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Anyone who's been to the mall recently knows there's a lot of stress on families these
days. Parents are under strain from working long hours on top of their other
responsibilities and kids are overloaded with school and extracurricular activities.
There isn't enough time to get everything done, let alone occasions for relaxing and
spending time together as a family.

Stress at home can affect job and school performance, which in turn causes more
stress. For this reason and many others, maintaining a stress -free home environment
is very important.

"The home should be a place for families to relax, recharge and rejuvenate," says
Todd Imholte, president of Environmental Graphics, a Minneapolis company that
offers interior wall murals designed to create a soothi ng home environment.

Before talking about different ways to cope with stress in family, how do we know if
our family is experiencing stress? Probably the best way is through the individual
impressions of family members. Thinking about the general pace of your family life
can be helpful. Families under stress may report some of the following:

—p sense of urgency
—p little time to spend together
—p sense of frustration (too much to do)
—p desire for the simpler life
—p never time to relax
—p explosive arguments
—p conversations centered on time and tasks, rather than people and feelings
—p meals eaten in haste
—p constant rushing from place to place
—p escaping into work or other activity
—p isolation in room
—p sense of guilt
So how can families reduce the stress in their lives, and make sure that life at home is

A certain amount of family stress is inevitable. It is how a family handles and copes
with stress that is truly important. Families can (and some do) develop effective
coping skills for handling stress. The following strategies can help create a less
stressful household, and allow more time for interaction among family members:

p -hen problems begin to arise, take the time to discuss them as a family.
Avoiding something usually serves to intensify it. Once an issue has been
discussed everyone can move on. It is quality time spent together that reduces
daily family stress and builds strong families that c an weather both small storms
and large crises. p
p Get the whole family involved in doing work around the house. Even younger
children can help if they are given a task that is age appropriate. Mom and Dad
shouldn't have to do everything themselves.
p [eave work at work. Set aside some time when your only focus is on family
p eep things in perspective. Put your energy toward those tasks or activities that
bring the most benefits and eliminate the rest.
p The family event A special activity can be as complex as a family vacation or as
simple as, a trip to the local park or just a family movie night. Plan the activity as
a family and make the activity an event where each member contributes to
making it a successful and enjoyable occasion. (Simple Example- Family Movie
Night - Make a list of movies that you all want to see. Then, choose one of them
scheduling a specific night and time for the event. That night, Mom washes the
dishes, Jimmy wipes, Suzy pops the popcorn, and Da d goes to pick up the movie.)

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 p Don·t avoid discussion. If it is a problem for you or a problem that you

notice is causing stress in another family member, it becomes a stressor for
the entire family as well. Talk it out and work towards finding a solution.

 p Don·t trivialize. -hether the problem is as significant as a spouse losing a

job or as unimportant to you as the death of your daughter, the problem is a
stressor for the individual that can ultimately cause stress for the family. [et
the individual talk it out, be a good listener, and show them that solving the
problem is important to the family.
 p Don·t lay blame. -hen there is a problem it really doesn͛t matter who is at
fault. Define the problem and work towards a solution.
 p Yespect privacy If a family member brings a problem to you in confidence,
respect it. Don·t air it for discussion without their agreement. If you are
unable to agree to keep the confidence, be honest in your refusal. For
instance, often parents reach decisions about children together. If a child says,

͚͛but don·t tell Dad͛͛, your response might be, sorry, but Dad and I don ·t
keep secrets͛. He needs to know about this. -ould you like us to tell him
together or would you rathe r not be there when I tell him?

In summary, building a strong family unit that effectively manages day -to-day
stressors not only makes your home a place for each member to relax, recharge, and
rejuvenate but also builds the skills necessary for the family to come together in a
crisis and effectively manage family stress.

p #

Stress in every individual varies, depending upon circumstance and how they
perceive life and work pressures. -hat is a ͞buzz͟ to one person may be the stress for
another, and so it is important for every individual to manage their own stress
through recognizing the causes and understanding the effects of stress on them and
to others. Personal stress management is all about identifying personal stress and its
effects, as well as practicing some simple yet powerful and effective stress
management methods.

The advantages of managing one͛s personal stress levels are various, and touch not
only oneself but the people around them as well. The pressures of everyday life is not
going to disappear, but the way a person analysis and deals with pressures is
necessary for good personal stress management. Here are two simple steps for
personal stress management:

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It is important to know that stress is a part of daily life and it can never be completely
eliminated ʹaccept this fact. The key is to know how to handle it when it confronts
you; keep in mind that stress is the body͛s reaction to change, and it will vary with
different situations. Not all stress is ͞bad͟, and not everyone has the sam e stress
stimulator as you do.

