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Paging stored procedure

2017-12-28 / VIEWS: 22
Record some of the tool stored procedures that you have used before, and you have to use almost
everything you need to write a page! A paged query stored procedure sqlServer, if there are other
databases in the future, come back and modify!
SqlServer paging stored procedure:

CREATE PROC [dbo].[GlobalPage]

@tab nvarchar ( max ), - - the table name

@strFld nvarchar ( max ), - field string

@strWhere VARCHAR ( max ), - WHERE condition

@PageIndex int , - page

@PageSize int , - per The number of records

held @Sort VARCHAR ( 255 ), -- sort fields and rules, without adding
order by

@Count INT OUTPUT -- return the total number of records


declare @strSql nvarchar(max)

declare @Exec_sql nvarchar(max)

set nocount on;

/* 查詢總記錄數*/

SET @Exec_sql='Set @Count=(SELECT COUNT(0) FROM ' + @tab + ' WHERE

' + @strWhere+' )'

EXEC sp_executesql @Exec_sql,N'@Count int output',@Count output


OVER(ORDER BY ' + @Sort + ') AS rownum, ' + @strFld + ' FROM ' +
@tab + ' where ' + @strWhere + ') AS Dwhere

WHERE rownum BETWEEN ' + CAST(((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize + 1) as

nvarchar(20)) + ' and ' + cast((@PageIndex*@PageSize) as nvarchar(20))

exec (@strSql)

set nocount off;

A universal stored procedure for millions of data
query paging operations
2018-04-20 / VIEWS: 29
I. Introduction

Recently, I have been busy with work, so I rarely write anything. The MongoDB series
of articles has to be delayed. There is no way, work first, no food, no food. It’s just a little bit of
time today, I’ve made some things about me recently and recorded them.

In the software industry, a slightly larger company, the amount of relevant data storage
may be very large, when we do the system, we will use the stored procedure for page display, as
to why the page display, I do not have to say more. Recently, I am working on a system. In order
to let the system support large data volume, I have done a lot of tests, mainly to test the pros and
cons of various paging algorithms. Finally, after many tests, I determined this stored
procedure. The test environment is:
hardware environment: CPU is 12 cores, memory is 8G size,
software environment: Visual Studio 2015, database is Sql Server
2008 R2, data volume is about 30 million
ORM environment: IBatis.Net

The test results are not mapped. If you want to test, you can operate it yourself. First of
all, if you want to query the ID primary key, you can display the paging data for up to 300-400
milliseconds. The first page or the last page shows that the time is similar. In addition, if it is a
query paging for other fields, an index must be created for the field, and the query speed can also
be completed in milliseconds. After many rounds of testing, the final stored procedure style is
determined. Of course, if there is no index page for the paged field of the query, the time will be
longer. 6 minutes, 10 minutes is possible. Since only the stored procedure is discussed today, the
others will not be discussed, such as sub-library, sub-table, horizontal split or vertical split.

Second, the stored procedure code

Of course, this stored procedure also refers to the information of many seniors, only to
finalize. Modified its original bug, and some errors in the grammar hill. Other details have also
been fine-tuned to form this final version. If you have a better way of writing, you are welcome
to leave a message. Not much nonsense, the code is sent out today, the stored procedure has been
tested, no problem at all, you can rest assured to use, the code is as follows:
1 USE [XXXXXXXX .BbbbbbbbCcccccccc.Dataware ]

2 GO

3 /* ***** Object: StoredProcedure

[dbo].[usp_CommonDataResourcePaged] Script Date: 2018/4/20 9:01:14
***** */

5 GO


7 GO

8 -- ============================================= =========

9 -- Author: <PatrickLiu>

10 -- Create date: <2018-4-16 14:21>

11 -- Description: <Universal data paging stored procedure>

12 --=============================================

13= ALTER PROCEDURE [ dbo ] . [ usp_CommonDataResourcePaged ]

14 (

15 @tablename nvarchar ( 200 is ), - - or

is connected to display a plurality of tables table

16 @FieldList nvarchar ( 1500 ) = ' * ' , - - the

list of fields to be displayed

17 @PageSize int = 20 , -- --

Number of records per page 18 @PageNumber int = 1 ,

-- -- To display the record for that page

19 @SortFields nvarchar ( 1000 ) = null , -- -- Sort

field list or condition

20 @EnabledSort bit = 0 , -- -- Sort

method, 0 is ascending , 1 is descending (if the multi-field
arrangement Sort refers to the order of the last sort field (the last
sort field is not sorted) - the process pass parameters such as:
'SortA Asc, SortB Desc, SortC ')

21 @QueryCondition Nvarchar ( 1500 ) = null , -- --

query condition, no WHERE

22 @Primarykey nvarchar ( 50 ), -- -- The

primary key of the main table

23 @EnabledDistinct bit = 0 , -- --
Whether to add the DISTINCT of the query field Default 0 does not add
/1 Add

24 @PageCount int = 1 output, -- -- Query

results after the total page Page

25 @RecordCount int = 1 output -- -- Number

of records queried

26 )

