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Discovery Learning

Compiled by:
Group 1
1. Aminatul Karimah 12030174204
2. Astrie Karina 12030174212
3. Ilde Ilka Jade 12030174240
4. M. Helmy Firmansyah 12030174258

2012 International Mathematics Education


Subject : Mathematics
Mata Pelajaran : Matematika
Class/Semester : XIII (Eight) / Even
Kelas/Semester : XIII (Delapan) / Genap
Sequence of Meeting :
Pertemuan Ke- :
Duration : 2×40 minutes
Alokasi Waktu : 2×40 menit
Basic Competence :
Kompetensi Inti :
1. Appreciate and practice their religion
Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual

assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive, and pro-active and show
the attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment as well as in position ourselves as a reflection of the
nation in the association world.
Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan
sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

3. Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based on

the curiosity sense about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with an
insight into humanity, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and
events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the field of study according to the
specific talents and interests to solve the problem.
Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin
tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian
tampak mata.

4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of the self-learned at school, and were able to use the
method according to the rules of science.
Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

A. Basic Competence/ Kompetensi Dasar

3.9 Determine the surface area and volume of cube, rectangular prism, and pyramid .
Menentukan luas permukaan dan volume kubus, balok, prisma, dan limas.

B. Indicator / Indikator
3.9.1 Can find and determine the formula of pyramid based on the volume of cube
Dapat menemukan dan menentukan volume limas dengan menerapkan volume

C. Learning Outcomes/ Tujuan pembelajaran Student can find and determine the formula of pyramid based on the volume of cube
Siswa dapat menemukan dan menentukan volume limas dengan menerapkan volume
kubus yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya.

D. Method of Learning
1. Model of Learning : Discovery Learning
Model pembelajaran : Pembelajaran Penemuan
2. Method of Learning : Questioning, discussion, and given task
metode pembelajaran : Tanya-jawab, diskusi, dan pemberian tugas
E. Steps of Learning/ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
a. Initial Activities (± 5 minutes) / Kegiatan Awal (± 5 menit)
1. Teacher checks student attendance.
Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.
2. Apperception : Teacher connects the topic that will be learned with previous topic
that is a volume of cube by questioning.
Apersepsi : Guru mengkaitkan topik yang akan dipelajari dengan topik sebelumnya
yaitu volume kubus melalui tanya jawab.

Phase 1: Stimulation
Fase 1 : Stimulasi/Pemberian Rangsangan
3. Teacher give the informations about material of the day, teacher can give the
questions like “How you can conclude the volume of gizza pyramid ?” . “Today we
can learn about how to find the volume of pyramid”.
Guru memberikan informasi tentang materi apa yang akan dipelajari, dapat
dilakukan dengan pertanyaan misalnya bagaimana kalian menghitung volume
piramida gizza ? “Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang bagaimana menemukan volume
pyramid atau limas”.
4. Teacher defied the students to be group, every group have four members.
Guru membagi siswa kedalam beberapa kelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri dari 4
orang siswa secara heterogen.

5. Teacher give the questions to students for explore the curiosity of students
Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa untuk menggali rasa ingin tahu siswa.

6. Teacher motivates the student by related the topic that is perimeter in daily life.
Suppose : How to find the volume of pyramid with the volume you got before (cube) ?
Can you imagine that ?
Guru memotivasi siswa dengan mengkaitkan topik keliling persegi panjang dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari
Misalnya : Bagaimana cara menemukan volume piramida gizza dengan menggunakan
volume kubus yang kalian dapat sebelumnya? Dapatkah kalian membayangkannya ?

b. Main Activities (± 55 minutes)/ Kegiatan Inti (± 55 menit)

Phase 2 : Problem Statement
Fase 2 : Pernyataan/ Identifikasi Masalah
1. Teacher gives a work sheet for every group.
Guru memberikan lembar kerja siswa kepada setiap kelompok.

2. Teacher guide the students of the relevant problems with the subject matter
Guru membimbing siswa untuk masalah-masalah yang relevan dengan bahan
Teacher :”Try closed the cube and pyramid, what is the same ? try to take the
pyramid on top of the cube, What is the same ?
Guru : “Coba dekatkan kubus dengan limas, apa yang sama? Coba taruh limas di
atas kubus, apa yang sama?
Students: “Have a same side, but the high of pyramid A = high of cube and pyramid
B = ½ high of cube”
Siswa : Sisi alasnya sama, tetapi tinggi limas A = tinggi kubus dan tinggi limas B =
½ tinggi kubus”
Teacher: “ Good, Now try to fill the cube with a sand until full. Can you get the
volume of cube? What is the formula?
Guru : “Bagus, sekarang coba isi kubus dengan pasir(benda lain) yang saya berikan
sampai penuh, dapatkah kamu mencari volume kubus? Apa rumusnya?
3. Student make a formula based on the hypothesis of the problem
Siswa merumuskan hipotesis permasalahan
Students : “We can find from the high and calculate with the formula (side x side x
Siswa : “dengan cara mencari tingginya dan menghitung dengan rumus sisi kali sisi
kali sisi
Teacher: “Really Good, Can you compare the volume of pyramid between volume of
cube ? How do you fill the cube with a sand and use the pyramid to fill until full?
What do you get? Can you compare it ?
Guru : “Bagus sekali, Dapatkah kamu membandingkan isi atau volume limas
terhadap volume kubus, bagaimana jika kalian mengisi kubus dengan pasir
menggunakan limas sampai penuh? Apa yang kalian dapatkan ? Dapatkah kamu
membuat perbandingannya?”
Students: “Yes, I can.”
Siswa : “Bisa”

