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Plants in the Wheel of the Year – October

All things in our Tradition are based on our Wheel of the Year.
It is both microcosm and macrocosm.
This one displays the Cycle of the Year, the way the compass is laid, the Gods, the Totems, the
Gates, the Airts (directions), the Castles, and the Moons.

The Four Seasons, known as Solar Festivals mark a seasonal change caused by the Sun.
The cross quarter Days are marked by Fire Festivals and are usually celebrated as significant
agricultural Festivals.
The Festivals of the Wheel of the Year also represent the active and dormant states of Nature,
Man and Agriculture.
Each of the Festival Days was ruled by a Deity, whether God or Goddess, with each region
necessarily having its own Deity, especially for Cultural reasons.
From planting to reaping to Winter to Summer... the Seasons were of great importance to our
Ancestors, for their very existence depended upon good Harvests, mild Winters, Rainfall.

Herbs and medicinal Plants in October are

Spruce, Dog Rose, Rosemary
In this Moon I also will take you along to a nice Nature Meditation.

parsifalrain, October 1

please note:
Always consult a doctor before using healing remedies and read disclaimer at the end of my

1 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Spruce - Picea Alba Pine family, Pinaceae [genus Picea], Fichte
Like hardly any other Tree, Spruce belongs to the everyday landscape in Austria.
Spruce is hardly considered to be of special importance.
*) Frequently, Spruce is the first Tree that tells us what ecology means.
We 'see' the dying of the Forest directly in front of our eyes.
How negative a mono culture can be, we often only notice when whole Spruce Forest areas are destroyed
only by a storm.

In the middle of the Forest, Spruces seem rather inconspicuous and unattractive to us.
We only become aware of all their beauty and Tree personality when we encounter a large, free-standing
Then we can see what a special Tree the Spruce actually is and perhaps we can even guess why our
Ancestors worshiped the Spruce as a very special protective Tree.

Stories and Myths

The Spruce was thought to be inhabited by a female, very maternal and protective Tree Spirit.
She was therefore regarded as a Mother and Tree of Life and also as a symbol of the female power.

2 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Moreover, according to the belief of our Ancestors, the Spruce was able to relieve man of his illness.
These were the instructions for people suffering from gout:
The sick person should arrive in the Forest before dawn and sink three drops of his blood into the fissure
of a young Spruce.
After he has closed the opening with wax and honey, he shall cry out:

'Good morning Mrs. Fichte, I'll bring you the gout'.

properties and mode of action

Needles (especially essential oil)
healing purposes
rheumatism, gout
sore muscles
cough, flu, cold
blistering ointment

collective tips
The Needles and Shoot tips used to make cough Syrup or Tea are best collected in the Spring.
If necessary, Needles can also be collected later in the Year.
Spruce resin can be found all Year round.
In any case you should take care when collecting Spruce Resin that you only take so much resin that the
Tree is not additionally injured - please always ask the Tree if she agrees.

essential oil
turpentine oil
glycoside picein
tanning agent
Vitamin C

3 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

the Spruce as a Fumigant
For a Spruce incense are used both: the Needles and the Resin.
Long before the noble resins came to Europe, the Spruce resin was one of the preferred smudging resins.
I think that collecting and smudging Spruce resin gives us a completely different relationship to smudging.
A walk through the Forest with the aim of collecting Spruce resin can become a very special experience.
I love these collecting hikes and I love the power that comes from the maternal Spruce.
It really connects with the feminine and gives us in its most personal way all kinds of Love.
There are two types of Spruce resin - the small resin drops that are sweated out of the Tree and the resin
that closes Tree-wounds.
This is also where the theory of sigNatures becomes active again.
A substance that can heal wounds of a Tree can, of course, also heal physical AND mental wounds of us
And so it is also the case that the fumigating of Spruce, old (mental) wounds can break open and heal.

