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1, Year 2016, Page 1-13 http://ejournal-

s1.undip.ac.id/index.php/dbr ISSN (Online): 2337-3792
Personal Darmawan Insan, Ahyar Yuniawan1
Department of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Diponegoro Jl. Prof.
Soedharto SH Tembalang, Semarang 50239, Phone: +622476486851 darmawaninsan@yahoo.com
ABSTRACT Problems that happen in hospitals Tugurejo
Semarang is employee performance of nursing less than the maximum. It is shown from the
number of complaints from customers who go into the hospital management Tugurejo Semarang
where most complaints are directed at the nursing Tugurejo Hospital Semarang. Less than the
maximum employee performance, work environment, compensation and organizational culture.
This study aimed to analyze the influence of leadership style, work environment, compensation
and organizational culture on employee performance of nursing Tugurejo Hospital Semarang.
The population used in this study were employees of Tugurejo Hospital Semarang. The sampling
technique used was purposive random sampling. Criteria samples taken were employees
Tugurejo Semarang Hospital nursing sections totaling 73 nurses. Methods of data collection in
this study using questionnaires and interviews. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear
regression analysis. Based on this research, work environment, compensation and
organizational culture influence on employee performance of nursing Tugurejo Hospital
Semarang, whereas participative leadership style has no effect on employee performance of
nursing Tugurejo Hospital Semarang. Employee performance is able to be explained by the
independent variable is the participative leadership style, work environment, compensation, and
organizational culture at 86.5%.
Keywords: participatory leadership style, work environment, compensation, organizational
culture, performance.
Human resources (HR) is a very important factor in a company, and is a valuable company asset.
It is said to be valuable because HR is a critical determinant of an organization's success. In every
government organization has been assigned tasks, functions, authority and targets to be achieved by each
organization in each unit. Performance of employees who can compete positively display their best ability
will make the main driving force to achieve organizational goals so that will be achieved good
performance from the employees. Performance by Rivai (2008), is the willingness of a person or group of
people to do something activity and refine it in accordance with responsibility answer with expected
results. Meanwhile, Mangkunegara (2008) explains that performance or work performance is the result of
work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in performing their duties in accordance with the
responsibilities given. Hasibuan (2007) states that performance is a manifestation of work performed by
employees who are usually used as a basis for assessment of employees or organizations.
RSUD Tugurejo Semarang is a class B hospital located in Tugurejo Highway Semarang. The
hospital is able to provide specialist medical services and
1Corresponding author
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Number 1, Year 2016, Page 2
subspesialis limited. This hospital also accommodate referral services from district hospitals. The
performance of employees of a hospital is indicated by the services provided by the employee. Services
provided are medical services in the form of inpatient services, outpatient and other services related to
medical services. While general health service is a service in the form of non-medical action given to the
service in order to support the success of medical services to the patients. In improving competitiveness,
RSUD Tugurejo Semarang seeks to improve patient satisfaction by improving employee performance to
provide quality health services . But in reality now there are still some weaknesses made by employees in
providing services to patients, so that will reduce patient satisfaction.
The performance of the employees of Tugurejo Hospital Semarang is measured based on
disciplinary assessment, compliance with orders and especially from complaints from patients. Patient
complaints play an important role in the assessment of employee performance Tugurejo Hospital
Semarang because patients are consumers who must be maintained by the management so that the
management of hospitals Tugurejo Semarang trying to reduce patient complaints to a minimum (Head of
Nursing Hospital Tugurejo Hospital Semarang). The effort that has been done by RSUD Tugurejo
Semarang to reduce this complain is to assign the assignment in the group with the consideration to
reduce the workload of the employee, besides also determined system shift with rolling done periodically.
From the data obtained can be seen that from various types of complaints of nursing, service, and
others exceed the maximum target complaints per year that has been determined by the Tugurejo Hospital
Semarang. But the biggest problem is in the nursing department such as nursing service in the room,
nurse adequacy and nurse responsiveness, where every year complain always exceeds the set target. For
administration such as ease of handling BPJS, and ease of searching the room even though in 2014 still
exceed the target set, but it has shown improvement from the year 2010 which reached 180%. While other
complaints such as the presence of specialist doctors, the availability of adequate infrastructure and
parking facilities indicate that the number of complaints is still below the target in the last five years.
Problems that occur at RSUD Tugurejo Semarang is the performance of employees of the nursing
department is less than maks.Hal indicated from the many complaints from customers who go to the
management of hospitals Tugurejo Semarang where most of the complaints directed at the nursing
department RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Employee performance is less than the maximum is thought to be
caused by several factors namely leadership style participative, work environment, compensation and
organizational culture. Employees RSUD Tugurejo Semarang states that the current leadership style
conducted at Tugurejo Hospital Semarang is a democratic leadership style where the problem is solved by
deliberation. Provision of compensation is also felt less feasible for employees considering high employee
hours. The organizational culture in RSUD Tugurejo Semarang is considered less suitable for some
employees where many young nursing staffs feel less appropriate with the culture. Based on the
description above, it can be compiled a study titled: "Influence of Participative Leadership Style, Work
Environment, Compensation and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance (Study In Nursing
Department Tugurejo Hospital Semarang) ".
This study aims to analyze the influence of participative leadership style, work environment,
