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Industrial Health 2006, 44, 169–178 Review Article

Research Priorities in Occupational Safety and Health:

A Review
Alessandro MARINACCIO2 and Marilyn FINGERHUT3

ISPESL National Institute for Occupational Safety and Prevention, Via Fontana Candida, 1, 00040 Monteporzio
Catone, Rome, Italy
ISPESL National Institute for Occupational Safety and Prevention, Via Alessandria, 220/E, 00198, Rome, Italy
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Room 715H Humphrey Bldg, 200 Independence
Av. SW, Washington DC 20201, USA

Received March 29, 2005 and accepted October 4, 2005

Abstract: Changes in the world of work in the last few decades have markedly affected questions
regarding occupational safety and health (OSH). Jobs in our economy continue to shift from
manufacturing to services. Longer hours, shift work, reduced job security, temporary work are
realities in the modern workplace, new chemicals, materials, processes are developed at an ever
accelerating pace. The workforce is also changing. It will become older and more racially diverse
and women are increasing. These changes present new challenges to protect worker safety and
health and it was been indispensable to redefine priorities, by consulting all those involved in OSH.
The present study therefore made a critical comparative analysis of the main published projects to
identify research priorities in the OSH field, comparing methods, approaches and results. Comparison
of the priority areas established in each of these studies is inherently difficult due to differences in
socio-cultural backgrounds, in the methods employed to identify priority topics, and the many factors
involved. However, it is clear that the Delphi technique is widely used as a reliable method, in that
it covers a broad range of qualified witnesses, from a variety of backgrounds —such as trade union
representatives and researchers— providing different viewpoints. It also takes account of the intrinsic
features of OSH which —compared to other disciplines— involves multidisciplinary factors calling
into play a range of scientific settings, such as toxicologists, molecular biologists, epidemiologists,
occupational hygienists and occupational physicians. This analysis showed how important it is to
reach consensus among all those operating in the OSH sector, in order to establish standard methods
that can be applied in different contexts, and give results that can be validly compared.

Key words: Delphi technique, Research Priorities, Consensus, OSH, Stakeholders

Introduction Labor Organization (ILO), the World Health Organization

(WHO) and the European Union (EU).
Safeguards for workers’ health and safety are the legislative In recent decades we have witnessed great changes, calling
response to the problem of accidents at work and occupational for a fresh look at safety and health, particularly in the world
illnesses. This is a field that has grown enormously, especially of work. These changes oblige us to redefine and modify
since the end of the 19th century, with the vast development the policies and priorities of all those involved —public and
of industry and the increasing numbers of people employed social bodies, companies, public and private insurance
in factories. Questions related to workers’ health have always agencies— in managing these emerging situations. This
been followed closely in the scientific community and by continuously shifting scene brings to light new risk factors,
the main international organizations, such as the International so we have also to adapt existing models for risk exposure.
However, in many countries the extent of these problems is
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. not reflected in the proportion of overall occupational health
170 S IAVICOLI et al.

