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University of Tobruk

Faculty of Medicine Final Exam. 2017 Time: 3 hours

General Botany
Pre-medical Students
Question 1. (20 marks, 0.5 each)
Find the appropriate words to fill the dotted spaces.

1- Living organisms, hierarchically structured into categories/groups which are: -

kingdom, …………………...., …………….……., order, ………..…..……….,
………………………., and species.
2- The cytoskeleton, is made up of ……………………….….., and

3- Ruggiero et al. 2015, Classified organisms into seven Kingdoms, which are:-
………………………….., ……………..………..…, ………………………….,
………………………....., ………………….…….…., ……………………….…..,
………………….………. .
4- The hierarchical levels of biological organizations are, Atoms, ………………….,
……………………………., Organelles, …………………………, tissues,
….........…………………..…, ……..………………..…, …………………………….,
communities, ecosystems, and ………………………....………. .

5- Monera is a kingdom which includes groups of microorganisms such as:-

………………………..…………..….., ……………….…………………………,
……………...…………………………, ………………………..…………………. .
6- Tracheophytes includes ………………………….….., ……………………………,
……………………..……….., where all of them have ……………………………… .
7- Mad2 inhibits the ………..………………., and prevents the breakdown of
……………………………., while APC degrades ………………………and liberates
the ……………………………. .
8- Prokaryotic organisms and cell organelles reproduce by …………………………. .
9- The female part of the flower called …………………………, while the male part
called ………………………………….………. .
10- Mosses
are belongs to………………..……………, while ferns belongs to
………………………………………….. .
11- Fungi acquire nutrients from ……………………………………………… .
12- .................................... is a tissue that transports water and dissolved minerals
upward from roots into the shoots.
13- …………………………………… is the center for manufacturing, modifying
and packaging of cell materials for transport.
Question 2. (15 marks, 5 each)

Write short notes regarding to the following structures.

a. Lysosomes.
b. Plastids types

c. Monocots
Question 3. (15 Marks, 3 each)
What is the differences between the following structures?
a. Golgi bodies and Dictyosomes.
b. Chromoplast and tonoplast.
c. Archegonia and Gynoecium.
d. Chordates and Cnidarians
e. RER and SER
Question 4. ( 6 Marks, one each)
Write the English name of the following Latin terms.
Thallus (...................................……….....), Phyta (………..…….………………),
Angio (……………………………….…), Gymno (……………………………),
Bryo (………………………...………….), Karyon (…………….……..……………).
Question 5. (10 Marks, 2 each)
Where is the location (where they found), and what is the function of the
following structures?
1- Perianth
2- Pistil
3- Contractile Vacuoles
4- Spindle assembly checkpoint.
5- Vascular bundles
Question 6. (14 Marks)
Explain how the alternation of generation occurs in the Orange trees and Olive trees.

Good Luck

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