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Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878

DOI 10.1007/s00520-013-1734-6


The frequency, cost, and clinical outcomes of hypernatremia

in patients hospitalized to a comprehensive cancer center
Abdulla K. Salahudeen & Simit M. Doshi & Pankaj Shah

Received: 25 August 2012 / Accepted: 28 January 2013 / Published online: 13 February 2013
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Conclusions Although hypernatremia was far less frequent

Purpose To study the frequency of hypernatremia in hospi- than hyponatremia in the hospitalized cancer patients, most
talized cancer patients and its impact on clinical outcomes hypernatremia were acquired in the hospital and had sub-
and healthcare cost. stantially higher mortality, hospital stay, and hospital bills
Methods Cross-sectional analysis of data obtained from than eunatremic or even hyponatremic patients. Studies are
patients admitted to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson warranted to determine whether avoidance of hypernatremia
Cancer Center over a 3-month period in 2006. The clinical or its prompt and sustained correction improves clinical
outcomes and hospital costs were compared among hyperna- outcomes.
tremics, eunatremics, and hyponatremics (serum sodium val-
ues include >147, 135–147, and <135 mEq/L, respectively). Keywords Hypernatremia . Cancer . Healthcare cost .
Results Of 3,446 patients with at least one serum sodium Survival . Serum sodium . Length of hospital stay .
value, 51.4 % were eunatremic, 46.0 % hyponatremic, and Hyponatremia . Electrolyte disorders . Outcomes . Leukemia
2.6 % hypernatremic with most of the hypernatremia (90 %)
acquired during hospital stay. The multivariate hazard ratio
(HR) for mortality in hypernatremic was 5-fold higher than Introduction
eunatremic (HR for 90 days—5.09 (95 % CI, 3.32–7.81);
p<0·01) and over 2-fold higher than hyponatremic (HR for Water homeostasis, regulated by thirst and the effect of
90 days—2.79 (95 % CI, 1.91–4.11), p<0.01). The length of arginine vasopressin on kidneys’ ability to excrete water,
hospital stay in hypernatremic was 2-fold higher than in plays a key role in maintaining serum sodium concentration
hyponatremic and 4-fold higher than in eunatremic (e.g., [1]. An increase or decrease in total body water leads to
27±22 days in hypernatremic vs. 6±5 days in eunatremic; hyponatremia or hypernatremia, respectively [2]. A large
mean ± SD, p<0.01). The hospital bill was higher for hyper- body of data is available on hyponatremia in hospitalized
natremic compared with the rest of the groups (46 % over patients, such as its frequency and impact on clinical out-
eunatremic and 37 % over hyponatremic, p<0.01 for both). comes and hospital cost, but such data are limited in hyper-
natremia, and none to our knowledge exists for patients with
A. K. Salahudeen : S. M. Doshi
cancer [3–9]. Furthermore, as a subgroup, cancer patients
Division of Internal Medicine, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, are very vulnerable to fluid and electrolytes derangements,
Houston, TX, USA which can often be the consequences of several factors, such
as paraneoplastic syndromes, anticancer agents, neoplastic
P. Shah
spread, surgical procedures, renal pathology, or corticoste-
Division of Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
roid use [10]. Moreover, electrolyte imbalances have been
A. K. Salahudeen (*) shown to impact and, in fact, even predict survival in cancer
Department of General Internal Medicine, University of Texas MD patients [6, 11]. The objective of this study was to evaluate
Anderson Cancer Center, 1400 Pressler Street, Unit 1465,
the frequency of hypernatremia in patients admitted to a
Houston, TX 77030, USA comprehensive cancer center and to examine its effect on
e-mail: aksalahudeen@mdanderson.org patient outcomes and healthcare cost.
1872 Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878