research funds allocated, nor in the amount of attention they rankings for each area and calculating the mean score.
attract from policymakers. Table 2 shows the priorities assigned to the five main
In recent years, numerous studies have looked at demand themes and subheadings. Analysis of the two groups of
for research in this sector, with a view to establishing priorities experts consulted indicated a general agreement on research
in order to respond better to the growing range of priorities. The study was later extended, in 1996, with the
requirements to safeguard occupational safety and health same methods, and collected priorities from the employers’
(OSH). viewpoint2).
The present study therefore made a critical comparative
analysis of the main projects to identify OSH priorities and The NIOSH study
measures reported in the literature. The aim was to compare In 1995, to meet increasing demand and new OSH research
the approaches taken, the methods used to contact people, requirements, the U.S.A. National Institute for Occupational
the results and their impact on social and economic, political Safety and Health (NIOSH) and its partners in the public
and scientific decisions to foster collaboration between and private sectors set up a program known as NORA3)
different areas, and set in motion a standardized process of (National Occupational Research Agenda), as the first step
identifying research priorities so as to obtain results that in a broader project to coordinate research on health and
can be validly compared. safety in the workplace. The aim was to provide a framework
to guide OSH research, not only for NIOSH but also for the
Analysis of studies to identify research priorities entire OSH community.
Using a modified Delphi process (iterations of expert
Table 1 sets out the projects designed to identify research opinion), an initial planning work-group of senior scientists
priorities reported in the literature. The methods and results from inside and outside NIOSH established a framework
of these investigations are briefly commented on here. and drafted a list of 48 potential research topics. This list
was modified and increased to approximately 80 items, with
The BOHRF project input from four additional working groups (OSH researchers
In the mid-80s an EU analysis found a lack of organization from outside NIOSH, NIOSH scientists, OSH professionals
in Europe for identifying research priorities related to health and other professionals in the field), as well as oral and written
in the workplace; funds were inadequate and there was too comments from individuals and representatives of other
little cooperation between the various institutions for joint institutions and organizations. Each group was allowed to
projects. Great Britain decided to tackle this problem — modify the list by adding or merging topics as deemed
since financing for such projects was rapidly drying up— appropriate; and were then asked to arrive at a list of 15 to
by setting up the British Occupational Health Research 25 priority topics, again using a modified Delphi process
Foundation (BOHRF) in 1991. (iterations of individually ranked priority areas). The Agenda
In a study to identify priority research areas for OSH in identifies 21 research priorities (Table 2), reflecting a
19931), the BOHRF employed the Delphi technique; this remarkable degree of concurrence among a large number
involves cycles, each based on the results of the previous of stakeholders4).
one, in which experts in various fields are called in to give To ensure that research in these priority areas would be
their opinions with a view to reaching consensus on each encouraged, NIOSH set up a NORA Team for each of the
given theme. priority areas, consisting of about 15 people with about half
To start with, 25 university specialists in occupational from outside NIOSH. These teams worked with various
medicine were consulted. Subsequent assessment of the partners to develop national research agendas for the
end-users of the findings led to consultations with OSH particular priority areas, to help organize national conferences
experts working in industry and government bodies. The and to develop useful information.
sample of 25 universities was thus extended to admit 28
representatives from industry and government. The first The Dutch study
questionnaire used open questions to identify three main To help fill the gaps found by the EU in the OSH field, in
areas of research, which were considered to have priority. 1997 the Netherlands also organized a study5) to establish
Replies were provided by 86% of those questioned, and research priorities in occupational medicine. One of the
pointed out five priority areas, which were then divided under first steps was to identify six key informants for each of the
subheadings and used to draft a second, more detailed following areas: work stress, musculo-skeletal disorders,
questionnaire, which required the experts to rate the five safety and biological, chemical and physical hazards,
main areas and their subgroups in order of importance. occupational rehabilitation/sociomedical guidance,
Replies to the second questionnaire were received from 91% occupational health care/occupational health services. The
of the participants and were analyzed by adding up the group of six key informants, three of them scientific

Industrial Health 2006, 44, 169–178


Table 1. Methods and subjects investigated in studies of research priorities

Country Reference Method Subjects

United Kingdom - BOHRF Harrington JM.—Research priorities in Delphi Sample consisting of occupational medicine
occupational medicine: a survey of UK medical specialists from universities, industry and
opinion by the Delphi technique. Occup Environ government agencies.
Med 1994; 51:289-294

USA - NIOSH Rosenstock L., Olenec C., Wagner GR.—The Modified Delphi Sample consisting of senior scientists from
National Occupational Research Agenda: a model inside and outside NIOSH, Researchers,
of broad stakeholder input into a priority setting. Stakeholders, Health professionals.
Am J Public Health 1998; 88:353-356

The Netherlands - Van Der Beek AJ., Fring Dresen MH., Van Dijk Modified Delphi (1) Sample consisting of scientific researchers
University of Amsterdam FJ., Houtman IL.—Priorities in occupational from universities and research institutes,
health research: a Delphi study in The Occupational health and safety services,
Netherlands. Occup Environ Med 1997; 54:504- Governmental and other administrative
510 bodies, Representatives of companies.

Europe - European European Agency for Safety and Health at Work No Delphi (2) Different subjects from the various
Agency for Safety and 1998—Future occupational Safety and Health countries. Most Member States interviewed
Health at Work research needs and priorities in the Member States representatives of universities and research
of the European Union institutes, government bodies, trade unions
and other workers’ organizations. In
Belgium only universities were represented,
and in Ireland the subjects contacted were
not specified.

Italy - ISPESL Iavicoli S., Marinaccio A., Vonesch N., Ursini Delphi Representatives of university occupational
C.L., Grandi C., Palmi S.—Research priorities in medicine departments; local health offices,
occupational health in Italy.—Occup Environ Med trade unions.
2001; 58:325-329

Malaysia - Institute of Sadhra S., Beach JR., Aw T-C., Sheikh-Ahmed Delphi Sample consisting of government
Occupational Health, K.—Occupational health research priorities in departments; universities; major industry
University of Birmingham Malaysia: a Delphi study. Occup Environ Med (mainly large companies with occupational
2001; 58:426-431 health departments).

