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The Future of
Management Is Teal
Organizations are moving forward along an evolutionary spectrum,
toward self-management, wholeness, and a deeper sense of purpose.


strategy+business issue 80
feature strategy & leadership

The Future
of Management
Is Teal
Organizations are moving forward along
an evolutionary spectrum, toward

feature strategy & leadership

self-management, wholeness, and a deeper
sense of purpose.
by Frederic Laloux

that the way organizations are run

Many people sense
today has been stretched to its limits. In survey
after survey, businesspeople make it clear that they
see companies as places of dread and drudgery, not
passion or purpose. Organizational disillusionment
afflicts government agencies, nonprofits, schools, and 2

hospitals just as much. Further, it applies not only to

the powerless at the bottom of the hierarchy. Behind
a facade of success, many top leaders are tired of the
power games and infighting; despite their desperately
overloaded schedules, they feel a vague sense of
emptiness. All of us yearn for better ways to work
Illustration by Martin O’Neill

together — for more soulful workplaces where

our talents are nurtured and our deepest aspirations
are honored.
Frederic Laloux This article is adapted with
www.reinventing permission from Reinventing
organizations.com Organizations. The evolution
is the author of Reinventing of organizations described
Organizations: A Guide to here, and the use of colors to
Creating Organizations Inspired describe the stages, draws on
by the Next Stage of Human the work of several thinkers,
Consciousness (Nelson Parker, including Don Beck, Clare
2014). A former associate Graves, Robert Kegan, Jane
partner with McKinsey & Loevinger, Jenny Wade, and
Company, he is now an inde- Ken Wilber.
pendent scholar and advisor to
organizational leaders.

The premise of this article is that humanity is at a nizing itself in chiefdoms and proto-empires. With this
threshold; a new form of organization is emerging into shift away from small tribes, the meaningful division of
public view. Anthropological research suggests that this labor came into being — a breakthrough invention for
feature strategy & leadership

is a natural next step in a process that began more than its time. With it came the first real organizations, in the
100,000 years ago. There have been, according to this form of small conquering armies. These organizations,
view, at least five distinct organizational paradigms in which in integral theory are labeled Red, are crude, of-
human history. Could the current organizational disil- ten violent groups. People at this stage of development
lusionment be a sign that civilization is outgrowing the tend to regard the world as a tough place where only
current model and getting ready for the next? the powerful (or those they protect) get their needs met.
A number of pioneering organizations in a wide va- This was the origin of command authority. The chief,
riety of sectors — profit and nonprofit — are already like the alpha male in a wolf pack, needs to constantly
operating with significantly new structures and man- inspire fear to keep underlings in line, and often relies
agement practices. They tend to be successful and pur- on family members in hopes that they can be trusted.
poseful, showing the promise of this emerging organi- Today’s street gangs, terrorist groups, and crime syndi-
zational model. They show how we can deal with the cates are often organized along these lines.
complexity of our times in wholly new ways, and how Starting around 4000 BC in Mesopotamia, hu-
work can become a place of personal fulfillment and manity entered the Amber age of agriculture, state bu-
growth. And they make most of today’s organizations reaucracies, and organized religion. Psychologically, this
look painfully outdated. leap was enormous: People learned to exercise self-dis-
cipline and self-control, internalizing the strong group
A History of Organizational Paradigms norms of all agricultural societies. Do what’s right and
In describing the pattern of organizational evolution, you will be rewarded, in this life or the next. Do or say
I draw on the work of a number of thinkers in a field the wrong things, and you will be excommunicated
known as developmental theory. One of its basic con- from the group.
cepts is the idea that human societies, like individuals, All agrarian societies are divided into clearly delin-
don’t grow in linear fashion, but in stages of increasing eated castes. They thrive on order, control, and hierar-
maturity, consciousness, and complexity. Various schol- chy. In organizations, the same principles characterize
ars have assigned different names to these stages; some the Amber stage. The fluid, scheming wolf pack–like
have used colors to identify them. For this article, I have Red organizations give way to static, stratified pyra-
strategy+business issue 80

