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Bioresource Technology 129 (2013) 680–685

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Bioresource Technology
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Short Communication

Continuous butanol fermentation from inexpensive sugar-based

feedstocks by Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864
Ye Ni ⇑, Ziyi Xia, Yun Wang, Zhihao Sun
The Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Rd., Wuxi 214122, China

h i g h l i g h t s

" Butanol can be produced from cane molasses and corn stover hydrolysate by C. saccharobutylicum.
" A four-stage continuous butanol fermentation using CSH was steadily operated for 220 h.
" A high solvent productivity of 0.429 g/L/h and solvent titer of 11.43 g/L were attained.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Corn stover hydrolysate (CSH) and cane molasses were studied for butanol fermentation by Clostridium
Received 30 July 2012 saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 in continuous fermentation. Using cane molasses as substrate, solvent
Received in revised form 21 November 2012 of 13.75 g/L (butanol 8.65 g/L) and productivity of 0.439 g/L/h were achieved in a four-stage continuous
Accepted 23 November 2012
fermentation at a gradient dilution mode of 0.15–0.15–0.125–0.1 h 1. In continuous fermentation using
Available online 8 December 2012
CSH as substrate, total solvent titer of 11.43 g/L (butanol 7.81 g/L) and productivity of 0.429 g/L/h were
reached at a dilution rate of 0.15 h 1, and the steady process was continuously operated for 220 h with-
out compromise in solvent titer.
Continuous fermentation
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corn stover hydrolysate (CSH)
Cane molasses
Dilution rate

1. Introduction of the largest industrial fermentation processes in the early 20th

century. Compared with continuous fermentation, the commercial
With an ever-growing global depletion of natural oil and gas re- development of batch ABE fermentation has been hampered by a
sources, and various environmental issues resulting from the rapid number of deficiencies including lower productivity, and stronger
consumption of petroleum fuels, the development of alternative fuel end-product inhibition, etc. The productivity of a traditional ABE
resources has been getting significant attentions for decades batch fermentation, usually less than 0.5 g/L/h, is obviously unde-
(Bankar et al., 2012). Butanol, an important C4 platform compounds, sirable for industrial production (Qureshi and Ezeji, 2008). While in
is considered as one of the most promising biofuels. Compared with continuous fermentation, the solvent productivity could be en-
traditional biofuel ethanol, butanol provides many advantages such hanced to 0.5–1.0 g/L/h (Maddox, 1989) . An average overall sol-
as higher energy content, less hygroscopy, less volatile, less hazard- vent concentration of 15 g/L and an overall solvent productivity
ous to handle, and lower vapor pressure (Qureshi and Ezeji, 2008). In of 0.27 g/L/h were achieved using a two-stage continuous cultiva-
addition, this chemical is also an excellent fuel extender as it con- tion with Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B592 (Mutschlechner et al.,
tains 22% oxygen (Qureshi et al., 2010). Importantly, butanol can 2000). Furthermore, higher solvent productivity and concentration
be used directly or blended with gasoline or diesel at any ratio with- could also be achieved in single-stage continuous process. In a sin-
out retrofit of vehicle engines, and can be supplied and stored gle-stage continuous fermentation with wood pulp as a cell hold-
through the existing gasoline pipeline (Ni and Sun, 2009). ing material, maximum solvent productivity of 13.66 g/L/h was
Butanol is a main product of acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fer- obtained at a dilution rate of 1.9 h 1 (Survase et al., 2012). Re-
mentation by Clostridia under anaerobic conditions, which was one cently, using a cell recycling continuous fermentation with glycerol
as substrate, a solvent productivity of 8.3 g/L/h was reached at a
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 510 85329265. dilution rate of 0.9 h 1 (Malaviya et al., 2012). Although a number
E-mail address: yni@jiangnan.edu.cn (Y. Ni). of studies on continuous ABE fermentation have been carried out,

