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Mycobacterium orientation. Cranial nerves were intact. No focal strength,

sensory or cerebellar abnormalities were noted. Deep
kansasii: A Rare tendon reflexes were 2 of 4 symmetrically throughout.
He had a negative Babinski sign and was negative for
Cause of Brain clonus bilaterally. Initial laboratory data revealed a white
blood cell count of 6.2  109 cells/L mm3 (reference
Abscess range: 4.5-11.0  109 cells/L mm3) with a normal differ-
ential, as well as a hemoglobin of 8.5 g/dL (reference
range: 12.0-16.0 g/dL) with an mean cell volume of 90.6.
The initial 2-view chest radiograph showed no evidence

ycobacterium kansasii is a photochromogenic, of cardiopulmonary disease. A head computed tomog-
slow-growing, nontuberculous mycobacterium raphy (CT) with iodinated contrast revealed a 2.3 
that causes pulmonary disease and dissemi- 1.8 cm2 ring-enhancing hypodensity within the anterior,
nated infection.1 It is a common nontuberculous myco- right temporal lobe with surrounding edema (Figure).
bacterial infection, second only to Mycobacterium avium This finding was not visualized on a noncontrast head
complex, with an incidence of 2.4 cases per 100,000 CT 3 months prior. These findings were confirmed and
adults annually in the United States, with the highest further characterized on an magnetic resonance imaging
incidence in the central and southern United States.2,3 of the brain with gadolinium contrast (Figure). As tox-
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a con- oplasmosis was near the top of our differential diagnosis,
dition that increases the risk for M kansasii infection.2 Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were obtained. Toxoplasma
The well-recognized risk factors for M kansasii infection IgM antibodies were low at 0.10 IU/mL (reference range
among HIV-negative and HIV-unknown status patients o0.80 IU/mL), as were the IgG antibodies at 0.0 I U/mL
include preexisting pulmonary disease (pneumoconiosis, (reference range o7.5 IU/mL), thus making the diagnosis of
obstructive pulmonary disease), previous mycobacterial toxoplasmosis unlikely. An 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron
disease, malignancy and alcoholism.2 Despite increasing emission tomography or low-dose CT was performed and
reports of extrapulmonary M. kansasii disease in both showed that the lesion was hypometabolic compared with
HIV-positive and HIV-negative persons, central nervous the surrounding brain parenchyma on the positron emission
system disease is very rare. An extensive literature tomography images, not consistent with lymphoma. Neuro-
review revealed only 4 published cases of proven surgery was then consulted to obtain a diagnostic brain
M kansasii brain abscess.4,5 biopsy. Open brain biopsy revealed a brain abscess in the
A 44-year-old male with advanced HIV (CD4 count of temporal lobe, which was removed and cultured, while the
199 cells/mm3; CD4% of 15.4) presented with a chief surrounding area was copiously irrigated. Histology of the
complaint of headache, fever and cough for 1 month. brain biopsy revealed benign brain tissue with reactive
The patient carried a history of HIV, diagnosed in 1989, gliosis and chronic inflammation, whereas the removed
with a history of medication nonadherence. The patient mass revealed acute inflammatory cells along with histio-
was recently started on a regimen of combination cytes and lymphocytes associated with large areas of
antiretroviral therapy. He also had a history of shingles necrosis, consistent with abscess. The initial stains were
1 year before presentation, as well as oral candidiasis. 2þ acid-fast bacilli (AFB) positive, with the cultures ulti-
The patient was in his usual state of health until 1 month mately growing M kansasii 9 days later. Owing to the
before admission, at which time he endorsed onset of patient's respiratory complaints and despite his negative
sinus congestion, sore throat, fever, chills and produc- chest radiograph, a chest CT with iodinated contrast was
tive cough with occasional dizziness. He endorsed obtained to further evaluate for pulmonary involvement. This
coughing for an entire month relentlessly with produc- revealed axillary and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, as
tion of quarter-sized amount of yellow sputum. He well as an 8 mm right middle lobe nodule. Sputum smears
reported that his headaches were associated with his were initially negative for AFB; however, the cultures grew
coughing. He described his headache as pounding and M kansasii within 24 days. Axillary lymph node biopsies
throbbing mostly in the right frontal area, and sometimes were negative for mycobacterium or lymphoma. Upon
occurring in the frontal regions bilaterally. The patient results of the AFB positive brain lesion, the patient was
noted occasional episodes of lightheadedness. He initially started on rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and
denied any weight loss, night sweats, hemoptysis, chest ethambutol therapy pending culture results. He was
pain, shortness of breath or sick contacts. Upon pre- subsequently placed on isoniazid, rifabutin and ethambu-
sentation, he had a low-grade fever of 38.31C. Vital signs tol þ Vitamin B6 once cultures were resulted. The patient
were otherwise within normal limits. Cardiopulmonary was continued on treatment and repeat brain magnetic
examination was unremarkable. No focal findings were resonance imaging at 10 months and 14 months post-
noted on an extensive neurological examination. Glas- treatment initiation showed continued improvement of
gow Coma Scale was 15 with normal mentation and previous inflammatory abnormalities. Unfortunately, this


