip format as the output of "dcgk" is a
zipfile. Type "h diff" for info.
- dcg: new option "f" to fetch the ropfiles and cpp logs of the node. The files
are stored in two separate zipfiles (one for ropfiles and one for cpp logs) which
can be read offline with the "-l" option in the commands "pmr", "pmx", and "lg".
Refer to the "Offline mode" chapter for info.
- mom: new option "r" to print attribute value range, default value, and length
- diff: now makes a consistency check that the attribute values are within the
allowed range specified in the MOM.
- diff: now shows a progress bar while reading MO data from node.
- offline-mode: now supports the commands "cr", "acl", "acc", "set". Useful for
offline testing of MO scripts.
- general: the release corresponding to an UpgradePackage (CXP number) is now
displayed in printouts cvcu, cvls, lg, ftree, ls, inv, etc.
- MGW: new board groups confmgr, sctpmp, mtp2mp, ss7mp, msb3, msb4
- LTE: new board groups gcpu, ru[1-6], mp
- bp: when running bp on a board-group, it now shows all board-groups that each
board belongs to.
- pmr: new MGW reports for R5. Thanks Tamas Husz and Olivier Thomas.
- pme[fd]: now supported on LTE.
- std: now supports a search filter to only display lines matching the pattern,
same behaviour as in other commands such as inv, stv, etc. Type "h std" for info.
- std: now shows device availability on DSP level for MGW. Type "h std" for
printout description.
- std: MGW data is now cached for faster printout and can be refreshed with the
"r" option. Type "h std" for info.
- lg: new option "t" to print the Trace & Error logs for all board in
chronological order. A board group can be specified with the "-g" option. Type "h
lg" for info.
- lg: the option "f" now fetches the CPP logfiles and zips them to a file called
<node>_logfiles.zip (same as in dcgm). The T&E logs are also included in this
zipfile. Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: the option "-l" now supports the "lgf" zipfile as argument (instead of the
log directory). Type "h lg" for info.
- pmr: new option "f" to fetch the ROP files and zip them to a file called
<node>_ropfiles.zip (same as in dcgm). Type "h pmr" for info.
- pmr: the option "-l" now supports the "pmrf" zipfile as argument (instead of the
rop directory). Type "h pmr" for info.
- pmr: options -c and -f are not mandatory anymore when parsing offline ROP files
with the "-l" option. The correct config/formula files are now automatically
detected by reading the <nesw> tag in the ROP files.
- lk/rdel/rset: now allowed on all MO classes, though not all are handled
recursively. Added recursive handling on the following MO classes:
NbapCommon/Dedicated, NodeSynchTp, Aal2PathDistributionUnit, Aal2PathVccTp, Mtp2Tp,
AtmCrossConnection, Mtp3bSl, Aal2Ap. Type "h lk", "h rdel", "h rset" for info.
- cr: now checks first if MO name already taken.
- hget: improved handling of struct attributes, CR WRNae33479
- pol: new option "m" to poll until the mirrored disk status is valid. Thanks
Gabor Toth.
- dcg: improvements in the MGW data collection. Thanks Juha Vahekoski.
p?0.view.215.3.0 and
- dcg: option "r" can now be used for RBS specific printouts.
- gs/gsg: now support the options +/-. Type "h gs" for info.
- scripting: new script included in examples folder "change_lac.mos"

Bug fixes:
- pmr/pmx: was not discarding faulty-marked counters (sf tag). These counters are
now discarded and info message printed.
- general: high CPU load when running java 1.4 against jacorb R7. A check is now
implemented to prevent this scenario.
- pmr: some faulty formulas have been corrected (HsMinPerDrop, EulMinPerDrop,
UlRssi). http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.3247.0#3249
- pmed: was not working with decoder 3.0.
- offline-mode: was showing all values empty after parsing an incomplete dump.
- offline-mode: "get all all" dump with proxy was not parsed properly.
- general: iorfile fetching failed sometimes
- multi-mode: incorrect handling of the transaction timeout was leading to
transaction rollback on certain MO operations.
- multi-mode: proxy table was not updated when creating/deleting MO via trun
- multi-mode: al and pst were not working
- multi-mode: was using an old neal version, now using latest.
- undo-mode: incorrect handling of struct values containing spaces
- lk/rdel: incorrect handling of IubLinks using aggregated VP definition.
- board-groups: the RU board group was not properly defined on some RBS types.
- board-groups: ba/br command was not working with board address ending with 00.
- general: ssh communication was not working against NetSim.
- l+m: logging to non existing file was not showing any error message.
- general: spurious error message when checking MOM
- scripting: the testfile function was not working with filenames containing the
word "read"
- std: incorrect column alignment on MGW printout.
- diff: was running very slow on large nodes (> 50000 MOs)
- diff: was causing moshell crash when run against MGW
- dcg: option "s" was printing some data on wrong boards.
- general: improved handling of 3gsim commands, some printouts were hanging.
- general: ftp client was not working against cppemu
- aal2_path_usage: a check and warning has been introduced to avoid unwanted
crashes TR HK22101/WRNae37275. See the comments at the top of the script for info.
- emom/pset: was not working on RNC P8 due to COLI changes
- mobatch: option -o was not working on linux in clearcase
- cab: was not showing board temperature on DUL in eNodeB.
- lk/rdel/rset: was not working properly on Ds0Bundle
- undo: set commands produced when re-creating MOs were in random order, now
sorted in alphabetical order.
- bo: messy printout on 3GSIM.

CHANGES IN v7.1j (2009-02-08)

Improved functionality:
- std: now shows device availability on board level for MGW. Type "h std" for
printout description.
- std: new option "a" to show device usage on RNC. Printout is quicker when run
without the option but contains less information about the usage.
- std: device tables now show the SPB type on RNC.
- ced: now shows EUL2ms usage (RNC P7 and above).
- std: total tables now show resource points usage in RNC.
- std: CPU load now shown on PDR devices (previously only shown on CC and DC
- dcgm: more speed improvements.
- rnc_resource_usage.mos: now parses stda printout for showing the device usage.

Bug fixes:
- general: the corben command "crb rf" was not working in moshell.
- general: sftp transfer could not handle ssh banner
- cedh: was not showing all IubLinks on large nodes.
- sti: was showing RBS table in RNC.
- general: long sql commands were not split correctly.

CHANGES IN v7.1h (2009-02-05)
Bug fix:
- dcg: was not working without the "q" option. This option is now removed and made
- dcg: "drh_dcrh_topdata all" replaced by "drh_dcrh_topdata", due to TR

CHANGES IN v7.1g (2009-02-01)

New/improved functionality:
- time: a new command to measure the time taken by an moshell command or by each
command of an moshell command file. Type "h time" for info.
- dcg: new option "q" (for "quiet"). No printout shown on screen, only progress
info, faster. Type "h dcg" for info.
- pgets: new option "m" to show if, where, and in how many scanners, each counter
is defined. Type "h pgets" for info.
- std: now shows how many cells are in the module GPB and CC devices. Useful for
detecting uneven spreading of the cells across the modules and devices. Type "h
std" for info.
- ced: now shows the module handling the CC device of the cell. Useful for
detecting CC devices handling wrong cells, PLM info 510. Type "h ced" for info.
- set: new option "c" to set an attribute to its current value. Useful for
respreading the cells evenly across all modules and devices. Type "h set" for info.
- sti: now supported on WCDMA RBS.
- pmr: a new counter "pmRopCounter" is available for use in KPI formulas which
require input on the number of ROPs included in the measurement. See example in
formula file moshell/commonjars/pm/FORMULA_RNC_H_1_0.txt.
- general: a new API has been included for writing moshell scripts in perl.
Consists of a perl module, a user guide, and a script example. Can be found under
moshell/examples/perl_api. Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- general: changed connection method on corba_class 2 to avoid hanging when
connecting to secure nodes in unsecure mode.
- lh/bp: new board group for RUs on LTE RBS.
- cabx: now supports RU boards on LTE RBS.
- inv: now supports RU boards on LTE RBS.
- inv: program and feature list is now sorted in alphabetical order.
- diff: updated with latest P7 PARAM files.
- pmr: added new RNC reports for subrack-level performance indicators
- ced: better precision on ASE columns, values under 10 are now shown with one
decimal precision.
- ced: faster response time due to caching of cell ids.
- multimode: improved startup time and MOM parsing, refer to "Multi mode" chapter
in User Guide for more info.
- inv: updated license key translations for P7FP features.
- cab: faster printout on the XP part ("cabx").

Bug fixes:
- pmr: RNC reports on AtmPort level were not working when standby VC not defined
- pmr: bug in utrancell paging performance report
- pmr: some faulty RNC KPIs (HsAvergNoUsers, HSMinperDrop, EULMinperDrop, ...)
- ftget: local file was getting deleted even when transfer failed
- multimode: was not working towards cppemu/simcello
- multimode: parsing MOM issue, wrong cpp mom version detected
- emom/pset: incorrect parsing of event files on LTE RBS
- str: -c option was not working
- ftget: recursive directory transfer was failing on large directories due to
files not being closed.
- fset: hanging occurring when typing empty attribute type
- general: incorrect handling of uservariable "set_window_title"
- pdeb/pbl: was not working on PREDEF scanners
- sql+: wrong LM version was started on CPP7 nodes
- str: native IP sites with Nbap MOs remaining should not be in the down list
- str2: was not showing IubLink status
- pmr: problem handling large integer values, TR WRNae36124. Thanks Mike Harris
for pmXtab correction.
- general: corba connection failure after jarfile download, problem with the
corba_class handling.

CHANGES IN v7.1f (2008-12-19)
New commands:
- sti[bcpr]: print status and configuration of IP-based interfaces (SIGTRAN and
IP-Iub). Type "h sti" for info. Based on suggestion
p?0.view.157.1.0 and CR WRNae07628. Thanks Alex Perez, Daniel Wikman, Mohan
Gopalakrishnan for input.
- s+/s-/s?: sort MO list in alphabetical order instead of proxy order. Type "h s+"
for info.

Improved functionality:
- std: now shows additional usage information on DC devices and PDR devices. Type
"h std" for info.
- lk/rdel: better support for IP-based interfaces (M3uAssociation, IubLink,
Mtp3bSrs, etc).
- uer: additional summary tables showing the call repartition by establishment
cause. Can be used for checking if any emergency calls are ongoing and on which
- general: improved ip contact check at moshell startup to avoid being locked out
of moshell when telnet/ssh port is down but http port is up.
- get: now shows the translation of the attribute M3uAssociation:associationState
as if it were an enum.
- pmr: new reports for paging. Based on suggestion
p?0.view.188.1.0. Thanks Rejean Drouin.
- general: new zpm are included with CPP7 support. Thanks Mike Harris for
compilation help.
- lki: clearer printout, including ATM sites only. Help updated.
- pdel: now prevents deletion of PREDEF scanners since these cannot easily be re-
recreated afterwards. WRNae31606, WRNae24982,

Bug fixes:
- general: reverse ipaddress lookup in ipdatabase was not working.
- general: too many "logging to file" printouts when running commands while
logging to file.
- uer: was not working on P7FP RNC.
- uer: was not showing all the ongoing calls, some calls were missed due to
printing invalid UeContexts.
- st: was missing MOs who only have administrativeState without operationalState
- general: incorrect board groups for SPB3 in low-power subrack, should contain 3
devices instead of 5. Thanks Joakim �stlund.
- pmr: incorrect aal2 congestion formulas
- pgu: loadmodule lookup with bswhat was sometimes failing.
- str: confusing NodeSynch status info on RNC >= P6. Replaced "12" with "S".
- str: was not showing transport type on Iubs containing more than 6 cells.
- general: some 3gsim COLI commands were hanging.
- general: some COLI commands were leading to unwanted start of MO service (e.g.
restartObj command)
- offline mode: incorrect error message upon running of "lh" command while in
offline mode, trying to login to non-existing node.
- diff: some spurious MO differences when comparing two MO dumps.
- set: was showing transaction failures as successful set operations, missleading.
- general: wrong lmid file permission, was not possible for all users to write to
it, TR HJ93515.
- swup: incorrect restart action in "-r" option
- pmr: incorrect formula for IRATU2GCellChangeFailRate.
- sql+: updated to a newer CPP7 revision.
- general: wrong permission on lmids.txt file, TR HJ93515
- diff: could not generate "trun" commandfile when diffing against a custom
baseline file.
- pmr: incorrect formula PSHsAvgTputPerCell
- pmr: incorrect formulas HsRetransmissionRate and PSDCHRetransRate, TR

CHANGES IN v7.1e (2008-11-21)
New/Improved functionality:
- undomode (u+/u-/u!): now supports actions. Type "h u+" for info.
- std: complete rebuild of the RNC printout (MGW printout unchanged). Extensive
device usage information and overview printouts. Type "h std" for info.
- std: new option "r" to re-read device configuration information. Without "r",
only device state and usage is updated.
- str: now shows the Iub transport option (RNC P6 and after). Type "h str" for
- str: new option "-t" to filter by transport option. Type "h str" for info.
- uer: now shows the call duration (RNC P7 and after).
- rnc_resource_usage.mos: adaptations for P7. Number of Iu signalling connections,
DC usage in DRH.
- mesc_usage.mos: now shows information about active VMGW contexts.
- lgd: added the weighted partial downtime, to take into account percentage of
- pgu: now checks if CV was created properly before restarting.
- bp/lh: added default board group "ruif" for WCDMA RBS.

Bug fixes:
- uer: module summary table was messy on large nodes.
- uerd: was not showing the SRNC.
- trun: was crashing when running CHECK operation on an array attribute containing
more elements than specified in the script.
- pgets: multiple zeros were shown on empty event scanners.
- general: MO groups mapped to RNC devices (e.g. dc[0-9]dev) contained wrong
- proglist/progkill: was not working when password set at moshell startup with the
-v option.
- cvrm: problem with the CV name matching, was not deleting all CVs.
- lga/lge: time filtering options were not working properly.
- lga/lge: incorrect timestamp after daylight saving change. WRNae27096.
- al: was not showing the additional information fields name (only value was
- general: incorrect info message printed for secmode command WRNae26575.
- lk: was not showing the UtranCells connected to an IP-based IubLink
- pmr: RNC reports for the AtmPorts were showing duplicate entries on IubLinks
using no standby link. http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- general: offline mode was not recognizing MO dumps from TD-SCDMA nodes.

CHANGES IN v7.1d (2008-10-20)
Bug fixes:
- mon: was not working due to change in the ip check procedure
- lgo/lgl: was missing out certain push files

CHANGES IN v7.1c (2008-10-20)
New/Improved functionality:
- lg: new option "x" for showing alarms active on a certain day/time.
- lgd: now shows partial outages, works from RNC P6.
- lgd: improvements in system downtime calculations, now shows application/jvm
downtime on most node restarts.
- lgd: now supports the option "c" for csv format printout.
- lgo/lgl: is now also parsing the push files (the files
- offline mode: much faster parsing of the MO dumps.
- offline mode: now works with MO dumps taken in multi-mode (provided all nodes
had the same MOM).
- general: faster ip connectivity check by using built-in library instead of
external component (netcat). Thanks David Smith.
- mom/pmom: now support negative filter (!) on the second argument
- str: cells which have locked MBMS/HS/EUL channels are now shown as available.
- lki: updated the help with RNC P6 information. Thanks Richard Allan and Shi Chen
for the info.
- general: it is now possible to specify "$USER" in a uservariable (can be used
for instance in the "username" uservariable).
- pset: now supports cell and uefraction filters on LTE celltrace
- pset: now reads LTE event list directly from the node (from
- rnc_resource_usage.mos: updated for new printout formats in P7
- scripting: when running scripts or calling functions, a new variable $0 is set
to the whole line (in addition to the positional variables $1, $2, etc). Refer to
the scripting chapter for more info.
- scripting: new example scripts count_iub.mos and rte.mos

Bug fixes:
- lt/lc: loading of MOs was unnecessarily creating sessions leading to memory leak
on the node. WRNae20172.
- pcr: was creating empty scanners. WRNae19001.
- set/acc: was not handling structs and struct arrays containing the characters
"=" and/or ":"
- lga/lge: was sometimes showing incorrect timestamps WRNae17880
- lg: incorrect chronological order when using the options "m" and "c" together.
- u+/u+s: was not handling attribute names containing brackets.
- general: http transfer was not working in some networks
- mom/pmom: was showing duplicate MO/attributes after each MOM parsing within the
same session.
- general: device board groups on RNC kept increasing after each node restart
within the same moshell session.
- multi-mode: was crashing with corba_class=1
- general: the moshell restricted+ version could not be unlocked (option -u was
- inv: was not showing full information when run after invh.
- pset: was not handling CTR in multimode
- emom/pset: was not working on RNC3820
- ombat: the setiub function was not working properly

CHANGES IN v7.1b (2008-09-23)
New/Improved functionality:
- uer: the options -c/-r now support regular expression filtering (in RNC >= P6).
Type "h uer" for info.
- undo: now supports undoing create commands.
- inv/invh: now shows the LED status on PlugInUnit/AuxPlugInUnit.
- inv/invh: now shows the MgwFan boards on MGW.
- diff: better check for the UniSaalTp:maxSduSize in RNC. Can now distinguish
between different reference values on NBAP-C/NBAP-D/Q.AAL2.
- diff: updated PARAM files for RAN P6.1
- pmoma: now supports filtering on attribute level. Type "h pmom" for info.
- pmr/pmXtab: new subroutines are added for formula calculations: MaxNonZeroIndex,
MaxWeightedNonZeroIndex, MinNonZeroIndex, MinWeightedNonZeroIndex,
MaximumWeightedValue. Thanks Mike Harris.
- general: new option -m for running moshell in multi mode. Refer to chapter 10 in
user guide (Offline mode/Multi mode chapter) for more info.
- set: now supports assigning an empty value to attributes of type
sequence:struct. Note: currently works in multi mode only.
- help: in offline mode and multi mode, the "h" menu now shows only the list of
applicable commands.
- help: the user guide chapter for offline mode has been updated with more
detailed information.