Spruce needles sit on small woody stems

Fir needles sit directly on the branch

effect of Smudging

4 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

brings old wounds to light for healing
clears the mind
cleans and protects
expands the chest area
opens your Heart
strengthens all that is feminine

recipes for healing application

Spruce Needle Tea
From the young Spruce shoot tips, or also from the older Needles, one can cook a Tea, which helps
particularly well with disease of the respiratory tract.
Simply add 1 teaspoon of Spruce Needles to 250 ml of Water and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Sweeten the Tea with genuine Bee honey and it will be particularly effective.
Due to its high Vitamin C content, Spruce Needle Tea also helps against Spring tiredness and other
Vitamin C deficiency symptoms.

Spruce Cone
Spruce Top Syrup

5 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Bring 5 handfuls of fresh Spruce wipers (collected in Spring) to the boil with 1 litre of Water and simmer
for about 10 minutes.
Then drain the wipers, add 1 kilo sugar and reduce to syrup density.

Spruce Needle steam bath

A steam bath of Spruce needle infusion is a wonderful remedy for frontal and sinusitis.
Fresh Spruce needles can be poured with boiling water and then added to the bath water.

Spruce Needles Body Oil

Pour fresh, young Spruce needles into a glass and cover with almond oil so that all parts of the Plant are
Leave this jar closed for about three weeks.
Then drain and add 10-20 drops of ethereal Spruce as you wish.

Spruce Needle cooling bath

If you mix 3 tablespoons of this oil with a quarter litre of whipped cream, you get a wonderful cold cream

(* Forests with Spruces attract pests

The fact that Spruce has increased in the Forests is due to the fact that she is considered a bread Tree in
Spruce Forest - monocultures are easy to cultivate and achieve high yields.
It is the goal of the Austrian Federal Forests to convert Spruce-rich forests into mixed and deciduous
forests with higher Spruce stands than before.
The Spruce in particular attracts bark beetles: The Spruce is a shallow root beetle; at higher temperatures
it has problems with the water supply.
It gets so-called dry stress and is susceptible to pests and bark beetles.
From an altitude of 800 metres above sea level, the Spruce feels most at home, due to the yield it is very
often found in very low areas.

6 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Dog Rose - Rosa Canina, Family of Roses, Rosaceae; Heckenrose/Hundsrose
The dainty, small, sometimes almost inconspicuous Hedge Rose is a wonderful Plant and delights
not only our eyes and nose, but also our Health and beauty.
She is the symbol of Venus and is enchantingly connected with everything feminine.
Her smell bewitches us, her color is so soft and wonderful, her outer form is perfect - the Rose is a
miracle of Nature.
It makes every woman a queen !

In former Times the Rose was also called Apothecaries Rose - a clear indication of the healing effect of
this Plant.
The Rose Hips containing Vitamin C, which we can use in Autumn after the first frost, are particularly
Of course, this Rose is also an important ingredient for all Love spells and Love incenses.
Meanwhile there are innumerable beautiful noble Roses, but nevertheless I would like to give my attention
to the simple, genuinely Dog Rose.

History and Myths

The Rose is also called the 'Queen of Flowers'.
It is said to have received her name from the Greek poetess Sappho as early as 600 BC.
The oldest known description of the Rose came at about the same time from the poet Anakreon.
He said that at the same time as the sea gave birth to Venus, the Earth also created its sweetest Flower, the
Over the Centuries, many painters have repeatedly chosen the Rose as a motif for their works of art.
The Hedge Rose was also called Hag Rose or Hawthorn.
Due to her thorns, this Plant was particularly well suited as a hedge Plant, because a thorny Hedge is
hardly permeable.
The spines of the Rose also gave her the reputation of being able to help against 'witchcraft'.

7 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Nevertheless, the Rose was also an important Witch Plant - she was used for milk and butter magic as
well as for magic against lightning and thunderstorms.
The Rose hips could even be used to protect against the threat of disease.
One had to eat only on Christmas or New Year's Eve 3 Rose Hips on raw stomach, already one was
protected from all misfortune.
There was also the custom of passing three Rose hips through the window on New Year's Day to friends
or relatives (without talking) so that they would be protected against disease and disaster in the coming
The Rose was also an important Oracle Plant, closely related to death.
When sick people dreamed of Roses, they had to reckon with their imminent end.
The dream of red Roses means blood and misfortune.
No wonder that red Roses were never brought to the bedside of sick people.

properties and mode of action

Rose Hips
preventive against colds and flu

healing purposes
menstrual cycle disorders
postpartum depression
menopausal symptoms
Heart and liver disease
skin problems
baby care
Rose Hips
forms of kidney disease

Dog Rose likes to grow in sunny locations, also on the edges of Forests and paths.
She is used as fencing for houses and gardens and does not place any special demands on the soil.