0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Ni et al. / Bioresource Technology 129 (2013) 680–685 681

glucose or corn starch were mostly utilized as major feedstock. As a (g/L) of CSH includes: glucose 29.48, xylose 11.51, arabinose 2.44,
matter of fact, the cost of fermentation substrate, which account and cellobiose 4.19. The fermentation medium contains the follow-
for 60–70% of total production cost, is the most influential factor ing components (per liter CSH): CaCO3, 2.0 g; (NH4)2SO4, 1.0 g;
in the butanol fermentation (Qureshi and Blaschek, 2000). It is K2HPO4, 0.5 g; MnSO4H2O, 0.01 g; corn steep liquor, 15 g (based
therefore necessary to explore cheaper feedstocks for making on our previous optimization study, unpublished data). Prior to
ABE fermentation economically more attractive. Cane molasses, a autoclaving, glucose was supplemented into CSH to raise the total
by-product of sugar industry, contains approximately 45–50% sugar to 60 g/L. The medium was adjusted to pH6.1, and was then
(w/w) total sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose), vitamins, and autoclaved at 115 °C for 20 min. After sterilization, the medium
nitrogenous compounds, etc. (Najafpour and Shan, 2003). It has was sparged with carbon dioxide for 5–10 min to remove dissolved
therefore been regarded as an inexpensive and appropriate oxygen.
substrate for ABE fermentation (Ni et al., 2012). In the last decade,
cellulosic hydrolysates of various agricultural residues and other 2.3. Continuous fermentation
biomasses have been investigated for the biofuel production,
including degermed corn, corn stover (CS), wheat straw (WS), bar- Continuous fermentations using cane molasses as substrate
ley straw (BS), and energy crops like switchgrass (SG) and miscan- were also performed in 3-L stirred tank bioreactors. The experi-
thus (Qureshi and Ezeji, 2008). mental setup consists of four stirred tank bioreactors with working
In China, the annual production of cane molasses and agricul- volume of 1-L. Four tanks were arranged sequentially and desig-
tural residues were about three million tons and one billion tons, nated as stage one (R1), stage two (R2), stage three (R3) and stage
respectively. To date, there is no Chinese solvent plant using corn four (R4), respectively. In order to investigate the effect of dilution
stover hydrolysate (CSH) and cane molasses as sole substrate to rate on fermentation performance, continuous fermentations were
produce butanol, especially in a continuous fermentation. In this conducted without pH control.
work, the effect of dilution rate on solvent production in continu- For cane molasses substrate, to achieve a better sugar utiliza-
ous ABE fermentation using corn stover hydrolysate (CSH) and tion in the later two stages of continuous fermentation, R3 and
cane molasses as substrates were investigated. R4 were inoculated first and then incubated for 10–20 h, after
which R1 and R2 were inoculated, and the continuous fermenta-
tion was started when R1 arrived at a desired stage (3–4 g/L total
2. Methods
solvent). The dilution rates of R1, R2, R3 and R4 were controlled
at 0.1–0.1–0.1–0.1 h 1 and 0.15–0.15–0.125–0.1 h 1, respectively.
2.1. Microorganism, maintenance and inoculum preparation
Sterilized fresh fermentation medium was stored in a feeding tank
with a total volume of 20 L. The culture volume in each tanks was
Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 used in this study
kept constant by using a peristaltic pump. First, R3 and R4 were
was purchased from DSMZ (German Collection of Microorganisms
started by inoculating 8% (v/v) seed culture, following by incuba-
and Cell Cultures). It was cultivated in Reinforced Clostridia Med-
tion for 14 h. Then R1 and R2 were inoculated and fermented for
ium (RCM) at 37 °C for 7 days to induce sporulation, followed by