27 AS


29 Declare @SqlResult nvarchar ( 1000 ) -- -- Store

dynamically generated SQL statements

30 Declare @SqlTotalCount nvarchar ( 1000 ) -- -- Store

the query statement that

gets the total number of query results 31 Declare

@SqlStartOrEndID nvarchar ( 1000 ) -- -- Store the query

gets the start or end ID of the query 32

33 Declare @SortTypeA nvarchar ( 10 ) -- --Data Sorting

Rule A

34 Declare @SortTypeB nvarchar ( 10 ) -- -- Data Sorting

Rule B

36 Declare @SqlDistinct nvarchar ( 50 ) -- -- SQL

construction of the query containing DISTINCT

37 Declare @SqlCountDistinct nvarchar ( 50 ) -- --

SQL construction of the total query containing DISTINCT


39 declare @ timediff datetime -- time

- consuming test time difference 40 SELECT @ timediff = getdate


41 is

42 is IF @EnabledDistinct = 0

43 is the begin

44 is SET @SqlDistinct = ' the SELECT '

45 SET @SqlCountDistinct = ' the Count (*)'

46 end

47 else

48 begin

49 set @SqlDistinct = ' SELECT DISTINCT '

50 set @SqlCountDistinct = ' Count(DISTINCT ' +

@Primarykey + ' ) '

51 end

53 if @EnabledSort = 0

54 begin

55 set @SortTypeB = ' ASC '

56 set @SortTypeA = ' DESC'

57 end

58 else

59 begin

60 set @SortTypeB = ' DESC '

61 set @SortTypeA = ' ASC '

62 end


64 -- ------ Generate query statement --------

65 -- this to achieve results at @SqlTotalCount number of


66 IF @QueryCondition iS null or @QueryCondition = '' -

did not set the display condition

67 the begin

68 the sET @SqlResult = @FieldList + ' From ' +


69 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + ' @RecordCount=

' + @SqlCountDistinct + ' FROM ' + @TableName

70 set @SqlStartOrEndID = ' From ' + @TableName

71 end

72 else

73 begin

74 set @ SqlResult = + @FieldList + ' From ' +

@TableName + ' WHERE (1>0) and ' + @QueryCondition

75 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + ' @RecordCount=

' + @SqlCountDistinct + ' FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE (1>0) and '
+ @ QueryCondition

76 set @SqlStartOrEndID = ' From ' + @TableName +

' WHERE (1>0) and ' + @QueryCondition

77 End


79 -- -- Get the total number of query results ---

80 exec sp_executesql @SqlTotalCount , N ' @RecordCount int out '

, @RecordCount out


82 declare @TemporaryCount int -- temporary statistics

83 if @RecordCount = 0

84 set @TemporaryCount = 1

85 else

86 set @TemporaryCount = @RecordCount

88 -- Get the total number of pages

89 set @PageCount = ( @TemporaryCount + @PageSize - 1 ) /



91 /* *The current page is larger than the total number of

pages. The last page is * */

92 if @PageNumber > @PageCount

93 set @PageNumber = @PageCount


95 - - /*-----Data paging 2 points processing -------*/

96 declare @pageIndex int -- total / page size

97 declare @lastcount int -- total % page size


99 set @pageIndex = @TemporaryCount / @PageSize

100 set @lastcount = @TemporaryCount % @PageSize

101 if @lastcount > 0

102 set @pageIndex = @pageIndex + 1

103 else

104 set @lastcount = @pagesize

106 -- //*** Show pagination

107 IF @QueryCondition IS null or @QueryCondition = ''

- is not set display condition

108 the begin

109 IF @pageIndex < 2 or @PageNumber <= @pageIndex /

2 + @pageIndex % 2 -- The first half of the data processing

110 begin

111 if @PageNumber = 1

112 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + '

TOP ' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4 )) + ' ' + @FieldList + '
FROM ' + @TableName+ ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeB

113 else

114 begin

115 if @EnabledSort = 1

116 begin

117 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + '

TOP ' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4 )) + ' ' + @FieldList + '
FROM ' + @TableName

118 + ' WHERE ' + @Primarykey + '

<(SELECT MIN( ' + @Primarykey + ' ) FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP
' + CAST ( @PageSize * ( @PageNumber - 1 ) as Varchar ( 20 )) + ' '
+ @PrimaryKey + ' the FROM ' + @tablename

119 + 'ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' '

+ @SortTypeB + ' ) AS TBMinID) ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + '
' + @SortTypeB

120 end
121 else

122 begin

123 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + '

TOP ' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4 )) + ' '+ @FieldList + '
FROM ' + @TableName

124 + ' WHERE ' + @Primarykey + '

>(SELECT MAX( ' + @Primarykey + ' ) FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP
' + CAST ( @PageSize * ( @ PageNumber - 1 ) as Varchar ( 20 )) + '
' + @Primarykey +' FROM ' + @TableName

125 + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' '

+ @SortTypeB + ' ) AS TBMinID) ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + '
' + @SortTypeB

