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SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

On the Quagmire of “Shaly Sand” Saturation Equations

D. C. Herrick1 and W. D. Kennedy2

Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts

Copyright 2009, held jointly by the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log
Analysts (SPWLA) and the submitting authors.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPWLA 50th Annual Logging
We hope that showing the explicit connections among
Symposium held in The Woodlands, Texas, United States, June 21-24, 2009. the various shaly sand models, and pointing to the parts
that cannot be logically justified, will spur the formula-
tion of new, logically justified, self-consistent models
ABSTRACT relating water saturation to the distribution of conduc-
tive components that control the electrical properties of
Calculating water saturation from resistivity and poros- a reservoir rock. The development of a suitable equa-
ity logs in “shaly sands” has been problematic since tion based on fundamental physics is sorely needed to
Archie (1942) published his saturation equation for cope with the demands of the present and future evalua-
“clean” sands. Since then much effort has been ex- tion of petroleum reserves. The essence of a true “shaly
pended trying to develop a generally applicable satura- sand” equation is presented.
tion equation for “shaly sands”. Early confusion be-
tween “shale” and “clay” resulted in a whole class of INTRODUCTION
saturation relationships, known as shaly sand equations,
based on determining the volume of “shale” in sand- Estimating the water saturation of porous rocks from
stone (and other lithologies) using the log-derived wireline logs has been a valuable formation evaluation
properties of a separate thick reference shale. This tool since Archie (1942) discovered a relationship be-
methodology is popular since only log data are re- tween the resistivity, porosity and water saturation for
quired. However, most of the material in sandstones rocks that are at least moderately homogeneous and
treated as shale is actually clay of allogenic or, more isotropic and composed of more or less equidimen-
commonly, authigenic origin. This clay can have prop- sional grains. Archie’s relationship does not accurately
erties quite different from any neighboring shale bed. estimate the saturation of sediments with internal struc-
The failure of rocks to conform to the premises as- ture, such as thin beds, vugs and micro-porous grains.
sumed results in saturation calculations of dubious
value. Archie’s equation also does not give correct saturation
estimates when used for sediments referred to as “shaly
The shale-clay confusion was recognized by some sci-
sands” unless both n and m are allowed to vary and are
entists in the 1950s. Early efforts to account for excess
calibrated with appropriate laboratory data. These
conductivity attributed it to a volumetric component of
sediments are typically clay-bearing with the clay dis-
conductive shale. In 1968 Waxman and Smits pro-
tributed in the pore system or on grain surfaces of sand-
posed a saturation model that advocated the use of
stone, or the clay may be a component of shale distrib-
cation exchange measurements to estimate conductivity
uted within the sandstone. Early in the history of log
due to cation exchange on clay in sandstones. The
analysis it was discovered that shales had distinctive log
Waxman-Smits model eventually resulted in a new
properties such as high radioactivity, high hydrogen
class of saturation equations, known as dispersed shale
index and low acoustic velocity, etc. Some sediments
equations, based on modification of the Waxman-Smits
that were regarded as sandstones also shared these
model. These include the dual-water and Juhasz mod-
properties and were described as “shaly sands”.
els. Unfortunately these new models have not relieved
the confusion, but probably have compounded it.
In the evolution of log analysis, some of the pioneers
Both classes of “shaly sand” saturation equations are in failed to distinguish shale and clay. As a result, the
wide use. A review of the assumptions that underlie any early literature is confusing. Much was written about
of the equations in both classes shows that there are “shaly sands”, but with a considerable likelihood that
fatal flaws in all. It is clear that to date there is no sands containing clay, instead of shale, were under dis-
“shaly sand” model that is defensible, or even self- cussion. This confusion persists to this day. When
consistent. “shaly sands” are referred to, it behooves the analyst to
_____________________________________________ make certain exactly what is being discussed.
Baker Hughes Inteq, Inc., Houston, Texas.
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

The term “shale” refers to a particular kind of rock that fact they are usually very small, commonly clay-size)
is typically very fine-grained, indurated, laminated and the layers terminate with unsatisfied bonds at the crystal
fissile. Clays, on the other hand, are a class of minerals edges. Ions neutralizing the edge-charges are readily
(not rocks) that tend to be very fine-grained and have a exchangeable with ions from brine and can contribute
phyllosilicate crystal structure. There are many differ- to electric currents due to ion exchange. These surface-
ent clay minerals, each with different composition, ions are present in clay minerals that would not other-
structure and properties. Even individual clay minerals wise exhibit ion exchange, for example, kaolinite and
tend to have variable composition due to substitution of pure illite. The volume next to charged clay surfaces
one element for another in the crystal structure. The and edges is referred to by chemists as the “double
term “clay” is also used as a size term describing grains layer”. The double layer contributes to the total conduc-
of any mineralogy that are less than four micrometers in tivity in proportion to its volume, which can vary, and
size. Clay mineral crystals and grains are typically clay- its conductivity, which also can vary. The properties of
sized, hence the terminology. the double layer are discussed in detail in texts on sur-
face chemistry.
Shales are often clay-rich with a typical clay content of
If the conductivity of a brine-saturated sandstone sam-
20 percent to 50 percent, averaging around 40 percent,
ple (C0) containing clay with cation exchange capability
the remainder being composed commonly of silt and
is measured and plotted as a function of saturating brine
clay-size quartz, rock fragments, volcanic material,
conductivity (Cw), then a positive intercept is observed
carbonates and other minerals. Shales may also contain
on the C0 axis when the linear portion of the relation-
significant amounts of organic matter (kerogen) making
ship is extrapolated to zero brine conductivity (Figure
some shales source rocks or even reservoirs for petro-
1). The intercept, Cs, is the contribution to the total
leum. The composition of any particular shale is de-
conductivity due to cation exchange on clay mineral
pendent on provenance, weathering, sediment transpor-
surfaces in the rock. This part of the total conductivity
tation, deposition and diagenesis. The electrical conduc-
does not vary with changes in brine conductivity when
tivity of shales in the subsurface depends on the poros-
the brine salinity is greater than about 15,000-20,000
ity, brine chemistry, pore geometry and clay mineral-
ppm. When the brine salinity is in the range of 20,000
ppm or less, the C0–Cw relationship curves downward
to the origin. This curvature has been attributed to sev-
eral phenomena, but is probably due to loss of ex-
changeable cations from the clay surface as the result of
The electrical conductivity of clay-bearing rocks can be
maintaining chemical equilibrium with the pore water.
strongly affected by the surface chemistry of the clay
minerals. Some clay minerals (e.g. mixed layer-illite,
montmorillonite) contain so-called counterions; i.e.,
positively charged cations that are present between the
negatively-charged aluminosilicate layers of the crystal
structure. These counterions are held only by weak C0
electrostatic forces (ionic bonds). When in contact with Cs
brine, the cations in the solution (usually Na+) can ex- salinity (kppm)
change with the counterions of the clay. This is a con- 0 20 to 250→
tinuous process due to the thermal agitation (Brownian 0 Cw
motion) of water molecules and dissolved ions in the
brine and of the counterions of the clay. When the clay-
FIG. 1. Conductivity of a rock exhibiting surface
brine system is subjected to an electric field, the ex-
conductivity as a function of brine conductivity.
changing cations have a component of their motion in
the direction of the field. This component constitutes an
electric current that contributes to the total conductivity
of the clay-brine system. The cation exchange process The electrical double layer associated with the surfaces
produces this contribution to the current, and thus the of clay crystals consists mainly of cations in various
cation exchange current is restricted to the volume in states of hydration, depending on the salinity of the
very close proximity to the charged alumino-silicate brine in contact with the clay. If the salinity is less than
surfaces of clay. 15-to-20 thousand parts per million, the cation ex-
change process causes the surface to ionize to maintain
An additional source of electric current due to cation a chemical equilibrium between the brine and the clay
exchange results from the aluminosilicate sheet struc- mineral surfaces (Figure 1). The result is unsatisfied
ture. Since the size of clay crystals is not infinite (in negatively charged sites on the clay surface and fewer
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

