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Departmentof Chenucal and Nuclear Engmeenng, Umverslty of Cahfomta, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, U S A

(Recerved 21 February 1978, accepted 25 August 1978)

Abstract-A sunultaneous heat and mass transfer model was apphed to multlcomponent datdlatlon m a wetted-wall
column Experunents were carried out. usmg the benzene-toluene-ethylbenzene ternary system, m a wetted-wall
column of 2 2 cm I d and 100 cm long equipped with specml probes designed for simultaneous hquld samphng and
temperature measurements The experImental results show that the bulk hqmd phase was saturated, mdlcatmg no
resistance to mass transfer m the hqmd film Contirmatlon of tbe hqmd phase satoratIon was made through a
comparison of the expenmentally measured hquld temperature with the calculated bubble pomt temperature The
average devlatlon between the measured and calculated temperatures was found to be 0 26°C
Individual mass transfer rates were evaluated locally by measunng cornposItIons and temperatures as functions
of column he&t and were compared to theoretIcal predlctlons usmg the exact lihn model soluuon of the
Maxwell-Stefan multuzomponent equations developed by Krishna and Standart The comparison shows good
agreement with average devlatlons of I5 76% for benzene, 23 09% for toluene and 23 23% for ethylbenzene

Kaylhan et al [l] have modeled bmary dlsflation m trations m the liquid film were measured as functions of
contmuous contact eqmpment as a simultaneous heat column height m order to determme the state of the
and mass transfer process Equations were developed hqmd phase and to evaluate mass transfer coefficients
from materml and energy balances and were analyzed to The dlstiatlon expenments were can-led out at total
show how mdlvldual phase mass transfer coefficients reflux smce under these condltlons heat and mass trans-
could be evaluated from measurements of bulk tem- fer rates wtil be greatest and thus the greatest preclslon
peratures and composltlons m dlstlllatlon columns DIS- m experimentally determmed quantmes IS reahzed It
tlllation experiments by Kaylhan et al [2] m a wetted- was also mtended to theoretlcally evaluate the mdlvldual
wall column usmg the methanoI-water system showed local molar fluxes through use of the film model solution
that all of the resistance to mass transfer was m the to the Maxwell-Stefan equations developed by Knshna
vapor phase Experimental vapor phase mass transfer and Standart[S] and compare these with the expenmental
coefficients were determmed and were found to be m results
good agreement with pubhshed correlations based on
absorption and evaporauon data THEORY
Subsequently, Honorat and Sandall[3] apphed the The mathematical relations for the model are
relationshlps derwed by Kaylhan et al [l] to bmary da- developed for any contmuous contact dlsttiation
trllatlon in a packed column A “dfierentlal height” eqmpment operatmg under adlabatlc condlttons These
technique was developed m order to determme bulk relations are the overall mass, enthalpy and component
hquld phase temperatures and composltlons as functions balances around the three envelopes shown m Fig 1
of packmg height Expenments camed out m a 3-m which can be stated as
column packed wdh 1/4m Raschlg Rmgs for the
toluene-tnchloroethylene system showed that the hquld dL
_=- dV
phase was saturated, mdtcatmg no resistance to mass dZ dZ
transfer m the hqtud phase Vapor phase mass transfer
coefficients obtamed from the dlstlllatlon experiments d(Lx,) = -d( VY,) for J = 1 to n
dz dz
were found to be m agreement wth mass transfer
coefficients predlcted from correlations of packed
column gas absorption data
In the work reported here, we have extended the
theoretlcal work of Kay&an et al [ 11 to multlcomponent y = - J$.a, for 1 = 1 to n
&saatlon m contmuous contact equtpment In order to
venfy the model, multlcomponent dIstlllatlon expen- d( VY,)
-=-N,u,,, for J = 1 to n
ments were carried out m a wetted-wall column The dz
apparatus was essentially that used by Kaylhan[4] Ben-
zene-toluene-ethylbenzene was the mulhcomponent d(Lh)
system chosen for the experiments smce vapor-hqmd
equlbna can be predlcted with a fair degree of accuracy
for this ternary system Bulk temperatures and concen-

and 0 C %UiDALL

In wntmg eqns (8)-(11) It has been assumed that

N,c,, Q h,

which are usually qmte good approxlmatlons for dls-

When the followmg auxdlary relations, eqns (12H15),
are added to the model equations we obtam a system
wrth 11 equations, 11 vanables (L, V, xi, t,, y,. ty, h, H,
x,~, y,,, t,) and 3 parameters (k,,a,, k,,a,, ada,) for each

h = h(f,. x,) (12)

t L t V
Rg 1 Envelopes for mass aad entbalpy balances x,, = x,,(G) (14)