compensation and organizational culture on employee performance at Nursing Division RSUD Tugurejo
According to Robbins (2009) organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the
impact of individuals, groups and structures on behavior in organizations with the intention of applying
knowledge of these things in order to improve organizational effectiveness.Duncan put forward the notion
of organizational behavior is a studies concerning aspects of human beings within an organization or a
particular group. It includes aspects that generate from human influence on the organization. The practical
aim of
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Number 1, Year 2016, Page 3
of this study is to determine how human behavior affects the attainment of organizational goals (Thoha,
2003). According to Clumming, organizational behavior is a way of thinking, a way of understanding
problems and explaining clearly the results of determination following solving actions (Thoha, 2003: 8).
This affirms the activity of all people in the organization dealing with the efforts to improve the ability
and skills in order to achieve the goals that have been set. In this case, the heads or leaders tend to have
greater responsibility, because leaders who make decisions to influence many people in the organization
and almost all human-oriented employee activities. Leaders represent the administrative system or
management system and contribute to utilizing organizational behavior so as to enhance people's
relationship with the organization. And strive to create a healthy and dynamic climate, cooperate
productively and become people- more productive people (Thoha, 2003).
Hasibuan (2007) states the performance is a manifestation of work done by employees who are
usually used as a basis for assessment of employees or organization.Performance is a good step for the
achievement of organizational goals.Sehingga need efforts to improve performance.Tetapi this is not easy
because many factors which affects the high level of one's performance.As'ad (2004) states performance
is the result achieved by a person according to the size applicable to the work concerned.Dharma (2003)
declare something done or product / service produced or given a person or group of people. Bernardin and
Russell (2003) state that performance is a record of the proceeds resulting from the function of a
particular job or activity during a given period of work. Simamora (2006) states that performance refers to
the level of achievement of tasks that make up an employee's job. Performance reflects how well
employees meet the requirements of a job.Rivai (2008) states the performance is a real behavior that
displayed every person as work performance generated by employees in accordance with its role in the
company. Employee performance is a very important thing in the company's efforts to achieve its goals .
According Hasibuan (2006), participative leadership is if a leader in carrying out his leadership
done persuasive, create a harmonious cooperation, inculcate the loyalty and participation of subordinates.
Leaders motivate subordinates, so they meras come along owning the company. The philosophy of
leaders who have this participative leadership style that leaders are for subordinates and subordinates are
asked to participate in the decision-making process by providing information, suggestions and
considerations. Leaders apply open management system with information and guidance of cadre to get
serious attention (Hasibuan, 2006).
The following is the definition of work environment proposed by Komarudin (2001), stating that
the work environment is a social, psychological, and physical life in the company that affects workers in
performing their duties. Social life in question with respect to beliefs values, attitudes, views, patterns or
lifestyles in the environment and interaction between people who work in a company either the
interaction between superiors with subordinates and with colleagues. According to Supardi in Subroto
(2005), states that the work environment is a situation around the workplace both physically and non
physically that can give the impression of fun, securing, appeasing, and feel at work.
The definition of compensation according to Panggabean (2004) suggests: compensation can be
defined as any form of reward given to employees in exchange for the contribution they provide to the
organization. According to Rivai (2008) argued that compensation is something that employees receive as
a substitute for the contribution of their services to the company. Sihotang (2007) states that
compensation is the overall arrangement of reward services begi employees and managers both in the
form of financial and goods and services received by each employee. According to Sikula (1981) in
Mangkunegara (2008), compensation is something to be considered as comparable. In employment, a
prize of money is a compensation given to employees as an appreciation of their ministry. According to
Hariandja (2005: 244) argues that compensation is the total remuneration received by employees of
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Number 1, Year 2016, Page 4
as a result of the execution of work in the organization in the form of money or other, which may be
salary wages, bonuses, incentives, and holiday allowances, meal allowances, leave money, and so on.
Organizational culture is an archetype of the division of assumptions, values, and beliefs that are
considered to be the appropriate way of thinking and acting about something, solving problems and
possibilities facing the organization (Robbins, 2009). According to Robbins (2009) organizational culture
is a system of shared meanings embraced by members who distinguish an organization from other
organizations. This shared system of meanings, when examined more thoroughly, is a set of key
characteristics valued by an organization. Organizational culture deals with how employees perceive
characteristics of an organizational culture, not by whether employees like culture or not.
The Influence of Participative Leadership Style on Employee Performance
Effective leadership style in a company is very necessary in order to improve the performance of
its employees so that they will cooperate and willing to follow orders well in accordance with what is
wanted and support the achievement of work goals and tasks within the stipulated time. In a company
there is no leadership style suitable for all situations, then the role of a leader is required to have an
effective leader's appearance that must adapt the type of leadership to the situation at hand. Leaders who
can exercise their leadership with persuasive, cooperation and motivate their subordinates to participate in
decision making openly will be able to improve the performance of its employees. This is consistent with
Kusuma (2012) and La Media (2013) research which states that participative leadership style influences
employee performance. H