8 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

collecting tips
The Buds are collected in June, the Flowers in Summer and the Rose Hips in Autumn.
Rosehips only get their full healing effect when they have survived the first frost.

Rose Hips
Vitamin C
citric and malic acid

the Rose as Incense

The Petals of the Rose are a wonderful ingredient for Incense blend.
They are preferably mixed in Love Incenses, since they symbolize Venus and all the female powers
associated with it.
But Rose Petals are also given in blessing mixtures, because they bless Life in all its facets.
In many Cultures the Rose stands for heartfelt Love, opening of the Heart and loving affection.
She lets us find inner Peace and supports us in Smudging Incense so that we learn to accept ourselves.
Among other things, she also promotes self-love.
When smudging, the Rose Petals very quickly lose their wonderful scent - you can intensify the
smudging process by adding real Rose frankincense or dripping some essential Rose Oil onto the Flowers.

Heart opening
Promotes self-love and self-acceptance
consecrate and bless

recipes for Healing application

Rose Liqueur for broken Hearts (according Miriam Wiegele)
Add Rose Petals with brandy and filter off after 2-3 Weeks.
Add organic raw cane sugar or real Bee Honey and a little Cinnamon [Cinnamomum zeylanicum] from
Ceylon and a few Coriander [Coriandrum sativum] Seeds.
Then let it steep for another 2 Weeks.
Filter and drain and enjoy.

Rose Vinegar
Fill a jar halfway with Petals of fragrant red Roses.
Fill the jar with good wine vinegar and then close it for two to three Weeks on a sunny surface.
Filter and bottle - this vinegar has a long shelf life.

9 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

In the past, Rose vinegar was added to the washing water to give the laundry a pleasant scent.
Dabbed on the forehead, it is good for headaches.
You can also put the vinegar on a cloth and refresh your body with it.

recipes for the kitchen

Rosehip Liqueur (smack !)
500g Rose Hips
150 grams organic raw cane sugar
1 bottle of good grain
Clean and wash the Rose Hips.
Remove the Seeds and rinse the Rose Hips well with Water.
Drain the Fruit halves and pour into a sealable jar.
Add the sugar and the grain and leave the container in a cool place for 2 Months.
Filter off and enjoy

Rose Jam
200g Petals
1 kg organic raw cane sugar
1 tsp citric acid
2 cups of Water
Boil the Water and sugar to a syrup, sprinkle in the Rose Petals and continue cooking until a drop does
not melt during the gelling test.
Add citric acid - it works like a spell, the previously violet, greenish jam becomes ruby red in one fell
Fill into small jars and seal.

10 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis, Family of the labiates, Rosmarin
The smell of Rosemary is well known to most people.
After all, it is one of the most widely used Mediterranean kitchen Herbs and we immediately
think of Italian cuisine when we smell or taste Rosemary.
Rosemary is a true all-rounder among Herbs.
It is not only an excellent aromatic Herb, but also a recognized and effective medicinal Herb at the same
Rosemary is not a Native Plant.
She is very sensitive to frost.
If we plant her, it is definitely advisable to protect her over the Winter, or rather to bring it all the way
inside the house.
However, my own Rosemary shrubs grow so well protected that they have survived the past (particularly
cold) Winters despite lack of care.
Rosemary has a fiery warming effect.
Her essence ignites the spirit and fires the body.