Y,#= Y,,(L) (15)

It IS theoretically possible to evaluate the three
parameters If three of the Independent varrables can be
obtamed as functions of z The Independent variables
which can be chosen to be evaIuated experlmentally are
for 1 = 1 to n
xi, L, 6
If the hqutd phase 1s found to be saturated for the
ternary system considered m this work m agreement with
the binary wetted-wall column study of Kaylhan et al [2]
and the packed coIumn study of Honorat and Sandall[3],
then two relations are added to the previous set

Xl = x,, and f, = t,

In this case eqns (8) and (10) disappear, and since

To express the vapor phase heat transfer coefficient m
ah/a, = 1 for wetted-wall columns, then eqn (9) allows
terms of the vapor phase mass transfer coefficient, the
the determination of k,.,a,
Chdton-Colburn analogy [61 was used (h, =
The experiments were operated at total reflux, which
C,,&, Le,‘z/3’) For the hqmd phase, a penetration theory-
slmphlied the mass and enthalpy balances and also gives
type mechamsm was assumed to hold (hX = c,k, Le,““‘)
the largest rates of heat and mass transfer At any pomt
In applymg the analoaes to eliminate the heat transfer
m the column the materml balances reduce to
coefficrents, It should be noted that the binary mass
transfer coefficients, k, and k,, and the Lewis numbers
are evaluated for any given Z& whereas all other physl- YI = 4 (16)
cai propertles are evaluated for the mixture condltlons L=V (17)
Then eqns (4H7) can be wrltten m terms of the transport
coefficients as

Ldx, _ Figure 2 shows a schematlc drawmg of the apparatus

--k,a,(x,--x,,) for,=l,n (8)
dz used m this research The apparatus was slmdar to that
used by Kaylhan et al [2] with the major modd’icatlon
VdY, _ being the addltlon of a heater and temperature controller
--ky.a,(y,i-y,) for]=l.n (9)
dz for the coohng water to the condenser The wetted-wall
column was constructed from a 2 21 cm I d and 1OOcm
&d& long stainless steel tube with special probes spaced
= k,a, Le,“* (10)
dz 15 cm apart deslgned for hqmd samplmg and for ther-
mocouple measurements of the hqutd film A 35 cm long
Vdt caimmg sectlon above the holler was included to provide
- = k,a, Leyu3 (11)
dz for vapor flow development Reflux from the condenser
Slmuttaneous heat and mass transfer for multIComponent dlstlllatlon 73s

agamst a platinum resistance thermometer with an ac-

curacy of better than 005°C The cahbratIon of the
thermocouples was estunated to be within f 0 15°C Fur-
ther detads of the probes and samplmg techmques are
given by Kaylhan et al [23
Llquld samples were analyzed using a Hewlett-Pack-
ard model 5752B gas chromatograph connected to an
Infotronics 6125 automatic integrator Chromosorb 101
of Sol100 mesh SGX was used as the packmg matenal
T/S 7
(adsorbent) for the gas chromatograph coIumn The ac-
T/S 6
column curacy of the method was estimated to be f 0 0035 m
T/S 5
T/S 4
mole fraction over the composltlon range of the expen-
r/s 3 ments