Japan Tachi M., Sakurai H., Araki S. et al.—National No Delphi OH specialists from occupational health
occupational health research strategies. Ind Health institutions, universities, representatives of
2001; 39:287-307 c o m p a n i e s , J a p a n e s e Tr a d e U n i o n

Global Fingerhut M., Kortum-Margot E.—2002 Network Modified Delphi Directors of WHO Collaborating Centers in
of WHO Collaborating Centres in Occupational Occupational Health.
Health, communication and information
dissemination. Asian-Pacific Newsletter on
Occupational Health and Safety 2003; 9:28-30

(1) (2)
Priority areas were assigned outside the Delphi model. The Agency supplied a list of topics which had to be ranked according to priority.

researchers and three from OSH services, with the addition questionnaires.
of three senior governmental policy makers, was assigned The first series was administered to 105 selected Dutch
the task of indicating research areas which, in their opinion, experts from OSH services, scientific research institutes and
deserved priority as regards OSH. This list served as the universities, governmental and other administrative bodies,
starting point, using the Delphi technique, for two series of of whom 86% replied. The second series included another
172 S IAVICOLI et al.

Table 2. Main research priority areas identified in the studies analyzed

United Kingdom USA The Netherlands Europe*

Incidence, prevalence/natural Disease and Injury Design, implementation or Society and work organization
history of work related diseases · A l l e rg i c a n d I r r i t a n t evaluation of measures · Small and medium- sized enterprises
and identification of susceptible dermatitis · Cost-benefit analysis of measures (2)
groups · Asthma and chronic · Design of solutions by workers for · Cost-benefit studies of OSH (3)
· Back problems obstructive pulmonary their own work situation · Cost analysis of OSH, cost of
· Wo r k - r e l a t e d u p p e r l i m b disease · Development of methods for accidents and diseases (3)
disorders · Fertility and pregnancy implementation of measures · Subcontracted labor (3)
· Occupational asthma abnormalities · Implementation of solutions in the · Aging workers (3)
· Injuries/accidents · Hearing loss design of the production process · People with reduced working ability
· Occupational dermatitis · Infectious diseases · Effectiveness of stress prevention (3)
· Hand/arm vibration syndrome · Low back disorders and stress management · Tele-working (4)
· Suicide/depression · Musculo-skeletal Assessment of exposure-effect · Self-employed (4)
· Noise-induced hearing loss disorders of the upper relations · Organization cultures (4)
Audit extremities · Work pressure - business effects · Temporary workers (4)
· Pre-employment screening · Traumatic injuries · Perception of stress risks - objective · Young workers (4)
· Clinical reasoning in OH Work environment and health effects Management and technology
· Benefits of health promotion workforce · Repetitive strain neck-shoulder-arm · Risk assessment (2)
· Behavior modification · Emerging technologies complaints · Risk management in SMEs (2)
· Rehabilitation techniques · Indoor environment · Working postures - musculo- · Substitution of dangerous substances
· Effects of removal from · Mixed exposures skeletal complaints (2)
exposure · Organization of work · Indoor environment - subjective · New safe products, production
E n v i ro n m e n t a l i m p a c t o f · Special populations at risk perception methods, processes and equipment
industrial activity Research tools and · Exposure to toxic hazards - (3)
· Community health effects approaches reproductive effects · OSH management systems,
· Individual health effects · Cancer research methods Occupational rehabilitation or certification of OSH management (3)
· Community exposure criteria · Control technology and socio-medical guidance · Best practices, benchmarking (3)
Stress and work personal protective · Beneficial and impeding factors for · Learning and competence
· Identify risk factors/physiological equipment return to work development, training methodologies
correlates · Exposure assessment · Organizationally gear all those (3)
· Develop prevention strategies methods involved in rehabilitation to each · Accident prevention (4)
· Develop rehabilitation · Health services research other · Wo r k p l a c e h e a l t h p r o m o t i o n ,
techniques · Intervention effectiveness · Preventive orientation in sickness methods for occupational health
Neuro-psychological effects of research absence policy services (4)
work exposures · Risk assessment methods · Clinical guidelines for socio- · Risk communication and perception
· Effective diagnostic tests for · Social and economic medical guidance (4)
early effects consequences of · Treatment and strategies for · Management and worker
· Effective performance tests workplace illness and occupational rehabilitation participation (4)
injury O c c u p a t i o n a l h e a l t h c a re o r · M a c h i n e r y, p l a n t s a f e t y a n d
· Surveillance research occupational health services mechanical handling (4)
methods · Cost and benefits of occupational Risks in working environment
health care · Psychosocial factors (1)
· Occupational health care in SME · Ergonomic factors (1)
· Promotion of preventive orientation · Chemical risk factors (1)
in occupational health services · Safety risk (1)
· Early indicators of sickness absence · Physical risk factors (2)
and turnover · Biological risk factors (4)
· Effectiveness of instruments Health effects
Special population at risk and · Occupational and other work-related
standards diseases (1)
Assessment of exposure to work · Occupational accidents (4)
demands Specific topics
Assessment of health effects · Risks in specific activities (2)
· Development and methodologies (4)

*In brackets the priority ranking in the general classification.