Methods Statistical analysis

The Institutional Review Board at University of Texas M. The demographics and clinical characteristics were tabulated
D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) approved the col- and compared with Chi-square test for categorical variables and
lection of the data and the current cross-sectional analysis. t test for continuous variables. The days of hospital stays were
The data were collected into an electronic database on all compared by ANOVAwith multiple comparisons adjusted with
patients admitted consecutively to MDACC for 3-months Tukey–Kramer method or Games–Howell test, the latter for
(May–July 2006). An admission was defined as a stay groups with unequal variance. Time to discharge was measured
of >23 h in the hospital that should also include midnight. from the date of hospital admission to the date of hospital
Data were checked at least once a week during this period discharge. Patients who died before discharge were considered
for accuracy and for inclusion of any missing data when censored at their dates of deaths. Time-to-90-day mortality was
available. The eligibility for inclusion in this analysis was measured from the date of admission to the date of death or last
any patient admitted to MDACC during this period with at follow-up at 90 days. The Kaplan–Meier product limit method
least one value for serum sodium at admission or during was used to estimate the survival outcomes of all patients by
hospital stay. For each patient, information on demograph- serum sodium groups, and comparisons among the groups
ics, medical conditions, laboratory data, treatments, clinical were achieved with the log-rank statistic. The natremia groups
outcomes, and billing data were electronically collected. were compared using Cox proportional hazard analyses for
Part of the data used here were previously analyzed, and a mortality. The proportional hazards assumption was tested with
paper on hyponatremia and another on acute kidney injury examination of Pearson correlation between Schoenfeld resid-
were recently published [6, 12]. The results of this hyper- uals and the rank of survival time for cases that progressed to an
natremia analysis have not been previously published. The event. After adjusting for other patient and clinical character-
primary outcome variable was hypernatremia defined as a istics, the model was fitted to determine the association of
serum sodium value of >147 mEq/L. The normal range of serum sodium levels with time-to-event outcomes. All results
serum sodium at MDACC laboratory is 135–147 mEq/L. from the Cox model are expressed in hazard ratios (HR) and
Among the 3,886 patients admitted, serum sodium values 95 % confidence intervals (CIs). For multivariate analyses,
were not available in 440 patients (11.3 %) yielding a total clinically relevant variables significant in the univariate analy-
of 3,436 patients for analysis. The data collected on their ses were included for adjustment in the final multivariate
first admission (i.e., n=3,436) were analyzed. To render the models. The relationship between serum sodium values and
large data of serum sodium values recorded during the survival was nonlinear. To overcome the nonlinearity, we
admission and hospital stay manageable for analysis, the employed restrictive cubic splines using four knots. The “post-
serum sodium values were extracted as values at “admis- rcspline package” for Stata version 10.0 was used to generate
sion,” “peak,” “low,” and “discharge.” For sensitivity anal- the curves and analyze the associations. All other survival
yses, multiple imputation method available in SPSS was analyses were carried out by using the SPSS (version 16.0;
used to impute the missing sodium values. All outcomes Chicago, IL). We also carried out multivariate regression anal-
were analyzed with and without imputed serum sodium ysis for hospital cost to compare the three groups for total cost
values, and the results were found to be not statistically of hospital stay. Age, type of malignancy, antibiotic and che-
different. The results presented here are based on data ex- motherapy administered, length of hospital stay, mean serum
cluding patients with missing serum sodium values. The creatinine, and mean hematocrit values were used as covariates.
accuracy and validity of the dataset used herein were con- Total cost of hospital stay was log transformed prior to analysis.
firmed by direct patients’ electronic chart checking that we
undertook to determine the possible causes for hypernatre-
mia and hospital death. Hypernatremia was defined as a Results
serum sodium value of >147 mEq/L at admission or any
time during hospital stay, and all patients with serum sodium From 1 May to 31 July of 2006, a total 3,886 patients were
values were included in the analysis. To assess the effect of admitted to MDACC, of which 75 % were admitted once,
hypernatremia on hospital cost and mortality, we obtained the 22 % for two to three times, and 3 % for more than three times.
final hospital bill for each patient obtained from the hospital For this analysis, we used data from the first admission on
database, and the data on patients’ mortality from the hospital 3,446 patients in whom serum sodium values were available.
cancer registry. Each patient with admission hypernatremia or
acquired hypernatremia during hospital stay (i.e., patients with Natremia breakdown and patient characteristics
normal serum sodium on admission but had peak serum
sodium above normal after admission) was also identified On admission, 69.9, 29.9, and 0.2 % were in the eunatremia,
and data between the two groups were compared. hyponatremia, and hypernatremia categories, respectively.
Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878 1873