Calmmg sectlon
Total rejlux expenments
Ltqwd I Experiments were run at total reflux and steady state
controller Manometer
condltlons Fust the holler was charged with about four
! 1
hters of mucture. the steam pressure was adjusted to give
appropriate bodmg rate condltlons, the water to the
i-l T Thermocouple condenser was adjusted so as to give an appropnate
z S s Lwq”l.3
coohng rate and the aspirator which was connected at
Fig 2 SchematIc drawrng of wetted-wall column operatmg un-
der total reflux the top of the condenser was turned on to evacuate air
from the apparatus When the vapor reached the con-
denser, the aspuator was turned off to avold product
was collected m the upper part of the column and was losses Then the system was operated for approxunately
umformly dlstrlbuted around the wall with a kmfeedge four hours to reach steady state condlttons After this
dlstnbutor deslgned to mamtam a umform film formatlon watmg period, the control valves of the sample tees
at the entrance The column and calmmg section were were adlusted to allow a samplmg rate of about 15 drops
msulated with one mch thick Kaowool and wrapped with per minute Then the coolers were Inserted and ther-
duct tape The effectiveness of the msulatlon was mocouple potentials were read whale the llquld was
determmed by some heat loss expenments which showed dnppmg When the readmgs were fimshed, the flow was
that the total heat loss was 3 26% under the most stopped and the hquld mslde the cooler was stored m a
extreme condttlons A contmuous supply of steam con- closed test tube and immediately anaIyzed after the run
trolled by a pressure regulator was used to power the was fimshed Operatmg this way provided sunultaneous
boiler and to maintain a constant boding rate data for both temperature and composltlons and mml-
A temperature controller was placed on the coohng mlzed the liquid loss from the column
water Inlet to the condenser smce the temperature of the The sequence of data collection from different parts of
city water was found to osculate between 18 and 22°C the column was repeated two tunes consecutively It
The condenser mlet water was controlled at 20°C took about forty-five mmutes before another readmg or
The probes were those described by Kay&an et al [2] sampling could be made at the same pomt
and were desIgned so as to obtam sunultaneous liquid The composmon ranges covered in the expenments
samples and temperatures without disturbing the con- were approxunately 0 20-O 45 mole fraction of the light
tinuity of the hquld film flow inside the column This was component (benzene), and 0 18-O 48 mole fraction for the
done by lmbeddmg the probes into the wall of the heavy component (ethylbenzene) These values were
column, and mamtammg the continuity of the inner measured at the boder The range of vapor phase Rey-
surface by packmg the entrance of the probes with small nolds number was 12,000-24.000 Reproduclblhty of the
amounts of glass-wool The probe outlets were con- data was checked by carrying out an experunental run
nected to tees whch separated the thermocouple wres twice
from llqmd sample flow Valves made from plexiglass Further detads of the experiments may be found m the
and brass screws served as fine flow regulators m the ongmal thesis by Drrblka{iT]
sample lmes Small heat exchangers, made from plexi-
glass and stamless steel tubes, were packed with crushed
ice during operation m order to cool the liquid samples EXPERIMENTAL
below their bubble point temperatures The experimental data for liquid temperatures and
Thermocouples were constructed from Chromel-Con- composttlons as well as other column operating con-
stantan wue 0 3 x 10e3 m m dmmeter and were Inserted ditions were obtained from various parts of the column
all the way to the glass-wool The thermocouples were as mdlcated m Fig 2 From the data, two separate pieces
calibrated m a constant temperature bath at temperatures of mformatlon are Important One IS the temperature-
between 60 and 130°C at 10°C Intervals usmg ethylene composltlon relatlonshlp for the llqmd, and the other 1s
glycol as the heating media The cahbratlon was made the change of composltlon with height m the column

Temperature-composltron relatronshp for the I1q.d

The state of the hqmd phase IS crlhcal smce It deter-
mmes whether or not all of the reststance to mass
transfer 1s m the vapor phase For the wetted-wall
column dlsttiatlon of the methanol-water binary system,
Kay&an et al [2] found that the hqmd phase was
saturated, I e the measured hqmd phase bulk tem-
perature and bulk composltlon were found to he on the
bubble point curve Thus mdlcated that for their system
the mass transfer resistance resides completely m the
vapor phase For our study a bubble pomt calculation for
Fig 4 Mole fraction vs column hetght for benzene
the three-component system was camed out for each of
the probe sarnphngs of the hquld film These calculated
bubble pomt temperatures are compared to the expen-
mentally measured temperatures m Fig 3 The data m
Fig 3 show a close agreement between the calculated
bubble pomt temperature and the measured hqmd tem-
peratures mdlcatmg that the hqmd phase was saturated
The average absolute devlatton between the calculated
bubble pomt temperatures and the measured tem-
peratures IS 0 26°C Therefore it may be concluded that
the resistance to mass transfer m the hquld phase IS
neghglble compared to the mass transfer resistance m the
vapor phase (&,/ml *kkyi) Thus the mass transfer COLUMN HEIGHT 2 (cm)
process for dlstrllatlon tn a wetted-wall column may be Rg 5 Mole fraction vs column he&t for toluene
described m terms of the vapor phase mass transfer
coefficrents only
For typlcal concentrations used m the dlstlllatlon
experiments a deviation of 0 26°C m the bubble pomt
would correspond to a change of approximately
0 01 mole fraction m composltlon of benzene and toluene
when the ethylbenzene concentration 1s held constant A
description of the bubble pomt calculation 1s given m
Appendix A