126 end

127 end

128 end

129 else

130 begin

131 set @PageNumber = @pageIndex - @PageNumber + 1

- the second half of the data processing

132 IF @PageNumber <= . 1 - last page data

133 SET @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + ' *

the FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' the TOP ' + the CAST ( @lastcount AS
VARCHAR ( . 4 ) ) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' the FROM ' + @tablename

134 + ' the ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + '

' + @SortTypeA + ' ) AS TempTB ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + '
' + @SortTypeB

135 else
136 if @EnabledSort = 1

137 begin

138 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + ' *

FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP ' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4
)) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName

139 + ' WHERE ' + @Primarykey + '

>(SELECT MAX( ' + @Primarykey + ' ) FROM( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP
' + CAST ( @PageSize * ( @PageNumber - 2 ) + @lastcount as Varchar(
20 is )) + ' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' the FROM ' + @tablename

140 + ' the ORDER BY ' + @SortFields +

' ' + @SortTypeA + ' ) the AS TBMaxID) '

141 is + ' the ORDER BY ' + @SortFields

+ ' ' + @SortTypeA + ' ) AS TempTB ' + ' ORDER BY '+ @SortFields +
' ' + @SortTypeB

142 end

143 else

144 begin

145 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + ' *

FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP ' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4
)) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName

146 + ' WHERE ' +@Primarykey + ' <(SELECT

MIN( ' + @Primarykey + ' ) FROM( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP ' + CAST
( @PageSize * ( @PageNumber - 2 ) + @lastcount as Varchar ( 20 )) +
' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' the FROM ' + @tablename

147 + ' the ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + '

' + @SortTypeA + ' ) AS TBMaxID) '

148 + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' '

+ @SortTypeA + ' ) AS TempTB ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' '
+ @SortTypeB
149 End

150 End

151 End


153 the else - there query

154 the begin

155 IF @pageIndex < 2 or @PageNumber <= @pageIndex /

2 + @pageIndex % 2 -- The first half of the data processing

156 begin

157 if @PageNumber = 1

158 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + '

TOP ' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4 )) + ' ' + @FieldList + '
FROM ' + @TableName

159 + ' WHERE 1=1 and ' +

@QueryCondition + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeB

160 else if ( @EnabledSort = 1 )

161 begin

162 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + '

TOP ' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4 )) + ' ' + @FieldList+ '
FROM ' + @TableName

163 + ' WHERE ' + @Primarykey + '

<(SELECT MIN( ' + @Primarykey + ' ) FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP
' + CAST ( @PageSize * ( @PageNumber - 1 ) as Varchar ( 20 )) + ' '
+ @Primarykey + ' FROM' + @TableName
164 + ' WHERE (1=1) and ' +
@QueryCondition + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeB +
' ) AS TBMinID) ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeB

165 end

166 else

167 begin

168 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + '

TOP' + CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4 )) + ' ' + @FieldList + '
FROM ' + @TableName

169 + ' WHERE ' + @Primarykey + '

>(SELECT MAX( ' + @Primarykey + ' ) FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP
' + CAST ( @PageSize * ( @PageNumber -. 1 ) AS Varchar ( 20 is )) +
' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' the FROM ' + @tablename

170. + ' the WHERE (=. 1. 1) and ' +

@QueryCondition + ' the ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' +
@SortTypeB + ' ) AS TBMinID) ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' +

171 end

172 end

173 else

174 begin

175 set @PageNumber = @pageIndex - @PageNumber + 1

-- second half of data processing

176 if @PageNumber <= 1 -- last page of data


177 set @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + ' *

FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP ' + CAST ( @lastcount as VARCHAR (
4 ))+ ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName
178 + ' WHERE (1=1) and ' +
@QueryCondition + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeA +
' ) AS TempTB ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeB

179 else if ( @EnabledSort = 1)

180 [ SET @SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + '

* the FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' the TOP ' + the CAST ( @PageSize
AS VARCHAR ( . 4 )) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' the FROM ' + @tablename

181 + ' the WHERE ' + @Primarykey + '

>(SELECT MAX( ' + @Primarykey + ') The FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + '
the TOP ' + the CAST ( @PageSize * ( @PageNumber - 2 ) + @lastcount
AS Varchar ( 20 is )) + ' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' the FROM ' +

182 + ' the WHERE ( 1=1) and ' +

@QueryCondition + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeA +
' ) AS TBMaxID) ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeA
+ ' ) AS TempTB ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' + @SortTypeB

183 else

184 set @ SqlTotalCount = @SqlDistinct + ' *

FROM ( ' + @SqlDistinct + ' TOP '+ CAST ( @PageSize as VARCHAR ( 4
)) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName

185 + ' WHERE ' + @Primarykey + '

<(SELECT MIN( ' + @Primarykey + ' ) FROM( ' + @ SqlDistinct + ' TOP
' + CAST ( @PageSize * ( @PageNumber - 2 )+ @lastcount AS Varchar (
20 is )) + ' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' the FROM ' + @tablename

186 + ' the WHERE (=. 1. 1) and ' +

@QueryCondition + ' the ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' +
@SortTypeA + ' ) AS TBMaxID) ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' +
@SortTypeA+ ' ) AS TempTB ' + ' ORDER BY ' + @SortFields + ' ' +