[earn to identify your stress ͞triggers͟ and spot its signs. You can make a diary or list
of your top stressors, rank them, and take note of how you respond to these stressors.
Be aware of how it affects your emotional state and physical well-being. -hen one is
able to analyze and understand how they react to their stressors, it makes it possible
to come up with helpful and effective stress reducers that will help prevent the
negative effects of stress.

Stress affects us all. If you can spot the symptoms, you can manage them. Here are
the following examples of some stress symptoms:

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## %#!(##$ Physical symptoms of stress include:

—p Muscle tension
—p +  —p [ow back pain
—p $" !#) —p Pains in shoulders or neck
$##  —p Pains in chest
—p   —p Stomach/abdominal pain
—p â+#%#%  —p Muscle spasms or nervous tics
—p u%#%#$"   —p ânexplained rashes or skin irritations
—p !#(#+  —p 'Pounding' or 'racing' heart
—p '+#"! —p Sweaty palms
  —p Sweating when not physically active
!$,'  —p 'Butterflies' in stomach
—p !' ## )  —p Indigestion and 'the gurgles'
—p ##"%  —p Diarrhea
—p )#"#"  —p ânable to sleep or excessive sleep
—p   $$%"#%#%  —p Shortness of breath
#!#"# —p Holding breath
—p #"%-%#( 
—p   #' %# 
—p !###"+" 
—p $"( 
—p [%'#$#$"# 

Xp '%#  ,

If you are suffering from stress and it's beginning to affect, or already affecting your
health, #(#', c##%+$## %$#% "(##"
Stress relief methods are many and various. There is no single remedy that applies to
every person suffering from stress, and most solutions involve a combination of
remedies. Successful stress management frequently relies on reducing stress
susceptibility and removing the stressors, and often factors will be both contributing
to susceptibility and a direct cause.

In de-stressing process you should know you own mind and think differently about
things. Avoid too much pessimism and look at the better side of situations that
confront you. Taking off stress means making positive choices and ste ps to diminish
stress in your life.

Effective personal stress management comes from within and one͛s determination to
overcome their own stresses. An individual who feels de-stressed and ͞in control͟ is
more productive and healthier than those people who don͛t. Here are some simple
pointers for reducing stress susceptibility and stress itself:

Stress relief pointers

Vp Think really seriously about and talk with others, to identify the causes of
the stress and take steps to remove, reduce them or remove yourself (the
stressed person) from the situation that causes the stress.
Vp Improve diet: group B vitamins and magnesium are important, but
potentially so are all the other vitamins and minerals . A balanced healthy
diet is essential. Assess the current diet and identify where improvements
should be made and commit to those improvements.
Vp Yeduce toxin intake: obviously tobacco, alcohol especially . They might
seem to provide temporary relief but they are working against the balance
of the body and contributing to stress susceptibility, and therefore
increasing stress itself.
Vp Take more exercise: Exercise distracts us from the causes of stress. Exercise
burns up adrenaline and produces helpful chemicals and positive feelings.p
Exercise warms and relaxes cold, tight muscles and tissues which
contribute to stress feelings. Exercise develops and maintains a healthy
body which directly reduces stress susceptibility. Exercise increases blood
flow to the brain which is good for us. It also releases hormones, and
stimulate the nervous system in ways that are good for us. Exercise
produces chemicals in the body such as beta -endorphin, which is proven to
have a positive effect on how we feel
Vp Stressed people must try to be detached: step back, and look from the
outside at the issues that cause the stress. p
Vp Be positive about each situation you face . This helps you to stay focused
and not be overwhelmed by events. p
Vp Don͛t try to control things that are uncontrollable : instead adjust response,
Vp Share worries: talk to someone else - off-load, loneliness is a big ally of
stress, so sharing the burden is essential.
Vp Increase self-awareness of personal moods and feelings: anticipate and
take steps to avoid stress build-up before it becomes more serious. Explore
and use relaxation methods like yoga, meditation, self-hypnosis, massage,
and a breath of fresh air, anything that works and can be done in the
particular situation.
Vp Humor is one of the greatest and quickest devices for reducing stress.
Humor works because laughter produces helpful chemicals in the brain.
Humor also gets your brain thinking and working in a different way - it
distracts you from having a stressed mindset. Di straction is a simple
effective de-stressor - it takes your thoughts away from the stress, and
thereby diffuses the stressful feelings. Therefore most people will feel quite
different and notice a change in mindset after laughing and being
distracted by something humorous.
Vp Brisk walk and self-talk: Go for a short quick really brisk walk outside. Yes,
actually leave the building, change your environment. Breathe in some
fresh air and smell the atmosphere: trees, rain, flowers, traffic fumes -
doesn't matter - stimulate your senses with new things.
Vp catnap or powernap (Not so easy but still perfectly possible): Take a quick
nap. It is nature's way of recharging and re-energizing. A quick 10-30
minutes' sleep is a powerful de-stressor to reduce stress.

