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Yoredale News

The Parish and Community

Magazine For
Masham, Healey, West Tanfield,
North Stainley and Well with Snape

Studley Royal Park, Ripon

October 2018

Masham, Healey, West Tanfield, North Stainley and Well with Snape.
October 2018
Volume 33 Number 10

Vicar: The Revd. David Cleeves, The Vicarage, Rodney Terrace, Masham,
HG4 4JA (01765 689255) email: revdavidcleeves@gmail.com
Curate: Revd. Nick Morgan 01765 635039 email: revnjmorgan@gmail.com
Children & Youth Worker: contact Revd. David Cleeves
Website: www.mashamparishes.org

Masham Healey
Jim Hunter 01765 689828 Anne Ramsay 01765 689278
Irene Saunders 01765 688306 Delia Richmond 01765 658765
Cath Boshier 01765 688957
Nigel Bromhead 01677 460386 Well with Snape
John Knopp 01677 470204

West Tanfield North Stainley

David Bryant 01765 635206 Scilla Kealy 01765 635253
Christopher Bourne-Arton 01677 470385 Christine Waugh.01765 603802

Methodist Church: Minister: Rev. Dr. Pat Malham 01765 688556.

Leadership Team: Stewards:

Masham West Tanfield
Joy Rayden 01765 689310 Mr Simon Abel 01677 470297
Steve Laugher 01765 689559
Pauline Staton 01765 689175 Snape
Janet Newey 01765 689302 Graham Pentelow 01677 470904
Nigel Wright 01677 427249
Pete Hammond 688568.
Magazine Editor: Christine Greensit. 5 Chapman Lane, Masham HG4 4EE
Telephone: 01765 689711. Email: yoredalenews@gmail.com
Advertising. Lynn Simms. Email:lynn.cameronsimms@yahoo.co.uk
or Telephone: 01765 689784
Material should either be posted or emailed to the editor who reserves the
right not to include items if space is limited.
Donations are always welcome. Please make cheques payable to
'Masham PCC' and send to the editor. Thank you.
Closing Date for the November magazine is 10th October

From the Vicarage
When I was an early years’ teacher, this was the time of year my class
often talked about change. Autumn is the ideal time to think about change,
whatever age we are: the palette of the countryside itself is changing as
wonderful golden and russet hues take over. Within our communities much
stays the same, but as each year goes by, people join us and others leave
us. One of our strengths as communities in these parts, I believe, is our
resilience and ability to embrace change whilst staying true to ourselves.
We welcome newcomers and visitors, and we have a strong sense of
community identity which I believe helps to give new folk confidence to join
in with things: they know what they’re coming in to.
The early church was pretty similar in that respect. All round the eastern
Mediterranean, Christian communities sprang up, and we can read about
some of their challenges (and arguments!) in letters by St Paul in the Bible.
In one of these letters, to the church in Galatia, Paul writes to advise how
Jewish Christians are to welcome new converts who are non-Jews, and his
advice boils down to working out what is important, at the core of our faith,
and what are less important matters of culture and tradition. Paul
challenges them to think about what lies at the heart of their church
communities. What is it which new people are being welcomed into? Paul
explains that at the heart of the Christian faith is not a set of cultural
practices - a way of moralistic living or leading a respectable life - but Jesus
Christ himself. Having our hearts set on Jesus, following him, confessing
those things we’ve done that are wrong (our sins), and then accepting
God’s forgiveness and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts to
transform us to be more like Jesus, that is what it’s all about. When we do
this, we look out at the world through God’s eyes, looking to spread God’s
love, light and peace in the world, and introducing others to Jesus.
The time has come for me to move on from serving the parishes of North
Stainley, West Tanfield, Healey, Masham, Well and Snape as I take up a
new role. Inevitably, the loving heart of these communities has left its mark
on me, and so I go on to become Priest-in-Charge of the Bramham
Benefice in York Diocese taking something of the Masham group of
parishes with me. Thank you for your company on life’s road, and for the
way in which the spirit of these communities has helped form me as a
priest. Above all, however, I give thanks for those glimpses of God I have
seen among you: for the love of God which can be seen reflected in each of
you and in our communities. May the love of God grow in your hearts and
minds and build up all that is good and true in our neighbourhood and
beyond. My advice as I leave? Keep loving one another, know that God
loves you, and get to know Jesus better. May it be so. Nick Morgan.
Trinity 19 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
7th October 9.15 a.m. North Stainley Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Well Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Harvest Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Masham Family Service
11.00 a.m. Healey Harvest Holy Communion

Trinity 20 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion

14th October 9.30 a.m. West Tanfield Family Service
10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Snape Harvest Holy Communion
4.00 p.m. North Stainley Revive
6.30 p.m. Healey Evensong

Trinity 21 9.15 am. Healey Holy Communion

21st October 9.15 a.m. North Stainley Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Well Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
6.30 p.m. West Tanfield Evensong

Simon and 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion

Jude 10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Holy Communion
28th October 10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
4.00 p.m. North Stainley Revive
4.00 p.m. Healey Evensong
4.00 p.m. Snape Evensong

Harvest Thanksgiving Services

Sunday 7th October Healey Harvest Holy Communion at 11.00 a.m.
Sunday 7th October West Tanfield Harvest Holy Communion at 10.45am.
Friday 12th October Well Harvest Evening Service + bring and share supper
Sunday 14th October Snape Harvest Holy Communion at 10.45 a.m.