borrowed a color scheme developed by Ken Wilber that mids. The Catholic Church is an archetypal Amber
evokes the light spectrum, from infrared to ultraviolet. organization, complete with a static organization chart
It provides a convenient way to name the successive linking all levels of activity in lines and boxes, from
stages of management evolution (see Exhibit 1). the pope at the top to the cardinals below and down to
Around 10,000 years ago, humanity started orga- the archbishops, bishops, and priests. Historically, the
Exhibit 1: Evolutionary Breakthroughs in Human Collaboration
Color Description Guiding Metaphor Key Breakthroughs Current Examples
Constant exercise of Wolf pack • Division of labor • Organized crime

features title
power by chief to keep • Command authority • Street gangs
foot soldiers in line. • Tribal militias
Highly reactive, short-
term focus. Thrives in
chaotic environments.

of the
Highly formal roles within Army • Formal roles (stable and • Catholic Church

& article
a hierarchical pyramid. scalable hierarchies) • Military
Top-down command • Stable, replicable • Most government

and control. Future is processes (long-term organizations (public
repetition of the past. perspectives) school systems, police
Goal is to beat Machine • Innovation • Multinational companies
competition; achieve • Accountability • Investment banks
profit and growth. • Meritocracy • Charter schools
Management by
objectives (command
and control over what,
freedom over how).
Focus on culture and Family • Empowerment Businesses known for
empowerment to boost • Egalitarian management idealistic practices (Ben &
employee motivation. • Stakeholder model Jerry’s, Southwest Airlines,
Stakeholders replace Starbucks, Zappos)
shareholders as primary

Self-management Living organism • Self-management A few pioneering
replaces hierarchical • Wholeness organizations (see
pyramid. Organizations • Evolutionary purpose “Examples of Teal
are seen as living entities, Management,” page 8)
oriented toward realizing
their potential.

Source: Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations (Nelson Parker, 2014)

The transition to Orange
brought a new prevailing
metaphor. A good organization
is not a wolf pack or army, but
a machine.

invention of formal roles and hierarchies was a major This is arguably the predominant perspective of leaders
breakthrough. It allowed organizations to scale beyond in business and politics today.
anything Red society could have contemplated. Amber The leap to Orange coincided with three signifi-
feature strategy & leadership

organizations produced the pyramids, irrigation sys- cant management breakthroughs that gave us the mod-
tems, cathedrals, the Great Wall of China, and other ern corporation. First was the concept of innovation,
structures and feats that were previously unthinkable. which brought with it new departments such as R&D,
They also considerably reduced violence; a priest whose product management, and marketing, as well as project
role is defined by a box in an organization chart doesn’t teams and cross-functional initiatives. Second was ac-
scheme to backstab a bishop who shows a sign of weak- countability, which provided leaders with an alternative
ness. A second breakthrough was the invention of sta- to commanding people: Give people targets to reach,
ble, replicable processes, such as the yearly cycle of plant- using freedom and rewards to motivate them. This
ing, growing, and harvest in agriculture. breakthrough, sometimes called management by objec-
Today, this hierarchical and process-driven model tives, led to the creation of modern HR practices, bud-
is visible in large bureaucratic enterprises, many govern- gets, KPIs, yearly evaluations, bonus systems, and stock
ment agencies, and most education and military orga- options. Third was meritocracy, the idea that anyone
nizations. In Amber organizations, thinking and execu- could rise to any position based on his or her qualifica-
tion are strictly separated. People at the bottom must tions and skills — a radical concept when it appeared.
be instructed through command and control. In today’s The transition to Orange brought a new prevail-
fast-changing, knowledge-based economy, this static, ing metaphor. A good organization is not a wolf pack
top-down conception of management has proven to be or army, but a machine. Corporate leaders adopted en-
inefficient; it wastes the talent, creativity, and energy of gineering terms to describe their work: They designed
most people in these organizations. the company, using inputs and outputs, information
Starting with the Renaissance, and gaining steam flows, and bottlenecks; they downsized the staff and
with the Enlightenment and the early Industrial Rev- reengineered their companies. Most large, mainstream,
olution, a new management concept emerged that publicly listed companies operate with Orange manage-
challenged its agrarian predecessor. In the Orange ment practices.
paradigm, the world is no longer governed by absolute, In just two and a half centuries, these break-
God-given rules; it is a complex mechanism that can be throughs have generated unprecedented levels of pros-
understood and exploited through scientific and empiri- perity, added decades to human life expectancy, and
strategy+business issue 80

