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Trabajo a realizar:

Act. Act. 2.2 Práctica virtual, tiro parabólico

De la cruz lopez daniel



Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, a 26 de octubre del 2015

Práctica virtual de Movimiento Parabólico

Escriban nombres de integrantes en orden alfabético. Primero Apellidos y luego Nombres
Integrantes del equipo:

Cabrera Torres Juan Daniel. Pérez Hernández Jesús Iván

De la cruz Ocaña Citlaly. Santos albañil Aisslyn.

De la cruz Zavala Jesús Eduardo

1. Go to the projectile motion simulator at http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/projectile-motion/projectile-


2. Spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the controls of the simulation before you begin the lab

3. PLEASE NOTE: The sim records height as the end result of the flight; however we want the maximum
vertical height. Thus, you will have to use the tape measure tool to measure it. Be careful to do
this correctly!!

Procedure: (we will be ignoring air resistance during this lab)

 Run the PhET Simulations  Play  Motion  Projectile Motion

 The cannon can be moved to add or remove initial Y position and X position.
 The cannon can be pivoted to change the firing angle, θ.
 The tape measure can be moved and dragged to measure range to target.
 To fire the cannon, .
 To erase the projectile’s path,

 Measure the distance from the cannon to the target using the tape measure.
 Move the target to 21.0 m from the cannon. Attempt to hit the target with three different angles by changing
the firing angle and initial velocity.

V V Vy

Range (dx) = 21.0m θ = __ 80____ Vi = ____28_____

Range (dx) = 21.0m θ = __80_______ Vi = ____28______

Range (dx) = 21.0m θ = __80_______ Vi = ____28______


vx  v cos 
 A projectile’s velocity (v) has an X component (vx) and a Y component (vy).
The X component (vx) is found by multiplying the magnitude of the velocity by the cosine of the angle,
 Similarity, the Y component of velocity is found by multiplying the magnitude
of the velocity by the sine of the angle, θ.
v y  v sin 

So, a projectile fired at 20 m/s at 65o has an X-velocity of vx  20 cos 65 or 8.5 m/s.

The projectile would have a Y-velocity of v y  20 sin 65 or 18 m/s.

So, the projectile would fire as far as one fired horizontally at 8.5 m/s and as high as one fired straight up at 18

A projectile fired at 30 degrees with a velocity of 15 m/s would have an x-velocity component of __21.03_____
m/s and a y-velocity component of __30____ m/s.

Calculate the components of the following projectile’s velocities:

1. v = 35 m/s θ = 15o vx =_2.0__ vy = _61.2__

2. v = 35 m/s θ = 30o vx =_3.5_ vy = _90.6__
3. v = 35 m/s θ = 45o vx =_4.8__ vy = _98.2__
4. v = 35 m/s θ = 60o vx =_5.8_ vy = _83.2___
5. v = 35 m/s θ = 75o vx =_6.4__ vy = _48.3_
6. v = 35 m/s θ = 90o vx =_6.6__ vy = _0.0___
 We can reverse the process and combine the two components of velocity back into one velocity fired at an
 The magnitude of velocity is found using the Pythagorean Theorem with vx and vy as the legs of a right triangle.
For instance, the velocity of a projectile with an x-component of 7.2 and a y-component of 4.8 is
7.2 2  4.82  8.7 m/s.
 The angle above the horizontal is found using the inverse tangent (tan-1) of the legs vy/vx. For instance, the angle
4 .8
of the projectile described above would be tan 1 ( ) = 34o.
7 .2

Calculate the velocity magnitude and angle of the projectiles listed below:

7. vx = 5.6 vy = 6.4 v =__22.4___ θ = _80___

8. vx = 2.8 vy = 4.9 v =_35__ θ = __87____

9. vx = 8.1 vy = -7.2 v =_35_ θ = _86__

10. vx = -1.3 vy = -5.2 v = _35__ θ = __85__

11. Conclusion Questions:

1. Without air resistance, the piano travels further / the same distance as the football. (circle)
2. This is due to the fact that velocity in the X-direction increases / is constant / decreases as projectiles travel.
3. The Y-component of velocity increases / is constant / decreases as projectiles travel.
4. The answers to #2 and #3 are due to the fact that gravity acts only in the Y / both the X any Y direction.
5. The path of a projectile is a linear curve / round curve / parabolic curve.
6. This is due to the fact that the time component in the free fall equation (dy) is __continuo_____.
7. Without air resistance, maximum range of a projectile is obtained with an angle of___90______ .
8. The same range can be obtained with angles of __90______ and ____0____.
9. Firing a projectile at 25 m/s at an angle of 35o is similar to firing a projectile with a speed of ____44.1__________
straight up and ____-2.0__________ horizontally.
10. A projectile with a horizontal component of 13 m/s and a vertical component of 18 m/s would have an overall
velocity of _____25__________ m/s at an angle of _____82__________ above the horizontal.
II. You are now going to investigate the effect of launch angle on several different parameters; air time, maximum
height, and range.

a) Fire the projectile launcher at the following angles (with the same initial speed of 18 m/s), then fill in the
table below. You will need to use the measuring tape to measure the maximum height and the range.

Angle Initial Air Maximum Range Air Time Maximum Height Range
Speed Time Height (m) (s) (m) (m)
(m/s) (s) (m)

10o 18 1.0 -2.0 16.8 1.0 3.21 15.51

20o 18 1.5 -2.0 25.8 1.5 3.96 25.44

30o 18 2.0 -2.0 28.3 2.0 5.16 28.65

40o 18 2.4 -2.0 28.4 2.4 6.72 28.4

45° 18 2.6 -2.0 28.2 2.6 7.36 27.43

50o 18 2.9 -2.0 32.0 2.9 9.7 32.0

60o 18 3.2 -2.0 27.0 3.2 12.5 27.8

70o 18 3.5 -2.0 20.6 3.5 15.16 20.6

80o 18 3.6 -2.0 10.0 3.6 15.16 10

90o 18 3.5 -2.0 0.0 3.5 15.16 0.0

b) What is the best angle for maximum height and air time? Explain why this is so.
90° Llega a sup unto maximo, sin curvas

c) Is there a direct relationship between air time and range? Explain why or why not. This is an important
question, make sure to give it some serious thought.

Si, ya que este depende mucho del otro en este caso el tiempo decide cuanto equivale su rango maximo
en una altura promedio

e) Which of your angles above gave the most range? Explain why you think this is so.
50° mas pequeño el Angulo, tendra mayor rango. O mas alejado del 90°

f) Rank your angles above from smallest to largest x-component of their velocities. Is there a direct
relationship between the x-velocity of a projectile and its range? Explain why or why not.
Si existe porque, en este caso esta en X , la velocidad depende mucho del tiempo, o en este caso el tiempo
depende a que velocidad se mueve el cuerpo.

2. Starting with the pumpkin as your projectile, gather data and answer the following questions.

a. With an initial speed of 18m/s and no air resistance, what angle must the cannon be at to hit the bull’s eye?


b. Clear your results from part b and remove the air resistance. Collect data to figure out how the angle must
be changed to hit the bull’s eye as the initial speed increases.

Initial speed Angle

14m/s 75
18m/s 75
22m/s 83
26m/s 84

Conclusion: As the speed increases the angle __________disminuye ________________________.

3. Now, using different projectiles, collect data to figure out how the angle must be changed as the mass of the
projectile changes. Use 18m/s as your speed.

Projectile Mass Angle

Football 0.41 80
Bowling ball 7.3 80
Adult human 70 80
Piano 400 80
Buick 1000 80

Conclusion: As the mass of the object increases, the angle _____igual_____________________ as long as the speed is
4. Now, repeat the experiment in #3, only keep the angle constant at 65, and determine what happens to the initial
speed needed to hit the bull’s eye as the mass of the projectile changes.

Projectile Mass Initial speed

Football 0.41 18
Bowling ball 7.3 18
Adult human 70 18
Piano 400 18
Buick 1000 18

Conclusion: As the mass of the object increases, the initial speed _____es la misma_____________________ as long as
the angle is constant.

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