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Schedute B - Itemized Expenditures Statement ($20 or more)
tl-45-108(1Xa), C.R.S.l

EuIl Name of CommilteelPercon; RochElle for Greeley City Council

1. Datc Expendcd
4- Narne: Shell Oil
2. ArUogpt 5. Address: 13780 E 6th Avenue

fi 27.A2 * Aiwl*tcttlTi Aurora CO 80011

3.Recipicnt is (optional):
Commiuee r. Purpose of Expendirure: Fuel
E Non-Commiuce
EI Ctrect box if Electioneerine Communication
l, Date Exnended
Westlake Wne & Spirits
4. Name:
2. Amount 5. Address: 2024 35th Avenue

$ 43.59 * frit.'lQtor, f7i Greeley CO 80634

3.Recipient is (qptional):
I co*luitt". z. Purpose of Expenditure: Food-Beverage
flNon-Commirec fl Ctrcct bor if Electioneerine Communication

l. Date Exocnded
4. Name: Dollar General
2. Amounr 5. Address: 1412 8th Avenue

s 2.u < lrinr/Rtorr l7i Greeley CO 80631

3.Recipient is (option.rl):
tl commince z. Purpose of Expetrditur., Food-Beverage
f] Non{ommittee
E Ctrect Uox if Electioneerine Comrnunicarion

l. Date Exxnded

4. Namc T_qqrlh q,reptlcs

2. Amount 5. Address: 7O8z7lhAvenue#104

$ 38.00 rr.* Greelev CO 80834
3 -Recipient is (opriooal):
f]committee ?. Purpose of Expenditure: Advertising
D Non-Comminee
fl Crrecf box if Electionccrinq Communication

l. Qetp Exopnded
4. Name: Frontier Airlines
1 1/16Xe01s
2. Arnount 5- Address: 7001 Tower Road

$ 114.00 r-ir.,/Co-+-t7! eLy.

Denver CO 80249
3.Recipient is (oprional):
f] Co**itt"r ?. Purpose of Expendirure: Fundraising
fl Non-Commiuee
EI Ctecf box if Electionecring Comrnunication

Colorado Saaery of St$c F6m Rcv. 12/09

trn 40t5-1702
" DZ-
Schedule B - Itemized Expenditures Statement ($20 or more)
It45-108(1Xa), Ca,.S..l

Full Name of Committee/Person: Rochelle for Greeley City Council

l. Date Exoended
Gay and Lesbian Mctory lnstitute lnc.
4. Name:
2. Amount 5. Address: 1133 15th Street NW Ste 350

$ 5s0.00 r, laisvl\tqtpfTi Washinoton DC 20005

3.Recipient is (optional):
E Comminee 7. Purpose of Expenditur"' -*Fuldraising
fl Non-Comminee
E Ctreck box if Electioneering Communicstion

L Date Exocnded
Frontier Airlines
4. Name:
2. Amount 5. Addrcss: 7001 TorerRoad

$ 485.96 Denver CO 80249

3.Recipi ent is (qptional):
fl committee z. Purpose of Expenditure' Fundraising
I Non-Commiuee
E Chect box if Electioneerins Communication

1. DatqFxrcnded

4. Name: Excalig H"t"l
2. Amounl 5- Addrcss: lgges Blvd S

$ 371.84 --19S0-!gl
r-irrr/sarc/zin- LasVeqas NV 89109
3.Recipient is (optional):
flco*rlrino 7. Purpose of Expenditurc: Fundraising
n Non{ommiuee
EI CUecf box if Electionecrine Communication
L Date Expended
4. Name: Excalibe{lqle!
2. Amount 5- Address: 3850 Las Vegas BIvd S

$ 116.48 in. LasVegas NV 89109

3.Recipient is (optional):
fl Committee 7. Purposc of Expendiaue' Fundraising
I Non{ommiuee
E Check box if Electionecrine Communication
I. Date Exeend$d
4. Name: MGM Grande Fiamma Trattoria
2. Arnount 5. Addrcss: 3799 Las Vegas Monorail