Masham’s Tribute To The Fallen 1918- 2018- A Land Fit For Heroes
A musical play by Jim Hunter. Musical Director Ann Rudd
St. Mary’s Church, Masham -Friday 9th November at 7.30 pm
Tickets £7, young people under 16 £2, will be available at church services,
the Community office and at the Autumn Brunch. In aid of Service charities.

St. Mary’s Masham Autumn Brunch
Bag a bargain and a bacon butty too!
27th October in Masham Town Hall 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Teas, Coffees, Cakes – Vegetarian sausages also available
Raffle drawn at 1.00 p.m. Bric-a-Brac and Books to The Vicarage,
Rodney Terrace, Masham, the back of the church or ring Jean Jones to
collect. Tombola prizes to Basil Sturdy, Bread, Cakes, Produce etc. on the
day. We are also looking for ladies scarves and handbags For more
information contact Jean Jones on 01765 68867.

Singing for Fun

It does you good. We always leave the church with a smile on our faces
once we have spent an hour, singing songs from the shows, musicals and
popular music, men or women, any age, always, we have ‘FUN’. We meet
on the second Tuesday of the month at 1.15 pm until 2.15 pm and then
have a tea or coffee. The next dates are 9 th October and then Tuesday 13th
Pie & Pint
An opportunity to share a meal, have a chat and put the world to right. Join
us for a Pie & Pint at the Bay Horse pub, Silver Street, for more information
and details of the next dates, contact Jim Hunter on 01765 689828.
Burns supper – Friday 25th January 2019, 7 pm, Town Hall, an evening of
Traditional Scottish food, and Burns songs & poems. Reservations are
being taken now and tickets will be sold at Autumn Brunch. Payment
please by Sunday 16th December. Proceeds to the aisle development in
the church. For further information, contact Lesley 01765 689828

We are selling the eight North aisle pews

Free standing, seven feet long, Victorian oak. Guide price £180
Contact:- Jim Hunter 01765 689 828. Purchasers must be capable of
transporting the pew on the removal date set. (date to be confirmed)

Reeth Brass Concert

Saturday 13th October. St. Mary’s Church, Masham.
Doors open from 7.00 p.m. Concert starts at 7.30p.m.
Tickets: Adults £10 – to include a free drink. Under 16’s free. Tickets from
members of the Four and Twenty or Masham Community Office. In aid of
the Four and Twenty of Masham. The Four and Twenty is an ancient
charity which makes grants to young people from Masham to assist them in
the costs of serving an apprenticeship or in their further or higher
education. It currently awards two grants each year of £400. Anyone
interested in finding out more about the Four and Twenty, or applying for a
grant, should contact the clerk, Chris Thwaites, at Dunsforth, 10 Rodney
Terrace, Masham, HG4 4JA.

Ringing Remembers
When the bells rang out on the 11th November 1918 they announced the
end of the most catastrophic war the world had yet seen. At the time, bells
were at the heart of the community, marking events of great significance
and communicating to people long before modern technology connected
us. Many bell ringers joined the war effort, and many lost their lives. In total
some 1400 bell ringers lost their lives in the Great War.; a loss to them,
their families and communities. You are invited to become a bell ringer
today in memory of the 1400 who lost their lives. Further details can be
found on the web site ‘Ringing Remembers’. Between now and November
anyone interested is invited to Masham bell ringing Thursday practices
between 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. For more details please ring 07733895044 or
speak to any bellringer.

From the Registers

26th August Montgomery Cundall at Masham
9th September Ben Pemberton and Lucy Brown at Masham
14th August Annie Smirthwaite at Well.
4th September Hugh Le Messurier at Masham

Reverend Nick Morgan

The Right Reverend Doctor John Thomson, Bishop of Selby, has offered
the Assistant Curate of our Benefices, The Reverend Nicholas John
Morgan, the role of Priest-in-Charge of the Bramham Benefice in the
Diocese of York, an offer which Nick has been delighted to accept.
The Bramham Benefice comprises four churches: the Lower Wharfe
churches of St Mary the Virgin in Boston Spa, All Saints’ in Bramham and
St. Peter’s in Walton and the parish of All Saints’ Thorpe Arch. This semi-
rural Benefice of four villages is rather different to our much more rural
setting, but is pretty, contains vibrant communities and has some lovely
walks beside the River Wharfe. The Benefice has a number of notable
features including the British Library; Bramham Park, which hosts the
Bramham Horse Trials and Leeds Festival; the training ground for Leeds
United Football Club; Thorpe Arch Trading Estate; Martin House Children’s
Hospice and seven schools. Dates for Nick’s last service with us and his
licensing service are still to be arranged.