exchangeable cations to carry an electric current. The To our knowledge there is no published saturation
positive end of water molecules is attracted to the un- equation for sandstone containing shale clasts (often
satisfied negative charge. The surface ionization and referred to as “structural shale”). Commonly, shale
attraction for water molecule dipoles causes the thick- clasts in sandstone are a minor component and widely
ness of the double layer to increase. In general, when separated from each other. In this case, the shale clasts
the pore water is relatively fresh, a decrease in Cw have little effect on conductivity since conduction oc-
causes the thickness of the double layer to increase and curs mainly through the pore system. Only in the
the surface conductivity to decrease. unlikely event that the clasts are so numerous so as to
be in contact with each other, forming a continuous
Pure illite contains only potassium ions in the inter-
conduction path, would the presence of shale clasts in a
layer sites. The potassium ion (K+) fits perfectly be-
sandstone have a significant electrical effect, compara-
tween the aluminosilicate layers comprising illite and
ble to conduction through the pore system.
does not hydrate readily. Thus, a K+ ion occupies a po-
tential energy minimum where it is unlikely to be dis-
There are two types of shaly and clay-bearing sandstone
placed by collisions with water (or other) molecules;
conductivity analysis equations. The first type seeks to
consequently, cation exchange of the interlayer K+ ions
quantitatively account for the surface conductivity of
is rare. However, illite usually exhibits a significant
clay minerals distributed in the pore space and on grain
cation exchange capacity due to unsatisfied bonds and
surfaces. These are categorized as cation-exchange
exchange sites on external surfaces, as well as to elec-
saturation equations. The second type presumes that the
tric charge due to substitutions in the aluminosilicate
sandstone’s excess conductivity is due to shale present
structure. Illite may be a mixture of layers of illite and
in sandstone and makes the conductivity correction
montmorillonite (so-called mixed-layer illite). The
based on an estimate of the volume of shale in the sand-
counterions in the inter-layers of montmorillonite are
stone. Unfortunately these two sources of excess con-
readily exchangeable and contribute to the cation ex-
ductivity, cation exchange on clay mineral surfaces and
change capability, and thus the surface conductivity, of
conduction due to shale, have become confused; fre-
quently shale conductivity estimates are misused to
correct for conduction by cation exchange.
This article is not meant to be a comprehensive listing
The problem of interpreting the conductivity of shaly
of saturation equations, as has been published by Wor-
and clay-bearing sandstones has existed since the be-
thington (1985), but instead evaluates commonly used
ginning of quantitative log analysis, and has been the
cation exchange and shale conductivity equations em-
source of much work and voluminous publication.
ployed for determining fluid saturations.
These sandstones are more conductive than they would
otherwise be if the clay or shale were absent. If this
excess conductivity is not properly attributed to the clay
or shale, hydrocarbon saturations will be underesti-
mated using Archie’s conventional resistivity-porosity-
Waxman-Smits Equation
water saturation model for sandstone.
The Waxman-Smits (W-S) saturation equation for
The conventional log-analytical model for a shaly-sand
clay-bearing sandstone (Waxman and Smits, 1968) was
comprises shale-free sand and “sand-free” shale as end
motivated by the recognition that cation exchange ca-
members. Between the two end members, three classes
pacity measurements of core samples could be used to
of so-called shaly sand are defined: structural, lami-
estimate and correct for the surface conductivity of clay
nated, and dispersed. This is a log-analytical opera-
minerals distributed on the grain surfaces and dissemi-
tional definition because “sand-free” shale is not a rig-
nated in the pore system of a sandstone. The equation is
orous concept. As used in log analysis, the term “shaly
based on the following assumptions.
sand” generally includes laminated thin sandstone and
shale beds that cannot be resolved by a resistivity log-
1. The form of the equation is assumed to be
ging instrument. The term is also used for sandstones
Ct = Cp + Cs, where Cp indicates conductivity due to
containing shale clasts and mixtures of sand and mud
brine in the bulk pore space and not including any
due to, for example, bioturbation or severe slumping.
conductivity due to cation exchange on clay. Cp is the
Unfortunately, the descriptor “shaly sand” is also used
conductivity that the rock would have if exchange-
to include sandstones that contain clay of diagenetic
able cations on clay surfaces were hypothetically
origin or as grain coatings due to deflocculation during
rendered immobile and non-conductive, but all other
deposition. Clay in sandstone originating with these
aspects of pore geometry, composition, etc., remain
processes is not shale and must be treated separately.
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

unchanged. The contribution to the total conductivity surface since this volume and geometry is different
from ion exchange on clay surfaces is added as a from the pore volume and its conduction geometry.
separate term Cs. This is a parallel conduction model.
Conduction by cation exchange is restricted to a volume
There is evidence to support treating conductivity due very close to clay surfaces. The mobility of a sodium
to clay surfaces as a parallel additive component. ion in solution at room temperature is 5.2 × 10−8
Plots of the conductivity of a rock sample containing m2 sec−1 V−1 (i.e. velocity, m/sec, per unit electric field,
surface conductive clay, when saturated with brines volt/m). If a sodium ion is subjected to an alternating
of different salinity, show a constant offset when the electric field with a square wave-form at a frequency of
brine salinity is above about 20 kppm (Figure 1). The 20 kHz and an electric field of one volt per meter, then
offset is attributed to a constant surface conductivity during one half of one cycle the sodium ion will be dis-
component due to cation exchange on clay. placed only 0.052 Ångstrom units, roughly five percent
of the diameter of the Na+ ion. A displacement of this
2. The conductivity due to cation exchange on clay magnitude will not move an ion from a clay surface an
surfaces Cs, is assumed to be proportional to the appreciable distance into a pore. The electric fields in
number of milli-equivalents of exchangeable clay the rocks surrounding most logging tools are usually
counterions per unit volume of pore space, Qv. The only in the millivolt per meter range, causing even
proportionality constant B is an experimentally de- smaller cation displacements. In addition, it is likely
termined factor used to convert Qv to conductivity. that the mobility of sodium ions that are part of the
double layer on clay surfaces is less than when in solu-
3. The third assumption, as stated by Waxman and tion in the pore-water. Hence the very small displace-
Smits (1968) is “We assume next that the electric ment of sodium ions is confined to the vicinity of the
current transported by the counterions associated clay double layer and is controlled by the geometry of
with the clay travels along the same tortuous path as the clay surfaces.
the current attributed to ions in the pore water.” The
same conduction geometry implies that they also The effect of conduction geometry on conductivity is
have the same formation conductivity factor f* (f* = most readily appreciated using the method of Herrick
1/F* where F* is the Archie formation resistivity fac- and Kennedy (1993, 1994, 2009). Rather than combin-
tor of the “shaly” sand). The Waxman-Smits equation ing the effects of pore geometry and pore volume, as
for water-saturated “shaly” sands can then be written Archie’s formation resistivity factor F does, the effects
as can be separated. The conductivity of a clay-free brine-
saturated rock can be described by
C0 = f * (Cw + BQv) ; (1)
C0 = Cwφ E0, (4)
and for rocks only partially brine saturated,
where E0 accounts for the effects of the pore geometry
Ct = f * i* (Cw + BQv /Sw), (2) of a porous medium on electrical conduction. (Note that
1/F = φ E0.) The magnitude of the effects of pore vol-
where i*, the conductivity index, is the reciprocal of ume (φ) and pore geometry (E0) are similar, neither
the resistivity index (i* = 1/I*). Re-expressed in terms dominates. This equation describes the conductivity of
of Archie’s equation, (2) becomes brine-containing porous rocks as effectively as Archie’s
empirical equation, but has the advantage of having an
Ct = Swn* φ m* (Cw + BQv /Sw). (3) explicit theoretical basis.
Note Waxman’s and Smits’ presumption that both When hydrocarbon displaces brine, the bulk volume
clay counterions and pore water have the same con- fraction of the remaining brine is Swφ . All conduction
duction geometry continues to be expressed in (3), as takes place in this volume. To account for the changes
it is in (1). The properties designated by “*” associate in volume and brine geometry, equation (4) is modified
f* with φ m* and i* with Swn*. by including the additional factors Sw and et, respec-
tively. The conductivity of partially brine-saturated and
The premise that the same formation conductivity fac- clay-free rocks is described by
tor and conductivity index apply to both the pore-water
and the clay counterions is asserted by Waxman and Ct = Cw (Sw φ)(et E0), (5)
Smits (1968) without justification or explanation. The
premise contradicts the concept of conduction by cation where et represents a reduction of E0 that accounts for
exchange in the region of the double layer near the clay the change in brine geometry in the pore-system due to
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