11 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Rosemary Blossoms can be white to blue in color

History and Myths

The name Rosemary is Latin and means 'dew of the sea'.
Already in Ancient Times, Rosemary was highly appreciated in the Mediterranean region.
It has been used as a spice and medicine for more than 3.000 Years.
Rosemary Oil - dissolved in ethyl alcohol - was one of the first perfumes and became famous as the
'Hungarian Queen's Spirit'.
Rosemary was an evergreen, strongly scented Plant dedicated to the Mystery of Life and death.
She was regarded as a sign of the return of the past and stood for everlasting loyalty, faithfulness.
Already in ancient Times she was consecrated to the Greek Goddess Aphrodite.
As we know, she was the Goddess of beauty and Love.
Rosemary belongs also to the aphrodisiac Plants, because she brings the blood into the abdomen and also
stimulates the Heart activity.
Rosemary has many other stimulating and exciting properties and was therefore used in many Love
recipes and Smudgings.
Rosemary was also an important Plant for weddings.
It was used in many different ways for wedding ceremonies.
For example, it was affixed by guests, or the bridegroom had a small Rosemary wreath in his hands.
Today, Rosemary is again increasingly bound in bridal bouquets - old customs seem to be rediscovered -
is this not beautiful !
But Rosemary was not only connected with Love.
She was also closely related to death.
Rosemary helps us to say goodbye to a loved one.
She helps with mourning and letting go.
She knows about dying processes and knows death and the Underworld very well.
In former Times she was used therefore also with transition rites (across the valley) of all kinds.

12 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

In Croatia and Italy, Rosemary is also used at funerals, where the dead person is sprinkled with a
Rosemary branch dipped in blest Water.
Also the guests of the funeral carry an affixed Rosemary branch.

Rosemary is a very stimulating and invigorating Plant.
It stimulates the nervous system.
Since it belongs to the dry and warm Plants, it helps as such whenever the body is cold and sluggish and
therefore needs an encouragement.
She is used for exhaustion, depression, sluggishness and memory problems.
She promotes the blood circulation of the brain and is a real alternative as a stimulant beyond caffeine.
She is generally used in geriatrics.

Rosemary strengthens the Heart and makes it beat faster

Thus it has a positive effect on the entire circulation.
She is particularly recommended for people who constantly have cold feet, suffer from circulatory
disorders or low blood pressure.
She also promotes digestion and makes heavy roasts easier to digest.
She also helps with colic and bloating.

properties and mode of action

muscle stimulating (not suitable for pregnant women)
strengthening the Heart muscle
antiseptic (slow healing wounds)

Healing purposes
states of exhaustion

13 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

circulatory disorders
blood flow problems
low blood pressure
senile Heart
nervous Heart trouble
nervous circulatory problems
scar pains
common cold
wounds and injuries (physical and mental)

Rosemary is a Mediterranean Plant and therefore occurs naturally in the Mediterranean region.
If she is planted in Central Europe or the Alpine regions, it is recommended to spend the Winter indoors
or to protect her carefully from frost in the garden.

collecting tips
The Leaves can be collected fresh all Year round.
If you want to dry Rosemary, I would recommend cutting and drying very young Shoots in Midsummer.

essential oil
bitter substances
tanning agents (rosemary acid)

14 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

carnolic acid (bitter)

Rosemary as a Smudging agent

When Rosemary is fumigated, it chases away heavy thoughts and jealousy (burden of possessiveness).
She opens the Heart and increases our willingness to let go.
It is therefore especially recommended for people who find it difficult to forgive, either because they have
been harmed or because they themselves cannot let go of their suffering because they still need it for
In this respect it helps with disappointed or deceived Love.

Rosemary can also help people who have particularly high ideals or have very high expectations of
themselves and who fail time and again because of their own expectations.
The protective wall that they have built around their Hearts for this reason can become more permeable
through fumigating Rosemary.
Rosemary also strengthens the awareness of one's own value.

further effects
Heart opening
strengthens the Heart chakra
very well suitable for love incenses
helps with mourning
helps to let go
leads deceased souls to the right places
leads us well through depressions
is fumigated for transition rites

recipes for Healing application

Rosemary Wine
1 handful Rosemary
1 litre good white wine
Let the Rosemary steep in the wine for one Day.
Drain and drink 1 shooter daily.

Rosemary Tincture
1 handful Rosemary
½ Litres of high-proof alcohol
Place the Rosemary in a closable container and pour alcohol over it so that all parts of the Plant are in the

15 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Leave to stand for 2 Weeks and then filter off.
Keep in small bottles.
It is good as a warming, blood circulation stimulating rub.