187 end

188 end

190 -- ----Return result-----

191 exec sp_executesql @SqlTotalCount

192 -- SELECT datediff (ms,@timediff,getdate()) as

Time 193 print @SqlTotalCount


The above is the stored procedure, the code is very simple, there are comments, no

Third, related entity classes

Because the stored procedure code is called in C# code, in order to facilitate the parameter
passing, I deliberately create an entity class for passing and accepting parameters, such as: total
number of pages and number of records, the name of the class is:
CommonDataResourcePaged. Not much nonsense, directly on the code, the code is as follows:
. 1 /// <Summary>

2 /// generic data source bandit tab

. 3 /// </ Summary>

. 4 public Sealed class CommonDataResourcePaged

. 5 {

. 6 /// <Summary>

. 7 /// table or a plurality of tables to be displayed


8 /// </summary>

9 public string TableName { get ; set ; }


11 /// <summary>

12 /// List of fields to display

13 /// </summary>

14 public stringFieldList { get ; set ; }


16 /// <summary>

17 /// Number of records displayed per page

18 /// </summary>

19 public int PageSize { get ; set ; }


21 /// < Summary>

22 /// Page number of the record of the page to be displayed

23 /// </summary>

24 public int PageNumber { get ; set ; }


26 /// <summary>

27 /// Sort the field list or condition

28 /// </summary>
29 public string SortFields { get ; set ; }


31 /// <summary>

32 /// Sort method, 0 is ascending, 1 is descending (if it is

a multi-field arrangement Sort refers to the last a sort order in the
field (without the last sort field ordering flag) - such as a process
parameter passing: 'SortA the Asc, Asc SortB, SortC')

33 is /// </ Summary>

34 is public BOOL EnabledSort { GET ; SET ; }


36 /// <Summary>

37 [ /// query without WHERE

38 is /// </ Summary>

39 public StringQueryCondition { get ; set ; }


41 /// <summary>

42 /// primary key of the main table

43 /// </summary>

44 public string Primarykey { get ; set ; }


46 /// <summary>
47 /// Whether to add the DISTINCT of the query field Default
0 does not add /1 Add

48 /// </summary>

49 public bool EnabledDistinct { get ; set ; }


51 /// <summary>

52 ///This field is returned from the database field values,

Output is the field in the database, the total number of pages of the
search result tab

53 is /// </ Summary>

54 is public int the PageCount { GET ; SET ;}


56 is /// < Summary>

57 is /// this field is returned to the field values from a

database, the database is Output field, recording the number of
queries to

58 /// </ Summary>

59 public int the RecordCount { GET ; SET ;}

60 }

The above is the code of the entity class, very simple, it will not be explained.
Fourth, Sql Server call code
Here, I only demonstrate how to call this stored procedure in Sql Server, which is very
simple, everyone should know. Ok, that's it, the code is very simple, I want to call the stored
procedure, the call instance is as follows:
1 USE [ Xxxxxxx.Bbbbbb.Dataware ] GO //The name is commented out

3 DECLARE @return_value int , @PageCount int , @RecordCount


5 SELECT @PageCount = 0 SELECT @RecordCount = 0

7 EXEC @return_value = [ dbo ] . [ usp_CommonDataResourcePaged ]

@TableName = N ' [literature].[tbl_Literatures] ' ,

8 @FieldList = N '
r] ' ,

9 @PageSize = 30 ,

10 @PageNumber = 50 ,

11 @SortFields = [ ID ] ,

12 @EnabledSort = N ' 1 ' ,

13 @QueryCondition = N '[ChiefAuthor]= '' ffffff ''' ,

14 @Primarykey = N ' [ID] ' ,

15 @EnabledDistinct = 1 ,

16 @PageCount = @PageCount OUTPUT,

17 @RecordCount = @RecordCount OUTPUT


19 SELECT @PageCount as N ' @PageCount ' , @RecordCount as N '

@RecordCount '


21 SELECT 'Return Value ' = @return_value


23 GO

After the query, you can see the results of the first off, I will not map.

Fifth, the end

I wrote it today, it is time to go to work. By the way, I use IBatis.net in C# code. I need to
make related settings in the configuration file before calling, such as setting the parameters of the
parameters, setting the query result settings and types, etc. It is also very simple to use. , no code
is posted. This is what it is today, and I have time to continue my journey to the MongoDB

Modified SQL paging stored procedure, using the 2-

point method to support sorting
2018-03-04 / VIEWS: 39
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sys_Page_v3] Script Date:
08/13/2014 09:32:28 ******/




-- /*-----Storage process paging processing Sun Wei 2005-03-28 created

-- /*-----Storage process paging processing dust 2008-9-1 Modify -----


-- /*----- 2 points of data processing to make the first half of the

query data the same as the second half of the query -------*/

alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[sys_Page_v3]