Mass transfer rates

Figures 4-6 show the expenmentally-determmed vapor 0
50 75
I ,
phase mole fractions of benzene, toluene and ethylben- COLUMN HEIGHT z (cm)

zene, respectively, as functions of column he&t for a Fig 6 Mole frachon vs column he& for ethylbenzene
typlcal dlstdlation experiment In order to determme
local values of the mdlvldual mass transfer rates it was necessary to evaluate derlvatlves of the vapor phase
composltlons with respect to column height These
derlvatlves were found by fittmg a polynomml to the data
pomts as shown m Figs 4-6 and then obtammg the
derivatives analytically A senes of poIynommls from the
first to fifth order were tested for each case It was found
that a second or third degree polynomial usually gave the
best fit to the data These best fit curves are shown m
Figs 4-6
In constructmg the plots such as shown m Figs 44,
data for the two ends of the column (the dlstrlbutor and
calmmg section) were also mcluded However these end
points were dlsregarded m determmmg the best poly-
nomtal fit of the data The reason for neglectmg the top
point was that the hqmd returned from the condenser tn
some cases showed a small amount of sub-coolmg and
84 86 86 90 92 94 96 98
therefore a lower rate of mass transfer than expected
MEASURED TEMPERATURE. OC would prevail near the top of the column The bottom
Fig 3 Measured hqwd temperatures compared to calculated composltlon determmed m the calmmg section was not
equdlbrmm temperatures used smce mass transfer rates ~111 be hgher m this
Slmuttaneous heat and mass transfer for multicomponent dlstilatlon 737

region due to the developing concentration profiles m CONCLUSlONS

this vapor phase entrance section MultIcomponent &sWatron experunents camed out m
Local mass transfer rates were determmed from eqn a wetted-wall column for the benzene-toluene-ethyl-
(18) benzene system showed that the llquld phase was
saturated, which indicates that there is no resistance to
-N*& =y
mass transfer m the hqmd film This finding IS m
agreement with the bmary dlstlllatlon expenments of
Kaylhan et al [2] for the methanol-water system m a
For a wetted-wall column the mterfaclal area per urut wetted-wall column and with the packed column dls-
volume, a,, IS given by tlllatlon expenments of Honorat and Sandal1[3] using the
toluene-tnchloroethylene system Thus the mass transfer
4 process for dlstdlation m a wetted-wall column may be
a, =- (19)
d described m terms of the vapor phase mass transfer
coefficients only
Expenmental mass transfer rates thus determmed Vapor phase mass transfer rates were found to be m
were compared to theoretically predlcted mass transfer relatively good agreement with those calculated using the
rates using the multlcomponent mass transfer technrque Krishna and Standart technique for predlctmg multl-
developed by Knshna and Standart[S] The calculations component mass transfer rates combmed with binary
were relatwely straightforward although Iteration was mass transfer coefficients from the Gllldand-Sherwood
mvolved Convergence was usually obtained m about equation
four lteratlons The bmary mass transfer coefficients
needed for this calculation were estimated from the Acknowledgement-This work was supported by the National
G&land-Sherwaod [8] correlation which was based on Science Foundation through NSF Grant No ENG-76-17268
ar evaporation data for several hqulds m a wetted-wall
column Physical properties which were required for the NOTAnON
calculations were estunated from the equations gwen in mterfacml area for heat transfer per umt
Appendix B AU property values were evaluated at the volume, cm2/cm3
mterfaclai temperature The experlmental data provided interfacial area for mass transfer per umt
the vapor phase bulk compositions and the column pres- volume, cm2/cm3
sures Interfacial vapor composltlons were determined second vlnal coefl’iclent, cmlgmole
from the bubble pomt calculations concentration of the gas nuxture, gmole/cm3
Figure 7 compares the experlmental mass transfer molar heat capacity for hqmd, cal/gmole “K
rates with the theoretIcal predictions The experlmental molar heat capacity for vapor, callgmole K”
results scatter randomly from the theoretlcal results in diameter, cm
Fig 7 although there IS a tendency for the experimental dtiuslvlty, cm’/sec
fluxes to be higher for toluene and lower for ethylben- fugacity, atm
zene However the agreement between the experlmental emplrlcaily determmed functions
and theoretical results IS relatively good The mean ab- molar enthalpy of hquld, callgmole
solute devlatlons of the theoretlcal predlctlons from the heat transfer coefficient for hquid,
expenmental results were found to be 1.576% for ben- Cal/cm’set “C
zene, 23 0% for toluene and 23 23% for ethylbenzene heat transfer coefficient for vapor,
Cal/cm’set “C
molar enthalpy of vapor phase, callgmole
partial molar enthalples for hqmd, callgmole
* Toluene
p-al molar enthalpies for vapor, cal/gmole
D Ethylbenzene colhslon integral for dfiuslon, dunenslonless
bmary mass transfer coefficient for hqmd
phase, gmoles/cm* set
binary mass transfer coefficient for vapor
phase, gmoles/cm* set
individual mass transfer coefficient for hquld
phase, gmoles/cm* set
mdlvlduai mass transfer coefficient for vapor
phase, gmoleslcm’ set
B hquld flowrate, gmoles/cm2 set
Lewis number (Sc/Pr), dunenslonless
I 1 I I
-6 -4

