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DOCENTE: Arq. Manuel German Lizarzaburo Aguinaga

ASIGNATURA: Cultural Heritage

 Diaz Sipiran, Arlette
 Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Cristian
 Guanilo Garcia, Yesenia



The Historical Center of Trujillo, constitutes the most important urban nucleus of the city
due to the valuable architectural and urbanistic cultural heritage that still conserves and
represents the historical and collective memory of the city. Likewise it is a space where a
diversity of functions is concentrated, from residential, administrative, commercial and
service activities, the latter being the ones that predominate. These multiple functions in
recent years have produced high pedestrian and vehicular flows, generating problems and
conflicts in the urban mobility of residents and users who visit and use the Historic Center
of Trujillo for its multiple daily activities. These conflicts in urban mobility such as traffic
congestion, the loss of public space and environmental pollution are not causes of the
problems of the historic center, but are consequences of inadequate planning and
orientation of urban activities in the city of Trujillo and therefore in the historic center.
Traffic congestion in the Historic Center of Trujillo has increased, evidencing more in the
shreds where economic activities are concentrated, which constitutes a danger for the
quality of urban life, as well as for the monumental heritage, which is evidenced in the
reduction of circulation speeds, which translates into increased travel times and
atmospheric pollution, especially carbon monoxide and particular material that affect


In the Historic Center of Trujillo, there are approximately 1815 lots and 5468 land units
according to information from the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo; and the one with
the highest concentration of commercial activities, work centers, administrative civic,
religious, services, recreational and leisure activities and, to a lesser extent, housing, by
which the greatest demands for transportation and mobility are created; generating a high
traffic congestion, as well as the need to supply goods to business centers.
Like other historic centers, the road structure that owns the Historic Center of Trujillo,
was not designed for vehicular circulation but arose at a time when the internal
displacement of the city was mainly pedestrian, so the excessive vehicular transportation
that it became more acute as of the 90s in Peru; generated great problems, making
accessibility difficult and thus causing insecurity for pedestrians and high vehicular
density. This occurs in a context of progressive growth and indiscriminate use of cars as
a means of transport, which saturates the historic center to be this, the center attractor of
major movements by commercial and tertiary activities. About 35% of the establishments
located in the Center are intended for commercial use, predominantly small businesses
dedicated to retail trade mainly in the areas of clothing, footwear and household items.
The concentration of commercial use is characteristic in blocks 4 to 7 of the shreds
Pizarro, Bolivar, Ayacucho and Grau, as well as on the fronts of the Avenida España
between Almagro and Colón, linked to the presence of the Mall Malvinas and fairs of
footwear neighbors. Some urban areas present phenomena of conglomeration of
commercial activities and related services, which, as old trade streets, become specialized
urban attractors (street pharmacies and laboratories, opticians, hairdressers, sweetshops,
among others). Its central location produces some problems of supply of merchandise and
its shortage, linked to traffic congestion, pedestrian and pollutants.
In a study carried out by Metropolitan Transportation of Trujillo-TMT (2016) enter 8,089
vehicles per hour, of which 1,862 are private cars, occupying the second place in
contributing to traffic congestion and also a high percentage of noise that undermine our
heritage and the tourists.
Mainly congested the Jr. Orbegoso with 941 veh / h and Jr. San Martin with 895 veh / h.
This not only because of the large number of vehicles but also because of the cars parked
in the streets obstructing the flow of traffic.
The offer of parking spaces in the Historic Center is wide, with a real capacity of 1,132
parking spaces on public roads and as many on private parking beaches, not counting the
offer of 330 seats in the municipal parking building. Studies show that 42% of drivers
park their vehicles on public roads, while 58% do so in private parking lots, with a
frequency of varied use (30% daily, 53% weekly, 12% per month). These are distributed
in 51 locations (located inside the Historic Center and on the perimeter of Avenida
España), where 85% of its infrastructure presents a poor state of conservation (temporary
material, without adequate services), undermining environmental quality from the center.
The concentration and growth of commercial uses, offices and services, influence the
increase in vehicular traffic as well as the increase in demand for parking spaces,
generating, in some cases, the adaptation of heritage buildings to parking lots.

3.1.Merchandise transports
When there is a high concentration of economic activities in the center, it is important
to consider the transport of goods, there being a clear need for this type of transport
to supply the different activities, from gas to restaurants, as well as electrical
appliances, products for the market among others.
The Municipality of Trujillo, has a Municipal Ordinance No. 038-2009-MPT, which
establishes that for the transport of goods to the historic center should be supplied
only with vehicles of gross weight of 3.5 tons or less and at restricted times such as
2.00pm-4.00pm. and from 9.00pm-8.00am. And if we consider the road infrastructure
of the historic center we have some problems and inconsistencies; since there is a rush
hour from 7.00am to 7.30am. which overlaps with the sourcing schedule proposed by
the ordinance in question.
3.2.Private cars
It is contradictory to know that a high percentage of the population of Trujillo, 80%
do not have any vehicle in their home, while 15% of them have only one vehicle and
even so we have problems with the high volume of motor vehicles in the city center.
3.3.Traffic light
The signage is important to be able to achieve an adequate pedestrian and vehicular
circulation being the traffic light one of them. In the historical center there are 50
interior intersections without considering those of the avenue Spain, of which 23 are
signalized leaving 27 unattended, intersections where the priorities of passage are
not clearly defined causing dangerous situations. The traffic lights are designed
giving priority to the vehicle, since there are no traffic lights for pedestrians and in
some intersections it is very difficult to pass, even worse if it were a person with
limited mobility or with some disability.
3.4. Pedestrians
With regard to pedestrian circulation, there are also problems due to the presence of
the floating population, compared to the narrowness of the paths and the presence of
street vendors that occupy part of the roads. In some congested streets there are
conflicts between vehicular and pedestrian traffic, endangering pedestrian safety.
The colonial foundational urban plot with checkerboard pattern remains in force since
its foundation in the first third of the sixteenth century, where there is a serene
combination of rectangular blocks and streets of similar proportion and scale. It has
an area of 133.5 Ha., Of which 45% is destined to public spaces and road
infrastructure. It comprises 72 cadastral blocks of approximately 120 by 120 m, and
according to the preliminary survey (SATT 2000).
Due to the urban dynamic that it always had, the Historic Center has been permanently
renewed, a fact that is not only related to the displacement of residential uses towards
the periphery, but also to the concentration and consolidation of commercial uses and
profitable services in its area.
The streets inside the historic center have the following characteristics: they measure
between 9.88m to 11.69m wide approx. And they have blocks of 95 to 175 m.

The global vision of distribution in the Historic Center of Trujillo according to the
recently updated survey, identifies a mixed structure with all use categories discretely
distributed throughout the monumental area, noting that, in the downtown blocks,
with very few exceptions, there are premises for commercial and service use, and for
housing purposes.
The circulation pattern in the Civic Center operates as a road system, with 14 access
roads and the same number of exit routes, without any restriction of turns at their
The spatial physical organization of the territory presents a certain degree of
imbalance, expressed in the monocentric growth of the city around its foundational
nucleus, with a set of radial routes that allow entry or exit from the central area. This
situation presents a concentration of activities, as well as vehicular, pedestrian and
urban transport traffic around the central area; producing congestion, loss of time,
safety and comfort in the movement of people, goods and services. The radiocentric
road structure of the city, determines that important radial roads of the metropolitan
level (Avenidas Mansiche, Miraflores, Víctor Larco, Nicolás de Piérola, Peru, among
others) converge in the Center and reach the Plaza Mayor, taking Avenida España that
borders the Historic Center, as its first road ring, inside which are local roads called

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