@tblName nvarchar ( 200 ), -- -- The connection of the table or

tables to be displayed

@fldName nvarchar ( 500 ) = * , -- -- The list of fields to be


@pageSize int = 10 , -- -- per The number of records displayed on

the page

@page int = 1 , -- -- The record to display that page

@fldSort nvarchar ( 200 ) = null , -- -- Sort field list or


@Sort bit = 0 , --- Sorting method, 0 is ascending order, 1 is

descending order (if it is a multi-field arrangement Sort refers to
the order of the last sorting field (the last sorting field is not
sorted) - the process is as follows: SortA Asc, SortB Desc , SortC )

@strCondition nvarchar ( 1000 ) = null , -- -- Query condition, no

need where

@ID nvarchar ( 150 ), -- -- Primary key of the main table

@Dist bit = 0 , -- -- Add query Field DISTINCT Default 0 is not
added /1 Add

@pageCount int = 1 output, -- -- Total number of pages after query

results page

@Counts int = 1 output -- -- Number of records queried



Declare @sqlTmp nvarchar ( 1000 ) -- -- Store dynamically generated

SQL statement

Declare @strTmp nvarchar ( 1000 ) -- -- Store the query statement to

get the total number of query results

Declare @strID nvarchar ( 1000 ) -- -- Store Get the query statement

at the beginning or end of the query

Declare @strSortType nvarchar ( 10 ) -- -- Data collation A

Declare @strFSortType nvarchar ( 10 ) -- -- Data collation B

Declare @SqlSelect nvarchar ( 50 ) -- -- SQL construct for queries

containing DISTINCT

Declare @SqlCounts nvarchar ( 50 ) -- -- SQL construct for total

queries containing DISTINCT

Declare @timediff datetime -- time

- consuming test time difference select @timediff = getdate ()

if @Dist = 0


set @SqlSelect = select

set @SqlCounts = Count(*)




set @SqlSelect = select distinct

set @SqlCounts = Count(DISTINCT +@ID+)


if @Sort=0


set @strFSortType= ASC

set @strSortType= DESC



set @strFSortType= DESC

set @strSortType= ASC


- ------ generate queries --------

- here @strTmp to get the number of query results statement

IF @strCondition IS null or @strCondition = - not set display


the begin

the SET @ sqlTmp = @fldName + the From @tblName

SET @strTmp = @SqlSelect + @Counts = + @SqlCounts + the FROM +


SET @strID = the From @tblName


the else

the begin
SET @sqlTmp = + @fldName + From @tblName + where

set @strTmp = @SqlSelect+ @Counts=+@SqlCounts+ FROM +@tblName + where

1=1 @strCondition

set @strID = From @tblName + where @strCondition


-- -- Get the total number of query results ---

exec sp_executesql @strTmp , N @Counts int out , @Counts out

declare @tmpCounts int

if @Counts = 0

set @tmpCounts = 1


set @tmpCounts = @Counts

- obtaining the total number of tabs

SET @pageCount = ( @tmpCounts + @pageSize - . 1 ) / @pageSize

/**//**//**//* *The current page is larger than the total number of

pages. The last page is * */

if @page > @pageCount

set @page = @pageCount

-- / *----- Data page 2 points processing ------- * /

declare @pageIndex int -- total / page size

declare @lastcount int -- total % page size

set @pageIndex = @tmpCounts/@pageSize

set @lastcount = @tmpCounts%@pageSize

if @lastcount > 0

set @pageIndex = @pageIndex + 1


set @lastcount = @pagesize

- // Display tab ***

IF @strCondition IS null or @strCondition = - not set display


the begin

IF @pageIndex < 2 or @page <= @pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2

- the first half of the data processing

if @page = 1

set @strTmp = @SqlSelect + top + CAST ( @pageSize as VARCHAR ( 6

)) + + @fldName+ from +@tblName

+ order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType



if @Sort=1


set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(6))+ +

@fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ <(select min(+ @ID +) from (+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from +@tblName

+ order by + @ID + + @strFSortType+) AS TBMinID)

+ order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType




set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(6))+ +

@fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ >(select max(+ @ID +) from (+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from +@tblName

+ order by + @ID + + @strFSortType+) AS TBMinID)

+ order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType






set @page = @pageIndex-@page+1 --後半部分數據處理

if @page <= 1 - Finally, the data show a

SET @strTmp = @SqlSelect + * from ( + @SqlSelect + Top + the

CAST ( @lastcount AS VARCHAR ( . 6 )) + + @fldName + from +

+ Order by + @fldSort + + @strSortType + ) AS TempTB + order

by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType


if @Sort=1


set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ * from (+@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as

VARCHAR(6))+ + @fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ >(select max(+ @ID +) from(+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from

+ order by + @ID + + @strSortType+) AS TBMaxID)

+ order by + @fldSort + + @strSortType+) AS TempTB+ order by +

@fldSort + + @strFSortType



set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ * from (+@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as

VARCHAR(6))+ + @fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ <(select min(+ @ID +) from(+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from

+ order by + @ID + + @strSortType+) AS TBMaxID)

+ order by + @fldSort + + @strSortType+) AS TempTB+ order by +

@fldSort + + @strFSortType




Else -- there is a query condition


if @pageIndex < 2 or @page <= @pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2