16 h. Thereafter, continuous fermentations were started by feeding
storage at room temperature. A 1.2 mL spore culture was inocu-
fresh fermentation medium at certain flow rates. It is assumed that
lated into a glass tube (£1.5 cm  15 cm) containing 12 mL sterile
the continuous fermentation process enters into a steady phase
RCM. It was then placed in a desiccator pumped to a vacuum level
when a stable solvent titer was observed during the following per-
of 0.065 MPa for providing an anaerobic condition. Afterwards, the
iod (for example: 100–200 h). Samples of 2 mL were taken at a reg-
culture was maintained at 37 °C for 12–16 h and supplied as the
ular time interval to monitor the progress of fermentation.
seed medium. An inoculum size of 8% (v/v) was used in all fermen-
Continuous fermentations using CSH as substrate were carried
tation in this study.
out in four 500 mL serum bottles with a working volume of
300 mL. The four bioreactors were inoculated with 8% (v/v) of seed
2.2. Fermentation medium culture simultaneously and proceed in batch fermentation for 16 h,
after which continuous fermentation was started by feeding fresh
Cane molasses was purchased from Xinyue chemical industry fermentation medium using a peristaltic pump. The dilution rates
Co. Ltd., (Changshu, China). The fermentation medium reported were controlled at 0.1 and 0.15 h 1, separately.
by Ni et al. (2012) was used, which contains (per liter): cane molas-
ses, 60 g; CaCO3, 3.2 g; (NH4)2SO4, 2 g; K2HPO4, 0.5 g; MnSO4H2O, 2.4. Analytical procedure
0.01 g; corn steep liquor, 10 g. The pH of medium was adjusted to
6.1 with 2 M NaOH or 2 M HCl prior to sterilization, and then the The cell concentration was measured at 660 nm (OD660) using an
medium was autoclaved at 121 °C for 20 min. Cane molasses ultraviolet spectrophotometer (INESA, China). Sterilized fresh cane
mainly consists of 270.4 g/l sucrose, 58.2 g/l glucose and 78.6 g/l molasses or corn steep liquor medium was diluted 5–10 times with
fructose, with a total sugar of 407.20 g/L. 2% HCl and used as blank control to eliminate the influence of their
The corn stover pretreatment method reported by Lin et al. color in the detection. The total sugar in cane molasses fermentation
(2011) was used with slight modification. The dried corn stover medium was determined by 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method
was pulverized and passed through a 40 mesh sieve. For pretreat- (Tesun and Dhese, 1970). The sugar compositions of CSH were ana-
ment, 112 g of corn stover was added into 1.6 L of 1% (w/w) sodium lyzed by HPLC (Waters 1525, USA) equipped with a refractive index
hydroxide in a 3-L erlenmeyer flask, and autoclaved at 120 °C for detector and an Aminex HPX-87H column. The temperatures of col-
2 h. After cooling to room temperature, the pH of pretreated corn umn and detector were controlled at 55 °C and 35 °C, respectively.
stover was adjusted to 4.8 using 250 g/L H2SO4 solution. Then cel- The injection volume was 10 lL. The concentrations of solvent
lulase solution of 11.2 mL (filter paper enzyme activity: and organic acids (acetic and butyric acid) were analyzed by GC
51.70 FPIU/mL), which was purchased from Zesheng bioengineer- (Varian cp 3900, USA) equipped with the flame ionization detector
ing technology Co. Ltd., (Shandong, China), was added followed (FID) and an capillary column PEG-20 M (30 m0.32 mm0.5 lm,
by incubation at 50 °C and 150 rpm for 40 h. Afterwards, the pre- JK, China) using nitrogen as the carrier gas. The oven temperature
treated corn stover mixture was centrifuged at 8000 rpm for was maintained at 60 °C for 0.5 min and then programmed with
10 min to obtain corn stover hydrolysate. The sugar composition the increment of 10 °C to 120 °C, held for 0.5 min, and subsequently
682 Y. Ni et al. / Bioresource Technology 129 (2013) 680–685