Phase 3 : Data Collection

Fase 3 : Pengumpulan Data
1. Teacher give the time to students for try the experiment.
Guru memberi kesempatan pada siswa untuk mencoba langsung dengan
Teacher: “Oke, now you can try the experiment based your hypothesis.
Guru : “Baik, sekarang silahkan kalian mencoba langsung bereksperimen sesuai
dengan hipotesismu
2. Students try the experiment.
Siswa mencoba langsung bereksperimen.

Phase 4 : Data Processing

Fase 4 : Pengolahan Data
1. Teacher guide the students to process the data.
Guru membimbing siswa untuk mengolah data.
Teacher: “please analysis the formula of pyramid, appropriate with the symbol of
pyramid and write the information from your experiment.”
Guru : “Silahkan kalian uraiakan rumus volume limas sesuaikan dengan istilah dalam
limas dan tulis informasi yang kalian dapat dari bereksperimen.”
2. Students process and write the data in answers sheet.
Siswa mengolah dan menulis hasil data di lebar jawaban siswa.
Phase 5 : Verification
Fase 5 : Pembuktian
1. Teacher give the time to students for explain the result of the experiment.
Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk menjelaskan hasil eksperimen.
Teacher: “What you get from your experiment?”
Guru : “Apa yang kalian dapatkan dari ekperimen yang kalian lakukan ?”
Students: “Students answer the questions with the different anwer.”
Siswa : “Siswa menjawab dengan jawaban tang berbeda antar kelompok.”
Teacher: “You can present your result”
Guru : “Coba presentasikan hasil yang beda tersebut”

2. Teacher help the students to proof the hypothesis.

Guru membantu siswa membuktikan benar atau tidaknya hipotesis
Teacher: “Good, what do you get from your hypothesis? What the different between
pyramid A and B ?
Guru : “Bagus, apa yang kalian dapatkan dari hipotesis yang kalian buat? Apa yang
beda dari limas A dan B ?”
Students : “Answer”
Siswa: “Menjawab”

Phase 6 : Generalization
Fase 6 : Menarik Kesimpulan
1. Teacher give the time to students for generalization
Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk menyimpulkan
Teacher: “What is the conclude you get ?”
Guru : “Apa yang dapat kamu simpulkan?”
Students: “The formula of pyramid is 1/3 x the area of base x high”
Siswa : “Rumus volume setiap limas sama yaitu 1/3 x luas alas x tinggi”
Final Activities
Kegiatan Akhir
1. Teacher give the appreciations for all students with applause
Guru memberi apresiasi kepada semua siswa dengan tepuk tangan

2. Teacher and students reflection about what we’re learn today.

Guru bersama siswa merefleksi apa yang diperlajari hari ini
Teacher: “What you’re learn today?”
Guru : “Apa yang kalian pelajari hari ini?”
Students: “the volume of pyramid is same, that is 1/3 x the area of base x high.”
Siswa : “Rumus volume setiap limas itu sama yaitu = 1/3 x luas alas x tinggi.”

3. Teacher closes the activity today.

Guru menutup pelajaran hari ini.

F. Equipment/Material/Learning Source :
Alat/ Bahan/ Sumber Belajar :
1. Tenth Grade Mathematics Book
Buku Matematika kelas X
2. Student spreadsheet
3. Cube, Pyramid with ½ height of Cube, Pyramid with same height from Carton
Bangun Kubus, Limas dengan ½ tinggi kubus, dan :Limas dengan tinggi sama tanpa
tutup dari Karton
4. Marker
5. Eraser
Finding Volume of Pyramid
Members of Group :

There are three dimension space available. cube, and 2 Pyramids have the sama base area but
different in height. The height of namely pyramid A = height of cube and the height of namely
pyramid B = ½ height of cube.

Follow this procedure below!

1. Calculate the volume of cube !
How about the volume?
2. Fill the cube using pyramid with sand until full!
3. Compare the volume of pyramid to the volume of cube! What you get ?
4. How can you compare it? Explain!
5. Expand your result experiment when you have done it!
6. Finding a formula of volume A and volume B from the experiment’s result.
7. What’s the different from the pyramid A and B?

Pyramid A Pyramid B

8. Conclusion
Value Scoring
Standar Kinerja
Performance standards 4 3 2 1

1. Determine the problem

2. Determine hypothesis of solution

3. Doing experiment

Determine formula of volume of pyramid

using from experiment

5. Determine conclusion from experiment

Skor Minimum = 1  4 = 4
Minimum Score = 1  4 = 4
Skor maksimum = 4  4= 16
Maximum Score = 4  4= 16

Kreteria/ The criteria :

13  16 : Sangat baik/ Excellent
10  12 : Baik/ Good
7  9 : Cukup/ Enough
4  6 : Buruk/ Bad

nilai total
nilai siswa =  100
skor maksimal

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
Student score =  100
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

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