Industrial Health 2006, 44, 169–178


Table 2. Main research priority areas identified in the studies analyzed (continued)

Italy* Malaysia Japan* Global

Research methods, approaches Occupational health Changes in life and health at work · Technical guidance
and strategies p ro b l e m s f o r s p e c i f i c · Work style and health: Night and shift work and work in occupational
· Quality in occupational o c c u p a t i o n a l g ro u p s / time (7); Change in industrial structure (46); Overseas health
medicine (2) industries company and workers (51); Work force (58) ·I n t e n s i v e
· Worker information, education · Construction workers · Information technology: Tele work, home work and free- partnership in
and participation (4) · Pesticide sprayers work time (16) Africa
· Organization, strategies and · Plantation workers · Work stress and mental health: Work stress (1); Mental · Child labor and
optimization of prevention · Health care workers health and quality of work and life (4); Industrial fatigue adolescent workers
and safety services at the · Migrant workers (48) · Elimination of
workplace (5) · Quarry and mine workers · Work-related disease (12) silicosis
· Biological monitoring: · Small-scale industries · Elderly workers (2) · Health care workers
identification of markers for · Electronic industry · Women workers: Women workers and maternity · Health promotion
low-dose exposure (6) · Commercial and heavy protection (3) activity
· Medical surveillance and vehicle drivers Mechanism of health effects · Mental health and
work ability criteria (8) · Woodworkers · Toxicity assessment: Endocrine and reproductive effects stress at work
· Work organization and new · Hotel and restaurant of chemicals (6); Immunological effects and allergy · Promotion of
types of work (11) workers (14); Nervous system effects (23); Kinetics and OS&H in small
· Methods of assessing and · Administrative workers metabolism of chemicals (37); Respiratory effects (38); enterprises and in
measuring occupational stress Investigation of specific Skin, nose and eye effects (52) the informal sector
(25) occupational health problems · Gene effects and carcinogenicity: Gene effects (15); · Prevention of
Mechanisms of action and · Chemical poisoning Occupational cancer (19) musculoskeletal
development of indicators · Injuries at work from · Multiple exposure (11) disorders
· Occupational carcinogenesis industrial accidents · Individual differences in health effects: Hereditary traits ·P r e v e n t i v e
(1) · Noise-induced hearing and susceptibility (21) technology
· Exposure to low doses and loss · Ergonomic factors and workload: Job type and design · Training of
multiple exposure (3) · Skin diseases associated (30); Musculo-skeletal effects and heavy-weight work occupational health
· Individual susceptibility and with work (35); Human factors in accidents (36); VDT and and safety
development of susceptibility · Occupational lung disease information-processing work (44); Physical function in personnel
indicators (15) including asthma ergonomics (45); Operability of equipment (56) · Internet resources
· Mechanisms of action of · Musculo-skeletal Assessment and management in OSH and networks
occupational stress and problems and repetitive · Risk assessment and health effect index: Hazard and · National and local
occurrence of disease (23) strain injury risk assessment (4); Biological effect index (9); profiles and
· Mechanism of skin absorption · Wo r k - r e l a t e d b a c k Exposure limit value (18); Biological monitoring (20); indicators
of xenobiotics (27) problems Epidemiology in occupational health (24); · Cost-effectiveness
Diseases and work accidents · Psychological disorders E n v i ro n m e n t a l a s s e s s m e n t a t w o r k ( 2 8 ) ; of interventions
· New work-related diseases (stress at work) Electromagnetic and radiation effects (34); Physical · Global burden of
(7) Incidence and prevalence environment and health effects (42); Effect of biological disease
· Work accidents (9) of work- related disease agents (50)
· Musculo-skeletal and · Mechanical equipment · Risk communication: Risk communication and material
repetitive trauma disorders injuries or accidents safety data sheet (7); Health education and information
(12) · Chemical poisoning service (26); Occupational health statistics (29); New
· Occupational allergies (16) · Noise-induced hearing technology and materials (31); Evidence-based
· Occupational asthma and loss medicine (49)
respiratory diseases (18) · Occupational asthma · Measurement and control of work environment: Sampling
· Reproductive and pregnancy · Occupational dermatitis and analysis of chemicals (10); New measurement
disorders (24) · Occupational cancer techniques (27); Measurement and control of physical
Risk assessment · Suicide or depression factors (39); Control and management of work
· Electromagnetic fields (10) Health problems associated environment (41); Collection and measurement of dusts
· Asbestos substitute fibers (14) with industrial development (53); Protective equipment (54); Measurement and control
· Biological agents (17) · Community health effects of noise and vibration (55)
· Load handling (20) from industrial pollution · Business administration and health and safety
· Occupational exposure to · Road accidents management systems: Business strategy and health
urban chemical pollutants (22) · Community health effects and safety management (22); Health assessment
Work environment, workforce from vehicle emissions services (32)
and working sectors · Indoor air quality and · Occupational health in small industries and self-
· Health-care and hospital health effects employed: Small industries and self-employed (13);
sectors (13) · Evaluation of outdoor air Health in agriculture, forestry and fishery (57)
· Agriculture (19) quality and the · Quality of working life and health promotion: Work of
· Special populations at risk development of air diseased and disabled and return to work (25); Health
(elderly, minors, disabled standards promotion (32); Health examination and guidance (40);
people) (21) Hazards associated with Comfortable work environment (42); Lifetime health
· Air quality and indoor new industries and new (47)
environment (26) technology · International standards and collaboration (16)
*In brackets the priority ranking in the general classification.
174 S IAVICOLI et al.

