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EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 1


Lesson Title: Using Heart Rate Monitors to calculate and monitor Physical Fitness
Year Level: Eight - Duration: 60-Minute Lesson
Designed by: Marley Fairclough and Luke Reynolds
By the end of year eight, students evaluate strategies and resources to manage changes and transitions and
investigate their impact on identities. Students evaluate the impact on the well-being of relationships and valuing
diversity. They analyze factors that influence emotional responses. They investigate strategies and practices that
enhance there own, others’ and community health safety and wellbeing. They investigate and apply movement
concepts and select strategies to achieve movement and fitness outcomes. They examine the cultural and historical
significance of physical activities and examine how connecting to the environment can enhance health and
Students apply personal and social skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships and promote safety,
fair play and inclusivity. They demonstrate skills to make informed decisions and propose and implement actions
that promote their own and others' health, safety, and wellbeing. Students demonstrate control and accuracy when
performing specialized movement sequences and skills. They apply movement concepts and refine strategies to
suit different movement situations. They apply the elements of movement to compose and perform movement
Over the course of the term, students have been involved in a range of invasion games, including Touch
Rugby, Soccer, Netball, and Basketball. Learning has centered on students participating in physical activities that
develop health-related and skill-related fitness components. Students have spent time investigating how health
and skill components are developed through these activities, by collecting Heart Rate Data for each of the invasion
games played. Before using Heart Rate Monitors in a practical settings student worked out they’re maximum heart
rates using the Max Heart Rate Formula (220 minus your age), which helped to determine their cardiovascular
systems capability during physical activity. Students have further considered their Heart Rate Zones using
percentage to calculate and predict their aerobic (sub-maximal) heart rate levels. Calculations have been based off
the Centres for Disease, Control and Prevention Guidelines (2017), which recommends children between ages of
twelve to fourteen to work at 70-80% of there maximum heart rate when performing the daily physical activity for
30-60 minutes to achieve improve physical fitness. Students have worked to monitor their personal fitness
development when using Heart Rate Monitors, with each physical activity performed aiming to enhance health and
skill related components of fitness. Students have set goals for enhancing both components and have used Heart
Rate Monitors to help track their progression. When using Heart Rate Monitors students have recorded,
interpreted and analyzed their low, moderate and peak heart rate performance levels at each stage of the
particular game to determine their physical fitness and active participation in the game. Students have discovered
that at particular stages of a game and in certain positions heart rate can increase dramatically, particularly when
performing movements' patterns that require significant energy and high intensity. They have spent time
calculating their personal averages for each sport played and used data to monitor their bodies’ reaction to
different competitive physical activities. By recording information, students have been able to analyze and
compare the benefits of each activity in relation to health and skill related fitness components.
Students are currently using Heart Rate Monitors when playing basketball and are in the process of collecting their
final data, as this is the last sport to be learned during the term. The student will use collated data to provide
evidence when writing the final Formative Assessment Investigation Task.
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 2


Learning Area: Physical Education
Learning Strand: Movement Physical Activity
Learning Sub-strand: Understanding Movement


Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components,
and create and monitor personal fitness plans (ACPMP083)
- Perform Physical activates that improve health and skill-related components of fitness and
analyzing how the components are developed through these activities
- Measuring heart rate order to monitor the body’s reactions to a range of physical activities, and
predicting the benefits of each activity on health and skill related fitness components
- Designing and monitoring a personal fitness plan that proposes realistic strategies for maintaining
fitness, health, and wellbeing


The Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education enhances ICT learning by helping students to
effectively and safely access online health and physical activity information and services to manage their
own health and wellbeing. Students use ICT as key tools for communicating, collaborating, creating
content, seeking help, accessing information and analyzing performance in the health and physical
education field.
They use a range of ICT to analyze, measure and enhance movement performances and to access and
critically evaluate health information, products, and services. They also use ICT to develop personalized
plans for nutrition, physical activity participation, and well-being.
Students will:
Investigate, developing and acting with ICT
 Investigating questions, topics or problems using ICT
 They locate, access, generate, organize and analyze data and information
 Select and evaluate data and information
Managing and Operating ICT
 Use ICT to investigate, create and communicate
 Apply technical knowledge and skills to select, use and troubleshoot appropriate digital technologies
 Develop an understanding of hardware and software components, and operations of appropriate ICT
systems, including their functions, process, procedures, and devices.
 Apply technical knowledge and skills to efficiently and securely manage and maintain digital data
 Understand and Manage digital data using ICT systems.
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 3


The Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education provide students with opportunities to use
calculation, estimation, and measurement to collect and make sense of information related to, for example,
nutrition, fitness, and navigation in the outdoors or various skill performances. Students use spatial
reasoning in movement activities and in developing concepts and strategies for individual and team sports
or recreational pursuits. Students interpret and analyze health and physical activity information using
statistical reasoning, identifying patterns and relationships in data to consider trends, draw conclusions,
make predictions and inform health behavior and practices.
Students will:
Use Numbers for different purposes
 Estimate and Calculate with whole numbers to solve and model everyday problems in a range of authentic
contexts using efficient digital strategies
 Understand and Use numbers in context
Use Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratios and
 Develop an understanding of the meaning of fractions and decimals, their representations as
percentages, ratios and rates and how they can be applied in real-life situations
 Interpret and apply proportional reasoning
Gain a familiarity with the way statistical information is represented
 Solve problems in authentic contexts that involve, collecting, recording, displaying, comparing and
evaluating the effectiveness of data displays of various types
 Interpret data displays and chance events


 Interpret and Analysis Data and Statistical Information
 Understand and Manage digital data using ICT Systems
 Apply Technical knowledge and skills to use digital technologies (Heart Rate Monitors)
All students must be able to:
 Manage digital technology to record Heart Rate when performing physical activity

 Participate in physical activities to improve physical fitness goals, unless an injury or other
circumstances affecting participation (If so, students will help assist others in gathering data)

 Efficiently use ICT to increase their numeracy knowledge, understanding, and skills during
physical education
 Predict there maximum heart rate using the 220 minus your age method
Most students should be able to:

 Use data to interpret and analyze low, moderate and peak heart rate performance levels at stages
of physical activity to determine their physical fitness and participation levels.
 Use data to inform there fitness goals and strategies to achieve increased success
Some students could:

 Analyse the data and provide a prediction of how increased fitness will increase heart rate efficiency over
the duration of the term.
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 4


Students will use Heart Rate Monitors to gather, interpret, analysis data to determine physical involvement and
output when participating in sporting activities. They will then transfer data collected into an excel spreadsheet,
where they will use the information to compare statistical evidence with data collected from previous sports
The use of numeracy-focused pedagogy will enhance students’ mathematical, contextual and strategic knowledge. Teachers will
work to create an environment that allows students to become fluent operators of numeracy tools. Students will develop the
capacity to thoughtfully use mathematics in a physical setting and build upon skills to critically analyze movement. This
enhancement of mathematical skills and knowledge will be assisted with the use of Heart Rate Monitors, Computers (Excel) and

Identify which of the following numeracy teaching strategies you will use in this lesson.
 Capturing the numeracy in the moment: Be open to the numeracy demands and flexible in going with the students’ interests
and learning needs in the experience.
 Being aware of possible numeracy demands when planning: Consider the numeracy demands and the range in student
strategies and approaches for handling the learning experience across the curriculum.
 Allowing students to work it out: Provide students with both individual and collaborative opportunities to work things out
for themselves and engage with the numeracy demands.
 Giving Time: Be patient and flexible with time to allow students to engage with the numeracy themselves, ask questions, fully
understand the lesson and gain confidence in themselves as learners.
 Questioning: Facilitate discussion and support students’ deliberations by asking questions about their handling of the task.
Questioning can help students identify the numeracy and then use their mathematics. Try to keep the questi ons open to
encourage a willingness to participate.
 Debriefing the numeracy: Ask open questions that encourage students to reflect on the use of mathematics in the situation
and the role numeracy played in their learning, understanding, and problem-solving.
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 5

Teacher Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

Technological ICT tools will enable students to:
 Become a fluent user of mathematics in a familiar setting in relevant ways aligned with the identified
learning area and year level.
Incorporating numeracy into the physical activity, while adhering to the Numeracy General Capability
requirements allows students to increase their numeracy based knowledge, understanding and skills in a
practical and engaging setting. The Whole School Curriculum approach to numeracy development within all
subject areas maths demonstrates the importance of students understanding maths in real li fe contexts.
Students are able to see the importance of math in a range of forms during the middle -secondary school years
and are therefore able to apply math skills during their daily life.
 Deliberately use mathematics in ways that develop students’ numeracy and ICT capabilities
appropriate to the identified year level.
The Year Eight content states that students must ‘Participate in physical activities that develop health -related
and skill-related fitness components, and create and monitor personal fitness plans.’ Incorporating numeracy
and ICT capability components into the practical setting through personalized fitness and skill related
analysis, enables students, in particular, Kinaesthetic learners to actively engage in mathematical concepts.
The application of inquiry-based learning throughout the lesson provides students with knowledge,
understanding, and skills to creatively and effectively enhance capability development.
 Develop a capacity to be critical of the mathematics chosen and used.
Using ICT through Heart Rate Monitors and Computing Microsoft Excel provides students with the tools
necessary to critically analyze information. Students will record, track and monitor their fitness progress, in
turn developing an increased understanding of how mathematics is used beyond the classroom.