The respective values for the natremia breakdown for hospital the total hospital cost or bill was 45.7 % (95 % CI, 34.2–
stay (including admission) were 51.8, 45.6, and 2.6 % (Fig. 1) 57.9 %) higher in the hypernatremic than in eunatremic
indicating the development of new hyponatremia and hyper- patients (p<0.01) and was 36.9 % (95 % CI, 25.8–45.9 %)
natremia during patients’ stay in the hospital. On admission, higher than in hyponatremic patients (p<0.01) (Table 3).
only seven patients were hypernatremic which increased over The use of chemotherapy and antibiotic were also associated
10-fold to 90 patients during hospital stay. The clinical char- with significantly higher costs and so was as the longer
acteristics and demographics features of all patients and of hospital stay as would be expected (Table 3).
groups based on natremia breakdowns are given in Table 1. That hypernatremics had higher hospital bills even when
The prevalence of hematological malignancies, especially compared with hyponatremics is graphically depicted in
leukemia, was significantly higher in patients who had hyper- Fig. 4a.
natremia as compared with the rest (Table 1). The distribution
of the primary malignancies was: hematological (20.2 %), Mortality
genitourinary (13.5 %), gastrointestinal (14.5 %), head, neck,
and lung (16.2 %), and other (melanoma, breast, thyroid, The overall crude in-hospital mortality rate regardless of
unknown, or unidentified; 36.0 %). serum sodium was 5.4 %. When grouped by natremia
groups, this was 2.4, 7.3, and 39.3 % in the eunatremia,
Length of hospital stay hyponatremia, and hypernatremia groups (p<0.01 for all
comparisons). The causes of death in 35 hypernatremic
The overall length of stay of all patients regardless of serum patients who died in the hospital was multifactorial with
sodium values was 8.2±9.2 days (mean ± SD). The length infection as the most common denominator. Pneumonia
of stay of patients with hypernatremia was significantly followed by respiratory failure was noted in 37.0 % of the
higher at 26.7±22.3 days compared with 10.3±10.0 days patients; whereas, 17.4 % of the patients had sepsis due to
in patients with hyponatremia (p<0·01) and 5.6±4.9 days in infections other than pneumonia.
patients with eunatremia (p<0·01). That hypernatremics had The 90-day mortality and serum sodium values were plot-
longer hospital stay even when compared with hyponatre- ted as restrictive cubic splines, which showed a “U”-shaped
mics is graphically depicted in Fig. 4a. During the hospital relationship that was steeper for hypernatremia than for hypo-
stay, the percent of patients stayed in the critical care unit natremia (Fig. 2). The overall 90-day mortality rate was
was 10.9, 15.1, and 30.0 % for eunatremics, hyponatremics, 11.7 % and based on natremia groups were 7.5, 14.4, and
and hypernatremics, respectively (p<0.01 for all compari- 47.2 % in the eunatremia, hyponatremia, and hypernatremia
sons). That hypernatremics had the highest rate of ICU groups (p<0.01). Multivariate Cox regression analysis was
admissions even when compared with hyponatremics is carried out using the eunatremia group as reference category
graphically depicted in Fig. 4a. (Table 2). Adjusting for age, type of malignancy, chemother-
apy and antibiotic therapy, length of hospital stay, and serum
creatinine and hematocrit values, the HR for 90-day mortality
Hospital cost analysis in hypernatremics were significantly higher compared with
eunatremics (5.09 (95 % CI, 3.32–7.81); p<0·01). Repeating
In the multivariate regression model adjusted for age, type the analysis with hyponatremia as the reference category,
of malignancy, antibiotic and chemotherapy administered, analysis still showed a higher 90-day mortality in the hyper-
hospital stay, mean serum creatinine, and mean hematocrit, natremia group (HR, 2.79 (95 % CI, 1.91–4.11); p<0.01). The
Kaplan–Meier survival analysis also demonstrated signifi-
Hypernatremia cantly higher rates of mortality in hypernatremic than euna-
(>147 mEq/L)
2.6% tremic or hyponatremic patients (both p<0·01) (Fig. 3).
That hypernatremics had the highest rate of mortality
even when compared with hyponatremics is graphically
depicted in Fig. 4b.
(135-147 mEq/L) Admission hypernatremia vs. hospital-acquired hypernatremia:
51.8% Hyponatremia patient characteristics and outcome analyses
(<135 mEq/L)
Table 4 displays the comparison between the two groups.
Leukemic and stem cell transplant patients were more fre-
quent in the acquired groups, and most of them during admis-
Fig. 1 The natremia breakdowns in hospitalized cancer patients sion were receiving chemotherapy and were admitted to
1874 Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878

Table 1 The patient characteristics: all patients, and groups based on natremia breakdowns

Variables Total (N=3,446, 100 %) Natremia groups

Hypernatremia Hyponatremia Eunatremia p value*

(>147 mEq/L; (<135 mEq/L; (135–147 mEq/L;
N=90, 2.6 %) (N=1,571, 45.6 %) N=1,785, 51.8 %)