Study Group
Our parishes have a group which meets to study the Bible and learn from
each other’s insights. After a break over the summer they are starting to
meet again on Thursday 4th October 7.30 p.m. at 9 Swinburn Court,
Masham. Further details from Jim Heaton 01765 688093. New members
are always welcome.


7th October 10.30 am Masham Rev.Dr Malham-sacrament
10.30 am Snape Harvest - Rev. K Armstrong
10.45 am Tanfield United Harvest
Thanksgiving at St Nicholas' Church.
6.30 pm Maple Creek Harvest Songs of Praise
6.30 pm Snape Harvest-Rev. K. Armstrong

14th October 10.30 am Masham Richard Henderson

10.30 am Snape Jane Cook
10.30 am Tanfield Rev.Dr Malham-sacrament
2.00 pm Ellington Harvest Festival-Ruth Dent

21st October 10.30 am Masham Rev. Keith Phipps

10.30 am Snape Rev.Dr.Malham AAW
10.30 am Tanfield Mrs Linda Phipps
6.30 pm Snape Linda Blackburn

28th October 10.30 am Masham Mr D. Boddy

10.30 am Snape Rowland Dent
10.30 am Tanfield Rev, Keith Phipps
6.30 pm Ellington Rev.Dr Malham-sacrament
6.30 pm Snape Kings Praise


Methodist News
KNITTING GROUP. We meet every Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist
School Room from 2pm and 4pm. We are very lively and supportive group
and welcome new members whether experts or novices. There are plenty
of experienced knitters to teach beginners or give advice on tricky patterns!
If you want to know more, give Liz a call on (01765) 689378 or just turn up
on the day! We have plenty of wool, needles and patterns to get you
started. The knitted poppies will be appearing at both churches for
Remembrance Sunday.
WEDNESDAY DROP-IN is the place to go for a good cup of coffee (or tea!)
and a chat. You’ll find us in the Methodist School Room from 10.30am to
12noon every week.
THURSDAY CLUB meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each
month in the residents’ lounge at Maple Creek from 2.30-4.00pm.
Singalongs, talks, demonstrations, celebrations – and always conversation,
fun and refreshments! The club is open to everyone who fancies a bit of
company and entertainment on a Thursday afternoon.
October 11th Harvest Singalong with Jenifer Bullen
October 25th Speaker to be arranged
Contact Pauline on (01765) 689175 or Janet on (01765) 689302 for more
SUNDAY AFTERNOON DROP-IN is open every week in the residents
lounge at Maple Creek from 3.00 – 4.00pm. If Sunday afternoon feels a bit
empty, you are welcome to join us for conversation, refreshments, and a
good laugh – guaranteed to cheer you up!
Autumn is upon us, and it is time to put the garden to rest for the winter.
We are looking for MORE VOLUNTEERS to help with this work; if you
enjoy gardening, this could be right up your street. Not only is it an
enjoyable way to spend an hour or two – we’re a friendly bunch – but it is a
really worthwhile thing to do, keeping this excellent community facility up to
scratch. There are one or two small plots available at the moment. If you
have poor mobility or are a wheelchair user, we also have a raised bed
which you could either take on completely, or just help with its
maintenance. There is a parking space available, and wheelchair or
scooter access from the path. If you want to know more, Jim Hunter is the
man to talk to – he can be contacted at the number below.
The HOPE Community Garden is joint enterprise of Masham Allotment
Association and HOPE Community Support. If you would like to be part of
this exciting project, or want any other information about HOPE, please
contact Joy Rayden on (01765) 689310 or Jim Hunter on (01765) 689828
Open every Wednesday, 12.30-3.30pm at Masham Methodist Church.

The Wednesday Welcome Centre continues to live up to its name at the
Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a resident from
Masham or the surrounding area, or a passing visitor. You can just pop in
for half an hour for a quick cup of tea and a chat, or if you want to go the
whole hog, join us from 12.30pm for a bowl of soup and cake and stay on
to take part in the activities through to 3.30pm.
Crafts, tabletop games – dominoes are the firm favourites at present! –
carpet games such as bowling, skittles and putting, knitting and crochet,
and usually music of some kind, whether just listening to the piano in the
background, or joining in with some old favourites. If you can suggest
anything else we can try, we are always open to suggestion!
We are open to everyone, but offer additional information and support for
people living with dementia through our contacts with Dementia Support,
Carers Resource, Red Cross and others. Do feel free to pop in and find out
what we get up to.
If you would like more information about the centre, or would like to
volunteer, please contact Joy Rayden on (01765) 689310.
We now have Carers Group, within the Wednesday Welcome Centre at the
Methodist Church, but run by Carers Resource. It will be meeting every
third Wednesday of the month, from 2.00-3.00pm, at the front of the church
and the next meeting is on 17th October.
Carers Resource long ago recognised the essential work done by carers,
and all the implications regarding their own needs. They are able to offer
emotional support, information about resources available, and, where
necessary, put you in touch with other agencies who may be able to offer
more specialised support. One of the most valuable aspects of the group is
meeting up with other carers, sharing experiences, and perhaps finding an
understanding which is difficult to find elsewhere.
Please feel free just to turn up, and if you would like to know more,
please phone Isobel Holmes, who will be leading the group, at Carers
Resource on 01423 500555, or call in at the Wednesday Welcome
Centre and ask for Joy.