Bug fixes:
- sql+: specifying the heap size was not working on CPP7
- uer: options -c/-r was not showing all applicable UEs on RNC >= P6
- pmr: piping from command line when running option -r was not working. E.g. pmr
-r 9,10 | grep UtranCell=xxx
- general: running a MO command after a node restart completed was giving a corba
exception, causing unnecessary delay of 10 seconds.
- proglist: printout shown in logfile taken with l+ was not according to printout
shown on screen.
- general: problems with RNC3820 support (new module numbering)
- cab: was not showing board temperature for certain boards (GPB3, SPB3, SCB-DF)
- ma: was very slow when making large MO groups (> 50,000 MOs).
- general: lmid lookup file (jarxml/lmids.txt) contained duplicate entries,
leading to slow response times and higher memory usage.
- fclean: was using obsolete command in CPP7 (asconf)
- get/kget: was showing wrong total number of MOs
- uer: was causing node crash in CPP7, TR WRNae17075. Uer now uses rcmd instead of
- ced: was showing the wrong module and RO information on certain nodes.
- str: was not working for IubLinks not connected to any module.
- trun: correction for TR WRNae16205
- set: was not working with attributes of type struct containing members of type
- lt/ltc: was going around in loops when run from a command file having the same
name as an MO class.

CHANGES IN v7.1a (2008-08-29)
New/Improved functionality:
- uer: new options -c/-r to filter on UtranCell/IubLink level. Type "h uer" for
info. CR WRNae14840.
- ced/cedh: new options -c/-r to filter on UtranCell/IubLink level. Type "h ced"
for info.
- ced/cedh: the total summed values for each column are now shown at the bottom of
the printout.
- pset/pgets: now supports CELLTRACE scanners on LTE nodes.
- general: use_complete_mom is now supported on LTE nodes.
- general: offline modumps can now be read directly in gzipped format. Example:
moshell modump.log.gz
- diff: input files can now be read directly in gzipped format. Example: diff
modump_1.log.gz modump_2.log.gz
- lko/llko: now works in offline mode.
- stc: now shows both ATM and TDM crossconnections
- general: MO commands can now mix individual proxy values and proxy ranges.
Example: get 1 2 5-8 10.
- pmr: new reports for MGW, thanks Tamas Husz and Indra Gunawan.

Bug fixes:
- pmr: througput reports were not working on P6
- pgu: was not detecting a failed loadmodule creation on CPP7.
- ced/cedh: module filter was not working properly.
- cedh: was not showing the correct RO value on IubLink.
- pmr: RXI reports were not working on P5.
- polu: was not always working due to default wait time too short. Type "h pol"
for info.
- str: was not showing the progress bar.
- uer: was not working when RANAP MP switched over.
- cvls: CV's marked with identical timestamps were being shown twice.
- general: problem handling the "asc" board group in MO commands.
- cr: was not working properly on IpInterface and M3uaRemoteSp MOs, due to missing
optional attribute.
- cr/acc: was not handling the "null" value on attributes of type sequence:moRef.
- rnc_resource_usage.mos: was not showing the number of SSCP connections correctly
on CPP7.
- str: sites with only one NodeSynchTp were shown as faulty.
- general: offline mode could not handle a dump taken from a restricted or limited
moshell version.

CHANGES IN v7.1 (2008-07-09)
New/Improved functionality:
- proglist: a new command to print the list of programs on a board or boardgroup.
Type "h proglist" for info.
- progkill: a new command to restart a program on a board or boardgroup. Type "h
progkill" for info.
- general: support for new module numbering and sw allocation in RNC3820. Affects
commands bo, bp, lh, str, std, lki, ced, uer, stv, tg.
- general: automatic adaptation of corba_class setting (==> No need to manually
change the corba_class when corresponding jarfiles missing).
- cabl: now uses "capi prio" instead of "capi tot", to include load for all
- inv: now shows description for each license key, based on the RAN document
1/0062-HSD10102. Thanks David Smith.
- inv: now shows HW capability information for RU and RRU, based on RBS document
41/1551-HRB105102/1. Thanks David Smith.
- inv: added info about installation date and sequence number of license key file.
- inv: added info about graceTimeLeft in RBS.
- tg: adaptations for P6FP and P7 (WRNae04884).
- lk: clearer printout on Mtp3bSrs
- general: a new MO group ("moclass_group") is created by default after "lt all",
contains one MO instance of each class. Used for regression test of certain
commands (fro[m], get, kget, etc).
- alias: using aliases is now supported in "lh/lhsh" statements. E.g. "lhsh <lnh>
<alias>", "lh <boardgroup> <alias>".
- pgu: now supports replacing MSB device programs in MGW.
- bap: now supports making board groups based on MSB device programs in MGW.
- pmr: option "-r" now supports ranges, e.g. "-r 1,3,5-8,9". Type "h pmr" for
- pmr: added IRAT KPI for RNC
- pmr: added KPI 90th percentile Txpwr for RBS
http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.2314.0#2315. Thanks
Mike Harris.
- general: improved check of java version to corba_class compatibility.
- help: the command "h <chapter>" now displays the output page per page (using the
"less" utility).
- help: the chapter on corba settings has now been updated to include information
about all 5 corba_class values.
- help: list of commands supported in offline mode has now been updated.

Bug fixes:
- pmx: was not working with MO groups.
- cr/acc: when inputting an empty string (using "null"), a null value was given
instead of empty string.
- general: moshell start in offline mode when node address identical to an
existing file. http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.1482
- cabe: saved traces were not shown correctly.
- coli: certain functionality not working when current working directory was "/".
- coli: after changing directory to a non-existing directory, the current working
directory information was lost and became /d.
- str: the option "-s" was not working on RNC P6/P7.
- str: the options "-c" and "-i" were not fully case-insensitive.
- uer: was not working with IMSI numbers containing fewer digits.
- sql+: was not choosing the correct version of osa_coli on nodes that have been
upgraded, then rolled-back.
- sql+: was not working on nodes where osa_coli is missing from the hard disk.
- alias: alias definition was not working with certain aliases.
- logging: spurious escape characters appearing in logfile.
- pmr: incorrect formula for AvgTxPwr on RBS P6.
- cabs: not showing correct program name on certain nodes.
- pgetsn: confusing printout when using counter filter.
- cabx: hanging for certain nodes when run in Windows Vista.
- cabx: not showing subrack info on certain nodes (where "mirror s" not working)
- pmr: confusing error message printed in offline mode.
- interwork with CETP. Additional correction for WRNae06245, could not handle
command lines longer than 256 characters.
- lko: was going into infinite loop on PlugInUnit MOs.
- general: confusing corba error printout when connecting to secure CPP7 node with
unsecure corba_class setting.

CHANGES IN v7.0z (2008-06-10)

Improved functionality:
- cab: new option "e" to check for additional T&E trace conditions. Type "h cab"
for info.
- alc: now shows the notification id.
- pset: now supports setting a RBS GPEH scanner to empty. Type "h pset" for info.
- sql+/fro/cabm: updated for CPP7/OSE5
- dcg: new option "a" to check aal2 info. Type "h dcg" for info. Thanks Torbjorn
- general: various board groups improvements, new board groups for aal2.
- diff: updated PARAM files for P6FP.
- cvput: new command to transfer remote CV backup to the node. Type "h cvput" for
- trun: now shows the return value on ACTION (when not null).
- trun: faster startup time.

Bug fixes:
- general: ssh/sftp communication not working properly on CPP7.
- dcg: was not checking option syntax correctly.
- mon: was not working on nodes where target monitor defined as simple program
instead of RPU. TR HJ13197.
- mom: not working properly on enum printouts.
- fcleand: was not working in restricted mode.
- lk: was not working properly on Mtp3bSrs
- ftput: -f option was not working.
- cvget: was not working with secure_ftp=1.
- diff: was not working properly with enum in structs.
- general: MGW board groups were not created properly.
- trun: was handling attributes of type Long as Integers. UABtr60572.
- lk: was not working on certain Iub configurations (using aggregated VP).
- pmx/pmr/pmExtract: was missing certain counters. TR WRNae08645.
- bo: crash on certain nodes
- lgo: incorrect parsing of certain files where attribute or action parameter
containing several words.
- scripting: "else" not understood when followed by comment.
- pmr: corrected certain RBS formulas (AvgRssi/AvgTxPwr):
http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.2161.0#2177 and
- pmr: corrected certain RNC formulas which were not giving correct values when
being aggregated (MinPerDrop and NoUsers formulas). Thanks Peter Hove Pedersen.
- pmr: corrected a MGW formula for Aal5 reports.

CHANGES IN v7.0y (2008-05-06)

Improved functionality:
- ced/cedh: a new field has been added in the printout to show the cell/iub RO.
Type "h ced" for info.
- offline mode: ba/bp/br now supported in offline mode.
- dcg: added more MGW printouts. Added check for zip presence.
- pmr: faster startup in RNC when small config file used.
- pmr: new RNC reports for RSSI. Thanks David Smith.

Bug fixes:
- cab/bp/lh: were not working on microCPP
- uer: was not working on quickLink RNC
- general: long commands not printed correctly when moshell controlled from expect
script. TR WRNae06245.
- general: MOM parsing not working properly on RBS P7. TR WRNae07208.
- general: some loco commands were not working in moshell.
- general: the board group "coremp" was not created properly on RBS.
- uer: was not working on RNC P4
- cvget: was not working when node addressed through DNS.
- general: spurious error messages were printed when making board groups after
node restart.
- ftget/ftput/fclean: were crashing when fetching certain files.
- mobatch: log directory not created properly when specifying sites from command

CHANGES IN v7.0v (2008-04-22)

New functionality:
- uer: new option "d" to print drifting contexts. Type "h uer" for info.
- uer: new option "t" to print UE contexts who have a TMSI only. Type "h uer" for
- dcg: new command for fetching CSR data. Type "h dcg" for info.
- mom/pmom: new option "d" to not print the description part. Useful for getting
overview. Type "h mom" or "h pmom" for info.
- al: new option -a/-u to acknowledge/unacknowledge alarms. Thanks to Joakim
- mobatch: new option -o to print output to screen. Type "mobatch" from unix
prompt for help. Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- pgu: new option "r" to replace programs in the same way as in System Upgrade.
Useful for core programs (e.g. basic_os). Type "h pgu" for info. Thanks Joakim
- pol: new options "c" and "u" to follow progress on actions to the
ConfigurationVersion or UpgradePackage. Type "h pol" for info.
- cvget: new command to backup CV(s) to the workstation. Type "h cvget" for info.
- rnc_resource_usage.mos: added number of Iu signalling connections and RBS CE
- general: new uservariable "jarxmldir" which allows to specify any path for the
jarxml folder. http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?

Improved functionality:
- uer: major speed improvements. Mainly on RNC P6 thanks to CR WRNad68941 but also
on RNC P5 due to printing UE context to local /p disk instead of /c.
- general: reduced memory usage of moshell java processes. Thanks Johan Fall.
- pmr: new option "-r" to specify the reports to print. Type "h pmr" for info.
- pmr/pmx/pmExtract: can now handle duplicated counters (ie defined in multiple
scanners). Actual value is now shown instead of double value. TR WRNad90465. Thanks
to Michael Harris.
- cab/lh: temporary command files are now stored in /d/usr (instead of /c/tmp), to
reduce wear-out of /c.
- uer: temporary command files are now stored in /pxxyy00 (instead of /c/tmp), to
reduce wear-out of /c.
- set: now gives an exception if trying to set a boolean value to something
different than true or false. TR UABtr60502.
- mobatch: now runs sites in same order as specified in sitefile (was in random
order previously). Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- stvb: now reads atmPortFroId via fget instead of sql.
- pst/pgets/pdel/pdeb/pbl/pset: now support automatic polling when node down.
- pgets: clearer printout when using the counter filter (e.g. pgets stats reject).
Thanks Martin Aldrin.
- pdel/pbl/pdeb: now asks for confirmation. The command conf[bld] and/or the
uservariables bldebset_confirmation and del_confirmation can be used to disable the
- set: now supports to set an attribute of type sequence:MoRef with a mix of null
and non-null MO references. Type "h set" and "h syntax" for info.
- cvcu/cvls: now show the rollbackCounter.
- diff: PARAM files updates for P6 GA. Thanks Thomas Wikstrom.
- general: amos now supports node names lookup in ipdatabase.
- trun: now supports "returnValue ignore" in ACTION. Type "h trun" for info.
Thanks Daniel Wikstrom.
- mom: struct/enum are now shown in alphabetical order (order was random
- pmom: now shows the attribute type. New argument to search on the attribute
type. Type "h pmom" for info.
- general: improved detection mechanism and handling of corrupted MOM files.
- rdel/lrdel: better support for IubLink in RNC P6.
- lgoc: now shows the userid. Type "h lg" for info.
- moshell_install: new option for specifying the path to globmoshellrc. Check
inside the moshell_install file for more info.
- general: moshell can now revert from corba_class=4 to corba_class=2 if sls_urls
is not set and node has security turned off.
- general: faster check for existing java processes (using internal library
instead of system call).
- u!: can now convert scripts even when MO class/attribute name have wrong
- scripts: new script in moshell/examples/scripting:
- general: source code for binary files now included under moshell/commonjars/src.

Bug fixes:
- general: moshell's http and ftp clients were not working on the latest cygwin
package 1.25.5-11. http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?
- general: failure to move files when located on different file systems.
- general: corba security was not working with CPP7 jar files. Thanks Diana
- general: struct attributes could not be handled when using CPP7 jar files.
Causing crash in cr, set, and acc commands.
- general: aal2ap board group in MGW was interfering with MO commands.
- str: showing wrong number of sites with IubLinks containing more than 6 cells.
- parseline: some problems in decoding certain aal2 rejects and ueh exceptions.
Thanks David Smith.
- gs/gsg: was causing failure when setting moRef to null value.
- lk/llk: MOs without an operationalState were missing from the printout.
- cab/lh/bo/bp: were not working properly with nodes containing SPB3 boards.
- pmr/pmx/pme: was sometimes not finding the path of the ROP files on the node
(attribute performanceDataPath).
- cr: was prompting twice for certain attributes (e.g. AuxPlugInUnit:piuType)
- cvms: was trying to do cvset even when cvmk failed
- general: offline mode was not supporting MOM in jar format (RBS).
- pmr: corrected some PS formulas for RNC. Thanks David Smith.
- general: userid was not found on certain machines (error message printed on
- lgd/restartcollector: downtime values were missing 10 seconds.
- alk: was not showing the userid of the acknowledger.
- spget/lspget: help text was missing.
- emom/pset: was not working on RBS GPEH.
- mr: missing error message when running "mr" on non-existing MO group.
- zpm: was getting corrupted during installation process on cygwin (bug in
- hget: was not working on MOs whose MO name contain brackets
- trun: was failing when script path was a URL and node name contained space.
- bo/bp/lh: was not handling REIF boards in RBS. Thanks David Smith.
- general: removed spurious error message at moshell startup.
- mobatch/pmExtract/pmXtab: using wrong perl path in clearcase. Affecting moshell
installation in /vobs/iov/rnc/bin/moshell.
- u!: not working with bl/lbl/deb/ldeb commands
- u+/u-: not working when setting array of MOs to empty value
- lg: time filtering not working properly on certain machines. TR WRNae05109
- u!: not handling the ManagedElement MO correctly.