Age (years, mean ± SD) 55.8±16.7 59.2±16.9 57.3±15.9 54.5±17.3 <0.01

Gender (male %) 51.8 46.1 53.7 50.4 <0.05
Race (%) 0.09
White 72.8 69.7 72.7 73.0 0.35
Black 9.6 14.6 8.9 10.1
Hispanic 12.9 13.5 13.2 12.6
Othersa 4.7 2.2 5.3 4.3
Primary cancer (%)
Hematological malignanciesb 686 (20.2) 23 (27.4) 292 (18.9) 371 (21.1) <0.01
Genitourinary 464 (13.5) 9 (10.1) 206 (13.2) 249 (14.0) <0.01
Gastrointestinal 499 (14.5) 11 (12.2) 271 (17.3) 217 (12.4) 0.50
Head, neck, and lung 549 (16.2) 14 (16.7) 261 (16.9) 274 (15.6) <0.01
Othersc 1,237 (36.0) 32 (35.9) 536 (34.2) 669 (37.5) 0.60

*p values (overall)
Include Asian, Filipino, Pacific Islander, and American Indian
Include leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma
Include melanoma, breast, and thyroid malignancies

critical care unit. These suggest that the acquired hypernatre- MDACC over a 3-month period demonstrated that hyperna-
mic as a group were severely ill. Consistently, the length of tremia in hospitalized cancer patients was seen in 2.6 %, far
stay, hospital bills and the crude mortality rate were higher in less than the very high rates of 46 % of hyponatremia seen in
the acquired-hypernatremic group than the admission- concurrently admitted cancer patients. Most of the hyperna-
hypernatremic group, although mortality did not reach statis- tremia—nearly 90 %—were acquired in the hospital and
tical significance (Table 4). The sample size of patients in the hypernatremia although was infrequent, however, associated
admission-hypernatremia group was quite small and may not with unexpectedly worse clinical outcomes than hyponatre-
fully represent the true population. mia, i.e., higher mortality, hospital stay, and hospital bills.
In a prospective study of patients admitted to general
medical wards of a large urban university hospital for
Discussion 3 months, hypernatremia as defined as >150 mEq/L of serum
sodium was noted in 1 % of patients [8]. Although no com-
Our cross-sectional analysis of data collected from a large parison to eunatremic or hyponatremic patients were provid-
number of patients admitted consecutively to the UT ed, the mortality rate of 41 % reported for patients with
Fig. 2 The restrictive cubic
Predicted probability of 90-day mortality

spline showing the relationship

Predicted probability of in-hospital


between serum sodium values

during hospital stay and in-
hospital and 90-day mortality.


Mortality risk is higher with

hypernatremia than



110 120 130 140 150 160 110 120 130 140 150 160
Mean Serum sodium (mEq/L) Mean Serum sodium (mEq/L)
Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878 1875

Table 2 Multivariate hazard ratios (HR) for in-hospital and 90-day mortality showing significant association with hypernatremia

HR for in-hospital mortality (N=3,446) HR for 90-day mortality (N=3,446)

HR (95 % CI) p value HR (95 % CI) p value

Age (year) 0.99 ( 0.98–1.01) 0.49 1.01 (1.001–1.02) <0.01
Malignancies (hematological vs. non-hematological) 1.16 (0.78–1.74) 0.47 1.61 (1.22–2.12) <0.01
Chemotherapy (yes vs. no) 0.49 (0.34–0.72) <0.01 1.10 (0.87–1.42) 0.42
Antibiotic use (yes vs. no) 0.61 ( 0.39–0.94) 0.02 1.17 (0.90–1.52) 0.24
Hospital stay in days – – 1.002 (0.99–1.01) 0.36
Serum creatininea 1.25 (1.12–1.40) <0.01 1.29 (1.18–1.41) <0.01
Hematocrita 0.91 (0.87–0.95) <0.01 0.96 (0.93–0.98) 0.01
Serum sodium (categories)
Eunatremia (135–147 mEq/L) 1.00 (ref) 1.00 (ref)
Hyponatremia (<135 mEq/L) 1.21 ( 0.83–1.74) 0.34 1.81 (1.44-2.29) <0.01
Hypernatremia (>147 mEq/L) 2.17 ( 1.30–3.64) <0.01 5.09 (3.32–7.81) <0.01
Mean of all values recorded during hospital stay