45 experts, representatives of OSH in industry. From this and local health offices (known as ASL in Italy).
total of 150, 81% answered. Analysis of the two series of Subsequently we also contacted trade union organizations,
questionnaires showed there was virtually complete in view of their special relations with workers in different
consensus among the four groups interviewed in these two sectors.
rounds, and Table 2 sets out the research areas identified, in In the first stage, 310 questionnaires were sent to
order of priority. universities and local health offices, and 56.4% replied. They
were asked to reply to open questions to identify three areas
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work they believed merited research priority in the field of OSH.
In 1998 a study was conducted6) by the European Agency A total of 27 priority areas were suggested, under five main
for Safety and Health at Work, which was set up in 1994 to headings—macro-sectors. A second questionnaire was then
facilitate the exchange of information between EU Member sent out to the ASL and universities, listing the items identified
States relating to future OSH requirements. The aim was most frequently in the first round, and asking them to rank
to obtain comparable information from the various countries them by priority for each topic. Replies were received from
on research priorities and emerging risks, taking account of 65.5% and we then calculated the mean score for each sector,
the viewpoints of the various social partners —trade unions and rankings for the whole group of experts and separately
and other workers’ organizations— and the main research for the university and ASL experts. The medians of the
institutes. The European Agency for Safety and Health at ratings assigned to the research areas for each macro-sector
Work agreed that each Member State (Austria, Belgium, were used as scores. Table 2 lists the macro-sectors assigned
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, priority by representatives of the ASL and universities. We
The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) arranged meetings with high-level national representatives
should draft a National Report following a standard outline, of the workers’ organizations to obtain their opinions, using
focusing on certain points such as data collection, processing a method similar to that described above. Recently a brief
and analysis, and procedures for reaching consensus. Besides commentary has been published in which methods, results
defining the reference structure for the National Reports, and impact of priorities setting system created in different
the European Agency proposed a classification of priority countries have been discussed10).
areas under three main headings: Society and work
organization, Management and technology, Working The Malaysian study
environment and health; each divided into subclasses. Problems arising from changes in the labor market in
However, despite all attempts to unify the data, the National Malaysia and the substantial increase in occupational diseases
Reports demonstrated substantial differences between led the central government to assign funds to OSH research
Member States: different subjects were involved in the in 1986. In 2001, priority research topics were identified
project, different degrees of agreement were reached, and using the Delphi technique 11) with two cycles of
the proposed outline was followed closely by some, less questionnaires, in line with the surveys made in the United
strictly by others. Some countries contacted only a limited Kingdom and the Netherlands. The first round of
number of institutions, and completed the data with existing questionnaires was sent to 78 representatives of the
information. This meant they did not adhere closely to the universities, government bodies and industry, using open
standard classification suggested by the European Agency. questions to name three priority areas for research in
Priority topics were identified on the European level by occupational medicine. Replies were received from 71%,
simply adding the number of times a certain area was assigned permitting the identification of five macro-areas and a series
priority. The result is set out in Table 2; each area was cited of sub-items, which were used to draft the second
by at least two thirds of the Member States as meriting questionnaire. This was then sent to 95 people—the 78
research priority in the field of OSH. originally approached in the first round, and 17 new names,
representing the same organizations; 76% replied. They
The ISPESL study were all asked to rank the topics identified in the first round,
In Italy, studies to identify and assign priority to OSH in order of priority (Table 2). The mean scores for the broad
research topics have been conducted by ISPESL7–9), the groupings and their sub-items provided the final rank order
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Prevention, with the highest priority choice receiving the lowest
whose task comprises research, consultancy, training, numerical score.
information and regulations related to OSH. ISPESL also
used the Delphi procedure, sending two cycles of ad hoc The Japanese study
questionnaires to experts in this sector. The mailing targeted In 2001, a report was presented at the third NORA
the two main areas daily involved with OSH in Italy: Symposium held by NIOSH which described the preparation
university occupational medicine and health departments, during 1998–2001 of a national research agenda for Japan12, 13).