: Participative leadership style allegedly affects employee performance. The Effect of Work
Environment on Employee Performance
The Work Environment is everything that is around the workers and can influence itself in
carrying out its duties, eg cleanliness, relationship between employees and leaders, noise level and so on.
The work environment has a big role especially in in shaping work attitude. A comfortable work
environment spurs employees to express their interests and dissatisfactions without fear of retaliation and
attention. Employees expect rewards, satisfaction, achievement on the basis of their perceptions of the
work environment. A conducive work environment and comfortable to work will make employees tend to
feel at home and work harder. With that work environment is very influential on the performance of the
rich, where with the performance relationship of superiors and subordinates well established, employee
relationships are well established, workplace lighting is adequate, and facilities complete office and
support work, then employees will perform performance with calm and spirit so performance will
increase. The description is supported by the research of Widodo (2010), Ghoniyah and Masurip (2011)
and Artana (2012) which states that work environment variables affect employee performance. Based on
the description above, the hypothesis that can be taken in this research is: H

: Work environment allegedly affect the employee performance. The Effect of Compensation on
Employee Performance
Compensation is the total of the individual's positive feelings towards the payments they receive,
whereby the payments received are as expected by the individual. One way management to improve work
performance, motivate and improve employee job satisfaction is through compensation (Malthis and
Jackson, 2001). In simple terms, compensation is something that employees receive for their repayment
services. Samimora (2004) says that compensation in the form of finance is important for employees,
because with this compensation they can meet their needs directly, especially the physiological needs.
Compensation in the form of salary and allowances assessed employees are very helpful to meet the needs
of employees. Employees who get the appropriate compensation will work harder because they feel their
work is acknowledged and appreciated by the company. This results in an increase in employee
compensation, the better the employee's performance. The results are supported by Pane and Astuti
(2009) and Kusuma (2012) researches
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Number 1, Year 2016, Page 5
stating that compensation is influential on employee performance. Based on the description above, the
hypothesis that can be taken in this study are: H

: Compensation is expected to affect employee performance. The Influence of Organizational

Culture on Employee Performance Organizational
culture is an archetype of the division of assumptions, values, and beliefs that are considered to be
the appropriate way of thinking and acting about something, solving problems and possibilities facing the
organization (Robbins, 2009). The goal of a manager in any organization logically demands improvement
of organizational organizational performance. However, many organizational problems and uncertainties
both internal and external that often interfere with the achievement of organizational performance. In fact
many studies indicate organizational failure is more often caused by organizational managerial problems
internally (Koontz, 2001 in Hasibuan, 2007). These problems led Peters and Waterman (2002 in
Hasibuan, 2007) to pioneer the importance of organizational culture to enhance organizational
effectiveness and performance. According to Peters and Waterman, every organization has its own
culture. Each of these cultures can be a positive and negative force in achieving organizational
performance. This description is supported by the research of Widodo (2010) and Arifin et al (2014)
which states that organizational culture variables affect employee performance. Based on the description
above, the hypothesis that can be taken in this study are: H

: Organizational culture allegedly affect the employee performance.

