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GreenField Foundation: Java Activity 1: Exploring Exceptions and Assertions

Activity 1: Exploring Exceptions and Assertions

Total Activity Time: 3 hrs

Activity Objective

Explain and understand the concepts on exception handling and assertions.

Activity Description
Use the java api and the material given to understand the concepts of exception handling and complete the
activity given.


 Scanner class can be used for accepting inputs from keyboard.

Scanner s= new Scanner(System.in);

int a = s.nextInt();
String a= in.next();

 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); - Creates an empty string builder with a capacity of 16

 charAt(int) – method in String Builder class that identifies with the character at the specified
position. For example : sb.charAt(2) – character at the second position .

 toString() - Returns a string that contains the character sequence in the builder.

GreenField Foundation: Java Activity 1: Exploring Exceptions and Assertions

Participant Instructions:
Exception Handling
 Create a class “Console_Exception” to accept arguments at run time and print the first argument
supplied. Handle the exception encountered.
 Create a class “EvenNum_Exception” to accept “n” even numbers in an array. If an odd number is
supplied throw a customized exception,handle it appropriately and inform the user of the exit of the
 Create a class “ReverseString_Exception” to reverse the letters of a string variable initialized to
null.Handle the corresponding unchecked exception. (Hint: Use StringBuilder for the reverse
 Create a class “Divide_Exception” to accept two integer numbers from the user for performing a
divide operation.Perform the following for the code:
a. If the second number is zero, throw a customized exception “NumberNotValidException”.
b. If user enters a letter, instead of a number, catch the appropriate Exception
c. Add the appropriate exception handlers when float numbers are entered instead of integers.
 Create a class parent class Mammal , from which Human class is derived. Create instances of the
both the classes in a new class.Convert Mammal object to Human object by explicit casting and
remove compile time errors. Execute the program to handle the appropriate exceptions.

Using Assertions
 Create a class “Average_Assert” to take name, marks of maths and science of a student and find
the average of the same.If the average is above 60, then print “pass” else print “fail”.
 Create a class “NumberSquare_Assert” to calculate the square of a number which does not exceed
 Create a “WordLength_Assert” to enter a eight letter word. Using assertions, print out an
appropriate message if the length of the word is not as per requirement.

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