Industrial Health 2006, 44, 169–178


This effort was initiated at the Conference on Occupational these studies is inherently difficult because of differences
Health Research Strategies in the 21st Century, organized in the socio-cultural backgrounds, the routes followed to
by the Japanese Ministry of Labor. reach agreement, and the methods employed to identify
This effort was divided into several steps. In the first priority topics and group them in macro-areas15). For instance,
stage, 34 of the 52 Conference participants identified 344 some studies present the research priorities in considerable
original occupational health (OH) research topics, which detail, referring to highly specific topics, while others refer
were then grouped as 58 research topics. Then, 96% of the to broader sectors that are hard to compare usefully—see
Conference members used criteria of importance, utility, Table 2. Although the research agendas have varying
accessibility and diffusion of the results to establish 29 structures, some topics are included in all eight approaches
research topics with short-term priority (5 yr) and 29 with and therefore clearly have importance to workers globally,
longer-term priority (6–10 yr). The selections of the whether in developed or developing nations. Musculo-
Conference participants were then assessed by 241 extramural skeletal disorders, psychosocial/work organization/stress,
occupational health specialists representing all the sectors and special vulnerable worker populations are reflected in
covered by the survey: research institutes, industrial medicine all agendas. Injuries, dermatologic (skin) disorders and
specialists, government bodies, workers’ representatives, etc. respiratory diseases are included in six (75%) of the eight
The final agenda lists 18 research priorities grouped in three agendas and hearing loss is found in five (63%). The recent
key research areas. These areas and priorities are listed in WHO Comparative Risk Assessment confirms the substantial
Table 2. contribution of selected occupational risk factors to total
global illness16). The WHO concluded that occupational risk
The Global agenda factors are responsible for 37% of back pain, 16% of hearing
The World Health Organization (WHO) Network of loss, 10% of injuries, 13% of chronic obstructive pulmonary
Collaborating Centers in Occupational Health currently disease, 11% of asthma, and 9% of lung cancer globally.
includes 70 national institutes or academic departments of The absence of data in much of the developing world
occupational health located in countries at all levels of limited the range of occupational risk factors that could be
development. The Network also includes the International measured by the WHO, and the available data excluded
Labor Organization (ILO), the International Commission children under 15 who work. The WHO comparative risk
on Occupational Health (ICOH), the International assessment also excluded important occupational risks for
Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA), and the reproductive disorders, dermatitis, infectious disease,
International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and all six WHO coronary heart disease, intentional injuries, musculo-skeletal
Regional Advisors for Occupational Health14). disorders of the upper extremities, and most cancers.
In June 2001, WHO occupational health staff sent Psychosocial risk factors, such as workplace stress could
suggested priorities to and solicited input from all Directors not be studied, nor could pesticide, heavy metal, or solvent
of the WHO Collaborating Centers (60 at the time) for a exposures.
Draft 2001–2005 Plan of Action, a work plan to implement
the WHO “Global Strategy on Occupational Health for All”. Discussion
A total of 20 (33%) Centers sent replies, which provided
the basis for a revised document discussed by the 68 attendees As shown in Table 1, most studies aimed at identifying
from Collaborating Centers, WHO, ILO, ICOH, and IOHA OSH research priorities used the Delphi technique. This
at the Collaborating Center Network Meeting in Chiangmai, method offers advantages that make it preferable to other
Thailand in November, 2001. The attendees agreed upon approaches when it comes to identifying areas of agreement
15 priority areas to which every Collaborating Center would and disagreement, such as OSH research priorities. It
commit at least one project to benefit developing nations. involves proposing one or more topics to a group of experts
Fifteen Task Forces, co-chaired by experts from WHO in the sector who then rate them through an iteration process,
and the Network members were established and more than in successive rounds, until they reach a consensus, with all
300 projects were contributed to the 2001–2005 Global Work the replies remaining anonymous.
Plan. At the Collaborating Center Network Meeting in The most delicate part of the Delphi procedure is forming
Iguassu Falls, Brazil, in February 2003, the 93 attendees the panel of experts, since this is not covered by the guarantees
met in Task Force working groups to review progress and of the theory of samples. To make sure the results are reliable
set focused goals for each Task Force. and unbiased, the panel must be highly representative of all
the bodies involved in the study. This implies that panels
Results selected in the studies considered here must be assessed too.
In almost all cases —the UK, USA, Netherlands,
Comparison of the priority areas established in each of Malaysia— the sample was selected with a view to
176 S IAVICOLI et al.