RESEARCH METHOD Research Variables
Variables are an attribute or the nature or value of people, objects, or activities that have a certain
variation set by researchers to study and draw conclusions (Sugiyono, 2007). This study uses two
variables, namely:
1. Dependent variable Dependent
variable is the factors that are observed and measured to determine how big the factor is influenced by
independent variables (Sugiyono, 2007). In this study the dependent variable is: employee performance
(Y). Indicators used are:
a) Quality of work b) Quantity of work c) Knowledge of the work d) Initiative e) Creativity 2.
variable variable that causes or affects the factors measured in determining the relationship or influence
between observed phenomena (Sugiyono, 2007). The independent variables in this research are:
a. Participatory Leadership Style. Indicators used are:
a) Communications: b) Cooperation c) Subordinate involvement d) Decision making` b. Work
environment. Indicators used are:
a) Infrastructure, b) Hygiene c) Information d) Security c. Compensation. Indicators used are:
a) Salary eligibility b) Conformity of benefits
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Number 1, Year 2016, Page 6
c) Bonus conformity d. Organizational culture. Indicators used are:
a) Autonomy (freedom), b) Formalities c) Collaboration
Population and Sample
Population is a combination of all elements in the form of events, things, or people who have
similar characteristics that became the center of the universe of research (Ferdinand, 2006: 223).
Population in this research is employees of RSUD Tugurejo Semarang.
The sample problem will occur when the population is too large and spread out of the range of the
study. While the sampling using non-probability sampling method with purposive random sampling
technique. Sample criteria taken are employees of hospitals Tugurejo Semarang nursing department
which amounted to 73 people nurses.
Types and Sources of Data
Types The data used are in the form of primary data, as it collects data only during field research
(Gozhali, 2011). While the type of data source used primary and secondary type.
Analysis Method
Hypothesis testing is done by multivariate analysis using multiple regression analysis as follows:








+ ε Description: Y: Employee Performance X


: Style Participative Leadership X

: Working Environment X

: Compensation X

: Organizational Culture a: Constant b: Regression Coefficient ε: error

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Multicolinearity Test
Table 1 Multicollinearity Test Results No. Variable Tolerance VIF 1. Participative leadership style .156
6.429 2. Work environment .340 2.939 3. Compensation .109 9.199 4. Organizational culture .143 6.970
Based on the above coefficient table, tolerance values for variables Participative leadership style,
Work environment, Compensation, and The organizational culture on Employee Performance, greater
than the default value (Tolerance) specified at 0.10. As for the VIF value is also smaller than 10.Sehingga
it can be concluded that all variables have met the requirements of tolerance threshold and VIF value.That
is, these three variables do not experience the effect of multicollinearity.
Heteroskedasticity Test
Table 2
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, No. 1, Year 2016, Page 7
Test ResultsHeterokedasticity
Based on the Glejser test results, it appears that all independent variables have significance
value> 0.05, so there is no heteroscedasticity in this model.
Test Normality Data
Table 2 Test Results Kolmogorov Smirnov
The results in the table it appears that the data is normally distributed, as evidenced by the
significance value of all variables bebasyang larger 0.05 means (p> 0.05) this indicates the data
distributed normal residual.
Discussion of Research Results
From the results of multiple linear regression calculation between participative leadership style,
work environment, compensation, and organizational culture to the performance of the work can be
obtained the following results:
KK = 0.031GKP + 0.214LK + 0.275Komp + 0.469BO
Table 4 Hypothesis Test Results Variable t Sig . Participatory leadership style 0.281 0.780 Work
environment 2,875 0,005 Compensation 2,094 0,040 Organizational culture 4,099 0,000
a) Based on the result of calculation which has been done, hence obtained t value count for Participative
leadership style is 0,281 with result of significance equal to 0,780> 0,05. This shows that participative
leadership style has no effect on employee performance. Significance of 0.780> 0.05 indicates that Ho is
accepted and H
C o ef ficie n ta
M o de l U nd d ard ize d
C o effic i en ts
S tan da rd ize d C oe fficie ntsSig
B Std. E rr or Be ta
(C o nstan t) 1.85 4 .5 37 3 .45 5 .0 01
Ga ya K ep em im p in an Pa rtis ip atif
.0 02 .0 79 .0 08 .02 5. 9 80
Lin gku n ga n Work -.0 22.0 57 -.0 80 -.39 2 .6 96
Co mp en sation .0 46 .0 92.1 80 .50 0 .6 19
Bu da ya O rg an isa si -.0 90 .1 02 -.2 79 -.89 0 .3 77
a. D e t e n n n n r rds b le: A bs
Test ts of Norma lity
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Participative Leadership Style .259 73 .142 .843 73 .284
Working Environment .237 73 .087 .870 73 .174
Compensation .248 73 .233 .818 73 .461
Organizational Culture .288 73 .256 .797 73 .511
Employee Performance .239 73 .301 .808 73 .600
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction is