This Lesson will include two formative methods of assessment

 Students’ practical involvement will be evaluated to determine students' participation levels, engagement
and ability to apply movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement and fitness outcomes. During
practical sessions, students' personal and social skills will be considered in relation to their ability to
establish respectful relationships, promote safety and inclusivity. Ongoing assessment will work to consider
students development of implementing actions that promote their own and others health, safety, and
 Further assessment will focus on students ICT competency and ability to record and analysis results gained
from Heart Rate Motors. Students will be assessed on there ability to use excel to record data, with the teacher
ensuring at the end of the lesson that each student has successfully collated their data in excel.

 For students that are unable to participate in the practical section, they will be graded on their active
involvement in the inclusion strategies applied for them, which will involve them helping other students record
and analysis there collected data.
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 6

 Heart Rate Monitors for each student participating
 Computer (Excel Spread Sheet) to collate data


 ACARA, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014). Health and Physical
Education– The Australian Curriculum V8.3. Retrieved 10 October 2017, from https://www.acara.edu.au
 Australian Government Department of Health and Aging. (2013). Eat for Health Australian Dietary
Guidelines. Commonwealth of Australia Medical Research Council.
 The government of South Australia Department of Education and Child Services. (2011). South
Australian Teaching For Effective Learning Review Tools Handbook. (S. Koen, Ed.) South Australia:
National Libary of Australia.
 Thornton, S., & Hogan, J. (2005). Numeracy across the curriculum: demands and opportunities.
 U.S Department of Health and Human Services. (2017). Healthy Living. Centre for Disease, Control, and

Refer to http://www.teachertechnologies.com/the_four_part_lesson/
CONNECTION – 1 0 mins
Introduction to the lesson:
- Recap previous lessons and what students have learnt and reminder of the purpose of the
- Outline the focus for this lesson; ensuring students understand they will be transitioning
between two learning environments and thus concentration and maturity, particularly as
they finish the basketball game and begin the theoretical aspect of the lesson, will be a
requirement of them
- Provide success criteria and what you require of them – refer lesson outcomes
- Set-up heart rate monitors and basketball games
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 7

ACTIVATE – 20 mins
Basketball game, data gathering and beginning of worksheet:
- Students play a 20-minute game of basketball wearing their heart rate monitors which records their average
heart rate
- At the conclusion of the game, the data is recorded in an excel spreadsheet along with the data gathered from
previous lessons
- Students are provided the lesson worksheet requiring them to complete calculations, graphs and a discussion
- The calculation and graphing stage is where the learning is being activated as students begin to formulate their
data set and begin to understand and develop ideas of what it represents – may need to assist students in the
use of Excel and developing graphs
Continuation of worksheet:
- Students continue to work through their worksheet and should be finishing their graphing of the data and
beginning the discussion section of the worksheet
- In the discussion section, it is likely students will require scaffolding to discuss their results from their graph –
therefore break down the questions on the worksheet and provide some examples of what you might comment
- If finished early, students can also attempt the extension questions

Conclusion of lesson:
- Either ask students to share their discussion with a friend or ask a few students to share what they found with
the class
- Ask students to recap what they have learnt in the lesson through an exit card
- If required, students finish worksheet for homework

How will this lesson cater for the needs of all students?
The Lesson will cater for all students, including children with disabilities and rangeability levels, within
both physical and academic components. The lesson provided appropriate alternatives to students that
are unable to participate in practical activities, by creating inclusive roles for students to assist in
gathering and analyzing data. Students are able to remain actively engaged in the lesson content and gain
a deeper understanding of physical fitness in relation to health and skill related components of the lesson.
Further, as the lesson is based around improving your own personal physical fitness and skill
development, removes the competitive nature of sport away to a more individual focused activity for
students that may be resilient towards usually competitive style sports. Additional, modifications to games
will be appropriately adjusted to suit students' skill capabilities to ensure all students are actively engaged
throughout the lesson.
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson 8


 Where are all students participating?
 Where all students need to be met to be able to participate?
 Did the students feel safe and comfortable throughout the task?
 Did students understand how to use Heart Rate Monitor?
 Was the order of the tasks appropriate for the lesson time?
 Did students achieve the desired goals and outcomes?
 How as a teacher could have you made it more students directed?

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