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1. Can conflicts be functional or useful? Give an example.

2. What are the sources of conflict and how do these operate under the conflict-
escalation and conflict- resolution modes?
3. List the approach and avoidance modes (or styles) of conflict management.
4. Define conflict.
5. Differentiate between the traditional, human relations, and interactionist views of
6. Contrast task, relationship, and process conflict.
7. Outline the conflict process.
8. What are the types of conflicts that individuals may have at work? Which type have
you experienced the most?
9. Explain how miscommunication might be related to a conflict at work.
10. What are some primary causes of conflict at work?
11. What are the outcomes of workplace conflict? Which types of job are the most at risk
for workplace violence? Why do you think that is?
12. What outcomes have you observed from conflict?
13. List three ways to decrease a conflict situation. What are some pros and cons of each
of these approaches?
14. Do you deal with conflict differently with friends and family than you do at work? If
so, why do you think that is?
15. What is your usual conflict-handling style at work? Do you see it as effective or
16. Describe a situation in which not having enough conflict can be a problem.
17. What is the concept of organisational conflict ? Are organisational conflicts always
dysfunctional ? Explain fully.
18. Analyse the pros and cons of alternative approaches to the management of conflict
in the organisation.
19. Discuss the reasons of various types of conflicts in an organisation. Suggest
measures to resolve inter group conflicts.
20. Explain and discuss the various stages in conflict in an organisation.
21. What implications do the modern view about organisational conflict have for
management of today's organisation ?
22. Some people say that conflict is inherently bad, whereas others believe that some
degree of conflict in organisations is desirable. Which view do you subscribe to and
why ?
23. How does intergroup conflict arise ? What are its consequences ? How would you
prevent such conflicts ? Describe how would you diagnose a conflict situation.
24. Discuss some conflict resolution techniques. What are the strengths and weaknesses
of each ?
25. What steps can be taken to reduce and resolve the conflict that is behavioural as well
as structural in nature ?
26. How could a manager stimulate conflict in his or her department ?

27. What are the disadvantages to conflict? What are its advantages?
28. What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict? What
determines functionality?
29. Under what conditions might conflict be beneficial to a group?
30. What are the components in the conflict process model? From your own
experiences, give an example of how a conflict proceeded through the five stages.
31. How could a manager stimulate conflict in his or her department?
32. Do you think competition and conflict are different? Explain.
33. "Participation is an excellent method for identifying differences and resolving
conflicts." Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.
34. From your own experience, describe a situation in which you were involved for
which the conflict was dysfunctional. Describe another example, from your
experience, for which the conflict was functional. Now analyze how other parties in
both conflicts might have interpreted the situation in terms of whether the conflicts
were functional or dysfunctional.

35. Assume a Canadian had to negotiate a contract with someone from Spain. What
problems might he or she face? What suggestions would you make to help facilitate a
36. Michael Eisner, CEO at the Walt Disney Co., wants to stimulate conflict inside his
firm. But he wants to minimize conflict with outside parties—agents, contractors,
unions, etc. What does this say about conflict levels, functional versus dysfunctional
conflict, and managing conflict?

37. What are the negotiation phases and what goes on during each of them?

38. When negotiating, is establishing a BATNA important? Why or why not?

39. What are the third-party conflict resolution options available?

40. What is negotiation ? Distinguish between distributive andintegrative negotiation.

41. How does our perception of the out-group determine which approach or avoidance
modes we use?
42. What are the various steps in the process of negotiation?
43. Explain the process of negotiation in detail. 3. What are the major issues in
negotiation ? Discuss.

44. Why isn't integrative bargaining more widely practiced in organisations ?

45. What are the general biases in the minds of the negotiators. Discuss in detail.
46. What defines the settlement range in distributive bargaining?
47. Why isn't integrative bargaining more widely practiced in organizations?
48. How do men and women differ, if at all, in their approaches to negotiation?
49. What problems might Americans have in negotiating with people from collectivist
cultures like China and Japan?
50. What can you do to improve your negotiating effectiveness?
51. Is the goal of negotiation to maximize your economic outcome at all costs? Why or
why not? Is it ethical to do so?
52. What are some similarities and differences in conflict management preference and
negotiation practices among different countries around the globe? Have you had any
experiences with individuals from other cultures? If so, how did it go? How might it
have gone better?
53. Contrast distributive and integrative bargaining
54. Identify the five steps in the negotiation process.
55. Discuss whether there are individual differences in negotiator effectiveness.

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