rejected. b) Based on the results of calculations that have been done, then obtained
value t arithmetic for Work environment is 2.875 with a significance of 0.005 <0.05.
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Number 1, Year 2016, Page 8
This shows that the work environment has a positive effect on employee performance. Significance of
0.005 <0.05 indicates that Ho is rejected and H
2 is accepted. c)
Based on the results of calculations that have been done, then obtained value t arithmetic for
compensation is 2.094 with a result of significance of 0.040 <0.05. This shows the compensation has a
positive effect on employee performance. Significance of 0.040 <0.05 indicates that Ho is rejected and H

is accepted. d) The results

of calculations that have been done obtained t value for the organizational culture is 4,099 with a result of
significance of 0.000 <0.05. With these results it can be concluded that the test shows organizational
culture positively affect Employee Performance. Significance of 0.000 <0.05 indicates that Ho is rejected
and Ha is acceptable. Based on the calculation of F test, the Anova table obtained the F value of 116,068
with the significance of 0.000 <0,05 (significant), indicating Ho is rejected and Ha is acceptable. This
suggests that regression models can be used to predict employee performance.
Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination. Adjusted value R2 = 0,865, this
means that the variation of employee performance can be explained by independent variable that is
participative leadership style, work environment, compensation, and organizational culture, equal to
86,5% while the rest equal to 13,5% (100% - 86 , 5%) is explained by other factors not examined in this
research such as commitment, motivation, career development.
Based on test results of model goodness, regression model can be used to predict employee
performance. While the employee's performance is able to be explained by independent variable that is
participative leadership style, work environment, compensation, and organizational culture, equal to
86,5% while the rest equal to 13,5% (100% - 86,5%) explained by other factor not examined in this study
for example commitment, motivation, career development.
The result of research shows that participative leadership style has no significant effect on
employee performance, it can be seen from t value for participative leadership style is 0,281 with result of
significance equal to 0,780> 0,05.
The results of this study support the research Mamesah and Kusumaningtyas (2009) which states
that participative leadership style has no effect on employee performance. This condition is similar to
Mamesah and Kusumaningtyas (2009) research which states that participative leadership style is
ineffective due to overactive participation by almost all of its subordinates, the resulting decision becomes
biased. The more inputs received and the difficulty of leaders to accommodate all interests make this
leadership style ineffective to run so as not to affect employee performance (Mamesah and
Kusumaningtyas, 2009).
Effective leadership style in a company is needed in order to improve the performance of its
employees so that they are willing to cooperate and willing to follow orders well in accordance with what
is desired and support the achievement of work goals and tasks within the stipulated time. Leaders who
can exercise their leadership with persuasiveness, cooperation and motivate their subordinates to
participate in decision making openly will be able to improve the performance of their employees.
But in this study, based on the results of statistical analysis indicated that participative leadership
style has no effect on employee performance. The participative leadership style, as seen from the
descriptive statistics, applied to the Tugurejo General Hospital environment enables leaders to be able to
exercise their leadership in a participative manner, leaders must be able to cooperate and motivate
subordinates to participate in decision making openly will improve the performance of their employees.
The leadership style at the Tugurejo General Hospital was a dictator, but the nurse at that time wanted to
be involved in the decision making so that the leadership style was a participative leadership style. The
nurse leader at the Tugurejo General Hospital is willing to engage with the activities of his subordinates
and the leader gives the subordinates the opportunity to be involved in decision making. But in practice,
nurses who usually never make decisions, usually will hand back the decision to the leader nurse. In
addition the nurse did not want