representing all the parties involved in safeguarding workers’ expressed by those attending the Conference were then
health and safety. The viewpoints of researchers at confirmed by consultations with 240 extramural OH
universities and other centers directly involved with specialists.
occupational medicine were all taken into account, as were The Global Agenda had its origin in a modified Delphi
those of the prime beneficiaries of the research, people with technique in which the Directors of WHO Collaborating
powers of decision and action on health and safety in the Centers from developed, industrializing and developing
workplace. This meant interviewing OSH physicians nations reviewed proposed priorities applicable to workers
working in industry, government and administration, globally and agreed upon 15 priority areas. All WHO
stakeholders and health professionals, and unions Collaborating Centers in Occupational Health, as well as
representing the workers. Network partners ILO, IOHA, ICOH and IEA are conducting
Unlike these four countries, which used a sample projects within these priority areas within the 2001–2005
representative of all the experts in OSH, the Italian study Global Work Plan17). Many of the projects are practical efforts
interviewed experts from the universities and local health to build capacity and to share solutions to work problems.
offices throughout the country. Italy and the UK employed WHO is currently reviewing progress of the projects and
a pure Delphi model, whose first step involves obtaining an will bring proposals to the Network partners in 2005 for
absolutely free opinion on the OSH research fields to be review and decisions regarding the 2006–2010 Work Plan.
examined, while the second is the stage when the topics Comparative analysis indicates that the Delphi technique
that come to light in the first questionnaire are rated in order is a good method, in that it covers a wide range of qualified
of importance. witnesses, from a variety of backgrounds —such as trade
In The Netherlands, the Delphi procedure was preceded union representatives and researchers— providing different
by a first step in which various groups of key informants viewpoints. It also takes account of the intrinsic features of
expressed their opinion on the priorities of OSH topics, and OSH, which —compared to other disciplines— involves
these were then used to establish priority lists through the multidisciplinary factors calling into play a range of scientific
two questionnaire rounds. The NIOSH also used a modified settings such as toxicologists, molecular biologists,
Delphi procedure which initially took account of the opinions epidemiologists, occupational hygienists and occupational
of a group of senior scientists inside and outside NIOSH physicians.
and then identified research priority areas using written and The importance of the surveys to identify priority research
verbal comments from other working groups as the input. areas for OSH is clear from the impact they have had in
The study that differs most from the others regarding the various countries. In the United Kingdom, the British
methods and the subjects involved is the one by the European Occupational Health Research Foundation has assigned a
Agency for Safety and Health at Work. With the Delphi large part of its research budget to the topics that were given
technique the first round of questionnaires leaves the priority. Current research at the BOHRF is focused on
interviewees free to list what they consider priority research musculo-skeletal disorders and rehabilitation techniques,
areas, but the European Agency used as its basis for study aimed at restoring workers’ health in the shortest possible
the National Reports of each Member State, listing research time so they can return to work, and on intervention
priorities identified by samples of experts that were not techniques for acute cases to prevent chronic illness.
always fully representative of OSH, on the basis of lists of Numerous other projects are nearing completion, regarding,
research topics proposed by the Agency itself. The for example, stress and methods to reduce it by reorganizing
interviewees were not free to select the areas where they work; or occupational asthma and its causes, and strategies
considered it necessary to extend knowledge in order to to eliminate them.
safeguard workers’ health. There were also problems in In the NORA Priority Area Research Agendas numerous
comparing the results from the various countries because scientific papers have already been published on the main
in some cases topics were added to the Agency’s list and topics identified in the NIOSH study. These relate to the
the subjects involved were different. In some cases the limited development of new research methods for occupational
information produced by this study was boosted by data carcinogenesis, exposure assessment, problems of fertility
obtained in previous analyses, which are therefore hard to and pregnancy, improvements in the work environment,
compare. evaluation of the efficacy of strategies to prevent accidents
The Japanese study did not use the Delphi technique, but at work, musculo-skeletal disorders, work organization, and
took into account the opinions of representatives of all the risk assessment. In order to foster research on the 21 priority
occupational health sectors attending the Conference on areas, NIOSH has allocated increasing shares of its budget
Occupational Health Research Strategies in the 21st Century, to the NORA programme. From 1996, when NORA was
who identified about 350 research areas, which were set up, to 2002, NIOSH investment has risen from 15.4 to
subsequently grouped under 58 headings. The opinions 94.8 million dollars. Besides the NIOSH investments, other