the introduction of non-conductive hydrocarbons, just ume of rock. Multiplying Qv by φ converts units of pore
as Sw represents a reduction of φ to account for the re- volume to units of rock volume. This is important since
duction in brine volume, also due to the introduction of conductivity is defined as the conductance of a unit
hydrocarbons. volume of rock. But note that the same geometric term,
presumed to be independent of any cation exchange
Equation (5), for Archie rocks, is extended, à la Wax- effects due to clay (et*E0* or Swn*-1 φ m*-1), is applied to
man-Smits, to clay-bearing rocks assuming that surface the conductivity term (BQv φ) that is due to cation ex-
conductance is in parallel with pore conductance. Thus change on clay! This internal contradiction makes the
efficacy of, and interpretation of, the Waxman-Smits
Ct = C w ( S wφ )(et* E 0* ) + C s , (6) equation problematical. Unfortunately, any saturation
model derived from Waxman-Smits also inherits this
where Cs is the conductivity component due to cation contradiction.
exchange on clay and the “*” notation has the same
meaning as used in the Waxman-Smits equation (equa- Dual-Water Model
tion (2)). Equation (6) accounts for different conduction
geometry in the bulk pore system (et E0) (Herrick and Clavier, Coates and Dumanoir (1977, 1984) recognized
Kennedy, 2009) and a separate term having different a shortcoming of the Waxman-Smits conductivity
geometry of conduction on and near clay surfaces capa- model, namely that the volume within which surface
ble of cation exchange. This distinction is not drawn in conduction occurs can be significant and must be ac-
the Waxman-Smits equation (i.e., equation (3)). counted for. They proposed a “dual-water” conductivity
model that partitions the total pore volume between the
The interpretation of the second term in the Waxman- volume in and near the double layer in which surface
Smits equation (3), BQv /Sw, is ambiguous. Waxman- conduction takes place (referred to hereinafter as the
Smits (1968) describe Qv /Sw as “the effective concen- “double layer” to simplify discussion) and the remain-
tration of exchange ions at So > 0”, where So is the oil ing pore space, free of clay surface effects. The dual-
saturation. To clarify the interpretation, the Waxman- water model is a modification of the Waxman-Smits’
Smits equation (3) can be rewritten in terms of the con- model and retains the self-contradictory premise that
duction geometry parameters of (6), the conduction geometry of free pore water and the clay
double layer is the same. In this context the term “free
Ct = (Swφ) (et* E0*) (Cw + BQv /Sw). (7) water” is meant to indicate all the water contained in
the pore system not located in the clay double layer.
Multiplying by Swφ as indicated by equation (7) gives
The dual-water model describes an effective water con-
ductivity Cwe,
Ct = (et* E0*) (Cw Sw φ + BQv φ) . (8)
C we = V fw C w + Vdl C dl , (9)
The first factor of (8), ( et*E0* ), accounts for the electri-
cal effect of the geometry of the pore-water, independ-
ent of any cation exchange effects due to clay. The where Vfw is the fractional volume of pore-water exclu-
product of this geometric factor and the first term sive of the double layer, Cw is its conductivity, Vdl is the
within the parentheses in equation (8) is the conductiv- fractional volume of the double layer and Cdl is the
ity component due to the pore water, independent of conductivity of the double layer. Vdl + Vfw = 1 when
cation exchange. One could equally well use equation Sw = 1. For partially brine saturated rocks, the volume
(3) and arrive at the same results (equation 8a), al- fraction of brine is no longer unity but equal to the wa-
though multiplying by Swφ for interpretation is less ob- ter saturation; i.e., Vdl + Vfw = Sw when Sw < 1.
This volumetric relationship leads to the dual-water
Ct = Swn* − 1 φ m* −1 (Cw Sw φ + BQv φ) (8a) model saturation equation as given by Clavier, Coates
and Dumanoir (1977, 1984),
The second term within parentheses in equations (8)
and (8a) can now be interpreted. Keep in mind that po- ⎡⎛ α vQ Qv ⎞ β Qv ⎤
rosity is defined as the ratio of the volume of void space Ct = f 0 S wn ⎢⎜⎜1 − ⎟ Cw +
⎟ ⎥, (10)
⎢⎣⎝ Sw ⎠ S w ⎥⎦
in a rock sample to the total volume of the sample. Qv is
the number of milli-equivalents of exchangeable cations
per unit pore volume. The product Qvφ has units of where f0 is the formation conductivity factor (f0 = 1/F0).
milli-equivalents of exchangeable cations per unit vol- The “0” subscript distinguishes the dual-water model
formation conductivity factor from Archie’s f and
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

Waxman-Smits f*. The fraction of the pore volume sity of most clay minerals is similar to or greater than
occupied by the double layer per milli-equivalent of that of quartz.
counter-ions is vQ; α is a salinity-dependent double
layer expansion factor needed at low salinity. When the Due to the presence of clay minerals and organic mat-
pore water is less saline than about twenty thousand ter, shales tend to be relatively compressible and exhibit
parts per million NaCl equivalent, cation exchange sites low acoustic velocities (long interval transit times).
on clay surfaces tend to ionize leaving unsatisfied nega-
tively charged sites on the surfaces. Water molecule Sandstones may contain clay minerals. These minerals
dipoles are attracted to the charged sites and the double comprise either allogenic clays that have adhered to
layer expands accordingly. Above this salinity range, sand grain surfaces during deposition, or have been
no ionization or double layer expansion occurs and α is produced after deposition by authigenic chemical proc-
equal to one. For a given rock at constant brine salinity esses. Continual authigenic chemical changes in clays
and temperature, the product α vQ Cdl is constant, and in with burial are also common.
the second term in the sum in (10) is represented by
β = α vQ Cdl . It can be verified that Vfw = 1 – αvQQv/Sw The properties of shales vary considerably, and some-
and Vdl = βQv/Sw. times dramatically, for a variety of reasons. In addition,
shale and clay have different properties and different
LOG-BASED DUAL-WATER-TYPE log responses. In petrophysics, shale and clay are dis-
SATURATION EQUATIONS tinct and different. The use of various logs, whether
singly or in combination, cannot be relied upon to give
Shale properties information on surface conductivity (or “shaliness”)
unless a suitable correlation is independently estab-
Shales typically exhibit gamma-ray radioactivity. This lished and verified.
can be due to potassium-bearing minerals such as feld-
spar, mica and the clay mineral illite. The presence of Determining the electrical “shaliness” of sandstones
clay minerals, however, does not assure radioactivity. based on the log response of a thick reference shale to
Only certain clay minerals, e.g., illite and glauconite, estimate the volume of shale in the sandstone requires
are intrinsically radioactive, containing potassium. Oth- assuming that the log responses of shales deposited
ers such as montmorillonite, kaolinite and chlorite, do along with shaly or clay-bearing sandstones can be used
not require potassium (or other radioactive elements) in to estimate the clay content and electrical properties of
their crystal structures, and these clay minerals are not the sandstones. For validity, this assumption requires
intrinsically radioactive. that the clay mineralogy, texture, log response and pore
geometry of the shale are identical to those of the shale
The radioactivity of some shales is partly due to ura- or clay in the “shaly” sandstone. In order to proceed
nium or thorium, not necessarily associated with clay. with log analysis, this assumption is universally ac-
Weathering and abrasion-resistant minerals such as cepted by formation evaluators; it is however, rarely, if
zircon may be present; these may contain thorium and ever, validated in practice.
uranium. Organic matter, especially in marine shales,
tends to concentrate uranium. In sandstones, neither
uranium nor thorium give any information on clay that Vsh-based “Modified Dual-Water Model”
has resulted from diagenetic processes, since neither is
a required structural element in clay crystals. The con- The idea expressed in the dual-water model—that water
tent of each of these radioactive components of shale associated with clay surfaces occupies a different vol-
can vary considerably, giving different shales different ume and should have different properties than pore wa-
amounts and kinds of radioactivity. Thus, the gamma- ter, which is unaffected by clay effects—is sound. But
ray activity of rocks does not invariably correlate with an analyst must take care to define the point where one
clay content or “shaliness.” becomes the other. Defining this distinction has been a
perennial problem in log analysis. Most methodologies
based only on log data (e.g., Best , Gardner and Du-
Shales also have other properties causing characteristic manoir, 1978), attempt to make this distinction using
log responses. Neutron instruments respond to the pres- the properties of a shale bed associated with the target
ence of hydrogen in clay minerals and organic matter. sandstones and thick enough to be characterized by
Clay grain density varies with composition. The densi- logs.
ties of clay minerals in shales are often reported to be
less, even much less, than that of quartz. This is due In “dual-water” models based upon observed log re-
mainly to faulty analytical procedures. The actual den- sponses, the estimation of the amount of water in which

SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

surface conduction occurs is based on an ad hoc algo- Use of this log-based version of the dual-water model
rithm. Being ad hoc, such an algorithm is not unique. requires the following assumptions:
The first such algorithm was offered by Best, Gardener,
and Dumanoir (1978). The first step in their method is 1. All the premises of the Waxman-Smits and dual-
to estimate the “bound water saturation” Swb, presuma- water model equations. These include the assumption
bly the fractional amount of water associated with clay in the Waxman-Smits and dual-water model equa-
surfaces in which surface conduction occurs. This is tions that the conduction geometry (in this case it is
accomplished by computing “shale indices” from presumed to be expressed by the Archie parameters f
gamma-ray, SP and neutron logs at each depth and us- and i) is applied to both the pore volume in which
ing the minimum of the three “shale indices” in an em- surface conduction takes place and the water in the
pirical graphical transform to obtain Swb (Figure 2). remaining pore volume;
Moreover, at a single depth in a well, which indicator is
2. The clay mineralogy and conduction geometry of
the minimum of the three may well depend upon sub-
associated sandstones and thick reference shale are
jectively assigned adjustable parameters in the log re-
identical and known;
sponse – to – Vsh transform.
3. Swb from traditional Vsh indicators and the graphical
1.0 transform gives an accurate estimate of the fractional
(curve varies with φmax ) volume in which surface conduction occurs;
4. The conductivity of water in a thick reference shale,
calculated using Archie’s equation by assuming a
value for the porosity exponent m, is equal to the sur-
Swb face conductivity in a shale- or clay-bearing sand-
5. The Archie exponents n and m are both equal to two
Best, et al. 1978
0 (although laboratory-derived values could be substi-
0 ( Ish )min 1.0 tuted, if available);

FIG. 2. Empirical graphical transform for convert- 6. The conductivity of water deduced from the conduc-
ing a minimum shale index to Swb. tivity of a clean sandstone is the same as the water
conductivity in the sandstone being analyzed.

Best et al. report the shape of their transform to vary as

Assumptions 1, 2, 3 and 4 are especially problematic.
the result of several qualitative observations, including
We have previously discussed the problems with as-
the behavior of Swb at high gamma-ray values, that of
sumption 1 in conjunction with the Waxman-Smits and
the SP log in zones with low clay/shale content, and a
dual-water model equations.
flattening of the curve with increased maximum poros-
ity of shale-free sandstone. No theoretical justification
Assumption 2 requires estimating the volume of water
for the curve is given; hence the value of the “bound
in which surface conduction occurs by presuming that
water saturation” needed to compute hydrocarbon pore
surface conduction takes place in shale disseminated in
volume using this approach is obtained by a transform
the pore system of the sandstone being analyzed. This is
with an unexplicated theoretical basis, and founded on
hardly axiomatic or self-evident. Shale-like material
an ad hoc choice of the minimum of three shale indices.
can be distributed in the pore system of a sandstone due
to infiltration, bioturbation, deposition from turbidity
The value of Swb obtained in this way is used in an
currents and extreme deformation by slumping. But,
equation similar to that of the dual-water model,
there is no guarantee that this material has the same or
even similar composition and electrical properties as a
⎡⎛ S ⎞ S ⎤
Ct = (S wφ )2 ⎢⎜⎜1 − wb ⎟⎟Cwf + wb Cwb ⎥ ,
thick shale used as the shale reference.
⎣⎢⎝ Sw ⎠ Sw ⎦⎥
In general, surface conductivity due to clay minerals of
depositional or authigenic origin is more common than
wherein the volume in which conduction occurs by
that due to disseminated shale. Estimating the volume
cation exchange, α vq Qv, is replaced by Swb as deter- and electrical properties of disseminated clay by using
mined from the transform shown in figure 2. Cwf and similar properties in a reference shale has no rigorous
Cwb are the conductivity of free and “bound” water, basis and its success depends entirely upon coincidence.
respectively. Log data alone provide little information on clay miner-
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

alogy, double layer volume and surface conductivity. porosity. Juhasz based his approach on a “normalized
Vsh determined by conventional means gives little in- Qv” Qvn,
formation about the clay content of rocks. Thus we
conclude that assumption 2 is likely to be invalid for Qvss
most reservoirs. Qvn = (12)
The use of a thick shale as a reference for the properties
of clay, or the shale-like contents of an associated sand- where Qvss is Qv of the sandstone of interest and Qvsh is
stone, is further complicated by use of assumption 3 the Qv of an associated thick reference shale from the
above. Even supposing the clay volume and mineralogy same sedimentary sequence as the sandstone.
of the reference shale and the sandstone are the same, it
is unlikely that their conduction geometries are identi- Recognizing that “disseminated shale” in sandstones is
cal. Shales are typically not 100 percent clay, and other in reality usually clay, Juhasz expressed Qvss in terms of
shale constituents (commonly quartz) are instrumental the volume of clay present in the sandstone Vclss,
in defining the pore geometry. The pore and surface
conduction geometry of a shale determines its forma- Vclss ρ cl CEC cl
Qvss = , (13)
tion conductivity factor and Archie m values. These φ
properties are not easily measured in the laboratory and
generally have to be assigned by educated guessing. where ρcl is the grain density of the dry clay, CECcl is
This amounts to assuming the conduction geometry of the cation exchange capacity of the clay and φ is the
the reference shale. Making this assignment and then porosity of the sandstone containing the clay. Qvsh is
assuming that the conduction geometry of the reference described by a formula identical to (13) except using
shale is identical to the surface conduction geometry of Vclsh, the volume of clay in the shale. Juhasz assumed
material in a sandstone that has not been shown to be that the clay in the sandstone is identical to that in the
similar to the reference shale introduces uncalibrated shale with the same density and CEC. Equation (12)
uncertainty into the quantitative estimates made using can be rewritten in terms of clay volumes
the analysis.
Qvss Vclss ρ cl CEC cl φ sh
The difficulty with log-based versions of the “dual- Qvn = = ⋅
water model” is that they attempt to overcome an ab- Qvsh Vclsh ρ cl CEC cl φ ss
sence of ground truth, as determined from measure- (14)
ments taken on recovered core samples, by making an V φ
= clss ⋅ sh
assumed equivalence between the clay/shale-like con- Vclsh φ ss
tents of a sandstone and a thick reference shale. To be
valid, an exact equivalence in composition and pore
The neutron log responds to the hydrogen index of clay
geometry is required. Such an equivalence is unlikely,
and is often used to estimate the volume of clay present
rendering assumption 4 equally unlikely. Having as-
in a sandstone or shale,
sumed such equivalence, shale properties are substi-
tuted for clay properties in a dual-water equation that
φn − φ
assumes that the conduction geometry of the pore vol- Vcl = , (15)
ume in which surface conduction occurs is identical to HI cl
that of the remainder of the pore system. The question-
able validity of this assumption introduces an unquanti- where φn is the neutron porosity of the shale or sand-
fiable degree of uncertainty into fluid saturation esti- stone and φ is the true porosity of the sandstone or
mates made using the dual-water conductivity model shale, often estimated from a density or NMR log. The
with log-derived estimates of its adjustable parameters. hydrogen index of the clay HIcl is characteristic of the
type of clay believed to be present in both shale and
The Juhasz “Dual-Water Model” sandstone. Qvn can be then be rewritten in terms of po-
rosity from neutron and density logs (or any other accu-
Another modification of the Waxman-Smits saturation rate porosity log replacing the density log),
equation was proposed by Juhasz (1981), also with the
goal of using well log data as a replacement for labora-
⎛ φ − φ ss ⎞ φ sh
tory data and correlations between lab and log data. Qvn = ⎜⎜ nss ⎟⋅
⎟ . (16)
Recall that Qv in W-S theory is a concentration of ex- ⎝ φ nsh − φ sh ⎠ φ ss
changeable counterions in milliequivalents per unit where φnss is the indicated neutron porosity response
from a well log, and φss, φsh, and φnsh are the end-
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