increased to 190 °C with the increment of 15 °C with 1 min final (Sun and Liu, 2012), and cassava bagasse hydrolysate (Lu et al.,
hold. The temperature of the injector and detector was held at 2012) have been used in the ABE fermentation. Based on our pre-
180 °C and 210 °C, respectively. The injection volume was 1 lL. liminary studies on batch and semi-continuous fermentation (Ni
et al., 2012), we achieved 17.88 g/L total solvent at 36 h, including
3. Results and Discussion acetone 4.60 g/L, butanol 11.86 g/L, ethanol 1.42 g/L, and the pro-
ductivity and yield were 0.50 g/L/h and 0.33 g/g, respectively. In
3.1. Continuous fermentation with 6% cane molasses this study, four-stage continuous fermentations using 6% cane
molasses at two sets of dilution rates (constant mode: 0.1–0.1–
Continuous fermentation is usually adopted in industrial ABE 0.1–0.1 h 1 and gradient mode: 0.15–0.15–0.125–0.1 h 1) were
fermentation to improve solvent productivity, relieve end-product carried out. The gradient mode was attempted to increase the
inhibition, and reduce downtime, and the main feedstocks used retention time of R3 and R4, and also improve the sugar consump-
were simple sugars and starchy materials. (Maddox, 1989). Re- tion. The concentrations of residual sugar, solvents, organic acids
cently, various substrates such as wheat bran (Liu et al., 2010), bar- and cell density (OD660) were shown in Fig. 1A–F. Under the
ley straw hydrolysate (Qureshi et al., 2010), sugar maple wood constant mode when the dilution rate in all four stages were main-

Fig. 1. Time courses of continuous ABE fermentation by C. saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 using 6% cane molasses.(A) OD600 and residual sugar, (B) butanol and total solvent,
(C) organic acids at constant dilution rates of 0.1–0.1–0.1–0.1 h 1. (D) OD600 and residual sugar, (E) butanol and total solvent, (F) organic acids at gradient dilution rates of
0.15–0.15–0.125–0.1 h 1. R1, R3 and R4 represent the first-stage, third-stage and fourth-stage bioreactor tanks, respectively.
Y. Ni et al. / Bioresource Technology 129 (2013) 680–685 683

Table 1
Steady state parameters of four-stage ABE continuous fermentation using cane molasses and corn stover hydrolysate (CSH) as substrates.

Cane molasses CSH

Parameters D = 0.1–0.1–0.1–0.1 D = 0.15–0.15–0.125–0.1 D = 0.1 D = 0.15
R1 R3 R4 R1 R3 R4 R4 R4
OD660 4.57 3.12 3.06 4.72 4.56 4.17 1.37 3.79
ABE/(g/L) 7.71 11.37 11.74 7.15 12.24 13.75 13.44 11.43
Butanol/(g/L) 4.68 6.93 7.18 4.04 7.52 8.26 9.29 7.81
Acetone/(g/L) 2.26 3.16 3.32 1.86 3.68 3.99 3.85 3.32
Ethanol/(g/L) 0.77 1.28 1.25 1.26 1.03 1.49 0.30 0.30
Acetic acid/(g/L) 2.17 1.77 1.78 3.00 2.67 2.55 1.24 0.46
Butyric acid/(g/L) 1.33 0.72 0.70 2.32 2.13 2.10 1.01 1.80
Initial sugar/(g/L) 56.62 58.22 57.06 59.81 59.09 58.07 51.31 51.58
Residual sugar/(g/L) 33.69 24.77 20.27 35.14 18.26 15.78 14.98 23.63
Consumed sugar/(g/L) 22.93 33.45 36.79 24.67 40.83 42.29 36.33 27.95
Yield of Butanol a/(g/g) 0.204 0.207 0.195 0.164 0.184 0.195 0.256 0.279
Yield of ABE a/(g/g) 0.336 0.340 0.319 0.290 0.300 0.325 0.370 0.409
Productivity of Butanol b/(g/L/h) 0.468 0.231 0.180 0.606 0.353 0.264 0.232 0.293
Productivity of ABE b/(g/L/h) 0.771 0.379 0.294 1.072 0.574 0.439 0.336 0.429
Yield of ABE or butanol: concentration of ABE or butanol divided by concentration of sugar consumed.
Productivity of ABE or butanol: concentration of ABE or butanol divided by fermentation time.