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Number 1, 2016, page 9
to take responsibility for the decision he made so that the nurse handed back the decision to the leadership
so that the participative leadership style adopted by the leadership did not go well and does not affect
performance of nurses.
The result of this research shows that the work environment has positive and significant effect to
the employee's performance, it can be seen from the t value for the working environment is 2,875 with the
result of significance equal to 0.005 <0.05.
Hasil ini mendukung penelitian Widodo (2010), Ghoniyah dan Masurip (2011) dan Artana (2012)
yang menyatakan bahwa variabel lingkungan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan.Lingkungan
fisik perusahaan dipresepsikan dengan kondisi ruangannya yang baik, dilengkapi dengan fentilasi, lampu
yang terang serta tersedianya peralatan kerja yang memadai, seperti komputer dan peralatan lainnya,
sehingga memberikan rasa nyaman kepada karyawan dalam bekerja, hubungan karyawan dengan atasan
yang terjadi di perusahaan, terjalin hubungan kerja yang harmonis dan menyenangkan, serta terciptanya
komunikasi dua arah antara bawahan dengan pimpinan, hubungan atasan dengan bawahan yang ada di
perusahaan, yaitu adanya pengakuan terhadap prestasi pegawai dari atasan, dan memberikan reward
terhadap pegawai yang berprestasi, hubungan sesama rekan kerja yang ada di perusahaan, terjalinnya tim
kerja yang solid antar sesama karyawan serta saling membantu dikala ada teman kerja yang mendapatkan
kesulitan (Widod o, 2010).
Sesuai teori, lingkungan kerja merupakan keadaan sekitar tempat kerja baik secara fisik maupun
non fisik yang dapat memberikan kesan yang menyenangkan, mengamankan, mententramkan, dan betah
dalam bekerja.Lingkungan kerja mempunyai peranan besar terutama di dalam membentuk sikap kerja.
Lingkungan kerja yang nyaman memacu pegawai untuk mengutarakan kepentingan dan ketidakpuasan
tanpa adanya rasa takut akan tindakan balasan dan perhatian. Lingkungan kerja yang kondusif dan
nyaman untuk bekerja akan membuat karyawan cenderung betah dan bekerja lebih giat. Peranan
lingkungan kerja yang baik adalah sebagai pendorong bagi karyawan sehingga mereka merasa nyaman
dalam melakukan pekerjaannya, dapat lebih bersemangat, dan pada akhirnya dapat bekerja secara
optimal, sehingga tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa lingkungan kerja dalam suatu perusahaan mendapatkan
perhatian yang lebih jauh lagi dibandingkan pada waktu-waktu terdahulu (Mangkunegara, 2008).
Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan hasil kuesioner, kondisi lingkungan kerja pada Rumah Sakit
Umum Tugurejo Semarang saat ini cukup baik. Manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang
berusaha untuk memberikan dukungan bagi terciptanya lingkungan kerja yang baik dan bersih bagi
perawat, sehingga perawat mampu untuk bekerja secara nyaman dan baik. Dukungan dari manajemen ini
berupa memberikan peralatan yang lengkap untuk menunjang kinerja perawat seperti alat oksigen,
diagnosa yang cepat dan ruang gerak yang cukup bagi perawat. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan
pimpinan perawat Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang, manajemen menyatakan memahami bahwa
perawat membutuhkan ruang gerak yang cukup sehingga pengaturan ruang dan ranjang dalam kamar
diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat menunjang kinerja perawat. Hal ini juga diwujudkan dengan
mengupayakan kebersihan pada Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang terjaga dengan baik sehingga
karyawan merasa betah di rumah sakit, antara lain dengan menyediakan tong sampah di setiap sudut
rumah sakit dan menggunakan cleaning service outsource untuk membersihkan rumah sakitnya. Rumah
Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang juga memiliki penerangan yang baik sehingga tidak menimbulkan kesan
seram seperti pada rumah sakit pada umumnya. Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang juga
menyediakan keamanan yang terjamin sehingga karyawan merasa aman dalam bekerja seperti adanya
satpam yang berjaga selama 24 jam. Adanya lingkungan kerja yang baik ini membuat karyawan mampu
bekerja dengan optimal dan meningkatkan kinerjanya.
Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa kompensasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja
karyawan, terlihat dari nilai t untuk kompensasi adalah 2,094 dengan hasil signifikansi sebesar 0,040 <
Hasil ini mendukung penelitian Pane dan Astuti (2009) dan Kusuma (2012) yang menyebutkan
bahwa ada pengaruh antara variabel kompensasi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Dengan dijalankannya sistem