member responses of the density and neutron logs in Substitution of (23) for BQv in the Waxman-Smits satu-
shale-free sand and “sand-free” shale, respectively. The ration equation (3) gives the Juhasz saturation equation.
ratio (φnss − φss)/(φnsh − φsh) is a conventional Vsh esti-
mate, however in this case the meaning of Vsh is uncon- ⎡⎛ V φ ⎞ V φ −m* ⎤
ventional in that it refers only to the clay content and Ct = Swn* φssm* ⎢⎜⎜1− shJ sh ⎟⎟Cw + shJ sh φsh Csh ⎥ . (24)
⎣⎢⎝ φ S
ss w ⎠ φss Sw ⎦⎥
not the shale as a whole,

⎛ φ − φ ss ⎞ Vclss The variables in this saturation equation, with the ex-

VshJ ≡ ⎜⎜ nss ⎟⎟ = , (17) ception of n*, can all be estimated from log data using
⎝ φ nsh − φ sh ⎠ Vclsh various cross-plotting techniques described by Juhasz
(1981). The value of n* can only be obtained from
distinguished with the “J ” subscript to differentiate this laboratory data, or assigned by educated guess.
VshJ parameter from the conventional meaning of Vsh.
The subscripts “clss” and “clsh” refer to clay in the Use of the Juhasz saturation equation requires the fol-
sandstone and in shale, respectively. Following Juhasz, lowing assumptions:
the Vsh nomenclature is retained and Qvn in terms of VshJ
becomes 1. The same assumptions made by Waxman and Smits
(1968) and by Clavier, Coates and Dumanoir (1977,
φ sh 1984), especially the assumption that the sandstone
Qvn = V shJ . (18)
φ ss and shale have the same conduction geometry includ-
ing the same values of the Waxman-Smits porosity
exponent m*;
Using (12), the Waxman-Smits clay conductivity term
BQv becomes (where Qvss = Qv)
2. The clay mineralogy and conduction geometry of
associated sandstones and thick reference shale are
identical and known;
⎛ φ ⎞
BQv = BQvn Qvsh = B⎜⎜VshJ sh ⎟⎟Qvsh . (19)
⎝ φ ⎠ 3. All equation parameters, except n* can be determined
from logs. n* must be assumed or measured in the
According to W-S theory, the apparent water conduc- laboratory;
tivity of a shale Cwash comprises the sum of two terms:
the formation water conductivity Cw and the conductiv- 4. The neutron log in conjunction with another log or
ity of the shale due to clay cation exchange BQvsh. logs that give an accurate measure of porosity can be
used to obtain a valid clay volume;
C wash = C w + BQvsh . (20)
5. Qvn is comparable to α vq Qv in the dual-water model
and Swb in the Best et al. (1978) equation and gives an
Using Archie’s equation to express the conductivity of
accurate estimate of the volume of surface conduc-
a shale,
tion in sandstone;
C sh = φ sh C wash . (21) 6. (Csh φsh− m* − Cw) gives the surface conductivity due
to clay in shale;
Equation (21) substituted in (20) gives an expression
for the surface conductivity due to clay in shale, 7. The ratio of Qv of the sandstone of interest to that of
the associated reference shale is equal to the ratio of
− m*
BQvsh = C sh φ sh − Cw . (22) volumes of clay in each, normalized to their respec-
tive porosities.
Using the definition of Qvn (12) gives the following
expression for the Waxman-Smits clay conductivity The main problems with the Juhasz (1981) clay-bearing
term BQv, sand conductivity model arise from assumptions 1 and
2. The premise of Waxman and Smits, that the sand-
( − m*
BQv = Qvn C sh φ sh − Cw , ) stone and shale have the same conduction geometry, is
unlikely to be true for rocks. Further, at present there is
VshJ φ sh
(C sh )
φ sh− m* − C w .
(23) no reliable method for accurately determining or verify-
ing clay mineralogy from log data alone.

SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

Comparison of clay-bearing sandstone models ⎡ ⎤

⎢ f/f* ⎥
Archie: i* = i ⎢ ⎥. (28)
⎢ BQv ⎥
Ct = f i C w ⎢1 + C S ⎥
⎣ w w ⎦

Waxman-Smits: i* is used in both Waxman-Smits and dual-water model

⎡ BQv ⎤ equations.
Ct = f * i * ⎢C w + ⎥
⎣ Sw ⎦ The Vsh–based “modified dual-water model” equation
uses φ 2 and Sw2 for the Archie f and i parameters, and
Dual-Water Model: the Juhasz equation uses the Waxman-Smits parameters
⎡⎛ α v q Qv ⎞ β Qv ⎤ f * and i*.
Ct = f 0 i ⎢⎜⎜1 − ⎟ Cw +
⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣⎝ Sw ⎠ S w ⎥⎦
Surface Conductivity Equations Summarized

Best, et al (1978): The Waxman-Smits equation purports to account for

⎡⎛ S ⎞ S ⎤ the surface conductivity of clay minerals that compli-
Ct = (φ S w )2 ⎢⎜⎜1 − wb ⎟⎟C wf + wb C wb ⎥ cate interpretation in clay-bearing sandstones, but W-S
⎣⎢⎝ Sw ⎠ Sw ⎥⎦ employs a flawed premise regarding clay spatial distri-
bution and pore geometry and omits entirely the volu-
Juhasz: metric dependence. To get the volume of water unaf-
⎡⎛ V φ ⎞ V φ −m* ⎤ fected by surface conductivity, the dual-water model
Ct = f *i* ⎢⎜⎜1 − shJ sh ⎟⎟Cw + shJ sh φsh Csh ⎥ introduces a pore volume correction to account for the
⎢⎣⎝ φss S w ⎠ φss S w ⎥⎦ volume associated with clay surfaces in which conduc-
tion by cation exchange occurs. The Juhasz equation
Archie’s equation is meant for use in clay-free sand- attempts the same thing but uses data almost exclu-
stones, however it can be used equally well for clay- sively from well logs. The Best, et al. (1978) equation
bearing rocks. Cation exchange causes f and particu- is an oversimplified dual-water-type approach. Each of
larly i to vary with porosity and saturation. Use of these conductivity equations is founded upon implicit
Archie’s equation for interpretation of clay-bearing and/or explicit assumptions, some of which are difficult
sandstones requires laboratory measurement of f and i to justify. The premise that all these models share is the
in the porosity and saturation ranges of interest. Waxman-Smits assumption that the same formation
conductivity factor and conductivity index apply not
Archie’s, Waxman-Smits’ and the dual-water model only to the bulk pore water, but also to surface conduc-
equations have different formation conductivity factors tion on clays. This premise is prima facie false since it
and conductivity indices. Relationships between forma- requires that each conduction mechanism occurs in the
tion conductivity factors are listed below, same volume with the same conduction geometry; i.e.,
all conducting phases have the same formation resistiv-
C0 ity factor.
Archie: f = . (25)
Waxman-Smits: f * = . (26)
1 + BQv / C w Poupon equation for inter-bedded sediments

