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Supply ChainTechnology
Supply Chain Planning
In a Global Economy

L ast month’s column examined

LogicTools Inc.’s LogicChain and
LogicNet supply chain applications.
planning, each party optimizes its own
profit with almost no regard to how its
decisions impact other supply chain
This month, we talk with the person partners. By contrast, the objective of
behind those applications — David global optimization is to find what’s
Simchi-Levi, LogicTools CEO and pres- best for the entire supply chain.”
ident. In addition to running LogicTools,
Simchi-Levi is a professor of engineer- Reevaluating the Supply Chain
ing systems at MIT and the author of To facilitate this transition in think-
two books, including the prize-win- ing, companies are reevaluating ways
ning Designing and Managing the Supply they can use effective supply con-
Chain (with Peter Kaminsky and Edith tracts, various types of strategic part-
Robert Malone is executive editor of
Simchi-Levi). Simchi-Levi recently sat nering, information sharing, and
Inbound Logistics. E-mail him at
RMalone@inboundlogistics.com down with Inbound Logistics to discuss decision support systems.
issues critical to logistics IT and supply “For example, revenue sharing con-
chain management. tracts, which have been used in the
movie video industry, allow the retail-
The Evolution of Optimization er and the studios that sell the movies
With the growth of the global econ- to increase both service level to cus-
omy, businesses are changing the way tomers and profit for all parties,” notes
they perceive supply chain planning. Simchi-Levi.
“In the last few years, the industry Technology — information systems
has developed a number of strategies and decision support systems in partic-
to allow supply chain partners to ular — provides a different approach.
replace sequential planning, or sequen- “Indeed, a new breed of planning
tial optimization, with global optimiza- tools allows companies to develop a
tion,” says Simchi-Levi. “In sequential supply chain master plan using infor-
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mation from across the supply chain,” still difficult to do that for large realis- ing a company’s supply chain strategy.
says Simchi-Levi. tic models, especially if you need to “More and more companies under-
“A supply chain master plan identi- make decisions in real time,” says stand the importance of being able to
fies production quantities, distribu- Simchi-Levi. “This implies that tech- accurately calculate safety stock across
tion strategies, and storage require- niques such as data aggregation and their supply chain, taking into account
ments by efficiently allocating supply model decomposition are very impor- service levels, uncertainty in demand,
chain resources to minimize system- tant. The challenge is to decompose lead times, and capacities,” says
wide cost or maximize profit over the models or aggregate data without Simchi-Levi. “Again, this is not a sim-
multiple time periods. Many compa-
nies in the food, chemical, and 3PL
industries use tools such as Logic- Taming the Bullwhip Effect
Chain to globally optimize their sup- “The ‘bullwhip effect’ refers to magnifying demand fluctuations as
ply chains,” he says. orders move up the supply chain,” says David Simchi-Levi, CEO and presi-
“Strategic partnering is another way dent of LogicTools. “Improved forecasting techniques at any one level in
to achieve efficiencies across partners the supply chain cannot eliminate the bullwhip effect and may worsen it
in the supply chain. The celebrated if used improperly. Information flow and coordinating orders across the
Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) supply chain offer the only hope of taming the bullwhip effect.”
strategy, in which the supplier man- Procter & Gamble executives coined the term bullwhip effect when they
ages the retailer’s inventory, were studying demand for the company’s
allows suppliers and retailers to disposable diapers. Despite being a steady
significantly improve supply market, the executives noted fluctuation in
chain performance,” Simchi- both distributor orders for its diapers to fac-
Levi adds. tories and P&G orders to material suppliers.
Enhancing visibility can greatly affect
Actualized the imbalance that Procter and Gamble
Real-Time Visibility? executives witnessed.
The evolution of technology, “Visibility in itself has a major impact
and specifically visibility tools, on supply chain performance,” notes
has made the availability of Simchi-Levi. “Not only does it allow supply
actual real-time information chain partners to view and act using real-
within the many dimensions of time information, but it also has a major
the supply chain a reality. But impact on the bullwhip effect.
there are still obstacles to hurdle. “Specifically, the bullwhip effect sug-
“This is an ongoing process gests that variability increases as one
that depends on the availability moves up in the supply chain,” he says.
of data to analyze the entire sup- “That is, variability in orders placed by
ply chain,” says Simchi-Levi. retailers (to distributors, for example) is
“The data has become easier to larger than variability in customer demand.
access because of ERP’s widespread And variability in orders placed by distributors is larger than variability in
adoption, and more recently the devel- retailers’ orders, and so on.”
opment and implementation of visibil- As Simchi-Levi and his colleagues argue in their book, Designing and
ity tools. Managing the Supply Chain, visibility and centralized information can
“While gathering the data is cer- reduce the bullwhip effect and, in turn, help supply chain partners reduce
tainly easier, organizing it in a way inventory, increase service levels, and more efficiently utilize resources.
suitable for global optimization, and
understanding the modeling and
trade-offs, is still a challenge,” he reducing performance. This is possible, ple task, but new tools let supply chain
notes. but it requires significant supply chain executives determine and position
Accomplishing this in real time expertise.” safety stock in their supply chain. The
demands an even greater effort. The fallout after Sept. 11, and con- tools also allow supply chain execu-
“While the ability to optimize large- tinued concern about safety and secu- tives to evaluate the impact of
scale supply chain models has improved rity in the movement of goods, pre- changes in safety stock on supply
significantly in the last few years, it is sent further considerations for review- chain performance.” ■

Inbound Logistics • April 2002

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