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Yellow: P2P Internet Country & Governance Ecosystem

Hieronymus Bosch Binary


Abstract. ​A new governance structure and protocol that manage the way people work,
collaborate, thrive and innovate together. Giving complete ownership to population with
a decentralized governance system that gives transparent, incorruptible and equal ability
to all. The systems manage process at the very core: identity, business, work, voting,
taxation, legal, education and R&D processes, etc. This allows people to form
Peer-to-Peer “virtual countries” governed by ever-evolving votable laws and rules built
into protocol and blockchain that is not about one or few powerful people - but a super
colony of people that are unique and equal. The system allows people to “mine” real
work tasks, build new companies, regain control over global industries and work
towards building their own economy and ecosystem.

1. Introduction.
Historically and in present day, we have seen democracy, communism, socialism, monarchies and
dictatorships. These are all based on a pyramid structure. From companies, governments, religions - no
matter what working system there is, it’s hierarchy-based and has been this way since rise of civilization.
All these systems have fallen or are corrupted due to people’s inherent genome - power and greed
- which eventually translates into corruption. We also know, that 90% of the populus at a global scale do
most of the work, produce all the food, and receive the least amount of compensation which seems to go
to select people in power in most cases. The current model is a race to the bottom and built upon the
foundation of exploitation - pay the least for labor and materials and charge the most as possible.
As we see from modern Capitalism, due to the internet and connectivity brand new breeds of
companies are being born - they skim large percentage of earnings to facilitate centralized business
protocol of connecting them. Uber connects people that need rides to people that drive, Amazon connects
sellers to buyers, etc. The profits are used mainly to fuel growth and build larger market share and to
eliminate competitors. These are a few examples but can relate to all industries, all verticals and all
segments: manufacturing, real estate, services and of course software.
If you give people the governance structure, the tools, the platforms and the process - they will
build. But the foundation structure this time isn’t a pyramid approach - it’s decentralization.

1. Capitalism vs Yellow
90% of people do all the work, and fuel all the current commerce. There are many low hanging fruit
company types now that are easily fragile: Gig-Economy companies are one example. Uber as an
scenario: if the drives and riders owned their own “Uber” that is profitless, completely transparent,
participated in it’s success, had entire voting control of it future, drivers made more compensation, riders
paid the same (or less) - why would anyone ever use a corporation again? People don’t want to be
exploited, they just never had a better way.
Corporate profits are mostly needed to spend on growth and marketing. Yellow’s ecosystem has
no need for “buying growth” - it’s the people’s after all, you don’t need marketing strategies to deceive
people into doing what’s in their best interest.

2. Yellow Ecosystem Overview

3. Taxation
Taxation inside Yellow will be an ever-evolving voted process in a true transparent and democratic way.
Everyone’s vote counts equally, as we are all apart of the same ecosystem. Every person can vote (or not
vote) on every issue as they seem relevant to them. It’s a dynamic process - tax rates can change based on
Yellow’s goals that you decide and vote on together.

Taxation on Yellow company income is used for 2 things:

A. Innovation and reinvestment inside the company the revenue came from. This is voted and
amount is dynamic.
B. Innovation and investment inside the Yellow ecosystem. This is used to:
a. Fund​ new Company ideas that are voted by the ecosystem.
b. Global R&D​: to fund our society improvement (Diseases, Technology, etc.) so we can
help vote and fund some of the world’s greatest minds into working on things life
c. Education​: We believe investing in our people and their education and empowerment is
important. More about this below.
d. Real Estat​e: Agriculture, Residential and Commercial real estate can be purchased by
Yellow and rented to our citizens for dwellings, or used to fund global farm initiatives to
help feed our ecosystem.

4. Voting
Equal voting is very important. There are no “elected representatives” or “parties” to decide for you.
Voting and identity (more - later) are transparent, decentralized, incorruptible and stored via a
Blockchain. People can vote on all the changes, issues, and evolution of the ecosystem, it’s companies
and its future. From large things, to micro-things - everyone together is working towards the same
manifesto. People will disagree, sometimes there will be conversersy - but this shows love on all sides.
The future is in everyone’s hands equally. Mistakes and wrong decisions will be made - this is natural and
has never been done before, but together you can easily vote to fix, learn and move forward as a

Voting Examples
● Individual Company Roadmaps
● New Company & Industry Investments
● Yellow By-laws
● Taxation & Budgeting
● Ecosystem Populus
● Etc.

5. Bylaws
The constitution of Yellow contains the fundamental principles which govern its operation. The by-laws
establish specific rules of guidance by which the ecosystem is to function. These are the protocols written
into the Ecosystem’s DNA and also the basic morals of the ecosystem that are agreed upon. These can be
changed, improved and evolved by voting - but not lightly. Some examples include, what types of
companies are legal and illegal, ecosystem membership termination, etc.