pemberian kompensasi yang adil dan baik, maka diharapkan akan dapat mendorong karyawan organisasi
untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya. Apabila sistem evaluasi kinerja pada suatu organisasi dapat
menggambarkan usaha dan pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh karyawannya dengan baik, maka akan terlihat
perbedaan hasil kerja antara karyawan satu dengan
DIPONEGORO JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016, Halaman 10
yang lain. Dengan demikian karyawan akan berusaha untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya karena semakin
bagus kinerjanya maka karyawan tersebut akan memperoleh imbalan kompensasi yang lebih baik
dibandingkan dengan karyawan lain. Menurut Hasibuan (2007), pemberian kompensasi yang tepat, sistem
upah yang teratur dan rapi akan meningkatkan hasil kerja dan prestasi kerja karyawan. Kompensasi
berupa tunjangan hari raya diberikan berdasarkan prestasi kerja dan masa kerja karyawan.Karyawan
bekerja dengan baik, memberikan prestasi yang baik maka mendapatkan kompensasi yang baik pula.Hal
ini membuat karyawan menjadi mau bekerja dengan lebih keras lagi untuk mendapatkan kompensasi
yang lebih baik lagi (Kusuma, 2012).
Kompensasi merupakan bentuk penghargaan atau balas jasa yang diberikan oleh perusahaan
kepada karyawannya baik yang berbentuk finansial maupun barang dan jasa pelayanan agar karyawan
merasa dihargai dalam bekerja.Kompensasi dalam bentuk finansial adalah penting bagi karyawan, sebab
dengan kompensasi ini mereka dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya secara langsung, terutama kebutuhan
fisiologisnya.Namun demikian, tentunya pegawai juga berharap agar kompensasi yang diterimanya sesuai
dengan pengorbanan yang telah diberikan dalam bentuk non finansial juga sangat penting bagi pegawai
terutama untuk pengembangan karier mereka.Kompensasi penting bagi karyawan sebagai individu karena
besarnya kompensasi mencerminkan ukuran nilai karya karyawan di antara karyawan itu sendiri, keluarga
dan masyarakat. Kompensasi jika diberikan secara adil maka karyawan akan lebih terpuaskan dan
termotivasi untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya mencapai sasaran-sasaran organisasi (Handoko, 2010).
Berdasarkan hasil jawaban responden, kondisi yang saat ini terjadi pada Rumah Sakit Umum
Tugurejo Semarang adalah kompensasi perawat saat ini dinilai cukup layak dan memadai oleh
perawat.Manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang berupaya memberikan kompensasi berupa
gaji dan tunjangan serta penghargaan yang memadai dan tidak terlambat kepada perawatnya karena
menyadari bahwa perawat merupakan komponen yang penting dalam menunjang keberhasilan rumah
sakit.Perawat pada Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang juga menilai bahwa gaji yang diberikan
sudah sesuai dengan pekerjaan perawat, dan tunjangan yang diberikan sudah sesuai dengan beban
pekerjaan perawat. Selain itu, perusahaan dinilai oleh perawat sudah adil dalam memberikan penghargaan
sesuai prestasi kerja karyawan serta perusahaan memberikan insentif yang layak dan tidak terlambat
sesuai dengan pekerjaan karyawan. Hal ini membuat karuawan lebih termotivasi dalam bekerja dan
meningkatkan kinerjanya.
Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa budaya organisasi berpengaruhpositif dan signifikan terhadap
kinerja karyawan, terlihat dari nilai t untuk Budaya organisasi adalah 4,099 dengan hasil signifikansi
sebesar 0,000 < 0,05.
Hasil ini mendukung penelitian Widodo (2010) dan Arifin et al (2014) yang menyatakan bahwa
variabel budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan.Budaya organisasi yang kuat membuat
perilaku karyawan menjadi semakin baik.Perilaku karyawan yang baik adalah perilaku dimana karyawan
berusaha untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.Budaya organisasi juga berperan sebagai support system dan
panduan bagi karyawan untuk bekerja dengan lebih baik lagi. Dengan adanya budaya organisasi yang
sesuai dengan karyawan akan membuat karyawan mampu bekerja dengan nyaman dan membuat
kinerjanya menjadi lebih baik lagi (Arifin et al, 2014).
Tujuan seorang manajer dalam setiap organisasi secara logis menghendaki peningkatan kinerja
organisasional organisasi.Namun demikian banyak problem organisasional dan ketidakpastian
(uncertainty) baik internal maupun eksternal yang seringkali mengganggu pencapaian kinerja
organisasional.Bahkan banyak penelitian menunjukkan kegagalan organisasi lebih sering disebabkan oleh
permasalahan manajerial organisasi secara internal.Menurut Robbins (2009) budaya organisasi
merupakan sistem makna bersama yang dianut oleh anggota-anggota yang membedakan suatu organisasi