Blue Light Gallery: We have an inspiring mix of artists exhibiting until 26 th

October with a firm favourite, Sue Godden, returning with her pastels, felt
and pencil. York-born Rae Fineron brings back her unique silver and black
jet jewellery and Annie Elias’ delightful and quirky, individually made felt
bears come back for her second exhibition this year. New to the Gallery is
textile artist, Jo Hunter, who combines wool, silk and print elements to
create individual felted pieces of art with a contemporary feel. ‘Meadow
Life’ is her current body of work that reflects her perception of the land
around her. At the end of the month, Lorraine Garlick’s solo exhibition is
showcasing her very popular handmade bound books, exploring the
numerous methods of surface decoration.
The Blue Light Gallery is open the same time as the Community Office:
Monday-Saturday, 10am-3pm. For more information about future
exhibitions or if you would like to exhibit, please contact The Blue Light
Gallery at the Community Office, 7 Little Market Place, Masham, HG4 4DY
or call 01765 680200.
Movies in Masham: Alan Hinkes on Tuesday 2nd October. An intimate
and entertaining portrait of Northallerton native and mountaineering legend
Alan Hinkes OBE, the first Briton to climb the world’s highest mountain.
Filmed by acclaimed outdoor photographer and film-maker Terry Abraham.
On Tuesday 16th October, come and see Darkest Hour (PG). May 1940.
The future of Europe hangs on the decisions of Winston Churchill, newly
appointed Prime Minister. Gary Oldman gives an Oscar-winning
performance of a lifetime as Churchill, ably supported by Gillian Anderson
and Lily James. All films start at 7.30pm at Masham Town Hall. Tickets £5
from Mashamshire Community Office, Tel: 01765 680200 or on the door.
Come and enjoy the full cinema experience, wine and soft drinks, sweets
from Bah Humbugs and Brymor ice cream. Supported by the Black Sheep
Citizens Advice Drop-In Advice Session (Craven & Harrogate
Districts): at Mashamshire Community Office on Thursday 4th October
(and every first Thursday of the month). Drop-in session from 10am-noon.
Free, confidential, independent, impartial advice covering Debt, Benefits,
Housing, Employment and Consumer. Advice line 03444 111444
(standard rate) Email: advice@cravenandharrogatecab.cabnet.org.uk.
Enquiry form: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/cravenandharrogtedistrictscab.

Masham Market Weekend – Apple Days: on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th
October from 9am-4pm. Sampling. Demonstrations. Entertainment.
Masham’s historic 750 year old market augmented by craft, charity and
artisan food stalls, music, entertainment and special events – all on
Yorkshire’s largest market place. For the Festival Weekend Programme
visit: www.mashammarket.co.uk. To book market stalls call the Market
Superintendent on 01765 689572.
Farmer’s Market: the last one for 2018 on Sunday 7 th October from around
8.30am-2.30pm. Farmhouse baking, bread, cured meats, organic veg,
handmade fudge, plants, handmade walking sticks, soaps, honey, cheese,
herbs and lots more. Come and eat seasonally inspired dishes sold by
inventive ‘kitchens’. For more information contact: nasdavison@gmail.com.
13K Multi-Terrain Run: on Sunday 7th October from 11am. Now in its
fourth year this breathtaking course takes in some of the toughest climbs
and best views in the area, as you work your way up back roads, farmers’
fields, fords, moors and woodland, adjacent to the Swinton Estate and
Masham. Open to men and women aged 16 or over, from novices to
seasoned athletes and all abilities. £13 for affiliated runners and £15 for
non-affiliated. For more information or to register, visit
www.GMTR.co.uk or follow us on facebook. Proceeds to Grewelthorpe
Village Hall. Sponsored by The Himalayan Garden, Swinton Park Estate,
I’Ansons and Bentleys of Masham.