hypernatremic in this study suggest that mortality in this Although the data on outcomes provided were limited, mor-
subgroup is likely much higher than non-hypernatremic tality rates among the hypernatremic patients were over 2-fold
patients. In another study of 8,142 consecutive adults admitted higher than the hyponatremic patients [9]. Thus in four set-
to a medical–surgical intensive care unit (ICU) between 2000 tings, ICU, general medical hospital, ER, and our comprehen-
and 2006, the frequency of ICU-acquired hypernatremia in- sive cancer center, hypernatremia was found to be consistently
terestingly was higher than hyponatremia (26 vs. 11 %), but associated with higher mortality even when compared against
important to this discussion, hypernatremia was associated patients with hyponatremia.
with higher hospital mortality compared with hyponatremia Hyponatremia is known to be associated with higher cost,
(34 vs. 28 %) [7]. A recent analysis based on retrospective but there are no published studies to our knowledge on the
case series of 43,911 patients with serum sodium seen at a impact of hypernatremia on hospital cost. Our study dem-
university hospital’s Emergency Room (ER) in Switzerland, onstrated that even after adjusting for several factors likely
hypernatremia was noted in 2 % and hyponatremia in 10 %. to affect the cost of patients care in the hospital (Table 3),

Fig. 3 The Kaplan–Meier

survival for 90 days: patients
were stratified according to
natremia groups
Cumulative Survival

Serum sodium levels

Eunatremia (135-147 mEq/L)

Hyponatremia (<135 mEq/L)
Hypernatremia (>147 mEq/L)

Log rank P<0·001


Number at risk
Eunatremia 1785 1756 1733 1719 1712 1703 1647
Hyponatremia 1571 1489 1445 1426 1408 1396 1340
Hypernatremia 90 81 69 65 61 58 47
1876 Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878

500 Cost of stay stem cell transplant service. We speculate that hospital-
Three outcomes expressed as percent Critical care stay acquired hypernatremia may likely be related to the use of
Length of stay
diuretics and chemotherapy and the practice of keeping
400 patients “dry” to avoid pulmonary edema, such as in patients
of same fo eunatremia (%)

soon after stem cell transplant. It is also to be noted that

hypernatremic patients are extremely sick, with most in the
critical care unit. Being sick likely predisposes the patient to
be hypernatremic rather than hypernatremia predisposes
them to be sick. However, this issue needs future prospec-
tive studies to be resolved.
The precise timing when hospital-acquired hypernatre-
100 mia occurred in our patients could not be known from our
dataset as we have not collected serial serum sodium values
but instead extracted admission, peak, low, and discharge
0 serum sodium values. However, we attempted to assess the
Hyponatremia Hypernatremia
volume status of hypernatremia in our patients using hospi-
tal chart review for individual patients. Our chart-based data
on 24-h fluid intake and output were not helpful as accurate
Crude mortality expressed as it relates

1800 measurement of routine fluid intake and output remains a

to the same for eunatremics (%)

1600 mortality challenge. Many of our patients receive potentially nephro-

90-day toxic drugs, such as platinum compounds, ifosfamide, meth-
otrexate, amphoteracin, cidafovir, foscarnet, and the like that
can cause direct tubular toxicity vis-a-vis renal concentrat-
ing defect contributing to unregulated water loss. This com-
800 bined with other factors such as vomiting and diarrhea along
600 with insensible loss of water from neutropenic fevers when
400 present can dehydrate patients. In our study, preliminary
analysis suggested that hypernatremics received more diu-
retics and steroid therapy than the eunatremic patients and
Hyponatremia Hypernatremia were more likely to be transferred to the critical care unit.
Whether the specific chemotherapy or specific patient care
Fig. 4 a Three outcomes as percentages are shown in bar graphs as pattern, e.g., liberal use of diuretics coupled with fluid
they relate to eunatremics, e.g., length of stay in hypernatremics was
450 % of eunatremics. b Crude mortality in hyponatremics and hyper-
restrictions contributes to the higher incidence of hyperna-
natremics expressed in relation to crude mortality in eunatremics in tremia in leukemia patients is not clear. Among our patients
percentages, e.g., over 1,500 % increase in in-hospital mortality was with hypernatremia, nearly a quarter of patients had one or
noted in hypernatremics in relation to eunatremics and hyponatremics more surgical procedures during hospitalization and 15 %
had vomiting diarrhea or a combination accounting for
patients with hypernatremia still had higher hospital cost, possible preferential water loss with reduced fluid intake.
and this persisted even when compared with patients with In our series, only one patient was diagnosed with diabetes
hyponatremia. Our hypernatremic patients had more fre- insipidus (DI), although we could have likely missed DI
quent critical care unit stay than the rest suggesting a sicker patients who were receiving hormonal replacement.
patient population and partly explaining for the higher hos- The strength of our study is that the data are prospective-
pital cost. This is confirmed in our analysis between admis- ly collected with one of us (PS) actively verifying and
sion hypernatremia vs. hospital-acquired hypernatremia validating the data as they were accruing. The validity of
(Table 4). Our data indicate for the first time to our knowl- the dataset was also confirmed during chart analysis. The
edge that majority of the hypernatremia in hospitalized dataset represents large, unselected, and consecutively ad-
cancer patients were actually acquired in the hospital. mitted patients to a large comprehensive center and, more-
Our objective in this cross-sectional analysis was to de- over, none were excluded from analysis except for patients
termine the frequency of hypernatremia and its effects on with missing serum sodium values. Our study is probably
outcomes and, therefore, our ability to describe the cause or the first to study hypernatremia in a large population of
mechanism for hypernatremia is limited. However, it is cancer patients. The clinical outcomes are based on hard
evident in our analysis that hypernatremia was seen more end points. For statistical analysis, we had undertaken alter-
frequently in leukemia patients and patients admitted to nate approaches, such as imputing missing data followed by
Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878 1877