People in the Mediterranean and central Americas take a siesta every

working day, and this is almost certainly related to longer life expectancy
and lower levels of heart disease. If your work situation is not quite ready
to tolerate the concept of a daytime nap then practice a short session of
self-hypnosis, combined with deep breathing, which you can do at your

Vp Yehydrate: Go get a big cup or a bottle of water. Most of us fail to drink

enough water (not tea, coffee, coke, 'sports' drinks, Yed Bull or fruit juice...).
All of your organs, including your brain, are strongly dependent on water
to function properly. It's how we are built. If you starve your body of water
you will function below your best and you will get physically and mentally
Offices and workplaces commonly have a very dry atmosphere due to air
conditioning, etc., which increases people's susceptibility to de -hydration.
This is why you must keep your body properly hydrated by regularly
drinking water (most people need 4 -8 glasses of water a day).

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p  p  p  p   p p  
p p

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If the following symptoms occur on a regular basis then they could be stress related
and it is advisable to seek medical advice:

Vp Experience a sense of isolation.

Vp Harbor resentments.
Vp Suffer from loneliness.
Vp [ash out at others.
Vp Experience lowered sex drive.
Vp Frequently nag others.
Vp Yeduced contact with friends.
Vp [ack of intimacy.
Vp Your family relationships are less than satisfactory.
Vp Feel uncomfortable in interactions with others.
Vp Have poor relationships with work associates.
Vp Often distrusting.
Vp Tend to use people for personal gain.
Vp Don͛t know, or care, about your neighbors.
Vp clam up in group discussion.
Vp Seldom take your family out.
Vp Think drinking and driving is acceptable.

These cover some, but not all symptoms that may be related to social stress.

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The social reality consists of two distinct spheres: the public and the private arenas.
In the public arena, we have to live according to explicit rules governed by law and
stature. However, the public arena is also governed by unspoken rules like in the
private arena.

Basically we do not have a choice in following all these explicit and unspoken rules if
we want to be accepted by society around us. This fact will most certainly lead to
social stress in many people.

How can these rules cause social stress? All these rules may clash with our private
rules and our needs. One way or another we belong to a number of different
overlapping groups. The rules of these different groups may clash with one anothe r.
But we still feel obliged to follow the rules of all these groups. Because these rules are
unspoken, it may be difficult to determine exactly what they are. -e may find
ourselves behaving in a particular way without being sure why. -e may be aware of
feeling uneasy or distressed about our actions without being able to explain it. In
both cases, this may be caused by the operation of unspoken rules which will lead to
social stress.

-hat kind of rules is quite explicit in society? Here are a few examples: fat people are
lesser beings than thin people, old people are not really important, and if you are
poor, it is your own fault. Most adults react in the same ways to these rules which
will definitely cause of a lot of social stress. common reactions are ex citement, fear,
anxiety, sadness, and anger. The behavior of an adult who is socially stressed may
change, but each adult reacts in a different way. Some adults withdraw from others,
some lash out at others, and some actively seek the comfort of others.

-hat are the best ways to deal with social stress? Although adults cope with social
stress in different ways, there are general patterns in their coping behaviors. There
are two major ways to cope with social stress. One way is problem solving. This
involves trying to deal with the problem by changing the situation or getting rid of
the problem. Another way of handling social stress is managing emotions.

Adults use both methods depending on what the actual causes are of social stress
and when it started. Studies show that people, who deal with their social stress
problems, see the positive side of difficult situations, and take part in activities they
enjoy are more likely to be well-adjusted. Acting to solve social stress problems often
requires planning. Sometimes it requires learning new skills. For example, coping with
feeling left out might require learning social skills. An example of seeing the positive
side would be focusing on your team's good performance even though they lost the

Managing emotions can be very helpful when an adult is trying to cope with an
uncontrollable problem which causes social stress. It can also be helpful in the early
stages of coping with a social stress problem. Blowing off steam, avoidance, and
distraction can be important ways to cope more directly with social stress. Studies
show that the most common way adults cope with social stress is doing something
enjoyable. This method provides time out from social stress. It often recharges
batteries so that the person can go back to deal with other social stresses.

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People living in the twenty-first century are all too familiar with the concept of stress.
There aren't many of us these days who have not experienced the tension generated
by our lifestyles. It's depressing. But now it seems there is another type o f stress to
add to our problems. Discovered by Baron Gustav Freiherr von Pohl in 1929 and
researched by other German doctors as far back as the 1930's, this nasty new
development is called |   
 . Environmental stresses have been found
to be generated by things in our environment, as opposed to the regular stresses
caused by our activities within that environment. Environmental stresses do not seem
to be related to our activities in any direct way at all; they seem to be far more
closely related to the effects of the places in which we live and work. [ocation can be
a very important factor in our physical and mental wellbeing.