Craft & Gift Fair: at Masham Town Hall on Saturday 13 th and Sunday 14th
October from 10am-4.30pm. A range of quality crafts and gifts including
hand crafted table lamps, bowls, clocks, greetings cards, knitted garments,
cushions, fashion jewellery in latest designs, Dales paintings and much
more. Free admission.
The Kaiser & I: At Masham Town Hall on Saturday 13 th October at
7.30pm. Doors 7pm for a prompt start at 7.30pm. Pyramus and Thisbe
Productions present a story of love, life and dancing, set in Berlin at the
outset of WW1. Directed (and acted) by North Country Theatre favourite
Dominic Goodwin and presented by Pyramus and Thisbe Productions.
From ballroom to battlefield and beyond, this two-hander charts the
friendship of a man and a woman caught in their nations' crossfire. Winner
of the 2002 Buxton Festival Fringe Best Drama Award. “An unusual
story . . . a wonderfully written play skilfully combining humour and stark
moments of wrenching sadness” Buxton Fringe Review. Tickets £10 from
Mashamshire Community Office 01765 680200 or email:

Safer Internet Workshop: Come and join this FREE workshop at Masham
Town Hall on Wednesday 17th October from 9.15am-12.45pm. Learn how to
shop safely online, how to protect yourself against fraud and scamming and
how to keep your children safe online. To enrol onto this course or for more
information, please contact North Yorkshire County Council’s Customer
Service Centre on 01609 780780 and ask for 'adult learning in Harrogate'
or email south.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk.
Mashamshire Community Office AGM: on Thursday 18th October at
Masham Methodist Chapel. Noon for 12.30pm. Come along and find out
what your Community Office has been up to over the last year. Our guest
speaker is Liz Meade, Stronger Communities Delivery Manager for
Harrogate & District and a keen supporter of Masham organisations.
Followed by a buffet lunch. All welcome. For more information, call 01765
Jervaulx Abbey in Lights: For four nights, Friday 19 th & Saturday 20th and
Friday 26th & Saturday 27th October from 5-9pm, the abbey is lit up in
celebration and to raise money for Herriot Hospice Homecare. Tickets
available on the night so no booking required. £7.50 adult, £5 child.
Tearooms open for hot drinks, pastries and cakes from 10am until late.
HECK will also have their van providing hot food.

FARA: At Masham Town Hall on Saturday 20 th October at 7.30pm.

Finalists in the BBC Radio 2 Folk awards 2017 as best newcomers, FARA
brings together four emerging musicians at the forefront of today’s young
Scottish folk scene. The three fiddlers and a pianist – Jennifer Austin,
Kristan Harvey, Jeana Leslie and Catriona Price – produce a fiery sound
rooted strongly in their upbringing among the scenery, history and music of
Orkney. All seated concert. Tickets £12 (£10 concessions), available from
Masham Community Office on 01765-680200 or email:
Zeke Deighton - “Country Life”: at Masham Town Hall on Tuesday 30 th
October. Doors 7pm for a prompt start at 7.30pm. A Yorkshire childhood in
words and music, with songs, readings and anecdotes. A glimpse into
Zeke’s life, growing up in a small Yorkshire village in the 1940s and 50s, in
a way of life hardly changed over centuries. Zeke has been a folk singer
for over 50 years, but his first love is the old country songs telling of a way
of life that was coming to an end just as he was growing up. Singing and
dancing have always been a part of everyday life and the songs reflected
the feelings, emotions and events of the countryside. Tickets just £5
available from Masham Community Office on 01765-680200.
Email: info@visitmasham.com.

Moo Music: Every Wednesday morning at Masham Town Hall from 10-
10.45am for 0-5 year old children and their parents, grandparents or carers.
Great fun and interactive regular music session where the children sing,
dance and play. The sessions will help your child gain confidence and
develop memory, language and coordination skills in an exciting, enjoyable
and multi-sensory way. For more information, please contact Chantelle on
07841 939722 or email chantelle@moo-music.co.uk.
Badminton Club: at Fearby & Healey Village Hall every Wednesday from
8-9pm. We’re always looking for new or more experienced players.
Rackets available to borrow. Pay as you go – £2.50 per week. Call 0780
8919541 for more information.

St Mary’s Church Youth Group: Open to children in years 5-8, runs every
Thursday during term time, in the small hall at Masham Town Hall, sessions
run from 6pm-7.15pm. A variety of activities that include baking, disco,
crafts and sports to name a few. Fruit and squash provided during the
session. Please contact Annie or Tim on 07786035243
or 79anniejackson@gmail.com for more information. Adult volunteers also
needed, would you have a couple of hours to spare to help the young
people in Masham? Please contact Annie or Rev Cleeves on 01765
689255 for further information.

