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Econolibrium 2010 8

The Poverty of Economics

Coverage of a Talk on “The Normative Foundations Atiyab Sultan
of Scarcity” by Dr. Asad Zaman at LUMS

Dr Zaman began his talk by pointing out that modern general equilibrium theory, Frank
while the limitations of economics, especially Hahn, writes that “Although I never believed
the disjunction between economic theory and it when I was young and held scholars in
reality, is recognized by many, there is too great respect, it does seem to me to be the
much invested in it which prevents an easy case that ideology plays a large role in eco-
departure for Western academia. The present nomics.” Nobel laureate Ronald Coase is of
circumstances however present us in the East, the same view, saying “Existing economics is
where we have much less invested in conven- a theoretical system which floats in the air
tional economics, with a tre- and which bears little relation to what hap-
mendous challenge and oppor- tunity pens in the real world.”
to redo economics from scratch
and question some of its funda- “ Economics as
taught in
mental assumptions. He struc- America's graduate
The Rise and Fall of Positivism
Dr Zaman then described the phi-
losophy of positivism in greater detail to
tured his talk around the phi- schools... bears
understand its relevance to economics.
losophical underpinnings of testimony to a tri-
umph of ideol- He said that the binary drawn between
some basic economic assump-
ogy over sci- fact and value by positivists is artifi-
tions, contending that they were ence
not value-free and while not
advocating any particular alternative, stressed
” cial and that in reality, though facts
and values may be separated, they are not
separated along the lines the positivists have
the available opportunity to revisit some of
divided them. Positivism elevates fact over
the fundamental notions of economic theory,
value, science over religion, the objective
particularly the designation of scarcity as the
over the subjective, casting everything that is
foremost concern of economics.
‘non-scientific’ into the garbage can.
Dr Zaman described how modern economics
While describing the rise of positivism, Dr
emerged in the 1930s and is grounded in the
Zaman referred to the historical circum-
prevailing philosophy of the time- logical
stances. Positivism rose in an era enamored
positivism. He said that economic methodol-
of science and it became the magic formula
ogy, with its stress on mathematics and quan-
for the complete deification of science. Posi-
titative analysis, is a reflection of this as the
tivists reduced the category of knowledge to
elevation of scientific methods is a key tenet
facts and logic alone, dispensing with relig-
of the school. While quoting numerous lead-
ion, values, etc and treating them as worthy
ing economists, he mentioned Nobel prize
of contempt. The basic tenet was that only
winner Stiglitz stating that “[Economics as
those things count as knowledge which can
taught] in America's graduate schools... bears
confirmed by observation i.e. they are mani-
testimony to a triumph of ideology over sci-
fested in brute fact and sense-data. (This is in
ence.” Furthermore, one of the architects of
Econolibrium 2010 9

stark contrast to religion, for example, which underpin basic economic theory. Expounding
calls for belief in unseen elements.) on this, he referred to the positivist notion
A particularly harmful consequence which stresses that the validity of a theory
of this was that values were also deemed as rests in the accumulation of enough support-
nonsense. This was exemplified in the change ing facts. Actually, it can be proven that there
in the mission statements of universities is a fundamental indeterminacy: large num-
which, prior to the rise of positivism, aimed bers of theories will fit all available facts and
at building the character of students. After the it is the accidental ideological/political com-
1930s, the statements were gradually purged mitments of scientists that determine which
of this notion with horrific consequences. e.g. theory will be picked. It is here that the his-
the architects of the gas chambers during torical process assumes paramount impor-
World War II were graduates from top uni- tance.
versities and the Vietnam war was also Dr Zaman then discussed the three assump-
‘managed’ as a business by Ivy League tions mentioned above in greater detail:
graduates. Dr Zaman pointed out that the • Locke’s theory of property
casting away of values resulted in the crea- The philosophical works of John Locke put
tion of one-eyed monsters who had no regard property rights outside the reach of powers of
for the sufferings of their fellow beings. monarchs (and politically legitimate govern-
ments). Particular historical circumstances in
Positivism and its relation to economic the- England led to the acceptance of this theory.
ory The restoration of King Stuart, following
Relating positivism to economic the- Cromwell’s Rebellion, required support of an
ory, Dr Zaman explained that the key idea of element of the aristocracy. Following the suc-
positivism is that observables exist and non- cessful restoration, these elements proceed to
observables do not and that only those state- carry out the biggest land grab in history,
ments are meaningful which have observable seizing all public lands, rivers, forests, and
implications. He explained how Samuelson’s legitimizing this by a Lockean notion of pri-
theory of revealed preferences is based on vate property. The massive numbers of peo-
this idea. Since preferences are internal, they ple dispossessed of their livelihoods created
are not used directly but choice is deemed to the stock of labor necessary for the industrial
be their manifestation. Dr Zaman stressed revolution. This historical episode also led to
that the replacement of utility by revealed the creation of the modern idea of private
preferences in the form of choices is errone- property as sacred, (to the detriment of all
ous because for choices to be consistent, they social values, as described in great detail in
have to be backed by internal (i.e. unseen) The Great Transformation by Polanyi) main-
preferences, because otherwise an individual stay. This notion of private property is also a
may choose differently each time. background assumption of economic theory.
Dr Zaman then pointed out that the Dr Zaman described alternatives to private
fundamental problem of economics, scarcity, property e.g. the practice of native Indians
rests on three normative assumptions: who considered land as belonging to all,
• A political commitment to private communist society in which people are moti-
property vated by social mechanisms rather than
• A methodological commitment to money, etc. Islamic theories of property are
considering tastes as exogenous substantially different from dominant West-
• A commitment to the notion that wel- ern theories; see for example Sait & Lim.
fare equals the satisfaction of prefer- While not advocating any particular theory of
ences. property, he simply argued that instead of
Dr Zaman stressed that despite the being accepted as a background fact not sub-
claims to being objective, factual and scien- ject to debate, the notion of private property
tific, these were all normative ideas which
Econolibrium 2010 10