cal investigation. Effectiveness replaces morality as the dramatically reduced famine and plague in the industri-
yardstick for decision making: The best decision is the alized world. But as the Orange paradigm grew domi-
one that begets the highest reward. The goal in an Or- nant, it also encouraged short-term thinking, corporate
ange organization is to get ahead, to succeed in socially greed, overconsumption, and the reckless exploitation
acceptable ways, and to best play the cards one is dealt. of the planet’s resources and ecosystems. Increasingly,
whether we are powerful leaders or low-ranking em- the traditional hierarchy through constant investment
ployees, we feel that this paradigm isn’t sustainable. The in training and culture, reminding leaders and manag-
heartless and soulless rat race of Orange organizations ers to wield their power carefully, and raising the skills

features title
has us yearning for more. of people on the front lines.
Postmodernity brought us another world view. The All of these organizational paradigms coexist to-
Green stage stresses cooperation over competition and day. In any major city one can find Red organizations

strives for equality, solidarity, and tolerance. Historical- (entities at the fringes of the law), Amber organiza-

of the
ly, this perspective inspired the fights for the abolition tions (public schools and other government entities),
of slavery and for gender equality, and today it helps Orange organizations (Wall Street and Main Street

& article
combat racism, homophobia, and other forms of dis- companies), and Green organizations (values-driven

crimination. Green organizations, which include many businesses and many nonprofits). Look closely at how
nonprofits as well as companies such as Southwest Air- an organization operates — its structure, leadership
lines, Starbucks, and the Container Store, consider so- style, or any core management process — and you can
cial responsibility the core of their mission. They serve quickly guess the dominant paradigm. Take compen-
not just shareholders but all stakeholders, knowing that sation, for example: How are people rewarded? In a
this often results in higher costs in the short term, but Red company, the boss shares the spoils as he or she
better returns in the end. pleases, buying allegiance through reward and pun-
Green leaders have championed the soft aspects ishment. In Amber organizations, salaries are tightly
of business — investing in organizational culture and linked to a person’s level in the hierarchy (“same rank,
values, coaching, mentoring, and teamwork — over same pay”) and there are no incentives or bonuses. Or-
the hard aspects of strategy and budgeting so prized ange companies offer individual incentives to reward
in Orange. Family is their metaphor; everyone’s voice star performers, and Green companies generally award
should be heard and respected. You can’t treat knowl- team bonuses to encourage cooperation.
edge workers like cogs in a machine. Empowerment and Today, in small but increasing numbers, leaders are
egalitarian management are among the breakthroughs growing into the next stage of consciousness, beyond
they introduced. Green. They are mindful, taming the needs and im-
Practice shows, alas, that empowerment and egali- pulses of their ego. They are suspicious of their own de-
tarian management are hard to sustain. Efforts to make sires — to control their environment, to be successful, to
everyone equal often lead to hidden power struggles, look good, or even to accomplish good works. Rejecting
dominant actors who co-opt the system, and organiza- fear, they listen to the wisdom of other, deeper parts of
tional gridlock. Green companies, universities, and or- themselves. They develop an ethic of mutual trust and
ganizations that take egalitarianism too far have tended assumed abundance. They ground their decision mak-
to bog down in debate and factionalism. Successful ing in an inner measure of integrity. They are ready for
Green companies maintain a careful balance: taming the next organizational paradigm. Its color is Teal.
Buurtzorg’s purpose is
not for nurses to give shots
and change bandages, but
to help its patients live a rich
and autonomous life.