Table 3 Multivariate regression

model for total hospital cost Total hospital cost (log transformed; N=3,446)
showing strong correlation with
hypernatremia Coefficient (95 % CI) p value

Multivariate regression
Age (years) 0.001 (−0.001–0.002) 0.24
Malignancies (hematological vs. non-hematological) −0.060 (−0.116–-0.005) 0.03
Chemotherapy (yes vs. no) 0.242 (0.194–0.289) <0.01
Antibiotic use (yes vs. no) 0.327 (0.283–0.370) <0.01
Hospital stay in days 0.055 (0.052–0.057) <0.01
Serum creatininea 0.005 (−0.026–0.035) 0.76
Hematocrita −0.002 (−0.006–0.002) 0.38
Mean of all values during hos- Serum sodium (categories)
pital stay. In this multivariate
model, hypernatremia had strong Eunatremia (135–147 mEq/L) 0.00 (ref)
correlation to cost; the cost in Hyponatremia (<135 mEq/L) 0.094 (0.054–0.134) <0.01
hypernatremics was nearly 46 % Hypernatremia (>147 mEq/L) 0.457 (0.342–0.571) <0.01
higher than eunatremics

sensitivity analyses, employing restrictive cubic splines for covariates—known or unknown—as well as comorbidities
nonlinear data, and multivariate regression analysis for cost and their severity into the regression models could have led
analysis. A main limitation of our study is lack of details on to some unmeasured confounding in the multivariate analy-
the causes of hypernatremia in this population as alluded to. ses. However, we had included common variable relevant to
Prospective studies are required in cancer patients to deter- the survival of cancer population.
mine the nature and cause of evolution of hypernatremia and In summary, we provide what we believe is the first
to determine whether treatment to mitigate hypernatremia report on a detailed outcome analysis of hypernatremia in
will change the outcomes. Our inability to incorporate all hospitalized cancer patients. Hypernatremia was seen in

Table 4 Admission hypernatre-

mia vs. hospital-acquired hyper- Variable Admission hypernatremia Acquired hypernatremia p value
natremia: patient characteristics (n=7) (n=83)
and outcome analyses
Age (years; median and 25th 54, 48–59 62, 52–70 0.42
and 75th percentiles)
Gender (male %) 33 51 0.70
Race (%)
White 57 67 0.55
Black 28 16
Hispanic 14 12
Asian 0 4
Admission service (%)
Medical oncology 57 15 0.04
Surgical oncology 15 31
Stem cell transplant 14 48
Pain management 0 3
General internal medicine 14 3
Leukemia (%) 0 26 0.15
Chemotherapy (%) 0 58 0.04
AKIa (%) 28 56 0.27
ICU admission (%) 0 69 0.13
Length of stay (days; median and 5, 3–7 27, 16–43 <0.01
Apply caution when interpreting
25th and 75th percentiles)
the results as sample size of
Hospital bill (US $; median and 24,966 (15,497–34,707) 263,947 (136,319–479,726) <0.01
patients in admission-hyperna-
25th and 75th percentile)
tremia was small
Crude in-hospital mortality 14 40 0.22
Based on RIFLE criteria
1878 Support Care Cancer (2013) 21:1871–1878

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