Litter Action: Please help to keep Mashamshire free of unsightly and

polluting litter by joining the newly-formed Greener Masham Action Group.
Visit litteraction.org.uk/greener-masham to find out more and register to
Masham Liftshare: We all readily offer lifts and share car journeys with our
friends and family, but many of us travel with an empty passenger seat
simply because we don’t know of anyone who needs a lift, while others
struggle to make appointments because they’ve got no wheels. Around
Masham, there is now a way the passenger-less and the lift-less can meet!
You can choose to car share as little or as often as you like, it doesn’t have
to be on a regular basis. All you have to do is register your journey as
either a driver or a passenger on www.masham.liftshare.com and then
activate your account.
Liftshare Registration Drop-in Sessions: We are offering drop-in
sessions for drivers and passengers throughout October-December, every
Tuesday from 1-2.50pm and Thursdays from 11am-1pm. We can help you
join the scheme online and answer any questions you may have. Join us!
At Mashamshire Community Office, call 01765 680200 or
email: liftshare@visitmasham.com.
Library Volunteers: do you need an excuse to read a book and would like
to encourage and enthuse others to do the same? Mashamshire
Community Library is looking for volunteers. You can volunteer on a
regular weekly basis for 2.5 hours or be on the “bank” and cover sessions
when others are away on holiday etc. Training will be given at the Library.
If you want to find out more, please contact Tessa Klemz at the Community
Office on 01765 680200, email: info@visitmasham.com or pop in for a chat.
Safe Talk: Free Comprehensive Suicide Alertness Training at Masham
Town Hall on Tuesday 23rd October from 1-4pm. The course covers how
to recognise and respond where suicide thoughts might be; how to take
action; how to provide life-saving intervention resources; know community
resources for further help. You could become a trained helper in Masham
and play an important part in suicide-safer communities, working alongside
intervention resources to identify and avert suicide risks. To book your free
place, please call 0121 565 5605, or email
Dave.Pickard@kaleidoscopeplus.org.uk. The training is being provided by
The Kaleidoscope Plus Group, a leading Health and Wellbeing Charity and
free due to fundraising efforts at The White Bear Beer Festival in June
Mental Health First Aid: Accredited four week training package for mental
health first aid exploring the signs and symptoms of mental health
conditions, providing help on a first aid basis, life saving intervention
resources and signposting to community resources for further help. The
course covers what mental health is, the five basic steps of MHFA, covers
topics such as Depression, Suicide, Anxiety Disorders & Psychosis and you
receive a detailed Manual and Work book at the end of the course. The
course takes place at Masham Town Hall from 1-4pm on Monday 29th
October, Monday 5th, 12th and 19th November and all candidates must
attend all sessions. The training is being provided by The Kaleidoscope
Plus Group, a leading Health and Wellbeing Charity and is free due to the
fundraising efforts at The White Bear Beer Festival in June 2018. To book
and for more information, please call 0121 565 5605, or email

Masham Local History Group

Tuesday 9th October- Printing Machine Manufacturing in Otley- Charles
Tuesday 23rd October- Historic Graffiti- John Buglass
Meetings are held in Masham Town Hall at 7.30pm. Non-members are
charged £3 and all are welcome.Any enquiries to Roger Sarjeant 01765
689396 rogersarjeant1950@gmail.com.

Masham W.I
We are holding our Annual General Meeting on Monday 8th October at
7.15 in Masham Town Hall. Please come along and support your WI. Any
new ideas or suggestions will be most welcome.
After the AGM. There will be a friendly fun quiz with a prize. Tea, Coffee
and cake will be provided. Hope too see all our members there and
Visitors will be most welcome for a small charge of £3.50.
Jean Jones President 01765688671

Masham Christmas Lights Appeal: Masham Town Hall 20th October

- come along to our indoor fundraiser and enjoy home baking, hot bacon
butties and tea & coffee. We will have a GRAND tombola, and lots of bric-
a-brac stalls for you to browse through.
Thinking of putting lights outside your house? We will also have on display
examples of our refurbished displays, and some second hand 10 metre
long light strings available for loan or sale. We also have portable
weatherproof 240v sockets which incorporate a photocell and timer at a
very reasonable price, come and have a look! Simple to use, you can put
up your festive lights, set the timer and let the control box do the work
automatically over Christmas. No need to remember to turn them on and
off! Remember, if you have any tombola prizes or clean bric-a-brac you
can donate, drop them off with Mark at Joneva in the market Place.
Alternatively ring me on 07831 840 330 and I will arrange collection.
Any help you can give us will be greatly appreciated. Donate? Go to
www.goldengiving.com and just type in 'Masham' in the search bar. Thank
you for your support! Thank you!
Peter Usher, Masham Christmas Lights Appeal.

Calling All Carers

Come and Join Us For Lunch. Where: Kings Head, Masham
When: 3rd Tuesday of every month: Time: 12:30: Cost from the Menu £10
- £12 approx. For more information please call Louise Wilson on 01677 -


Methodist News
The Homemakers will meet in the school room at 7.30 pm on Monday 15th
October for a Quiz arranged by Liz . The Homemakers meet the 3rd
Monday in the Month in the school room or some times out and about . You
can be assured of a warm welcome . Contact 01677 470268

West Tanfield Churchyard. There will be a Working Party to tidy the

churchyard on Monday 15th October 9.30 a.m. Help would be very
welcome. A volunteer is also needed to look after a flowerbed in the
churchyard – the one near the gate on Church Street. Please speak to the
one of the churchwardens if you would be willing to help.
West Tanfield Harvest Lunch. Sunday 7th October 12.30 for 1.00 p.m. in
West Tanfield Village Hall. No need to book – just turn up.