The Nature of Teal ganizations, no longer tied to the specific positions of a

In 2012, I set out to find some examples of Teal organi- few top leaders.
zations and describe the factors that set them apart. To
feature strategy & leadership

• Wholeness. Whereas Orange and Green orga-

qualify, an organization had to employ a minimum of nizations encourage people to show only their narrow
100 people and had to have been operating for a mini- “professional” selves, Teal organizations invite people
mum of five years in ways that were consistent with the to reclaim their inner wholeness. They create an envi-
characteristics of a Teal stage of development. ronment wherein people feel free to fully express them-
After screening a great number of organizations, I selves, bringing unprecedented levels of energy, passion,
focused on 12, selecting those that were most advanced and creativity to work.
in reinventing management structures and practices. • Evolutionary purpose. Teal organizations base
(See “Examples of Teal Management,” where 10 are their strategies on what they sense the world is asking
listed; the other two, AES and BSO/Origin, reverted from them. Agile practices that sense and respond re-
back to more traditional management practices after place the machinery of plans, budgets, targets, and in-
a change of CEO or ownership.) I was struck by the centives. Paradoxically, by focusing less on the bottom
diversity of these organizations. They include publicly line and shareholder value, they generate financial re-
held and privately held for-profit corporations along sults that outpace those of competitors.
with nonprofits in the consumer products, industrial,
healthcare, retail, and education industries. Typically, Changing Paradigms at Buurtzorg
the leaders of these companies didn’t know about one Buurtzorg, a large Dutch nursing care provider, is a
another. They often thought they were the only ones to good example of an organization running with Teal
be so foolhardy as to rethink their management prac- management structures and practices. Since the 19th
tices in fundamental ways. Yet, after much trial and century, every neighborhood in the Netherlands has
error, they came up with strikingly similar approaches had a local nurse who makes home visits to care for the
to management. It seems that a coherent new organiza- sick and the elderly. These nurses worked through large-
tional model is emerging. ly autonomous agencies until the early 1990s. Then, to
Like previous leaps to new stages of management, maximize efficiency and reduce costs, the government
the new model comes with a number of important created incentives for these local care-giving agencies to
breakthroughs: merge into larger enterprises.
• Self-management. Teal organizations operate ef- The new agencies, most of which were private com-
strategy+business issue 80

fectively, even at a large scale, with a system based on panies, gravitated toward an Orange paradigm. Seeking
peer relationships. They set up structures and practices to minimize downtime and allocate staff flexibly, they
in which people have high autonomy in their domain, set up centralized call centers; instead of calling their
and are accountable for coordinating with others. Pow- nurse personally, clients now had to dial the center.
er and control are deeply embedded throughout the or- Planners were hired to devise daily visiting schedules
Examples of Morning Star: a U.S.-based tomato Sounds True: a publisher of multi-
processing company with 400 to media offerings related to spirituality
Teal Management 2,400 employees (depending on the and personal development, with 90
season) and a 30 to 40 percent share employees in the United States.
Buurtzorg: a Netherlands-based of the North American market. (If you
healthcare nonprofit, profiled in this have eaten pizza or spaghetti sauce Sun Hydraulics: a maker of hydrau-
article. in the U.S., you have probably tasted lic cartridge valves and manifolds,
a Morning Star product.) with factories in the U.S., the U.K.,
ESBZ: a publicly financed school in Germany, and Korea employing about
Berlin, covering grades seven to 12, Patagonia: a US$540 million manu- 900 people.
which has attracted international facturer of climbing gear and outdoor
attention for its innovative curriculum apparel; based in California and em- Holacracy: a management system
and organizational model. ploying 1,300 people, it is dedicated first developed at the Philadelphia-
to being a positive influence on the based software company Ternary,
FAVI: a brass foundry in France, natural environment. which has been adopted by a few
which produces (among other things) hundred profit and not-for-profit
gearbox forks for the automotive in- Resources for Human Development organizations around the world,

features title
dustry, and has about 500 employees. (RHD): a 4,000-employee nonprofit most famously by Zappos.
social services agency operating in 14
Heiligenfeld: a 600-employee mental states in the U.S., providing services Source: Frederic Laloux, Reinventing

health hospital system, based in cen- related to addiction recovery, home- Organizations (Nelson Parker, 2014)

of the
tral Germany, which applies a holistic lessness, and mental disabilities.
approach to patient care.