6. Currency
The current state of cryptocurrency experiments have been highly successful. However, as we live in a
capitalistic global market - they have been corrupted by anonymous parties. The markets have been
opened, are now unstable, have no true perceived value and in the end are no different from governments
current valueless currency.
Value of Yellow currency is based and pegged on it’s “GDP”. You cannot short it, you cannot
buy futures in it - the more value the Yellow ecosystem creates and outside currency it brings into the
ecosystem the ecosystems value rises as a whole.
● You cannot buy Yellow currency, only earn it from working inside Yellow.
● You can exchange your Yellow currency back to itself all at once, or in increments that
are needed for Fiat - especially in the beginning stages.
● All Yellow companies accept it’s currency; eventually you can buy Yellow food,
products, real estate and services - it becomes its’ own P2P economic ecosystem.
● Yellow currency value goes up as the success of it’s companies income and entire GDP
goes up. It’s the ecosystems best interest to work all together as a team - it’s all theirs in
the end.

7. Identity
Identity is a very important and highly complex issue in Yellow. Complete anonymity is highly risky as it
allows the ecosystem become corruptible and infiltrated. However, you have complete control over your
public identity and private one - but decentralized private verifications are extremely important - it’s to
protect the ecosystem and allow it to remain incorruptible. We have great protocols and algorithm
solutions for this, outlined below.
Your unique ID also tracks your finances, votes, work history, contributions - it’s who you are.
Names aren’t important, just that you only have 1 identity. However, if found breaking by-laws - the
ecosystem can have the voting ability to suspend you or potentially expel you from the collective. And
under special circumstances, the ecosystem may be able to vote to see your true identity in the physical
world and potentially be dealt with legally.

8. Education
The most valuable things on this planet are not resource nor technology - it’s people. When you give
people true freedom, true purpose and when everyone realizes that lands, borders, control, capitalism and
culture are holding the populus back - peace and progress will make great strides.
Yellow is about working together as a superorganism - a true collaboration of all the things
holding us back today and letting them now be your assets. Also, everyone has things to teach and is a
teacher. Investing and growing the people inside the ecosystem is the biggest stride that can be made.
Investing in your futures are key. What can you teach?
A. University:​ People should always be learning, and knowledge should be free, not pay to
play. The online university should be best in class, and cover all industries and verticals
allowing our people to always reinvent themselves.
B. Company Node Education:​ Companies as they get larger need specialists and
sometimes certifications. Companies must invest in training.
C. Education Investment:​ The current state of the university sector is corrupted by
capitalism. People that are invested in your education success if missing. People are
unique and individual and learn in different ways - Yellow will fund 1 on 1 education
programs to provide jobs and knowledge. Yellow will take parts of your future earnings
to reinvest back in the program to help others.

9. Work Roles
10. Future Of Work
Currently, the way “work” gets done and accomplished from a process perspective, and the way
“workers/employees” are engaged don’t align. Workers are owned by entities in the form of full-time
employment or a contractor basis. They are paid annual/monthly salaries or hourly and your time gets
“rented/purchased” for a direct cost with no true KPI associated with the output. Not only does this
capitalist model incentivize in a non-ecosystem and non-collaborate manner - but it just design align or
compensate with how things get accomplished.

Any type of work gets broken down into this structure

to the left. The very core part of work are Tasks and
Sub-Tasks that are apart of projects which have

If you look at the “Gig Economy” movement in the

Tech sector now - what really is happening is people
are getting paid for a “Task” - which is the right idea.
Simply, there are financial rewards for the task - when
you accomplish it correctly, you get compensated.
When you/groups of specialists correctly aligned with tasks together, you get Task Lists which then
allows you to complete milestones together, then projects.

11. Doing Work on Yellow

Each company within the Yellow ecosystem is technically considered a node. Each node (Company)
contains one or many projects, with many tasks and subtasks. Each task must be mined (Worked on) and
hashed (Completed and verified). Depending on Task types each has a reward value and potential
qualifications needed by the miners to be qualified to
be able to mine that.
All of the required mining to be done from all the nodes go into the Thread pool - think of it as an
ecosystem wide Job board. Depending on your qualifications, you can choose to mine as many tasks as
you would like from any type of node - it’s all one, not separate.

After you complete (hash) the task and it’s verified, you then get rewarded.

● Amount of time to do task is irrelevant, the

ecosystem only cares about hashed tasks. The faster
you do it, the more money you make.
● An ecosystem that is task and specialist
driven with complete transparency. It pays you to be
● Not one company, but entire company
ecosystem work available. Workforce modernization
is about specialization - so having specialists work
on their focused expertise breeds excellence.