VOLUME 353 NUMBER 1 January 2017
Mycobacterium kansasii Brain Abscess

FIGURE. (A) Computed tomography of brain with intravenous contrast showing a 2.3  1.8 cm2 ring-enhancing hypodensity within the anterior
right temporal lobe with surrounding edema. (B) Magnetic resonance T2 image with gadolinium contrast showing a 2.3  1.8 cm2 ring-
enhancing lesion in the right temporal lobe with surrounding edema.

patient succumbed to a separate HIV-associated illness In patients with advanced HIV, the clinical presentation
nearly 15 months after his diagnoses of disseminated of disseminated NTM if fairly nonspecific. M kansasii is the
M kansasii. second most prevalent disseminated NTM in HIV-infected
M kansasii's major reservoir is tap water and local patients, less common only than M avium complex
water supplies.2 The mode of transmission of M kansasii (MAC).2 In contrast to MAC, most patients with dissemi-
infection is most likely via ingestion or inhalation from the nated M kansasii also have active pulmonary disease, and
gastrointestinal or respiratory tract.2 There is no evidence central nervous system involvement is rarely described.6
to support person-to-person transmission of M kansasii.2 Although pulmonary M kansasii should be diagnosed with
Cases of M kansasii infection have been well docu- the methods previously described, disseminated infec-
mented in both immunocompetent and immunocompro- tions should be isolated from the particular site of involve-
mised patients. The infection typically manifests clinically ment. In a study by Campo and Campo of 46 sequential
with bronchopulmonary symptoms and chest radio- patients with M kansasii infections, 21.7% had dissemi-
graphic findings similar to pulmonary Mycobacterium nated disease. Extrapulmonary isolates were obtain from
tuberculosis infection.2 Disseminated infection can also several sources, including pleural fluid, pericardial fluid,
commonly occur and typically affect immunocompro- stool, lymph nodes, blood and bone.6 In our reported
mised individuals such as HIV-infected patients, solid- case, confirmation of central nervous system involvement
organ transplant recipients, patients with hematologic was obtained by direct biopsy.
malignancy or patients on chronic steroid regimens.2 As there are no randomized trials of the treatment of
The most frequent presentation of clinical M kansasii is M kansasii, recommendations for treatment regimens
that of a pulmonary infection with nearly identical symptoms have been based on retrospective data.2 Initial reports
and radiographic findings to that of M tuberculosis.2 The of treatment regimens before the use of rifampin showed
pulmonary symptoms of nontuberculous mycobacterium low sputum conversion rates and a high incidence of
(NTM) infection are nonspecific and typically include chronic relapsing infection. Later studies using rifampin-based
cough, sputum production, fever, dyspnea and malaise.2 regimens reported sputum conversion rates near 100%
Radiographically, NTM pulmonary disease may present and a very low relapse rate, usually due to rifampin
either as cavitary or nodular. Although subtle radiographic resistant organisms.7 The currently recommended
differences may exist, none are specific enough to exclude regimen for treatment of pulmonary M kansasii includes
M tuberculosis from the differential diagnosis, and thus rifampin 600 mg per day, isoniazid 300 mg per day, and
isolation of M kansasii from expectorated sputum or ethambutol 15 mg/kg per day for at least 12 months
bronchial lavage is necessary for the diagnosis.2 When of continuously negative sputum cultures.2 There is
evaluating for NTM pulmonary infections, multiple samples no surgical role in treatment of routine pulmonary
should be obtained to decrease the likelihood of a false- M kansasii.2 The treatment regimen for patients with
positive or a contaminated specimen. The American Thora- disseminated M kansasii infections is typically the same
cic Society and the Infectious Disease Society of America as for those with pulmonary disease.2 The treatment
recommend that the evaluation of patients with suspected regimen for HIV-infected patients should be constructed
pulmonary NTM should include, at the minimum, chest with an infectious disease specialist as to best avoid
imaging, 3 or more sputum specimens for acid fast bacilli interactions with antiretroviral therapy. The duration
analysis, and exclusion of other pulmonary disorders such of treatment for patients with disseminated M kansasii is
as M tuberculosis and lung malignancy.2 the same as the recommended duration for disseminated

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Onor et al

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VOLUME 353 NUMBER 1 January 2017

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