CHANGES IN v7.0t (2008-01-29)
New commands/utilities:
- pstool: a new utility to trace process usage or kill a process tree. Type
"pstool" on its own for help.
- spget/lspget: new command for reading pm counters one by one. Type "h spget" for
Improved functionality:
- al: new option "c" to print the alarm list in CSV format, semicolon separated.
Type "h al" for info.
- al: the "a" option now sorts the alarms in order of severity/time and
alphabetical order.
- ba: now supports adding individual SPM's. Type "h ba" for info.
- board groups: new MGW board groups msb, gra, imra, aal2cpsrc. Type "bp" to see
the new board groups.
- board groups: new RNC board groups for modules and devices, grouped by subrack.
Type "bp" to see the new board groups.
- board groups: new board group scx containing scb/sxb boards.
- cab: added support for GPB7
- cab: the "l" option now shows CPU load of each SPM in distinct columns. SPMs on
which CPU load measurement failed now appear more clearly.
- diff: new instruction under moshell/examples/audit_files/EAB_FJW-08_0071.doc,
also stored in CDM http://cdmweb.ericsson.se:7033/TeamCenter/controller/ViewDocs?
- diff: updated the PARAM files to include latest changes in the recommended
values from Winnow/CDM.
- ftget/ftput: new option -f for transferring files whose path matches a certain
string. Type "h ftget" or "h ftput" for info.
- ftget/ftput: new options -m/-p/-s/-e for transferring files whose timestamp is
within a certain range. Type "h ftget" or "h ftput" for info.
- ftree: now works as well for directories located on the workstation. Type "h
ftree" for info.
- general: cygwin installation: part of the procedure is now automated, see
instruction on http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/content.php?content.9 or in
user guide.
- general: moshell now works on Windows Vista.
- general: the limited moshell version now supports separate log directories and
~/.moshellrc files for different users. (Used to be same file/location for all
users). http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.1212
- lg: improved CSV format output via the "c" option. Output to screen instead of
file. Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: new option -l allows to specify a local directory for offline processing of
the logs. Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: new options -m/-p/-s/-e offer better time filtering. Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: new switch "f" for fetching the logs. Type "h lg" for info.
- lk/rdel/rset: added support for Ds0Bundle MO and PacketDataRouter MO.
- mon: support for the UDP monitor. Type "h mon" for info.
- pgets: now prints a warning if the same counter is found in several different
- pgu: now prints a warning if the user tries to upgrade to the program revision
already running in the node.
- pgu: now supports LM path from clearcase, even not containing CXC number, eg:
"pgu /vobs/mmgw/r5/mgwr5_tc_mesc/build/mesc.ppc@@/main/llv21_corr/58" . Type "h
pgu" for info.
- pmr: new report RNC UtranCell RAB failure breakdown.
- scripts: new moshell scripts under moshell/commonjars/scripts:
aal2_path_usage.mos and rnc_resource_usage.mos
- stv: added extra information for PacketDataRouter MOs (the connected PdrDevice,
Aal5TpVccTp, and Ip addresses). Type "h stv" for info.
- zpm: has been moved from moshell/commonjars to moshell/ folder for easier access
Bug fixes:
- bls: was printing wrong confirmation message.
- ced: was not working properly on P4.
- cr: was not able to create Aal2PathDistributionUnit MO in CPP6 (when
Aal2Ap:allocationMode=true). TR WRNad80237
- cr: was not handling the Vmgw MO in MGW R5.
- diff: some attributes in DchFrameSynch=2 had wrong recommended value in the
reference file PARAM_RNC_G_5_26.txt.
- diff: was not possible to convert the command file from moshell format to
trun/emas format.
- fro/sql+: was not working in CPP7 running security level 3
- ftree: did not print error message when invalid folder entered by user
- general: MOM file could get corrupted when downloaded by several simultaneous
moshell sessions (e.g. as part of mobatch)
- general: incorrect file permissions were set on the .gz MOM files.
- general: offline mode could not handle a dump taken from a restricted or limited
moshell version.
- general: the uservariable "java" could not be set to "java" though it was in the
PATH. It is now supported to set "java=java" in the moshell or ~/.moshellrc file.
- l+mm: was sometimes reverting back to l+m
- lg: some information was missing from event log.
- lg: the "u" option was not showing the full log from a CPP5 to CPP6 upgrade.
- lg: the "o" option could not handle corrupted CORBA_AUDITTRAIL_LOG files .
- l+/l-: certain lines were not being logged to file when logging turned on.
- mobatch: was failing to start in certain circumstances, with "command not found"
- mon: was sometimes starting the TCP monitor with the wrong commands or issuing
the commands on the wrong board.
- ose shell handling: the "cat" command was not displaying the contents of a file
when the last line was missing a carriage return.
- parseline/te log read: INFO traces from Scc_server_proc were not decoded
- pcr: wrong error message was printed when failed to create a UtranRelation
- pget: incorrect number of MOs was printed in certain cases.
- pgu: was doing rset twice, leading to longer execution time.
- pgu: was not able to upgrade jar file where the Loadmodule MO did not contain
the CXC number. http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.1811
- pmr/pmXtab: removed duplicate warning messages for unmatched rules in relation
- pmr/pmx: rop files were not parsed when the -p option was used.
- pmr/pmx: was not handling counter values taking several lines.
- pmr: incorrect formula for PSRrcSucc. TR WRNad90768 and
- pmr: updated formula for PSRabSucc for RNC SW >= P5.0.17.
- psetd/pcrd: were not working properly.
- restartcollector: some fields were not correctly aligned in "-u" option.
- stv: the RNC module was not printed for Aal2PathVccTp MOs.
- u+: was not working for set commands on attributes of type array/moref/struct .
Now works on all attributes except array of struct
- u+s: was not working on array of struct

CHANGES IN v7.0r (2007-10-31)

Improved functionality:
- inv: now shows ISL connections. Type "h inv" for info.
- cab: added temperature display for MSB, SCB, SXB.
- pmr: updating of various PM reports for RNC P5 (PS/HS Minutes per drop) and P6
(PSrabsucc). Thanks to Mathias Aldrin.
- cabl: now shows SP load.
- ced/cedh: now works on P4
- moshell/commonjars/scripts/rnc_resource_usage.mos: new script for checking rnc
resource usage.
- mobatch: it is now supported to input the list of nodes from the command line
instead of sitefile. Eg: mobatch node1,node2,node3 commandfile. Type mobatch on its
own for help.
- moshell_install: new option "-p" to bypass the prompts (eg: moshell_install -p
- acc: a warning is printed in case of RNC/MGW node restart, to prevent accidental
node restarts on the wrong node.
- tg: a warning is printed to indicate that on live nodes, ced/cedh commands
should be used instead.
- offline mode: parsing of offline dump is now 50% faster. Slight reduction of
memory usage. More improvements are planned for the memory usage in offline mode.
- bo/inv: no more caching of board tables on RNC in between moshell sessions, to
avoid inconsistencies.
- general: new uservariable "show_userlabel". Type "h ul" for info.

Bug fixes
- h: command help was not printed when typing a command with its options (eg: "h
pmrg", "h cedh", etc)
- general: could not connect to nodes when using java version 1.3.1 and
corba_class=1 or 3.
- general: could not connect to nodes running corba security when using java
version 1.5 and corba_class=3.
- diff: was not working with MO filter (e.g. "diff .")
- pst/pgets/pdel/pbl/pdeb: could not handling scanners with duplicate names
- offline mode: bo/inv was not showing certain fields like jvm classpath,
rncmodule, swallocation
- offline mode: get/kget printout had invalid format for the attributes of type
moref, sequence:moref, and struct
- offline mode: "std" was not working properly when run before "bo".
- set/acc/cr: was not handling struct attributes containing ":" or "=".
- fset/fget/facc was converting parameters to lowercase, causing problems when
handling certain attributes (e.g. ArpMap:systemDefaultArpOosEo). TR WRNad78552
- pgu: was not working for replacing RBS DSP programs
- ftreef: was not finding all pmd files when listing the folder /c/pmd
- scripting: "&&" was not handled properly in variable replacements
- ba/br: was not working when using the full 6 digit linkhandler address
- sql+/sql?/sql-: was not working on some nodes when secure_shell=1
- inv: was not showing MACU on MGW
- cr: could not create a utrancell on later P5 release due to new optional
attribute (mocnCellProfileRef)
- cedh: was not handling negative values
- emom: permissions on event files were not correctly set.
- lgd: was not showing correct node restart cause for rank "coldWtest"
- restartcollector: was not working properly when started with the option "-v"
- pgets: was not showing counters defined in the PmService MO.
- general: moshell commands could be overriden by aliases. This is now prevented.
An alias cannot override an moshell command anymore.

CHANGES IN v7.0q (2007-09-14)

Improved functionality:
- ced: new switch "h" ("cedh") to show Channel Element Usage (from "hwm"). Type "h
ced" for info.
- ced/cedh: new option "-m <module>" to restrict printout for certain modules
only. E.g. cedh -m 8,9,10.
- pmr: updated formulas and reports for P5. Thanks to David Smith for producing
these files.
- pmx: new option "-o" to specify output format, e.g. "-o csv". Type "h pmx" for
- fro[m]: the "from" command now shows the revision of the modata table through
the attribute moTypeRevision. Type "h fro" for info.
- inv: now shows the number of Channel Elements on TX (used to show this for RAX
- acc: more readable printout on the action "listRoutes".
- acc: on CPP >= 5.1, a warning appears if the action "restart" is used instead of
- kget: now supports slow fetching (skget/lskget). Type "h kget" for info.
- diff: updated parameter files for P5.0.8 and above.
- lgd/restartcollector: now shows application downtime for MGW.
- fclean: removal of directories now works on remote boards, e.g. "fclean
001900/f". Type "h fclean" for info.
- ipdatabase: can now contain scripting variables and uservariables, eg: nodename
ipaddress password var1=value1,var2=value2,var3=value3
- ~/.moshellrc: can now contain scripting variables as well as uservariables, eg:
- lki: updated consistency checking and help for P5MD and above. Error code is
only printed if aal2/aal5 in different subrack.
- general: support for logging of moshell commands. Can be turned on using the
uservariable moscommandlog. Refer to the moshell file for info.

Bug fixes:
- strt: was not showing the ATM port on IubLink containing more than 6 cells.
- lki: was showing incorrect error codes on nodes using different naming
convention for the AtmPorts.
- restartcollector: was not showing correct actor/message/state.
- sget/lsget: was not translating all attributes.
- pme/pmx/pmr: was not working in offline node against OSS files.
- pmx: piping was not working properly. Thanks to David Smith for the fix.
- pmr: multiple pipe was not working, eg: menu | egrep 'cell1|cell2|cell3'
- cabx: was not showing FU on P5.0.13 and later.
- cabx: was not showing XP boards connected to central MP (e.g. XALM).
- general: crashes were occurring on cygwin ("unable to remap to file.dll to same
address as parent."). Thanks to David Smith for the fix.
- general: board group "coremp" was not defined correctly when non-adjacent core
MPs (e.g. RXI with core MPs in slot 10/13)
- general: IOR file fetching was not working on certain nodes.
- general: board groups for MGW were not always working:
- pgu: was not working with loadmodules stored in /c/loadmodules_norepl (e.g.
device LMs)
- cr: was not working on DchMap MO (RNC >= P6)
- cr: was not working on M3uAssociation in MGW (due to extra flag added in MGW
- emom/pset: was not working on RNC P6 later shipment (due to move of certain RNC

CHANGES IN v7.0p (2007-07-14)

New commands/variables:
- lu/llu: to unload proxies. Type "h lu" for info.
- be[0-50]: to extract a number of boards from a group, randomly. Type "h be" for
more info.
- ced: to view dynamic cell data. Type "h ced" for info. Thanks to Alex Perez and
Mathias Aldrin for the input.
- general: new user variable "prompt_color" to turn on/off the coloring of the
prompt. (red for RNC, green for RBS, purple for MGW, no color for other nodes). For
more info, check inside the moshell file. The different colors are used to avoid
issuing dangerous commands in the wrong node.

Improved functionality:
- h: better searching capability, search string can also match on the command
description. Eg: "h change.*prompt" shows all commands that match the string
"change.*prompt" in the command description.
- MOM handling: MOM files and cached MOM files are now compressed in gzipped
format to save space.
- MOM handling: extra check to detect corrupted MOM or cached MOM files.
- MOM handling: now supports the jarred RBS MOM (RbsNode.xml.jar), new in P6 RBS.
WRNad64820, WRNad62591.
- mon: improved monitor client, better handling of piping and writing to files.
Thanks to David Smith for this improvement.
- ftree: new option "f" to only print the files and not the directories. Useful on
/c/pmd where the printout will be much faster and files will be sorted by
timestamp. Type "h ftree" for info.
- str: now supports sites with more than 6 cells. WRNad61245.
- str: sites are now sorted by IubLink name, and sectors are sorted by localCellId
- momt: improved parent view.
- alias: aliases are now printed in alphabetical order.
- uer: possible to specify several modules in the "-m" option, eg: uer -m 9,10.
- cvmk/cvms: the user's userid is now used in the CV attributes if no user has
been specified upon CV creation.
- pgetsn: now shows two totals, one for all counters, and one for active counters
- ba: now possible to add other groups into a group, eg: ba dc123 dc1 dc2 dc3.
Type "h ba" for info.
- restartcollector: "-u" report now shows the application downtime.
- restartcollector: new option "-b" to specify the number of parallel processes
that will be run by mobatch.
- general: new user variable "show_colors" to turn on/off the colors in the
different printouts. For more info, check inside the moshell file.

Bug fixes:
- st/str: was running very slow on large nodes (> 50,000 MOs).
- lg: was running very slow when parsing alarm/event logs containing large record
- parseline/error codes decoding: certain Aal2 reject cause codes were not
- hget/pdiff/st: were running very slow when making the MO group at the end of the
- moshell_install: was not working properly when run from inside the moshell
- moshell_install: was not working properly with the limited version.
- mon: sometimes not working due to missing the command secmode -m u. WRNad66425.
- mon: was not working when secure_shell=1.
- mon: was not working with overlapping board groups.
- pmr: certain reports were not working in CSV format.
- cr: was not working on IpSyncRef MO due to optional attribute
- str: was not working on sites lacking Nbap (P6). WRNad66421.
- sql: was printing spurious characters.
- uer: was not working when RPUs switched in board 10/11.
- restartObj me: was crashing moshell if run while MO service not started.
- fro[m]: was not working sometimes after node restart on different cv due to
changes in motype_r1 table

CHANGES IN v7.0n (2007-05-31)
New/Improved functionality:
- mon: updated for new target monitor in CPP5.1.2.13/CPP6-LSV20.
- uer: nows prints call establishment cause.
- restartcollector: possible to specify how far back the pmd files should be
downloaded (default: 30 days)

Bug fixes:
- uer: "-m" option was even showing calls from other modules.
- pmxh: was not supporting time aggregation options (-a/-d/-h).
- pgetsn: was not giving correct number of counter instances for PDF counters.
- stv: was not showing "empty" VplTps.
- momt: was not working properly on RBS P6.
- uer/bo: was not working properly on RNC P6 (due to move of commands ueregprint
and drhcendh).
- restartcollector: SW level field in "-r" report was sometimes incorrect.

CHANGES IN v7.0m (2007-05-11)
New/Improved functionality:
- cvls: now possible to filter on CV name or CV attributes, e.g. cvls CXP9011274.
Type "h cvls" for info.
- cvls: now shows the cv type
- str/rdel: updated for handling of MbmsCch (new in RNC P6). Type "h str" for
- stv: now shows aal2PathId and Aal2Ap handling the Aal2PathVccTp. Type "h stv"
for info.
- parseline/ose shell: now decodes aal2 reject codes in trace1 on UEH_EXCEPTION as
well as in command listAal2RejCnt
- mobatch: sitefile can now contain a second field (beside the nodename/ipaddress)
to specify uservariables and scripting variables for each session. Type "h mobatch"
for info.
- general: "use_complete_mom" now works for MGW as well.
- lh/bp: new board groups: "aal2ncc" (MGW only), and "et" (all nodes).

Bug fixes:
- inv/bo: were not showing the subracks in correct order, in certain cases.
- board groups in RBS: Boaard group "asc" is removed from "all" because too slow.
Correction for TR WRNad59711 where "asc" board group was not containing the correct
- hget: struct member filtering using @ sign was not working.
- ose shell: the printout from the command MsbHostMo_StartPing was not appearing.
Note: to execute successfully, it is necessary to be logged in to the board by
doing adding a semicolon after the lhsh. E.g: lhsh xxxx ; MsbHostMo_StartPing -d
xxxx -z yyy . Type "h ose" for more info.
- parseline/ose shell: decoding of cause codes in IU_IF trace1 was not working on
P6 nodes.
- lki: was not working when no standby VC configured for the Iub. TR WRNad54815.
- str: was not working when only one NodeSynchTp configured for the Iub. TR
- inv: was not showing proper RPU information when LoadModule MO id different than
its product number.
- inv: was not showing RBS feature emergency reset key.
- restartcollector: was not showing info text from manual restarts.
- pgu: cv name too long in certain cases, causing pgu to fail.
- lmidc: was printing duplicate lines.
- u!: was not handling MoRef attributes of value "null" in cr statements.
- pmr: missing IpbDevice report, MccDevice report was shown twice.
- pcr/pmoma: support for certain non-pm attributes was missing on a number of
Cello MOs. UABtr40106/EEDtr38225 and
- lki: was showing invalid error code on certain sites using IMA.
- general: fetching of jarfiles was not working when file timestamp from 1970.