Aphrodisiac bath additive

1 handful Rosemary
1 handful Melissa [Melissa officinalis] Leaves
½ Handful of Rose [Rosa Canina] Petals
2 Cinnamon [Cinnamomum zeylanicum] from Ceylon Sticks
Let all ingredients boil for 5-10 minutes and then add to the bath Water.

recipes for the kitchen

Rosemary cookies
220g spelt flour
50g butter
25 g raw cane sugar
1 tbsp Rosemary, finely chopped
1 egg
some milk, a pinch of unrefined, untreated Salt
Make a dough from all the ingredients and let it rest for a while.
Roll out the dough and cut out the biscuits.
Brush with milk and bake at 220 degrees for 10 minutes.

Rosemary Bread
500g flour (unrefined)
350 ml lukewarm Water
25 g yeast
2 tbsp semolina
1 tsp real Bee Honey
75 ml native extra vergine, organic Olive Oil
50g unsulphurised raisins
1 tsp real, unrefined, uniodized Salt
3 sprigs Rosemary
Mix the yeast with the honey, a little flour and 1 tbsp lukewarm Water and leave to stand.
Pluck the Rosemary stems from the twigs and chop finely.
Set aside 1/3 of them.
Heat the oil in a pan, add the remaining Rosemary and fry over medium heat.
Then pour the oil through a sieve.
Knead the flour, durum wheat semolina, yeast, oil, salt and lukewarm Water into a dough.
Cover the dough in a warm place and let it rise for 1 hour.
Then knead the dough well again and mix in the remaining Rosemary Needles and raisins.
Form two loaves of bread and leave to rise for another 15 minutes.
Carve the top of the loaves into a diamond shape, spread with the good olive oil and bake at 200° for 30

16 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October


The dough can also be used to make 10-12 small rolls.

Yes... now you're here, now you are here... in this Forest... you see the Trees all around and the others that
are with you here.
You feel the contact that your feet have with the ground (the bottom that touches the underlay/ground)
the temperature of the Forest on your skin.
You can watch your breath and listen to my voice, and all this is like an invitation to go with me on a quiet
journey of experience that takes you deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Nobody will mind if you close your eyes for a while now, because you know how pleasant that is... now...
Maybe you stretch yourself a few more times or find an even more comfortable position for yourself, a
position of your body that invites you ... Beautiful… !
And while you may still ask yourself what it is exactly that you are going to experience here in the Forest,
a part of you has already prepared yourself to enjoy this letting go... an adventurous journey inside... a
journey into the realm of Nature...
Nature spirits perhaps even... like a fairy tale from a thousand and one nights... pleasant, isn't it ?
You can remember any pleasant experiences you like... in your way... experience a Forest...
All the pictures... Sounds... Feelings.... and your eyes, which sooner or later become very heavy... maybe
they have not been able to keep themselves open for a long time... simply let it happen... with pleasant
ease... such a light heaviness or heavy lightness... Because relaxation is different for everyone...
It is really perfect... all right, if you now feel the Peace completely and tell yourself internally: I can relax
and sit still just as much as I can enjoy everything else...
Close your eyes... is a wonderful possibility to experience the world in a new way...
And in this way like to sink deeper, with every exhalation... Relaxation... Well-being... Curiosity... new
experience - learn...
The way it suits you, the way you like it...
All these things... this light, the colours and shapes... the sounds of Nature, this typical smell that invites
And you don't even have to listen to this voice anymore, because a part of you, independent of the words
that this voice speaks, hears all the words that are necessary... right for you... as it invites you...
And I don't know where in your body you perceive this relaxation first.
Maybe in a shoulder blade, in a small left toe, or somewhere in your legs... or your stomach can start
Because now you have the willingness and the confidence to make this journey with me, deeper, deeper
and deeper and deeper... isn't that so ? isn't it so ?....