-- the first half of the data processing


if @page = 1

set @strTmp = @SqlSelect + top + CAST ( @ the pageSize AS

VARCHAR ( . 6 )) + + @fldName + from + @tblName
+ WHERE . 1 = . 1 @strCondition + order by + @fldSort + +

else if(@Sort=1)


set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(6))+ +

@fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ <(select min(+ @ID +) from (+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from +@tblName

+ where 1=1 @strCondition + order by + @ID + + @strFSortType+) AS


+ + @strCondition + order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType




set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(6))+ +

@fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ >(select max(+ @ID +) from (+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from +@tblName

+ where 1=1 @strCondition + order by + @ID + + @strFSortType+) AS


+ + @strCondition + order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType




Set @page = @pageIndex - @page + 1 -- second half of data


if @page <= 1 -- last page data display

set @strTmp = @SqlSelect + * from ( + @SqlSelect + top + CAST (

@lastcount AS VARCHAR ( . 6 )) + + @fldName + from + @tblName

+ WHERE . 1 = . 1 + @strCondition + order by + @fldSort + +

@strSortType+) AS TempTB+ order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType

else if(@Sort=1)

set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ * from (+@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as

VARCHAR(6))+ + @fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ >(select max(+ @ID +) from(+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from

+ where 1=1 + @strCondition + order by + @ID + + @strSortType+) AS


+ + @strCondition+ order by + @fldSort + + @strSortType+) AS TempTB+

order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType


set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+ * from (+@SqlSelect+ top + CAST(@pageSize as

VARCHAR(6))+ + @fldName+ from +@tblName

+ where +@ID+ <(select min(+ @ID +) from(+ @SqlSelect+ top +

CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) + + @ID + from

+ where 1=1 + @strCondition + order by + @ID + + @strSortType+) AS

+ + @strCondition+ order by + @fldSort + + @strSortType+) AS TempTB+
order by + @fldSort + + @strFSortType



-- ----Return the query result -----

exec sp_executesql @strTmp

-- select datediff(ms,@timediff,getdate()) as Time -consuming

-- print @strTmp



SQL job and schedule creation

2018-01-11 / VIEWS: 31

Transfer from: http://www.cnblogs.com/accumulater/p/6223909.html

- the definition to create a job transferred from


EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_job

@job_name = N ' job name ' ,

@job_id = @jobid the OUTPUT

- Define the job step

DECLARE @sql nvarchar ( 400 ), @dbname sysname

SELECT @dbname = DB_NAME (), -- the job step executes

@sql = N ' in the current database -- the job step content '
-- the general definition is Jobs processed using TSQL, here define
the Transact-SQL statement to be executed

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep

@job_id = @jobid ,

@step_name = N ' job step name ' ,

@subsystem = ' TSQL ' , --The type of step, generally TSQL

@database_name = @dbname ,

@command = @sql

- Create a schedule (using several job scheduling templates

specifically defined later)

EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' scheduling name ' ,

@freq_type = 4 , -- every day

@freq_interval = 1 , - - Specify how many days to

occur, here is 1 day.
@freq_subday_type = 0x8 , -- Repeat mode, 0x1 = At the
specified time, 0x4 = how many minutes, 0x8 = how many hours to

@freq_subday_interval = 1 , -- Repeat cycle Number, here

is executed every hour

@active_start_date = NULL , -- the start date of the job

execution, the current date is NULL, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_end_date = 99991231 , -- the stop date of the job

execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = 00000 , -- the job is executed Start

time, format HHMMSS

@active_end_time = 235959 - stop time for job execution

in HHMMSS format

- add the target server

the DECLARE @ servername Sysname

the SET @ servername = the CONVERT ( nvarchar ( 128 ), the

SERVERPROPERTY (N ' ServerName ' ))

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver

@job_id = @jobid ,

@server_name = @ servername - using the current SQL


-- Scheduling template definition

-- / * - Daily scheduling

EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' scheduling name ' ,

@freq_type = 4 , -- every day

@freq_interval = 1 , -- specify each How many days

occur, here is 1 day.

@freq_subday_type = 0x8 , -- repeat mode, 0x1 = at the

specified time, 0x4 = how many minutes, 0x8 = how many hours to

@freq_subday_interval = 1 , -- repeat cycle number, here

Executed once an hour

@active_start_date = NULL , -- the start date of the job

execution, the current date is NULL, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_end_date = 99991231 , -- the stop date of the job

execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = 00000 , -- The start time of the job

execution, in the format HHMMSS

@active_end_time = 235959 - the stop time of the job

execution, in the format HHMMSS

-- */

-- / *-- Weekly schedule

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule
@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' scheduling name ' ,

@freq_type = 8 , -- weekly

@freq_recurrence_factor = 1 , -- every few weeks to execute

, here is

@freq_interval = 62 per week , -- executed on the

day of the week, represented by POWER(2,N), the value of N is 0~6,
representing Sunday~Saturday, if two are specified, the values are
added. For example, a value of 65 means execution on Sunday and Sunday

