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Student ID:
Pre-Service Teacher
Chloe Dunlop 2046935

Mentor Teacher
Christopher Lay

University Liaison
Barbara Harris
Year level
Clovelly Park Primary School 3/4


Pre-service teachers please complete this Interim Review and discuss it with your mentor teacher. The purpose
of this review is to ensure that you can accurately assess your own performance and develop a plan for your
personal development over the remaining weeks of this professional experience.

Please provide written reflections regarding your areas of strength and areas needing improvement:
Use the headings: Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement.

Professional Knowledge
On this practicum block so far, my current areas of strength have been demonstrated within Standard 2 of the
AITSL APSTs. I feel that I am mostly knowledgeable about my content areas, and am reasonably well versed in
the pedagogical methods associated in teaching these areas, including through the use of ICTs. I have been
integrating assessment into my lesson and unit planning, and have been using the results of these assessments
to inform subsequent teaching. I have been demonstrating my respect for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people and their culture and histories into my HASS lessons in particular, and have been attempting to
develop understanding for ATSI people and cultures within my students also.
Areas in which I am needing improvement include using teaching strategies that are responsive to the needs of
all students, particularly those who may disengage from learning at times. Although I have used some
differentiation strategies in my teaching, I could probably differentiate more often, and perhaps need to further
scaffold or work with groups of lower readiness to ensure they achieve the intended learning goals.

Professional Practice
With regards to professional practice, I am feeling relatively comfortable with using assessment strategies to
determine student readiness, interpreting assessment data, and also with providing feedback to students to
assist in their learning. I feel my lesson sequences have been planned logically, and that the resources I have
selected have been (mostly) appropriate and engaging. In the instances where they haven’t, I have been able to
reflect upon why they didn’t work as planned in order to select better resources in future.
In order to improve my practice, I would like to diversify the teaching strategies that I use, as I feel I default to
using similar methods at times. I would like to become confident in engaging the entire class in lessons, and will
need to develop some strategies to better involve students with a much lower readiness level, or those who
disengage easily. Although it’s an area I am actively working on, I also need to better manage transitions within
and between lessons, to minimise behavioural challenges, and maximise learning and safety.

Professional Engagement
During this practicum experience, I have taken part in some reflection upon the APSTs and where I am at
through the Teacher Performance Assessment activities. I have also been lucky enough to have the opportunity
to have taken part in some professional learning around the mathematical pedagogy of the Singapore Bar
Model. I understand the importance of professional development and feel confident in engaging in PD to further
my own learning, as well as that of my students.
To improve in this area, I need to seek more feedback from supervisors, particularly from my school liaison who
needs to observe some of my teaching. I also, where opportunity is given, should develop strategies to better
engage with school stakeholders, particularly parents, and develop partnerships with them for the benefit of the

Pre-service Teacher: C Dunlop .............................................................. Date: 13/5/18

I have read this interim self-assessment.

Mentor Teacher: Chris Lay .................................................................... Date: 15/5/18

Please forward Interim Reviews to the university liaison.

Student ID:
Pre-Service Teacher
Chloe Dunlop 2046935

Mentor Teacher
Christopher Lay

University Liaison
Barbara Harris
Year level
Clovelly Park Primary School 3/4


Please give copies of both the Interim Self-Assessment and your Learning Plan to your mentor teacher
when you meet discuss them, and to your university liaison.

Please provide a list of your learning goals for the remaining weeks of this professional experience together with
a brief explanation of how you plan to achieve them (hand written or typed):

The learning goals I have selected are based upon the areas in which I feel I am needing improvement, as expressed in the

Interim Self-Assessment. These are: diversifying teaching strategies, differentiating more to better include and engage

students of lower readiness levels or disinterested students, and forming strategies to better manage lesson transitions and

classroom behaviour.

In order to diversify my teaching strategies, I will experiment to try and further involve the students in their own learning in the

earlier stages of the lesson, particularly the teacher-driven introduction and the guided discovery segments. I will research into

different lesson starters, and perhaps use students more to explain (if knowledgeable) or read explanations rather than

delivering content in such a teacher-controlled and static way.

Now that I have a better idea of the readiness levels and interests of the students through working with them and through

undertaking assessments, I can incorporate further opportunities for differentiation into my lessons. In order to ensure that I

am challenging each student at their Zone of Proximal Development, I can set readiness-based tasks, and rotate through

groups to better support learning. I can also incorporate interests into learning, through targeted prompts for writing lessons,

and through the established KWEL chart for HASS, for example.

I aim to better manage lesson flow and minimise time wastage during lesson transitions, by giving clearer expectations prior to

transitions, as well as better highlighting and correcting students when expectations are not being met.

Pre-service Teacher: C Dunlop .............................................................. Date: 13/5/18

I have discussed and approve these learning plans:

Mentor Teacher: Chris Lay…………………… ........................................ Date: 15/5/18

I have discussed and approve these learning plans:

University Liaison: ………………………… ............................................. Date:

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