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10:10:10 Messages

Today is Wednesday, October 6, 2010 and we are within a few days of that numerically
significant date of 10:10:10, October 10th, and we have received a couple of references to
this date, from Father God and others about the importance of this date and so Carolyn and
I have come forth to take whatever messages will be given to us in regard to this date; and
the first to come forth is Jeshua, and let us see what he has to say about this date. And he is

This date, as you understand is a numerically powerful date. Numbers which contain a
trilogy of this nature are by definition powerful dates and as has been previously
mentioned, these dates began to be used with great power some two years ago with
8:8:8, and will continue through until 12:12:12. One aspect of the use of these dates has
been to activate crystals, crystals that for the most part were active in the time of Atlantis
but were shut down as part of The Fall so that they could not be or continue to be
misused, as they had been during the latter part of the Atlantean era; and as we approach
the time of Ascension on planet Earth, these crystals are once more being activated, and
so 10:10:10 is significant in that regard. However this date is also significant for other
reasons. Again it is a date which is being used as a Gateway, because it is a powerful
Gateway in and of itself and so it is being used as such and so this event will see once
more powerful energies come to the planet.

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Crystal Reactivation
These energies are assisting the process that I mentioned, further reactivation of crystals,
but also these energies will contribute to the reawakening, the reactivation of humanity
and it is useful to consider what is happening to humanity as being a reactivation, just as it
is for these crystals because in truth what is happening, particularly over these last two or
so years and leading on through 2012 and beyond is the reactivation of the true
capabilities of the human being. These were, for the most part shut down at the time of
The Fall in Atlantis because of the abuses that were being conducted by those of the dark
who had occupied positions of great power within that community, and so this was shut
down. And because in a sense humanity had allowed this, all of humanity was impacted
by this process and as a result we had The Fall, and this tremendous reduction in the
ability of the human physical body, the human frame to express all that is possible with
the human physical body; and in essence the entire Ascension process represents the
reactivation of the human frame, and this involves many steps as has been discussed
previously. You could say this process has been a gradual unfolding, but there are some
key steps that see this reactivation step forth in perhaps a larger step than most others,
and we have seen some of these though they have not been in the conscious awareness of
humanity, and indeed most of these as they unfold will for the most part not be in the
conscious awareness of humanity, though this does not in any way detract from the
power of these events and their importance.

Supporting the activation of the Adam Kadmon

So 10:10:10 is another step in this reactivation process, and in this particular case it is
putting in place a key energetic plank which allows for the activation of what is known as
the Adam Kadmon physical body. There have been other energies which have made this
possible, but this energy will, you could say cement this in place. The Adam Kadmon
physical body is the form of the human body which will be in place beyond Ascension and
there are several steps in its activation. In many ways it reflects key aspects of the physical
body as it existed before The Fall in Atlantis; however there are also major differences
from that physical body. The key aspect of this is that this platform is necessary for the
physical body to survive those energies arriving with the solstice of 2012, the reactivation
of the over 2,000 strands of DNA that the human frame had before The Fall and then the
Ascension process itself. In truth the trigger for the awakening of this first phase of the
Adam Kadmon physical body will be the rejuvenation command, and so these energies are
assisting the process of awakening the Adam Kadmon physical form within the existing
human physical body. These energies assist this process greatly and in a sense they were
intended to come into place as the numbers of humanity who were beginning to
experience the rejuvenation command began to do so, however it is now coming into

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place, you could say just as the rejuvenation command is being activated; and so these
energies will assist greatly a key aspect of this preparation process. And so it is.

Carolyn – I do have a question, Jeshua. This seems to be a moment from what you said
where crystals are being activated and also the human body is being activated. Is this
because the cells are turning to crystalline?

There is no direct connection between the activation of the Earth crystals and the process
of the cells of the human physical body becoming crystalline in nature once again, because
this has been an ongoing process for the human physical frame, and for the most part is a
pre-requisite for the coming forth of the rejuvenation of the physical body. What I would
say is that these energies will greatly assist the process of moving the physical form from
its carbon-based cellular structure as it is referred to, to the crystalline form very quickly
because as you know, as people experience the processes as planned, these two
commands - the karmic clearing and the rejuvenation commands - will be experienced
very close together, and so these energies will indeed assist the process of converting
from the carbon base to the crystalline base very quickly; and I will take a moment to
explain what this crystalline base means, because I feel many upon your planet have
misunderstood its meaning. It is not that the basis for life is moving away from the carbon
base. It simply means that the structure of the cell is changing. It does not mean that the
cell base, the basis for that crystalline structure is no longer carbon, because it is. It is
simply a different structuring of the cell to reflect this crystalline structure; and this
structure allows the body to hold much more light, much more energy. It enables much
more ability within the physical frame than is possible with the existing as it is termed
carbon-based structure; and this crystalline cell structure indeed was in place at the time
of Atlantis. So in a sense this is simply a return to what was so. So it is perhaps a yes and a
no answer to your question.

Carolyn – Thank you, Jeshua. That was truly an enlightening answer.

