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Third English Exam 45% 10BTP

Francisco Javier Mejia High School

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Section: _______________________Date:_________________________________

Rad the story

Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, England in 1643, where he grew up on a farm.
When he was a boy, he made lots of brilliant inventions like a windmill to grind corn, a
water clock and a sundial. However, Isaac didn’t get brilliant marks at school. When he
was 18, Isaac went to study at Cambridge University. He was very interested in
physics, mathematics and astronomy. But in 1665 the Great Plague, which was a
terrible disease, spread in England, and Cambridge University had to close down.
Isaac returned home to the farm. Isaac continued studying and experimenting at home.
One day he was drinking a cup of tea in the garden. He saw an apple fall from a tree.
‘Why do apples fall down instead of up?’ From this, he formed the theory of gravity.
Gravity is an invisible force which pulls objects towards the Earth and keeps the
planets moving around the Sun. Isaac was fascinated by light. He discovered that white
light is in fact made up of all the colours of the rainbow. Isaac also invented a special
reflecting telescope, using mirrors. It was much more powerful than other telescopes.
Isaac made another very important discovery, which he called his ‘Three Laws of
Motion’. These laws explain how objects move. Isaac’s laws are still used today for
sending rockets into space. Thanks to his discoveries, Isaac became rich and famous.
However, he had a bad temper and often argued with other scientists. ‘You stole my
discovery!’ Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727 aged 85. He was buried along with English
kings and queens in Westminster Abbey in London. He was one of the greatest
scientists and mathematicians who has ever lived.

write true or false for these sentences. 1% c/u 10%

a. When he was a boy, he invented a windmill, a water clock and a sundial. _______
b. He was very interested in physics, mathematics and astronomy. _______
c. Cambridge University closed down because of a party. _______
d. He formed the theory of gravity after he saw an orange fall from a tree. _______
e. Gravity is an invisible force which pulls objects towards the Earth. _______
f. He found that white light is made up of all the colours of the sky. _______
g. His telescope was more powerful than other telescopes. _______
h. His ‘Three Laws of Motion’ explain how objects work. _______
i. He often danced with other scientists. _______
j. He was one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians who has ever lived._____
read the sentences and circle if is in the past, present or future. 1% c/u 10%

 Today people are working longer hours.

Past present future
 In few years, school will have computers.
Past present future
 People will drive modern cars.
Past present future
 We did not use phones.
Past present future
 In this moment I am doing my English exam.
Past present future

Complete the sentences 3% c/ u 15%

 If you looose your tickets, you won´t __________________________________
 If you don´t study hard, you will______________________________________
 If you go to bed early, you won´t _____________________________________
 If you eat more fruits, you will________________________________________
 If you save money, you will _________________________________________
Third English Exam 35% 9th grade
Francisco Javier Mejia High School

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Section: _______________________Date:_________________________________

Read the story

Once upon a time there was a king and queen who lived in a golden castle with their
beautiful daughter. One night an ugly ogre captured the beautiful princess and locked
her up in his tall, dark tower. ‘Help me!’ ‘Roar!’ The king and queen were very sad.
They promised to give a bag of gold to the knight that rescued the princess. ‘Please
save our princess!’ ‘We’ll save the princess!’ All the knights in the land wanted to
rescue the princess. They rode to the tower as fast as they could. ‘Help me!’ ‘Roar!’
The ugly ogre roared with anger when he saw the knights. His roar was so scary that
they rode away as fast as they could. One day a friendly dragon was flying over the
ogre’s tower when he heard the princess cry for help. ‘Help me!’ The dragon flew down
to the tower, took a big fiery breath and blew the ogre far away over the mountains and
into the ocean. ‘Come with me, princess. Don’t be scared!’ ‘Thank you for saving me.’
‘My pleasure, princess.’ The dragon rescued the princess from the tower and gently put
her on his strong back. They flew high in the sky. They flew over the tower and the
castle, over the mountains and caves, and out towards the deep blue ocean. ‘Whee! I
can fly!’ The dragon and the princess flew to the castle. The king and queen were so
happy to see the princess they gave the dragon the bag of gold. They all lived happily
ever after. ‘Thank you for saving our princess!’ ‘My pleasure!’

Write the missing words in the sentences. 1% c/u 10%

a. An ugly__________________________locked the princess up in his tall, dark tower.
b. They promised to give a bag of gold to the knight that rescued the______________ .
c. The ____________________rode to the tower as fast as they could.
d. A ______________________heard the princess cry for help.
e. He blew the ogre far away over the mountains and into the___________________ .
f. They flew high in the__________________________________________________ .
g. The dragon and the princess flew to the__________________________________ .
h. The king and queen gave the dragon the bag of____________________________ .
i. Once upon a time there was a ____________________who lived in a golden castle.
j. They all lived ____________________ ever after. ‘
Third English Exam 35% 8th grade
Francisco Javier Mejia High School

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Section: _______________________Date:_________________________________

Read the story.

Little Red Riding Hood Short story Little Red Riding Hood lived in a wood with her
mother. One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny. She had a nice cake
in her basket. On her way Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. ‘Hello!’ said the wolf.
‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going to see my grandmother. She lives in a house behind
those trees.’ The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up. He got into Granny’s
bed. A little later, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She looked at the wolf.
‘Granny, what big eyes you have!’ ‘All the better to see you with!’ said the wolf.
‘Granny, what big ears you have!’ ‘All the better to hear you with!’ said the wolf.
‘Granny, what a big nose you have!’ ‘All the better to smell you with!’ said the wolf.
‘Granny, what big teeth you have!’ ‘All the better to eat you with!’ shouted the wolf. A
woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud scream and ran to the house. The
woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth wide and shouted
and Granny jumped out. The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood never saw the
wolf again.

Put the sentences in order. 2% c/u 14%

_________On her way she met a wolf.

_________Little Red Riding Hood looked at the wolf’s eyes, ears, nose and teeth.

_________ One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny.

_________Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.

_________The wolf opened his mouth wide and Granny jumped out.

_________The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up.

_________A woodcutter heard a loud scream and ran to the house.

Third English Exam 45% BCH
Francisco Javier Mejia High School

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Section: _______________________Date:_________________________________

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