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1 Identify and plan professional learning needs

Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Australian Professional Standards

for Teachers in identifying professional learning needs.

Engage in


Professional Inquiry Project: Self-reflection.

During the project I was able to continuously reflect on my teaching practices
according to the Australian Professional Standards in particular:
AITSL Standard 5.2- ‘Provide feedback to students on their learning’.

Please see attached Self-reflection notes for evidence >>>

6. 2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice

Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for

Engage in professional learning

Attended the school’s partnership PDs for

STEM learning and teaching. Here the teachers
learnt about what other teachers have been
teaching in their classrooms and schools for

STEM to improve their own practices in STEM

learning and teaching.
6. 3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and teachers to improve
teaching practices
Engage in professional learning

Receiving constructive written feedback from my mentor to provide me with insights

how I could improve my teaching practices for the next lesson.

6. 4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for continued professional learning

and the implications for improved student learning

During my fourth-year placement the school had been working with Lisa Jane on
solidifying their Mathematics curriculum to provide consistency throughout the whole
Engage in professional learning

school providing students and teachers with year level achievements and standards
according to the Australian Curriculum, to allow progression and continuity.

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