CHANGES IN v7.0k (2007-03-31)
New/Improved functionality:
- help/menus: improved structure, clearer. Type "h" to view command list.
- lh/bp: new board groups for MGW: sccpmp, ommp, mesc, ch, licdb, stc.
- lh/bp: new board groups for RBS: asc/rru.
- ba: new option "p" for making board groups based on programs running in the
boards. Type "h ba" for more info.
- str: new option "-g" to filter on mogroup. Type "h str" for more info.
- ftree: now supports piping. Type "h ftree" for info.
- htget: now supports download of binary files (e.g. jarfiles)
- str: now shows IubLink state, needed for P6 where IubLink now has
- scripting: the variable $celloversion has been renamed to $cellomomversion to
avoid confusions. (The variable $celloversion still works but is not printed).
- parseline/ose shell: decoding of cause codes in IU_IF trace1.
- hc: added some printouts (spashwinfo all ; nssmpinfo all ; hdstat ; sma -all).
removed tg printout.

Bug fixes:
- lgd/restartcollector: was not handling new action "manualRestart" on
- cr: was not handling creation of IpInterface, Iub, and MbmsCch, on P6.
- mobatch: the finished counter was incremented twice for timed out processes
- mobatch: could not handle multiple command line options.
- diff: PARAM files were not up to date for P5 GA.
- pmr: MGW reports not showing correct values for AtmPort and VplTp.
- pmr: some reports were not working on RBS P4 (txavgpwr and avgrssi)
- l+/l-: was not logging prompts from acc/cr command.
- cabx: was crashing when subrack FROid numbering was not sequential
- lgv: was not handling the tag <PartiallyOutOfService/>
- inv: was not showing multiple RPUs using the same rpuLabel
- inv: was not showing correct loadmodule product number and revision connected to
- del: now locks the PlugInUnit before deleting it.
- fro[m]: was not working with secure_ftp=1
- diff: was not showing correct attribute differences for attributes containing
empty values.
- restartcollector: was unnecessarily starting the MO service, various
optimisations (avoid running ba/lh command on RBS to save time)

CHANGES IN v7.0j (2007-03-02)
Bug fix:
- moshell scripting and pgu: a bug had been introduced in 7.0i, now fixed.

CHANGES IN v7.0i (2007-02-27)
New/Improved functionality:
- cab: new option "m" to display memory usage. Type "h cab" for info.
- pmx: now works on MO group. Type "h pmx" for info.
- pmr: now supports MGW reports. Thanks to Tamas Husz.
- pmr/pmx: now supports non-pm attributes. Thanks to Tamas Husz.
- b2h/h2b: new commands for conversion of binary to hex and vice-versa. Type "h
b2h" / "h h2b" for info.
- restartcollector: list of nodes examined now saved in directory
- stv: now shows rncmodule handling VC user (when applicable)
- lki: formatting improvements, better alignment of the fields.

Bug fixes:
- stt: state filtering was not working.
- lg: was hanging or crashing when corrupted alarm/event/command/audittrail log
- pmr: crashing when parsing large amount of data (due to bug on solaris, gzip not
handling files of size > 4GB)
- stvb: was not printing atmport bandwidth usage in certain cases (where atmport
froid not in sequence)
- inv: "r" option was not refreshing license info.
- inv: rpu view was not showing correct LM product/revision information.
- tg: was not working for IubLink on P6 (due to change in actor structure).
- ala: was not showing additional information field.

CHANGES IN v7.0h (2007-02-05)
New functionality:
- stv[b]: to print state, user, and bandwidth usage of ATM ports and channels.
Type "h stv" for info.
- stt: to print state, and user of Physical Ports and Ds0Bundles. Type "h stt" for

Improved functionality:
- pcr: now supports including configuration attributes in scanners. Type "h pcr"
for info. Note: uservariable "include_nonpm" must be set to 1 to enable this
- pmom: new option "a" to show MO attributes that can be defined in PM scanners.
- hget: output is now saved to MO group hget_group. Type "h hget" and "h syntax"
for info.
- st: output is now saved to MO group "st_group" (when used with state filter).
Type "h st" and "h syntax" for info.
- restartcollector: now shows the number of nodes scanned.
- restartcollector: "-r" report now shows node type MGW and RXI (instead of
- edit: new uservariable "editor" to specify the path to the preferred editor.
Type "h edit" for info.
- mom/pmom: now lists MO classes in alphabetical order

Bug fixes:
- set: giving the value "null" was not working on attribute of type "array of
- pmXtab (pmr/pmx): last day was not displayed if -cols time was used on multiple
day's worth of data. Thanks to Mike Harris.
- hget: was showing many empty tables
- set: error message was missing when setting a struct at incorrect value. TR
- lgu: was not working on cpp6 due to move of the Trace.log
- pme: was not fetching all ROP files
- pcr: was not showing an error message when failure to create a scanner
containing utranrelations (in P5, counters for inter/intra/cnhho must be defined in
separate scanners)
- swup: active check in "-u" option not working properly
- pmx: was not working for decoding to text file (when used with no argument)
- pmr: updated some RBS formulas to P4/P5: PSHsAvgTputPerCell, AvgRssi, AvgTxPwr
- lmid: LM name was not being updated in certain cases
- general: wrong oms.jar was being fetched in certain cases

CHANGES IN v7.0g (2007-01-12)
Bug fix in "diff" command

CHANGES IN v7.0f (2007-01-10)
Improved functionality:
- diff: now works on directories in order to compare multiple modumps. Type "h
diff" for info.
- diff: parameter baseline file is now optional. Type "h diff" for more info.
- inv: now shows all the RPUs.
- inv: now shows the licensing status.
- lk/rdel/rset: now supports Vmgw, Mtp3bSrs, M3uAssociation.
- lk: all MOs in the lk printout are now automatically stored in an MO group
called "lk_group".
- hget: can now run on MOs of different MO class.
- hget: now shows attributes of type sequence:MoRef
- uer: additional command line options added for better usability. Type "h uer"
for info.

Bug fixes:
- acc: could not take parameters with empty value. This is now supported by typing
"null". Type "h syntax for more info.
- restartcollector: was crashing.
- pcr: was not handling granularity of 3600 seconds. Type "h pcr" for info.
- lk: was not showing all connected Route Sets when run on Mtp3bSls.
- lk: was not showing Mtp2, Ds0Bundle, Sctp, M3uAssociation.
- cr: was not handling attributes of type integer at default value.
- inv: was not showing MsDevice programs on MGW R3

CHANGES IN v7.0e (2006-12-19)
Bug fix in uer command

CHANGES IN v7.0d (2006-12-18)
New functionality:
- pdiff/lpdiff: new command to display variations in counter values obtained from
pget and run at certain interval specified in the "pm_wait" uservariable. Type "h
pdiff" for info.
- runClient.sh: new utility to run various corba clients outside moshell. Replaces
previous scripts runMoBrowser, runPmTester, runCSNotification. Supports node names
from ipdatabase and "-v" option to specify user variables from command line. Type
"runClient.sh" on its own for info.
- runClient.sh: now supports subscription to the alarm and event notifications.
Type "runClient.sh" on its own for help.

Improved functionality:
- runClient.sh: CS notifications output (-c option) has been made more readable. A
new uservariable csnotiflist allows to exclude the display of certain attributes.
Type "runClient.sh" for more info.
- stc: New option "p" for the counter check. Possible to specify the interval for
counter check, using the uservariable pm_wait. More accurate state printout, checks
for VclTp's that are transmitting but not receiving. Type "h stc" for info.
- str: clearer heading.
- uer: now printing cnId if it is not "-1", else print mcc/mnc.
- inv[h]: now shows the number of channel elements for RBS. Type "h inv" for info.
- inv[h]: now shows the rncfeature list for RNC (>= P5). Type "h inv" for info.
- ipdatabase: possible to specify a list of ipdatabases, see description of the
"ip_database" uservariable inside the moshell file.
- general: the moshell installation located under /vobs/iov/rnc/bin/moshell now
works on linux machines as well.
- pme: new option "-b <boardgroup>" to fetch GPEH files on certain modules only.
Type "h pme" for info.
- pmr: new formula in rbs report, thanks to Mathias Aldrin
- diff: comparison between two nodes now shows attributes which exist in one node
but not the other.
- hc: now runs "all te log read" earlier in order not to miss any data which could
be lost if run too late.
- u!: now works on the $diffcmdfile generated by diff command.
- upgraded to gawk 3.1.5 and added new extensions. Thanks to David Smith.

Bug fixes:
- ose shell: some printouts contained spurious characters. Thanks to David Smith
for the fix.
- inv: not printing correct HW revision on Fan.
- inv: state filtering on locked resources was not working.
- general: download of jar files (oms/vbjorb/etc.) was sometimes missing the
latest files.
- cr: could cause an moshell crash if a non-integer value was given for an integer
- restartcollector: some restart info was corrupt due to null characters present
in the pmd. Those characters are now removed automatically.
- general: some commands were not working after a node restart on a different CV
- diff: was not comparing enum attributes properly
- pmr: piping was not working after using the "-o html" option
- pme: was fetching the ongoing ROP period before it was finished, gave incomplete
- pmr/pmx/pme: options "-s" and "-e" were missing the first ROP period and were
going one ROP too far.
- scripting: bug in the variable declaration functionality, not handling string
manipulation correctly.
- cr: incorrect handling of IpAccessHostGpb/IpAccessHostSpb, and
IurLink/IuLink/IubLink:userPlaneTransportOption (WRNad41201)
- OSE shell handling: bad handling of the "passwd" command, could lead to loss of
password on the node if empty password entered
- mr: was hanging when removing MOs from groups containing large number of MOs.
- lge: was missing some fields
- u!: was not printing correct LDN when generating trun script
- std: was not working correctly on P6 in certain cases.
- pset: was not handling internal events correctly for uetr/ctr.
- mon: was not showing the printouts from "tm" commands on CPP>=5.1
- ose shell: sql commands containing pipe signs were not handled properly.

CHANGES IN v7.0c (2006-11-16)
New functionality:
- u!: to convert undologfile to undocommandfile and/or undocommandfile to
emas/trun command file. Type "h u!" for info.

Bug fix:
- pcr: not working properly for creating scanners on MO instances. TR WRNad36407.
- u+/u-: was not working with Aal2Ap/Aal2PathDistributionUnit in CPP6
- cr: was not handling attributes of type sequence:struct when set to default
- lko: was not working properly on iublink
- lk: on iublink, was not showing vcltp's of Aal2Path located on a different
- lcd: was not working on CALL statements in trun scripts
- sql: could not handle very long sql statements
- inv: not showing slot 28 (000000) in certain cases.
- psetd: was not working on active scanners.
- ftget/ftput: was not recovering properly after failed transfer.

CHANGES IN v7.0b (2006-11-10)
Bug fix:
- uer: was crashing

CHANGES IN v7.0a (2006-11-10)
Improved functionality:
- str: adapted for P6
- l: when starting a process in background (eg: l $moncommand > $logfile &), the
PID of the background process is assigned to scripting variable $background_pid.
See "h scripting" for more info.
- lg: can now take the date/time as filter, eg: lga 2006-10-23.09:45 or
20061023.0945. Type "h lg" for more info.
- pcr: added lpcr for creating scanners on MO instances, using the LDN as filter.
Type "h pcr" for more info.
- ftree: now shows hidden files as well.
- pmr: new reports for RBS, thanks to Mathias Aldrin.

Bug fix:
- lgd,restartcollector: was not working properly on P5, application downtime not
shown, cello downtime not correct, restart date not correct.
- scripting: correction for
- uer/inv: were not showing the timestamp
- lki: was not showing aal5 inconsistencies.
- pgu: not setting permissions correctly on new loadmodule.
- command line: was not handling certain regular expressions correctly (when
brackets used).
- cab: was not showing some board information in certain cases.
- moshell: was hanging when running a script that contained a command started as
background process. Thanks to David Smith.

CHANGES IN v7.0 (2006-10-23)
Improved functionality:
- cab: shows temperature for SPB2 boards.
- lmid: LM translation table is automatically updated on regular basis.
- std/bo/lh: adapted for new RNC device distribution in P6.
- pgu: new option "f" to avoid confirmations. Type "h pgu" for more info.
- general: new scripting variables $momdocnumber and $momdocrevision. Type "h
scripting" for more info.
- general: check if there is IP contact before running each MO command (to avoid

CHANGES IN v6.1zz (2006-10-19)
Improved functionality:
- get: when outputting the value of a struct attribute to a variable ("get mo
structattr > $var"), an array is created to store every individual value as well as
the full struct. http://utran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/forum_viewtopic.php?4.167
- general: check that MO service is working before each MO command. If MO service
is down, an automatic poll is done (poll can be aborted with ctrl-z + touch
/tmp/stopfile ; fg) .
- general: check if loadedCV has changed before each MO command. If loadedCV has
changed, an automatic "lt all" is done.
- mon: adapted for cpp 5.1.1-2 maximum number of boards supported=50
- mon: a new scripting variable "$moncommand" gives the path to run the monitor

Bug fix:
- mobatch: process cleanup not working properly upon timeout
- fro: was showing sairesourceid on pluginunit
- momt: logging to file (l+) was not working on momt
- loco st/ls: printout was cut
- lk/rdel: was not working when VpcTp != 1
- moshell: was crashing after ctrl-c done on coli command
- pmr/pmx: was not working on cpp6 due to performanceDataPath attribute moved to
PmService MO
- lmid: not working properly on vobs installation.
- fget/pget: was not possible to output attribute value to variable (eg: fget mo
attr > $var or pget mo attr > $var)
- get: enums in struct attributes were not decoded
- u+/u-: could not handle MO LDNs containing semicolons, thanks to Darius
Staisiunas for the patch
- pmr: some reports not working properly on MGW.
- tg: was not working on P6

CHANGES IN v6.1zy (2006-10-01)
Improved functionality:
- diff: can now show differences in the MIB topology between two nodes.
- lmid: new option "c" to look up error codes. Type "h lmid" for info.

Bug fix:
- uer: was not showing the correct UeRc type. Thanks to Bill O'Sullivan and Ailbe
- fclean: not working in non-interactive mode
- mon: was not working with scripting variables.
- pme: was not working on RBS
- pbl/pdeb/pdel: was always showing "Done." even when operation failed.
- pget: not working with "ul" on MO TdmTermGrp
- lg/wait: not working properly on nodes that are not running on UTC time
- lgl/lgo: not working on cello and above
- swcomp: not working

CHANGES IN v6.1zx (2006-08-23)
Improved functionality:
- inv: now showing jvm classes
- pmr: improvement in the RrcFailContrib formula, thanks Yoshiaki Sandaiji

Bug fix:
- emom/pset: not finding correct event file (WRNad28162)
- pme: not decoding properly (WRNad28369)
- std/bo/lh: not working properly in P6 due to device MO changes.
- setm: not working on attributes of type struct
- stc: hanging
- rbsaudit: not working on rbs3206
- mon: not working on cello and above
- cab: not always showing information for board 000000.
- alt: not showing the alarms in certain cases.

Improved functionality:
- swup: Actively checks upgrade status, print time stamp before and after
executing each action

Bug fix:
- bl/set: was crashing in the restricted+ version
- file.so.solaris: bug in scandir which was affecting restartcollector and pmr on
some platforms
- str: was not working on P6 nodes where MOM name does not follow conventions
- pmXtab/pmr: was not showing average RSSI values correctly

CHANGES IN v6.1zu (2006-07-07)
New functionality:
- diff: added functionality to compare MOs or MO dumps against a Winnow parameter
baseline or another MO dump. Type "h diff" for info.
- uer: to print certain UeContext information on active UEs, eg cell id, uerc
type, etc. Type "h uer" for info.

