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Brazil Evangelism Seminar

Good News To Those Who Grieve

Professor Blanches de Paula
Shepherdess of Methodist Church, Professor in Psychology, Counseling and Pastoral Ministry, Head of Pastoral
Theology Area, Humanities and Social Sciences,
Coordinator of TPC (Theological Pastoral Course), Coordinator of SOL África Project, School of Theology of The
Methodist Church in Brazil, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil

Goals: Discuss the importance of evangelization in the context of loss and grief of everyday life. Provide
subsidies for an evangelizing aware of the spiritual, emotional and physical implications in those who
grieve. The comprehension of mourning involves the loss by death as those we experienced during our
life story. The Evangelization in this context is essential to sow the dignity of life proclaimed by our God
of Comfort.

Discipleship As a ‘Lifestyle’, shepherding method and a ‘strategy’ for fulfilling

God’s Mission Entrusted to the Church focused on relationship
Rev. Jonadab D. de Almeida
Community Life Program – SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY/ UMESP, São Bernardo do Campo/SP, Brazil

This workshop aims to help its participants to realize the importance of Discipleship as a program of the
Local Church, implanted in integrated and gradual way, under the guidance of pastoral ministry. One way
to be evangelical and wesleyan church.

Pastoral Ministry and Evangelization

Bishop Nelson Luiz Campos Leite
Honorary Bishop and Editor of “The Upper Room”, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Evangelizing is living and sharing the Good News of the Gospel, which is Christ. We are all part of the
Community of the Lord as pastors and laypersons, having the blessing of being “sowers of the Gospel to
people and society”. Besides this active participation, the pastors awake, guide, empower and prepare the
Community of Faith and its members to this task of evangelization. “We are part of this fundamental
ministry in the Church of the Lord”.

Evangelization and Family!

Rev. Marcos Antonio Garcia
Pastor of The Methodist Cathedral of São Paulo, Doctor of Science of Religion and Society, writer of “Lar
Cristão” Magazine, teacher at CEMEC, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

In this International Methodist Evangelization Seminar, while we think about the Challenge of World
Evangelization so that the world may believe in Jesus Christ, we find the issue of Evangelization and the
This workshop seeks to understand the purposes of God in the family, especially in these challenging
times of devaluation and disintegration of the family. How to evangelize our children, parents, spouse.
What is the importance of Jesus in the family, devotional life, worship at home. The importance of
testimony and Christian character in the family. And the statement of faith: The family is in the heart of

From the reform of the nation to the renovation of lives and vice versa: the
dimensions of methodist model of the mission
Prof. Helmut Renders
Pastor of The Methodist Church in Rudge Ramos, Professor of Theology and History – School of Theology -
Methodist University of São Paulo, Coordinator of FaTeo House Publisher, Editor of “Caminhando” Magazine and
Secretary of Center for Wesleyan Studies, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil

The seminar describes the methodist model of vision as the proclamation of the Gospel in personal, social
and institutional dimensions. We will discuss the three myths of the methodist model of vision a) God has
not abandoned the world [the importance of an eschatology of hope and the presence of God until the end
of times]; b) whoever wants to contribute to changes in the world does not need, at first, convert every
person; c) a world supposedly more just and perfect does not create automatically perfect human beings.
Because of that, the methodist model of vision operates in an integrated and simultaneous way on three
fronts of personal, ecclesiastical and institutional levels.

Evangelization and Prayer Worshop

Our Life of Prayer – A commitment to the Kingdom
Soraya de Lima Junker
“Toque de Poder” Ministry, Coordinator of The Upper Room Project, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

This workshop aims to share the worth of life of prayer in the perspective of the manifestation of the
kingdom; of sharing the faith, telling men and women about God e telling God about men and women.
When Jesus taught his disciples to pray said they would ask: ‘…your Kingdom come’… and the
Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating or drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Spirit!
(Romans 14.17)
Living the challenge of sharing the faith, continuing the work that Jesus entrusted to him, Paul calls the
Church to make a commitment to conquer through the word saying: “Pray… for the message of the Lord
may spread rapidly and triumph wherever it goes”, (2 Thessalonians 3.1). Our commitment is to move,
share and conquer men and women to God’s project, so let’s pray!
“Through prayer, we have the privilege of being cause, not merely effect” P.T. Forsyth

The challenge of evangelization in the city

Rev. Jonas Mendes Barreto
Master and Doctoral Student - Methodist University of São Paulo, Methodist Pastor, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Urbanization is the most current phenomenon of world story. Scholars argue that the humanity of the
future will be the city of the future. Indeed, urbanization has become the social typical form of modern
society. Nowadays in Brazil, over 85% of the population lives in the cities. Evangelization in the urban
context becomes a challenge to the church’s missionary praxis. Thus, due to its complexity, the
evangelizing in the cities must happen in intentional, systematic, creative and organized ways. The urban
context is the preferential stage of evangelization and mission of the Church.
Evangelizing Homeless People
Luiz Wilson Pereira de Souza
Coordinator of Methodist Community of Homeless People, member of Methodist Cathredral of São Paulo
“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the
yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to
provide the poor wandered with shelter – when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away
from your own flesh and blood?” Isaiah 58.6,7
What is the relevance of Social Action as a tool for evangelization?
We believe it´s the responsibility of the body of Christ to fight against oppression, injustice and poverty
around the world and in all its forms. Acting on the lives of needy in their entirety: body, soul and spirit.
Methodist Community of Homeless People.

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