Industrial Health 2006, 44, 169–178


partnering US Federal agencies have awarded research cooperation, such as the WHO/ILO Joint Effort on
funding to competitive academic scientific proposals in the Occupational Safety and Health in Africa.
NORA areas, from 15 million in 1996 to more than 30 million Coordination and enhancement of information and
in 200218). educational programmes and materials, such as:
The European Agency has set aside funds for further work - the development of a joint Internet-based global portal;
on the topics assigned priority in the 1998 study. Since 2000, - statistics.
each year’s European Week —the information campaign Awareness-raising activities and instruments, through:
designed to promote health and safety at work in the 15 EU - campaigns;
Member States— has focused on the priority topics identified. - events;
The European Week’s themes have been musculo-skeletal - special days.
disorders (2000), accidents at work (2001), stress at work The Committee recommended that special attention should
(2002), handling dangerous substances (2003) and building be paid to the following global occupational safety and health
in safety (2004). In 2005, the European Week will focus on issues in future ILO/WHO collaboration:
the issue of the noise at work19). - the elimination of silicosis and asbestos-related diseases;
In Italy, a study on priorities for the allocation of resources - violence at work;
has led the Ministry of Health to give absolute priority to - list of occupational diseases;
financing research into occupational carcinogenesis, - occupational injuries.
allocating 33% of the budget to this topic in 2002. Next in The Committee members also recognized the importance
line are themes related to low-dose and multiple exposure of work-related psychosocial hazards and stress.
(23%), the quality of air and the indoor environment (17%),
biological agents (14%) and the health care and hospital Assuming the seven countries and WHO retain or revise
sector (13%). the eight research agendas, it would seem beneficial to
What should happen next with the national and global consider for possible inclusion some of the recommendations
occupational research agendas? Clearly the burden of of the Joint ILO/WHO Advisory Committee. Greater global
occupational disease and injury has not been substantially sharing is needed of the results of research resulting from
reduced during the current decade, but some countries have the current agendas. Better understanding is needed of “what
successfully focused on generating research with impact in works” to reduce worker risk, and this can be accomplished
workplaces in the important areas in their national agendas. through evaluation research and economic analysis of the
The WHO Global Network and NIOSH for the U.S. NORA costs and benefits of workplace interventions, as is occurring
partners have initiated evaluations of the impact of their now through four (50%) of the eight agendas. Greater
current research agendas and plan to return to the stakeholders availability of tools and training would benefit all nations.
for a decision regarding the reframing of the next agenda. The advances of Internet technology in recent years can be
Preliminary considerations suggest as interest in the U.S. exploited to make easily available research results, training
to invite the stakeholders to consider an emphasis on moving (both electronic and traditional courses), and practical
research results into practice in workplaces over the next solutions to workplace problems in a form that is useful
decade, and WHO plans to invite the Collaborating Centers and easily accessible. WHO and ILO are working on the
to consider the following priorities identified by the ILO/ development of a global portal to link occupational safety
WHO Joint Advisory Committee on Occupational Health, and health information of all nations, and the European Union
which held its Thirteenth Session in December, 200320): has successful EU information portal.
In conclusion, analysis and review of eight agendas
Guidance and support for national OSH programmes, indicates that development of a standardized methodology
including: for reaching consensus on these issues is desirable for setting
- providing models for organizing OSH at national or sub priorities in OSH.
national levels;
- providing basic occupational health services; References
- promoting OSH management systems and tools,
including control banding; 1) Harrington JM (1994) Research priorities in occupational
- developing national profiles and indicators; medicine: a survey of United Kingdom medical opinion
by the Delphi technique. Occup Environ Med 51, 289–
- assessing the cost effectiveness of OSH interventions;
- establishing effective enforcement agencies. 2) Harrington JM, Calvert IA (1996) Research priorities in
Enhancing regional collaboration and coordination, occupational medicine: a survey of United Kingdom
including: personnel managers. Occup Environ Med 53, 642–4.
- the development and dissemination of models for 3) Rosenstock L, Olenec C, Wagner GR (1998) The National
178 S IAVICOLI et al.

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Industrial Health 2006, 44, 169–178

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