-2 0 2 4 6 6
slope of the eqmhbrmm curve of y vs x
EXPERIMENTAL N, x IO-6 (gmolSS/C~‘S~ molecular weight, gmlgmole
Fig 7 Compartson of experImental and theorettcal values of the number of components
molar flux for three component dtsttllation m a wetted-wall molar flux, gmole/cm* set
column total system pressure, atm

Pr Prandtl number, dlmensronless [IO] Prausmtz J hi , Molecular Tkermodynamtcs of Fluid-Phase

heat transfer rates, cal/cm’ set Equdrbna Prenttce Ha& New Jersey 1%9
4, Q [ll] Gothard F A , Codreaclobanu M F , Breban D G , Bucur
R gas constant, cm’ atmlgmoie “K
C I and Sorescu G V , Znd Engng Chem Proc Des Dev
Re Reynolds number, dlmenslonless 1976 15(2) 333
r,k colhslon diameter, Angstrom [12] Wdke C R , J Chem Phys 1950 18 517
SC Schnudt number, dunensionless [19 Bromley L A and Wllke C R, Znd Engng Chem 1951 43
T temperature, “K
1141 Wllke C R and Let C Y , Znd Engng Chem 1955 47 1253
t temperature, “C [IS] Perry R H , Chltton and Klrkpartlck S D (Eds). Ckemrcal
V vapor flow rate, gmoles/cm’ set Engmeer’s Handbook, 4th Edn McGraw-Hdl, New York
V molar hquld volume, cm3/gmole 1963
W acentnc factor, dunenslonless
x hqmd composltlon, mole fraction
Y vapor composition, mole fraction
Z height of column, cm
Vapor-hqmd equdlbrmm caIculatlons were necessary m order
to determme the state of the liquid phase Both phases were
Greek symbols taken to be real although It IS expected that the benzene-toluene-
energy of molecular Interaction, ergs ethylbenzene system should not show large deviations from
EIk ldeahty at the temperatures and pressures consldered m this
y activity coefficient work
6 solublllty parameter, (cal/cm3)“’ The startmg point for the bubble point calculation IS the
(A,~ - A,,) cohesive energy equahty of the fugacltles of each component m each phase
A parameter m the Wilson equation Expressmg the fugacltles m terms of the fugaclty coefficient and
the actlvlty coefficient gwes the relation
p vncoslty, poise (g/cm set)
p density. g/cm’ d,Y9 = YsrJp (A0
4 fugaclty coeficlent, dimensionless
& vtscostty parameter, dlmenslonless The Vvlal equation, truncated after the second term, was used
to predict the fugaclty coefficient The second Vnlal coeffictents
necessary for this calculation were predIcted from the Pttzer and
Subscnprs Curl [9] correlatton
c cnt1cal
I Interface, component $$$ = gB”‘( T,) + wg,“‘( T,) (A2)
1, k, I indexes of components
m rmxture where
L hquld
r reduced 0330 0 1385 00121
gB”‘( T,) = 0 1445 - - - ---
x bulk hqmd r, T,’ T,’
y bulk vapor 046 050 0097 00073
, I * I