Northallerton Male Voice Choir present a charity concert at St. Nicholas’

Church West Tanfield on Friday 5th October at 7.30 p.m. in aid of the West
Tanfield Bowling Club and church funds. Tickets are £10 to include light
refreshments available from West Tanfield Village Shop.

Tanfield and District Flower Club

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 18th October at 7-30pm in West
Tanfield Memorial Hall. A demonstration by Susan Fairhurst is planned
which is always very good. Visitors and new members are very welcome.
Branda Raw

West Tanfield Cricket Club

On Sat 11th August West Tanfield Cricket Club organised a very successful
& enjoyable Hog Roast in aid of Dementia Forward. Over 100 people
attended. £1000 was raised & this was donated to The Ripon Branch of
Dementia Forward. Michael Dyson.

St Nicholas Church Visitors Book

Looking back over the 4 years covered makes for very interesting reading.
Apart from visitors within the British Isles, many countries are represented.
Australia topped the bill with the most entries, closely followed by the
U.S.A. and the Netherlands. New Zealand, Canada and Germany are also
well represented and the following countries have at least one mention -
Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, the Czech Republic,Iceland,Portugal,
Austria, Switzerland, Mexico, Malaysia, Brazil, Ireland and the Isle of Man.
People visit the church for a number of reasons, some to remember family
events such as baptisms and weddings, some to trace forbears, some
seeking healing and peace at a sad time in their lives and some to find a
quiet place for private prayer. Many are just passing through the village
and are delighted to find an open Church. Some are making a return visit
and some say they will come again.
Comments range from beautiful, interesting, peaceful and more than once
the Church is described as 'a little gem'. There is much appreciation for the
warm welcome and for the special occasions such as harvest displays and
a particular mention of the "Tour de France" exhibition, but most of all that
the Church is so well-cared for and several people speak of the
atmosphere and a sense of true spirituality.
A comment from one former resident of the village concerned a former
Rector, one Revd. H.S. Broadbent, saying what a lovely, kind and caring
man he was, giving so much to the Parish, some thing I can personally fully
Two other things are of interest. From Cooktown in Western Australia - this
Church was built before Captain Cook discovered the Endeavour river here
in Cooktown. (Presumably he named the river after his ship).
The other, slightly linked to the above, is from a descendant of a Richard
Pickersgill, who was baptised in this Church on the 18th April 1748. He too
became a sailor and served with Captain Wallis on the Dolphin when they
discovered Tahiti - then he joined Captain Cook and navigated the world
with him 3 times. On returning to England, he drowned in the Thames on
7th January 1779. A short but eventful life. Sylvia K Smith.

Tennis News
With wonderful summer weather the courts have been well used . 25
juniors took part in the 10 weeks of coaching with Ryan . Coaching
sessions for juniors also took place with Ellie .
The 3 teams that entered the Harrogate league had good results with the
1st team remaining in the top division the 2nd team moving up to the 2nd
division and the 3rd team in the 6th giving many different players the
chance to experience league tennis. Tuesday club night has been well
attended also the Monday and Thursday Morning sessions which have a
start time of 10 am . Any one welcome to these mornings as members or
pay as you play. These mornings will continue through the winter .
The ladies had a team in the Ladies Dales League.
It is good to see the member ship increasing . New Members always
welcome . Contact 01765 635318

On Saturday 1st September West Tanfield held their 3rd Annual Produce
Show and very kindly chose the rA-team as their charity to donate the
funds from the Auction at the end of the afternoon.
Thanks to the organisers, exhibitors and judges who worked extremely
hard to put on a very successful event. We have raised over £800 this year
and £760 was donated to local charities. Thanks also to Gil, Christopher
and Brenda for the amazing venue and Tarmac for the printing.
The rA-team are a recently formed volunteer fundraising group, raising
awareness and funds for the Rheumatology Department, Harrogate &
Ripon Hospitals. Thank you very much, Jane Powell, 01677 470521.
Please call if you would like to know more about the rA-team
Well Walkers – Longer walks of up to about 7 miles – Mondays 1st and 15th
October. Telephone 470305 for more information
Shorter, easier walks of up to 4 miles to take place on Mondays 8th and 22nd
October, Tele 470426 for more information if you want to come along or
know of any shorter walks we could do or that you want to suggest.
All walks meet 10.00 am from Orchard House or meet at the start of the
walk, everyone welcome. There is an email group for the walkers and walk
information is emailed out to the group a few days before the walk happens
Well Ladies Coffee – Wednesday 10th October, 2.30 pm, at Kath Greave’s,
Lammas Cottage, Snape
Wellies Craft Group –Tuesday 2nd October at Julia Hamby’s house,
everyone welcome, you don’t have to be ‘crafty’ to join in. Just come and
listen if you don’t have anything you particularly want to do. Phone 470426
for venue or ask to be added to the email list for the group if interested
Well Parish Council – The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on
Monday 10th December, 7.00 pm at The Institute
Well Village Website – www.wellvillage.org.uk, or email
Village Email Contact Group – several emails a month are sent out to
those on the list that may be of interest to people in the village, if you want
to be included or no longer wish to receive emails please contact the clerk
on clerk@wellvillage.org.uk. Your email address will not be disclosed to any
other parties and kept confidential.
Defibrillator Code – the code for the defibrillator machine is C147 and is
also on the side of the porch at The Milbank Arms is on the notice on the
notice board across the road next to the bus shelter. Please let the Clerk
know in the event of it being used so that new pads can be ordered.