There has been a lot in the news lately about the effects of Environmental Stresses of
various kinds, especially phone towers, EMF, wireless networks and the like. It seems
even to have begun to decimate the population of the bees in North America. This is
truly spooky. Other people's hostile energies are also quite a problem. In fact,
Environmental Stress is a major source of difficulties for nearly everyone in our
civilization. Do you feel unaccountably tired in the workplace? Have you ever noticed
an unpleasant feeling, a sense of discomfort or foreboding when you enter a
particular building? Have you found that certain places make you feel dopey and
dazed, or somehow ill at ease? Do some people just mysteriously affect you badly?
-ell, we're not imagining things.

The effects on human beings of some of these forces in the environment were
first discovered by doctors investigating cancer clusters in parts of Germany (initially
in the village of Vilsbiburg , in Bavaria, which had the highest cancer death rate of any
town in Germany at that time). They found that the areas where there were, have
significant occurrences of cancer all lay on crossed geological fault lines. People
sleeping in beds immediately over these faults were especially affected. The
inhabitants of certain houses, or as discovered later in England even of entire streets,
were being afflicted with the identical symptoms of severe chronic diseases, such as
cancer, leukæmia and glaucomaͶfor no apparent reason other than just living near
each other.
This factor was first termed Geopathic Stress (Geopathic="Earth-generated Sickness").
In effect, the people exhibiting these symptoms almost seemed to be allergic to living
in their own houses; But why? Here the mystery deepened. careful investigation of
the bizarre 'cancer houses' revealed a common factor: the particular rooms that
seemed to cause cancer were each sited directly over crossed energy grid-lines, an
underground stream, a geologica l fault, or a concealed subterranean air pocket.
These zones appeared to be generating emanations that were not susceptible to
detection by scientific instruments available at the time. A lead sheet placed under
such a bed, after long exposure, developed colored areas indicating that the normally
inert lead had been changed by the emanations.

Armed with this evidence, the research teams went back to the laboratory. They were
eventually able to demonstrate a weird fact: when a geopathic stress line crosses
another, or when any body of water flows, or when air is trapped in a sizeable
underground pocket, a measurable energy field is generated that attacks the nervo us
systems of higher life forms. One of the consequences of repeated exposure to this
attack can be the destruction of the immune system, the body's capacity for
resistance to disease and to the pressures of everyday life. Experts believe that an
accumulation of environmental stress is the early trigger for any kind of chronic
problem, but particularly cancer.

German doctors eventually detected several other environmental stress factors.

These factors directly attack the human organism, weakening the immune system
and actively inhibiting appropriate responses to prescribed medication. Many cases
of 'incurable' diseases, including cancer, multiple -sclerosis, heart disease, asthma and
leukæmia, are stimulated by long -term exposure to environmental stress.
Environmentally based, stress-causing energies were classified as -ater Stress,
Frequency Stress, Electrical Stress and so on. Sadly, millions of people are ill today
from chronic exposure to environmental stress, with little hope of cure, or even
accurate diagnosis, by conventional medical techniques Ͷand the problem is not
going away. Mobile cell phones, phone towers, personal computers and nanotech
devices are just the latest in a long line of culprits!

American research has produced results linking Electrical Stress with heart disease
and leukæmia. Yesearch at the Institute also found correlations between -ater
Stress and asthma, multiple-sclerosis, and a variety of other chronic, painful
conditions. Grid Stress has been linked with cataracts; Frequency Stress has been
linked with depression, hyperactivity, recurring headaches and epilepsy. Material
Stress is known to be associated with neurological damage and severe allergic

c!#uu#%' / 
-ell, that's the big question. Environmental stresses have always been with us, but
never to this extent. People are now being attacked by dangerous energy emissions
from a range of computers, mobile phones, appliances, televisions, refrigerators,
time switches, heat pumps, geopathic stress and so on. These emissions will not just
disappear of their own accordͶand it is only quite recently that the subject has
begun to enter mainstream consciousness through some sectors of the media. -hile
the vast, profit-driven pharmaceutical industry is focusing on drug therapies to deal
with the symptoms, these stresses can be inexpensively blocked, thus relieving the
symptoms by removing their environmental causes.

It is worth bearing in mind that many homes and schools are located in areas of
natural environmental stressesͶstresses that are causing havoc in the lives of our
children. Some building and insulating materials put out fields that can cause fluid
retention, depression, or even neurological diseases. This is only the tip of the iceberg:
the hostile energy emissions of a wide range of manmade items and an assortment
of powerful natural phenomena are being amplified and accelerated by our greatest
technological achievements.

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