Isis represents Mother God

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And the next individual coming forth to discuss this date is Isis, and as you might know she
calls herself the Mother of all Healing and actually she likes that title. She sees herself as a
great healer and works very diligently at those skills of healing and understanding the needs
of humanity and applying those skills to the physical body, as she is indeed very closely
aligned to the souls who have come to this planet. And she loves these souls, as she has
picked up the sense to humanity of the Mother, but being more than that herself. She is
closely aligned to a string or a strand of souls that have been incarnating upon this planet
that bring forth a connection to Mother God, and this connection is established here on
Earth to be a receptacle of those energies from Mother God. Mother God could not work
through another individual and bring forth these energies of compassion and love and, you
might say the core belief of the Mother and the solace and protection to the child; and this
is what the Mother represents, and this is what Isis represents now and when she was
incarnate. She carried on the work and energy, emotions, support of a Mother for a child, as
indeed all of those others that came to Earth before her and after her, filling the same role.

A representative of Mother God needs to be present on Earth

They are aligned in energy, aligned in character, aligned in support that existed from the
very beginning, when the human form was activated, implemented and supported by
Mother Earth and was the housing, so to speak of a soul, of a representative of Father God
(actually All-There-Is, not Father God) because those souls carried the particles of Father
God himself, and so it was necessary because these particles contained the energy of
Father God that a representative be here, who you might say reflected the care and the
support of a Mother God; and it was for that very reason that there has been a long string
of ones who could carry that energy, who had soul particles arranged in such a fashion
that they could contain those energies. An ordinary soul could not contain those energies

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and bring them forth to Earth. It had to be someone closely aligned to Mother God, an
image of Mother God, an offshoot of Mother God, one who connected in such a way to be
able to bring forth all of her abilities to Earth.

You will recognize the current Mother God representative

Understand that these representatives of Mother God brought forth all that was possible
in the day and age when they lived upon this Earth. There was the dark here and the
energy and constriction of what the dark brought held back all of the healing energies that
was possible through the Mother God representatives, and it is very appropriate for us to
discuss this now, because as the dark has moved away from your planet, it allows the
opening that that representative who is here upon Earth in this present moment in time,
who is a reflection of Mother God, it allows her to be able to bring forth the abilities of
Mother God in such a fashion that has not been present upon Earth before, and she will
come forth and you will recognize her through her compassion and love and you will be
drawn to her and she will come again. She will be the representative of all of the Mother
God representatives from the beginning of Earth history until today. I do not have to tell
you to watch for her. You will know when she is here and she is very close; and that is all I
wish to say because all of this is possible through this Gateway. And so it is.

And Father God has come forth and also wishes to comment upon this auspicious date, and
he is saying;

I am drawn to add my own comments to what has been said by both Jeshua and by Isis in
regard to this date, because it is indeed a powerful milestone, a powerful marker in the
process of preparing for the end of 2012 and beyond, and I made reference to it in my
message of a few days ago, saying it was an important date. I see this really as the marker
which will see the understanding of humanity with regard to what is unfolding at the end

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of 2012 and beyond, truly begin to come forth upon the planet. I see it as being the trigger
where this understanding will begin to flow forth. So many of you that have been walking
a spiritual path and have begun to understand what is unfolding, have been frustrated by
finding those around you having no interest or no understanding of what is unfolding, and
your attempts to explain it to them, or to connect them with what is unfolding have been
met with scorn or derision or some other similar response. You could say your attempts
have by and large led to you being isolated from those with whom you’ve tried to share
this; and I assure you if you have attempted this, you are not alone in that experience.
Indeed almost all of those who are seriously walking a spiritual path at this time have
experienced this in one form or another, and I say to all of you; trying to persuade others
of the truth of this through your words will not achieve what you wish.

Be the best example you can be

I encourage you to be the best example of who and what you are that you can be, and
part of that example will be to embrace the unfolding of rejuvenation in your own life as
rapidly as you are able to, because in doing so you will become a walking example, a
walking illustration of what is happening, and that is something that the people around
you will not be able to deny. As I have said before, this will be the trigger which will
awaken humanity in general to what is unfolding; and so your greatest contribution can
be an example, an illustration of what is unfolding by embracing the rejuvenation process
as soon as it is available to you, so that you can step forth in the world as a being in a
perfected physical human body. At this moment you cannot imagine what this means, but
I assure you the notion of perfection is something which you will come to understand as it
begins to emerge upon your planet. Few understand that there are subtle, as well as quite
evident distortions of the physical body as a result of the presence of past life karmic
energies, however as these are cleared and as the rejuvenation process comes forth, there
will be a perfection in the physical body that will be undeniable.

Bring forth rejuvenation in your own life

So I encourage you to walk your talk, to become that example to the rest of humanity,
because the more of those who are spiritually awakened who experience this command
and step forth in a rejuvenated physical body, the more that will assist those around you
to recognise what is happening and begin to ask questions and seek out the
understanding for themselves, and in this way you will be making a great contribution to
those around you. It will cause others to step forth and ask you about what is happening,
how did this come about, what does it mean, how do I get involved and so on, and this is
such an important part of awakening humanity in general to what is unfolding. It is one

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thing for people to see reports on television and so on. It is quite another for them to
experience someone that they know within their community stepping forth with this
experience and in so doing, you could say placing it in their faces, placing it in their lives,
within their own personal experience; and this, my friends will be a powerful, powerful
trigger. So I encourage you to embrace all of this as it unfolds in your world. And so it is.

Carolyn - Thank you, Father God, and so it is.

To listen to the recording of this message or find other key date messages, go to
http://www.the2012countdown.com/The_2012_Time_Line.php .

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

For our perspective on 2012, see www.the2012countdown.com

For all of our products and services, go to http://www.theshop2012.com

For our karmic clearing and soul healing, go to


Why would Steve Fossett have a view on 2012? See www.SteveFossettLives.com

For Jeshua’s perspective, see www.IamJeshuaReturned.com

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