Dual-Water Model: Poupon, Loy, and Tixier (1954) published the first
f /(1 + BQv / C w ) widely-used shaly sand equation based on volumetric
f0 = = . (27) weighting. Their equation specifically applies to inter-
1 − α v q Qv (1 − αv q Qv ) preting the resistivity of interbedded shales and sands
that are not completely resolved by the resistivity log-
and the relationship between i and i* is ging instrument used. In the 1950’s wells tended to be
vertical and perpendicular to more or less horizontally
bedded sediments. Given this geometry, the beds re-
spond as a parallel resistor network. The current car-
ried by each bed is determined by its conductivity and
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

thickness. Each bed is assumed to have constant thick-

ness within the volume of the measurement so that the He also wrote
thickness of each bed is also equivalent to its volume. Ct* = AS w2 + BS w (33)
The total conductivity measured is then the volume-
weighted average of the conductivities of all the beds
without detailed explanation. Substituting equation (33)
within the measurement volume; i.e.,
in (32) gives
Ct = V1C1 + V2 C 2 + V3C 3 + ... , (29) Ct = AS w2 + BS w + [clay]Ccl , (34)

where the numbered subscripts refer to individual beds. which is the equation Simandoux actually published.
If the sand and shale beds within the measurement vol-
ume have characteristic conductivities Csd and Csh, then Since 1963 equation (31) has evolved considerably, and
the total conductivity can be apportioned by the is now written as
amounts of shale (Vsh) and sand (Vsd = 1 − Vsh),
Ct = f S w2 Cw + VshC sh . (35)
Ct = Vsh C sh + ( 1 − Vsh ) C sd . (30)
In spite of the differences between (31) or (34), and
If shale volume and conductivities are known, there are (35), equation (35) has become known as the “Siman-
no approximations in this equation. If the sandstone is doux equation.”
hydrocarbon-bearing, then the sandstone conductivity
can be expressed in terms of Archie’s equation (for Simandoux’s equation (34), if applied to rocks, and
example), equation (35) share common failings. The first terms
are not volume weighted, and the second, clay-effect,
Ct = Vsh C sh + (1 − Vsh ) φ m S wn C w . (31)
terms are not corrected for pore-geometric effects (i.e.,
there is no formation conductivity factor). The lack of
correction makes the clay-term too large, artificially
Equation (31) is commonly referred to as the “Poupon reducing the water saturation one would calculate. Re-
equation” used for determining saturations in thin- lying on the modified Simandoux equation for forma-
bedded sands and shales. tion evaluation or reserve estimates results in over-
estimating hydrocarbon reserves. This feature, while
Simandoux saturation equation giving incorrect hydrocarbon-in-place results, makes
the Simandoux equation very popular for equity deter-
Simandoux (1963) studied “homogeneous mixtures of mination.
sorted sand and natural clay in various proportions.”
The clay and sand were mixed in a CaCl2 solution to Poupon-Leveaux or “Indonesian” Equation
prevent ion exchange. No details of Simandoux’s meth-
odology are provided. The Poupon-Leveaux, or “Indonesian,” equation was
developed to cope with evaluation problems for certain
Despite the use of CaCl2, Simandoux observed a con- clay-rich formations in Indonesia. These formations
tribution to the conductivity due to the clay that was were characterized by high clay content (40-to-90 per-
independent of the “shape factor” of the porous medium cent) and high Rw (less than 40 kppm NaCl equivalent).
(i.e., Archie’s F) and depended only on the amount of Poupon and Leveaux (1968) conducted an empirical
clay in the mixture. This component of the observed computer study of “several Rt - Sw equations” and ob-
conductivity conducted in parallel with the solution tained “the best overall results” with
saturating the porous medium. Simandoux states that “it
is quite natural to assume that this term [the conduction
component] represents directly the surface conductivity ( )
Ct = Swn / 2 φ m / 2 Cw a +Vcl1−Vcl/ 2 Ccl , (36)
of the clay particles, which is added in parallel to the
where a is a fitting parameter with no physical interpre-
conductivity of the water in the pores.” Based on this
tation. No theoretical basis for (36) is offered, however
assumption he wrote a conductivity equation for the
it does reduce to Archie’s equation if Vcl = 0. No infor-
sand-shale-brine mixture,
mation is given about how to obtain either Vcl or Ccl.
Ct = Ct* + [clay]Ccl , (32)
The petrology and mineralogy of the Indonesian sedi-
where Ct* is the conductivity of the mixture exclusive ments that Poupon and Leveaux studied are not dis-
of any clay contribution, “[clay]” is the clay concentra- cussed. Although “clay” is referred to throughout their
tion and Ccl is the conductivity of the clay component.
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

paper, neither the clay mineralogy nor clay properties to Vcl2 −Vcl . No justification was presented for this, and it
are mentioned.
seems to have been a rather arbitrary addition. Term 2
Since little detail is provided in Poupon’s and of the equation also contains a saturation term S wn . The
Leveaux’s rock description, their reported clay volumes brine saturation, as given, is that of the whole rock, not
cannot be interpreted without resorting to speculation. that of the “clay,” although it is present in the “clay”
term. One would typically assume that the brine satura-
Homogeneous sediments that fit the description of 40- tion of the “clay” (or shale) is 100 percent not requiring
to-90 percent clay are typically shale. Consider that the Sw in Term 2.
maximum sandstone porosity is about 30 percent. In a The form of equation (34) is similar to a type of fitting
homogeneous rock, if percentages of clay were 40 per- equation used when looking for structure in a two di-
cent or higher, as they are reported to be, the clay mensional surface. The first two terms of the fitting
would be supporting sand grains. Thus the reported equation account for variation in the two variables be-
range of 40-to-90 percent clay might conceivably refer ing described and the third term (the square-root of the
to sediments with sand or carbonate grains suspended in product of the first two) describes the interaction of the
a clay matrix. However, such sediments would not have variables. According to Poupon and Leveaux (1968),
been economically interesting hydrocarbon reservoirs H. G. Doll had suggested in the 1940’s that “there
since Indonesia in the late 1960s had an abundance of should be such a term in the conductivity equation to
high quality, easily producible hydrocarbon reservoirs. account for the cross-linkage [interaction] of the two
networks [Archie and “clay” terms].” Equation (34)
Assuming Poupon and Leveaux were analyzing eco- seems to have been an attempt to introduce such a
nomically plausible reservoirs with a “clay” content of cross-linkage. No justification other than Doll’s opinion
this magnitude, it is likely that Poupon and Leveaux was given for including Term 3. To our knowledge, no
were actually referring to shale instead of clay. To have evidence has been presented since the Indonesian equa-
an economically productive reservoir, it is most likely tion was published that supports the need for such an
that the sediments that they were discussing were actu- interaction term.
ally thin inter-bedded sands and shales. If this was the
case, then there was no need to introduce the “Indone- The arbitrary nature of the Indonesian equation along
sian equation” since Poupon had already published the with the “clay”-shale confusion, the nebulous shale
parallel conductor model for inter-bedded sand and formation factor along with the inclusion of Swn in the
shale in 1954 (Poupon, Loy, and Tixier, 1954). shale term (Term 2) and the presence of the interaction
term make it essentially impossible to interpret the re-
sults of its use for calculating water saturation, unless
The “Indonesian equation” is an ad hoc empirical de-
Vcl is zero. Despite this, some analysts occasionally
velopment without any theoretical basis. It was devised
obtain “reasonable” results using the Indonesian equa-
to give 100 percent brine saturation in clay/shale-
tion. This simply underscores the oil-field adage that
bearing water sands and default to Archie's equation in
“anything will work somewhere.”
clean sands. Since it was developed in the late 1960’s, it
may have been more due to an opportunity to experi-
ment with computers, which were then new in the in- A comprehensive “shaly sand” saturation equation
dustry, than to solve a possibly complex formation
evaluation problem. A comprehensive “shaly sand” equation must account
for conductivity due to thin shale interbeds as well as
If equation (33) is squared, three terms result: conductivity due to clay contained in sandstone. Pou-
pon’s equation (equation (31)) correctly describes the
conductivity of sand-shale interbeds and can serve as
Ct = φ m S wn C w (Term 1) the starting point for a rigorous description of parallel
conduction models comprising shale layers laminated
+ Vcl2−Vcl S wn Ccl (Term 2) (37) with clay-bearing sandstones.

