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2°) What is an article made of?

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 What is an article made of ?

 Name the different parts of the article using words taken from the list :

Caption – Title or headline – Date – Body or “Text” - Journalist ‘s name - Photo - lead (sentence) – Newspaper name

Thu 2 Aug 2018

Bones found at Stonehenge belonged to people from Wales

Tests show 5,000-year-old remains found at the world heritage site came from more than
100 miles away in west Wales

Stonehenge, England, UK
The bones of people buried at Stonehenge, who died and were cremated about 5,000
years ago, have given up their secrets: […] they came from west Wales , near the Preseli
Hills where the stones were quarried.

The remains of at least 10 of 25 individuals showed that they came from more than 100
miles away. Examination of the remains showed the most likely origin of at least some
of these people was a region that includes west Wales.
Maev Kennedy
An article is composed of several elements:
- The _______________________ also known as the title which is often
illustrated by a _______________________ with a _______________________ .
- The abstract or the ____________________ (sentence) that summarises
the main points of the article . It generally answers the 5 Ws : ____________,
____________, ____________, ____________ and ____________.
- The _______________ or the _______________ , where the main ideas are

  Expand each headline into a complete sentence .

 Identify what types of words have been omitted from the headline and discuss why .

 
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 
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 
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  Turn each sentence into a headline.

a- 58 people were killed in a shooting in Las Vegas .

 ………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………

b- The Bones which were found at Stonehenge belonged to people who were
coming from Wales .


c- Neymar Risks being eclipsed by Kylian Mbappe the sparkling ‘Jewel’ in

the World Cup .


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