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1 climate

2 in carbón dioxide
3 atmosphere
5 hotter
6 energetic
7 carbon dioxide
8 methane
9 nitrous oxide
10 greenhouse gases
12 The problems of climate change can be reduced

How is the climate changing?

We have known for 30 years that the atmosphere was changing. We knew because there was
an increase in carbón dioxide, the gas we breathe put and the gas produced when we burn
fossil fuels such as coal and gasoline.

What evidence shows us that humans are causing climate change?

It’s changing in the temperature, there is an increase of temperature in the world and also the
carbón dioxide is causing the warming. This evidence is proof that humans, in addition to
nature, are causing slimate change.

How do you feel about your future after reading this information?

I feel very worried about it, because we know that we can not stop this problem that humans
are caused by the pollution that we are produced. So the only exit is that we have to look after
our planet if we do not want to die we must preserved this environment, we have to put our
major effort.
What conclusions can you draw from the chart of carbon dioxide emissions by country?

Every country are not concerned about the problem that are causing for the emission of co2
even china that is the country that emitt more c02 and this has to be treated rapidly or there
Will be bigger consecuences.

Vocabulary Expansion

1. Write the sufflix of these vocabulary word:

Successful = Success-FUL

Agreement= Agree-MENT

Production= Product-ION

Brainstorm examples of other words that use these suffixes and check the meaning of

the suffixes in a dictionary and write them down.


USEFUL: effective; helping you to do or achieve something

THANKFUL: happy or grateful because of something
TRUTHFUL: honest and not containing or telling any lies
HARMFUL: causing harm


ENGAGEMENT: an agreement to marry someone

STATEMENT: something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done to express an
BASEMENT: a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the
level of the ground
PAYMENT: an amount of money received by an employee because of a pay rise at an earlier


INSTITUTION: a large and important organization, such as a university or bank

RELIGION: the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship
ACTION: the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty
CELEBRATION: to take part in special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular
occasion is important

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