tained at 0.1 h 1, continuous fermentation could be stably oper- last few years (Qureshi et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2010; Lin et al.,
ated during 30–130 h of fermentation where the average total sol- 2011). Inhibitors including furfural, hydroxymethyl furfurl, ferulic,
vent of R1, R3 and R4 were 7.71, 11.37 and 11.74 g/L, respectively glucuronic, and phenolic compounds, are usually generated during
(Table 1). Consequently, the solvent productivity in R1 was calcu- the pretreatment of cellulosic materials, and are deleterious for cell
lated to be 0.771 g/L/h, representing a 54.2% increase compared growth and solvent production (Qureshi et al., 2010). A number of
with that of batch fermentation. While productivities in R3 approaches have been developed to remove these inhibitors,
(0.379 g/L/h) and R4 (0.294 g/L/h) were slightly reduced due to including overliming, adsorbent resin, dilution of hydrolysate, and
the extended retention time. In continuous fermentation under development of inhibitor-tolerant strains, etc. (Qureshi et al.,
gradient dilution mode, where the dilution rates in each stage were 2008, 2010; Liu et al., 2010). Based on our previous work (unpub-
increased to 0.15, 0.15, 0.125 and 0.1 h 1, the average ABE titers of lished data), 1% NaOH was used for the pretreatment of corn stover,
7.15, 12.24 and 13.75 g/L were obtained for R1, R3, and R4, respec- which was autoclaved at 120 °C for 2 h to remove the inhibitors and
tively (Fig. 1E). As a result, the solvent productivities of R1, R3 and followed by enzymatic hydrolysis. CSH was then obtained and used
R4 were 1.072, 0.574 and 0.439 g/L/h, respectively. Our results are in four-stage continuous ABE fermentation in this study.
comparable with those reported by Liew and coworkers, in which A control batch fermentation with CSH as substrate was con-
total solvent of 9.10 g/L and overall productivity of 0.46 g/L/h were ducted, maximum total solvent of 16.09 g/L (10.59 g/L butanol,
attained using a single-stage continuous fermentation by Clostrid- 4.04 g/L acetone, and 1.46 g/L ethanol) was attained at 40 h, and
ium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 at a dilution rate of 0.05 h 1 the ABE yield and productivity were 0.334 g/g and 0.402 g/L/h,
(Liew et al., 2006). Clearly, the butanol toxicity to cell culture could respectively (data not show). The four-stage continuous fermenta-
be alleviated by continuous fermentation, thereby enhancing sol- tion was operated at two constant dilution rates of 0.1 and 0.15 h 1,
vent productivity in this study. Unexpectedly, solvent production respectively. The concentrations of residual sugar, solvent, organic
began to reduce after 140 h of continuous fermentation, likely acids and OD660 are shown in Table 1. Our results indicate that
due to a drop in pH to around 4.5 (data not shown) which resulted CSH is well suited to solvent production. At both dilution rates, con-
in strain degeneration. tinuous fermentation reached a steady state after 60 h of fermenta-
As shown in Fig. 1A and D, average residual sugars in two R4 tion (Fig. 2A–B), where cell densities of R4 tanks were maintained at
tanks were maintained at 20.27 and 15.78 g/L respectively, which 1.37 and 3.79 OD660, respectively. The steady fermentation process
would lead to a compromised solvent yield. Under the gradient could be continuously operated for 220 h at 0.15 h 1. At dilution
mode, the accumulation of acetic acid and butyric acid in R4 were rate of 0.1 h 1, the average total solvent concentration of 13.44 g/
2.55 and 2.10 g/L, respectively, which were slightly higher than L (9.29 g/L butanol) and total solvent productivity of 0.336 g/L/h
1.78 and 0.70 g/L at constant dilution rates. It is known that the were achieved. For 0.15 h 1, a relatively lower average total solvent
production of organic acids is often accompanied by the ATP regen- titer of 11.43 g/L (7.81 g/L butanol) was obtained, accompanied by a
eration system driven by several enzymes including acetate kinase higher total solvent productivity of 0.429 g/L/h. The accumulation
(AcK) in ABE fermentation (Jiang et al., 2009). Dilution rate is one of total organic acid (2.25 g/L) was almost equivalent at two
major reason for the different cell density observed under gradient dilution rates. The glucose was completely consumed at the dilu-
mode (4.17 OD660) and constant mode (3.06 OD660). Also, ATP tion rate of 0.1 h 1, and the residual sugars consisted of xylose
regeneration rate could somewhat affect the cell growth. As dem- 7.71 g/L, arabinose 4.84 g/L, and cellobiose 2.43 g/L. Higher total
onstrated above, a continuous fermentation at a gradient dilution residual sugars (23.63 g/L) was however detected at 0.15 h 1 dilu-
rate of 0.15–0.15–0.125–0.1 h 1 was advantageous to improve sol- tion rate, which contained glucose 12.77 g/L, xylose 5.04 g/L,
vent productivity. arabinose 4.44 g/L, and cellobiose 1.38 g/L, indicating dilution rate
of 0.15 h 1 is inappropriate for efficient sugar utilization.
3.2. Continuous fermentation with CSH It has been reported that higher dilution rate was beneficial to
cell growth whereas lower dilution rate favored solvent production
To exploit the utilization of sustainable sugar-based feedstock, by C. saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 in a single-stage continuous cul-
ABE fermentation from various lignocellulosic hydrolysates of ture using gelatinized sago starch as substrate. (Liew et al., 2006),
agricultural residues has been extensively investigated during the and our results are in accordance with it. In comparison with other
684 Y. Ni et al. / Bioresource Technology 129 (2013) 680–685