should be recognized as a political deci- members without adversely affecting lifespan

sion and openly discussed. of anyone. He pointed out that the original
Pareto principle therefore reflects a commit-
• Taste formation ment to private property, which leads to the
Samuelson, Stigler and other leading conclusion that in this framework, upholding
economists have argued that “economists private property is scientific but upholding
should not analyze tastes” and treat these as basic needs is not. By thus showing that the
seeming neutrality of welfare principles is
exogenous to economic theory. The role of
actually grounded in normative notions, Dr
scarcity in economics changes substantially if Zaman then referred to alternative ways of
we violate this methodological commitment looking at welfare. He referred to the material
born out of positivist views (of not analyzing welfare approach, human capabilities ap-
internal mental states). A number of analysts proach, etc which stress that the problem is
have suggested that tastes are formed through not scarcity but distribution. Sen’s work on
comparative assessments and attempts to famines illustrates this by showing that fam-
ines are not a result of food shortage but of
keep up with the Joneses. Beyond subsistence
social commitments to certain notions of the
level, taste formation was a matter of looking rights and entitlements of the poor. Similarly,
at what others have, leading to a rat-race and communitarian notions of welfare which ele-
competition in the acquisition of commodi- vate communal welfare over individual wel-
ties. In this case, production of goods would fare can lead to a reduction in efficiency
not eliminate scarcity, as the desired level o losses, through the creation of communal
consumption would keep rising.. Dr Zaman safety nets against unforeseen adversities.
Again, while not advocating any notion of
referred to Galbraith’s work which shows welfare, he argued that economists must
how industries produce masses of junk prod- study this issue, complex and thorny as it is.
ucts, creating a need where there is none. Any ruling on economics is based on an im-
Thus the real problem was not scarcity, but plicit view of welfare, and therefore it is bet-
over-production. Others have argued that so- ter to make it explicit.
cieties choose how to train children and this Summarizing, Dr Zaman said that the
positivist bifurcation between fact and value
determines preferences. Again, Dr Zaman did
does not hold up to scrutiny and in reality,
not advocate any particular theory of taste facts and values are entangled. It is values
formation and noted that different people that determine which facts (and therefore
have said different things and which of these which theories) are relevant and significant.
theories is correct has a tremendous effect on He pointed out that positivist notions have
correct economic policy. Therefore it is cru- been definitively rejected by philosophers.
cial for economists to study this issue – they Even in mathematics, the heartland of logic,
Godel’s undecidability theorem showed that
cannot afford to take tastes as exogenous and
even mathematical propositions must be cho-
be agnostic about how tastes are formed. sen on grounds of aesthetic values, instead of
being proven true or false. Intuition and aes-
• Measuring Welfare
thetics, as well as other values, determine
Dr Zaman used a modification of the ‘truth’ instead. He reiterated the opportunity
Pareto principle to illustrate how our notions to revisit economic theory by a recasting of
of welfare can be revised. The “Pareto-style the fundamental assumptions discussed
longevity principle,” would state that a redis- which did not hold up to the claims of objec-
tribution of income increases the welfare of a tivity and instead were manifestations of a
society if it increases the lifespan of some particular philosophical school of thought. To
be optimistic without being positivist may be
Econolibrium 2010 11

a tough ask for many of us, but Dr Zaman

certainly left hopeful question marks hanging
in the air.

Economics through Pictures

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