dari organisasi lain. Sistem makna bersama ini, bila diamati dengan lebih seksama, merupakan
seperangkat karakteristik utama yang dihargai oleh suatu organisai. Budaya organisai berkaitan dengan
bagaimana karyawan mempersepsikan karakteristik dari suatu budaya organisasi, bukan dengan apakah
para karyawan menyukai budaya atau tidak. Menurut Hasibuan (2007), setiap organisasi mempunyai
kebudayaannya masing-masing. Tiap kebudayaan tersebut dapat menjadi kekuatan positif dan negatif
dalam mencapai kinerja organisasional. Jika budaya organisasi dari perusahaan tersebut sesuai dengan
karakteristik karyawan atau karyawan mampu beradaptasi dengan budaya organisasinya maka kinerja
karyawan akan meningkat.
Berdasarkan hasil jawaban responden, kondisi yang saat ini terjadi pada Rumah Sakit Umum
Tugurejo adalah budaya organisasi yang ada saat ini mampu diterima dengan baik oleh
karyawan.Manajemen berusaha membuat budaya organisasi pada Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo
Semarang harmonis, nyaman dan juga memberikan kebebasan yang cukup bagi karyawan dalam
bekerja.Manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang berupaya agar dalam bekerja, perawat tidak
merasa terlalu canggung untuk mengemukakan pendapat sehingga batasan berupa birokrasi yang terlalu
panjang dan formalitas dikurangi agar perawat mampu untuk bekerja dengan lebih optimal.Perawat
merasa Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi karyawan untuk
menunjukkan otonominya sehingga karyawan merasa memiliki kebebasan dalam menentukan arah
perusahaan. Perawat juga merasa bahwa Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang tidak terlalu banyak
menggunakan formalitas dalam bekerja untuk menghasilkan output yang optimal dalam pekerjaan
sehingga banyak prosedur yang tidak perlu dapat dihindari sehingga kinerja perawat lebih optimal.
Perusahaan juga merasa bahwa Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang mengutamakan kolaborasi
dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas karyawan sehingga perawat merasa tidak harus bekerja seorang diri dan
hal tersebut memudahkan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan..
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang telah dilakukan terhadap seluruh data yang diperoleh, maka
dapat diambil kesimpulan sebagai berikut:
1) Gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan sehingga hipotesis 1
ditolak. Gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif yang memberi kesempatan kepada bawahan untuk terlibat dalam
pengambilan keputusan tidak berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena perawat pada Rumah
Sakit Umum Tugurejo yang biasanya tidak pernah melakukan pengambilan keputusan, biasanya akan
menyerahkan kembali keputusan kepada pimpinan perawat sehingga gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif
yang diterapkan oleh pimpinan tidak berjalan dengan baik dan tidak mempengaruhi kinerja perawat. 2)
Lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan sehingga hipotesis 2 diterima.
Manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang berusaha untuk memberikan dukungan bagi
terciptanya lingkungan kerja yang baik dan bersih bagi perawat, sehingga perawat mampu untuk bekerja
secara nyaman dan baik. Dukungan dari manajemen ini berupa memberikan peralatan yang lengkap untuk
menunjang kinerja perawat seperti alat oksigen, diagnosa yang cepat dan ruang gerak yang cukup bagi
perawat. 3) Kompensasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan sehingga hipotesis 3 diterima.
Manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang berupaya memberikan kompensasi berupa gaji dan
tunjangan serta penghargaan yang memadai dan tidak terlambat kepada perawatnya karena menyadari
bahwa perawat merupakan komponen yang penting dalam menunjang keberhasilan rumah sakit. Perawat
pada Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang juga menilai bahwa gaji yang diberikan sudah sesuai
dengan pekerjaan perawat, dan tunjangan yang diberikan sudah sesuai dengan beban pekerjaan perawat.
4) Budaya organisasi berpengaruhpositif terhadap kinerja karyawan. Manajemen berusaha membuat
budaya organisasi pada Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo Semarang harmonis, nyaman dan juga memberikan
kebebasan yang cukup bagi karyawan dalam bekerja. Manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Tugurejo
Semarang berupaya agar dalam bekerja, perawat tidak merasa terlalu canggung untuk mengemukakan
pendapat sehingga batasan berupa birokrasi yang terlalu panjang dan formalitas dikurangi agar perawat
mampu untuk bekerja dengan lebih optimal.
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