& article
that minimized travel times. The agencies instituted extraordinarily successful, having grown from four to
time standards: 10 minutes for intravenous injections, 9,000 nurses in its first eight years and achieving out-
15 minutes for bathing, and 2.5 minutes for changing standing levels of care. He set up the company as a self-
a compression stocking. Barcode stickers, placed on managing enterprise. Nurses work in teams of 10 to 12,
patients’ front doors, tracked the nurses’ progress so each team serving around 50 patients in a small, well-
central managers could analyze their efficiency. As the defined neighborhood.
nursing organizations consolidated, they added more Buurtzorg has a distinctive outlook on the na-
layers of management, all with the intention of increas- ture of care. Its purpose is not for nurses to give shots
ing efficiencies and squeezing out costs. and change bandages as efficiently as they can, but to
The outcome has been distressing to patients and help patients live, as much as possible, a rich and au-
nurses alike. Clients, who are often elderly, have to tonomous life. Nurses regularly sit down for coffee with
cope with new faces in their home at every visit. They their patients. They help them structure their own sup-
must repeat their medical histories to hurried nurses port networks and reach out to families and neighbors.
who have no time allotted for listening. The nurses, Patients see the same one or two nurses all the time, and
for their part, find these working conditions degrading. often form deep bonds of trust and intimacy with them.
They know they should spend more time trying to un- Clients and nurses love Buurtzorg. Only eight years
derstand the changing conditions of their patients, but after its founding, its market share had reached 60 per-
they simply can’t. The whole system is prone to errors, cent. Financially, the results are stellar, too. One 2009
conflicts, and complaints. study found that Buurtzorg requires, on average, only
Buurtzorg (the name means neighborhood care in 40 percent of the care hours needed by a more conven-
Dutch) was founded in 2006 by Jos de Blok, who had tional approach, because patients become self-sufficient
experienced these problems firsthand, as a nurse for 10 much faster. Emergency hospital admissions have been
years and then as a manager. His new organization is cut by a third, and the average hospital stay of a Buurtz-
At Patagonia, children’s
laughter and chatter are
regularly heard; at Sounds
True, people bring their
dogs to work.

org patient is shorter. It’s estimated that the Dutch so- 9,000 nurses are supported by fewer than 50 staff peo-
cial security system would save $2 billion per year if the ple. The nurses do their own recruiting and purchasing,
entire home-care industry adopted Buurtzorg’s opera- contracting for specialized medical or legal expertise
feature strategy & leadership

