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Activity: Writing Section


Presentado a:

David Alfonso Suaza

Presentado por:

Sandra Liliana Suarez Contreras

Código: 1094241733

Grupo: 900003A_471




hello tutor david and classmates my name is sandra liliana suarez contreras I am 31 years
old I have three beautiful children Juan Sebastian 12 years old Thomas Emmanuel 5 and
Danna Gabriella 1 year I live in the city of bucaramanga I work as portfolio manager.

I am from the city of pamplona north of Santander I would like you to know this city
known as the Mitrada city because it is the seat of the Archdiocese of Nueva Pamplona, the
first Catholic diocese in the region. The University of Pamplona, the leading public
university in the region, has its main headquarters in the city. its average temperature of 14
° C.

For a long time it has been the main educational center of eastern Colombia and Venezuela,
which has been cataloged as a student city with broad impact on university education in the
region, is also identified by the solemnity of its religious celebrations, events that have wide
presence of people from the interior of the country.
The tourist places are.

Parque Águeda Gallardo:

Museo Casa Colonial

Cathedral of Santa Clara:

Agueda Gallardo House in Villamizar Museo Casa Anzoátegui

Festividades y celebraciones

Fiestas de 4 de julio

Ferias y Fiestas. Grito de Independencia, 4 de julio de 1810.

Semana santa o semana mayor

Una de las más reconocidas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, congrega peregrinos
de toda las regiones de Colombia y Venezuela. En esta semana se da una gran participación
de todas las instituciones educativas de la ciudad así como de los gremios religiosos tales
como los nazarenos, las saumadoras y los caballeros de la cruz, estos últimos miembros
estudiantiles del Colegio Seminario Menor Santo Tomás De Aquino de la ciudad.
Considerado patrimonio cultural e inmaterial de la nación por la ley 1645 del 12 de julio de

Tutor me gustaría que visitaría este sitio es muy agradable y tranquilo.

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