$ 82.67 /rittilQta+af7i LasVeqas NV 89109

3.Recipient is (optional):
E Comm;uee ?- Purpose of Expendinrre: Food-Beverage
D Non-Commiuee E Chectc box if Etectionecring Comrnurication

Cdo'ado Scectary of Stilc Fo.rD Rca. l2l09

tr1 '/Dl? -,lza'*
i,,; {:,i P_3
Schedule B - ttemized Expendihres Statement ($20 or more)
lla5-108(lXs), C.RS.l

FuIl Name of Committet/lPer:son: Rochelle for Greeley Gity Council

LasVegas NV 89119
3.Recipicnt is (optionat):
fl Non-Comminec

l. Date Expended
4 Narne: Gordon Ramsay's Burgr
2. Am.ount -5 Address: 3667 S Las Vegas Blvd
$ 40.3s rrir.,,rerar-r/ln. LasVeoas NV 89109
3.Recipient is (optional):
flcor-in"" ?. Purpose of Expenditure: Food-Beverage
f] Non{ommittec
EI Ctrccr box if Electioneering Communication
l. Date Erfrndq4
4. Name: Dennv's Restaurant
?. Amount 5- Address: 3397 S Las Vegas Blvd
$ 31.17 frirr,/(r-ra,r7in. LasVeqas NV 89109
3.Recipient Ls (optional):
f] Commitree z. Purpose of Expenditure: Food-Beverage
f] Non-committee
E Ctrect box if Elcctioneerine Communication

I. Date Experded

4. Name: ln-N-Out Burger

2. Amount 5- Address: 4888 Dean Marlin Drive

$ 11.78 t-i)-,tehro.z,in. Las Veoas NV 89103

3.Recipient is {optional):
committee r. Purpose of Expenditure: Food-Beverage
f] Non-Comminee
E (}rect box if Electiooeerinc Communicarion

I. Date Exoended
4. Name: Gonzalez Y Gonzalez New York New York
2, Amount 5. Address: 3790 S Las Vegas Blvd

$ 81.26 rai+,,/e+-c-F7i^.
LasVeoas NV 89109
3.Recipient is (optiona!):
n Cqmmifiee r. PurposeofExpenditure' Foql-Beverage
f] Non-comminee
E Chectbox if Elcctioneerine Communication

Cobado Stcrrory of Strte Fqm Rev. 12/U9

\_. {:tt:: 7a64b3
Schedule B - Itemized Expenditures Statement ($20 or morc)
t l-{5-l 08(I Xa), C-R.S.l

F'uIl Name of Committee/Person:

Rochelle for Greeley City Council

5. Address: 3570 !!3{qgp Ptuc!

LasVegas NV 89109
3.Recipicnt is ioptioosl):
f]commiree z- Purpose of Expendirure: Foq4.-Beveraqg
fl Non{ommiree

l. Date Expendd
4. Name: US AirPort Parkinq
2- Amount 5. Addre;s: 18000 East 81st Avenue

$ 43.20 (ri,r'lC-tqtafri Commerce Citv CO 8OA22

3.Recipient is (optional):
f] Committce z. Purpose of Expenditure' Fundrqi:ing
E Cnecf box if Electioneering Communicuion

1. Date Errrnded
4. Name Uber
2. Annou! 5. Addrcss: 182 Howard Street#8

$ 27.13 r-irrr/(trtp/7i San Francisco CA 94105

3.Recipient is loptional):
D committce 7. Purpose of Expenditrre: Fundraising
f] Non-Commiuee
E Cnccf box if Etcctioneering Communication

i. Date Expended
4- Name:
2. Amount -5- Address:

$ /1it..let^rdfi i
3.Recipient Ls (optimal):
I comminee z. Purpose of Expendinre:
I Non-Comminee
fl Ctrect box if Electioneerine Communication

l. Date Exoended
4 Name:

2. Amount 5 Address:

$ ,-ii r,r( r6rrri

3.Recipient is (opti6ul):
il Commiuee z" Purpose of Expenditure:
E Non-Commiree
E Ctrcct box if Elccrioncsrine Communication

Coler*Io Sccrctar-v of Sratr Fofrn Rcv, 12/09

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