Improved functionality:
- ose shell: automatic decoding of error codes in T&E log for MTP3/SCCP,
Ans_aal2Ncc2_proc (trace9), and rnhCellRoC. New utility "parseline" to perform the
decoding outside moshell, eg. piping from the monitor.
- set: easier to set attributes of type struct. Type "h set".
- scripting: possible to save the output from "uv" command to a variable. Type "h
uv" or "h scripting" for more info.
- restartcollector: new option "-v" to specify uservariables. Type "h
restartcollector" for more info.
- pgu: new option "c" to skip the cv creation and restart. Useful when changing
many LMs at a time. Type "h pgu" for info.
- pgu: can now replace LMs in the JVM (eg. oms.jar, cma.jar, etc)
- ftree: added translation of the CXC numbers, in the same way as in T&E log and
ls/pglist printout.
- acc: extra check for the activatecommandlog action, to make sure that the
parameter is a valid drive name (TR: WRNad22596)

Bug fix:
- edit: could crash if a directory was given as argument.
- get: was not handling MO names containing semicolons
- str: was not working if module information missing on IubLink.
- pgu: was not checking the node password correctly.
- cr/acc: was not handling attributes of type "sequence of struct".
- cmpMoDump: was not handling attributes of type "sequence of struct". Thanks to
Mike Harris for the fix.
- undo: undo for set on attribute types moref/sequence:moref was not working.
- lk/rdel: was not working on the MO PacketDataRouter
- lk/rdel: was not working properly in certain cases on IubLink
- lgy: not working properly, missing some info.

CHANGES IN v6.1zt (2006-05-31)
New/improved moshell functions:
- h2d/d2h: to convert from hex to decimal and vice-versa. Type "h h2d" or "h d2h"
for info.
- pgu: can now handle LMs whose name contains a dash ("-") instead of undercore
("_"), eg: CXC132456-R1A01
- general: new uservariable "muteFactor" to change the amount of progress dots
displayed in l+m/l+mm.
- get: the attribute "linkState" in Mtp3bSl is now translated

Bug fix:
- scripting: several bugs in variable handling and evaluation of conditions in

CHANGES IN v6.1zs (2006-05-19)
New Moshell commands:
- hget/hpget: like get/pget but one line per MO instead of one line per attribute
("h" stands for "horizontal"). Type "h hget" or "h hpget" for info.

Improved moshell functions:

- std: now works on MGW. based on mgwpools command in Shello, thanks to Alex
- stc: formatting improvements and extra status information. Type "h stc" for
- hi: now shows the timestamp for each command
- ma/lma: now possible to create MO groups based on pm counter values. Type "h ma"
for info.
- general: now works towards AXE nodes. Type "h ose" for info.
- general: new board groups for tu/ranapmp/rnsapmp/sccpmp/ommp
- pset/emom: GPEH/CTR/UETR event files are now autogenerated (from P5 onwards)
using the COLI printout "CentralRnh_pm_event_moshell", CR WRNad07893. Thanks to
Tomas Sjodin and Tommy Hill.
Bug fix:
- ose shell: was not working on 3gsim commands
- h: help text did not get printed to log if a logfile had been opened with l+
- ose shell: some commands not printed correctly
- set: got confused when trying to set attributes with the same name but different
type (eg. ReliableProgramUniter:rpuId and Aal2Ap:rpuId)
- restartcollector: was not showing board restarts due to board upgrade
- WRNad22019: moshell crash upon invalid regexp used on command line

CHANGES IN v6.1zr (2006-05-10)
Improved moshell functions:
- restartcollector: "-u" report now shows itemized entries in CSV format
- restartcollector: "-r" report now shows message and state for abnormal restarts
- restartcollector: zpm statically compiled for linux, thanks to Mike Harris
- bo/ba/bp: board tables automatically refreshed when configuration changes.
- bo/ba/bp: new board group on RBS for the RU's, RAX, TX.
- lg: possible to specify a CSV output file with the "c" option.
- tg: now supports MO groups. Type "h tg" for info.
- lgv: adapted for CPP6.
- str/lk/rdel: handling of EUL channels.
- pmx: now possible to store decoded XML ROP files to disk. Type "h pmx" for info.
- alias: new default "teall" to enable all traces on a process. Useful when using
the wildcard on the process.

Bug fix:
- rdel: was not working for Aal2PathDistributionUnit on later P5 UM3
(Aal2PathVccTp needed to be locked).
- restartcollector: "-u" report was showing crazy upgrade/install times in certain
cases (when one of the dates was 1970)
- moshell: "-c" option was not working properly, TR WRNad17928
- pmr: not working properly when using formulas referring to other formulas.
- general: mom parsing problem on later CPP5.1 releases, TR UABtr41654
- l+/l-: WRNad20020 (not working properly when using relative path in the logfile
- pcr: WRNad18907 (hanging when creating scanner on large number of MO instances)
- restartcollector: fields not aligned correctly (less fields in manual restarts
than automatic restarts)
- pcr: attribute "currentPmRegister" should not be included in counters
- pset: was not working on RBS
- ip2d/d2ip: not working properly, thanks to Dave Smith and Cade Bull for fixing

CHANGES IN v6.1zm (2006-04-04)
New Moshell commands:
- general: possible to browse an MO dump in offline mode. Refer to README chapter
9 for more info. Thanks to David Markham for the prototype.

Improved moshell functions:

- lk: new format for better visibility. The old format can still be displayed
using the "lko" command.
- lk/rdel/lki: added support for certain Iub configuration where several sites
share the same VplTp.
- lgd: added a new field giving information on which CV the restarts occurred.
- restartcollector, "-a" report: all individual restarts now printed in csv
format. Thanks to David Smith for the help.
- restartcollector, "-r" report: added swlevel for all types of restarts. Added
information in the "ErrorInformation" field. Using latest zpm for pmd decoding.
Thanks to Mike Harris for compiling the new zpm.
- pmr: menu only printed at startup, then upon request. Thanks to Tamas Husz for
the suggestion.
- pmr: support for PDF counters and addition of RBS reports using PDF counters.
See formulas in FORMULA_RBS_C_1_0.txt
- rset/rdel: more security checks to prevent accidental deletions.
- scripting: the "//" sign can be used for "invisible" comments (the "#" sign is
to be used for "visible" comments). See Readme chap 6 for more info.
- fclean: new option "d" to remove empty folders in a directory. Type "h fclean"
for info.
- fclean: new option "e" to empty files in a directory. Type "h fclean" for info.
- fclean: the confirmation message now prints the LM name beside each LM to be
- fclean: checks for corrupted data, to prevent accidental deletion of LM's.
- mon: adapted for CPP5.1
- restartcollector/lgd: using "RNC restart completed" from te log read in addition
to avlog since it was not always appearing in avlog.

Bug fixes:
- mobatch: timeout handling was not working properly.
- lgo: 12am and 12pm mixed up.

CHANGES IN v6.1zi (2006-04-03)

New Moshell commands:

- pme[fd][cgu]: to fetch/decode the CTR/UETR/GPEH ROP files. Type "h pme" for
- sget/lsget: to get attribute one by one. Type "h sget" for info.

Improved moshell functions:

- fro: new option "m" to show MAO data (from the modata_r1 table). Type "h fro"
for info.
- pmx: new option "n" to aggregate on node level. Type "h pmx" for info.
- pmr: improved reports for P4, thanks to David Smith.
- pmr: new reports for the MGW, thanks to Tamas Husz.
- pmr: new field "mapfile" can be specified in CONFIG file to tie a report to a
specific mapfile.
- pmr: new reports in RNC for cell statistics mapped by AtmPort.
- pmr: new option "-o" to specify different output formats (csv/html). Type "h
pmr" for info.
- general: new user variable "ftp_port" to specify a different ftp port, useful
for CppEmu.
- wait: additional capacities for the wait time. Type "h wait" for info.
- pol: new option "s" to poll for ose shell availability. Type "h pol" for info.
- scripting: support for user-defined functions, using the "func/endfunc"
commands. Type "h scripting" for info.
- tg: now possible to run RRT commands on children of the actors for Cell and Iub.
Type "h tg" for info.
- str: "t" option now shows the vp as well.
- general: "use_complete_mom" now works for RBS as well.

Bug fixes:
- pmr/pmx: the "-m" option was sometimes reporting one more ROP period than
actually specified.
- general: various fixes for CPP5.1 handling.
- cvrm: was not always finding the correct cv's to delete
- pgu: TR WRNad13226
- complete mom handling: various bug fixes
- std: number of devices kept increasing after running bor
- cr: was not working with empty struct members.
- lg: was not picking up the correct log when several concurrent cello versions on
the same node.
- cmpMoDump: checks for deleted/created attribs in both directions. Thanks to Mike
- pmXtab: Only output counters if they exist for a particular object. Thanks to
Mike Harris.
- cab: was not showing temperature on the first MP.
- pmr/pmx: was not handling filenames starting with "~/"
- mon+/sql+: was causing a crash if the LM was in archive server but not on disk

CHANGES IN v6.1zb (2006-01-28)
New Moshell commands:
- htget: to fetch a file over http. Type "h htget" for info. Only works for text
files at the moment.

- general: new user variable "use_complete_mom" to specify whether moshell should
use the node's MOM or a complete version of that MOM. Applicable only for RNC P5
and later (MOM G_1_4 and later). Access to clearcase is required if the complete
MOM isn't already stored in moshell/jarxml directory. The complete MOM shall NOT be
distributed to customer. See the information in moshell file for more detail.
- general: new user variable "mospace_convert" to handle nodes where some MO
identities contain a blank space. See info in the moshell file.
- pmr/pmx: can now handle unzipped ROP files (e.g. ROP files stored on OSS).
- pmx/pmExtract: can now handle anchoring of regular expressions, eg: pmx
rncfunction=1$. Thanks to Mike Harris.

Bug fixes
- pmr: was not working when a space was missing around the = sign in the formula
- pmr: was not working in certain cases where formulas were referring to other
formulas in the formula file
- scripting: if/else was not working properly in certain cases (running twice or
exiting before the end).

CHANGES IN v6.1y (2006-01-18)
- lg: new option "h" to print the "hwinventory" log, applicable from CPP5 onwards.
Type "h lg" for info.
- l+: new option "o" to overwrite. Type "h l+" for info.
- set: now uses CS method basic_set_MO_attributes instead of basic_set_MO, safer.
Thanks to Andes Carlsson for the info.
- lmid now looks in commonjars/lmid.txt if LM not found in jarxml/lmids.txt. Type
"h lmid" for info.
- ftget/ftput/lh/cab: better error message for cases where ftp password was not
set correctly.
- bo/lh: added new default board groups modact/modsb (RNC).
Bug fixes
- ftput: recursive put was not working in secure_ftp mode.
- ftput: was not working after running "lcd".
- general: newer CPP5.1 Cello MOM were not parsed properly TR UABtr39175.
- inv: filtering was not working properly (XP info was always printed regardless
of the filter).
- inv: was missing fan hw info (serial nr and actual rev).
- pcr: was hanging when creating statistics scanner with very many counters.
- pgetsn: was not displaying number of counter instances on stats scanners
containing MO instances TR WRNac95688.

CHANGES IN v6.1v (2006-01-02)
- general: support for the new Corba platform JacORB, introduced in CPP5.1.
(UABtr37252). Thanks to Anders Carlsson for the help.
- u+: new option "s" for "simulated undo mode" (u+s). When running in this mode,
all deletions are simulated. Two command files are generated, one for deletion and
one for creation. Type "h u+" for info. Thanks to David Smith.
- MO handling: it is now possible to specify MO operations in reverse order using
the "%" prefix. Particularly useful for MO deletion. For more info, type "h del"
and see Readme chapter 3.2.
- set: new option "m" to set many attributes in the same transaction, type "h set"
for info. Thanks to David Smith for the java part.
- general: all file handling now uses internal buit-in functions instead of
external system calls. Thanks to David Smith for the new gawk libraries.
- pmXtab: improvements for handling of PDF counters. Thanks to Mike Harris.
- moshell_install: all installation types (0:full, 1:restricted+, 2:restricted)
can now be done from the same install package.
- mon: now uses the latest target_monitor_lm (CXC1326054) available on the node
file system.

Bug fixes:
- remod: changed to follow OPI OPI 80/1542-CSH 109 001 del/cr order (WRNad02491)
- lh: fix for breaking particular aliases/commands
- lgv/lga/lge: were not working on nodes containing both CPP5 and CPP5.1
- lgu: was not working on CPP5.1 due to /c/tmp/Trace.log moved to
- pmr: was failing some reports (when doing aggregation on module level, if using
a cache file that was too old. now the module-iub-cell file will be renewed at each
- scripting: $var = `unix command` was only taking the first line of the unix
- cab: fix for WRNad00673 (hub mp)
- cr: fix for UABtr38820 (duplication of restricted attributes)
- trun: was not handling MO identities containing the underscore sign ("_")
- pmr: using single quotes (') in the pipe command was not working.

CHANGES IN v6.1n (2005-12-01)
Bug fixes and improvements:
- pset: was hanging when setting filter with large number of observation objects
or large number of cells (TR WRNad00240)
- rset: was not working properly on MOs with children
- ssh/sftp: was crashing when wrong permissions in the ~/.ssh/ssh_config file
(UABtr36836). Thanks to David Smith.
- if/else: not working properly when combining conditions (|| and &&)
- rncaudit: better handling of boolean attributes checks (eg: when baseline says
"true" and attribute value says "1"). Thanks to David Smith.
- pcr: was not handling MO groups properly when creating scanner on MO instances
- cab: option "t" now shows limited information about the fault tolerant core
- pget: was not working properly in CPP5.1 (due to new pm attribute

CHANGES IN v6.1j (2005-11-10)
Bug fixes and improvements:
- pmr: new option "g" to print all reports. Type "h pmr" for info.
- al: "t" option was not showing correct severity.
- if/else: not working properly on variables containing spaces
- hc: added printout from the synchronization MO
- lg: "o" option was not working properly; offline mode not working properly on
system log.
- rdel: was not working on utrancell containing a hsdsch
- restartcollector: was crashing when running on many nodes
- restartcollector: various fixes and improvements on the "-u" report
- l+/l-: new user variable "loginfo_print" to avoid header print in l+/l-

CHANGES IN v6.1i (2005-10-10)
- remod: added option "2" to force using the P2.1 method (delete and recreate
iublink and cells). Type "h remod" for info.
- lc/ltc: added option 1 to 9 to restrict the scope of children to load. Type "h
lc" and "h lt" for info.
- pcr: can now create scanners based on MO instances. Type "h pcr" for info.
- pcr: can read input (moclass and counters) from file. Type "h pcr" for info.
- bo/lh: new default boardgroup "allp" containing all MP/BP (same as "all" but
without the SPMs).
- scripting: possible to pass on variables to a script from the "run" command
line, type "h scripting" and "h run" for info.
- scripting: new command "print". Type "h scripting" and "h print" for info.
- scripting: new command "unset" to unset a variable or hashtable. Type "h
scripting" for info.
- scripting: "if" can be used to test if a variable exists. Type "h scripting" for
- scripting: new functions readinput(), readfile(), testfile(), and split(). Type
"h scripting" for info.
- scripting: new scripting examples, see the files in moshell/commonjars/scripts.
- pcr: new option "d" to debug a pm counter file (I&V only). Type "h pcr" for
- pset: new option "d" to debug an event file (I&V only). Type "h pset" for info.
- new command: pgu. To upgrade a program (for I&V only, eg: for black LMs). Type
"h pgu" for info.
- l+/l-: new option "s" to avoid printing of "log open/close" in the logfile.
- re: new option "i" to refetch the IOR file (needed for going from JacORB to
Vbjorb and vice-versa). Type "h re" for info.