17 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Good !
That's good !
Maybe you already feel or imagine Roots growing out of your feet.
Deeper and deeper into the Earth... Yes ! Like a Tree...
Like a Tree... your favorite Tree, or any other... Roots grow... branch more and more... and anchor
themselves firmly and deeply in the ground - you can find support that strengthens you.
The Roots that give you food deep from Mother Earth in whose womb you feel safe, as always...
Now you can become a Tree without any effort... as if by yourself and feel what it is like when you are
powerful, stable and grounded - you become more and more confident in everything that is happening...
Have you noticed how slowly, slowly your legs, your bottom, your stomach - the whole upper body has
become the Trunk of the Tree - your perceptions have never been as clear as they are - now you can let
my voice carry you further away and consolidate the understanding in your subconscious that...
As a Tree you can experience how your arms grow into a mighty crown with many branches, many twigs,
many leaves that stretch out towards the warm sunlight... warmth ! Warmth !... Sunbeams !...
Isn't that wonderful... how you can feel the powerful movement in your body - you let the energy of the
Earth and the Sky flow in you and allow it to take you to where you always wanted to go.
That's right !... Relax... Let go... Understanding... to continue..

And have you ever experienced how you completely forgot all feeling for time ? absorbed in this or that...
Hours like few minutes appeared... few minutes like hours... You can lose every feeling for Time...
And you can forget everything you have experienced during this journey, as someone has forgotten a
name before... remembers, a while later... you have all this memory at your disposal when you need it after
your subconscious has worked on it...
You can forget things and you can remember... you know so many things that you don't know you know...
you know that you know them...
And you know that in the future you can always return to this place - you enjoy this source of your
strength and inner peace... the many pictures, impressions and voices that support you... remember
whenever you need it... now. Now. Maybe you already feel it.
Maybe you already feel a gentle Wind moving your Leaves and you know, even if the Wind now becomes
stronger and stronger... to a mighty storm that you are safe.
That the power of your Roots, the stability of your Trunk carries you, because you are not only strong
and stable, but also agile and empathetic... you can bend and bow wherever it is necessary to go along with
even the worst storms without breaking and assert yourself through gentleness like Water that splits
without any effort when you enter for bathing or swimming and let its softness carry you - you lead and
guide yourself like Wood floating on the Water...
You can trust Life, your own possibilities and abilities, the more often you go to this place.
And no one can force you to do what you know is good for you with all the pictures, all the listening, all
the feeling ?
How beautiful you are, so powerful and gentle... You !... You are ... ! And that is good, isn't it ?
Now I don't know when...

18 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

I don't know when you first noticed that the Forest, the trees, nature can help you to experience the Peace
and Joy of Life that are so important to you.
And now you can take all this knowledge, these experiences from this journey with you into your
everyday consciousness.
You will be much clearer, more conscious and more concentrated when you reappear very soon and you
will be able to remember all the details of the Forest walk at any time if you want to and if it is important
for you.
You can now slowly return to this place, to this Forest, to this time... now ! now ! after you have finished
whatever inner work your subconscious has done for you this time.
Knowing that your subconscious mind can continue with this work alone at any time, even at night, while
you sleep on a deep and relaxed level, awake in the morning, fresh and rested and ready for the Day.
So when you are ready to return, slowly start counting from 10 to 1.
Take some deep breaths.
At one, you will open your eyes, be wide awake and all here again, refreshed and rested and ready for the
rest of the Day.

This information is supplied without liability, limit or warranty.
Please note - this healing recipes may be subject to change and are without guarantee – always contact a
Medical doctor before the application !
The information in this article has been carefully reviewed by me.
However, I decline any liability for any damage or consequences arising from the use or misuse of the
information I have provided.

I do not give any medical advice.

If you have serious health problems, you should refrain from self-medication and seek the advice of a
Medical doctor or alternative practitioner.

Some Wild Plants are protected regionally, consult the nature conservation authorities.
Collect only individual Plants, so that the stock remains !
Remember – you can only harvest which belongs to you !

all images from Wikipedia, Wikimedia or self-made unless otherwise stated

image top: Afwcraft.blogspot.com, click here to enlarge the image

Plants in the Wheel of the Year - September
Autumn Equinox - Mabon - September 21-23

19 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

Plants in the Wheel of the Year – November
Samhain and 'Halloween'
Wheel of the Year-Celebration Samhain

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20 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - October

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