tions model. when needed. They align with the larger organization
not through rules and procedures, but through the col-
Self-Management and Its Misconceptions laboration methods they learned. A powerful internal
Buurtzorg’s 9,000 employees operate entirely with self- social network allows them to draw on guidance and
managing practices. Local teams of 10 to 12 nurses medical expertise from fellow nurses in other parts of
decide which patients to serve, how to allocate tasks, the country, many of whom they’ve never met.
where to rent offices, how to integrate with the local
communities, which doctors and pharmacies to work The Embrace of Wholeness
with, and how to collaborate with nearby hospitals. The In Amber, Orange, and Green organizations, people
teams monitor their own performance and take correc- typically show up wearing a mask: The bishop’s robe,
tive action if productivity drops. They don’t have team the doctor’s white coat, and the executive’s suit all em-
leaders; management tasks are spread across the mem- body subtle, but real, expectations. Leaders fear that
bers, all of whom are nurses. if people brought all of themselves to work — their
One common misconception about self-manage- moods, quirks, deepest aspirations, and uncertainties
ment is that everyone is equal and decisions are made by — things would quickly fall into disorder. Most people
consensus, which requires endless meetings. The truth adopt an air of resolution and determination, favoring
is very different. Self-management requires a whole set their masculine, rational selves. It feels unsafe to reveal
of interlocking structures and practices, so that decision the caring, inquiring, intuitive, and spiritual aspects
rights and power flow to any individual who has the of the self, or to express a desire for meaning. Many of
expertise, interest, or willingness to step in to oversee us end up disowning some fundamental aspects of our
a situation. Fluid, natural hierarchies replace the fixed selves. When an organization feels lifeless, is it because
power hierarchies of the pyramid. This requires explicit we bring so little life to work?
training. At Buurtzorg, all new team members take a Teal organizations start from the premise, resonant
course called Solution-Driven Methods of Interaction, with many wisdom traditions, that a person’s deepest
learning sophisticated listening and communication calling is to achieve wholeness. These organizations
skills, techniques for running meetings and making de- engender vibrant workspaces and practices where trust
strategy+business issue 80

cisions, and methods of coaching one another and pro- flourishes. People feel they can truly be themselves.
viding perspective. Simple management practices foster a sense of personal
You might assume that all this is managed through connection. At Patagonia’s headquarters in Ventura,
staff functions — the source of capability and power in Calif., for example, the company maintains a child
many Orange and Green organizations. But Buurtzorg’s development center for employees’ preschoolers. Chil-
dren’s laughter and chatter are regularly heard; kids Evolutionary Purpose
visit their parents’ desks, join adults for lunch at the Most organizations define a purpose for themselves in
cafeteria, and run around in the playground outside. the form of a mission statement, which is typically en-
One sometimes sees a mother nursing her child dur- graved on a plaque in the headquarters lobby. Most of
ing a meeting. At another Teal company, Sounds True, these statements, of course, sound hollow. The espoused
people regularly bring their dogs to work. Meetings of- purpose can’t compete with the pursuit of profits or
ten take place with two or three dogs lying at people’s competitive advantage.
feet. Having children and animals present tends to re- Buurtzorg’s purpose, as discussed above, is to help
connect people with deeper parts of themselves; they see sick and elderly patients live a rich and autonomous
one another not only as colleagues, but as part of a com- life. Its competitive advantage is the way it fulfills that
mon humanity. purpose, with self-organization and wholeness. If it
One harbinger of the rise of consciousness in the were a more traditional organization, it would try to

features title
business world is the support given to contemplative keep this competitive advantage secret, and gain mar-
practices. It’s becoming fashionable, even in Wall Street ket share accordingly. Founder de Blok did the oppo-
banks, to offer meditation classes. But these are often site. With Aart Pool, he wrote a book called Buurtz-

treated as add-ons, separate from the real work. At the org: Menselijkheid Boven Bureaucratie (Boom Lemma

of the
Heiligenfeld hospital chain, inner work is woven deeply uitgevers, 2010, whose title translates as “Humanity
into daily life. Every week, colleagues from the chain’s above Bureaucracy”), in which he documented Buurtz-

& article
five hospitals come together for 75 minutes of inten- org’s revolutionary ways of operating in great detail.