Bug fixes:
- l+/l-: was not working correctly if opening more than 2 consecutive files
- rdel: was not working correctly on iublink, utrancell, and mtp3bsls
- remod: was not working properly on P2.1 RNC.
- rset: was not working for chaning MOid.
- OSE shell: some commands could hang (eg: te log read, ls, pglist,...) if the
file lmids.txt was missing.
- pmr: report 12 was not working
- pmx: was crashing in certain cases

CHANGES IN v6.1d (2005-09-22)
Bug fixes and improvements:
- pmr: added support for MGW/RXI/RBS. Type "h pmr" for info.
- pmr: option "-s" and "-e" were not working properly.
- scripting: variable allocation from unix command (using backquotes) was not
- scripting: integer variables were not detected correctly.
- mom: wildcards were not working in certain cases
- l+/l-: missing carriage return upon closing of logfile
- pmr: some formulas were not working for P4. Thanks to Mike Harris.
- pmExtract: not parsing correctly in certain cases. Thanks to Mike Harris.
- rdel: was not working correctly on ImaGroup
- rdel: was not handling VclTp reserved by Aal1TpVccTp
- tg: not working correctly on sites that had been remoduled
- mapping of lnh to mo not working correctly
- scripting: new default variable "$password", useful for resetting the password
if it has changed on the node. Type "h scripting" for info.
- readme: added chap 0.7 with info about ports used by moshell for firewall

CHANGES IN v6.1 (2005-09-07)
New Moshell commands:
- fro/lfro: to print the froid(s) of the MOs. Type "h fro" for more info. Thanks
to David Smith for this function.
- pmx[fhd]: to extract counter values from the xml ROP files. Based on
pmExtract/pmXtab/pmDiff by Mike Harris. Type "h pmx" for info.
- sql+/sql-/sql?: to start/stop/check the SQL client on the node. Type "h sql+" or
"h sql" for info.
- ip2d/d2ip: to convert from decimal to ip and vice-versa. Type "h ip2d" or "h
d2ip" for more info. Inspired from Shello. Thanks to David Smith for the

Improved MoShell functions:

- faster MOM parsing. Thanks to David Smith.
- lg: new options "o", "u", "y", "l" to view the commandlog, upgradelog,
securitylog, colilog (audittrail). Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: the "d" option now shows the jvm downtime as well.
- CXC mapping: the LM name is shown in a number of additional printouts: ps, sma,
te log read, lmlist, lgv, lgs.
- rset: can be used to change the MOid of an MO. Type "h rset" for info.
- rdel: now works on AtmPort,VplTp,VpcTp, and ImaGroup. Type "h rdel" for info.
- moshell installation: the moshell directory can now be moved anywhere (after it
has been installed) without impacting on the functionality. Thanks to David Smith.
- moshell installation: possible to save user settings (uservariables and aliases)
in a system-wide moshellrc file, located in moshell/jarxml/moshellrc. Refer to
chapter 2.5 for info.
- cab: speed-up and new option "g" to print the dumpelg. Type "h cab" for info.
- str: new filtering options to speed up the output. Type "h str" for info.
- syntax: possible to run MO commands on board groups. Type "h sntax" for info.
- bo: creates MO groups for cc/dc/pdr devices (RNC only). Type "h syntax" and "h
bo" for info.
- pset: now works on RBS GPEH. Type "h pset" for info.
- pset: possible to specify an event file for the second argument (the event
filter). Type "h pset" for info.
- pset: possible to specify an mo-group for the third argument (the utrancell
filter). Type "h pset" for info.
- pset: some filters are not mandatory anymore (the cell and ue-fraction on gpeh,
the trigger on ctr). Type "h pset" for info.
- pgets: possible to specify a contents-filter, to only display the scanners whose
contents match the filter. Type "h pgets" for info.
- ose shell interface: better handling of the corben and loco subshells. Type "h
ose" for info.
- hc: added some extra command printouts. Type "h hc" and see the hc script under
- mon: can now handle both types of target_monitors (CXC1326054 and CXC33077).
Type "h mon" for info.
- mon: new option "-" to kill the target_monitor and "?" to check status. Type "h
mon" for info.
- pmr: new options for specifying absolute timespan (startdate/time,
enddate/time). Type "h pmr" for info.
- pmr: only files whose dates are within the specified timespan will be
downloaded. To download all files use the "a" option. Type "h pmr" for info.
- pv/uv: short names for "printvars" and "uservars".
- inv: new option "h" for printing HW information only (quicker).
- scripting: new command "return" to abort execution of a command file. Type "h
return" and "h scripting" for info.
- scripting: support for arrays/hashtables. Type "h scripting" for info.
- scripting: "for" loop can take additional parameters. Type "h scripting" for
- scripting: a number of scripting variables are automatically set at startup or
after certain commands ($ipaddress, $logfile, $undologfile, $nr_of_mos,
$nr_of_alarms, $command_result, etc.). Type "h scripting" for info.
- scripting: new functions for looking up ldn/rdn/proxy/moid/moclass/fdn of an MO.
Type "h scripting" for info.
- scripting: scripting variables can be defined from the moshell command line
using the "-v" option. Type "moshell" or "h scripting" for info.
- scripting: the "wait" command can take additional arguments (in minutes, hours,
days or ROP periods). Type "h wait" for info.
- scripting: the "pv" command can be filtered to view only certain variables. Type
"h scripting" for info.
- scripting: l+ has a new option "mm" for even stronger muting than "l+m"
- noload: new user variable "PrintProxySilent" to keep the noload setting
permanently. New option "+" to force the disabling of proxy printing regardless of
the user variable setting. Type "h noload" for info.

New/improved utilities:
- restartcollector: new option "-u" for upgrade success rates and failure
- restartcollector: new option "-s" for fetching a limited set of data (when only
the "-a" and "-u" reports are needed).
- pmXtab and pmExtract improvements. Thanks to Mike Harris.
- cmpMoDump: more robust in case of faulty input. Thanks to Mike Harris.
- kget2get: to convert a "kget" printout to "get" format. Thanks to Dave Smith.
- pmList and pmAvgRssi: new utilities for PM ROP files parsing. Type "pmList -h"
or "pmAvgRssi -h" for info. Thanks to Mike Harris.
Moshell bug fixes:
- ssh/sftp: various bug fixes such as spurious printouts generated in the te log
and incompatibility with cpp5.1.
- get: in some circumstances was not showing the MO ldn.
- set: was not setting null strings correctly.
- bo[r] and tg[r] were not working properly when rncmodule switched over.
- tg <fro> <command> was not working
- lh: in some circumstances was not working towards spm
- lgs: was not printing the crash enveloppe information
- rdel: in some circumstances was deleting too many MOs
- pcr: in some circumstances was creating empty scanners
- lk: speed-up and bug fix for the display of MO states
- lt: was not fetching all MOs on nodes larger than 50,000 MOs. Thanks Dave Smith,
Andreas Jakobik and Anders Carlsson for the help.
- lgd: was not showing latest restart info when node not NTP synchronised.
- mom: output was not possible to log using "l+/l-"
- security_method=2 (sa_credential): was not working on java 1.4/1.5. Thanks Dave
- mon: was not working if LM not on disk.
- trun: error message is now clearer in case of scriptfile not found by the CALL()
- ma: had problems handling empty MO groups.
- mr: was very slow on large nodes, this was also affecting the rdel command.
- moshell: was crashing when running an MO command while offline
- lg: timestamp filtering was not working properly
- pmr: report 14 (aal2ap stats) was not working properly, bug in the formula file
- kget: incorrect ldn display when node not defined in OSS.
- trun: was not catching transaction failures (happen for instance when creating
an LM and the file is missing on disk).
- bls: was not working
- pset: input of ue-fraction for gpeh was not working
- pset: setting gpeh filter on large number of cells was not working
- pcr: the "f" option had been missed out from the documentation. Type "h pcr" for
info on this option.
- bo: was hanging on nodes containing some faulty SPMs.
- trun: was not stopping after exception in a script file called from the "CALL"
- cvrm: was trying to remove cv's from rollback list which were not there,
resulting in unnecessary error messages.
- l+: could not handle logfile pathes starting with "~".
- bo/inv: bug in handling certain cabinet configurations eg rbs3303
- tg: was not working on RNC P5
- cvls: was causing moshell crash on certain occasions (where ConfigurationVersion
MO was returning an exception)
- hc: was crashing on certain occasions (mainly linux, where muteCount was getting
too high)
- lg: "a" and "e" were not working on CPP5.1
- ose shell: could not handle change of password and security mode change
- str: not working properly on large nodes (over 50 modules)
- inv: not printing correct product name for certain XP boards
- cabx: was not printing the FU's on RBS3206
- cabx: was kept hanging if one of the XP board was unreachable

CHANGES IN v6.0c (2005-05-10)
Improved MoShell functions:
- ul: Now prints user labels for pget commands (thanks to David Smith)
- hc: To run without "lki" and "lk ranap|rnsap" set the variable "$lite = 1"
(thanks to Dan Lundqvist for speed analysis)

Moshell bug fixes:

- Fix for space in path to java, now you can use "Program Files" (thanks to David
- Fix for space in path to rt.jar from autodetection (thanks to David Smith)
- Fix in moshell_install to check version of bash even if upgrading old moshell
installs (thanks to David Smith)
- trun: Wasn't checking that MO Service was ready before trying to use it (thanks
to David Smith)
- str: "Unlocked Cell availability" statistics were not being printed (thanks to
Alex Perez for reporting bug)

Utilities improvements:
- cmpMoDump: New tool from Mike Harris to compare MO dumps.

CHANGES IN v6.0b (2005-05-04)
Moshell bug fixes:
- tg: various bugs when running towards P3
- lg: "i" and "r" options got mixed up
- lg: timezone problem affecting solaris
- ose shell interface: spurious printout appearing sometimes in solaris

CHANGES IN v6.0 (2005-05-02)
New moshell commands:
- new interface to the PmTester for handling of scanners (stats and
uetr/gpeh/ctr). Following commands are introduced:
* pst: to list the scanners and their state. Type "h pst" for info.
* pgets[n]: to get details of a scanner. Type "h pgets" for info.
* pcr[c]: to create a statistics scanner. Type "h pcr" for info.
* pset: to set filters for a uetr/gpeh/ctr scanner. Type "h pset" for
* pbl: to stop a scanner. Type "h pbl" for info.
* pdeb: to resume a scanner. Type "h pdeb" for info.
* pdel: to delete a scanner. Type "h pdel" for info.
* emom: to view events for UETR/CTR/GPEH. Type "h emom" for info.
- new command "pmr" for printing statistics reports based on the PM XML files.
Type "h pmr" for info. Thanks to Mike Harris for all the help and for developping
pmXtab and pmExtract.
- new command "lmid" for printing lm info. Also shows on the "ls" printout. Type
"h lmid" for info. Thanks Dave Smith for this function.

Improved moshell functions:

- ssh/sftp support for secure nodes. See README chapter 2.6 for info. Thanks to
Dave Smith for all the help.
- now compatible with java versions higher than 1.3.1, eg 1.4.x, 1.5.x. Thanks
again Dave Smith!
Note: java versions 1.3.1_15 and 1.4.2 seem to be the most memory efficient so it
is recommended to use one of these versions.
- timeout handling for telnet/ftp/ssh/sftp/http connections to prevent hanging
sessions. See chap 2.6 for info.
- possible to specify different ports for http/telnet/ssh/sftp. Useful for
connecting to SimCello/CPPemu or running moshell over tunnels with port forwarding.
See README chapter 2.6 for info.
- faster moshell startup. MO/PM service are only started if the command requires
it. Type "h re" for more info.
- tg: now works on RNC P3/P4, plus several enhancements (data caching, direct
sending of commands using MO-id as argument instead of actor, printing of cell
variables, etc). Type "h tg" for info.
- remod: adapted for RNC P3 (doesn't need to delete the UtranCells/IubLink
anymore). Type "h remod" for info.
- str: now works on CDMA BSC. Type "h str" for info.
- str: adapted for P4 RNC (HSDPA). Type "h str" for info.
- str: new option "t" to show the AtmPorts used by each site. Type "h str" for
- moshell can now run in non-interactive mode, this functionality used to be part
of "monode". Monode is now a soft link to moshell. Type "moshell" or "monode" on
its own for info.
- moshell can now run in offline mode (just type "moshell" without arguments).
Useful for browsing MOM, parsing alarm logs or statistics XML files.
- added a number of user variables. See README chap 2.5/2.6 , and moshell file for
more info.
- new command "uservars" to print/change user variables from within the moshell
session. Type "h uservars" for info.
- new option "-v" in moshell/mobatch to set user variables from the command line.
Type "moshell" or "mobatch" on its own for info.
- faster creation of board tables through caching of the data. Type "h bo" for
- mom: new option "t" to show parent/child relationships and cardinality. Type "h
mom" for info.
- mom/pmom/lmom: new option "c" to show descriptions for MO classes and their
children. Type "h mom" for info.
- set/cr/acc: now supports more attribute types, eg: array of struct, array of
boolean, etc. Type "h syntax" or README chap 3.3 for info.
- ftget/ftput: supports recursive download/upload of a directory (conditional and
unconditional). Type "h ftget" for info.
- lh: faster. Type "h lh" for info.
- for loops: possible to cycle through boards of a board-group. Type "h scripting"
for info.
- OSE shell: possible to send several commands on the same line (eg: vii ; te log
read ; te log clear). Type "h ose" for info.
- lh: possible to send several commands on the same line (eg: lh dc te e trace1
SP_HIST ; te log read). Type "h lh" for info.
- lh: possible to send a command file to all boards (eg: lh mp run
mytracefile.cmd). Type "h lh" for info.
- b: to toggle prompt highlight on/off
- bl: new option "s" for soft-lock. Type "h bl" for info.
- facc: can now take parameters from the command line. Type "h facc" for info.
- node restart handling: checking of disk mirroring status before node restart and
confirmation message for "restartObj me". Confirmation can be disabled with
- lg: new option "c" to print the output into a CSV file. Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: possible to filter on the past hours or minutes (previously: only days).
Type "h lg" for info.
- lg: adaptions for cello 5.
- lg: new option "d" to show Node downtime/uptime figures. Type "h lg" for info.

Moshell bug fixes:

- mon: wasn't working properly on nodes where the program handles were not in
consecutive order. Type "h mon" for info.
- acc: would crash the mobrowser if wrong parameter was given.
- set: couldn't handle attribute values of type "string" containing commas.
- lg: option "i" was not working. Piping was not working when giving an argument.
- tempfiles are now stored in the user's home directory instead of /tmp as this
was creating problems when /tmp got filled up.
- lh/bo/fclean: wasn't handling CBU boards.
- l+/u+: would crash if a directory was given as argument.
- rdel: wasn't handling IpAtm properly.
- mom: moshell was not finding the correct MGW MOM, the variable xmlmomlist has
been changed to include the MGW MOM (mgw_node_mom_ro.xml)

Utilities improvements:
- Certain utilities have been removed due to their functionality being included
into moshell:
* telnode/cellocmd/monode are removed, use moshell instead. (monode is now a
soft link to moshell)
* telbatch is removed, use mobatch instead.
- rncaudit: improvements on boolean and enum comparisons.
- swup: updated for cello 4.
- mocmd: updated for P3 (new "change_all" script format).
- restartcollector: adaptions for Cello 4. Show node downtime figures.

CHANGES IN v5.3m (2004-12-20)
Moshell bug fixes:
- mom: wasn't properly parsing struct/enum in CDMA RBS MOM
- scripting: variables given in acc/cr prompts were not being translated

Moshell improvements and bug fixes:
- edit: to edit a file directly from the node. Type "h edit" for info. Thanks Dave
Smith for this function.
- acc: parameters of type enum (eg: restartrank) are shown with their possible
- str: added support for 3x2 RBS (ie sites with more than 3 cells).
- str: sectors are now sorted by alphabetic order.
- rset: new variable rset_customlist in moshell file allows MOs to be added to the
list of MOs that are supported by rset. Type "h rset" for info.
- mom: bug fix in the parsing of enums and better information given for the enums.
- cab: added temperature display for GPB4/GPB5/CBU
- "restricted+" version was not working on solaris
- cr: couldn't handle attributes of type MoRef with the null value
- rdel: wasn't working on rnsap MO.
- ftree: was not working on relative pathes

Utilities improvements and bug fixes:

- restartcollector: added logging of manual SPM restarts
- restartcollector: was not recognising SPM automatic restarts on P3
- rncaudit/rbsaudit: changed the struct attribute format in baseline to be
compatible with Winnow. See example in moshell/examples/audit_files/baseline.txt
(the old format still works as well).
- netcheck: bug fix in unacceptabledisabled list, creation of unlock command
files, and checking of HW rev of the backplane

Moshell improvements and bug fixes:
- getmom/parsemom: to check the MOM version/ parse a new MOM. Type "h getmom" and
"h parsemom" for info.
- b: to toggle bold prompt on or off. Type "h b" for info.
- mom: wasn't printing ">" and "<" correctly. Improved searching for enums and

Moshell improvements and bug fixes:
- rset: to set restricted attributes (eg: VclTp:atmTrafficDescriptorId,
UniSaalTp:unisaalprofileId, ...). Type "h rset" for info.
- conf: new option "d" to disable delete confirmation
- mom: improvements in the display of MO actions and parameters.
- mom: adaptations for CDMA2000. (logAttributes shown in lmom instead of pmom,
display of applicationTag ).
- get: could not read attributes of type sequence:boolean
- mon: was not working on CDMA BSC
- moshell_install: was corrupting the monitor executable.

Utilities improvements and bug fixes:

- pmExtract: change timestamp to be at beginning of ROP instead of end to align
with ranos. Thanks Mike.
- restartcollector: bug fixes ("-m" option not working properly. Not finding board
reloads on P3.)

Improvements and bug fixes:
- get/pget: possible to use the negative filter (!) on the attribute field. Useful
when some attributes are returning an exception. Type "h get" for info.
- cabx: was missing some XP boards on RBS.
- set: better handling of empty/null attribute values. Type "h set" for info.
- set: couldn't set attributes of type MORef on many MOs at once.
- swstat: -d not working properly (timeout issue and confirmation issue)
- monitor.linux corrupted
- fclean: duplicate "rm" commands.
- str: was inverting nodesynch 1 and 2 on certain configurations.
- tg: incomplete printout when module MP switchedover

CHANGES IN v5.3d (2004-10-11)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- moshell/monode/mobatch/telnode: were running much too slow when logging to file
(up to 10 times too slow in certain cases).
- tg: not working properly on A20+ and B13+
- fclean: added functionality for emptying directories (such as the /c/logfiles or
the /c/pmd). Type "h fclean" for info.
- mom: improved the display of attribute ranges and default values.
- inv: added display of RBS powersupply boards (pcu,psu,bfu,accu,clu).
- moshell settings: added /c/java/host.p12 in keepLmList variable in moshell file
to prevent it from getting deleted when doing "fclean".