Fig. 2. Time courses of ABE fermentation in the final stage of four-stage continuous fermentation by C. saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 using CSH as substrate. (A) Dilution rate
of 0.1 h 1. (B) Dilution rate of 0.15 h 1. OD660 (open upright triangle), residual sugar (filled square), butanol (filled inverted triangle), total solvent (filled circle), acetic acid
(open inverted triangle), butyric acid (open circle).

Table 2
Comparison of ABE continuous fermentation parameters in the literatures and this study.
Operation mode Strain Substrate Dilution rate (h ) Productivity Total solvent Reference
(g/L/h) (g/L)
Immobilized cell C. acetobutylicum DSM 792 Glucose 1.9 13.66 7.19 Survase et al. 2012
Membrane cell bioreactor C. pasteurianum ATCC 6103 Glycerol 0.9 8.3 9.2 Malaviya et al. (2012)
C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 Glucose 0.017 0.37 124.4 Wouter et al. (2012)
Free cell C. saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 Gelatinised sago starch 0.05 0.46 9.10 Liew et al. (2006)
C. beijerinckiiNRRL B592 Glucose 0.022 (R2) 0.27 15.00 Mutschlechner et al. (2000)
C. saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 Corn stover hydrolysate 0.15 0.429 11.43 This study

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Acknowledgements Ni, Y., Sun, Z.H., 2009. Recent Progress on Industrial Fermentative Production of
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(NCET-11-0658), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province Qureshi, N., Blaschek, H., 2000. Economics of Butanol Fermentation using Hyper-Butanol
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Bioenerg. 39, 39–47. Bioresour. Technol. 111, 368–377.

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