sive, reflective dialogue about a theme such as dealing He accepts all invitations from competitors to explain
with risks or learning from mistakes. Heiligenfeld also his methods, and acts as an advisor for two direct com-
devotes four days per year to silence. The staff speaks petitors without compensation.
only when needed, in whispers; patients engage in “The whole notion of competition makes no sense,”
forms of therapy that require no words, such as walks in says de Blok. “If you share knowledge and information,
the woods or painting sessions. People learn to interact things will change more quickly.”
from a deep place when words are not at hand. Making purpose the cornerstone of an organization
The quest for wholeness can also be seen on the has profound consequences for leadership. In today’s
factory floor. At FAVI, a French automotive supplier, dominant management paradigm (Orange), leaders are
all engineers and administrative workers are trained to supposed to define a winning strategy and then marshal
operate at least one assembly-line machine. When or- the organization to execute it, like the human program-
ders must be rushed out, white-collar workers come in mer of a machine who controls what it will do. In the
to run the machines for a few hours. It’s a wonderful Teal paradigm, founders and leaders view the organiza-
community-building practice. People in engineering tion as a living entity, with its own energy, sense of di-
and administrative roles work under the guidance of the rection, and calling to manifest something in the world.
machine operators. They see for themselves how hard They don’t force a course of action; they try to listen to
the work on the machines can be and how much skill where the organization is naturally called to go. None
it involves. of the organizations I researched has a strategy docu-
FAVI also has an in-depth onboarding process that ment. Gone are the often dreaded strategy formulation
ends with new teammates writing an open letter to the exercises, and much of the machinery of midterm plans,
colleagues they have joined. The letters often describe yearly budgets, cascaded KPIs, and individual targets.
how, perhaps for the first time in their career as a ma- Instead of trying to predict and control, they aim to
chine operator, their voice counts at work and they are sense and respond.
considered worthy of trust and appreciation. FAVI uses a metaphor to explain this. Other com-
panies look five years ahead and make plans for the next Becoming a Teal Organization
year. FAVI leaders prefer to think like farmers: Look 20 Some companies, like Buurtzorg, are advanced in
years ahead, and plan only for the next day. A farmer all three Teal breakthrough areas: self-management,
must look far out when deciding which fruit trees to wholeness, and evolutionary purpose. Others are more
plant or which crops to grow. But it makes no sense to advanced in one area than others — FAVI in self-man-
plan a precise date for the harvest. One cannot control agement, Heiligenfeld in wholeness. None of the Teal
the weather, the crops, the soil; each has a life of its own. companies I have identified have the scale of the larg-
Sticking rigidly to plan, instead of sensing and adjusting est Orange companies (such as Walmart) or Green ones
to reality, leads to having the harvest go to waste, which (such as Southwest Airlines). This is still the dawn of
too often happens in organizations. the Teal paradigm. However, its promise is suggested by
Practices based on sensing and responding, com- the success these organizations are having.
bined with self-management, lead to high levels of in- Every stage of organizational evolution is more ma-
feature strategy & leadership

novation. Two nurses on a Buurtzorg team found them- ture and effective than the previous stage, because of
selves pondering the fact that elderly people, when they the inherent attitude toward power. A Red leader asks,
fall, often break their hips. Could Buurtzorg help pre- How can I use my power to dominate? An Amber lead-
vent this? Their team created a partnership with a phys- er asks, How can I use it to enforce the status quo? An
iotherapist and an occupational therapist from their Orange leader asks, How can we win? A Green leader
neighborhood. They advised patients on small changes asks, How can we empower more people? A Teal leader
they could bring to their home interiors, and changes asks, How can everyone most powerfully pursue a pur-
of habit that would minimize the risk of falling. Happy pose that transcends us all?
with their success, they approached de Blok to suggest Research suggests that there are two — and only
turning “Buurtzorg+” (Buurtzorg + prevention) into a two — necessary conditions for developing a Teal
national program. organization.
Had de Blok been a traditional CEO, he might 1. Top leadership. The chief executive must have an
have analyzed the idea and, if he approved it, assigned a integrated world view and psychological development
team in headquarters to develop a comprehensive imple- consistent with the Teal paradigm. It is helpful if a few
mentation plan. His actual answer was much humbler: close colleagues share this perspective.
Why should he, rather than the system itself, decide if 2. Ownership. Owners of the organization must
this was a wise thing to do? He suggested that the same also understand and embrace Teal world views. Board
team of nurses package their approach and dissemi- members who don’t get it, experience shows, can tem-
nate the idea on the company’s internal social network. porarily give a Teal leader free rein. But when the or-
Hundreds of teams showed interest and the idea quickly ganization hits a rough patch or faces a critical choice,
caught on. Within a year, almost all teams had incorpo- owners will want to regain control in the only way that
rated prevention into their work using that model. makes sense to them: appointing a CEO who exerts
In a self-managing, purpose-driven organization, top-down, hierarchical authority.
change can come from any person who senses that What about businesses, nonprofits, schools, hospi-
change is needed. This is how change has occurred in tals, government agencies, and other institutions where
nature for millions of years. Innovation doesn’t hap- these conditions are not in place? Can a middle manag-
strategy+business issue 80

