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Sierra Nevada College Lesson Plan

Teacher: Briana Parish Lead Teacher: N/A

Grade/Subject: 10TH Grade/ Geometry District: Washoe County School District
Lesson Topic: Geometric Transformations School: Wooster High School
SNC Supervisor: Ron Seckler Time Allotted: 90 mins
Date: 9/5/2018 # of Students: 35 students

State Standard(s) (Standards this lesson addresses)
Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, e.g.,
graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a
given figure onto another.
Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that
carry it onto itself.
Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry software; describe
transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs.
Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation versus
horizontal stretch).
Student Personal Learning Goals (in addition to state & district requirements, what do students want to know
and understand about this lesson topic?)
Students will need to know and understand how they can perform transformations on varying shapes, sizes, and
transformations and apply it to real world situations.

Formative Assessment: (How will mastery of the standard be assessed at the end of the lesson? This data can be
used to inform instruction within the classroom and as a department/grade level team/PLC.)
Teachers will be walking around asking questions, looking at student work, and help students if they are struggling.
This formative assessment will help us determine if something needs to be adjusted, re-taught, or move forward
with student mastery.

Objective(s): high cognitive demand for diverse learners Cognitive Level (DOK & Bloom’s)
Students will use manipulatives to verify experimentally the DOK 2
properties of rotations, reflections, and translations.

Connections to past learning or experience, building background

We have reviewed vocabulary terms with students and worked through a couple of different example problems with
them as a whole class.

Essential Vocabulary Definitions

Rotation Turning a figure about a fixed point *counterclockwise rotations*
Translation Sliding a figure without changing the size of the shape or figure
Reflection Creates symmetry in the coordinate plane
Transformation The operation that amps or moves a preimage onto an image.
Congruent Two figures to be the same shape or size
Quadrant On a graph there are four sections that are the different quadrants.

Sierra Nevada College Lesson Plan

Strategy for teaching new vocabulary

We have reviewed vocabulary with students and have them copy down the terms into their notes. The definitions
have been written down and are at the front of the room.

Set (specific activity to review daily objectives, learning target & goal connection, and assessment with students,
activate background knowledge, and create interest in the lesson)
We have a warm up every day in class, they can vary in having students write down vocabulary terms, to pre-learning
problems, to review problems, or an example of a problem our text book.

Teacher Engagement (Sequence and Formative

Scope of Instruction (include instructional Student Engagement Assessment/
Pacing strategies, questions, grouping, (discourse, written, Student Materials &
(times) differentiation and transitions) kinesthetic, etc.) Metacognition Technology
5 mins Students walk into class, grab the N/A No formative Papers for the
materials from the table next to the assessment. activity.
door, sign in on the sign in sheet, and
students go and sit down.
10 mins Our peer tutor goes over the warm up Students are actively While walking Students have a
she creates with the class, while my co- working on the warm around checking weekly warm up
teacher and I do daily administrative up, while the peer with students sheet they will be
tasks and then walk around the room tutor & teachers walk teachers will be using to complete
and help students. The peer tutor then around and help able to assess the warm up on.
reviews the warm up with the class and students with the how students are Students can also
works the problems on the whiteboard. warm up. doing with the use their packet.
warm up.
15 mins Through a powerpoint we will review Students will be At the end of the Students will have
the key vocabulary terms that are actively responding to review students a piece of paper
related to transformations. Students questions and writing will respond with or the note
can copy down the terms and examples down the vocabulary a thumbs up, packet and will be
in their note packet or on a separate terms and examples. thumbs in the copying these
piece of paper. middle, or terms and
thumbs down to examples down.
how well they feel
about the review.
30 mins The teacher will review the Students will be Teachers will be Students will use
transformations activity and explain working as a whole walking around the
how students will be completing the class in the beginning assessing how transformation
activity. As a class we will work through and then will be students are worksheets and
the first transformation together. Once working with partners doing with the cut outs.
the first transformation is complete to complete this activity and
students will be working with their activity. providing help
partners to complete the activity. when students
Students will turn in their need it.
transformation worksheets into their
class bin.
30 mins As a class we will then play Kahoot Students will use their We will be able to Cell phones,
review games to go over the same cellphones to play assess student projector,
concepts and vocabulary terms. Kahoot. understanding whiteboard,
based off of their computer.

Sierra Nevada College Lesson Plan

Closure : specific activity to review content and progress toward objectives and goals
Kahoot will be our closure activity to review content and assess progress towards the goals and objectives of the unit.

Teacher Candidate Reflection on the lesson (after delivery)

SNC: January 10, 2018

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