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Descriptive Science

A recent Guest Commentary from Infection and Immunity provides

some insights on descriptive versus hypothesis-driven research
Arturo Casadevall and Ferric C. Fang

“Certainly no developed science is merely many esteemed scientific disciplines, such as as-
descriptive in the narrower sense of the tronomy, archaeology, and paleontology, are al-
word—it seeks to explain.” most entirely descriptive sciences (D. A. Grimaldi
—Ernest Albee (Philos. Rev. 16:40 – and M. S. Engel, Bioscience 57:646 – 647, 2008).
49, 1907) Newton’s laws of motion can be considered de-
scriptive, and there is nothing mechanistic about
he Instructions to Authors for Infec- the gravitational constant. Nevertheless, we hold

T tion and Immunity state that “IAI these laws in great esteem because they are able to
will not consider papers that are . . . predict the behavior of the natural world. One
purely descriptive.” When applied to cannot perform an experiment in which a stellar
science, the word “descriptive” has
variable or a geological epoch is altered. More-
acquired dismissive or pejorative connotations
over, the descriptive sciences of taxonomy, anat-
and is frequently provided as justification for
omy, botany, and paleontology have been central
rejection of a manuscript or grant application.
to the development of evolutionary theory, which
Given the widespread use of this adjective and
remains the linchpin of all biological sciences.
Arturo Casadevall is its profound implications, it is worthwhile to
Hence, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with
Chair of the Depart- reflect on what is right or wrong with descriptive
descriptive research, with the caveat that a scien-
ment of Microbiol- science.
tific field may demand more from an investigator
ogy & Immunology The word “descriptive” is defined as “refer-
once it becomes an experimental science.
Leo and Julia ring to, constituting or grounded in matters of
In microbiology and related medical sciences,
Forchheimer Chair observation or experience” (Merriam-Webster
online dictionary, http://www.merriam -webster the transition from descriptive research to hy-
in Microbiology &
.com/dictionary/descriptive.). Since practically pothesis-driven research has generally reflected
Immunology and
all laboratory-based biological science is based the maturation of these fields. In the early stages
Professor in the
on recording evidence from experimentation, it of a field, descriptive studies may “represent the
Department of
Medicine, Albert might be argued that all science is in some sense first scientific toe in the water” (D. A. Grimes
Einstein College of “descriptive.” However, scientists distinguish and K. F. Schulz, Lancet 359:145–149, 2002).
Medicine, Bronx, between “descriptive research,” in which infor- Initial observation and induction give rise to
N.Y., and Ferric C. mation is collected without a particular question novel hypotheses, which subsequently can be
Fang is Professor in mind, and “hypothesis-driven research,” de- experimentally tested to provide a progressively
of Laboratory Medi- signed to test a specific explanation for a phe- detailed mechanistic understanding. Specific hy-
cine and Microbiol- nomenon. In this dichotomy, “descriptive” has potheses allow a more discerning interrogation
ogy, University of numerous synonyms, including “observa- of complex data sets, something recognized by
Washington School tional,” “inductive,” or “fishing expedition,” Darwin when he noted, “Without speculation
of Medicine, Seat- while “hypothesis driven” may also be referred there is no good and original observation” [C. F.
tle. This article was to as “hypothetico-deductive” or “mechanis- Darwin, F. Burkhardt (ed.), and S. Smith (ed.),
originally published tic.” When scientists favor hypothesis-driven The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Cam-
in Infection and Im- science over descriptive science, they are really bridge University Press, Cambridge, United
munity 76:3835– saying that they prefer work that is explanatory Kingdom, 1985). On the other hand, a descrip-
3836, September or provides insights into causation. tive approach may be less prone to bias (F. M.
2008. In considering this issue, it is noteworthy that Marincola, J. Translat. Med. 5:21, 2007). “It is

552 Y Microbe / Volume 3, Number 12, 2008

a capital mistake to theorize before you have all inflammatory mediator is inferred to be impor-
the evidence,” Sherlock Holmes once remarked. tant because its expression changes during infec-
“It biases the judgment” (A. C. Doyle, A study tion. Such an inference cannot be made on cor-
in scarlet, Bantam, New York, 1986). relation alone, since correlation does not
Microbiology and immunology are presently necessarily imply a causal relationship. The
being transformed by a number of powerful study might be labeled “descriptive” and as-
technological advances; methods such as large- signed low priority. On the other hand, imagine
scale sequencing, microarrays, bioinformatics, the same study in which the investigators use the
and proteomics are generating enormous data- initial data to perform a specific experiment to
bases that provide invaluable resources for the establish that blocking the cytokine has a certain
research community. While these methods can effect while increasing expression of the cyto-
certainly provide potent means to answer mech- kine has the opposite effect. By manipulating the
anistic hypotheses, in many cases they are ini- system, the investigators transform their study
tially being used solely in a “descriptive” sense. from merely descriptive to hypothesis driven.
In other words, some aspects of biological sci- Hence, the problem is not that the study is
ence have returned to an observational phase, in descriptive per se but rather that there is a pref-
which research is primarily “discovery driven” erence for studies that provide novel mechanis-
rather than “hypothesis driven” (R. Aebersold, tic insights.
L. E. Hood, and J. D. Watts, Nature Biotechnol. When a manuscript is rejected by Infection
18:359, 2000). Such research is clearly impor- and Immunity for being “merely descriptive,”
tant when it leads to the recognition of novel the reviewer is essentially saying that the work
phenomena or the generation of novel hypothe- has not revealed novel phenomena, has failed to
ses. However, microbiology and immunology generate interesting novel hypotheses, or has
are now experimental sciences and consequently failed to adequately follow up such hypotheses
investigators can go beyond simply describing with further experimentation. The most com-
observations to formulate hypotheses and then mon reason for a paper to be assessed as “merely
perform experiments to validate or refute them. descriptive” is that more in-depth investigation
Why, then, the proscription against “descrip- is required. A reviewer who recommends that a
tive” science? Editors and reviewers distinguish paper be rejected because it is “merely descrip-
between descriptive science that significantly ad- tive” can provide a great service to the authors
vances the field and “mere” descriptive science by clearly and unambiguously explaining the
that does not further understanding. The former additional studies required for the paper to be-
might be appropriate for publication in Infec- come more significant and therefore more inter-
tion and Immunity, but the latter will almost esting.
always be returned to the authors as too prelim- Descriptive observations play a vital role in
inary. An example of a rejected descriptive scientific progress, particularly during the initial
manuscript would be a survey of changes in gene explorations made possible by technological
expression or cytokine production under a given breakthroughs. At its best, descriptive research
condition. These manuscripts usually fare can illuminate novel phenomena or give rise to
poorly in the review process and are assigned novel hypotheses that can in turn be examined
low priority on the grounds that they are merely by hypothesis-driven research. However, de-
descriptive; some journals categorically reject scriptive research by itself is seldom conclusive.
such manuscripts (B. Bassler, S. Bell, A. Cow- Thus, descriptive and hypothesis-driven re-
man, B. Goldman, D. Holden, V. Miller, T. search should be seen as complementary and
Pugsley, and B. Simons, Mol. Microbiol. 52: iterative (D. B. Kell and S. G. Oliver, Bioessays
311–312, 2004). Although survey studies may 26:99 –105, 2004). Observation, description,
have some value, their value is greatly enhanced and the formulation and testing of novel hy-
when the data lead to a hypothesis-driven exper- potheses are all essential to scientific progress.
iment. For example, consider a cytokine expres- The value of combining these elements is almost
sion study in which an increase in a specific indescribable.

Volume 3, Number 12, 2008 / Microbe Y 553

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