pen centrally, according to plan, but at the edges, when er hope to influence an entire enterprise by showcasing
some organism senses a change in the environment and Teal practices locally? As much as I would like to be-
experiments to find an appropriate response. Some at- lieve this is possible, my hopes are not high. Experience
tempts fail to catch on; others rapidly spread to all cor- shows that it takes more than a successful local example
ners of the ecosystem. to catalyze this sort of system-wide change.
Work in Teal organizations
seems to unfold so easily
it verges on the magical.
Control and self-correction are
embedded in the system.

However, as a middle or senior manager, you can have emerged. After the full emergence of the Teal
introduce some elements of the new paradigm for your paradigm, we will probably look back and find the or-
own benefit and that of your colleagues. Practices that ganizational forms and practices of the late 20th and

features title
encourage people to show more of their true selves early 21st century alienating and unfulfilling. Already,
might come across as unusual, but are unlikely to raise it’s clear that we can create radically more productive,
red flags with top leadership. Some elements of self- soulful, and purposeful businesses, nonprofits, schools,

management can be introduced; for example, instead of and hospitals. We are at an inflection point: a moment

of the
imposing new targets, ask team members to determine, in history where it’s time to stop trying to fix the old
in a peer-based process, which targets could be changed. model and instead make the leap to the next one. It will

& article
If the team functions well, don’t attend the meeting. Let be better suited to the complexity and challenges of our

them come up with the best solution on their own so times, and to the yearning in our hearts. +
the targets will be theirs. Or when it’s time to appoint Reprint No. 00344

someone to report to you, don’t do it yourself. Let the

team one level below write up the job description, in-
terview candidates, and select their boss. Executives
who have tried this find that subordinates take choosing
their boss very seriously, and the process gives the boss a Resources 12
much stronger working relationship with the team.
The full benefit, of course, accrues to those orga- Don Edward Beck and Christopher Cowan, Spiral Dynamics: Mastering
Values, Leadership, and Change (Blackwell, 1996): Background for this
nizations that fully embrace the new paradigm. When history, including the work of Clare Graves.
I spent a day with de Blok in the small headquarters Art Kleiner, “Ellen Langer on the Value of Mindfulness in Business,”
of Buurtzorg, I was struck by how much simpler work s+b, Spring 2015: Research on Teal-like attributes: wholeness and control
life could be. Buurtzorg is a 9,000-person organization over context.

growing at breakneck speed. But after several hours Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organi-
of conversation, I realized we hadn’t been interrupted zations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness (Nelson Parker,
2014): In-depth explication of the Teal paradigm and the 12 organiza-
once. No urgent phone calls; no assistant coming in to tions where it is manifested.
whisper in the CEO’s ear that something had come up. Margaret J. Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers, A Simpler Way
Work in Teal organizations seems to unfold so easily (Berrett-Koehler, 1996): What organizations could be like if we sought
it sometimes verges on the magical. Control and self- inspiration from life and nature, rather than thinking about them
as machines.
correction are embedded in the system, and no longer
Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything (Shambhala, 1996): An intro-
require leaders to be on top of everything at all times.
duction to the developmental stages of people and civilization.
In the past, with every change in consciousness
More thought leadership on this topic:
(from Red to Amber to Orange and to Green), more strategy-business.com/strategy_and_leadership
powerful and life-enhancing forms of management
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