@freq_subday_type = 0x8 , --Repeat mode, 0x1=At the

specified time, 0x4=How many minutes, 0x8=How many hours to execute

@freq_subday_interval = 1 , -- Repeat the number of

cycles, here every hour

@active_start_date = NULL , -- the start date of the job

execution, When NULL, the current date is represented, the format is

@active_end_date = 99991231 , -- the stop date of the job

execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = 00000 , -- the start time of the job

execution, the format is HHMMSS

@active_end_time = 235959 -- The stop time of the job

execution, in the format HHMMSS

-- */

- / * - month schedule (every X number of monthly several months)

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule
@job_id = @jobid ,

the @name = N ' schedule name ' ,

@freq_type = 16 , - per month

@ Freq_recurrence_factor = 2 , -- every few months, here

every 2 months

@freq_interval = 2 , -- executed on the first few

days of the execution month, here is the second day

@freq_subday_type = 0x8 , -- repeat mode, 0x1 = at the

specified time, 0x4 = how many minutes, 0x8 = how many hours to

@freq_subday_interval = 1 , -- the number of repetition

cycles, where

@active_start_date = NULL is executed every hour , -- the

start date of the job execution, the current date is NULL, the format

@active_end_date = 99991231 , -- the stop date of the job

execution, default Think 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = 00000 , -- the start time of the job

execution, the format is HHMMSS

@active_end_time = 235959 -- the stop time of the job

execution, the format is HHMMSS

-- */

- / * - month schedule (relative time every X months)

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,
the @name = N ' schedule name ' ,

@freq_type = 32 , - monthly

@freq_recurrence_factor = 2 , -- Execute every few months,

here every 2 months

@freq_interval = 9 , -- Execute at that time of

the month, 1~7=Sunday to Saturday, 8=Day, 9=Workday, 10=Weekend

@freq_relative_interval = 1 , -- executed at the first

relative time, the allowed values are 1, 2, 4, 8 for the first to
fourth relative time, and 16 for the last relative time

@freq_subday_type = 0x8 , -- repeat mode, 0x1 = at the

specified time, 0x4 = how many minutes, 0x8 = how many hours to

@freq_subday_interval = 1 , -- repeat cycle number, here

every hour

@active_start_date = NULL , - - the start date of the job

execution, when NULL, the current date, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_end_date = 99991231 , -- the stop date of the job

execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = 00000 , -- the start time of the job

execution, The format is HHMMSS

@active_end_time = 235959 -- the stop time of the job

execution, in the format HHMMSS

-- */

-- / *-- Job scheduling

EXEC executed at a specific time msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' scheduling name ' ,

@freq_type = 64 -- 64=Running when the SQLServerAgent

service starts, 128 = Run when the computer is idle

-- * /

- / * - only performed once a job scheduler

EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

the @name = N ' schedule name ' ,

@freq_type = . 1 , - only once

@active_start_date = NULL , - operations The start date

of execution, when NULL, indicates the current date, the format is

@active_start_time = 00000 -- the start time of the job

execution, in the format HHMMSS

-- */
A generic stored procedure written by yourself:




The ALTER proc [ the dbo ] . [ Formula_CreateJob ]

@jobname VARCHAR ( 100 ), - job name

@sql VARCHAR ( 8000 ), - the command to be

executed, - the contents of the job step, use is generally defined
TSQL jobs processed, Transact-SQL statements to execute defined here

- @ servername Sysname = '', the --job Server name

- @dbname Sysname = '', - defaults to the current database name

@freqtype the INT = 4 , - the frequency 4 Day, 8 weeks, 16

months of scheduling (monthly number per X months, 32 months
scheduling (relative time per X months)
---------------------------------------------------- ---------------

@freqInterval INT = 1 ,

- specify the number of days happen every time, here is one day.

- in the days of the week Execution, represented by POWER(2,N), the

value of N is 0~6, representing Sunday~Saturday. If two are specified,
the values are added. For example, a value of 65 means execution on
Sunday and Sunday (POWER(2) , 0) + POWER (2, 6))

-- Execute on the first day of the execution

month , here is the first day - at the time of the month, 1~7 =
Sunday to Saturday, 8 = day, 9 = Workday, 10=weekend

@freq_recurrenceFactor INT = 1 , -- every few months (weeks),

every 1

@freq_relativeInterval INT = 1 , -- executed in the first relative

time, the allowed value is 1, 2 4,8 represents the first to fourth
relative time, and 16 represents the last relative time.

