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DeKalb Chamber of Commerce September/October 2010

The purpose of the Drugs Don’t Work Supervisor Newsletter is to train and familiarize
supervisors with all aspects of a drug-free workplace program.
According to Working Partners for an Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace, an estimated
6.5% of full-time and 8.6% of part-time workers are illicit drug users. While drug
abusing employees may only make up a small percentage of the workforce, they still
somehow manage to consume a large portion of supervisors’ time and attention.

Drug users tend to be suspicious, apathetic employees, and they almost always
A Supervisor's Guide exhibit chronic absenteeism and tardiness problems, along with other performance
for Building a Drug-
Free Workplace issues. Drug abusing employees pose significant problems for employers, managers,
Program in Your and coworkers, including, but not limited to: increased workers’ compensation claims,
Business reduced productivity, and theft in the workplace. Remarkably, many drug users feel
they have a right to be under the influence of illegal drugs while at work. Drug addicts
Vol. 5 No. 9 and alcoholics are usually in deep denial and will defend themselves against all logic.
DeKalb Chamber of
Commerce Drugs Don’t In today’s increasingly litigious society—drug using employees may actually threaten
Work Supervisors is a to sue an employer when asked to take a drug test. While avoiding litigation is a
bi-monthly publication of
the DeKalb Chamber of
powerful motivator, retaining a drug user for fear of litigation is not acceptable. In most
Commerce. The cases, it is best to tackle the problem of a suspected substance abusing employee
information contained head on. Don’t wait until things get out of hand. It is best to deal with the issue in an
herein has been
obtained from sources effective, legally compliant manner.
believed to be reliable.
We make no warranty to Employer Liability
the accuracy or
reliability of this Employees who abuse drugs and alcohol make a workplace more volatile and more
information. No part of dangerous, and they expose employers to legal liability. A company’s primary motive
this publication may be
reproduced or
should always be to ensure the safety of employees, customers, and members of
transmitted in any form the general public. If there is reasonable suspicion of an employee coming to work
or by any means without under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the employee should be tested immediately.
written permission from
the DeKalb Chamber. If the worker is not tested and an accident occurs, the company could be held liable
All right reserved. for allowing an impaired individual to endanger others. If an employee’s actions
endanger the physical safety of others, drastic action is necessary. Because using,
selling, or possessing illicit drugs is a crime, many companies with zero tolerance
substance abuse policies immediately terminate employees who engage in this type
of illegal behavior at work .

Justified Termination
Supervisors can’t force an employee to submit to a drug test against his will. But an
employee who refuses to take a drug test can be fired for refusal, as long as the
supervisor has a solid, documented reason or reasons for asking the employee to
take the drug test in the first place. Always carefully document absences, late arrivals,
long lunch hours, poor productivity, leaving the worksite without permission, a poor
attitude with coworkers, and any other job related performance issues. It is extremely
100 Crescent Centre important that you have this information organized and ready before confronting an
Parkway employee suspected of drug or alcohol use at work. If an employee is fired for
Suite 680
Tucker,, GA 30030
substance abuse and a lawsuit is filed, you should have adequate documentation and
404-378-8000 proof as to the rationale and reasonableness of your actions. Although many states
www.dekalbchamber.org have the “employment-at-will” doctrine in place, and companies are permitted to fire
any employee at any time, there are a few exceptions. Therefore, it is always best to
have adequate and substantial documentation of the reasons an employee was
Substance Abuse Training Agreement

I do hereby certify that I have completed 10 minutes of

education towards Georgia Worker’s Compensation Drug-
Free Workplace certification program (O.C.G.A. 34-9-310).

Employee Name (please print):________________________

Employee Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________________

Please return this signed sheet to your Supervisor.

For HR Department Use

Date Provided to Employee:_________________________________________
Date Received from Employee: _____________________________________
This certification should be filed in the HR Department – Drugs Don’t Work file.

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