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To the Welton Academy students, River Credentialed Community & Leaders, and select leaders
in relationship with either Jonathan Welton or Welton Academy,

I’ve been involved up close and person in a recent situation with Jonathan Welton. I’ve been
working closely with a recently assembled advisory board comprised of people I respect and
friends of the Welton family: (Harold Eberle, Bob Muncy, Steve & Joy Hogan, Eric Gregson &
Doug Johnson). After many hours of conversation, investigation, and counsel, this advisory
board recommends the following:

1. Accept Jonathan Welton’s resignation from President of Welton Academy on

September 10, 2018.
2. Jonathan will have no contact with the Welton Academy staff team moving forward.
3. The Welton Academy will be closed immediately and indefinitely.
4. Each staff member who was ‘no longer needed’ or terminated following their refusal
to accept Jonathan’s physical advances, or when confronting his selfish or bizarrely
disrespectful actions or who quit because the work environment was beyond what
they could endure, should be fully compensated for up to six months of their regular
5. Welton Academy will compensate staff members and former staff members who are
in need of professional counseling
6. Welton Academy will refund all tuition that has been paid for the 2018-2019
academic year. Jonathan will refund the cost of the Summit ticket to anyone
choosing to not attend.
7. Jonathan will seek psychiatric help and follow the advice and recommendations of
said professional

As you can see, these findings are severe. Jon’s behavior is beyond hurtful and scary, he is now
toxic to those who choose to be connected to him. A web of lies, created in a world that Jon
controlled, is now revealing numerous victims of his extremely selfish, humiliating and habitual

Upon first investigation, there are numerous confrontations from staff and members of his “5-
fold council” (that was disbanded by Jon upon these confrontations) in an effort to address an
unsafe work environment. Regular occurrences of physical advances, sexual innuendoes, and
highly inappropriate conversations became the culture Jonathan created around himself. The
staff, almost entirely younger women, were subject to this confusion and dishonor while
attempting to help something and someone they held in high esteem.

It grieves me to write this letter knowing the ramifications. This entire advisory board is friends
with Jonathan and Karen. The staff at the Welton Academy, even those chased away, are
rooting for his successful turnaround. As of the writing of this letter, Jon is making slow if any
progress. Repentance is not clear and thus the warning you hear in this letter. No repentance,
no change. That reality creates an ongoing expectation of more of the same. Jon is not fit to be
a leader, nor is he safe to have access to other people’s vulnerability.

After much discussion about the Welton Academy Summit, coming up in a month, the advisory
board has decided to keep the event on the calendar. The event will be shortened to the
evening of Friday, October 26th through Saturday, October 27th. In honor of those who have
given time to study “The Better Covenant” (which is still true), and for the numerous students
who have already made plans to come to the event, we will provide a place of blessing, healing
and possible clarity for you. Harold Eberle, Bob Muncy and myself will be among those leading
the event this year. Jonathan will not be in attendance. He is not yet able to convince anyone
around him that he’s broken over what he’s done to so many and has absolutely no credibility
when he speaks.

This letter is written primarily to give clear information to people who are waiting to hear what
is going on inside the Welton Academy. The authority of this letter is spiritual. There is no legal
authority to this letter. The above list of recommendations are simply that, what we
recommend happen moving forward. Jonathan is the sole proprietor of the Welton Academy
and can legally do whatever he chooses to do.

There are numerous people victimized in this situation, none of them are named Jonathan. Up
to now, he has spun all of his responsibility outward. Will we see Jon own this enormous mess,
change into a new man and reconcile with the many people who love and believe in him? Time
will tell. I pray that God has mercy and grants repentance to my good friend, Jonathan Welton.


Danny Silk, MSW

President of Loving On Purpose
Senior Team, Bethel Church Redding, Ca
Senior Advisor, Jesus Culture Sacramento

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