Methodist News
Flower Festival And Harvest Festival.
During the weekend of the 6th &7th October we will be celebrating our
Harvest Festival. The chapel will be hosting a village Flower Festival with
the theme ALL GOOD GIFTS AROUND US. This Festival will have different
flower arrangements and displays presented by the different groups within
the village. The flower festival will be open from 10-4 on Saturday , and 1-4
on the Sunday, serving light refreshments.
On the 6th October there will be an evening of gospel music by the Ayrton
Brothers at 7.30pm.

On Sunday 7th October there will the Harvest Festival services led at
10.30am and 6.30pm by Rev Kingsley Armstrong . Donations of food will be
able to be given to the Hambleton Food Bank during the morning service.
Sunday school classes will also be held during this service.
Spread the word......we'd love to see you sometime over the weekend.

All Age Worship And Jacket Potato Lunch

This will be held on October 21st and led by Rev Pat Malham. This will be
followed by a Jacket Potato lunch. These are fun and popular times, so if
you are able to come along to the lunch after the service please let Ann
Donaldson know on 470239 by Wednesday 17th October.

Craft and chat......Tuesday 9th & 23rd, from 2-4pm.

Under 5's.....Each Wednesday 10-12, a morning of fun, for children. All
parents, grandparents and carers welcome.
Youth Club....Thursday 11th & 15th, in the Institute for all secondary school
children. A varied programme, each week.
Monthly Coffee Morning.....Saturday 29th, from 10-12. Why not pop in for
free coffee and a friendly chat with villagers.
Christmas Celebrations Plans are in place to have a Christmas
Celebration at 6pm on Sunday 23rd December. We are hoping to have a
Pasada, which would involve different houses for the fortnight before
Christmas, willing to host and display part of the Nativity Scene, for a day or
2. If you would be willing to do this, would you please like to contact Joy or
Dianne during October or November. Practices are being planned for a
choir, beginning early in November. More details to follow soon.
Over 60's The date for the meal is approaching. If you have become that
wonderful age, or have moved into the village this year and are over 60,
please contact Sarah on 470197 or Caroline on 470168 so that we can add
you to the invite list during the next 2 months.

Snape Annual Show - a meeting will be held in the Methodist Chapel

Schoolroom on Monday 1st October at 7pm. The meeting is open to all
locals people in the parish of Snape with Thorp and Well
Snape Local History Group
12 October- Charles Dickens-his life, works and links to Yorkshire
Schools. Illustrated talk by Elizabeth Stirk.
26 October-Whitby Jet-History, uses and examples to handle. Also bring
along any Jet items you may possess for appraisal by the speaker Carol
Cook. Meetings are held on Fridays at 7.30pm in Snape Institute.
Admission is £2.50 for non-members, who are welcome at all speaker and
discussion evenings.
Community Emergency Plan
We are at present revising the Snape Community Emergency Plan and are
looking for potential volunteers to help out if necessary in case of an
emergency. Hopefully you will never be called! But we do need more
names of parishioners who may be able to help in any number of ways or
may have specialist medical/first aid skills or access to special
equipment/resources such as tractors, 4x4s, etc which could be invaluable
in an emergency in our community. If you are interested please contact
Jenny Rydzewski 01677 470205/ 0748 4802 633.


The North Stainley Prayer Breakfast Club meets on the first and third
Thursdays of the month at 9am in The Staveley Arms. Join us at 9am for a
breakfast roll and cup of tea or coffee for £5, a chance to chat and catch up
with local news, and then praying for our local community. All welcome.


Healey Harvest Lunch Sunday 7th October 12.30 p.m. in Fearby Village
Hall. Tickets must be booked in advance. Adults £10, Under16’s £5,
Family Ticket £25 Tickets from Anne Ramsay 01765 689278

Donations for the Magazine

I would like to thank all those of you who gave so generously towards the
cost of the magazine. The amount raised so far is £1,065.59. I have
received many positive comments and am pleased that so many of you find
the information in the magazine a useful guide to 'what's on' in your
community. Christine Greensit. Editor.


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