CHANGES IN v5.3 (2004-10-08)
New moshell commands:
- fclean[f/ff]: to remove orphan loadmodules (ie: that are not in use by the
system and not referenced by any UP on the node). Type "h fclean" for info.
- rdel: recursive delete. To delete an MO and its related protocol stack.
Currently works with UtranCell, IubLink, Ranap/Rnsap and Mtp3bSls MOs. Type "h
rdel" for info.
- u+/u-: start/stop undo mode. While running in undo mode, all delete and
set/bl/deb commands are logged and MO data is saved. Upon stopping of undo mode, an
undo file is generated to recreate the MOs or set them back to old values. Type "h
u+" for info.
Note: To undo a "create" script, just run "del" on the proxy range in reverse
order. Type "h del" for info.
- scripting: support for variables which can be assigned from command line or from
the "get" command. Type "h scripting" for info.
- scripting: support for if/else constructs and "for" loops. Type "h scripting"
for info.
- inv: to perform an inventory of HW/SW via the MO interface. Similar output to
"cabsx" but some complementary information can be obtained such as Device SW
(spm,dsp,fpga), Piu states, RET info (RBS), etc. Type "h inv" for info.
- stc: display of atmCrossConnections. Type "h stc" for info.
- hc: performs a complete node health check. Useful for collecting info for
TRs/CSRs. Type "h hc" for info.
- baw/brw: add/remove boards to/from a board group based on the board's
SwAllocation and/or RncModule. Type "h ba" or "h baw" for info.
- bad/brd: add/remove boards to/from a board group based on the device type and/or
RncModule. Type "h ba" or "h bad" for info.
- std[h] (RNC specific): device states and hangings. Lists all devices, their
associated MOs and states, availability statistics and possible hangings. Type "h
std" for info.
- str1/str2 (RNC specific): same as "str" but different format. If a file is given
as argument, the output is saved to a CSV file. Type "h str" for info.
- strf: "fast" option for "str". Useful for piping the printout into grep or sort.
Type "h str" for more info.
- remod (RNC specific): to perform a remoduling of an IubLink. Type "h remod" for
- lki (RNC specific): perform an audit to check that IubLinks and their related
MOs (aal2/aal5/vpltp) are located on the same MP/Subrack. Type "h lki" for info.
- ftget/ftput: ftp get/put to the node. By running these commands with mobatch, it
is then possible to perform ftp on multiple nodes in parallel. Type "h ftput" or "h
ftget" for info.
- moshell settings: new moshell variable "inactivity_timeout" to specify the idle
time (in seconds) after which the moshell session will shut down. Default is 24
hours. This is to prevent hanging sessions on the server.
- mon: to start the target monitor on specified board groups. Type "h mon" for
- noload: to disable printing of the proxy information in lt/lc commands. Saves
bandwidth and logfile size when running mobatch. Also useful for expect scripts
that don't handle the proxy loading very well. Type "h noload" for info.

Improved moshell functions:

- corba security: credentials can be specified in ~/.moshellrc and/or from command
line ("-c" option). Refer to README chap 0.1 for info.
- moshell settings: all custom variables of the moshell file can now be saved in
the ~/.moshellrc (so that each user can have their own settings and the settings
will not be reset after each new moshell installation). Refer to README chap 2.5
for info.
- syntax: mo-filter can be a link handler address. Eg: acc 001400 restart, or bl
001900/sp0.lnh. Type "h syntax" for info.
- syntax: proxy range can go in reverse order. Useful when deleting MOs in reverse
order of their creation, eg: del 10-1. Type "h syntax" and "h del" for info.
- trun: script now halts on exception. Use "truni" to ignore exceptions. Type "h
trun" for info.
- trun: possible to run an MO-script located on an http server (eg: the node
itself). Type "h trun" for info.
- bo: now shows an overview of all boards, their board type, SwAllocation and
RncModule (if applicable). This facilitates the creation of board groups using
ba/baw/br/brw commands. Type "h bo" for info.
- bo/lh: a number of default board-groups are created, the first time the command
is run (e.g: mp, bp, module, dc, dc1, spb, etc.)
- tg (RNC specific): extra fields to show UlInterference, CellBarred, dlAse/ulAse,
and cellSetup error codes.
- ftree: can be run on a different board than the Hub MP by specifying the
linkhandler (eg: ftree /f 001900). Can also be used in conjunction with the lh
command (eg: lh gbp ftree /d). Type "h ftree" for info.
- OSE shell: improved handling of sql commands. Type "h ose" or just "sql" for
- menu: it is now split in two parts for better visibility (there were too many
commands to fit on one screen). The 1st menu (MO menu) is printed with "m" and the
second menu (miscellaneous) is printed with "n" command.
- jar files are fetched automatically if missing. No need for "-j" option anymore.
- lcd (for changing local directory) now works on cygwin. Thanks to Mike Harris
for his help.
- general: expect/telnet/ftp are not required anymore. Internal functionality is
now used instead.
- Readme: improved cygwin installation instruction, easier to follow. See chapter
0.4 of Readme file.
- Readme: three new chapters added ("Scripting", "Utilities" and "Server
- br: can remove boards from a group. Type "h br" for info.
- cab: possible to pipe output to unix commands
- lga: "c" replaced by "*" to indicate cleared alarms (more readable)
- get: negative filter support in attribute value filter. (E.g. get utrancell
sinter !10). Type "h get" for info.
- mom: shows attribute range and default value when applicable
- cvcu/cvls: shows autocv and commandlog status
- str: additional cell availability statistics (based on unlocked cells)
- moshell settings: a new moshell variable to specify active/passive ftp mode
- lg: possible to display the most recent entries only (by specifying the number
of days back). Type "h lg" for info.
- l+: new option "m" to open a logfile in mute mode. Type "h l+" for info.

New/Improved utilities:
- Readme: a new chapter in README (chap 7) for an overview of the utilities.
- pm utilities: pmExtract, pmXtab, pmDiff. To parse PM XML files. Thanks to Mike
Harris for developping these utilities.
- mobatch: improved progress reporting.
- all batch utilities (swstat, swup, cvms) now use mobatch.pl instead of mobatch.
mobatch is replaced by a soft link to mobatch.pl
- restartcollector: now works on cygwin and linux, thanks to Mike Harris for his
- restartcollector: new options "-m", "-p", "-f", "-l", type "restartcollector" at
the unix prompt for info.
- restartcollector: extra field in the report shows the node SW level at time of
pmd collection
- restartcollector: "scope" field extended (distinguishes between node, processor
and program restart)
- swstat: "-d" option now accepts several UpgradePackages (this option is for
deleting one or several UPs from many nodes in parallel). Type "swstat" at the unix
prompt for info.
- rncaudit: new option "-a" to compare node data against a change_all script.
- mocmd: improved conversion of change_all script
- runPmTester: latest included, works also with ipaddress, thanks Lars Lundberg

Bug fixes
- moshell/cygwin: when moshell was abnormally exited on cygwin, the java would
stay hanging. Thanks to David Smith for the fix.
- h: was showing too many command printouts (when used with the syntax: "h
- ba: didn't support regular expressions for matching board types
- cabr: was only showing a maximum of 10 restarts per board
- restartcollector: wasn't showing MP-requested restarts
- restartcollector: was crashing when running big sitefiles
- str: corrupt printout on certain occasions
- moshell_install: was sometimes rejecting the java path eventhough correct
version was given
- monode: smoother output, was buffering too many lines
- moshell: was flooding the screen when wrong java version in use.
- tg: was missing out some cc devices, and cells/iubs.
- tg: was displaying wrong module Id on certain RNCs
- moshell: clash in naming of temporary files
- moshell: was kept hanging after sending "pgkill" command on certain programs
- momdoc: wasn't working properly on cygwin
- moshell: get <mo> all <value> was not working
- moshell: lh was not able to handle te commands on later cello 3 releases (P2.1.6
and above)
- moshell: run command had problems to handle command files that are in DOS-format
- restartcollector: couldn't find srr0 in certain kinds of pmd files
- rncaudit: option "-e" was not working properly
- cvcu: was missing upgradepackage info if run before cvls
- cab/bo: could not handle CBU boards correctly
- netcheck: locked MOs and their children are excluded from the
"unacceptableDisabled" file

Thanks to all for sending improvement suggestions and to all the beta testers.

Future improvements:
1 - Interface to the PM service (Counters/UETR/CTR/GPEH).
2 - PM reports for the RNC (call success rate, drop rate, etc.)
3 - Ssh/sftp support
4 - CellRelations printout command
5 - ....

CHANGES IN v5.2 (2004-05-18)
New functions:
- corba security support for both host credential (host.p12, PKS server) and
stand-alone credential (sam.pbe, SLS server). See Readme file chap 0.1 for more
- lg[aevsmir]: parse alarm log, event log, system log, availability log, and merge
them together if needed. Type "h lg" for more info.
- ma/lma/mr/lmr/mp: create/remove/print MO groups that can be used as input to the
other MO commands. Type "h ma" for more info.
- ba/br/bp/bo: create/remove/print/overview Board groups that can be used for
sending OSE shell commands to multiple boards. Type "h bo" for more info.
- lh: to send OSE commands to all boards of a board group. Type "h lh" for info.
- al[tk]: view the timestamps and/or acknowledgement status in active alarm list.
Type "h al" for more info.
- tg[r]: parse the data from RNC target observability. Shows relations between
MO<-->FRO<-->ACTOR<-->CCDEVICE for Cell/Iub. Type "h tg" for more info.
- ftree: recursive list of the file system on Hub MP. Type "h ftree" for info.
- cvrm: supports negative filters. Type "h cvrm" for more info.
- cab: shows the Core Manager status (mirror stat). Type "h cab" for more info.
- gs/gsg: toggle behaviour of set/bl/deb commands (by doing a get before/after the
set). Type "h gs" for more info.
- moshell/mobatch/mobatch.pl: new option "-l", useful for memory saving. Type
"moshell", "mobatch", or "mobatch.pl" for more info.
- acc: improved handling of struct parameters. Type "h acc" for more info.
- cr/set/acc: can take a shortened version of the LDN as parameter input (eg:
utrancell=xxx instead of rncfunction=1,utrancell=xxx)

New/improved utilities:
- restartcollector: to collect manual and spontaneous restart information from a
number of nodes and displaying in a report. Type "restartcollector" for more info.
- rncaudit: new option "-s" to check scrambling code duplication on first tier,
second tier and third tier, both within the RNC and across Iur borders. Type
"rncaudit" for info.
- netcheck: the HW check now checks revisions greater than or equal to those
specified in the reference file (eg for checking GPB with revision greater than
R2F). The check used to only check the revision number but not the last letter. See
updated reference file in moshell/examples/netcheck_files.
- mocmd: new option to convert change_all script to moshell format. Type "mocmd"
for info.
- monode: can take node name from ipdatabase as argument. Type "monode" for info.
- swstat/telbatch: if "-p password" is omitted, the password is automatically read
from ipdatabase
- moshell_install: various improvements and bug fixes. At upgrade, pathes are read
from old installation.

Bug fixes:
- ose shell: some special characters (like " [ ] < > ) were not sent through
- all: was not possible to pipe output from "all err" (to "tee" for example)
- lt/ltc/lc/lcc: old MOs are taken out from proxy list before loading new ones
- cr: didn't handle default values for restricted attributes of type struct
- str: logging conflicts caused incorrect statistics
- pget: could crash when using certain regular expressions
- alias: didn't work with MO commands
- cr/acc: wasn't aborting upon reception of an empty attribute value.
- set/get/mom: attributes pmMode/pmMonitoring were treated as pm attributes
instead of config attributes.

Future Additions?
1 - Interface to the PM service (Counters/UETR/CTR/GPEH).
2 - Hard-Disk cleanup function (many obsolete loadmodules often remain on disk).
3 - HW/SW inventory via MO interface.
4 - Ssh support
5 - get: option to show attributes horizontally
6 - possibility to loop a command
7 - various other things...

CHANGES IN v5.1b (2004-02-26)
Bug fixes:
- acc couldn't print results in struct format
- cvms is now checking for cv name/parameters over 40 characters
- OSE command interface couldn't handle double quotes (")
- cabx was crashing when too many active telnet sessions on node

CHANGES IN v5.1a (2004-02-09)
Bug fixes:
- didn't start up on certain linux distributions
- cvls didn't work on cello 4.3.1
- CALL statement didn't work in "trun" scripts
- if ManagedElement UserLabel is empty, set the prompt and window title from "site"
attribute instead
- handling of brackets in command line
- force action command added (facc/lfacc)

CHANGES IN v5.1 (2004-01-10)
New moshell functions:
- str (RNC only): to print state of iubs/cells/channels in a table manner, one line
per site. Type "h str" for info.
- alias/unalias: to define/list/remove command aliases. Type "h alias" for info.
- support for multi-user installation: see chapter 2.6 in readme file for info.
- cabr: to view all board restarts (parsed output from "llog -l"), abnormal
restarts are in red. Type "cab" for info.
- caba: to view only abnormal board restarts.
- cabd: to view disk usage. Disks that are getting full appear in color, the limits
can be set in cabview file.
- cvcu: like cvls but without the cv list. Type "h cv" for info.
- all: to run an OSE shell command on all boards. Same as OSE command "board_status
-g -c" except that the board position is printed in front of each line. Inspired
from Shello, thanks to Alex Langer.

Improved moshell functions:

- get and st: much faster than before. Type "h get" for info. Thanks to Anders
Carlsson and Rudolf Hersen for their help.
- telnet password for moshell/mobatch/monode can now be read from the ipdatabase.
For info, see example of ipdatabase in moshell/examples/ipdatabase. Thanks to
Laszlo Sz�cs for the input and to Keith Woodfield and Vania Bastajian for all the
- moshell: can be started by using a sitename from the ipdatabase. Type "moshell"
for info.
- syntax: possible to use proxy ranges and negative filters on all MO commands.
Type "h syntax" for info.
- cabx: added print of subracks and backplanes.
- ose shell interface: colors in te log read (errors in red, restarts in blue, like
Shello). Can be disabled with command "col".
- ose shell interface: improved handling of sqlc commands. Type "sqlc" or "h ose"
for info.
- "l" can be used instead of "!" to run a local unix command.
- "l cd <unix directory>" now works, so that you can change your current unix
working directory from within moshell. Doesn't work on cygwin yet.
- get: attributes are listed in alphabetical order
- del: when deleting a UP, it will automatically remove the preventingcvs from
rollbacklist (after confirmation from operator).
- history: command duplicates are not stored in the history.
- moshell: new MGW MOM for R2 and R3 is stored in jarxml directory. Thanks to Ulf
Vikstrom. Useful in cases where no MOM is stored on the node, can be specified in
the variable "default_mom" in ~/.moshellrc.
- set: possible to set attributes of type array of MoRef. Type "h set" for info.
- acc/acl, lacc/lacl: to list/call actions. The old commands actc/actl still work
for backward compatibility.
- moshell: added examples of command files that can be used for automated testing.
See files in moshell/examples/automated_testing
- moshell: new variable http_port in moshell file, to handle simCello.
- readme: added info in chapter 2.5 about cygwin installation problems.

New/improved utilities:
- netcheck: to check HW compatibility, alarms, t&e errors, etc. through the whole
network, by offline parsing of mobatch logs.
Check info in the directory moshell/examples/netcheck_files and by typing
"netcheck" at the unix prompt.
- mobatch.pl: new option "-t" for defining the timeout. Type "mobatch.pl" for info.
Thanks to Michael Lazarou for this update.
- telbatch: can now handle a separate command file for each site (like
mobatch/mobatch.pl). Type "telbatch" for info.
- rbsaudit: improvements for cable delay/attenuation checks. Type "rbsaudit" for

Bug fixes:
- ose shell interface: various bugs in the handling of "cd" commmand.
- ose shell interface: couldn't handle signs like * \n > ;
- ose shell interface: was hanging after typing "sqlc"
- set: fault when setting struct attributes on many MOs.
- get: wasn't translating availabilitystatus correctly
- lk: was trying to load MOs that already were in the proxy table.
- telnode/telbatch: couldn't handle other prompts than "$".
- cvmk/cvms: couldn't handle quotes in the comment
- rbsaudit: wasn't comparing feeder/jumper values correctly.
- swup/swstat/cvms: had stopped working in 5.0.
- kget: change in output format was affecting MCOM tool.