+ 2S wn Vcl2−Vcl C cl φ m C w (Term 3) The conductivity of sandstone containing clay must

include both the effects of conduction on clay surfaces
by cation exchange and conduction within the pore
space. These two sources of conduction must be con-
Term 1 is Archie’s equation for clean sands. Term 2 sidered separately since each has a separate conduction
seems to be a similar equation for the “clay” component volume and geometry. The volume of the double layer
with a formation conductivity factor term equal on clay surfaces in which conduction by cation ex-
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

change occurs φdl and the volume of the inter-granular

pore space φp constitute the entire pore volume φ such
( m n m
Ct = VshCsh + (1−Vsh ) φ p p Swp Cw + Cs + φmpmp Cw . (42)

that φdl + φp = φ. The electrical effects of the conduction

geometry are embodied in the geometrical factor (or Equation (42) can be considered a generalized “shaly
electrical efficiency; Herrick and Kennedy; 1993, 1994, sand” equation, including conduction due to unresolved
2009) of each conducting volume. The conduction shale interbeds, also including clay-bearing sandstone
equation describing the conductivity of a “shaly sand” beds with conduction due to surface conductivity on
is the sum of the components: clay, and due to a continuous clay and/or other micro-
pore system.
Ct = VshCsh + (1−Vsh ) Swpφ petpE0 pCw +φdl EdlCdl ) (38) Relying on published saturation equations can result in
inaccurate estimates of hydrocarbon pore volume, and
If the conduction volumes and geometries are combined is unnecessary. But use of (42) requires the determina-
in terms of the formation conductivity factor and the tion of many parameters; e.g., mp, np, mmp, etc. Another
conductivity index, (38) becomes approach to a “shaly sand” saturation equation that may
be simpler than experimentally evaluating all the pa-
Ct = Vsh Csh + (1 − Vsh ) f p i p C w + f dl Cdl ) (39)
rameters of equation (42) is a purely empirical approach
that is still based on conduction physics. We know that
brine content is related to resistivity in a reciprocal
The formation conductivity factor and conductivity sense. To simplify interpretation it is better to establish
index of the clay double layer are difficult to determine, relationships using conductivity thereby avoiding the
experimentally or otherwise, and since Cs = fdl Cdl, necessity of working in log-log space. Then, in the
equation (39) is better expressed as laboratory, measure conductivity as a function of brine
content and fit the results with the simplest equation
Ct = Vsh Csh + (1 − Vsh ) f p i p Cw + Cs . ) (40) that suitably minimizes the deviations between observa-
tions and predictions over the brine content range of
Cs can be evaluated in the laboratory with a C0–Cw interest. The result is a saturation equation that is suit-
measurement (Figure 1). It might also be estimated able to that same rock-type throughout a reservoir.
from log data if a water saturated sandstone section is Other relationships must be determined for other rock-
present, the connate brine conductivity is known, and types.
the mud filtrate has a significantly different conductiv- We also know that the formation conductivity factor is
ity than the formation water and completely saturates the product of volumetric and geometric variables, po-
the invaded zone. Then values of C0 and Cw for both the rosity and geometrical factor (electrical efficiency). The
flushed zone and the formation are known and a two- formation factor is therefore not uniquely related to
point C0–Cw plot can be constructed. The C0 intercept at either. Many different values of porosity and geometric
Cw = 0 is an estimate of Cs as depicted in Figure 1. factor can give the same formation factor. To improve
interpretative capability we recommend always separat-
Hydrocarbons will displace brine from larger pores in ing the formation factor into its volumetric and geomet-
response to capillary effects. However, micropores tend ric components.
to remain brine-saturated if the micropore surfaces are
hydrophilic, as would typically be the case. If a con- SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS
tinuous micropore system is present (e.g., chlorite grain
coatings), then an additional conduction volume is pre- The term “shaly sand” is appropriate for sandstones
sent in addition to the macropore system and the double with thin shale inter-beds or sandstones containing
layer on clay surfaces. The assumption can reasonably shale clasts. Other uses of the term are frequently mis-
be made that a continuous micropore system would leading or wrong. It is commonly used to refer to sand-
conduct in parallel with the other conducting compo- stones containing clay of authigenic origin which is not
nents and can be included in the conductivity equation, “shale” by any definition. “Shale” refers to a particular
type of rock that is typically fine-grained and fissile.
Ct = Vsh C sh + (1 − Vsh ) f p i p C w + C s + Cmp , ) (41) Clay, on the other hand, refers to a class of phyllosili-
cate minerals that typically have a very small crystal or
where the subscript “mp” signifies the continuous mi- grain size. Clay minerals are a common detrital compo-
cropore system which has its own conduction geometry nent of shales, averaging about 40 percent.
so that Cmp = fmp Cw = E0mp φmp Cw. Or equation (41) can
also be expressed using an Archie model, “Shaly sands” are often categorized as possessing
“structural shale,” “laminated shale,” or “dispersed

SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

shale.” There are no published saturation equations for sequently, a generation of formation evaluators has
sandstones containing “structural shale,” i.e. sandstones used these models based on faith in prior authority, and
with shale clasts. Laminated shale is described by Pou- the need for a practical interpretation method. There is
pon's equation (Poupon, Loy and Tixier, 1954) as the no doubt that these models will continue to be used
volume-weighted average of the inter-bedded shale and unless and until more rational alternatives become
sandstone conductivities. Sandstones with dispersed available.
shale, in the sense that sandstone contains true shale
similar in all respects to that in associated shale beds, History, as reviewed in this article, teaches that it is not
are likely to be rare. Examples might be debris flows or easy to characterize the conductivity components of a
highly bioturbated sand/shale. “dispersed-clay”, or a “shaly-sand”, system. What can
be said about the conditions that a proper parallel con-
There are a variety of saturation equations purported to duction model must satisfy? The following require-
be applicable to sandstones that contain dispersed shale. ments must be met: (1) each rock-type included in the
These equations rely on estimating the volume of shale analysis (e.g., thin beds of sandstone and shale) must be
in sandstone using log responses and assuming that the volume-weighted, and the weights must sum to unity;
properties of shale in the sandstone are identical to (2) each porosity component of each rock-type must
those of an associated shale bed thick enough to pro- allow for separate pore geometrical factors because the
vide unambiguous log data. Most sandstones described porosity components occupy different regions of space
as containing dispersed shale do not, in fact, contain and can be expected to have independent—if perhaps
shale, but have authigenic clay as grain coatings or in complementary—geometry; (3) the total pore space of
the pore space. The properties of an associated shale each rock-type must be apportioned among its porosity
bed give no information about the properties of authi- components, and must sum to the total porosity; (4)
genic clay in clay-bearing sandstones. In addition, dis- finally, water saturation must be apportioned among the
persed shale saturation equations such as the Poupon’s porosity components, and the sum of water content and
and Leveaux’s (1968), or the Indonesian equation, or hydrocarbon content must equal porosity.
that attributed to Simandoux (1963), are empirical hav-
ing no theoretical basis. The quality of the assumptions Any model that resolves bulk rock conductivity into a
required to use these dispersed shale saturation equa- pure linear combination of conductivity factors is de-
tions make them unsupportable from a scientific point fective in some way unless all the conditions listed
of view, and risky to use if accurate quantitative satura- above can be met. This does not preclude models that
tions are required.. are not of the purely volume-weighted parallel conduc-
tion type. However, other types of models will have to
Saturation equations that describe the conductivity of satisfy their own sets of restrictions, and from a scien-
sandstones containing authigenic clay such as those of tific point of view these should be identified in advance
Waxman and Smits (1968), Clavier, et al. (1977) and of using the model, so that a model’s strengths and de-
Juhasz (1981) have some theoretical background, but ficiencies will be fully known from the beginning.
are also based on the flawed premise that the same con-
duction geometry, as embodied in the formation resis- The purpose of this article has been to analyze and cri-
tivity factor, pertains to conduction both by brine in the tique the most commonly used “shaly sand” saturation
pore system and by cation exchange on clay surfaces. equations. On the other hand, perhaps the most valuable
The volumes in which these two conduction mecha- lesson to be learned is to have a healthy skepticism re-
nisms occur are mutually exclusive, one being in the garding popularly used equations and procedures. We
pore and the other on clay surfaces. The geometries of should instead seek to discover and carefully evaluate
the clay surface and pore space are quite different. The their underlying assumptions, rejecting those without
premise that surface conduction and conduction in the rigorous scientific justification.
pore space have the same formation resistivity factor
(or electrical efficiency) is simply false. We think it is likely that we petrophysicists in general
have overlooked the most important lesson to be
Care must be taken when using published saturation learned from Archie’s saturation equation, and that is
equations for “shaly sands” since, with the exception of how he achieved it. Archie arrived at an empirically
Poupon's (1954) equation for inter-bedded shale and determined equation that suitably described the rela-
sand, all are based on flawed assumptions. tionship he was looking for without preconception of
what it should be; he obtained a satisfactory fitting
Shaly sand and dispersed shale equations arose to meet equation using the curve fitting techniques that were
a pressing need; however, there has been little in the readily available in his time (i.e., log-log graph paper).
way of technical critiques of the various methods. Con- Times have changed. The universal availability of pow-

SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

erful electronic computers permits us to easily and rou- Herrick, D. C. and W. D. Kennedy, 2009, A New Look
tinely apply sophisticated curve-fitting technology, but at Electrical Conduction in Porous Media: A Physical
our methodology should be Archie’s: find a suitable Description of Rock Conductivity, Transactions,
relationship and use it. This is a purely empirical ap- SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium June 21-24,
proach exemplified by the method Archie used. This this volume.
approach, however, can be improved on by basing the
fitting equation on established principles of physics, Juhasz, I., 1981, Normalized Qv – the key to shaly sand
thereby endowing our empirically determined adjust- evaluation using the Waxman-Smits equation in the
able parameters with unambiguous physical meaning. absence of core data, Transactions, SPWLA 22nd An-
The “best” fitting equation is one that suitably mini- nual Logging Symposium, June 23-26, paper Z.
mizes the errors in its predictions, is the simplest if
there is more than one to choose from, and is based on Poupon, Loy and Tixier, 1954, A contribution to elec-
physics. tric log interpretation in shaly sands, Transactions,
AIME, vol. 201, pp. 138-145.
Poupon, A., J. Leveaux (1971), Evaluation of water
Although we have been cogitating on these matters saturation in shaly formations, Transactions, SPWLA
since well before our employment at BHI, and will 12th Annual Logging Symposium, paper O.
probably continue long after our departure, we are ap-
preciative of BHI managements’ sharing our interest in Simandoux, P., 1963, (translated by L. Moinard, in the
researching this interesting problem, and their generous SPWLA Shaly sand reprint volume, 1982), Dielectric
support of our efforts. We hope that the ideas expressed measurements on porous media, application to the
in this paper will be of future benefit to BHI and to measurement of water saturations, study of the behavior
petrophysicists in general. of argillaceous formations, Revue de l’Institut Francais
du Petrole, pp. 193-215.
Waxman, M. H., and Smits L. J. M., 1968, Electrical
Archie, G. E., 1942, The electrical resistivity log as an conductivities in oil-bearing sands, SPE Journal, June,
aid in determining some reservoir characteristics, pp. 107-122.
Transactions, AIME, vol. 146.
Worthington, P. F., “The Evolution of Shaly-Sand Con-
Best, D. L., J. S. Gardner and J. L. Dumanoir , 1978, A cepts in Reservoir Evaluation,” The Log Analyst,
computer-processed wellsite log computation, Transac- Jan.-Feb. 1985.
tions, SPWLA 19th Annual Logging Symposium, June
13-16, paper Z. BIOGRAPHIES

Clavier, C., G. Coates, and J. Dumanoir, 1977, The David C. Herrick, is currently semi-retired and con-
theoretical and experimental bases for the ‘dual-water’ sulting. He was trained in chemistry and geochemistry
model for the interpretation of shaly sands. SPE 6859, at Indiana University (B.S.) and Penn State (Ph.D.).
October. Dave has conducted research, training and technical
service during his thirty years in the petroleum industry
Clavier, C., G. Coates, and J. Dumanoir, 1984, Theo- for Conoco, Amoco, Mobil and Baker Hughes in the
retical and experimental bases for the dual-water model areas of geochemistry, petrology and petrophysics. He
for interpretation of shaly sands. SPE Journal, April, has recently been Senior Petrophysical Advisor and
pp. 153-168. Chief Petrophysicist in the Houston Technology Center
of Baker Hughes Inc. Dave has given over fifty presen-
Herrick, D. C. and W. D. Kennedy, 1993, Electrical tations and schools on petrophysics, resistivity interpre-
efficiency: a pore geometric model for the electrical tation, the meaning of porosity terminology and the
properties of rocks, Transactions, SPWLA 34th Annual impact of pore geometry on permeability and conduc-
Logging Symposium June 13-16, paper HH. tivity.

Herrick, D. C. and W. D. Kennedy, 1994, Electrical W. David Kennedy is a Senior Research Advisor in
efficiency-A pore geometric theory for interpreting the Baker Hughes Inteq’s Strategic Technology and Ad-
electrical properties of reservoir rocks, Geophysics, vanced Research group in the BHI Houston Technology
vol.59, No. 6, pp. 918-927. Center. Dave trained in physics at Georgia Tech and
U. T. Dallas, and geoscience at U. T. Dallas, with fur-
SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21-24, 2009

ther training at U. C. Berkeley; he was employed seri-

ally by Schlumberger, Arco, Lockheed, Mobil, and
ExxonMobil, and most recently at Baker Hughes Inteq.
David stayed with ExxonMobil for 20 years to prove to
his mother that he could hold a job. Having convinced
his mother, David retired from ExxonMobil in 2007. He
is coinventor and inventor on six patents and coauthor
or author 30 or so publications, and is not quite done
yet. Along the way, Dave has edited the SPWLA jour-
nal, Petrophysics, for four years, and served the
SPWLA as VP Publications during that time.


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