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1. ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA Is a congenital defect of the Esophageal Atresia Repair

digestive system in which the
esophagus does not develop
properly. With esophageal atresia,
the esophagus does not form
properly while the fetus is
developing before birth, resulting
in two segments; one part that
connects to the throat, and the
other part that connects to the
stomach. However, the two
segments do not connect to each
Since the esophagus is in two
segments, liquid that a baby
swallows cannot pass normally
through the esophagus and reach
the stomach. Milk and other fluids
cannot be digested if the
esophagus does not connect to the

2. TRACHEOESOPHAGEAL Is an abnormal connection in one Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair

FISTULA or more places between the
esophagus (the tube that leads
from the throat to the stomach)
and the trachea (the tube that
leads from the throat to the
windpipe and lungs). Normally, the
esophagus and the trachea are two
separate tubes that are not
connected. When a baby with a TE
fistula swallows, the liquid can
pass through the abnormal
connection between the
esophagus and the trachea. When
this happens, liquid gets into the
baby's lungs. This can cause
pneumonia and other problems.


4. PYLORIC STENOSIS Also called infantile hypertrophic Pyloromyotomy

pyloric stenosis, is a condition
caused by an enlarged pylorus. The
pylorus is a muscle that opens and
closes to allow food to pass
through the stomach into the
intestine. When this muscle
becomes enlarged, feedings are
blocked from emptying out of the
stomach. The retained feedings
cause the infant to vomit.
5. HIRSCHSPRUNG’S Is a condition that affects the large Surgery to bypass or remove the
DISEASE intestine (colon) and causes diseased part of the colon is the
problems with passing stool. The treatment.
condition is present at birth
(congenital) as a result of missing
nerve cells in the muscles of the
baby's colon. A newborn who has
Hirschsprung's disease usually
can't have a bowel movement in
the days after birth. In mild cases,
the condition might not be
detected until later in childhood.
Uncommonly, Hirschsprung's
disease is first diagnosed in adults.

MayoClinic. (2018). HIRSCHSPRUNGS DISEASE. Retrieved September 30, 2018 from
Pediatric Surgery. (2016). Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal fistula. Retrieved September 30, 2018
from https://pedsurg.ucsf.edu/conditions--procedures/esophageal-atresia.aspx
Pediatric Surgery. (2018). Pyloric Stenosis. Retrived September 30, 2018 from
Stanford Children’s Health. (2018). Tracheoesophageal fistula and Esophageal Atresia. Retrieved September
30, 2018 https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=tracheoesophageal-fistula-and-

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