12. Projects & Tasks with SPN (Petri Nets)

Modeling and planning projects with
SPNs’ rather than traditional BPMN, it
gives the ecosystem ​resource
contention​ solutions on a mass scale.
It’s a hybrid modeling structure that
gives depth of state, events, reward, that
allows all the specific components of
tasks to embody these functions. It’s a
combined state event model being
represented by “places” and events by

Task Types Examples & Use Cases

● Internal Ecosystem (Yellow)

○ Mined Task Review QA
○ Build “X” Education Module
○ Attend Member Escalation (Violation)

● Node/Company Tasks
○ Petri-Net WBS Modeling
○ Write Website Content
○ Build Wireframe Prototype
○ Program “X” User Story
○ Build Financial Budget
■ Review Financial Budget

2. New Companies (DACs)

Globally, the thing that drives all commerce is companies of every type. It’s the core foundation of every
government - the more industry, companies and commerce countries have, the more wealth and “power”.
Companies are any entity that provides a product and/or service for Yellow and/or global public. They are
revenue producing and provide work (Tasks), value and income to the Yellow ecosystem. These can be
digital or brick and mortar. They can include any vertical or industry. This includes all or any Primary,
Secondary, Tertiary or Quaternary (Farms, Software, Factories, Raw materials, etc.).

Yellow will have a vast ecosystem of experts, specialists globally and in all industries. Diversity is
Yellow’s strength with wide ranges of abilities, knowledge and talents. Decentralization of transparency
of all the information and work that needs to be done matched with rewards for completing (mining) the
tasks based upon built-in protocol - work gets accomplished and verified (Hashed) in a way never seen
before in history.

The protocol is very simple and outlined below:

1. (Ideation) Company ideas are submitted, and submitter(s) are compensated based on ecosystem
2. (Concepting) Specialist tasks are auto-generated based on protocol of executable WBD and are
open to ecosystem to mine and hash tasks.
3. (Commitment) Specialist tasks are auto-generated based on protocol for planning, budgeting, and
all related things. Executable WBD and are open to ecosystem to mine and hash.
4. (Validation) Company becomes privately open for testing in the Yellow ecosystem, and begins
5. (Scaling & Establishing) Company then becomes public outside of Yellow ecosystem.
Technology & Computation

Currently, process modeling (and computation) is based upon π calculus - including all business process
as well. BPMN 2.0 is the current modeling standard - however in 2018 people still don’t understand
Satoshi, Bitcoin or Blockchain. If people were paying attention, right before Bitcoin was built - a brand
new mathematical algorithm was released to the world - Stochastic Petri nets. In fact - Bitcoin and
Blockchain as technology is based on an entirely new computation model that we have been patiently
waiting for the world to figure out - so we are compelled to outline this below.

Current Defined Models of Computation

Completeness Compositionality Concurrency Complexity

Regular Expressions ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖

Turing Machines ✔ ✖ ✖ ✔

Lambda Calculus ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖

CCS ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖

π Calculus ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Summary: ​Right now, computation and our most advanced and current model (π Calculus) - data, information,
process, it’s linear and passed along in big chunks. Data nor verification is built in the models. If you want to verify
data, you store and nest it into tables, “call the data”, pass parameters, separate processes and seperate verifications.

New Computational Model

Completenes Composition Concurrency Complexity Cognizant Consensus

s ality

Regular ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

Turing ✔ ✖ ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖

Lambda ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

CCS ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖
π Calculus ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖

Stochastic ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Petri nets

Summary: ​However with the new computational model, there are 2 brand new standards: Cognizant and Consensus
which π Calculus is missing.

Cognizant: Stochastic Petri Nets have built into the modeling “tokens”. This allows the model to be fully
aware of what is moving, why, when and how it’s executing. It is self coordinating based on protocol it’s
given. The model has built in awareness of it’s multi-tenant quantum states.

Consensus: Stochastic Petri Nets, unlike π Calculus have built in agreement into the model. Without
agreement within the model itself, transitions cannot happen - it understands what it’s missing and how to
complete itself.

This is precisely why blockchain is “decentralized” - it’s cognizant and consensus. Not because of the technology or
ideology - because people have yet to understand it’s an entirely new computational model. When they do however,
the current ‘logic’ and process we use in our everyday lives, the Devops architecture as a whole and the whole idea
of “data”, how it’s stored and where - will be entirely different. Quantum.

Mathematically, π Calculus is still very necessary and a large building block into computation. However,
with Stochastic Petri Nets we are building staggered data and bionmal expansion rather than separate
segregated data sets that grow in tables and need relational databases. Stochastic Petri Nets and it’s
computation model is ​(a + b)n = bn(a/b + 1)n - ​formally known as Pascals Triangle.

Infact as you can see, π is actually seen

and is a component inside Pascals
And the series consists of the reciprocals of the triangular numbers and, as such, could be detected in
Pascal's triangle:


While π Calculus gives us linearity and concurrency - the outside walls (binomial theorem) which helps
us compute and build datasets with true foundations and connectivity (Cognizant) that currently don’t
exist without relational databases today. This changes governance, systems, process and the way things
work - which is why Bitcoin and blockchain have been such an intriguing technology. Stochastic Petri
nets are the way moving forward, with π Calculus a part of it’s system.

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