Known problems: same as in 5.0

Future Additions?
- same as in 5.0 minus 7 and 9.
- improved alarm functionality (time stamp, acknowledgement, alarm log)
- get: option to show attributes horizontally
- mo-group concept as a supplement to mo-filters
- possibility to loop a command
- ...

CHANGES IN v5.0 (2003-10-22)
Compatibility changes (See chapter 0.1 of README file for more info):
- moshell and all utilities now support Corba Security. Thanks to Anders Carlsson
for CR74238 and for all his support.
- allip now works on Windows/Cygwin (didn't work in 4.1). Thanks to Abdirashid
Isse for his alarmclient.
- java MUST be 1.2.2 or 1.3.x (java 1.1.x, 1.2.1 and 1.4.x won't work).

New/improved moshell functions:

- lt/lc: much, much, much faster than before. A big thank you to Andreas Jakobik
for all his help.
- trun: to run a command file using MoTester/EMAS syntax. Same as motester but
without the waiting time at the beginning.
- cvls/cvrm/cvms/cvmk/cvset: similar to the "cv" commands in OSE shell but operate
via the MO service instead of telnet.
cvrm can remove many cv's in one go using pattern matching on the cv name.
cvls displays both current cv info ("cv cu") and cv list ("cv ls"), in a table
cvmk automatically includes upgrade package id in the cv attributes (avoids problem
described in WRNab66776).
cvms is a combination of cvmk and cvset.
- moshell session and proxies stay valid after a node/jvm restart. Type "h pol"
for more info. Thanks again to Andreas Jakobik for all his help.
- pol: to poll the node until MO service is ready. Useful to run after a jvm/node
restart. Type "h pol" for more info.
- help: new chapter "Tutorial" in the Readme file. Can be read from the prompt via
command "h tut".
- cr: support for attribute type "struct" (same syntax as for "set" command). Type
"h cr" for info.
- cab: possibility to combine options (eg: cabslx). Displays progress info. Type
"h cab" for info.
- confb/confl: To toggle confirmation on bl/deb/set/actc/lt/lc commands (by
default, confirmation is on). Type "h conf" for more info.
- "!" to execute unix commands from the moshell prompt. Type "h !" for more info.
- OSE shell interface: can keep track of current working directory (used to always
be /d).
- prod: replaces old command "inv" with a few improvements. Type "h prod" for
- lt/lc: displays LDN of the proxies being loaded. Can be changed with variable
PrintProxyLDN in moshell file.

New/improved utilities:
- mobatch.pl: like mobatch but in perl. Better process handling than mobatch.
Possible to specify how many moshell sessions should run in parallel. Thanks to
Michael Lazarou for developping this utility.
- mobatch/telbatch/swup/swstat/cvms: possible to use raw ip addresses (or DNS
names) in the sitefiles. Ipdatabase is now optional.
- rncaudit/rbsaudit: better help in the form of an instruction located in
moshell/examples/audit_files/Audit_procedure_A1.doc. Thanks to Marilena Marchionni
for putting together this document.
- help: added info in chapters 2.5 and 0.4 for configuring a more user-friendly
terminal window and for cygwin installation problems.

Bug fixes:
- OSE shell interface: Used to be problems with buffering, couldn't pipe output
into pagers like "more"/"less".
- moshell_install: had problems handling certain installation directories (eg when
using ~ or relative pathes)
- cr: couldn't handle attributes of type "sequence:long" and "sequence:string"
containing only one element in the array. (eg: priorityList in MO aal2RoutingCase)
- cr/set: couldn't handle attributes of type MoRef with the value "null" (eg
sccpGlobalTitleRef in MO Ranap)
- cr: could hang when entering restricted attributes.
- set: could hang when entering attributes of type "struct".
- typo in cabview caused gawk to crash on certain machines
- starting a link handler shell (lhsh) caused hanging
- typing an open bracket without a closing bracket caused crash
- rncaudit/rbsaudit: didn't support check of struct attributes (eg sid data,
nnisaalprofile, etc.)
- upgraded gawk to v3.1.3

Known problems:
- Cygwin: ctrl-C doesn't kill some of the processes correctly. Workaround is to
kill the process from Windows task manager (ctrl-alt-del).
Look for processes like "java.exe" or "gawk.exe" that are using a lot of CPU.
- OSE shell interface: quotes are not passed on to the shell (eg: bs -g -c "te log
read" becomes bs -g -c te log read). Workaround is to escape the quotes with a
backslash (eg: bs -g -c \"te log read\")

Future Additions?
1 - Interface to the PM service (Counters/UETR/CTR/GPEH).
2 - Support for certain Radio Network operations (eg: RBS/Module reparenting,
Cell/Iub deletion)
3 - Allow changes of restricted attributes by working out what MOs need to be
deleted and re-added
4 - Consistency check of node data before and after SW upgrade.
5 - Hard-Disk cleanup function (many obsolete loadmodules often remain on disk).
6 - Complete SW inventory board by board (current inventory "cabs" doesn't
include DSP/SP/FPGA SW)
7 - Network HW/SW consistency check (compare each node's hw/sw inventory against
approved hw/sw list for the current release)
8 - Ssh support
9 - Faster reading of MO attributes
10 - Customer version with no access to Ericsson Only parameters
11 - Reduce memory usage in the mobrowser (can run out of memory when loading many
MO proxies)
- ...

CHANGES IN v4.1 (2003-08-08)
Compatibility improvements:
- moshell and all utilities (except allip) can now run on Windows, using Cygwin.
Previously: only solaris and linux.
See installation information for cygwin in chapter 0.1 of README file.
- java 1.2 and 1.3 now supported. Previously: only java 1.1
Note that java1.2 and 1.3 need more RAM memory which can cause limitations when
running many
sessions in parallel (mobatch/cvms/swup/swstat). Java 1.1 doesn't work with cello
See java information in chapter 0.1 of README file.

New/improved moshell functions:

- faster get and st command (one corba request per MO instead of one per
- new cab commands: cabx for XP info (tma/fan,aiu), cabs for SW list and cabl for
cpu load. Type "h cab" for info.
- new command dif to compare MOs. Type "h dif" for info.
- bl/deb and set modified to take confirmation before executing on mo-filter.
- new command "run" to run a command file. No confirmation needed in the command
files. Type "h run" for info.
- new command pmom, same as "mom" but for pm attributes. Type "h mom" for info.
- pr and get command can use negative filter and proxy range as first argument.
Type "h syntax", "h pr", and "h get" for info.
- faster ltc command. Added "attribute==value" filters on ltc (was already
existing on lt). Type "h lt" for info.
- easier to set attributes of type "struct". Type "h set" for info.
- faster and easier to use lk/llk. Automatic loading of all related MOs (no need
to do "lt all" before running lk/llk). Type "h lk" for info.
- hist to view command history. "!" to recall a command from history buffer. Type
"h hist" for info.
- ul to toggle display of userlabel in st/lst command
- time to toggle timestamp
- prox to toggle display of proxy in get <mo> <attribute> command.

New utilities:
- swcomp to compare SW between two nodes. Type "swcomp" for info.
- telbatch to telnet to a number of nodes in parallel. Can handle nodes with
different passwords. Type "telbatch" for info.
- cvms to make and set a cv on a number of nodes in parallel. Type "cvms" for
- rncaudit to check parameters and cell relations from a number of RNC moshell
dumps. Type "rncaudit" for info.
- rbsaudit to check parameters from a number of RBS moshell dumps and generate
corrective files to be run by mobatch. Type "rbsaudit" for info.
- mocmd to generate an moshell/monode/mobatch command file out of a parameter
file. Type "mocmd" for info.
- cellreport to generate a cell/iub status report from an moshell dump. Type
"cellreport" for info.
See Readme chapter 2 for short description on all the utilities.

Improved utilities:
- monode/mobatch: better handling of command files. No need to put confirmation
("y") in the command files.
- mobatch: possible to run a different command file for each node. Type "mobatch"
for info.
- mobatch: new option to specify time to wait in between each moshell session (to
reduce memory usage on Workstation). Type "mobatch" for info.
- swstat: added print of all Upgrade packages defined in a node and their state.
Type "swstat" for info.
- swstat: added "-d" option to delete a specific Upgrade package revision from the
- swstat: result saved to file to facilitate sorting.
- swup: possible to specify a userid and password for the ftp server (doesn't have
to be anonymous). Type "swup" for info.
- better directory structure for the logfiles, example files, and temporary
- ipdatabase defined centrally in moshell file (no need to define in each separate
- mobrowser: new menu to get several attributes in one corba request.

Bug fixes:
- cr/actc/set: weren't handling attributes of type "sequence:moRef" containing
only one element in the array. (eg: action "addPath" on MO aal2pathvcctp)
- cr: wasn't handling "restricted" attributes (eg userid and password on
- set: wasn't handling attributes of type "moRef" (eg setting atmtrafficdescriptor
on vpltp)
- ala: was crashing when 0 alarms.
- llk: wasn't acting on all MOs in the mo-filter (only the first).
- llk: had problems with attributes of type "sequence:moRef"
- llk: didn't work well if all MOs were not loaded in the proxy table.
- cab: didn't show if a board was defined but unreachable.
- st: the state-filter wasn't matching towards both states at the same time (eg
couldn't do "st all unlocked.*dis")
- mobatch/telbatch: when IP traffic was high, checking IP contact was giving "NOT
OK", instead of "OK".

- changed default java memory settings in moshell file to work with all java
versions. See chapter 0.1 in README file.
- found an MGW xml file (Violin.xml). Combined it with Cello3.3 xml MOM to make a
MGW_R2 xml MOM. Stored in moshell/jarxml directory and used as default MOM in cases
where MOM not stored on node (variable "default_mom" in moshell file)
- monode output automatically logged to file.

CHANGES IN v4.0 (2003-03-15)
New moshell commands:
- "lt/ltc", "lc/lcc", "ld": to load proxys for certain MOs, not necessary to load
all the MOs as in previous versions --> quicker startup.
Type "h lt", "h lc" or "h ld" for more info
- "cr": create MO. (handy for doing sw upgrades). Type "h cr" and "h lazy" for
more info.
- "l+/l-": for logging to file
- "al/ala": for active alarms (faster and more reliable than allip in moshell3.0)

New/improved utilities:
- swup for doing sw upgrades on multiple nodes in parallel (type "swup" on its own
to view help)
- swstat for checking sw versions on multiple nodes in parallel (type "swstat" on
its own to view help)
- mobatch for sending moshell commands to multiple nodes in parallel (type
"mobatch" on its own to view help)
- monode for sending moshell commands to one node (type "monode" on its own to
view help)
- extra menus added in mobrowser for loading only certain MOs instead of all

Improved moshell functions:

- online lazy guide with the command "h lazy"
- "set" and "actc" don't require attribute type anymore. Type "h set" and "h actc"
for more info.
- automatic fetching of iorfile, just give the ip address or hostname as argument
when starting moshell
- automatic update of xml MOM file at startup (jar files still need to be updated
from time to time using moshell -j <ipaddress>)
- extra search fields for the mom command (attribute flags and attribute
- prompt shows node identity (if ManagedElement userlabel is set properly). Menu
is only displayed upon command "m".
- window title shows stopfile name for abort
- configurable parameters for mobrowser (memory allocation, dirtyread). More info
at beginning of moshell file.
- configurable parameters for moshell (format of get_printout, of prompt, etc.).
More info at beginning of moshell file.
- pr/lpr shows how many MOs match the pattern
- "cvls" sorts cv's by date and prints number of cv's
- basic "auto-reconnect": after jvm/node restart, if lt/lc/ld command is given,
the mobrowser session is restarted and it's possible to carry on with the same
moshell session (the lt/lc/ld command needs to be re-issued, though).

Bug fixes:
- print of alarmstatus and availstatus when they are 0
- problems fetching certain arrays (e.g. storedconfigurationversion in
configurationversion MO, properties in jvm MO)
- cleanup of temp files (cmdbuffer, inputrc, readanswer, readline, etc.)
- set of attributes with spaces in between (e.g. set managedelement=1 site 121
Lancove Street Melbourne)
- bugs in moshell_install
- cellobatch replaced by telnode (for sending several telnet commands to one node)

CHANGES IN v3.0 (2002-10-03)
New moshell commands:
- "lk/llk": view all MO's linked to a certain MO (for instance can be used to
find out which vcltp's are used by a cell/mtp3/pdrdev/ranap/... and vice-versa)
- abort function: to abort an MO-related command without exiting.
- "mom": online MOM browsing to view descriptions of MO's, attributes, actions,
- "fget/fset": get/set an attribute that is not defined in the MOM
- "pm/lpm": view the pm attributes (a warning is issued since this can cause node
restart, it's better to use the pm scanners).
- "cvls": shows the cv's in a table format
- "menu/nomenu": to display/hide the menu (it's getting pretty big so it can be
useful to hide it sometimes ;-)

New utilities:
- "momdoc" to convert a mom from xml to html
- "allip" to monitor the alarms in the cello node
- "cv-filter" to print the cv's in a table format
- runCSNotificationClient to subscribe to Config Service notifications, will show
all MO changes in real time (useful during SW upgrade for example). If someone gets
it to work on linux, please let me know.

Modified moshell functions:

- improvements in the help browsing
- improvements to the moshell_install script
- "del/ldel": after deleting MO's, they are removed from the proxy list
- "ose command [|<unix command>]": send an ose command to the node, possible to
pipe it through a unix command (for instance: grep or more).
- output of get command: display number and type of elements in an attribute of
type "array/sequence"
- the FDN of ManagedElement MO is shown at the beginning of proxy download
(useful to see the node name in ranos).
- command line improvements: better history handling, commands are not case
sensitive, filename expansion with <tab>, home/end/delete keys should work on
xterm, * and \ are not interpreted by the command line before being sent to gawk.

Bug corrections
- cellocmd couldn't handle large printouts
- cabview didn't work on linux
- in "st" command, the admstate of certain MO's didn't get printed the first time
(e.g. "pch")
- a few other minor stuff...

New/modified functions:
- easy installation with the moshell_install script
- don't need to put "cmd" in front of OSE command to be sent to the node via
- command pr/lpr can take proxy(s) as argument
- added command kget that outputs data in a special format (used for RNC P1 to P2
Bug corrections:
- read array attributes containing more than 10 elements
- case sensitivity when setting string attributes
- delete temp files after ctrl-c, ctrl-\ and close window
- close bash files (readline, readanswer)
- support the rxi820
- check pathes definitions (java, bash, expect, etc.)

New/modified functions:
- improved command line, history buffer: see section 3
- del/ldel to delete MO's: see section 4
- handling of several SW levels (e.g. Utran P1, P2, ...): see section 2

Bug corrections:
- viewing of ManagedElement MO (proxy id 0)
- find xml file when in /c/loadmodules_norepl
- bug in actc command, handling of corrupted iorfile, password not echoed, cleanup
of temp files after ctrl-c

Stand-alone utility
- cellostat, an example of script that can be used for doing a node healthcheck

New commands/functions:
- actl <mo-filter> or <proxy id> <action-filter>: list available actions
- actc <mo-filter> or <proxy id> <action> : call action
- cabv: view leds, cpu load and hw revs of the node. (Can also be called from unix
prompt with command
- cmd: send a command to the node via telnet
- run scripts, via motester (type "moshell <iorfile> <scriptfile>")
- fetch jar/xml files from node (type "moshell" without arguments, then choose
option 2): should be done
after each SW release so moshell gets jar/xml files matching those in node.
- translation of the "enum" attributes (availability status, clock state, etc.)

Modified commands:
- deeper filtering on get and state (can filter on attribute and attribute value)
- better help, for example, it describes the use of unix regular expressions in
the filters
- the mo-filter is based on the whole LDN or just last part of LDN, according to
the command name (commands
that start with "l" search on whole LDN, other commands search on last part of LDN
- the set command (and by extension block/deblock) can be executed on several MO's
at a time, either by
giving several proxy id's in the command line or by using mo-filter
- all files used by moshell are referenced by their full path so it is possible to
run moshell from directory
- when fetching iorfile with moshell (option 1 when using moshell without
arguments), the iorfiles are put in
a directory of their own. (This is transparent for the user.)
- the name of the iorfile appears in the window title and icon
New/modified stand-alone utilities:
- mobatch and cellobatch for sending batches of commands to the node via moshell /
(can be useful for doing repetitive tasks like doing a healthcheck before testcase
or enabling a bunch of
traces in the log)
- cellocmd (for sending a single command to node via telnet) is slightly modified
(no need to put the
username, error handling).

New commands: set <proxy id> <attribute> <value>
Modified commands: get <proxy id> or <mo-filter>

Based on rbsshell by Jan Pettersson
New commands: block/deblock <proxy id>
Modified commands: get <proxy id>, state <mo-filter>, fetch iorfile, inventory

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