Superscripts The cross-coefficients, Br, were determmed usmg the mlxmg rule
L. hquld recommended by Prausrutz[ 101
0 standard state For the llquld phase, the standard state fugacfty, ho, was
V vapor chosen to be the fugactty of pure hquld at temperature T and at
zero pressure The Wilson equation was used to predict the
x hqmd phase property actwrty coefficients
y vapor phase property
J component

REFZRENCES where the bmary Wdson constants, A,,, arc given by

Kaylhan F , Sandal1 0 C and Melhchamp D A, Chem L
Engng Scl 1975 Jo 1333
Kaythan F , Sandal1 0 C and Melhchamp D A, Chem
hk=%exp - (A,--“
Engng Scr 1977 32 747
Aonorat A and SandaIl 0 C , Chem Engng Scr 1978 33 The cohestve energy parameters, A* - A,,, were predlcted from a
635 correlation for hydrocarbon systems which was developed by
Kaylhan F , Ph D Thests m Chemical Engmeermg, Unl- Gothard et a/ [ 111
versrty of Cahfomta, Santa Barbara 1974
Knshna R and Standart G L ,A I Ch E J 1976 22 383 Ati - A, = - 400 95 + 0 28127(1S, - &I) - 1 41756 x lO+(?i, - 8,)’
Chtlton T H and Colbum A P , Znd Engng Chem 1934 26 At, - Afi = 186 17 + 0 14849()& - S,l) + 8 32908 x lo-‘@, - 6,)’
Dnbtka M M , M S Thesis m Chemical Engmeermg. Um- The solubdtty parameters, S,, were obtamed from Prausmtz[lO]
versrty of Cahfomla, Santa Barbara 1977 For the bubble point calculation, the measured hquld phase
[8] Gdldand E R and Sherwood T K , Znd Engng Chem 1934 composmon, x,‘s, and measured total pressure, P, are sufficrent
26 516 to calculate the bubble point temperature by an Iteration pro-
[9] Pltzer K S and Curl R F , J Am Chem Sot 1957 79 2369 cedure
Sunultaneous heat and mass transfer for multlcomponent dlstdlatron 739


Smce the hquld phase was saturated, the phystcal properttes of
the gas phase were needed to evaluate the mdtvtdual vapor phase
mass transfer rates The equatrons that were used to predict 3 hffusrvrty
these gas phase properttes were as follows The bmary Muslvlties of any two of the three component gas
muture were esmated from the Wtlke and Lee modtficatton of
1 Densrty and concentratron the Huschfelder-Btrd and Spotz equatton [ 141
The Ideal gas law was used to evaluate the densrhes and
concentraUons of the gas mixture BT?/‘/(l/M, + I/M~)
a& = (B8)
p = PMtRT 01)

M=M,Y,+&Yz+M,Y, (B3) B = [lo 7 - 2 46+/(1/M, + l/i%&)] X 1O-4

2 vlscos~ty r, = colhsron diameter, Angstrom

The vlscoslties af the gas mixtures were evaluated usmg the
Wtlke formula[12]

Zfi = cothslon integral for dtffuston, function of kTle*, taken from
Perry[lS], k = Boltzmann constant, Q = energy of molecular
interaction, ergs
where JC,= vlscoslhes of the pure components And & IS gven
by the equatton

The vlscosltles of the pure vapor components were determmed
by the Bromley-Wdke method[l3]
/I = 0 00333(M,T,)“*
I f,Cl 33T,) 036)
VZ where Tc, IS the cntlcal temperature “K

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