-- Daily frequency

@freqSubdayType INT = 1 , -- Repeat mode, 0x1 = At the

specified time, 0x4 = how many minutes, 0x8 = how many hours to

@freqSubdayInterval INT = 1 , -- Repeat cycle number, for

example freqSubdayType is 8, freqSubdayInterval is 2, then every 2

- duration

@active_startDate NVARCHAR ( 20 ) = NULL , -- the start date of

the job execution, when NULL, the current date, in the format YYYYMMDD
@active_endDate NVARCHAR ( 20 ) = ' 99991231 ' , -- the stop date
of the job execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_startTime NVARCHAR ( 20 ) = ' 0 ' , -- the start time of

the job execution, in the format HHMMSS

@active_endTime NVARCHAR ( 20 ) = ' 235959 ' -- the stop time

of the job execution, in the format HHMMSS




DECLARE @jobid uniqueidentifier

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_job

@job_name = @jobname,

@job_id = @jobid OUTPUT

- the definition of the job step

the DECLARE @dbname Sysname

the SELECT @dbname = the DB_NAME () - job step executed in the

current database

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep

@job_id = @jobid ,
@step_name = N ' performed formula job, generating cost
breakdown ' ,

@subsystem = ' TSQL ' , -- the type of the step, generally


@database_name = @dbname ,

@command = @sql

- Create schedules (using several job scheduling templates

specifically defined later)

-- @freqtype INT=4, -- Frequency 4 days, 8 weeks, 16 months schedule

(monthly number per X months, 32 months schedule) (relative time per X

IF @freqtype = 4


EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' day schedule, generate cost details ' ,

@freq_type = @freqtype , -- every day

@ freq_interval = @freqInterval , - specify the

number of days happen every time, here is one day.

@freq_subday_type = @freqSubdayType , -- Repeat mode,

0x1 = at the specified time, 0x4 = how many minutes, 0x8 = how many
hours to execute
@freq_subday_interval = @freqSubdayInterval , -- repeat
cycle number, here every hour

@active_start_date = @active_startDate , -- job execution

The start date, when NULL, indicates the current date, the format is

@active_end_date = @active_endDate , -- the stop date of the

job execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = @active_startTime , -- the start time

of the job execution, format HHMMSS

@active_end_time = @active_endTime -- the stop time of

the job execution, in the format HHMMSS


IF @freqtype = 8


EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' weekly schedule, generate cost details ' ,

@freq_type = @freqtype , -- weekly

@freq_recurrence_factor = @freq_recurrenceFactor , -- every

few weeks to execute, here Is weekly

@freq_interval = @freqInterval , -- executed on

the day of the week, represented by POWER(2,N), the value of N is 0~6,
which represents Sunday~Saturday, if two are specified, the values are
added, for example A value of 65 indicates execution on Sunday and
Sunday (POWER(2,0)+POWER(2,6))

@freq_subday_type = @freqSubdayType , --Repeat mode,

0x1=At the specified time, 0x4=How many minutes, 0x8=How many hours to

@freq_subday_interval = @freqSubdayInterval , -- Repeat

the number of cycles, here every hour

@active_start_date = @active_startDate , -- Start of job

execution Date, when NULL, indicates the current date, the format is

@active_end_date = @active_endDate , -- the stop date of the

job execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = @active_startTime , -- the start time

of the job execution, the format is HHMMSS

@active_end_time = @active_endTime -- The stop time of

the job execution, in the format HHMMSS


IF @freqtype = 16


EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' monthly schedule, generate cost breakdown ' ,

@freq_type = @freqtype , - per month

@freq_recurrence_factor = @freq_recurrenceFactor , - once, how

many here every week Is weekly
@freq_interval = @freqInterval , -- specifies how
many days to occur, here is 1 day.

@freq_subday_type = @freqSubdayType , -- repeat mode,

0x1 = at the specified time, 0x4 = how many minutes, 0x8 = how many
hours Execute

@freq_subday_interval once= @freqSubdayInterval , -- the

number of repetition cycles, where

@active_start_date = @active_startDate is executed every

hour , -- the start date of the job execution, the current date is
NULL, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_end_date = @active_endDate , -- the job is executed

Stop date, default is 99991231, format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = @active_startTime , -- start time of

job execution, format is HHMMSS

@active_end_time = @active_endTime -- stop time of job

execution, format is HHMMSS


IF @freqtype = 32


EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule

@job_id = @jobid ,

@name = N ' monthly schedule, generate cost breakdown ' ,

@freq_type = @freqtype , - per month

@freq_recurrence_factor = @freq_recurrenceFactor , - each

perform a number of weeks, here is the weekly
@freq_interval = @freqInterval , -- specifies how
many days to occur, here is 1 day.

@freq_relative_interval = @freq_relativeInterval , --
executed at the first relative time, the allowed values are 1, 2, 4, 8
represents the 1~4 relative time , 16 indicates the last relative time

@freq_subday_type = @freqSubdayType , --Repeat mode,

0x1=At the specified time, 0x4=How many minutes, 0x8=How many hours to

@freq_subday_interval = @freqSubdayInterval , -- Repeat

the number of cycles, here every hour

@active_start_date = @active_startDate , -- Start of job

execution Date, when NULL, indicates the current date, the format is

@active_end_date = @active_endDate , -- the stop date of the

job execution, the default is 99991231, the format is YYYYMMDD

@active_start_time = @active_startTime , -- the start time

of the job execution, the format is HHMMSS

@active_end_time = @active_endTime -- The stop time for

the job execution, in the format HHMMSS


- add the target server

the DECLARE @ servername Sysname

the SET @ servername = the CONVERT ( nvarchar ( 128 ), the

SERVERPROPERTY (N ' ServerName ' ))

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver

@job_id = @jobid ,

@server_name = @ servername - using the current SQL



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